The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 18, 1931, Page 10, Image 10

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    pAgd teu
The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon. Saturday Morn tog; April 18, 1931
Ptpi!s," Critics ' and Studen
f Teachers; Working; on
Spring: Projects :
- VALSETZ. 'April 17 Mary E.
Ttri?e:iden. senior, teacher for
the first-grade will remain until
school Js out. ,
Miss Brlcenden. is a student
teacher and is teaching under
Mrs. Claude Brown- ,
The first graders , miss their
Utile class, mates who .moved
Mtr. -
Tney were Glen Hodaon, Mark
tlelson, and Dale Marquiss.
-Junior Davis is back in school
?tra week and half of ab-
sene caused by Illness.
.Pupils in the first grade hare
a new sand table, and they are
brlnsinj, mos3 for spring project.
. The second and third grades
bare a new Junior Audabon dub.
. Clyde Fisher, is the president.
LU brother Deibert - was elected
secretary. R7 Gardner Is . treas
urer. - ' ..
, There : are 2 8 members, "two
are from the fourth grade.
, There has to be 24 or 25 mem
lers to get a book about birds
lor each member.
' The president called a meeting
last week, and talked oyer bus
iness. The club has just recelred
Its bird pins.
Miss Nera Dallas, critic teacher,
announces that the fourth, fifth
and sixth grades are practicing a
play in order to entertain their
parents at a future dte.
. The new teachers i are
Hall, from .,' VernonJa,!
Qttlpley from Portland
Tumlliifon from It oh lea.
Tfce seventh and Eighth grade
room has the following officers,
president. Howard James, secre
tary, Bern Ice Johnson, magazine
orderly, Kathryn Cockran, dust
orderly, Ruth Foshang, carpen
ter. Milton King, picture, orderly,
. Virginia Brown, ik j . , j j i
They hare written! to the state
library for books . Ooj Russia and
Chiaa. I ! I j ! -
The Jack Knife Cookery class
la to start as soon asf the weather
becomes nice enough for camp
uppers. ) ! f ,
- They tare
finished an Afri-
ana India project, and al3o
hare their room vefry nicely ar
raajfxi. illustrating things from
l&ese two j countries.
The new student teachers are
Miss Walker and Miss Gill,
t The pupils . are working for
- i- III Hi IT, 1 2SY , .
Bynopii of i th Anndal 8tmtemcnt of
th 2nbl:a fir Inavatra Company of
Xernnrk. ia tk Stat fi New Jersy, a
" tb thirty-tint dtr af PMamber. 1930,
aaaoV t tfas laaaraac Commiasianer (
tkm Btata f Ortron. parsnaat to law:
Aaioaat af capital atock paid op. $1.
O0.000.00. - - - INCOME
-Wt pramiaau nceiTCd dariox tba raar.
fa.i.5ia.88. - - - . .. r , - .
ftenmi, divijand and rcata reeaiTad
riaf taa year. S2S8.454.S3.
Iaeaaa. from ethrr aoorecs received
4anar tba year, 8160.129 89. .
Tatal iDcofa. S3.050.O97.2O.
Ket loaaea paid doriaa- tae year iaelad
la adjaataiaat xpenaea. $3,020,360.87.
Dividends paid tm capital atock daring
yar, ou,vuv.du. -
- CammiaioBa a ad ialariaa
a year. 81. 145.454.40. ! . .
- Taxaa. liensea and eiai
tkm year. $163,412.04. i Sm !;:!
Anon at at all thrr!
' IS04.301.6S. . I : '! : ! i !
pid during
jpfcid ; during
Tatal expenditnre; ' $3,883,29.80. I
1 A88ET8 ' ! -i '
VaTua af real estate owned ' (market
vata), .
Valao of atoeka and Knnda owned (mar
ket Talae). $4,733,569.00. ,
Loaaa on mortsafea aad collateral. te..
Cans la bank aad ea land. $1,181.-
. l'rioai la eonrae of collection writ
tea aiaeo September 80. 130. $1,146.
811.29. lntereat aad reata dae and accrued,
Due from ether Cot. oa paid lonet. $1
- Total admitted ihfIi. 87.103,644.03.
Oroi claims for loaaea aapald. $635
1S6.O0. Amoont of aaearned preminme oa all
BttaBdiB rUka. $4,004,236.33.
Da for commiastoa aad brokers re.
All other lisbiHties. $131,503.03.
Total liabilities, exclusive of capital
atock of Sl.OOO.ftOO.OO. $4,785,980.88;
aaj78 86?1"1 BTin re'.
Leasee paid darinf the year, $9t660.
avioV lBeura orins tie year, $129.-
Kame of Compaay. PabHa Tire Imur
ar Cwbmst.
f Preaideot. FVed A. Rye.
et 8retry. CW 8. Atkiaaoa.
Btatatory reaideat attorney for aerrice.
Clara A. Lee.
Tort Uad Trait and Sarioca Bank.
State A rent for Oreron.
Jfa. 127
Synopsis of the Anneal 8Utment of
tke Lamber Mutual rre Insurance Co.
mi .Boston, in the Ktate of klaaehnsetta.
oat the thirty-first day of December. 1930.
asad to the- Iaaaraaco Commissioner of
tke State ( Oregon, parsuant to taw:
.Amount of capital stock bald BP 0
$iV3,aonaIm 4uriB r.
latereat. diTideada aad reata Teeeiv
ed durinci the year. $155,132.45.
income trews other soarcea reeeired
manna; ino year, a70.985.14.
Total iarome. $1,894,737.91.
Net losses paid dariaf tho year inctod
lax adjustment eXDeaaaa. SSas 717 oi
1'iTiuenos paM
807.69. . ,
iarias tke year, f 500,-
" Commlaaloae and aalariea paid dariac
ke year, $202,6853.
,w. '.'""r: a ' ris
- TW Ymv(7
Amoant of all other
expenditure ,
Total expeaditare. $1,385,299.11.
Talao of real eauto owned (market
Valao), $264,444.21. tmaraet
jfj " morxKt and coUateraL ate,
Cask la banks aad aa Load. S7M1T..
Pramiaaaa in eoareo of colloctioa wri t
ten since September 80. ItSO. $55,809.52.
cni r""U accnted.
Total admitted assets. $2,914,437.39.
Amoaat af: a Beamed premiaaas oat all
adiasi risks. o56,196.0.
Due for aoeamissioa aad broksrare.
lion a.
. All other liabilltiet, $20,5488. - '
Total HabiUtiea, exclasiea of an rotas
of $3.370.58.48. 664J.478 A. .W
$ $V57,,,iBai MceiT,1
Losaea paid dariac the year. $1,302.-
n.H? b1""" dorinr tha year. $2.-
Kama af Com pan t, Tke Lember Vata-
al rira Intaraaco Co. at Boston, Ita&a.
Kama af President. H. K. S;na.
'" af BeereUry. William Baroa.
' Statntory resideat attorney for aerrioe,
Tha Martin Gea'l Afeaey. H. H. Martia.
'' 4 v - ... V s V ' ' ' -
7 .
rf . V , ; . ;
. , -
, , V ' - '
f ,-. ,
zJm 'rW '
jrt 0 ' 'I' ?tl'. rVy
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Day showed the aviation world something when
they flew their home-made cylinder wooden plane at Teterboro Air
port. New Jersey. The plane "Ericka is shown above in the air with
the inventor. Charles Day, and wife, inset. They plan to make a
round-the-world trio in the stranze-lookinc nlane.
awards in penmanship.
The high school has been
practicing very hard on a new
play. They have also: appointed
reporters on tne Headlight , pa
per for the high, school.
Wilbur Jobaneck, Clifford
Brown, Gordon Brown.: have been
out of fchooi due to illness.
The students are , Catherine
Kabn, who is , out of school be
cause she has the mumps.
VALSETZ, April 17 Everyone
enjoyed a fine catch of fish on
the opening day of the fishing sea
son, t J
Fine weather was enjoyed, and
nearly everyone large enough to
hold a fish pole was fishing. The
Unit was caught by many.
ELDRIEDGE, April 17. Mr.
and Mrs. A. L. Collins Mve re
ceived word of the serious illness
of their daughter. Miss Cecil Col
lins, who is a nurse at St. Vincent
hopital in Portland. Miss Collins
has been ill for some time, suf
fering from pneumonia.
- No- 1"9
8yaopsis of Annual Sutemeat of The
Millers Mutual Fire Insurance Compaay'
of Texas of fort Worth, in tba State of
Texas, oa tba thirty-first day af Decem
ber. 1930. made to tha Insurance Com
missioner of the State of Oreron. pursu
ant to law:
Amouat of capital atock paid op. Up-
tH aa
Set premiums receired daring the year,
$888,601.11. . - .
"Intercut, diridenda J
darinc too year, $60,850.29.
.Income- from ethpr aoarees reeeiTed
darinr tha year. $1,298.00.
lolsl income. $90,549 40.
, -c loaaea paid aarlac tha year inelad
lar adjustment expenses, $319,512.87.
DiTidend- pnij en capital atock duriar
the year, Kone. f -.
Commissions and aalariea paid darinC
the-year. $142,409.04.
. Taxes, licensee and fees paid dariac
the rear. Sis mi at . . .
i A BO tint of - sfl olhar - n4;.
379.688 .53. I f ' .
! Tout expenditure'. $857.$03.T4.
i , - AKSET8 !
Tslne of real -estate owned (market
Bine). 8163.879 23
, Valoa of stm-ks and bonds owned (mar
ket Talue). $556,823.75.
edJVA-l mrt$$s and collateral, etc.
Cash, ia bank and on hand. $52,470.-
Premiums in conns f v1iat;n.
tea ainea SepUmber 30. 1930, $76,369.-
Interest and 1.. . . . j
Toul admitted assets. $1,254,985.03.
406 46 US' to .! "Bpaid. $43.-
Amonnt of unearned premiums ea all
ODtstandine risks, $498,034.27.
00000. mmissU,B brokerare. $1.-
A1I other liabilitiea. $93,307.58.
$6 982 Vomin1" T664'4 rinS 7'.
Losses paid dorinr the year. $5,615.01.
62201 "nmi Jrt"S tba year. $5.-
Kama of Company. The hfinera Mutual
Fire Insurance Company af Texas.
Walker ' VU r"deBt Ti-.
Name of Secretary. Ed X. Collett.
H. H. Martiat1 ' tUrm,y for errice.
Ko. 123
I pi f Ananal Statement of the
Pitchburr Matual Tiro Iasuraaee Com
paay af Fitchburf. l tha 8Ute af Maa
aehutetta, ea the thirty-first day af
Doeember, 1930.-mad. tha Ia.aranea
, CAPITAL " ' . '
Amoant af '.g P5. "P. 3 one.
Income from other sources received
dorms; the year $3,298.16. ,
Total income. $652,771 36 "
fiU ,'rmt Pe"aea, $260,840.00.
h.T. i'lTo".?...?4
9uwS& u . '
Total axpeaditorea, 9670,097.63.
, . ASSETS .
Talaa af stocks and bonds owned (mar
ket ralaa). $588.$16.70. .
irj orte aad collateral, etL,
Sli.' fc,k" d WM82.S1.
eowaa of collection arrit
18 I!" P 80. 1930. $70,10l!l
. 2er Aase $2,550.45. - i
ToUl admitted asaete.. $834,977 77
' AjBO" amearawd -premiama oa all
owtataadia riaka. $414,84.28:
oaat iKa aad brokerage,
" .tfcf WKt Ja.' 818.774,11. '
... business rx oregojt"
W8t.,ilLrh " the year,
f!!!"" F54 dn"t Tear. $380.53.
Loaaea incarred ssm( Us year. $409.-
'! Compaay. Fttehbart Xataal
Eire Insurance Compaay.
tar Prfid,nt terUs; W. Far.
Kama af geereUry. W. Braee Adaai.
StatutorT rasidnnt c
IT. H. Martin. Rortlaad. Orofoa. T"
CUi& Leader
At Perry dale
PERRYDALE. April ' 18. Miss
Audrey WInken of O. S. C. called
at tchool Tuesday and talked
with the 4-H'club members. She
gaTe a very interesting . talk to
the girls.
Miss Carrie ilanery of Corral
lis is spending tho week with
her alster, Mrs. Andrew Camp
bell, j,
Mrs. Eugene Sllke - has re
turned to, her teaching in Rick
reall after several days at home
with flu.
A number of Perrydale people
attended the all day Farmers
Union at Bridgeport Tuesday.
Water-borne Intercoastal freight
mored during the fiscal year of
1930 totaled more than 10,000,
000 tons.
Lei? 8 Go Fellers
' . ' s
' . . ' ' ' ' I
6, 7 and 8. AH colors. Reg. sold up to $10 .
SPECIAL ON BOY'S SUITS Sizes 10 to 16.
Regularly sold up to $15.00. Good fabrics and
new colors. 4 M
nm:Qk BOYS' SWEATERS f&l frw
Wtt GOLF HOSE Smart new patteni
?J -.-''.v-:: in - Columbia - knit - y 1
; ' Boya' foif hose. Just alip on Sweaters. ir A
0 the kind "youll like. Pure worsted, all 1 nA 1
iA All colors new ahadea. ' lZJ.
& 50c? ;1':;$195"J$2.95:-;,:-
$1.50 S3.95
Boys' fancy ahirta and
shorts. Allen-A make.
auit ' ' $1.00
-jt-v, - A nnBnn..amsamnm--.:-'fe';
Only; Eight Pupils in School
; But Piano is Paid for
By Entertainment -
; OAKRIDGE, . April 17. A ca
pacity crowd attended the' enter
tainment and basket social put
on recently by the school. Talent
from Salem and neighboring
communities, under the direction
of the . teacher, ; Miss Grace
Klampe. . t v . .
The Oakrldge school house, of
district number 100 is located on
the farm of the; late former gov
ernor, T. T. Geer, about seven
miles east of Salem.
: The school . Is composed of
eight enterprising "kiddies" who,
according to visitors, snow un
usual talent both In dramatics
and music. Some time ago . a
piano was purchased on the in
stallment plan and through the
cooperation of friends and neigh
bors at the entertainment the
debt has' been cleared. '
. Baskets, a cake, a pie and
plate lunches were' sold. Frank
Bowers of Waldo Hills acted as
auctioneer. Coffee ., was served
free by the ladies of the com
munity. '
The . program was . as follows:
Song, school. Oak Ridge Will
Shine and Rah, Rah, Rah. for
Dear Old Oak Ridge.; piano solo.
Viola Tooker, Macleay; reading.
fa Just Snores Away. Dorothy
Parton; violin duet, Margaret
Savage and Delbert Jepsen ac
companied by Elizabeth Lewis,
all of " Salem: readinr. Seeinc
Things. Earl Kleen: aonr Doan
To' Cry Ma , Honey, school;!
reading,. Columbus. Discovers
America, W. R. Daugherty, Lav
bish Center.
Musical numbers by Macleay
Grange junior orchestra under
direction of Paul Silke; play, Old
Mr. Particular, school; reading.
Sister's Best Feller, Stanley Par
ton; vocal duet, Kathryn Taylor
and Richard Johnson; song. The
Japanese Sailor Man, school;
reading, Bernadeen Daugherty,
Lablsh Center: music. Macleay
Grange junior orchestra; vocal
duet, Love's Dream, Grace and
Frances Klampe: reading. The
Mldde Child. Kathryn Taylor;
accordion solo, Wallace Doerfler;
play, Dan Speaks, a .Piece; Oak
Kidge school song, school.
You'll make a Hit in Bishop's Smart. To&
For Spring
9 a-,
Yczng cndOld
: . Vie (or Honors - '
' XURXER April . 17.
aVXany Tnnterftes avroee'kiiuch
osu-Uer thaut tuuuU Wedge,
day mornins and tiled them,
selves to the best known
fishing holes of Mill creek '
they : were : all trot, from
school teatchera, . mail cair-
Hera, baslnrsa) mm and avll'
down to. the small boy who!
cast his line with , the same
seal aad determination, and
hoped for. good lack with
(the same feeling as those
of the veteran fishermen.
A fish warden arose "early
"too,' in order to make his
rounds mud see that all was
going well, that each caught
enough, bat not .too many,
and that -the size warn right.
It is -sure av - Job i and he
.earns what is coming to
him. ,
FAIRFIELD, April 17. The
social meeting of Fairfield grange
after two postponements was held
Tuesday evening jat the hall
The belated April Fool stunts
which were a feature of the pro
gram provoked much merriment
throughout the evening. The pro
gram committee was composed of
Mrs. .: Jorgensen, Mrs. Mike Ma-
honey and Mrs. Freeman Marthal-
After refreshments were served
several tables of "5 OH" .'vets' in
play and. dancing was enjoyd by
others of the group , until a late
nour. ..
The next meeting will bo tivjld
Wednesday, Aprail 29. Several
members from the Waconda dis
trict will receive the first and sec
ond degree on this evening.
Refreshments will be in charge
or the birthday committee.
JEFFERSON, April 17 Rev.
A. W. Oliver, pastor, of the Evan
gelical church is -attending the
annual conference session of the
uregon conference wnicn con
venes at Sal 6m this week. .
Mrs.- Nettie Reeves is & dele
gate frcm the local congregation.
Boys' Caps, all ahadea,
WOODBURN, - April 17.
Speeches , concerning vital ' Issues
of the day were given at the reg
ular ." monthly meeting of the
Woodhura chamber of commerce
Wednesday night, when it met
at . the. Kaint . Luke's . commnnlty
hall. - Speeches were - given " , by
George A. Pierson, president of
the North Portland anion . ot
stock -yards, and -Gordon Taylor.
Molalla newspaper man and a
member of the state legislature
from Clackamas county. ' -
Pierson's talk was - concerning
the possibilities of hog raising
In the Willamette valley. , "With
the proper use - of pasture a
farmer can get 100' pounds of
pork oat or 400" pounds of wheat."
said. Pierson., .."That amounts .to
a dollar a bushel for your wheat,
which Is" considerably more than
you can sell It for. if you can
sell It at all."
. Gordon ; Taylor's . speech was
about his views of the recent leg
islature and Its problems. . . He
said that the Willamette : valley
needs new - blood- and more set
tlers. and urged that the people
In this, part of the country urge
persons from other parts of the
country, to settle In the Willam
ette valley.".- ' - - i
: It was decided that Woodburn
enter, the community talent con
test which will be held May j 15.
The stunt to be presented will
probably be a tumbling act by
the members of the Wood barn
high school girls gym class. The
fact that a benefit game between
the high school team and a town
team will be played soon was
told., C. J. Espy, head ot the
Boy Scout : committee, reported
that Jhe $150 sent to the Cas
cade council of Boy Scouts did
not, seem to materially benefit
the local troops, and it "was de
cided 'to -not .send the - money
agala this year, ; f
The foreign tra a nT tba TTnitsv
Statea in poultry products in 1930
increased 17 per cent in exports
and decreased 48 per cent in im
ports as compared with II 1 9.
Last Day
t BsaBaaaBkasw.
- a
Our Tremendous Ward Week Order Brings You This
Great Value at a Great Savins!
Arm Chair ;
- The largre Davenport and comfortable Arm Chair are
richly upholstered in two-tone; Mohair, with tapestry
cushions. Only $2 weekly, small carryinsr charge I
Skillet and Cover
Regular $&0
Heavy cast QC
aluminum. Ex- 01 eaO
tra thick bottom!
handle. Good size.
Electric Iron
Regular $3.95
QO Nickle plated
$fj(j electric iron.
Guaranteed ,10 years.
Chromolox heating ele
ment. Seven-foot cord.
Toaster -Regular
SO QC A bargain at
aCie7J regular price.
Toast 2 slices, automat
ic turn. Very attractive
and dependable. :
Table Stoves
'. Regular $6.65
Ci QC 'Just the item
VTeaJ fOT: summer
cooking. - 2 plates with
single heat. Gray-green
finish, trimmed in black.
Listed as Standard.
275 k Uberty
With the arrest of Barry Stein
(above), alleged drug peddler and
ex-convict, . New York police de
clare that the much-discussed Viv
ian Gordon, vice witness, mystery
has been solved. The suspected
man was ; apprehended after he
had attempted to pawn a diamond
studded watch, identified as the
property of thejrvictim. GriUed by
police. Stein admitted that he had
once been sentenced to ten years
for an attempt to strangle
woman..,.,;,, .! ,. .j, . ;;
Skating Parties
Want Electricity
MONMOUTH., April 17. A re
cent" student-council meeting at
the Oregon Normal school brought
forward the. need of lights to
facilitate evening skating on the
tennis . courts. B. A. Stebhins,
executive secretary of the school,
is to investigate - the cost and
other details of arrangement,.
The .possibility of awards of
sweaters , to debate participants
also was discussed, but this was
not definitely decided.
lrA Jf
And you pay
only 55 Down
IBB 0 O 0
' Last Day to get the
AnE?113ime T.3oimarGEn
Complete with Tubes and Installed!
Ward Week's selling prov
ed the truth of . our open
ing - statement What a
value I ah rnew features of
v j: sj a
uiw--t buccu gnus, lone
control, illuminated dial. '
. 1 Only $2 Weekly
Small 'Carrying Charge
- Phone 8774 .
rasHTiniiD :
TURNER. April 17 The dl- A
trlct Men's : Brotherhood meeting .
was entertained at the Methodist
Eplsocpal church at Turner Wed- i
nesday- evening. -The . women of .
the .church served a chicken din
ner at 6:30. to 100 men who fill
ed the first tables.
- , The evening" meeting opened at f
7:30 In the church, with O. W.
Emmons president and Prof, Roy .
LockenQur, 'secretary, both are,
from -Salem. Ronald Craven, a :'
Salem soloist gave two numbers ;
which were much . appreciated. 1
Mrs. - Jean Pearcy was the accom- ,
panlst - for the congregational
singing. . , j
. Dr. Carl Gregg Doney gave the ;
address of the evening in his own
happy manner, on "Life's Oppor- ,
Unities", and how to use them,
bringing many helpful snggesttons
and with his wit and humor, the
talk was much enjoyed by all -present.
- ' 1 .
But little business was tran- '
sacted; the committee on nomln-
atfZn for a lay delegate to the .
next. general conference made a
partial report and Dr. McGruder
of Corvallla made a report for the .
committee who is delegated 1 to
raise funds' to help the Myrtle
Point j church pay its indebted- .
ness. ; "
Dam aged Bridge
Is Replaced
WACONDA, April 17. Mike
Mahoney, "the mall man, f-ok
his usual route through Mis. .on
Bottom -Wednesday. A bridge at
the foot of Hubbard hill was wash
ed away by high water daring tbe
heavy rains and it has been nec
essary for him to retrace a part of
the distance in order to serre -all
his customers on route 1.
Reconstruction work .. on the
bridge was- completed yesterday
nhder the direction of. Road Pa
trolman Robert Cole, and Mr. Ma
honey is glad to take the usual
route as it saves driving many
miles further.
: Mop Set"
I -.- Regular - $1.45 .
"A bargirT -l fii
: price. Oil mop 01 UU
dust mop and can of oil.
, A - 3-piece bargain set.
: Flaslililits
Regular 519 " :
- r '
Focusino; Sol- (f1 A A
Ray quality - -41 eli U
3-ceII. . Completei . with
lamp and battery.
Waffle Iron
Resrular $8.98
Our famous nr
Blue line - OU.aD
finished in chromium
plated cast aluminum.
7-inch grid.
Clothes Basket
'! i '!' i i . '
Was $1.25. Imported
willow, closely woven -the
most your money
can buy. Top 26 x 19 in.
t M I
- ' w
Iiceaaed by It. C. A
: Salem, Ore.
W ... W
I lit
a-i y
1 1