The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 14, 1931, Page 4, Image 4

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    "A'o Faror S:a?s
From First SUtesman, March 23, 1WX
Charles A. Sfbacue, Sheldon F. Sacxttt. Publihr$
Chaexes A. Spracue -' - Editar-Managtr
Sheldon F. Sackett - - - - - Managing Editor
Member of the Antedated Press '
Th. Associated Proas fa exelustrely entitled to tbe J '"LJ?.
tlrn of ell mwi dispatches credited to It or not otfaerwUo crodltod in
UUa papar. - -'
Pacific Coast Advertising Representatives:
- Artrrar W. Stype-. !"- Portland, ry .-
8m Franciaeo. Sliaron Bids.: Loo Ana-Jo. W. ; Pac Bid
Eastern Advertising Representatives
- rord-raisona-Ptccher.ini-., New York, tfl Madleon Ave.;
ChJeajco, 80 N. Michigan Ave. t - .
Entered at the Portoffict at Salem, Orff Stccnd-Clasi
Matter. Published tvtry morning except Monday. Business
vco, sirf J.
Mall Subscription Rat, In Advance. -WWite .aaIcEe?
Sunday. 1 Mo. 69 cent.; 1 Mo. $1.26 Mo. 1 W 14.00. Elne
vten 0 cents per Mo. or I --00 lor 1 year In advanco.
Br City Carrier: SO cents a month: S.6t a year la advance. Per
Copy X cent. On train and Newa Stand t eamta. s ,
Views of the Copco Move
THE hydro-phobic success in driving A capital investment
which will reach up into the tens of millions over Into
California is provoking wails from the state press who see
in the move loss of tax revenues, loss of labor for employ
ment and loss of labor m operating the plant Several of the
papers make note of the paradox of voting j bonds at Fort
t land to provide employment to men out of work, and then
driving an industry out of the state which would have given
employment to over a thousand-men. The Oregon City
Enterprise says the only fitting word for such a silly para
dox is "crazy". , . . ,
. i The Klamath Falls Herald where Bruce; Dennis preach
ed the Virtues of Meierism through the campaign, now has
a sour taste in its mouth as it sees the power site nearby
left idle because of the hostility of the governor s who vetoed
the enabling act. The Herald remarks: - .
"Right now a campaign is on to secure funds for financing the
'On To Oregon' movement. It is a program designed to attract new
farmers and new industries. It is a worthy movement and deserves
support. But while we are pulling for new people and industries on
one hand, we are on the other literally kicking a 4.00,0 project
outside the borders of our own state into the waiting hands of our
neighbors in California." !
The Bend Bulletin does not like the "first fruits', of the
hydro gospel and says that Copco is out and "Usance" is
' stung '
The Medford Mail-Tribune says that this is the price
the state has to pay for its present program, and predicts
the people of Oregon will change their minds- "as to what
they regard as best for their own interests and the inter
ests of this state." . i , . . a
The Democrat-Herald at Baker reviews the incident as
an example of an historic "glorious victory", in this fashion:
"The incident reminds one of the poem about a peasant's
description of the Duke of Marlborough's 'glorious victory over the
French aj Blenheim. The old man when asked by a little child,
'What great good came of it? responded 'That I cannot say,' quoth
t hnt 'twas a clorious victory.' In this ease Oregon gets the
'victory and California gets the
satisfied." ' " ' :
Bonds and Doles i
THE OREGONIAN professes to find no inconsistency in
the reduction of numbers of employes in public offices
and the issuance of bonds to
:-. . a a
ployed. ; remaps not; tne srraacuer can ai ways jusmy nis
position. The "out" for the Oregonian is ;that the bond
money is to be spent for; useful work, while surplus workers
in public offices are not performing economic service. Per
haps. But the major emphasis in Portland was to provide
jobs. The public improvement to be performed was not out
lined, the need for employment was -stressed.!
If creating jobs by public action is necessary' vte think
the funds should be raised by taxation. I We alii enjoyed
1927, 1028, 1929 which were presumed to f be prosperous
years, so theoretically at least we should be able to stand
the taxes for lean years. At any rate there is no virtue in
piling up , bonded debt for this purely current need,; even
though "public improvements" are presumed to be the fruit
of the labor. If the improvements are no better than some
of the ditch digging of. last winter there will be little perma
nent about them, j r
Nor do we quite agree with the Oregonian when it says
that the people "would not have supported bond issues for
paying doles." We are not so sure. Voting nowadays is in
response to selfish interests. The haves vote to keep what
they have and the have-nots to get something from,(tlH
haves. Having is coming to mean halving, j
An old age pension is proposed in this state which is
about as near the dole as any "first step" would be. Accord
ing to the initiative which Frank Davis -is promoting,, a
person age 60, 15 years a resident of the TJ. S. and 10 years
a resident of Oregpn can draw a dollar a day. Bond issues
for unemployed, piling up burdens for unborn generations,
old age pensions for persons who at sixty are just learning
to kick up their heels, we don't know what the world is
coming to, but it is fast on its way.
Life-Sketch of Dr. Gatch
A book designed as a high school text, entitled "Heroes
and heroic deds of the Pacific Northwest" written by
Dean W. L. Talkington of the Lewiston, Idaho Normal
school, has just been published by the Caxton printing
company of Weiser, Idaho. Among the biographies contain
ed in this volume is one of Dr. Thomas Mi Gatch, long a
prominent educator in Oregon, twice president of Willamette
university and once president of Oregon State college. Dr.
Gatch also served as professor of English at the University
of Oregon and president of the University of Washington.
The biographical sketch which thia book contains was
prepared by Prof. J. B. Horner of O. S. C. and B. F. Irvine,
editor of the Oregon Journal and alumnus of Willamette.
Another saving In state government would be elimination of
Daddy Lamb, executioner at the state penitentiary. A few more or
v less execution Jobs for Henry and Julius wouldn't disturb, their
routine a. bit. . . . ...
Kent Shoemaker has left the sinking: ship of the traffic police
to head the newly launched operators' license bureau. Kent doesn't
believe that the shoemaker should stick to the last.
The exchange of professors, recommended in the survey may
be all rights We're worried, though, about which school gets the
coach In the morning and which in the afternoon, j ;
" swss ss a m , j
April fs an onusualN bad month for grandmother's health with
the trout season and the Beavers both taking office boys to her
bedside. '' '::'V . ;
Scrayelhill Club
Elects Of ficers
JEFFERSON, April 13 The
acravemui ciuo met at the home
of Mr. and- Mrs. II. M. McGnire
recently, at which time the f ol-lowlnj-
officers for the coming
-year were elected! president.
Phillip Tagelski; vice president.
Holland McGuIre: and Mrs. O. E.
Smith, secretary-treasurer. Har
ry MeGuira- Installed the new of
ficers who were present. Imme
diately after election, and as the
newly elected president was not
present, the meeting was present-
; 4V Fear SAaZl Atce"
power plant, Everybody should be
provide more work for unem-
1 11 . A?
Rollaad McGulre. .
Daring the evening. Henry Am
man gave a report on the control
of brown rot In prunes and D. W.
Porter reported on the care and
control of diseases , in bramble
berries. At the next meeting short
talks will be .giren en the growing-
of filberts and walnuts. Fol
lowing a social hour refreshments
were served.- -
PERRYDALeJ April lJ.Pro-
f?T 3B. Wstory instructor
of 'Wiilaiitetta. nn , tv a
high SChOttI Stud unfa YIiiimI..
afternoon. The topic of hie talk
was "Cracked- Anawrfran.
County Health Officer .
When an Individual Invests In
a business enterprise, he Is In
terested not so much In the
amount - Invest
ed at lit the di
vidends which
the Investment
returns. When
a comma n i t y
decides through
cooperative ef
fort that it shall
invest in public
health, its pri
mary interest is
"What ar the
returns on our
Invested money
and effort?; j ;.-
A Tecent'ap
praisal by the
Dr. V. A. iottu Salem chamber
of commerce of the health work
being done In Salem by local phy
sicians, health workers and teach
ers under a coordinated arrange
ment reveal some- interesting fig
ures. The figures themselves an
swer the Question. "Does health
work pay?" The year 1924 marks
the beginning of full-time health
work. . Notice the differences - In
deaths since that time In spite ot
an Increase In population in Sa
lem from 17.679 in 1920 to
26.24C in 1930.
Diphtheria losis
Deatha Deaths
1921. ......4 17
1922. ......4 , 17
1923...,,. .7 11 '
1924. 9 11
1925. 7 13
1928. .0 11
1927. .....iO 9 .
192S.......O 6
1929.. .....1 6
1930 .0 6
A reduction In communicable
disease deaths Is only part of the
picture. Some reductions, such as
diphtheria, smallpox and typhoid,
yield quickly to preventive
measures. On the other hand a
complete change ot health habits
of a community and a raising; of
the- general health level may take
years to accomplish due to time
and the number ot factors in
volved. . i'
In fact some of the efforts be
ing expended by the. community
at the present time to Improve
health and reduce death rates will
not be realized until the present
generation ot children Is grown to
adulthood. Then the complete
composite picture will make clear
what the full returns on public
health efforts really are. - l
... Of Old Oregon
Town Talks from The States
man Our Fathers Bead 4-
April 14. lOOe
A musical and literary enter
tainment will be given his even
ing by the Society of the Frater
nal Brotherhood. Numbers will
include: solo by Mabel DeLong;
solo by Vera Byers; solo by Lu-
cile Schaley; piano duet. .Roy
Pomeroy and Miss Ketchin; read-
In?, carl Belknap: violin soio,
Rachel Dove: solo. Miss Pear-
mine; : reading. Marguerite Will
son: niano duet. Misses Khow-
land and Welch; vocal solo, Myr
tle Durette. . :
C. F. Butler was elected pres
ident and Wilfred Wlnans secre
tary of the Sunday school' club
organized at the Y. M. last night
Notices were ; filed yesterday
with County Recorder Siegmund
by J. G. Keiley for location of a
reservoir site and water right to
irrigate. 5
Virgil L. Garvin, who is to
coach the Salem high school bas
ketball team tor the coming sea
son, is in the city. Garvin has
been a professional baseball play
er, and at one time was with the
Philadelphia Nationals and also
with the New York ; Americans.
He is now studying dentistry and
expects to make that his profes
sion. The Graham string quartet and
Mrs. Anne Beatrice Sheldon will
appear in concert here tonight
under patronage, of Mrs. A. N.
Bush, Mrs. Claud , Gatch, Mrs.
Thomas G. Hailey, Mrs. J. R.
Whitney and Mrs. J. F. Gal
greath. Flood Damage
Being Repaired
JEFFERSON; April 13 Kind
neighbors and friends gathered
at the home, of Henry Ammon
who lives about two miles west
of Jefferson, Monday morning of
last week, with shovels, hammers
and post hole diggers and helped
Mr. Ammon reset posts, string
wire, also help put. back in shape
8eJ,eral acres, ot cane berries,
which were damaged by the re
cent high water. Mr. Amnion's
berry fields are along the San
tiam river banks and some of the
plants were washed out. Consid
erable damage was done to an
acre of young. peach-trees belong
ing to Ammon. v m
'. The farmers in tnat commun
ity are all busy rebuilding fences,
burning drift wood and getting
The high water washed out be
tween 50 and 100 feet erf the dike
or retaining wall built by the rail
road and highway several years
SKO. llonv (h, t mm .v.
Theiseen farm.
Tne 4-H RawIt at .ink - -. ... .
acshoolhouae Friday afternoon for
the regular monthly meeting. The
first division is making dresses,
the second aprons. -Th r expect to
have a display of their work at
acuuvmouse at tne close of
. Mrs. Ralah nuhv i. t.
. v
and there are 19 gfrls enrolled.
I -:!;: : ..
' :3fex. vi(ll --Sk
-- - - 3'-, .i . .- . -T. " , - is " ." .- r h " L:--- -"" - - '-- ' -
"A Knight
"Good luck. Dave," said Joan's
voice out of the darkness. "And
please be careful."
Before he could say a word, her
hand slipped out of his and she
was no longer there. He took a
step after , her, reached oat and
touched a ponderous figure. Han
nah moaned dismally and stum
bled away.
"Come on, girls." came Talbot's
cheerful voice. "This place is go
ing to be fuller than the Yankee
Stadium In a few minutes."
Dave turned abruptly, into the
great room which faced the other
houses. Mueller's men were now
searching the abandoned dwelling
next door. Their flashlights were
swinging this way and that. The
sound of their voices came clearly
across the tangle of scrub. From
the hallway behind him Dave
could hear the shuffling of feet as
Talbot and Gerry herded their
charges out of the front door.
A Tight Spot
"That shot came from the other
house, I tell ynh, and the yelling
did. too!" i
That harsh voice from the out
er blackness sounded like Muel
ler's. : "The heck it did!" retorted a
muffled voice from within the
other house. "It came right outa
here! I'm going Upstairs now."
i With sudden decision Dave
pocketed Joan's automatic and
eased himself over the windowless
sash. He dropped lightly into
what had once been a garden.
There, hidden by a clump of
sharp-leafed palmetto, he stared
through the darkness toward the
searching men, ready to distract
their attenion should .they dis
cover his retreating friends.
. He saw the darting flashlights
stabbing the darkness ot the second-floor
windows. A good dozen
men were ransacking the empty
house, but they sounded like an
army. Dave listened intently, at
tempting to tune his ears to other
sounds, to noises which might be
made by Talbot, Gerry -and the
girls. .
"Come on, yon guys," shouted
someone from the nnderbush be
side the house. "There's the dump
over there they must be In.
Swiftly, silently. Dave began to
work his way through the scrub,
cutting a wide circle to the. left.
Three or four minutes more and
his friends would be safely at
their cars. His scalp tingled and
his skin felt tight and drawn as
men: began to nour but of the
house and direct their flashlights 4
toward the abandoned dwelling
he and the others had just left. It
seemed an hour before he felt
sure sufficient : time had passed
so that the others would have
The District of Columbia Court
has upheld the sentence of one
year in Jail and a line of $100,000;
imposed on Albert B,FaH (above),
Harding's Secretary ef Xhe In
terior, vm a chart ef aeeea.
fivii.vov as a onse xxera. mww
U lons7. uaiiianaa eu
Comes nying"
reached the parked cars. Mueller
and his men were now crashing
through the knee-Wgh under
brush, deploying around to the
rear ot the silent, windowless
With a long sigh of heartfelt
relief Dave turned his back upon
them and made his way toward
tne cars.
Getting Even
Gerry and Talbot walked ahead
of the girls, breaking a path
through the twisted creepers and
sawgrass. Joan, marching silently
behind her cousin, felt a hand on
her arm.
"Wasn't that Dave's voice cal
ling you. Miss Marbury?" whis
pered Barbara.
Joan hesitated In her stride.
Gerry, Talbot and Sally, who had
been walking in Indian file ahead,
went on In the darkness. Hannah
coming to a full stop behind Bar
bara, looked fearfully over her
shoulder. - ,
"Please, Miss Joan," she pant
ed, "doan let's us be.waitin' for
"I thought I heard Dave calling
you. Miss Marbury," repeated
"Why should he call' me?"
asked Joan, uncertainly. "Isn't It
your place to be with him if he re
quires anyone?
"Of course, it is," replied Bar
bara, her voice hardening. "But
there's no accounting tor a- young
man's fancy is there? Still, I've
known Davey long enough; to
realize that it's wise to humor
him In these little derelictions."
She abruptly pushed past Joan
and walked swiftly after the oth
ers. Joan took three steps after
her, then stopped and 'looked
back toward the shadowy bulk of
the house. She could hear Muel
ler's men trampling about in the
darkness. Knowing Mueller, she
had no destse to walk straight
into his hands. But why should
DaTe have called to her? Surely
he would not try to make the sit
uation more difficult than it al
ready was. Barbara's possesslre-
ness and cold insolence were
"Hannah." she said with, sud
den decision, "yon go on back
with the others. I'm going back."
Hannah groaned plteously.
"Lawd, no. Miss Joan." she
wheezed. . Tse plumb . keered
white to take another step f rough
dls scrub, but I'se wlne back wi-
. Barbara,-hurrying through tne
darkness, caught up with Sally
and fell - Into step behind her
without a word. The two cars
were standing in the shadow of a
tall stand of palms. Gerry climbed
awkwardly into his Hispano-Saiza
while Talbot cranked the creak
ing Ford :
"III drive this pogo stick," an
nounced Talbot, cheerfully.
"Come on, girls., climb in. Gerry,
you wait here for Dave."
Sally and Barbara clambered
into the tonneau of the rusty lit
tle car. Talbot fingered the throt
tle lever and hesitated, his blue
eyes squinting through the dark
ness. "She and Hannah have 'decided
to wait for Davey," said "Barbara
in a low voice. "It's really quite
touching. They'll -probably be
along together -and ride back to
the house In the Hispano." '
"Isn't that Just like a girl, to
change the plans at the last min
ute." muttered Talbot, uneasily.
Sally opened ber month ' to
speak, then closed It firmly, mov
ing a little; away from - Barbara.
Talbot, listening intently, heard a
crashing In the- underbrush. He
grinned contentedly,- pulled the
throttle and stamped on the for
ward speed pedal. The Ford
shuddered and leaped ahead into
the night.
Dave, bursting out of tha
thicket, leaped on the" running
board of the low-slung sport ear.
which glided- away without a
poand. He settled himself Into the
luxurious cushions with a elgh
Af .relief and ajaneed ahead -at the
flickering: tall .light ef the-Ford.
s "Got away Jast In time. he
said, "They, were iust surround
ing the bouse when I ducked oat.
The girls an rlghtr :
mvs Vfco TD 1
I B5 GUX 1
"Sure," said Gerry, morosely.
"They're all in the Ford. Don't
see why we have to follow them at
all. Leaving good ruckus behind
Wasting good liquor."
. . - ... m ' -.
"Dave!" whispered Joan, ad
vancing slowly through the utter
blackness of the hallway. "Dave!
Hannah, her huge bulk lost in
the surrounding "darkness, was
moaning through chattering
teeth. The bouse was filled with
strange noises, echoes of the
shouts from the yard outside. The
long silver beam of a searchlight
probed through a broken window
In what had onee been the living
room. Its reflection shone through
the arched doorway and caused
the endless expanse ot the hall to
glow with a ghostly light. Then
it was gone and the corridor was
as dark as before.
"Dave!" called Joan, again. ,
"Dls ain't any place for us to
be triflin aroun'. Miss Joan."
said Hannah, tremulously, "Let's
us be gwln homo." .
"Be quiet, Hannah!" whispered
the girl, sternly. -
Dangerous Ground
She tiptoed to the doorway and
peered Into the great bare living
room. Outside the windows flash
lights were swinging this way
and that. There was the sound of
crashing of underbrush and of ex
cited voices. But the room was
She stood there, wondering
what to do next.' Dave had gone
into that room, saying that he
would stand guard while the
others made good their escape.
And now he was not there. Per
haps he had retreated to another
She remembered that over
there, Just to the right, had been
the library, a cool restful room,
lined from floor to ceiling with
well-filled shelves. How Ted Wey
mouth bad loved that library! It
all came back to Joan In a flood
of poignant memories. Anne bad
loved it, too, Anne Weymouth,
who had spent her mornings out
among the hibiscus, oleanders and
tea roses in the gardens and ber
afternoons at the tennis : courts.
playing with the verve and ac
curacy of a boy. Joan remembered
gay evenings In this bouse. It bad
been a sort ot rendezvous for the
younger set, who foregathered .
there to dance of an evening to
the radio. And now it was no
longer a. borne. It was ' just a
house, abandoned to the violence j
of tropic elements, waiting - pa-!
tLentlr for the jungle- to sweep i
ever it. ; j
(To Be Continued Tomorrow)
Nicholas Tttulesca (above), Bo
manlan Minister hi London, has
been entrust ed by King Carol with
the task ef forming a new govern
ment to replace the National Peas
ant Party Ministry under Premier
George Mlronesea, which resigned.
It is rumored the plan is to create
a "cabinet of personalities" if. It
proves Impossible to obtain the
support of all patties for s con
centration govarnment, which may
make riuiffaMy pa .
o j -o
BITS for
By IL J.
The Spanish brigade:
"fa m -
t fnntlnnlnr . from flundir:!
"Michel LaFramboIse had been a
luuoui TV jtsari aov ui tuv viva -
ed few sent out by John Jacob
Astor. lie could f Up bis canoe
over tne cnoppy waves wnere no
one else would dare to go . . The
- . t- i.i.
irappere always i areieu wuui
their families; the mother be-1
dren Joggled along on their Cay -
use ponies and slept until night,
wk.. A ... .It J .... 1 1
. ucu UVWJB UWJ BUU. H1I vi
gathering flowers, shooting their
littla lrrnwa. and llatnlnr ta
- - - - -
we. i grimy eeara ana iiiaca
"LaFramb(i was croud ofhlalsanita and hillaidea of mHM
half-breed vT. Anrellaue, bis
grande dame, in ber bloomers of
beaded blue broadcloth: Angei
Ique was proud . of the pretty
White nl nUM, , i a , ta n wlmm fmm
ber pommel, asleep in his little
mlau ot beads and ribbon. Close
oenma came the children, with
elfin locks and flashing
with one hand whipping their
uona Ln msm in, ikciia n tmi
sing-zing.- with tne other bur
ging Ught the buckskin dollies
with blue bead eyes and complex
ions chalked to the whiteness of
tne cnarming missionary women.
"Th Indian bova brnnrbt tin
the rear. laahlnr thalv nnmlv
nackhoraaa haavllv . 11m mwttt. equipage ana inman gooaa
the teeth; from mn hj im
pended a leathern fire-bag with
pipe, tobacco, knife, and flint and
'A brfslr tnnrnfnv rtAtk f Via
..WW W , w. rMW
ScaODOOSe hlll and rinwn nfn V.m
Tualatin plains was followed bg a
picnic a inner arouna a gypsy lire,
then McLoutrhlin diamliuKwl tha
trappers into the Indian country
r-r i ....
. . wun gay iareweus the fort
people eallooed back ta th
ing at wapato.
'The California hrl rAm. ft
lowed alone the Wlndlnar trail in
the south. LaFramboIse always
lOUCUea ai L.tUOnt'l a anllfarv
jiruea poi in miies and miles of
prairie. 'How much land An tnn
own, mon frere La Bonte?' 'Be
gin m tne morning,' the old trap
per was wont to say 'begin in
the morning on a Cay use horse:
yi . .... . a .
tv wei tin ina un in rr nivii
then go south till It Is around to
ward tne west, and then back to
me river; mat is my manor.'
W -
'And, too, there was always a
" awaa a
stop at Champoeg every man at
Cnamnnnp waa
iiBamDoei waa 'mnn Tram'
'mon cousin' to LaFramboIse. Be
side his wide hearth for mam
and many a year LaFramboIse
iovea 10 sit ana tell of the days
when he, too, was bourgeois, and
wauame nis wire was the grand
est aame tnat ever beatrnda a
pony. And for the thousandth
T, . luo wousanain
time the good dame brought out
the dresses stiff with beads th.t
were worn in that gay time when
the Monsieur led the hunt to the
neaa waters of the Willamette.
- - u
. "The head waters of tha Wii
lamette was a royal beaver re-
vuuuc. . mem in, ittim
- - .....v VUlVUlC.
vui, uown wnoie iorests, built no
wuuvronui asms and bridges,
scooped out lakes, and piled up
Islands. With their long sharp
icciu me v tru r nn rna timkae
- - r kuuwci AUU
uapea tneir houses, plastering
jatia. i ney naa rooms In their
houses and dining rooms and
npftt nrii-wa va j . .....
.om ueifc little
. ' vwmu.u bum illu
IOX. more InitiiifHnn. .. .
wuuuers, more cunning than the
fn-r ..
iu.u ium
uwo, more patient than the spl-
The beaver can talk,' says the
11 MTS "eard thm
talk. We hara ma th., i.
,i . u,u a. v 1U
uuacu on tne iaxy ones. We have
mron iub om en m hA.f than. .-
- tywu uu
uto xnem oil."
"Two hundred m IT At. Siniifk m0
scended - from a hia-h r..
uo LumLQDll. MFrimhA a ji
-.Buwui, uown to a little plan
tation on the banks of the Umo-
nna tV1aa a. a.ts . a
wnuce 01 Oia Fort
Umpaua. Carrnnadaa nUMfl ajM
- - .a fwyro liUUI
the donjon tower. Tom McKay
built it aft.r that dia-.rL .f .f
A mar lean trnra.t a.MAiM
... - - - - u.v
souiary whit man ruled the
uuijnjua. juies Gagnler was a
'racumio. r nit inn m a v-
able and waaithv fimii. -
u vain tney made efforts
IT. aa
fla.n.r. . a. .
Am'nmZm" r,-"V -oleDieai of
. tMtm lasaranee Cam.
w unmur, 190,
. piniui to law !
Amount of capital itoek paid an. 0.
TtltaT Maha 1 .V.
.liYmsii v- "
lalarcat. diridoada and roats reealTad
inriar the year. l.e88.oaS.4.
Iacoraa froau other aoareee received
ilnMn Ih. . . .n.i ..... .
otai iseoiae. as. 007.318.85.
R. ! a fnf i j . . ...
rJ . :'"". a'.isa. iii.v(t. -
lb. riar. isSoToiTlflr""""' mmnm
DiTideado paid oa capital stock daring
tna year,: 0.
CABiatia.iaaa i.J ta a
th. r iiil , a- fS
A ran. n t a all . , . .
Moaoaft mm .! .at. .a. a.. 1
xoui expenditort-e. 83.888.718.08.
Valna af atarlra W.. 1 . . A m .
VSt IU4S atT ffaam.l aal.,. a...l . a
kat ar amartrcad v. In. am ai .it n
Pnain ..... ..J ..II . a.
7 t"""1'
Caah la banks and oa head. 190.B84.-
2? oiTea!'1" tmnU premluiaa.
.iVZVT.. e aecnec.
itaer aeaato faet). Sziz.hB.
Total odaaltted oaaeta. S22.S22.328JIS.
Mae . . M . . ,.A ... An AA
G-roaa claims faa la.... ..n.ti Olio.
ana .a - -.
1A.I ...1..1.. ....I
tewe, ja eyv. f c a.a 1 3, ie,f v.
BrtTtB- tft7av VaT At
fl roW tae-SaiaaatSea. aa.l-.J aa aVa, '
" - - " - imwm a ei via. eetiaiH eaaw 1
ryeir, ay 9.e9
far tk Fr. 4.tla.
v Um evi4 irimc thm rf 11.000.-
off CmpBT. vaioa Xahul tXU
iaeeniSK,f aaaaBBijBa8XT. .......
Jhi avsmaa aar PMaidasi Arfhsia W a atai
.avaoaaa aw fliriilur .A T T.a,
AtallAV OXaOllilakOB aaiaaaMAW foal mAmrnvmlm.
aa tarn exam a aos.
to reclaim him from his wander
ings and his Indian wife. Hither,
twice f each year, LaFramboIse
came, 20 miles off his trail, to
i ' , -
I bring Gagnler Indian goods and
to carry away bis beaver. Here,
i - . t, , .
"ummr wtater. year la and
i Year out. Httk 4nt1v. rn!al Vrnnrh-
man traded with bis red friends
1 garden. Such were the first white
I men who broke the way for pio-
nun 4 a ,1ia
I ii uviiunoit tuuw
I - r .v..v.i..i. - .
miiainni viiMi wvuau
- 1 along gorges and, canyons
I inrourh tha nnma TTIvbi. vallov
I llk .v -m ill.
lmadrona and chlnauapln. Into the
Switzerland of America, where
ML McLouhlln on tha summit
-mw VMHUM was lUf 1UIM L CUI1-
spicuous landmark on the south
ern trail. ?
"One more null Avar tha Rf.
klyous and thev hm mivl
the Spanish border. As a rule the
brigades started early, to avoid
the snows of Shasta, whar odm
they lost the whole ot their furs
and 100 horses. All day long, for
aays ana days, the triple peaks of
Shasta watched them winrfinr-
down the Sacramento. LaFram
boIse set his traps, Sutter's men
beran tO look With imfrlanlv
eye upon the Intruders from the
Columbia, but .the Hudson's Bay
comnanr had a narmif frnm tha
Spanish Governor Alvagtdo."
,., "T "a
Such la tha trna atnrv fanl.
fully told. The old RnanUh trl
touched the old mission 10 milei
below what became Salem, as re
lated br Dr. and -Mrs. whita. )
came in 3837. It passed througl
the site of Salem; crossed the red
hills, south; reached the summit
of them a mile or so south ot the
present Skyline orchards thence
to the Willamette and up that
river and by way of the Coast
Fork and through the Pass Creek
canyon. was the northern ex
tension Of El rmlnn T7a..t v.
king's highway), leading from
San Diego, the "harbor ot the
sun," to Sonoma, In the "valley
of the seven moons," Joining the
21 great mission stations that
uiaua np tne coiorjui story of the
California of th
American history began to unfold
ociow ui zna parallel.
EI Camlno Real ! hAfmr m.rir.
fd all Its long way. Likewise must
its extension be traced, from
Sonoma to Fort Vancouver, and
i w cuit aucouver, ana
fcood time it will no doubt be
I nntlin.i . .... .
s. outlined. In memory of the be
ginning days of whit a -vin,iti.
o - Sf9 1 I
f Annual oiiitiaoDt of thm
ISl ftAsl fitALel Aff U am aU. aLj ..-
f waiwr, 19S0, mad t tha
&EI?a .?".,Vio.w r state rf1
w I
f :!L Utmbfr: . auoe to "hi
. . A A AIJ
AUtmiBft af aanit.l a . -
a"V A DI111 r
000.00. ' w p,ul Bp
. , . IXCOMI
Total Cr.Dltnm ,.. ... .v ..
77.8.S.0X. ul lM" ,.-.-
Int.pit A('.A ... .
lacoma from ether courcei rccairaa
duria. th y,.n S2T8.I35.00.
wt income, 3,B77,e.4S.
'Bi;i!,r.rf7de ,vlu' 1.104.74..:
th.DvTi."V8rooooon0.e"piui ,uck d"u
Taxaa. Ii-n.. . . .1 t .
th. y..;. JvnMii auna
I Aiaoiia, a
Amount of all other in.;i...
I Total aim
- .
Total xpeadittire 2,(J91,803.J0.
Valna af ... 1 ......
vetari7iaMssJaT" ' rk
Valua a( ataolr. . . J 1 1 . .
ket or amortiied valoe). S8.281.sa7.i)BP"
S5.M4!:85tf' T C0lltr1'
6s.8S5!S". ' Ucr loana, S..
Catb to banks aad oa hand SOI 010 1
SSSa asi a " pr.amioia.
. . a - .
Wot reaorvaa, S12.280.4S5.89.
Cirri 1. r-1. im. I.- a ...
241.11. ., aapaio,
AOIbVI llBtfiilitlate a. t t c ; . . "a .
toclt RtPAO"
P,rZ?iV receiTtd" during th.
Prfiminmt mtmd it:.:aaai. .a' .
las tho Tear: TuToU "n"
N.3I J, ' anrS the year. 2.000.00.
In.V Co. ' " v""'n ette UUm
Aame of Freaident, Jamee A. UeToy.
Rla?.f Sri'r. V. r. Lareo-! '
T. K. Berg. " " Mnr,c-
B YnOTimiti oaf Kaa A a.t i .
Orofoa, puraaant to law;
. i cariTAij
Amoaat ot capital .tack paid 8p. Koae.
XVS)ft BMn Inssaat eat.i..JI A i a
9.02S.S3.7 " "
IatsM-aiaiC effwlaa. A u J a .
dorina tho year. $820.88.
dariar ho rwr, Moo. Brc
tacona, f 13,250 Bl.
. . ' w cm &n i j
Mat 1a,. n. IA A i ... ...
t i!5L"" xl. $S.t9J7.
B tho year, Koae.
.Itl. UCoV9ISUS.a Oa
TaVXdrm liaMSoaak-i aaJ oT ..11 .
tho yea,; $114.24. "nB
BaUaeeo charted off. 1.870.50.
Total ezpeoditoroe. $18,183.21.
Valna af aaal a.... . A I .
value), tl.412.ei. v "
ValQe At fttoWatat en4 V.K. 4 - a A .
ket vatao). $23,850.00.
ISoJj" worttatee and collateral, etc.
Caah la hank and on head. $38,788.93.
Piwrniame la mh. af an...i..
ttn ernee 8ewteaibr 30, 1830, .
Saos!?"- rente u acerued
Total adatlttad attete. $62,833.08.
Oreeo clatae. tor loetoe nnpaid, Kone.
AMaMimi Saf HoaafMioaoC aeaml..... aa .It
0-t.t.adfet t UksT Kino:" " "
Kone 0 COBmi,Uo brokerage.
All etW liabilities. Koae.
Total liaVtlltiaa .( . 1...
tock, Koao.
rn o rtTa . c
Kat Branlama rar.l.. 1... tV.
19.028.88. .
t-oeeoo aM iirigr tko year, 39.343 7.
Lamm iiHmi ilnrU. .ha .. - aa .
845.87. '
Name of Compaay, Bop Grower' Tire
Raliei AaaaiaUon of Better ilia, Orcfon.
f bm ot rreetaent. Jotia U array.
Koao of Soorotary, IVed II. Oeoria.
Ht.lillai . mll..l .tf.... 1..
TreA 34. e?aarla.