The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 14, 1931, Page 10, Image 10

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The OltEGON STATESMAN, :ugru Ore -en, Tuesday Arril 14, 1S31
Excellent- Program Enjoyed
: i By 7 Large; i. Group at
" Meeting
ROBERTS.' April '13. -The
community cltib meeting Satur
day night ai full of Interest
and excitement from start to fin
ish. . A large crowd attended.
Some of the program . leatures
Ing tne nest m uu
t Lewi Satchenburg, a member
. Bounced the program which was
as follows: , . ...
; Male quartette, S. C. Daven
wort.' George . Higgins. George
Veall and Gordon Greenstreet.
.Dance, Joyce unamoers.
Piano solo, Mrs. George Hig
Hamorons. skit, "Ancient and
: Dishonorable Order of Bald
pates." W. C. Pettyjohn; High-
u-muck-a-muck. Sir Danaerine;
- nnre VealL Sir Herblslte:
Gecfrge Higgins, Sir Bay Rum;
, Roy Rice. Sir Sheep Dip; B. D.
; Fidler, the neophyte, who after
nmi.rrnlnr aAveral amusing
tests, was pronounced ineligible
to the order hut was eompeucu
to wear a small hat for the rest
of hi life to coyer his bam spoi
The skit was original with Mr,
' Song, Naomi Crouser and Rose
Anna Rondrlch accompanied by
Franes Blankenshlp on . the har
monica and Dorotny baicnenoers
at the piano. "
Dialogue, "Newspaper Perplex
ity" - by Mr. and Mrs. AiDeri
Blankenshlp as Mr. ana ram.
John Script. Mrs. Scrift, reading
ho nwniner. asked innumer
able questions much to her hus-
- band's disgust, mougn ne iuuuu
them hard to explain to her. Vo
cal solo. Miss Mary Kafoury.
Piano solo, Mrs. Forest Edwards.
Voal solo. Miss Julia Query.
Reading, Mrs. ' H. B. Carpenter.
'Duet. Mrs. Delia Nelson and Mrs.
T Forest Edwards.
Play, "The. New , School
Ma'am," S. . C. Davenport as
;Hank .Wetherby, and George
Veall ' as SI Hopkins, school di
rectors; Mrs. W. C. Pettyjohn as
Gladys DeHaven, the prospectiTe
teacher. The old directors are
so captivated by her charms and
, flattered by her compliments
that they make fools of them
selves. The play brought peels
of laughter from the audience.
The acting was excellent.
Shadows are Sold
After the program came the
auctioning of the shadows for
supper partners. Lewis Salchen
berg was the auctioneer. The
proceeds amounted 10 iiz. -
During the business session
Mrs. W. C. Pettyjohn was named
as chairman of the committee to
arrange for presenting a number
In the contest at Salem Heights.
Officers for the club for- next
year will be elected at the first
meeting this fall.
Roy L. Rice as president of
the Roberts dub has been a very
capable leader. His plans for
programs hare - resulted In un
usually Interesting meetings and
there has been a fine spirit In
the club.
GERVAIS. April IS "Yimmie
Yonson's Yob" put on at the city
hall Friday night by the (blgh
school student body was one of
the best given in Gervals for
some time. The proceeds were
. around 375.00. .
Lester DeJardin took the part
of Yimmle Yonson; Evanelle Es
son. Peg, the Irish maid; Ken
neth Manning, Mr. Kent the stern
farmer; Florence Du Rette, the
arrogant. Independent n I e c-e;
Chancery McDougall; the villain;
Marguerite Hart, the mother.
Mr. McDougall substituted for
Carl Frances, who was taken 111
early last week. With only three
days to learn the part and but
one rehearsal he carried the part
exceptionally well, i - j r
8jraepeia t A.aa.l rite ten at e tee
Befes-vara laaaraace Coaptn of Jiw
Terk, ia the State ef New York; oa the
thirty-first day of Dreeabcr, J930. mad
to the Iaauraaee Commissioner i the
State of Orefoa. pnreoaat to la:
. . , CAPITAL, i
. ! capital ateck pais ap,
$500,000.00. r- v,
nwVSt. -ri-S Tr.
laurnt, dividends and rests reeelred
anriBf tha year. STT.271.4J.. i t
Incaoi from other aoareo'a reeoirad
Total facom. S5I2.?.l4. 1 i: : l
Kt loaaoa paid during tha jr Jnelud-
U f vnM.A o ' rt n (ii . .. . i
iTidodi paid on capital stock dariac
tAM vmv I9A nnn aa T
CommissioBa and aalariea pid dorin
h yaar. S163.70S n
Taxaa, liccaa and fMt paii daring
Total azpcBditarva. 531 59a.1T.
Valaa of atoeka and boada owaad (mar-
JUaaa oa aaortgagca aad collateral, ot.
Caaa ia Umkt and oa .and. $295,151.
- t la eoana o( collectioa wrJt
ton aiaco Sopumbor 80, 1930. f 85,917.. da. aad arnod.
Other acacia, S1.04S.13.
Toutadaiuod . tJ.455,177.7.
for loaaea anpaid. $87.
Aatoaat of aaoaraod prcmiaais oa all
vawaaoing nw, 043.114.13.
Mt0 ommii krokarago. $5.-
AJ1 other liabilitloa. $48,208.60.
Total liabiliUea, ejcluaire of aapital
toek of fSOO.000.00, $762,202.17. .
. BUsrxEsa in Oregon
He prtmiuma roeeirod daring too yaar,
Looa paid daring the year, $4,695.19.
j.lT Uettrr fwr. $,-
43 9.98. .
Name of Company, Safeguard Inaur
anre Compear of Near York.
aaie of Preeideat. OUbert Kiaeaa, .
Kaaae of Secretary. A. H. Marphy.
BUtutory reaident attorney for aerTiee.
tTXar X Ie, Iaturance CommiiioBr. j
'v V(
Sere are members of the Legislative Committee chairman, and Assemblyman Cuvilier. Standing,
fcat will investigate New York City, pictured at I Senator Wheatley, Assemblyman Lamont, Assen-
ieir first meeting in Albany. Seated, left to I blyman Potter and Assemblyman Moffat. Half
ight, are Senator McNaboe, Senator Hofstadter, I million dollars will be available for the investigation.
-STAYTOX, April 13 Enough
can not be said about some of the
eyesores of this town, take for in
stance two lots south of the Wom
en's club bouse and owned by the
city, a bramble of wild blackber
ries, willows and old car bodies.
The matter was recently brought
before the town council, which
promised that as soon as the
weather permits j this property
will be cleaned up.! Then too, some
6f the business houses are in the
habit of dumping refuse out on
the alley, where they do not hare
to Tiew it, but where nerertheless
It Is anything but attractlre to
the passerby.
The promiscuous dumping of
trash along; the road south of the
city limits is another thing that
should be stopped. The city main
tains a public dump grounds just
across and weet of the bridge for
this purpose, and the dumping of
old junk in places other than the
one alloted for such use Is a -vio
lation of the city ordinance.
The town council plans to take
steps to prosecute all persons
guilty of dumping junk anywhere
within sight of the road. ' As is,
many drlye almost to the lane
leading to the dumping grounds,
but go no farther,! Just simply un
load there.
Comedy ; and adrertislng motion
pictures, presented by a Salem
serrice station, will form the en
tertainment at the April meeting
of the community club at the
schoolhouse on Tuesday evening,
April 14. Selection of an original
club song, which was postponed at
the last meeting, as well as award
ing of prizes In the airplane mod
eling and pillowcase contest spon
sored by the club for the grade
students, will take place. The en
tertainment and refreshments are
in charge of the young people for
this meeting. i
Winding ud their Tear's activi
ties, the Cook-well and Sew-well
4-H clubs celebrated the .100 oer
cent completion of their projects
with a style show and open house
Friday afternoon fat the school
house. ! !
Parents of th el abhor com
prised the audience of the follow
ing program: Club sledge and
singing of "America." by all; to
cal trio, Virginia Miller, Annabel
Bennett and Phyllis -Isham ; talk.
"Aims and Goals in Glub Work,"
Kathryn Blanton; piano , solo,
Bernadeen Daughterly; readings,
Francis Isham. Clyde Boehm and
Bernadeen Daugherty; song by
Ko. 104
Srnopfla of Annual Statement of the
Citizens Insnrance Company o( Jeraey
City, in the State of New Jeney. oa the
tairtyfirat day of Deeember, 1930, made
to the Insurance Commiaaioner of the
Btate ( Oregon, pamaat to law: -CAPITAL.
Aatoaat ot capital stock paid up, $1,
000.0OO.00. INCOME i
Ifet premiums received daring the year.
' Intereet, diTldendi and rents roeeiTed
dariac the year, SS5.493.51.
laeome from other- eourcea received
daring the year, $300.00. :
Tout income. $639,419.83. ; -
i . . IlSBCRSEiIENT3 .1
Set loaaes paid during the year Inclad-
V J eiaenaea. S84.093.20.
Diridenda paid on capital stock d
the year." .
CommiasiAae and aalarlea paid durini
the year. $183,504.57. i
Tazea. Heeaeee aad fees paid dorinc
the year. 5 208.39. , . ' , 7;
.Amoaat of alt other expenditarea, '
Total espenditnree. $295,074.03.
- ' . ASSETS - r "
Talao of real eats to owned (market
valae), .
Valae of stocks and bonds owned (mar
ket vahie). $1,858,900.00.
I-eaBa oa mortgages and ColUUral. te,
Cask la banks sad oa hand. $824,039;.
14. . .
Premiama in eonse' of eolleetioa writ-
a aiaeo September- ao. 1930. $448,813..
i i ,
Interest mmA
$26,829.15. " rr r
Toul admitted aasete. $2,948,579.32
$44 2X " 1f Pld 44,.
Amoaat of naeorned premiams on all
ontstaading riaka. $308,152.4.
for aommisaiott s and brokerage,
AU other liabilitieS.$837.S83.5S. -
T;ta' 'i'W'tin, 4 oMlnsivo of caDlUl
stock, $988,180.23.: . ,w
Loaaoa paid dariag the year. $3.3S0.8L
K",f Compasyv Citiians lasnraneo
Co. ot Kew Jeraey.
Kamo of Preeideat, K. M. BUa.lL
Name of Secretary. Clyde F. Smith.
Cltr A. Lea, Iniorance Coutmissioner.
Silverton Has
More Robberies
Sunday Night
. - . - - -i -S1XYKRTOX,
April lsJ
Two houses were entered at
Silvrrton Sunday night.
ThepV were . the homes of
Mr. am) Mrs. Edwin Hatte
berg anil Mr. and Mrs. W. S.
lack, both on North Water
street. :
. Some weeks ago four Sil
verton homes were entered.
In all of which the occu
pants slept upstairs. The
same thing occurred here
Sunday' night. All "dresser;
drawers and cupboards and
closets were opened and the
contents tumbled About.
Nothing was gone, according
to the Monday morning re
ports. It is believed that the in
traders are after money only
for all other valuables have
been left.
boys; demonstration by Elmer
Claughry and Clyde Boehm of the
cooking club; style show by the
girls. - -
Membership of the two clubs
Includes Bobby Degross. Raymond
Bibby. Elmer McClaughry, ( Clyde
Boehm and Morvyln Dunn of the
Cook-well, and Eva Dow, Eetta
Mae, Legatha and Jessie Page,
Bernadeen Daughterly, Kathryn
Blanton, Virginia Miller, Phyllis
Isham and Clara and Josephine
West of the sewing club. Mrs. Joe
Burr Is club leader.
In the Intelligence tests taken
by Dr. R. B. Winn's two elemen
tary psychology classes, eight of
those who ranked above average,
117 I. Q. were Salem . students, j
Thesa students and their ranks
are as follows: Helen Chllds. 129;
Marjorle Drorbaugb. 128; Made
line Schmidt, 124; Dick Sherwin,
122; Sylvia Du Boise, 121 ; Ruth
Gillette. 120; Bertha Babcock,
118; and Beulah Cramer, 118.
The average Intelligence quo
tient of the American college stu
dent Is 113 points. The average of
the 17 students who took the test
last week was 117. The three
highest were 129 out of a possi
ble 133 points In the Otis Self
Administering tests. One of these
was Miss Helen Chllds. The
lowest number of points gained
by the Willamette people were 95
points. The average public scor
ing Is 100 points. '
' Willamette university will be
host to the colleges and univer
sities of the Oregon Forensic lea
gue, Friday night, at the organis
ation's first after dinner speaking
contest. Dean R. R. Hewitt will
b toastmaster of the occasion.
The public Is Invited. ,
One representative of each of
tL following institutions is elig
lbl to compete: University of
Oregon, Oregon State college. Pa
cific University, Pacific college,
Albany college, Monmouth Nor
mal school and Willamette
t Maurice Dean represents the lo
cal campus. , : s-
None of the speakers will know
the subject of the after, dinner
speeches until 4 they are announ
ced at the banquet by Toastmas
ter Hewitt.
The event will be of particular
Interest to men and women of Sa
lexn who attend ' banquets ' and
e 1 a b luncheons Reservations
must be made at the Gray Belle,
where the affair Is scheduled to
be held, by Friday noon. . ' -
GlenBarnett . J
ets Fellowship
' SUNNTSIDE, April T 13. Glen
Baraett, a seniy at Oregon State
college, has been awarded -m re
search fellowship In electrical re
search. This fellowship will eov
er a two year's study period. The
research will center around the
problem ot radio interference
from Ugh power - transmission
, Mr. Baraett Is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank: Harnett of this
LAKE LABISH. 'April 13.
The Japanese of Lake Lablsh
are famous, not only for their
splendid - head - lettuce, celery
and onions . but also for . their
up-to-the-minute Sunday school.
The Japanest Sunday school with
an attendance, last Sunday, of 94
is the spiritual center for these
The superintendent Is M. Ha
shimoto. The piano is ably
played by Miss Hoshie Watanabe.
Those who sire active In helping'
with the school are Betty Naka
shima. Martha Okuda, Kiyo Mlo,
and Sumle Ogura.. Mrs. Roy Fu
kuda, while teaching no class at
present, is the real patron-saint
of the Sunday school, and helps
constantly to maintain the school
in its flourishing condition..
Miss Jessie Fukuda, high
school graduate, is the popular
teacher of the large classes. Rev
erend Nlwa, Mrs. Nlwa, Miss
Hoshie Watanabe,. Miss Seiko
Watanabe and Harry Stone,, Jr.,
are the other teachers.
Reverend Sesichl Nlwa has
been here two years. Rev. Nlwa
is the pastor of the church and
has had 10 .years of church and
Sunday school experience in Cali
fornia, and previously In Japan.
The Japanese Sunday school
received the banner for spiritual
growth at the recent Hayesville
convention. The Sunday school
meets every Sunday morning at
10 o'clock at Hayesville church.
It those who fear that the de
votional sentiment is dying out
among people, could visit this
splendid Sunday school such per
sons would see that the work of
the Lord is here marching tri
umphantly on.
Arrangements were completed
here yesterday for the hearing of
the so-called Portland street car
lare case, vhlch opens Friday
morning before C. M. Thomas,
public utilities commissioner. Of
ficials said it i would require two
or three days to complete the
hearing. , j . I
The case originated on April
23, 1929. when the Portland
Electric Power company filed a
tariff with the old public service
commission Increasing its adult
street car fares from 7 to 10
cents. Provision was made In the
tariff for-the sale of children's
school tickets at the rate of 20
for $1. '
The tariff later was suspended
until June 24, 1929, and again
until November 24 of the same
year. The new tariff subsequent
ly, became eliective ana ine iv
cent fare was placed in opera
Benefit Play to
Be Given at
North Howell
pTrvnn In this community, and
nearby, will be Interested In the
play which Is to be put on at me
North Howell grange hall, Thurs
day evening, April 16, for the
benefit of ' ' the North Howell
grange baseball team. '
The ptay is namea, "ine unosi
In the House," and Is a three act
mystery play ' given by talent
from Kelxer community. -
sm all admission win d
charred and everyone Is promised
nlant of thrills and enjoyment as
well as being given the opportun
ity . of contributing, to a gooa
t?DILlES Trfonhtis
- An eld Chinese rrovsiro "
In It suffer Xresa pUjs."
Jwttrndlna- or
wltMnat lew- nUntrtos by sootbinf,
KallnV Dr. Nixon's CbJlOo-
esc ana laawi v " v V7 1j v
ToVcin worst and enjoy life Ha-nt
front thi start -WWls It eonttoues 1U
besOlsg action. Don't doUy. Aft m
Lm to avoid dangerous auidcpst
lyporaUon. Try Dr. NUonTs China
rbld under owfurtt t o sat la
eomplotely and be worth 1$
tne imaueort or your saoner. bade
. Ferry's - Drug dtore,
' 115 8. Commercial St. -
.. TOBE SHDi'Ji!
Stayton , Women ? Plan Ex
hibit . on Thursday,
STitTTON, ' April 1 3. i Mem
bers of -the Women's Commun
ity: club 'And friends' are looking
forward to April which had
been' designated on the club cal
endar for the year as "fine quilt
day. The display will be in the
nature of a contest, and Is op an
to all who care to enter, r : Not
only quilts, but bed . spreads and
rugs are solicited for-entry. Psr
sons desiring to enter 'should get
In touch with any . one of - the
committee,' which is composed of
Mrs. ; H. J. Tate, Mrs. Geo! . H.
Bell. Mrs. ' J.L." Siermund. Mrx.
M. Shlids ahd Mrs.- Fred Alhus.
Articles should be In before 11
a. m. on Thursday and the best
of care will be given any article
entered. : ' - ; 1
. Entries will be grouped In the
following v classes: -Quilts 1 1
crasyt.jqullt;, 2 most .pieces ln
quilt; 3 -oldest 'quilt;- 4--most
attractive' quilt; : most artis
tic - in design and uniform in
quilting; 7 friendship quilt; c-8
- general , class, including 'all
patterns of quilts.
Bed Spreads 1.' Crochet
spread; 2 embroidered spread;
3 oldest spread; 4 homespun
coverlet. ---. --
Ruga .. 1 hooked rugs;
2 braided rugs; 3 woven rugs.
Competent judges will be on
hand and as the elub is not fi
nancially able to give cash prises,
ribbons will be given. - The' dis
play .will be open In the evening,
so that those who do not have an
opportunity to visit the exhibit
in tbVafternoon may do so then.
A program is being arranged
for the afternoon.
SWEGLE, April 13. The Swe
gle community club held Its regu
lar meeting April 10 at Swegle
school. A pot-luck supper was
After supper a short business
meeting was held and It was de
cided that the club go on prepar
ing the sketch for the talent try
out at Salem Heights May 15. All
accounts were ordered paid. A
committee of three was appointed
to look Into the disposal of maga
zines and old papers for the bene
fit of the club. They were Mrs. J.
Marshall, Mrs. J, Whitehead and
Mrs. Schaffer.
.The following were appointed
on the entertainment committee
for the next meeting: Mr. Blake.
Mrs. Kaufer and Mrs. Al Meyers.
On the refreshment committee:
John Lane, Gideon Welty, L. C.
Thomas, William Spires and Pete
Auto Accident
Injures Two
PERRTDALE, April 13 Mr.
and Mrs. John Roberts of Perry
dale were badly hurt Sunday af
ternoon in an auto accident which
occurred at Finn's corner.
A car driven by a. young man
by the name of Hewitt from Mc-
Mlnnviue was going south on the
highway and sldeswlped the Rob
erts ear which had entered the
Intersection. Both cars were badly
damaged and Mr. and Mrs. Rob
erts are suffering from severe
cuts and bruises. -
TURNER, April 13 When Mr.
and Mrs. S. A. Riches arrived
home from church Sunday noon,
they proceeded to gather the eggs
from their large hennery, as it is
their custom to get the eggs twice
a day. No eggs were to be found,
however, and upon looking around
a mother sheep was evidently
mourning for her day-old . twin
lambs; a useful chain used in
handling stock: kept In the yard
was missing,, and a few minor ar
ticles, had been picked up. -
Every Owner ef
' eimits It Is tke sesft ;
No Wringer!
Portland Gas & Coke Co.
ISO So. High St.
Phone SO10
I .foe- Win J
miiqm J
mm . rM
' " 1
A romance of the White House will
culminate- In May In the -wedding
of Hiss Ruth Fesler f above) and
Robert Lockwood LIpman, of
Berkeley, Calif. Before coming to
the Capital as secretary to Mrs.
Hoover, Miss Fesler was a student
t Leland Stanford University.
MACLEAY, April 13 The men
members of the grange met at the
hall Thursday with two teams
and removed the bank In front
of the hall,' made needed fills and
got it in readiness for gravel.
This now makes a good parking
place. .
,' The ' women . served dinner at
noon to .the workers, and 'did
some .Interior decorating, in the
main, hall in the afternoon. The
grange room will hold another
meeting . Wednesday afternoon
April 22, at 2 o'clock at the home
of Mrs. J. Tkenburg. '
The object of their meeting is
to discuss plans for organizing an
economic club. " '
Macleay Will
Sponsor Benefit
Program April 18
MACLEAY. April 13; Mem
bers of the Shaw community are
putting en "The (Poor Married
Man," a three-act comedy, at the
Macleay hall .-Saturday night,
April 18.
This entertainment will be put
on on a 50-60 basis, with the Mac
leay school. The school will use
its share of the proceeds toward
purchasing a piano. The district
Is working hard to obtain a piano
beiore the close of school. A num
ber of the pupils have unusual
musical ability.
TRFBlSTSGm Inexpensive
these nrw electric ranges!
Tbey cost far less than you'd
lansglne? possible for ssseh mar
vels ef convenience. i
Less to operate, and less to
buy. A modest sum down puts
one in your kitchen, the bat
anee Is soon taken care of In -snonthly
payments. -
And, once Installed, an eleo
trie range wiB esse for you!
: Seve time. Save werlu For
It completely automatic
-v -
L1 XI S v v
A Range for lery Home . . . Priced as Low as $65
Men Stage Unique : . j Enter-
: tainment for Commun
; .( i LA ity ;.Group -:. ? .
-T-All the- seats were taken and
many were compelled. to stand. at
the program given by the men of
Central Howell Friday evening.
': Vernon Van5 Cleave and Jasper
King had' prepared the following
program: violin-' solo, - A. v E.
Kuenxl, ' accompanied x by Mr.
lxs;anblll; -male quartet,--Ernest
Roth, Dan Stef fen, Oliver Steffln
and Frank Way, accompanied by
Roy Rutchman; violin solo, John
Steel hammer, accompanied by Mr.
Loganbelll; piano - solo, Mr.
Loganbelll with banjo accompan
ied by Mr. Dow; short play, "The
Assessor",- with' Pearl Wood tak
ing the part of the assessor, John
Llchty u Mr. Taxshirk, - Henry
Werner as Mrs, r Taxshlrk, . Bert
Bye, the small daughter, and Ev
erett Milne, the rollicking 'son;
pie eating contest, Chris Liechty.
Robert- Janz, Robert Bye and
Horton Hughlett; The prize of a
mlnature , pie went to Chris
Liechty.1 Music, - Vernon ; V a n
Cleave, violin; Mr. Dow, banjo;
Mr.. Loganbelll.' piano. A Swedish
act by John Lauderback and A.
A. Hall; closing song. "Good
Night Ladles", by a group of men.
- Clarence Simmons "'and . Jake
Kaufman served a lunch In : the
basement following. the program.
' Women To Have Turn
The ladies will give the May
program. Mrs. Clarence Simmons
and Mrs. Robert Jans will pre-
$1 0 to $3 0 0
S T t I C I t t I V A C T,
a little each
' .. i
bo um
pare the program; Mrs. A. A,
Hall and Mrs. Pearl Wood are the
refreshment committee.. .
Appointed to serve as Judges of
the two programs were Mrs. John
Llchty, Mrs. A. E. Kuenzl Mrs.
John. Tweed, Alpbeus. Schar, Rob-
ao. Tva. mwk.A TJaKai Ion .. .
'. ' . n ni ! H ' '
DeLasaux to
Try; For New .
. Altitude Record
i -. ? - ;
JEFFERSON, April 13. n. A.:
DeLasaux; who . resides In ' Linn
county near . here,, has .received
word from his son,' Captain Cecil
DeLasaux,. that he Is going to try
for the altitude record of 43,000
feet or better, soon. 1 '
. - A friend of his will fuse his
plane and try for the women's al
titude record. They expect to try
from the St. Louis airport, Lam
bert field, where Captain DeLa aero Inspector for the de
partment of commerce, U. 8. A.
' DeLasaux Is a former Jefferson
bey, and' a' graduate of the high
school here.
) '
To be a
r Healthy Woman
watch -your Bowels!
What should . women do to keep
their bowels moving freely? A
doctor should know the answer.
That Is -why pure Syrup Pepsin
Is so good for women. It just
suits their -delicate organism. It
is the prescription of an old fam
ily doctor who has. treated thou
sands : of women patients, and
who made a special study of
bowel troubles.
t Dr." Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin Is
made from Fresh laxative herbs,
pure pepsin and 'her harmless
Ingredients. It doesn't sicken or
weaken you. No restrictions of
habit or diet are necessary while
taking It. But it's action is thor
ough. It carries off the sour bile
and poisonous waste. It does ev
erything you want it to do. It is
fine for children, too. They love
its taste. Let them have it every
time their tongues are coated or
their skin is sallow.
When you're a sick headache,
can't eat, are bilious or sluggish;
and at the times when you are
most apt to be, constipated, take
a little of this famous prescrip
tion (all druggists keep It ready
In big bottles), and you'll know
why Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin
Is the favorite laxative of over a
million women!
0a. W. B. Calowcu
A Doctor Family Laxative
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