The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 17, 1931, Page 1, Image 1

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    ' - k - i
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: rertising. subscri p tlom,
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Generally fair today and
i Saturday, slightly pooler to-
day? Blax. Temp. Thursday
II). i 1111 II lilt I.I II" ' t , . V
oo, a. bo, eioaay, wett
wind, river 4.14 feet.
FOUNDHD 1831 i
Salem, Oreffort, Friday Morning,' April: 17, 1931
J traJJ imiti HQ (wQO fczS
. . ,,. - -
Republicans Moving toward
Stability -V" After two :
Days',CeIebration "
time bt Election Uncertain
But Natioa is Making ,
; - Strides to normalcy ;.
(Copyrlcbt. 1931, by the Asso
ciated Press). r T
MADRID. Aprn 1 8 ( AP
Harassed only by comraunUt ele
ments. Spain's - new republican
gorernment labored Tlgoronsly to
consolidate 1U position today, af
ter J wo days and nights of wild
jubiliatlon orer the tall of th
monarchy. , : ;. ' '? ' ;'.
'Radical nprlslngs ccorred "at
St11I and Barcelona, now under
, martial law. -Two persons were
known to-have been killed and 23
wonnded in SeTille. Riots were
reported .at Bilbao and In several 1
towns In southern Spain. . -
r Among 'new decrees anouaced
was ono wiping otit th entire pen
'al code, left OTer from the dicta
torship of General Prlmo de Rire
ra, and returning the country to
the crmlnal statutes existing be
fore 1923, until a republican code prepared. - - - :
Friendship Toward :
Americas Voiced i
- PrOTisIonal President NIceto
Alcala Zamora.and Colonel Fran
cisco Macia, prorisional head of
the Catalonlan , republic, issued
statements through the Associated
Press. Benor Alcala conreyed his
'desire for friendsbip with the peo
ple of the Americas and Colonel
Mada expressed his . cordiality
toward the Spanish republic. ;
The goTernment " has not yet
fixed the dates for. the election
designed to form a parliamentary
cortes and set up a permanent
ministry. Whether it will be held
In June or later remains to be de-
elded. - : '
Foreign - Minister Alejandro
Lerroux announced- that Mexico
and Uruguay had recognized the
new, republic and that Argentina
shortly would de like wJi& Mean
while, sererat - Spanish amba&aa-s
vdors In foreign capitals, had re
signed and their successors were
being appointed. '
Marcelino Domingo, new minis
ter of education, said that" Span
ish universities, closed since the
Easter-holidays, because of stu
dent disorders, would reopen Mon
day. . is -
- Not the mighty axe of the gOT-
ernor, but a suit for dlrorce is re
C sponsible . for one plank-walklng
in the state departments, accord
ing to- answer and cross complaint
- filed by Harold G. Sammons to
a dlrorce action started by his
wife. May Sammons.
In - his cross complaint. Sam
mons charges that his wife urged
him to go to the soldiers' home
In Roseburg, and that, he return
ed from there to Salem in May.
1930, and secured employment
with the state highway commis
' sion until March 31, when notor
iety caused by her djrrce suit
caused him to lose his position.
He says also he. has found her
' at specified times with other men;
- that she has shown that she has
' ceased to care for him; and that
- she has .neglected the home.
He asks that hV be giTesf thi
divorce, and says he "will not ob-
- Ject to her retaining possession
of their common home as long as
It is home for two minor, child-
- ren, and as long as aha does not
remarry. ; . ,. . ' ,"" v
They were married In 1907, and
hare four children, two of whom
are of age. '
BEND, Ore., April 10(AP) :
Central Oregon's first forest '
fire of the year waa burning to- :
nigbt la cutover land on the i
east bank of the , Deschutes
river about mile south of
Employe of the " Brooks
Scaalon lumber mill and Bend
firemen were fighting the blase
which was not considered serf
ons. '.. . - - - ' .'
- PORTLAND, Ore,, April 14
(AP) Word was received here
today of the death of I. G.'Gur
nett, former Qregon resident. In
an automobile accident at Port
land, Me., Wednesday.
Gurnett was identified with the
paper Industry while In Oregon.
In 1888 he established the1 Wil
lamette Pulp and Paper company,
now the Crown Willamette plant,
at West Linn, and became mana
ger of the company." Later he
built and operated a mill at Brid
al Veil. ' , ..
... THE DALLES, Ore., April 1C
(AP) Federal, state, county and
This Prince Doesn't' Follow, V.
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Prince TakamaUa, shown, oa the left looking out npoa Xew York's
skytisefr9m a city boat, caused some wonderment yesterday when.
: after asceadiac ta the top of the Washington monument in an eie
Tater, he elected to walk; the entire distance, about 50 storlea down.
He's -having as. bis; time on his first visit to America, He la the
. - brother of the emperor.- Left, his bride. They're oa it honeymoon
trip. ; ; . . - ' ..." .. - : J
Slain in gun Battle With
r Officers; Long Sought
for Brother's Death
April l (AP) Willis Miller,
known as "Billy the killer", 25
year old "bad boy" who has been
slipping over penitentiary walls
and out of handcuffs since he
killed his brother In Pennsylva
nia six years ago, stepped Into a
gun battle . here today and made
good his boast that he couldn't
be. captured alive. .;
He 'fell- after firing one ' shot
from a .41 calibre - revehswJsat
twooffieerswho attempted to ar
rest him -and three companions
as bank robber suspects, and died
with a bullet In his abdomen. . ;
Another i gunman, v said ' by po
lice to be Clarence Saunders of
Kansas City, emptied his gun at
the policeman, critically wound
ing one- of them, and escaped in
an automobile.
Two girl "companions were cap
tured. One of them was picked
up near the dead man. A stray
shot punctured vher skull but phy
sicians said she may recover. She
gave her came as Beulah Balrd,
20, of Kansas City. -
The other girl was said to be
Ruth Saunders, 23, wife of the
escaped v bandit, si
Gas Dealers in
Bread Business
' With Rates Cut
V1SAL1AJ Cal.. April 14 (AP)
Because bakeries here could net
live by bread alone, gasoline sta
tions here today sold bread at a
cut rate. 1
Independent - gasoline service
station dealers went Into the bread
business, selling two and ene-halt
pound loaves for 15 cents, because
a Visalia baker with a gas station
as a side- line has been' selling
gasoline at a cent under the mar
ket. . . ' ', . . . : -
L03 ANGELES, CaL, April 16.
-CAP) United States District
Judge Martin J. Wade of Iowa
City, 'Iowa, died at a ' hospital
here tonight - where he had been
ill since be suffered a cerebral
hemorrhage six weeks "ago.
First Forest Fire Burns
Paper Mill man is Killed
Liquor Raid at The Dalles
Rifle Accident is Serious
city prohibition officers cooperat
ed last nljbt and today In arrest
ing ten men and two women as-
alleged liquor law violators.
Undercover agents had been
at work here tor several weeks
obtaining evidence, officers said. ,
EUGENE, Ore., Aril 1 7
(AP)-The accidental discharge
of his rifle today cat off the
left hand Index finger of An- '
tone Schuessler, 20, and a piece
of bone from the finger pierced -his
right eye. Physicians said
be may lose the tight of the eye.
' . . ,
EUGENE,' Ore April 14
(AP) Reports received here to
night said Joe Campbell, former
University of Oregon student, had
received serious injuries when a
truck he was driving plunged over
a 40-foot embankment on the Mc
Kensie highway near Waterwille.
Campbell was said to be suffer
ing from concussion of the brain,
a broken arm and broken leg, and
internal injuries. The report said
he had been thrown clear of the
truck and hd landed on rocks at
the foot of the embankment. . ...
of Staid Advisors
Walks Down long Stairs of
; Washington Monument
To Suit own Whim
(AP) With precision and thor
oughness. Prince and Princess
Takamatsu of Japan today indulg
ed every whim and fancy of a
tourist in the nation's capitaL
Trips to Arlington cemetery and
Mount Vernon where tributes and
homage were paid the American
unknown soldier, and to the tomb
bt Washington were followed with
respect and interest by the youth
ful royal couple. ''
A military dhrplay with-a - 1
gun. salute at Fort Myer was cour
(Turn to page 2, eoL 2)
.. WALLA WALLA,, Wash., April
14 (AP) In l an election dur
ing which a candidate was shot
down with blank " cartridges
the Whitman . college ' student
body today chose Kenneth Nor
berg of . Lewiston. Idaho, presi
dent. ; r
The "shooting" occurred after
Linus Walker, Ellensburg. who
was reported kidnaped last night,
appeared before the student, as
sembly, barefooted, bruised and
in torn clothing.
Taking the floor. Walker loud
ly threatened to expose the gang
of kidnapers. Shots rang out In
the room- and he dropped, : ap
parently fatally wounded. "
Walker is a leading t campus
dramatist and he admitted later
he staged the whole, affair,; In
cluding painting the bruises on
his body, for effect. He polled a
1 rger rote than was expected but
was . defeated ' for - the office of
secretary.,; ' C. i -V" : j t
Gar Wood Fails
By Split Second
To Beat Record
MIAMI BEACH, Fla April 1.
(AP) Gar Wood.: raced his
Miss America XI nine times over
Indian creek today In an effort
to break the world's motor boat
speed record of 103.49 miles an
hour, but failed by a split sec
ond. Wood's best two-way average
was 103.069 miles an hour. lUs
highest speed for the day was
made on his fifth try at 103.249
miles an hour over the measured
nautical mile course.
Whole Town is.
Almost Wiped; i
2 Stores Burn
; REDMOND. Ore.. April 1.
(AP) --lrtuaily the entire busi
ness district of Terrebonne, near
here, was destroyed by fire yester
day. -". - ' . - - 'l: . ':
; The Fields general store and
the Inks' grocery and confection
ery store were burned to : the
ground.; "... ' :
Group Going to '
Waterway Meet
.; , r t ,:
Henry Crawford, . president of
the local chamber of commerce;
C. E. Wilson, manager; W. P. El
lis and W. W. Chad wick will rep
resent the local group at the meet
ing of the Willamette Waterways
association In Portland today. Sev
eral representatives of the Salem
Lions club are also planning to
attend, .v ' -.;,.; .
MacOonald Government has
Edge; by 305 to;251
In Commons v
Test Comes on S. Baldwin's
Motion Holding Pledge
:.;: 0t Relief- Unfilled it-
LONDON. April 16. (AP)
The MaeDonald government was
victorious on a rote of confidence
in the house of commons tonight.
The vote was 305 to 251. - ,
- It was a good substantial ma
jority of .54 votes, considerably
more than the government has
won in some-of Its previous tight
places. ; ; ' . ; . ; ;
By that margin the house turn
ed down Stanley Baldwin's mo
tion to the effect the labor govern
ment had not lived np to Its cam
paign pledges of relief : for- the
hundreds of thousands of unem
ployed. -
Had he lost, "Mr. - MaeDonald
would have recommended to King
George that the parliament be
dissolved and a general election
be called. That was the course he
had indicated he would take be
fore the vote. Resignation would
have Involved a recommendation
to the king that Mr. Baldwin, as
leader of the conservatives, be
asked to form a new government.
The first reaction was a general
conviction Mr. MacDonald's party
sits more firmly in the saddle than
at any time since the labor gov
ernment took office nearly two
years ago.
Thirty-three liberals voted with
the government In this division,
10 were against it, and five ab
stained. - ; ' -
The- Oregon conference of the
Evangelical church, , In session
here since Tuesday, yesterday
took action removing, the time
limit In a given field. i ,
Partial committee reports were
heard In the afternoon session.
Executive session was held part of
the afternoon, to consider some
vital Questions regarding finan
cial welfare of the work. r
Blshon G. E. EPP of St.. PauL
Minn.." presided at the sessions,
and Dr. E. G. Frye of Cleveland,
tditor of the Evangelical Messen
ger, led devotions.
At the evening service Bishop
Epp lectured on his experiences
when he was In the Orient a year
ago as a member of the commis
sion studying the conditions of
the denomination missions. The
lecture was Illustrated with lan
tern slides.
Today will be occupied with
business and committee work and
in the evening the . conference
young people's rally will be held.
with Rev. Lyle H. Willard in
i :
Babson Asserts
Times Will Get
Better Rapidly
(AP) Roger W. Babson. busi
ness statistician, told President
Hoover today he believed business
had "turned the corner" and
would gradually bat slowly im
prove., v - t .
Babson said he based his state
ment on figures and not on hopes.
Car loadings for the past month.
he said, have been larger than
those of a year ago and employ
ment figures from the labor de
partment have shown an increase
for the. first time since 1928.
Amateur Movie
May Help Solve
. Wedding Thefts
MONTCLAIR, N. J., April 16.
(AP) At a wedding here, an
amateur photographer took mov
ing pictures. Now police plan to
use them in an attempt to Identify
a man accused of stealing Jewels.
They are said to show a stranger
moving among the guests.,
The pictures will be shown, po
lice said, at the trial of Herbert
McClalr, charged with larceny,
Walker to Give
Reply Saturday
NEW YORK. April 14. (AP)
Mayor Walker said today he ex
pected to have his answer to
charges filed against him by the
city affaire committee ready by
- The mayor said he was writing
the document between other may
oral duties, being .careful not to
neglect the latter. : v
CARUTHERS, CaL. April 16.
(AP) Two armed robbers held
p the First National bank of
Caruthers at closing time, today
and escaped with between 63000
and 63500 in cash.
ars to
. PORTLAND.' Ore April 16.--(AP)
--Concluding the business
of the annual session' of the
grand ",Z eommandery, ' Knights
Templar, ' from 20. commandertes
In Oregon adjourned here today
to meet. in Salem April IS next
year. - ' ' :
Norman L. Crout. Portland,
.newly installed grand command
er, announced the following ap
pointments: Olaf Laurgaard, Portland,
grand - standard bearer; Edwin
O. Potter, Eugene, grand sword
bearer; ' : J. Alton - Thompson,
Bend, grand warden; Milton H.
Sanford, 'Astoria; grand : captain
of the Tiardt Dr. . WUllam Wal
lace Toungson. 'Portland. rrand
prelate; D Bruce Stuart, inspect
or general;, and Walter O.
Haines, grand reviewer.
; i - Next year's .meeting will be . a
oae-day session. .Military and re
ligious services wUl be conducted
during -the afternoon . session of
the grand counciL ,. , ; . ,
Undercover Agent In Enemy
Camp Gets Back Food
After: it's Stolen
In spite of reports to the con
trary, the Willamette university
Junior flunk day was a success,
according to the students who at
tended. Every student who In
tended to go. appeared within an
hour and a half at the appointed
place of the picnie at the beach.
Th food arrived lntaet sav for a
small packet of sandwiches and
hot dogs.
Raiders from other classes cap
tured the food truck but in their
excitement, they left the key un
guarded and one of their number,
a Junior in disguise, mounted into
the truck and rescued it.
Rides to Dallas
With the Enemy -
Jim Allison, a junior, joined the
ranks of the raiders disguised as
a senior, and obtained ride to
Dallas where the men of " the
Junior class - were encamped in a
embera- house, and there Joined
his own group. .. ,.. .'.
The junior class this year work
ed to what was conceded as per
fect in escape from Salem, Wed
nesday afternoon, the day before
flunk day. . It was 'only because
their destination secret leaked out
that about . 30 raiders . gathered
at Dallas where the -hoys were
located. .. .... "
l The junior girls were In homes
of two class members In two towns
nearby..' When Frank Lock hart
and Don Faber, Juniors, took their
(Turn to page 2, col. 2)
Spanish Royal
Family United
: In Paris Hotel
(Copyright,' 1931, by the Assocl-
ated Press)
PARIS. April 16. (AP)
Spain's royal family, driven from
Madrid before the tide of repub
licanism, was reunited tonight in
a hotel on the Rue Rivoll.
Hospitable Paris cheered Alfon
so In halt a dozen tongues as he
arrived by train from Marseilles
and raced by motor to the hotel
where his queen awaited him.
- Only Juan, their. 17-year-old
son, is not .with the family, but
he Is to leave Gibraltar soon, to
Join, his parents here. , . . ' . r
Shouse Arrives
r In This State
PORTLAND, Ore,. April 1 6.
(AP) The American people are
tired of - political parties that
dodge the major issues - of - the
day, Jouett Shouse, chairman of
the Democratic National Execu
tive committee, ' declared after
his arrival in Portland today. .
Salem High Senior Thespians
tit . .. . ',-''''. v'.'":-''V ' ''"i y -''- -4''-v-' : " . '" '"" '' " " ' ' . 4
..''" "' .h1 1 t .j(hW"","m,","i-,... ' .:'. -. ' ,. . 4'
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- ' ! I ' ' ' ' '
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.. ... '
Cast of mie Show-Off, which will be presented by the senior class
row, from the left, Ernest Pearson, Bob Bishop, Cecil Schenerman;
Elaine McCarroU, Fern Sheldon, Rath Chapman, Howard Cross. . ..
Patel Charges Terms of the
.-. Truce .Violated; "Sees
Violence Looming .
Retiring Viceroy Expresses
- Faith in ; Delhi Pact
: As Peace Basis
L BOMBAY, ,April 16. (AP)
uenewal of ..the struggle of the
Hindu nationalists against British
rule was predicted today by Val
labhal Patel, lntransigeant presi
dent of the Indian national con-,
gress. At the same time Lord Ir
win,. retiring British viceroy. Was
making a. speech expressing. com
plete faith in the Delhi pact as a
foundation for. permanent' peace.'
' Declaring that the government
had not only failed to fulfill the
terms of the truce, but deliberate
ly -Incited ) others not to observe
it, Patel startled his listeners by
saying . that .the future fight of
the nationalists : would be of a
kind unknown In history, In Its
Intensity and results..
Gallows, BoUeta,' ;
Fate Predicted
: "Those who are afraid of death
on the gallows,". Patel shouted,
"should migrate to foreign coun
tries, and dispose of their proper
ty. In the next fight, you will
have to face bullets and the gal
lows. Tou can win independence
only, by giving your lives." It is
better for you to remain, naked
than to wear foreign - cloth. Tou
must not be deceived by the Delhi
truce; it. is only temporary and
gives -- us the , - possibility ; of
strengthening our forces and de
termining our future policy."
Hearing of Patel's provocativo
utterances and Gandhi's continued
counsels to members of the con
gress not to relax their fight. Lord
Irwin, addressing the Bombay Mill
Owners association, warned that
such a bellicose spirit ; would
wreck all chances of peace."
i The road to Detroit ; and Niag
ara .may be open unday, Frank
Johnson,, couty roadmaster, said
yesterday. However, in answer to
the many Inquiries he has -received
the. past few days relative to
opening of the road, he has said
be would not know definitely un
til Saturday.
' Johnson Intends to get in touch
with J. F. Bewley, patrolman at
Detroit, late tonight or early Sat
urday morning to determine for
sure if the bridge being recon
structed over Whlteman creek can
boused Sunday.
The bridge over " Whiteman
creek went out with the high
waters three weeks ago, and no
vehicle traffic has been able to
get beyond that point since. The
Southern Pacific bridge went out
at the same time, but train serv
ice was resumed the following
Monday afternoon.
Contract Auto
Can9t he Seized
Jury Concludes
-WENATCHEE. Wash!, April
1 6. ( AP) Farmers seeking re
lief got some here today at
least from finance companies In
volved In purchases of their au
tomobiles. . Even - though - your car - Isn't
paid for - it belongs to you and
not any finance company, a jury
decided In convicting A. C. John
son and H. E. Kiehl. representa
tives of . the - Commercial. Credit
company of Maryland of a felony
in taking a truck from a public
Private Funds
y ' Exclusively : is
':: Red Cross Aim
r. WASHINGTON. April 16.
(AP) The Red Crose closed -its
annual - convention today after
voting to continue its policy of
financing - relief operations .with
voluntary private subscriptions
exclusive of federal funds.
A drive for a minimum of 7,-
000.000 adult members also was
approved to -help replenish the
organization's cash reserves
which were drawn upon heavily
In its drought relief program.
Ullman-Hines Identity Point
t Is Bitterly Fought, in
Conspiracy Trial
PORTLAND, Ore., April 16.
(AP)- Questions relative to con
viction of one Clyde Ullman to
day precipitated the first major
legal battle in the . Tooze-Brown
liquor conspiracy case on trial in
federal court here.
The government, prosecuting
18 defendants indicted In con
nection with the allegel conspir
acy, had called George H. Marsh.
county clerk, and began ques
tioning him about . the alleged
conviction. . ;y ,
Defense attorneys leaped to
their . feet with objections and
Judge Charles C. Cavanah ex
cused the jury' during'' the argu
ment. . . ' '. :
Charles W. Ersklne and LIvy
Stlpp, assistant United States dis
trict 7 attorneys,-" -declared they
wanted to show' that Walter L.
Tooze, Portland attorney and one
of - the defendants,- represented
Ullman in federal court - .ere in
December, 1929, and a few days
later witnessed, as a notary an
affidavit by Art Hines In which
Hlnes sought to regain an auto
mobile seized when Ullman was
arrested. -
The government alleged Ull
man and. Hlnes are one and the
same person. Hlnes la a defen
dant In the present trial.
. Joseph O. Stear-8. Jr., and
William G. Hare, attorneys for
(Turn to page 2, col. 1) .
John R. Callahan, resident of
Portland Since .1913, yesterday
wal appointed by James Mott,
state corporation commissioner,
as supervisor of savings and loan
associations, under a new law
enacted at the 1931 legislative
. Mr. Callahan was born In Wis
consin and Is a graduate of the
law schools of the University of
Michigan and ' the Unlversity of
Minnesota. He was admitted to
the Oregon bar in 1914, and for
the following three years ' was
deputy ' district attorney of Tula
mook county. ' '
In 1922 be organized the Fed
eral Savings and Loan associa
tion In Portland, which after
ward took over the Union Sav
ings and Loan association.
Mr. Callahan has been presi
dent of the Oregon League of
Savings and' Loan associations
for several years.
at the high achool tonight. Top
bottom row, Menalkaa Selander,
ii .-.mi
Sound and Fury Likely
To Mark Hearing ia
; Senate Chamber i
Real Issue is "Whether
;f Governor is a Real
" ; Czar in Oregon
. . Capital - punishment today is
again the Issue in Oregon.
But the motives and the play
ers are at variance with custom
ary life-taking at the stale pen- -ltentiary.
- -
- This morning It. will be Gover
nor . Julius L. .Meier who eara -
the role of penitentiary hangman.
The protesting.- . self-defendtnr
victim la-Henry Meyers, superin
tendent of the institution. - In
stead of a bodyguard, designed
to help the prisoner up the stairs
of the scaffold, there stand two
guards. Treasurer Kay and Secre
tary of State Hobs, who are fight
ing to keep Mr. Meyers political
head on his shoulders.
So many people waot to wit
ness this attempt at Dolitlrai ex
ecution that the torture chamber
nas Deen removed from the small,
tiny board of control rooms at
the capitol and the affair will bo
staged in the staid chamber of
the senate.-The hour for begin
ning is 9 a. m.
Meier's Designs
Long Apparent
The governor's designs on his
prison superintendent became ev
ident several weeks ago wben
Colonel W. B. Bertram waa re
moved from the management of
the flax Industry but Mr. Meier's
- (Turn to page 1, col. 1)
The state board of control ves-
terday decided upon the ' site rf
the new building to be erected
at the state tuberculosis hospital
five miles east of Salem. The
building will cost approximately
675,000. and wllk areommodata
more than 50 patients.
The structure will- boose the
hospital clinic and laboratories.
Money for the construction was
appropriated by the recent leria-
lature. Plans for the builtn
are now being prepared.
The board also has authorized
construction of a new building at
the state home for the feeble
minded. This structure will cost
approximately $40,000. Accom
modations will be provided for '
110 Inmates. , The furnlshlnn
will cost an additional 610.000.
Purchase of the . Steiner-Jar-
man building, now occupied by
the state .printing department,
also has been approved by the
board. - This transaction was di
rected under the provisions of a
bill passed at the 1931 legisla
tive session. The cost waa
68S.OOO. ! !
The second floor of the build
ing will be occupied by the new
state agricultural department
after August 1. The structure
has been under lease by the state
since its erection three years ago.
Kellems? Final
Sermon of This
Week is Tonight
Final sermon for tiits week la
the evangelistic campaign at the
First Christian church will be
preached tonight by Dr. Jesse
Kellems, He will show In connec
tion with the sermon ' last of a
series of pictures on South Alri- f
ca. The campaign will continue at
least another week, reports, Rev.
D. J. Howe, pastor. Already 90
additions to the church have beea
received' as result of the revivals.
Reno Not Wide
Open Town Yet
RENO, Nev.. April 16. f API
Unless the ctty of Reno passes)
a gambling ordinance and Issues
city licenses to gambling games
now In operation all games la tba
city must be closed on April 23
and remain closed until the city
does act, District Attorney Melvln
Jepson. informed Sheriff E. H.
Trathen today and. ordered th
sheriff not to iasue more licenses
and to be prepared to close ex
isting games on April 28. .
They Stay Wed
And Live Long
ROUBAIX.' France, April 16
(AP) Divorce and death deal
lightly wltb Inhabitants of this re
gion. Two diamond and eight
golden weddings end two one hun
dredth birthdays were celebrated
here this month with ceremonies
at the city hall. .