The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 14, 1931, Page 5, Image 5

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salens Oregon, Tuesday Morning. April 14, 1931
PAcn nvn
Chetneketans Turned Esclc
Thirty-two out of 38 Chsmeketan
and friends reached a point 500
feet In elevation-below the sum
mit of Rocky Mountain peak,
northeast ot Niagara in the Cas
cade range, despite- the fact that
the outing was one ot the hardest
takes by the 'jgroup. The hike
started at 9:30 Sunday morning
from a point a mile and a halt up
the Santlam river from Niagara.
It was decided to turn back at
3:15. The descent was made In
approximately three hours,
through . rain most ot the- way.
Brash and logs were encountered
daring the first mile of the way
Dry mill wood, eordwood, coal.
.Dial 6000," Salem Fuel.
Board Meeting - The regular
monthly meeting of the Y. W.
C. JL. official board wIU be held
this morning at 10 o'clock at the
association club rooms. Miss Paul
ine Schadler, national finance sec
retary In charge of that work In
10 western states, will meet -with
the board and give the main talk.
She also attended a finance com
mittee meeting yesterday after
noon. Devotions at the meeting
this morning will be led by Mrs.
P. M. Erickson. Following the
- business session, luncheon will be
erred for .the board members.
Crop Outlook Good Crop out
looks for fruit In California are
.good this year, W. O. Allen of
the Hunt brothers firm reported
this week upon his return from
San Francisco. While the peaah
and. prune crop will be .25 per
cent less than a year ago, Allen
said It would approximate a nor
mal yield since the 1930 crop was
a bumper one. Rainfall for the
year has been below normal and
there Is every Indication some
areas will suffer from this sltua-
Crone jttected Wendell Cro33
of Salem high school was named
secretary of the organisation per
fected In Portland Friday and
Saturday by - Tocational educa
tion shop students over the state.
Thirty attended from Salem. The
Salem boys were placed In charge
of arrangements for. the 1932
conference. The organlxation has
been named Future Craftsmen of
Oregon. Local units will be
formed over the state.
New York Alumni A club of
alumni of Willamette university
meets In the Village Kitchen, In
New Tork elty according to a
letter received here. Members are
Samuel R. King, Joe Meyer, Frank
D. Learner. Gerald Pearson, Curtis
Reld, Daryl Chapin, Kenneth Mc
Cormlck. Victor D. Carlson of
Boston and Wendell M. Keck from
New Haven.
Social dance. S. B. A. lodge, ev
ery 2nd and 4th Tuesday. U. Park
Hall. Come tonlte.
Workmen to Elect Election ot
officers will be completed at the
meeting of the A. O. U. W. lodge
Wednesday night at 7:30 at Mil
ler's hall. It was announced Mon
day. At the last meeting the fol
lowing officers were elected: Har
old Burke, master workman;
Frank Marshall, foreman; Mrs.
Roy Mclntlre, recorder, and
George DeLap, overseer.
Klwanls Speaker R. E. Carl
son of Seattle, first aid expert for
the American Red Cross will be
the Klwanls luncheon speaker
this noon. He will put on a dem-
onstration of what to do In cast
of accident. He has been in Sa
lem several days as Instructor In
first aid before the Y. M. C. A..
Willamette university and the
Boy Scouts.
fined W. C. Heltkemper
tt Portland was fineA S3& in JuB-
. tlce court on Monday when he
was convicted of possession or in
toxicating liquor. He was taken
into custody by state traffic of
ficers. .,r
"Births I
i . Mcltae A six and one-fourth
pound girl was born to Mr. and
Mrs. E. L. McRae at the Jackson
maternity home April 12. She has
been named Beverly Jean. The
parents reside at 2360 West Nob
Bunnell - To Mr. and, Mrs.
James E. Bunnell, 1997 State,
a girl, Joanne Lu, born at the
Bungalow maternity home April
1. . ' - -
No. 108
Sjraopsia of the Anneal Statemeat of
the Mill Owners Matual Fir Jintnata
Company ot Dea Moines, la the Stat of
lews, oa the thirty-first day of December.
I960, made to- the Insoranee Commission. of the Stat of Oregon, pursuant to
Amount of capital stock paid op. Mats
Net preraioms reeeiTed during the year,
Interest, dividends and rent received
derm- the year. $141,605.74.
Income) from other sources received
daring the year, $11,152.36. '
Total income, f2.048.S24.9Z.
Net losses paid daring tH year fnclad
lng adjustment expenses. S790.1O.21.
Dividends paid oa Capital stock during
th year. Mutual.
Commissions and salaries paid daring
the year. 4584.091.91.
' Taies. license and fees paid during
the year. S52.5 89.92.
-Amoant of all other expenditures,
Tout expenditures. S.16,214.00. , 1
Talae of reel estate owned (market
Talne). S518.58S.92.
Vaiaa of stocks and bonds owned (mar
ket value), $1.2 78.025.00.
Loans oa mortgagea and collateral, etc
$535,619.15. Cash ia baaka and oa hand. $ 1.601..
Premiums la coarse of eelloetion writ
ten, since September 30. 1910, 1185.943.
Interest ana rents due sad . aeeraed.
. $94,589.40. - - -
Other Assets. $6,630.17. '
Total adaaiUo assets. $2.7$ 1,598.1.
Groea 1 claims ior losses anpaid. 134..
Amount -f aaearned preminms ea all
atstaading risks, $1,157,843.75.
Iue for eoauaissioa and brokeragn,
" 918,337.38. a
. All ether liabilities. $88,644.26.
Total liabilities. sxclusiTe ed capital
Stock, $1,499,109.71.
Net premiums received during the year,
Losses paid during the year. $13,885.
$3. .
Losses laeurred daring the year, $13.
338 33.
Nam's of Company. Hill Owners Mutual
fire Insurance Company of Iowa.
-Name of President, . T. Sharp. ;
Name of Secretary, H. B. Carson.
Statutory reeidsat attorney far aervieo.
4a. n, Mania, I'ortiana, ure
Court Report One hundred
and two law actions, Including
28 divorce gaits and 2$ criminal
eases. Were filed with the coun
ty clerk In the first three months
of the year, according' to a report
compiled by the clerk. There were
three contested divorce suits, 10
contested equity salts other than
divorce and nine civil cases tried
by Juryj The petit jury cost the
county 11448.40, the grand jury
1623.10, the bailiff 8150 and the
witnesses In criminal cases
329.304 - - :- -
A.mend Complaints Sarah
Clark and William L. Clark have
filed amended complaints la
their separate damage, suits
against Carl South worth of the
.Willamette Valley Transfer com
pany. Suits are outgrowth of
death la an accident last Octo
ber 9 of William II. Clark, hus
band and father, respectively, of
the plaintiffs. She seeks 89,
314.50 damages and he seeks
total of( 320,900 damages. .
Dollar dinner every night, 5:45
to 8 at the Marion hotel.
'., School Social The Oak Ridge
school, a one-room building, has
almost established a record for
doing things up right. Judging
from word received by the coun
ty school superintendent yester
day from the teacher, Grace
Klampe.i The teacher writes that
the school raised 380.75 from a
basket social held recently and
that It has cleared all but 33.25
on debt incurred In purchasing a
new piano.
' Returns Made Returns on
sheriffs executions show that
plaintiff bought property for 11,
715.20 in case of. Dennis Cooter
vsj Isabell Ackerman and others;
and that plaintiff bid 312,000 to
be applied on 318,891 Judgment
In suit of Federal Land bank of
Spokane vs. Alfred I. Potter and
others, i
Sales Reported Sheriff's cer
tificates of real estate sales have
been filed with the county clerk
showing plaintiffs purchasers of
property In each of the three
eases: Scott Reed vs. James H.
Ellis and wife; Jas. G. Heltiel
vs. Ruth Wayne Lock wood; and
Marion S. Patty vs. John Wil
liamson and others.
Do you want a home? I own
10 modern homes, values 81750 to
365 OQ orr which I will sacrifice
from (250 to 3750 each. Also
good lots at sacrifice. . Phone
3723. ;
; New Arrival Word has been
received j here of the birth ot a
daughter Friday to Mr. and Mrs.
Harvard Mclntyre of Portland.
Mrs. Mclntyre is better known
here as Rosalie Keber, former Sa
lem newspaper woman. The girl
has been named Katie Btsy.
Kohl I Funeral Wednesday
Services : for Henry Knhl. deceas
ed, of Woodburn, have been - set
for Wednesday at 1:30 p. m. from
the Rigdon chapel, with Rev. P.
W. Erickson; officiating. Inter
meBt will be in City View ceme
tery. :. j ...i ;
Appraised Estate ' of Charles
Wenton ! Scott, minor, has been
appraised at 1 bjr J. O. Dixon,
H. 3. Dixon and A. L. Brougher.
Order for sale ot lots by the
guardian. Lulu Scott, has been
entered in the estate.
Ml Wallace Visits Miss Ruth
Wallace,' an employe of the coun
ty clerk's office for about eight
years until she left here four years
ago, left Sunday after spending a
week here with relatives. She is
living In Portland.
From Ashland Mr. and Mrs.
Earl D. Nutter of Ashland are In
th ritv ! for a few days to visit
friends and relatives. His broth
er, Jim Nutter, is a student at
Sale Ordered Judgment and
order -to sell attached property
has been signed by the circuit
Judge la case of Marion Land
and Investment company vs. Ed
Koessler, and others.
Application In case of A. N.
Parsons ! vs. T. A. Livesley, suit
growing' out of a hop contract,
motion has been made to place
on docket.
Seeks : Money Asherton State
bank of Texas has filed suit in
circuit court to recover from II.
E. Brown 3500 on a note.
: i 1 No. 107
Synopsis of Annual - statement of tbe
Central Surety , and Insurance Corpora
tion of Kansas City, ia the State of
Missouri, on the tbirty-first day of De
cember, 1930, made to the insurance
Commia-ioaer of the State of Oregon,
pursuant te law:
Amount of enpitat stock paid 'up, $1.
Net premiums received during the year,
Interest, dividends and rents received
daring the year, $181,819.77.
Income from other sources received
during the roar, $56,848.35.
Total i a some. $2,497,843.28.
Net losses paid daring the year includ
ing adjustment ex peases. $1,099,392.14.
Dividends paid en capital stock daring
tbe year, $120,000.00.
Commissioae and salaries paid during
tbe year. $810,527.80.
Taxes, lirenses and fees paid daring tbe
year. $65,351.92.
Amount el all . liter expenditures.
Tetal expenditures, $2,531,545.87.
Value of real estate owned (market
value). None.
Value of stocks sad bonds owned (mar
ket value). $2,387,087.00.
Loans, on mortgagea and collateral, etc..
$908.49 1.60.
Cash ia banks aad oa band, $180,970.
04. ) ...
Premiums la course of collection writ
tea sine September 80, 1980, $456,268.
88. i
latere it and rents due aad accrued.
Total, admitted assets. $942,313.87.
GroaS claims for losses anpaid, 3174,.
594.84. )
Amount of uaearned premium on all
atstaading risks. $937,409.58.
Due for eommisaiea aad brokerage,
AU other liabilities, $186,264.80.
Total . liabilities, exclusive at capital
Stock, $2.019.67J73.1 ;
business nr orkook
Ket premiums reeoived during the year,
$8,805.92. . - - . .
Iioesee paid during- the year, .3.ft9S.K7.
: Losses Incurred during the year, $4,
599.84. - : i . j.
Kama of Company. Central Surety and
Insurance Corporation.
Name of President, Dennis Hudson.
Name of Secret sry, L. M. Goodwin.
Statutory resident attorney for service.
Milton &. Klepper. Teoa Blag.. Portlsnd.
Orsw . (. . ..
Fry on Board Dan. J, Fry,
Jr., will sit for the first time to
day as s director of the First Na
tional bank ' here. ITe was re
cently elected to that position
after the death of his father, Dan
J. Fry, who served many years
as director of the institution. He
was president of the , bank . for
some time and later was named
chairman ot the board of direct
ors, a .position created In honor
ot hit services to the Institution.
Mansia Injured Leta Munsin,
40. of route 1, was injured in
the back In an accident at the
corner of Bellevue and Commer
cial streets Sunday - afternoon
when the car in which she -was
riding, driven by her husband,
struck the rear of a machine
operated by J. O. Leake. 325
Everett street, Portland. This Is
the report made by the drivers
at the police station.- The re
ports show that Leake turned In
front of the other car."
Curb Crash 1. W. McKlllop.
402 Masonic building, reported
an accident to the police which
occurred Sunday at 4 o'clock on
Capitol street. McKlllop claims
that he was backed into from the
curb by a car bearing the license
number 35033. His right rear
fender was smashed. The- other
driver fled in his car. Records
at the police station show that
the owner of the car : numbered
33.032-is Todd Earny, route 2,
Gervals. ;
Car Stolen StHppexl E. Kel
ling of the Hasseldorf apartments
reported to the police that his
roadster, was stolen i Saturday
night from the Royal Court apart
ments. It was found at Holman
Park, with everything stripped
from it that was removable, ac
cording to the latest reports at
the police station.
12A and 1C" wood, also planer
wood 1 5 per cord load delivered
from car, $5.50 delivered from
yard. Cobbs and Mitchell Co.
349 S. 12th. Tel. Hit. ;
Oil Stove Fire An oil store
caught fire at the Fire Proof
garage, 252 South Liberty street,
9 o'clock, Sunday night. The
watchman poured water over it
and the fire department used a
quantity of chemical to extin
guish the blase. Some of the
office furniture and files were
burned and scorched, according
to the reports at the city fire
Property Gore J. H; Brady of
the Court apartments reported to
the police that from his car,
parked on . Cottage street the
night ot April 11. a black blan
ket with a check stripe, one brown
and lady's white wool scarf, and
one nickle plated flashlight were
stolen, '
i i
Overtime Parkins; Fines Four
dollars were collected In miscel
laneous fines tor overtime park
ing violations 1 In police court,
Monday. In addition, B. S.
Drake paid $C; G. H. Bert. $12;
Cyler Van Patten, $10; W. E.
Moses, $3. j
. Program Planned W. I. Sta
ley, chairman ot the Rotary dis
trict convention to be held in
Portland April; 28 to April 29.
is urging as many of the local
club members as possible to at
tend the meeting. April 27 is the
day on which he hopes to have
them present. ! -
Possession Charge Posses
sion of alcoholic liquor was the
charge against Walter C. Heit
kemper, 439 East 10th street
North. Portland, fonday, when
he was held at the city jail for
state traffic officers. He was fined
$35 in justice court Monday.
Tire Stolen F. A. Kites of
Route 8 reported to the police
that a 32 by 4 tire and rim was
stolen Saturday night from his
car. which was parked In Holly
wood, Canneri Heat Arrest Jack
Montgomery was arrested earry
Sunday morning by Salem, police
fpr being drunk on canned heat.
He was released later in the day
and ordered out of the city.
Advised to Leave Tom Clan
cy, arrested Monday tor being
drunk, was released by police of
ficers and on condition that he
leave towg.
Fine A fine of $10 was col
lected from L. Alverado in police
court, Monday, for being drunk.
He was arrested Sunday.
Drunkenness CTharged "Wesley
Hathaway of West Salem was
held Monday , on drunk charges
by the Salem police officers.
No. 106
Synopsis of Annual Htatement of the
Lumbermena Mutual Insurance Company
of Mansfield, in the State of Ohio, oa
tbe tbirty-first day of December. 19S0,
made to the Insurance Commissioner of
tbe State of Orecon, pursuant to law:
Amount of capital stock paid UP Mutu
al Company, 0.
Ket premiums received duriac the rear.
J ate rest. . aividends an! reals received
duriag the year, $110,957.83.
Income xaam other sources received
duriag the year; $1,837.47.
Total income. $3. 18S.71 1.79.
Net tosses paid during the year In
cluding adjustment expenses, $864,863.15.
Dividends paid oa capital stock during
tbe year. $684,838.95.
LemaiMiosi and salaries paid duriag
the year. $505,632.17.
Taxes, lieeaaes and fees Paid during
tbe year. $50,038.86. .
Amoant of all other expenditures,
Tetsl expenditures. $2,342,873.51.
"Value of real estate owned : (market
value), $154,383.46. i
V a lire of stocks and bonds owned (mar-
kef value). $1,140,086.28. -
Ioas on mortgages and collateral, etc,
Cash ia basks aad oa band. $309,169.
59. v
.Premium in course of collection writ
tea tiaco September 30, 1930, $187,003.
14.' Interest aad rents due aad accrued,
$39,753.63 other $13,00.65. $43,651.87.
Total admitted assets. 92.388,818.06.
Grose, claims for lokses unpaid, 9 173,
144.00. - -. -
Amouat of unearned premium ou all
outstanding risks. $ 1,840. J6&.S4. L
Iuo for commissi oa and brokerage, $1,
805.13. ' '
All other liabilities, $48,830.00.
Total liabilities, exclusive of capital
stock of 0 Mutual Company, $1,564,363.-
Net premiums received during tbe year,
Losses paid during the year, $10,603..
Losses incurred during the year, 910,
Name of Company, The Lumbermena
Mutual Insurance Cow '
Nam of President, E. 8. Kail '
- Name ef Secretary, W. H. 0. Kegg.
Statutory resident attorney fos service,
H. H. wiw. Tortlaad, Oregon, j ,
Lipps Favors Permitting
Continuance of Arts.
Native Customs
No attempt to absorb the Nav
ajo Indian into the white man's
civilisation should be made, Su
perintendent O. H. Lipps of Che-
mawa told chamber of commerce
members Monday noon. Rather
the tribe, now 40,000 In number,
should be left In its native terri
tory of 12,000.000 square miles
and there should be allowed to
pursue the native arts and cus
toms which have made the Nava-
Jos one of the finest Indian
groups left.
- Llpps said' that the problem of
the northern tribes, stow largely
"civilised" was different, and ad
vocated, that as long as past edu
cational practices had worked to
wards absorption aof these In
dians Into American life, the -pro
cess should be' carried on and
completed. ' , , .
Talk nittst rated
With Products
Lipps sketched the history of
the Navajos and told about many
of their customs.. He Illustrated
his remarks about their rug
weaving by a display ot a sum
ber, ot different Navajo rugs he
' The Navajo, ethnologlcally an
Indian, from the north, moved
Into the south and replaced an
ancient tribe which had already
developed a civilization, he said.
Here the Navajo distinguished
himself as a virile Indian, belig-
gerent at times and self-reliant.
He was able to take from a
desert land thought unfit for civ
ilisation by the whites, sufficient
subsistence to support a race
which grew from 9000 in IsCt
to 40,000 at the present time.
Retaining a civilisation pri
marily pastoral, the Navajo' add
ed the art of rug wearng which
he probably learned from the
Pueblo tribes who in turn ac
quired the industry from the
Spaniards. . These rugs, now
known throughout the world.
augmented the support he made
by agriculture.
BLx Religious
Festivals Held
Lipps said the Navajos were a
religious people, working out
many of their religious beliefs
In great festivals. Some of their
rites have been shown In pat
terns in their rugs.
Among the peculiar customs of
the race la one that a son-in-law
never looks into the face of his
mother-in-law. A Navajo Indian
ajrill not eat fish, believing that
Bailding; Alteration Steeves
and Moore were Issued a permit
by the city Saturday to alter a
three story store building at 189
Liberty street. The job will cost
Visits Parents Miss Bessie
Wood ot the city treasurer's of
fice, spent the weekend with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Preston
Wood, in the rural district on
route 1, Monmouth.
Report Made Frank H. Gar
land, guardian of the estate of
Martha Peterson, incompetent,
has filed his sixth annual report
with the probate court.
Seeks Foreclosure Susan K.
.Benson is defendant in foreclos
ure suit filed in circuit court
yesterday by the Portland Mort
gage company.
Five Days Sentence Leland
Scott of Salem was deprived of
five days of his liberty Monday
for being drunk. The sentence
was made In police court. -
Order- to . Sell Harry . E.
Brown, executor of estate of L.
A,. Deppen, has been, authorized
to sell real and personal proper
ty belonging to tbe estate.
Overcoat Misslag A light gray
tweed overcoat, size 38, was mis
sed from the parked ear of C. H.
Kane, 975 Norway street, accord
ing to police records.
Te Planned The annual
spring tea of the Salem teachers
will be held at the Y. M. C. A.
Thursday afternoon, April 18.
from. 4 to 6:30 o'clock.
Gibberia Here E. W. Gibbens
of Belle Passl was a business visi
tor in the city Monday. Mr. Gib
bons is chairman of the school
board in that district.
University to Provide Program
Willamette university will pro
vide the program for the weekly
luncheon of the Salem Rotary
club on Wednesday.
Clinlca A pro-school cllnle
will be held at Mill City this af
ternoon with Dr. C. C. Dauer ot
the county health department in
RsJa (Confirmed Order con
firming sale of real; estate has
been entered In suit of Julia
Parsons vs. J. H. Ellis.
Non-SuDiKrt Arrest Elmer
Tanner, of 1260 Lewis street, waa
arrested by Salem police Monday
on a charge of non-support.
ftSOO Estate Estate of H. G.
Sprague has been appraised at
S500 bv Q. I. Parr. isa. if. Aaame
and Clay Allen.
Ia Albany Mrs. Myra Shank,
city police matron, spent Sunday
in Albany with relatives.
Speeding: Fine- Police court
collected $5 Monday from Clyde
Anderson ot Salem for speeding.
Wttboot forattoa ex leas at time.
339 Oregon Bldg. Fkeae 6500 -
Dr. Chan Lam
Chinese Medicine
180 N. Commercial
St, Salim
Office Is juts
Tuesday and Satur
: day a to 0:80
XJlldci? tlrC I Occurrences and Gt isip
d EVERAL thln'cf of note 1 0C-
curred . at the dedication ot
p" the new i Cottage Grove j ar
mory Saturday night. Adjutant
General George A. White- ot the
Oregon National Guard " said on
his return to Salem. Not only was
the large bunding crowded with
visitors,- but Brigadier-General
Thomas Rilea made his first pub
lie address on the program, and
did it with credit to himself.
White said. ,.: .. .. a
But the reaction must have
been too much for Rilea. He
.was taken ill with "flu" Sun
day, and although reported bet
ter Monday, waa unable to re
port for duty. It Is expected he
wIU be confined to his home .
for the entire week
Twelve cases will be heard by
the supreme court this week, glv-
the spirit of a perverse woman
enters - fish after death and
makes them unfit for eating. The
Navajo Is a good politician, Llpps
said. He Is shrewd, cunning and
quick to perceive and to act.
.a. 29 minute orchestra pro
gram was enjoyed by . the cham
ber members before and during
tue lunch period. The personnel
of the orchestra was: A. S. Melo-
vidoff, Allen . Shepard, G. W.
Bent, Alex Gouley, Charles E.
Larsen, Mr. and Mrs. Rutbyn
Turney, LeRoy Pepion.
; The orchestra program fol
lows: ! 1 .
Interna esso "The Sleigh j
Ride" ........ N. DeRubertls
Selection "The Merry '
Widow"; ........ Frana Lehar
"Deer Dance" ......... Skllton
"Move Up, Johnson", Laurendeau
Overture "Tancred" , . . Rossini
! -
1495 Persons Employed
Full Time; Chain Stores
Got 16 of Sales
EDITOR'S NOT: This Is tbe first of s
series of daily articles to ran. ia The
Statesman analvsiag Salem's retail easi
ness as ne ported ia tee 1080 eensas. The
articles to follow will deal with fncts
eoaeeralag the varioas lines of basin ess
aneh as aatoenebUea, foods, general mer
chandise, etc
Salem's retail business for 112 1
amounted to approximately $18,
000,000 according to figures re
cently released by the United
States department tot commerce.
The complete compilation of re
tail trade facts was the first ever
made by the bureau of the cen
sus, i j
Of this volume, sales of chain
stores, of which there are 40, ag
gregated $2,931,140, or 16 per
cent of the total retail business.
These chains included those own
ed locally, regionally and by na
tional groups.
In the 440 retail establishments
in Salem are 1495 : en and wom
en on full-time employment, while
a number of others receive occa
sional work. The annual payroll
for retail stores in 1929 was
$2,137,605, the census shows.
The largest percentage of the
retail business was in the auto
motive group, which accounted for
27 per cent of the total sales ot
$18,000,000. The business done
in the year by this section amount
ed to $3,435,957 and was han
dled through 15 motor-vehicle
establishments, 10 accessory and
battery stores and 32 filling sta
tions, as well as 24 garages. -
Hearing that Salem was looking
for a piece ot property for the
farmers' market, B. Overgaard,
route 3, mailed a letter to the city
council and mayor offering a piece
of property at the corner of Chem
eketa and Water streets to the
city for a price ot $7500.
The property faces 140 feet on
Chemeketa street and is 48 feet
wide. On it stands an apartment
house building that "could be
used for new structure as there
Is much dimension lumber and
plumbing equipment In It," in
cluding 20 radiators, according to
the letter.- ! r t
The property Is a block and a
half from Commercial street.
Joins the Oregon Electric depot.
near the Southern Pacific tracks,
not far from the docks and Is sur
rounded by "abundant parking
room." ;
Mark Poulsen, city recorder.
says that the price seems reason-
al le to him and that the -property
might be of some value to the
city. The matter will be laid be
fore the council at Its next meet
ing. -
Mr. Overgaard gives as his rea
son for selling that he wishes to
retire from active . business. :
I (hit i . I
at tbe center of Oresbn s
istattt gOTernment .
for tb Jaristi an additional three
to ' take under advisement over
the usual weekly quota. Nine ot
these were appealed from Mult
nomah county while one each
come from Klamath, Polk and
Washington counties.
Frank H. Chataa of Pendle
ton, was the first one to make
application to the secretary of
state for his annual Mtomoblle
license for 1081-S2. The llcen
es are . due sTfaly 1, and the
blanks will not be Issued until
May 12. Chat nsed his last
year's blank to make applies,
tion, which was stccompeuiied
by his check..
Prisoners discharged from the
state penitentiary wear the latest
style of shirts when they leave
the institution, it was revealed at
the meeting of the board of con
trol Monday. Samples for shirts
with newest styles were sent from
the east for consideration of the
board In purchasing this piece of
wearing apparel.
F. L. Ltlburn. chief deputy
Insurance commissioner, who
announced today he had re
signed his - position effective'
May 1 to take up work with
the . Capital Life Insurance
company, will maintain his res
idence In Salem, ' though htr
headquarters will be In Port
land. Mrs. Lflbnrn Is active In
organizations here.
Dr. R. E. Lee Steiner, of the
Oregon Insane hospital, return
ed from New York Monday where
he took several , Inmates'- last
week. Steiner says business ap
parently is not improving. He no
ticed that eastern cities were
much harder hit by the depres
sion than western points.
The new state game com
mission held Its .first of m two
day . meeting here M onday,
when among other things ft re
quested the resignation of
about 124 employes of the
commission, or the entire pay
roll. Many of these will he re
employed the members stated,
and their names will be con
sidered among other applica
tions. At the star chamber session ot
the commission, meeting with
Governor Julius L. Meier, Mar
shall Dana was elected chairman
of the new group. Sportsmen's
representatives appearing before
the commission started their
talks by complimenting; the per
sonnel. Plans were started for
moving the headquarters of the
commission to Salem from Port
land. Today's meeting will be
held In Portland.
Parrish junior high 'school stu
dents are to present "Ghosts of
Lollypop Bay", a two-act operet
ta, Friday night. April 17, at 8
o'clock In the school's auditor
ium. Direction of the operetta is
in the- hands of Miss Helen Prang,,
The plot concerns the affairs of
Miss Jemima Steel and Prof. Al
vin Flint, rival operators of pri
vate schools on opposite sides of
Lollypop Bay. .
Leading parts In the produe
will be taken by Joyce Phelps.
Frances Houston, Mary Jane Ad
ams; June Director. Clara Belle
Burnside, Ward Elliott, Ervln
Potter;, Robert Clark, . Harold
Bealt, and Vernon Domogalla. ' V
The Parrish glee . club com
poses the chorus for the operetta.
Contract With
Blaine Devers
Now Forfeited
The state reclamation1 commis
sion yesterday declared a forfei
ture of Its contract with Blaine
B. Devers, for the sale ef the
Weimer ranch, consisting of 133
acres. In Deschutes county mu
nicipal Improvement district. The
property was a part of the lands
purchased by the state which
was to be used as a part of the
Tumalo reservoir.
The contract was executed In
1928 and the failure of the pur
chaser to pay the taxes due was
given as the cause for. the com
mission's action.
JDr. E. Wo Kenyon
The Cobb Sisters
are Cozung to Sdem
Watch this space to
, Nursery Stock "
Evergreen and Decidious
Ornamental Trees
Priced tight, we don't mean
maybe. 7 miles east ot Salem
on . Pen road ;
Dial 116 Can 38F3
F. A. Doerfler & Sons,
. Salem, Ore.
Letter to Governor Points
Out Various Classes
Of Expenditures
' . 1 ;
The cooperation of Hal E. Host,
secretary of state. In a program
of economy directed by Governor
Meier, was pledged by the former
yesterday In a letter received at
the executive department. Hoss
as a member of the state board
of control passes on all requisi
tions for state supplies.
I classify requests coming be
fore the board of control for ma
terial and services into three di
visions." read Hoss letter, "First
are requests originating in any of
the state boards, commissions or
departments over which the gov
ernor exercises Jurisdiction. With
this group over which exclusive
Jurisdiction rests with the execu
tive. I pledge 100 per cent. coop
eration in denying any request
which does not meet with his ap
proval, : ...... -
"In" the second group are the
elective state' officials. Proper
requisitions from these officials,
evidencing the need for the ar
ticle or service, funds for which
are available through appropria
tions or fees and for which appro
val has been given by the budget
director and the ways and means
committee ot the legislature us
ually should be approved. These
officials are elected by the peo
ple themselves, who evidently
thought they had business Judg
ment enough to conduct properly
tneir omces."
Large Savins;
Already Made .
"The remaining group falls un
der two heads. One concerns the
expenditure of funds over which
the legislature alone has Jurisdic
tion and the other those boards
and institutions operating under
the state board of control. With
these, I am willing and eager to
cut to the bone and to cooperate
with the other board members In
! akew
P. N. Eskew, age 35, died In
this city April 12. Son ot M. L.
Eskew; brother of j . Mrs. T$.
Rocqne, both of Salem. Funeral
Tuesday, April 14. at 2 p. m..
from the Clough-Barrick chapel,
Rer. D. J. Howe officiating. In
terment Odd Fellows cemetery at
Lois Faye Burr, age 8, died 'In
this city April 12. Daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Burr; ulster
of Fern, 14; Thomas Henry. 16,
and Douglas Lyle, 3. all of North
Bend. Announcement, of funeral
later by the Clough-Barrick com
pany. ,
. - . Steward i .
George Steward, age 53, 1344
Edgewater street. West Salem,
died In this city April 12. Hus
band of Ethel I.; brother of
Harold of Jonesvllle. Mich., Ear
of Detroit, Mich.M Mrs. Patrick
Maloney and Mrs.' Edwin Jacobs
of Toledo, O. Funeral Wednesday,
April 15. at 10:30 a. m.. at Bel
crest Memorial park under di
rection of W. T. Rigdon and Son.
Knhl l
Henry Kuhl of Woodburn died
In this city April 11. Funeral
Wednesday. April 15. at 1:30 p.
m., from W. T. Rigdon chapel.
Rev. P. W. Erickson officiating.
Interment City View cemetery. -
Clough-Barrick Co.
Phone 5151
Church at Ferry St.
A. M. Clough I
Dr. L. E. Barrick
V. T. Golden
Established 1803 Tel. 8052
Conveniently Accessible
Perpetual care provided for
; Prices "Reasonable
A rrnrraai, rrBCToivg
Omg Servics is rirsoaal
Oa rrJoas Are Bueoaassa
oa Hesse Is Moosra
I 1
Peltrefit iHtmorinl
A Park Cemetery
With Perpetual Care
Jnst ten minutes from the
heart of town
.Ztidoot Battel
1 1X0X3 T. KXGStKt, Kt
settling purchases on their 'mer
its, emergency-. Petty and routine
purchases should be handled by
the purchasing staff, except when
they are unusual, ; in order that
we do not defeat our own ends in
trying to effect savings."
Hoss advised Governor Meier
that better tfian 10 per cent sav
ings have been worked out in his
department. In spite of the in
crease la the general activities of
the stater department. ! i
I' I
No Need to Doll up, Board
Of Control Decides;
j Request Denied 1
Sam Brown belts, while at
tractive for parade service, are
not necessary is the operations of
guards employed at the Oregon
state penitentiary, according to a
decision reached by members of
the state board of control at a
meeting here Monday.
The requisition for; the Sam
Brown belts t was presented by
Henry Meyers, superintendent of
the prison, who declsred that this
equipment would add materially
to the attractiveness of the gusrds
and distinguish them from other
employes ot the institution. :
Governor Meier declared that
he was opposed to the purchase of
the belts for the reason that they
would cost considerable money
and would in no way increase the
efficiency of the guards, j j i j
"These guards j look g o o d
enough to me,' " said Governor
Meier, "and I see no reason for
aporoving this purchase." r ; J !
Secretary ot State : Hons and
State Treasurer Kay Joined with
tne governor and the requisition
was rejected.; I
Dress ShlHs For
Released Convicts
Another requisition : tor dress
shirts for prisoners caused further
protest on tbe i part of Governor
Meier. -, I j ( : ; ' M l!'
It was ; explained that these
shirts was given to prisoners
when they are released from the
institution. i
"I don't see any use of wasting
a two-cent stamp to write to New
York to 'determine the latest
styles in dress shirts for con
victs." said Governor Meier. The
requisition was rejected, with all
three members of the board vot
ing in the negative
Governor Meier also went ou
record as opposed to carrying ad
vertisements in magszlnes and
newspapers in connection with the
summer school at the University
of Oregon. Several bills for these
advertisements were rejected by
the board of control.
Nyland Paroled j
After Sentence
John Nyland drew a year's Jal
sentence.' but was paroled imme
diately, when he appeared before
Judge McMahan yesterday,
charged on Information with un
lawful possession of a still. He
entered plea of guilty. The plant
was located three miles west i; of
West Woodburn, and was said to
have been a large one. Fifty gal
lons of liquor were taken by the
officers. ' ! I - l ' j ; ' laq
t V
t . . .
Ladd & Bush, Bankers
Established 1868
Hospital Beds j
for Rent
i:iv, V
Call 9010, Used Furniture
- Department
151 N. High
Candy? Yes!
Special ? Yes !
i !
Watch oar windows for
these specials
Our candies are always
Drugs, Sundries, Prescrip
tions actually; filled by
competent pharmacists
Drug Store
; 183 N. Com'I St.
Dial 0107
The Original Yellow Front and
Candy Special Store , of Salem
- Penslar Agency
Quality rias Courtesy