The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 14, 1931, Page 6, Image 6

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salera. Oregon, Tuesday Mornintr, April 14, 1931
ews and Club
3 OLIVE M. DoaK, Society Editor
Brilliant udio
Event Planned
What promises to he an unus
ually brilliant musical rogram
will he that given under the di
rection of MUs Alicia McElroy
Sunday afternoon beginning at
3:15 o'clock In the studio of
Prof, and Mrs. T. S. Roberts.
The program will be an en
semble event with Ernest Crosby,
tenor, and Prof. T. S. Roberts,
organist, as assisting artists. Ou
the program will be four composi
tions written by Oregon compos
er;. Evelene Calbreath. Alicia
McElroy, Lucille Cummins, and
Ina Rar Sells.
Miss Dorothy Cowglll. one of
the artists on the program, was
concert master for years in the
Portland Junior symphony ana
several of the group are now
members of the Portland sym
phony orchestra. - All the young
arrisis are rvruasu rmucuia
-hare given several, successful
concerts there. The last concert to
i riven hr them was at the
home of Mrs. Donald Spencer.
. auuMV. '
tra Is: violins. Marie Chapman
MacDonald. Ann Cougfclan. Dor
othy Cowglll. Elizabeth O'Reilly;
violas. Jane O'Reilly an Cather
ine Hoon: 'cellist. Elsie Kay
Wentworth. Kathryn O'Reilly;
boe. Mary Coin: flute. Doris
Wlldman: piano. Miss McElroy.
Miss McHlroy is well known In
Salem where she hra. r'ayed in
several recitals. She Is' also a pi
anist of distinction in tie nonn-
The program to be played is as
Adnvlo Pathtlqu Godard
Bri'lal Son from "Rustic Wd-
ding" XroWmark
- Ensernbl .
Ah, Moon f Mr Prtlrhr ..ehmn
KrBtst Crosby
Silhouette ...-Krnch, Italian. Irish
Av .Mario". - - Bacb-Oounod
"Old Refrain- . Krelsler
-To a Hill Top" Cox
"Won't You Sing That Old Secret
Sons? Calbreath
Ernest Crosby
"White Violets" .... Alicia McElroy
"Par Dreams" -. Evcleno Calbreath
"Melody Bomantlquo'
leucine rummlnn
"AnrH's Glad Today" .Ina Ray Selts
"Nell Gwyn dances'
Shepherd's dance Edward German
Pastoral . .
; ; .
Pre-Conclave Dinner
Dance Thursday .
DeMolay for boys, will be hosts
for a preconclave .dinner and
dance tn the banquet room of
the Masonic temple Thursd 7
night. The affair Is in honor of
the annual state conclave of the
DeMolay to be held this year In
Marshfield April 24-25.
It is expected that covers will
be placed for at least 60 for
this banquet. Mr. a-d Mrs. Ellis
Von Eschen will act as patron
and patroness for the affair.
Short talks concerning the con
clave will be given by former
DeMolay members . who - have
passed the age limit for member
ship. One or two feature num
bers will be given at dance in
termissions. The committee In charge- Is
headed by Larkln Williams -assisted
by 'Cleo Seely and Alex
The Marshfield " conclave will
have between 400 and 550 De
Molays from all over Oregon.
Delegates from Salem will be
Deltva Nelderhlser, Philip Hay
ter of Dallas, and Lewis Melson.
O. N. S. Club Starts :
Picnic Season
' The O. N. S. club plans to picnic
near Brush College Tuesday evening.--"
...... 1
- If the weather is unfavorable.
Mrs. Fa wk has Invited the club
to picnle at her home.
All members wishing to go meet
at the high school at 4:30 o'clock.
Transportation will bo arranged
from there.
. e .
Mrs. John Koorman will ; be
hostess to the Woman's Foreign
Missionary society Wednesday at
2 o'clock in her home, 1755
South High street Mrs. W. J.
Lin foot will lead the devotions
end Mrs. S. M. Laws will give
the lesson.; ------
- ! Tuesday, April H : . '
' Cons of tfnion Veterans of Civil War, regular meet
ing. Woman's clubhouse; Commander L. C.f MeShane
will be present. , '' .
Mrs. Wallace Carson, hostess to Junior Guild of St.
Paul's Episcopal church at her" home, 370 Leslie street.
Executive Board meeting of Y. W, CA,j.U o'clock,
Y, W. C A. social rooms. i . L j. '
- . Salem Arts League program, 8 o'clock in auditor
ium room, of city lfbrary. Mtsa-Harrietf Long, speaker.
- , General meeting of Salem General hospital board.
10 o'clock, in; Salem chamber of commerce rooms. AH '
members Invited to be present; Mrs.: Lenoir will address
members. . i ; , ' .
Auxiliary to Sons of Veterans, Woman's clubhouse,
7:30 o'clock. '.""".' 4 , ,
Chadwick chapter, order of Eastern Star, social aft
ernoon club. Masonic temple. '
Friendship" club of the First Presbyterian church,
0:30 o'clock tilnner followed by program.
O. N. S. club picnic; all members wishing to go
meet at high school at 4:40 o'clock; transportation pro
vided. -; . - i J s.
Southeast circle of First Methodist in
church prior to council dinner. ' - . I
EBcinitls club. o'clock dinner. Y. W. C.A.: Misa
Essie Maguire speaker; roundtable discussion and bus
iness meeting 'following dinner. .
j Wednesday, April 15
'Woman's (Foreign Missionary socletyj Mrs. John
Koorman. 1755 South High street; 2 o'clock. 4
Ladies of East Central circle of First Methodist
church, with Mrs. H. G. Carl, S5 E street; 2:30 o'clock.
- . ! Thursday, April 1$
Mrs! Roy Lbckenour, hostess to Faculty Women'a
club 2:30 o'clock; at her home, 45 North 14th street.;
Woman's Union of First Congregational church,
regular business meeting with, Mrs. F. D. Kibbe, 005
South Commercial street; 2:30 o'clock.
Ladies of Grand Army of Republic, guests of Mrs.
Lonabelle Arnold, 1735 South 13th street.
! Friday, April 17
- Calvary Baptist Woman's society. at home of Mrs.
W. Earl Cochran, 8S0 North ICth street, 2; 30 o'clock. ,
Eleventh Birthday
': Jeanette Bdmbeck ; was compli
mented with a party at her home
Friday afternoon In honor of her
eleventh birthday. Games were
played and prise awards were
made to Ruth Anunsen. Maxlne
Holt, and Betty Anunsen. Late
in the afternoon tea was served
the feature of which were two
large birthday cakes decked with
11 candles. Miss Eifrieda and
Miss. Sylvia Bombeck assisted in
serving. ,
Guests in compliment to Jean
ette were Nona Woodry, Rosalie
Ann Miltonbury, Ruth Anunsen,
Phyllis Selander, Shirley Sedg
wick, Dorthy Hoffert, Daisy
Minton, Betty Anunsen, Ruth
Firgo, Maxlne Holt..
Central Howell
Mothers Honored
Central Howell The girls 4-H
club gave a delightful tea for
their mothers Saturday afternoon.
The tea table was charming with
yellow candles in green holders
and a centerpiece of spring .flow
ers in. a green bowl.
The girls entertained with a
short program of recitations and
piano numbers.
Mothers present ; were Mrs.
John Lauderback, Mrs. Pearl
Wood, . Mrs. Alee LIchty, Mrs.
Clarence Simmons. Mrs. Andrew
Clark. Mrs. W. Naf teiger. Mrs.
Win Roth, Mrs. Darkens, and
Mrs. Hilflker, aT special guest. The
girls present were members of
the eDoking an dsewing clubs and
their leader.. Mrs. Mabel Martin.
Mrs. Hilflker, Mrs. - Simmons
and Mrs. Lauderback. acted as
Judges of the darning ; exhibit.
Eveline Naf xelger was awarded
first Tilace and Florence Hansen,
second. ' -
Those who are Interested in
modern books will be glad to
take advantage of the opportun
ity offered this evening In the
auditorium of the Salem public
library when Miss Harriet Long.
Oregon -atate librarian, will give
an Informal talk on that subject.
This talk Is under the auspices of
the Salem Arts league. Because of
the wide experience of Miss Long
In library work, she :1s exception
ally qualified to speak on this
subject. - .
Salem Drama League
Sponsors Program
Salem Drama league will spon
sor an interesting program with
Miss Beatrice Walton as the
speaker of the evening Friday
night in the Emerron room of
the Unitarian church. -
Miss Walton will discuss - two
plays, Shaw's "Apple-Cart" and
"The Barretts of Wimpole
street", both of which she saw
in London during her recent visit
there, and she will also discuss
her impressions of the Russian
stage and its productions.
This interesting program will
be the last one to be given by
the Drama league this year, ac
cording to Mrs. W. E. Anderson,
president. Those In charge of
the Friday . night program are
Mrs. J. M. Devers. Mrs. J.. M.
Clifford, Mrs. Karl Becke, and
Mrs. Otto Paulus.
For a small admittance fee
the public may hear this pro
gram. ' t
Silver Bell Circle
Elects Delegates
Delegates and alternates for
the district convention to be held
in Newberg June 1-2 were elect
ed by Silver Bell circle. Neigh
bors of Wodocraft at its recent
. Delegates are Lettie Hansen,
Myrtle . Walker, Cora Smith,
Pauline Clark, Ellxa Darling,
Minn Olmstead, Dorothy Mc
Dowell, Velma Teeson, 'Alice
Adams, Janny Bard, Jennie Fer
guson, - Mary Kennedy, Mona
Luta. ; - .'
Alternates are Lena Taylor,
Oliver Darling, Maudina Craw
ford. Delia Wallace, Roberta
Kightllnger, Helena Davison.
Bessie Strang, Florence Bressler,
Alice Buchanan, Nora Bussey,
Bertha Ray, Hat tie Kennen,
Edith WitxeL
Mrs. Lonabelle Arnold will en
tertain member of the Ladies of
the Grand Army of the Republic
at her home. 1795 South Thir
teenth street Thursday afternoon.
Calvary Baptist Woman's so
ciety .will meet at the home of
Mrs. W. Earl Cochran, 9 CO North
16th street. Friday afternoonvat
2:30 o'clock. Leader will be Mrs.
William Stoddard.
-V --l
4 S vV
forth winds that chiliad the saest viawiwaa
J f l i - r ... i i .
Fark Avss- New Yerk. rssaltad i
tt assay bright cestasses masler cloaks
presaiaesttlr saarkad hy large
0 I f 'u V
md white ever colers. Black, skiay straw tarbaaa
, Biack caracal Jackati
tM lass exBeastve tapir
Lsaeas Lha mhu,
. . I m. !. . -
Monday Bridge- is
: Affair ',
'The second of a series of bridge
afternoons .being given by -Mrs.
U. G. Shipley and-Mn. J. E. Laws
was given at the Shipley home
Monday afternoon. A brilliant ar
rangement of spring flowers from
the Shipley, gardens made a de
lightful background for the six
tables at which the "guests were
seated.'- ri '
'Mrs. Clifford Farmer and Mrs.
W. Con nell Dyer held winning
scores for the afternoon. At the
tea hour the hostesses were as
sisted by Mrs. Henry Cornoyer,
and Mrs. Prince' Byrd, : v
Guests were Mrs. Robert Brady,
Mrs. . Homer Egan, Mrs. Frank
Spears, 'Mrs. Lawrence Woodrow,
Mrs. Allan Carson, Mrs: Wallace
Carson. Mrs. W. L. Phillips. Mrs.
Henry Cornoyer, Mrs. Harry Mil
ler,' Mrs, W. Connell Dyer, Mrs.
Roy Simons, Mrs. Homer Geulet,
Mrs. Rome Goulet, Mrs. Clifford
Farmer, Mrs. Breyman Boise,
Mrs. George Hug, Mrs. J. H. Wil
let, Mrs. Frederick . Deckebaeh,
Mrs. Hollis Huntington. Mrs. Carl
Nelson. Mrs. Paul Hendricks.
Mra. C. A. Downs, Mrs. David
Bennett Hill. Mrs. Prince Byrd,
Mrs. J. W. Beveridge.
, a .
Mother's Day Plans
Made by Club J
. ....' -i '
s Jefferson The ' Past Noble
Grand club of ' Mt. Jefferson ' Re
be k ah ; lodge met - in the lodge
rooms, Thursday afternoon, with
Mrs. Bertha Curl and Mrs. B. S.
Thurston as joint hostesses.'
. During, the business session;
committees were appointed to
make arrangements' for. the ob
servance of Mother's Day, .mt the
meeting In May.', Various games
were : played during the after
noon, and those 'winning . prizes
were . Mrs. Paul Smith and Miss
Flora Thomas. ; .
, r The decorations were spring
flowers and Oregon ; Grape. A
beautiful bouquet formed the
center. piece for the table.;
Following the social hour, a
two course lunch was served by
the hostesses, Mrs. Mae Englett,
of Montana, and Mrs. D. George
Cole were guests for th after
noon. There were .12 members
present to enjoy the pleasant aft
ernoon. Mrs. W. W. Rosbraugh
Will be Speaker
i The regular social meeting of
Chadwick chapter. Order of East
ern Star social club, will hare as
its guest speaker, Mrs. . W. W.
Rosebraugh Tuesday afternoon
in the social rooms of the Ma
sonic temple. . -
i Mrs. . Rosebraugh will speak on
the general subject of gardens
visited while on . her recent visit
in Europe. Other members' will
be arranged for the program and
sewing will be a feature of the
At the close of the meeting
tea will be served by the hostess
committee composed of . Mrs.
Fannie Brown Tibbets, chairman,
and Mrs. Julia Harms, Mrs. La
vina p. . Acton, Mrs. Elizabeth
Adair, Mrs. Rose W. Babcock,
Mrs. . Eletha Bayne, Mrs. . Mary
Bayne, Mrs.' . Helen Bohannon,
Mrs. ; Ef fie ' Booker. Mrs. Jose
phine Christenson, and Mrs. Flor
ence Herren. .
Mrs. J. H. Scott Again
Heads P. T. A.
i ' ' . .....
. Mrs. J. H. Scott was reelected
president or the McKlnley Parent
Teacher association at the regular
meeting and ' election of officers
Monday afternoon atMhe school
house. Other officers elected were Mrs.
R. H. Board man, vice-president:
Mrs. Carl Pope, secretary, and
MUs Esther Long, . treasurer. .:
' It was roted to buy cups and
saucers for . the : benefit of the
school and to start, the supply of
dishes which-will eventually be
needed. It was also voted for the
P. T. A. to become a member of
the Marion County Public Health
t Dr. C. C. Dauer spoke on the
need of watching the diet and
teeth of the school child.
- . . . ..... . ....
Silverton Mr. A. Watcher of
Mount Angel : won high score.
Otto M. Schwab of Silverton, sec
ond and T. M. Barr. consolation
at the successful card party giv
en by the Altar society : of St.
Paul's church . Wednesday . even
ing. Fifteen tables were; in play
during, the evening. After cards,
lunch was served with Mrs. L. B.
Scharback, chairman of the com
mittee in charge, assisted by Mrs.
Joe - Schneider, Mrs.- . Delia . Mc
Grath, Mrs. William. Frye .; and
Mrs.-H. Amund8on. Mrs. W. Stir
ber will be chairman of the card
party to be given by the same, so
ciety , In two weeks. ; .. . ,
- Orchard . Heights A large rep
resentation from this-community,
including the members of the Or
chard Heights orchestra drove to
Greenwood Saturday evening to
offer congratulations to Mr. and
Mrs. Ernest Stout f er, fcewlyweds.
who are spending apart of their
honeymoon. at the senior Stouf
fer's ; home. Refreshments wers
served at a late hour to the. vis
itors; from Orchard Heights as
well as. to others from Salem and
Greenwood. The Stouffer family
lived In this neighborhood some
years ago and have many friends
here.: The young couple will. make
their home in Portland. f
S ' ' - ' . i :- -
Friends ' in ; Salem - will b
pleased to learn of the birth of a
daughter to Mr. and Mrs.-Floyd
H Mclntire Friday at the Eman
uel hospital In Portland. - Mrs.'
Mclntire will be remembered as
Rosalie Keber. society editor for
the Capitol Journal.
I' Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Bishop spent
the week end In Portland as the
guests .; of - Mr. and Mrs. C. P.
Bishop and Mrs. R. B. Fisher.
Mrs. Fred Gibson
Club Hostess ,
West Salem Mrs. Fred Gibson
was - hostess to members' of the
Orchard 'Heights Women's club
Thursday afternoon at her home
on Klngwood avenue. An Interest
ing feature of the .meeting was a
question box, and Mrs. C. H. Fish
er read a paper on "The Value of
a Women's Club in the Commun
ity. Mrs. Elmer Cook gave a re
port on the recent meeting of
rural women's clubs, at Hlllaboro.
At the tea hour, Mrs. Gibson
was assisted In serving by Mrs.
L. D. Gibson and Mrs. Cash Rob
erts. Mrs. Roy McDowell and
Mrs. Gny McDowell will entertain
the clHb Thursday, April 23, at
the home of the former.
Members : present were Mes-
dames Robert Adams. . William
Schwartz; J. B, Ashby, L. "D. Gib
son, Frank Farmer, Guy McDow
ell, Roy McDowell, Albert Bouf-
fler, - Ernest Anderson,' M. A.
Sckneller, J. W. Simmons, C. H.
Fisher, Cash Roberts, Burnham
Southwick and Miss Mary Walt,
Guests were Mrs. Elmer Cook,
Mrs.' Young and Miss Mildred
Simmons. i
Hubbard Women
Sponsor Gay; Party
Hubbard The - carnival, f spon
sored hy the Hubbard Woman's
club at the city hall Friday eve
ning, was a - great success judg
ing by the hearty applause given
each number on the program ana
also by the generous support giv
en the various booths; .
The program featured -a black-
faced comedy, including the fol
lowing characters:: Mrs. Maud
Bldgood, Mrs.- Margaret McMan-
nls. Mrs. Sadie Scholl, Mrs. Neva
McKenzie and Mrs. Louise
The play was directed by J. R.
Bldgood,- principal of the Huo-
bard high school. ;
Other numbers on the program
Included vocal numbers by- Mrs.
Ella Stauffer, Avon Jesse, Walter
Ott; chorus - numbers by the
Rnral Del .. chorus; orchestra
numbers by Dr. A. F. deLespin
asse, director; Miss Anita Bev
ens. Miss Gundadene Bldgood,
Ray Berens, and Miss Anna
Knight, .
Others taking part In the car
nival program were Ivan Stewart,
Mrs. Ida Garlan. Mrs. Neva Mc-
kenzle, Mrs. Sadie Rich, Mrs.
Ethel Johnson, Mrs. Cora Smith,
Mrs. Merle Stewart. Mrs. Ruth
Reinhart. Mrs. Anna Stauffer.
Mrs. Kathryn Will. Mrs. Blanche
Brown, Mrs. Audrey Wells, Mrs.
Eunice Braden. Mrs.-Ethel Riley,
Mrs. Nina DeWolf, Mrs. Margaret
Anderson, Mrs. Mary Coleman.
Mrs. Elizabeth Fobert and Mrs.
Coble deLesplnas8e, who acted as
prosecuting attorney for a Kan-
geroo court at the end of the eveJ
In addition to the many gay
booths and the program dancing
added several hours of enjoyment
to the evening.
The program and carnival was
supervised by Mrs. Ella Stauffer,
president of the club. Mrs. Sadie
School, Mrs. Neva McKenzie, Mrs.
Maud Bldgood.
The proceeds of the affair will
be used for shrubs for the school
Friday Luncheon
For Alliance
. A 1 o'clock luncheon will be
given by members of the Woman's
Alliance of the. Unitarian church
in the - Emerson room of the
church Friday. Mrs. Truma Sus
ton is chairman of the hostess'
committee and assisting her will
be Mrs. O. C Marshall. Mrs. W. E.
Feldman. and Mrs. E. Hurst. . .
Following the luncheon a pro
gram will be given with Mrs.
Fred Alban Weil as the featured
speaker.-She will speak on "Two
Trips to Europe".
The "Friendship" club of " the
First Presbyterian church will
hold its regular monthly business
and social meeting in the church
social rooms tonight. Dinner will
be served at 6:30 o'clock. Dean
R. R. Hewitt will be speaker of
the evening. All young .married
people of the church are invited
to attend.
A hit on Broadway -
"T " - .- '
X'M " busy; 1 dont know
how I'd take care of my hair if
I hadn't learned the way so
many of my friends are doing
. - Typical of what New York
girls by thousands are saying
about the new way so many of
them are doing their hair to
keep it soft, lustrous, and beautiful.-
. . .'
It's so effective. So simple.
Just a few dashes; of Danderine
on the brush-each time you' ar
range your hair. -Oily film goes.
The natural .color of your hair Is
brought out. It takes on new
life and sparkle! r v -
,. The worst crust of dandruff Is
quickly dissolved by Danderine.
It cleanses, soothes. Invigorates
the scalp. When It is used, hair
is easier to dress. Stays in place
wonderfully. - And day- by day
Danderine encourages - your hair
to ' grow " longer, " thicker, more
abundant.' ' . .
709 VS
An unusual smart cotton frock
for a small girl, adopts the semi
fitted bodice and full flared skirt
from the grown-up mode.' The
narrow,' front panel Is cut in one
with the skirt, and forms a smart
attachment for the bodice where
it is slightly gathered. Pattern
2124 may be made with short ki
mono sleeves, or with the long
puffed sleeves so smart this sea
son. The collar ties softly In a
pert knot at the neckline.
May be obtained only In sizes
4, 6, 8 and 10. Size 4 requires
1 yards of 36-inch fabric
Pattern 709 Includes a scarf
and beret. Head sizes 20, 21 and
22. Fifteen cents extra.
No aresmakins sxpsricaes Is asces
ry t msks tais model with aar
attsra. Yardaga (or sTsry sisa. sad
sisipla, ssaet iastractioas ara glvsa. .
- Seat fiftasa caats for asek pattara.
Writs -plsialy jear Bssia. address sad
style nasabar. - Ba lara to ststa sisa
The mw tprinr a ma sosaaiar pat
tara cataJeg fsatoraa aa excel laat sa
aortmeat at af ternooa, sports - sad
boots dresses, lingerie, pajamas sad
kiddies' eletoes, also delightful acces
sory pattara a. Pries sf catalog fifteea
cents. Catale prith pattern, tweatj
fiTo cents. Address all -mail sad or
ders to Statesman- Patters Depsrt
meat. 243 Weat 17tk street. Kew York
Orchard HeighU--Mr. and Mrs.
Eugene W. Southwick were hosts
Friday evening at a barn dance
given In the Burnham Southwick
barn. About 60 invited guests
were present. A midnight lunch
was served.
, o a a
Mr. and Mra K T Park-iia ha1
as their dinner guests Friday Mr.
and Mrs. W. A. Barjus and chil
dren, Elmer, Alice and John.
Clubs Start Week "
On Its Way
.' Numerous club meetings are
giving the week a good start. To
day Mrs. John Rand will be host
ess to members of the O. T. club
and several Additional guests at
her home lor puncheon ana cards.
Mrs. 'A. J. Wheaton- will - be
hostess to the Neighborhood club
at her home this afternoon. Mem
hers of the club are Mrs. M. Mel-
choir, Mrs:- H. R. White, Mrs. Da
vid Bennett H1U. Mrs. Knight Pan-
ek. Mrs. M. Panek, Mrs. R. R.
Boardman, .'Mrs. Byron Ashley,
Mrs. C. A. Downs, Mrs. Vernon A.
Douglas, Mrs. Carl Emmons and
Mrs. Wheaton.
Monday Mrs. Dan J, Fry, Jr.,
entertained for members of her
club and Mrs. E. V. McMecban
was - hostess to members of her
bridge club. Mrs. H. K. Stock-
well and Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Rob
erta were additional guests
The W. W. G. girls of the First
Baptist church met recently at
the home of Elma Hoyt for their
regular monthly business and so
cial meeting. - Mrs. Mathews , of
Corvallis and Miss Smith, presi
dent of the Oregon State college
branch of the W. W. G., were spe
cial guests. Members present were
Fern and Helen Austin, Peggy
Peterson, Jean Peterson, Mildred
MeAdams, Margaret Ayers, - Delia
Weathers, Alberta Snyder . and
Elma Hoyt: advisors, Mrs. Rob-
Ins and Mrs. Starky. Assistant
hostesses were -Helen - and Fern
Austin and Delia Weathers.
Mrs. Ivan Martin will open her
home this afternoon between the
hours of 2 and 4 o'clock for a
silver tea sponsored by members
of the Willing Workers class of
the First Christian church. A
special program of music has
been planned for the afternoon
hours. . .
Dr.. and Mrs. C. E. Bates are
revAirinr conrratulatlons upon
the arrival of a young son. Stan-
lev Graham. Anrll 0. Master
Stanley has one sister, Carolyn
see- -.
Judge and Mrs. John Rand re
cently spent several days with
their son and his wife, Mr. and
Mrs. Langdon Rand at Baker,
Oregon. i
. - .
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Schwenke
have as their house guest Mrs.
S. P. Condon of Knoxville, Tennt
W MS suaeiia inuRa- a
HaTK. r.' A
fit rtvX r CkUb mm trr MmmA
AJUr S rUlt ta MVU aaa M4CC
fMSTa. Mitult km, saM (MY
TX Take ilksw BayV
At if
c pusens
Biiia rauitrkM
Monmouth Card and
Dancing Party Success
Monmouth-The Civle club or
Monmouth sponsored ' a card and.
dancing party Friday night in the
Odd Fellows' hall which proved a
most enjoyable affair and satis
factory augmented the club's
The evening's activities -in.
which the Civic club was assisted,
br several other groups were
well planned. The' Lions club had
charge of the floor arrangements;
the Social Hour club of refresh
ments; Mrs. FredJIIlI and Mrs.
S. Dletrlck. musle the Tuesday
Afternoon bridge Ctub, ard plans;
and the Business and Profession
al women of .'tHe ."decorations.
Dancing, with music furnished by
the Oregon Normal school orches
tra, occurred In one rom; while
15 tables of cards, both bridge
and "500" were enjoyed .In an
other. .. . -
Mrs. Bertha T. Hall was gen
eral chairman of arrangements.
. - e .
All members and 'guards of
the Woman's Benefit association
who wish to attend the Portland
convention will meet at Nelson
hall. -Wednesday night 'at 7
o'clock, y
Western Boy
is Strongest
Y son, Gerald, suffered from
constipatioa . Until he was
r'te feverish and weak," ay Mrs.
E. Gcren. m West Main Street,
Ukuahoma Uity, Ukiahoroa.
"Now it's a dilTerent story as yo
can see from his picture, lie i strong
and full of life. I gave him California
Fig Syrup because I read so much
about it. It increased his appetite,
helped him wonderfully. Gerald loves
the taste of California Fig Syrup, and
it never fails to help his stomach and
bowels." -
To show how California Fig Syrup
acts to build-up and strengthen hall
sick, headachy, constipated children
through giving tone and strength to
weak stomach and bowels, nothing
could - be more convincing than
praise like this.
Your doctor will approve the use of
this pure vegetable product as often
as an impure breath, coated tontrue.
listlessness, f evens hn ess or lack of
appetite warn of constipation or to
keep bowels from clogging during
colds or children's diseases.
When buying, look for the word
California on carton and bottle. That
marks the genuine, ,
ri.i 1 1 it :f oi rCn t
72 Om4Uit HsirBtautifitt
At All Draw Otoraa-Thirty Five Cent
En ild
O 0 ( 0B S tJ HQ I? ''
.YOUR healthor your life may; depend on
the accuracy of the prescription the doctor
writes for you. .He makes certain it is right
before signing his name to it.
But he does not check the prescription more
carefully than manufacturer or store owner
checks the advertisement appearing over his
name. . .
Look at any one of the advertisements in
this newspaper. Its sponsor is well known.
That's his signature in clean, cold type and
he realizes that incorrect statements above it
would jeopardize the health the very ex
istence of his business.
Continued advertising invariably is proof of
honest advertising and honest goods. You and
the millions of others who consult the adver
tisingbefore you buy, have made advertising
one of the great forces of modern business.
You have made it important to the manufac
turer, to the merchant and to yourself. "
Consult Hit advertising
: ivith confidence '