The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 11, 1931, Page 6, Image 6

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. : Oregon, Saturday Morninr, April -11, 1931
r- ' . -rrc " i "- i -' - , 3
Pre-Nuptial Party
Is Attractive
Perrydale A miscellaneous
shower was given. Kathefine De
Jong Thursday afternoon, at the
K.f.irni onuntrr homt. of er
H..ia Mr. and Mrs. Dick De
jir roar mile .-west : of Perry
a.i. uici De-Jong will be mar
ried to Lawrence Massey of - Am
ity, Saturday arternoon ai m
parsonage of the Methodist mfnla
ir m MeMlnnTllle. The DeJong
home was lovely with hoge bowls
of bleeding hearts, and daffodils
arranged around the rooms. The
bride-elect received many oeanu
fnl rifts. "
.Miss- DeJong and Mr. Massey
.m hoth craduales of Amity high
-school In the class, of 30. They
will make their home in Amity. .
Tea was served late In-the af
ternoon, to the- following ladles:
Mrs. Delia Blrks, Mrs. Johanna
Beck. Mrs. Elona Miller, Mrs. Em
ma Ardrens. Mrs. Bertna jamier.
Mrs. O. Beck. Mrs, M. O. Winters.
. Mrs. Francis Gregg. Mrs. v Mary
Fudge. Mrs. May Irvin,,Mrs. Clar
ence Yoakum, Mrs. Martin, van
Gross, Mrs. LHlieWoods, - Mrs.
Ethel Blanchard. Mrs. E. L. Sech
Tist. Mrs. May Massey, Mrs. Lucy
Massey, Mrs. Lorenzo Gilson. Mrs
O. E. Kunti, Mrs. D. Aieuema,
Miss Alice Mellema. Mrs. Melvln
Ford. Mrs. Andrew Campbell.
Mrs. F. J. Blssell. Mrs. Jane Bax
ter, Mrs. H. S. Fudge. Mrs. N. F.
Gregg. Mrs. W. R. Gregg, Mrs.
Dave Bowman, Mrs. Alda Keq wor
thy, Mrs. W. C. Deuuis, Mrs. S.
Van Staavern, Mrs. J. Mollenaar.
Mrs. F. Spaan, Mrs. Clare Reyne,
Mrs. J. DeJong. Mrs. T. Boersma.
Miss May Bissell. Mrs. Fred Ed
son, Mrs. J. R- Bowman. Mrs. Al
fred schrader, Haxel Paisley, Mrs.
P. Zumwalt, Mrs. Brulnsma, Mrs.
Van - OUen, Mrs. Dick DeJong,
Miss Quennle Rand, Mrs. Jake De
Jong, Mrs. W. A. Yokum. Leona
Blanchard. Mrs. Opal McKee, Mrs.
Laymon, Mrs. Arnett.
Ellis Sisters Give
Easter Party
RIckreall The little Misses
Elsie and Wilma Jean Ellis en
tertained several of their little
friends at an Easter party on
Saturday afternoon at the home
of their parents, Mr.' and Mrs.
William M. Ellis.
The little Misses to enjoy the
afternoon's games, were June
, Parker, Ernestine Ragsdale, Ruth
Middleton, Katherine Lowry, and
Katie Whaley.
Dainty Easter . refreshment
were served the little guests
when they grew tired of playing,
by the little hostesses mother,
'Mrs. Ellis.
; . i"
'Mrs. Paul Bassett was hostess
Tuesday evening in compliment
to Miss Elsie Maskentlne on the
occasion jot her birthday. An In
formal: evening and late sapper
entertained the guests.-
Several inches disappear from
your, dimensions, when ' you wear
a f rock , designed '- especially for
you. In today's . model ' we have
-' lines that are ,- diagonal In both
bodice and skirt. These with the
smart rever." or. two If you prefer
are perfect for the woman who is
no longer slender. Tiny tucks at
.shoulders and back of ceck af-
ford added fullness where most
necessary. The puffed sleeves and
fitted- cuffs are new and mighty
attractive. Flat ' crepe printed in
very small designs will prove
most suitable for Pattern 2064.
.May be obtained only in . slses
31, 38,' 40. 42 and 44. Size 31
requires 4 yards of 39 inch ma
. terlal. . - - - . , '
Ne Sraaaaaktat arparitaaa is aaeas
ry te maka tai medal . wit ear
pattern. Xardara for ry aiaa, sat
simple, aet iaitratias ara gives.
fiftaaa- easts for ah ptter.
Writs plainly your uaa. addrcu mi
tyl Bomber. B sure t' aut Ua
WMtM. -. - -' 'T -.
. -Ths saw ipriof tad (nmner " pai
tr aulof features as excellent aa
tortmeat af afternoea, '1 sports sad
heaaa dreaiet. Jin far ia.. pajaaus a4
kiddias clotaa,' aiaa dallrtit-'iU aeeaa-
ory Bttras. Price ef catalog fifteea .
rents. Catala rwita patters. . twenty
"fire easts. Address all stail and or
ders to 6tateunaa FatUra Depart
ment. 343. West 17th street. Xw fork
City. .,--.Zrt " r 1 --"'
If 1
News and GJiib
:Olxvb M. DoAKi
Eagles' Auxiliary
An Interesting meeting for both
business and social time was that
enjoyed Wednesday afternoon . by
members or the Ladles Auxiliary
to the Fraternal Order of Eagles.
Mrs. Matildai Parsons 'and ' Mrs.
Margaret Fllsinger were In charge
of the sotaii hour. Piano aolos
and. tap dances were given by Ben
nie Stein, member ofjhe Portland
Aerie- No. 4-5 drill team. Cecil
Dencer and Fred Morse of Wil
lamette Aerie gave musical selec
tions. Mrs. Trances Hoyt
in charge of the next social hour
which will be in connection with
the regular meeting April 15.
- Following the meeting the Aux
iliary was Invited by the Eagles to
attend the informal reception- be
InS -given by them "In compliment
to Ed Biglow. national organizer.
Tf. - D. Hall," president of Portland
Aerie, and the Portland Aerie drill
team and officers. ; v, V
MacDowell Spring
Program Date
April 27
Announcement comes from
Frances Vlrginie Melton, presi
dent of the Salem MacDowell
club, that the anticipated
"spring program given each
year by the club will be. present
ed April 27 In Waller hall. Willamette-university
campus, at
8;15 o'clock., ;
An outstanding group of art
ists have been procured for the
assisting musicians on this pro
gram. They will be the Portland
string trio which has been heard
once before in Salem, this be
ing at the time of the state
music association convention last
spring when t the trio played , In
the residence studio of Prof,
and Mrs. T. S. Roberts.
Ruth Bradley Keiser is the
pianist for the trio and she will
present a group of piano num
bers in addition to the trio num
bers. This trio will be guest art
ists on the program of the Na
tional Biennial Music Federation
convention in San Francisco this
Jnne. , . . . . --
The program of the - trio will
be in groups of Hayden,. Mozart
and modern numbers.
The MacDowell chorus will
give a brilliant offering of large
numbers freshly suggestive of
the spring season.
Ankenv Women's "
Club Elects Officers
. Ankeny Bottom The Ankeny
Bottom Women's club met at the
beautiful country home of Mrs. L.
B. Smith Thursday afternoon.
Huge bowls of yellow and bronze
wallflowers j were attractively
placed about the spacious . living
rooms. ''!!'
Roll call was responded to by
an April Fool's Joke. Mrs. Wil
liam Wiederkehr gave the life of
Paul Revere, Mrs. C. F. Johnston
read "Paul Revere's Ride," the
story of Easter was given by Mrs.
E. L. Flnlay.' The prize tor the
amusement hour was awarded to
Mrs R. H. Farr. Plans to attend
the county federation of women's
clubs to be held at Stayton April
23 were thoroughly discussed and
delegates appointed to attend from
the Ankeny club. They are Mrs.
H. Marlatt, Mrs. J. O. Farr,
Mrs. Sidney Howard, Mrs. E. L.
Flnlay, Mrs. A. H. Thompson and
Mrs. William. Wiederkehr. . .- ,
Dainty refreshments were serv
ed at the tea, hour by the hostess
to the following; Mrs. C. F. John
ston, Mrs. J. O, Farr, Mrs. E. L,
Hampton, and daughter Marguer
ite, Mrs. Ben Watts,. Mrs. Sidney
Howard and ; daugnter Margaret,
Mrs. William Wiederkehr and
daughter Donna, - Miss ; Mable
Thompson Mrs. A. H. Thompson,
Mrs. R. H. Farr and the hostess,.
Mrs. L. B. Smith. . ;. . .
Dinner Party Honors -Perrydale
Perrydale- Mr. and Mrs. Mar
tin Van Gross entertained a
group of friends with a dinner
party ".Tuesday ; evening. - Later In
the evening several - tables of
the cards were in play, . . ..-
Those present were Mr. and
Mrs.. Andrew Campbell- and
daughter Aladlne, Mr., and Mrs.
Carl Gregg and children, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert ! Mitchell and daugh
ter, Roberta, Mr. and. Mrs. Jay
Sechrist and daughters.- Mrs.
Fred EdsOn and Miss Dee Mitch
ell. : -. . ,. ;
. ,r - . .... .:":
Complimenting the- eleventh
birthday of ! her daughter. ; Jere
Simmons, Mrs. Roy Simmons en
tertained Thursday . afternoon
with a: delightful birthday nartv
at the - Simmons home. - Swtgr
flowers in a color scheme of pink
and yellow, favors,-and novelties
added much to the fun of the
afternoon - which was concluded
with dainty luncheon, for the
guest of honor and Anna ' Mar
Grabenhorst, Greta . Janes," Row
ena, Upjohn,- Norma Jean Gil
bertson, Mar jorle : x McCallister,
Dorothea Graham,- Shirley
Spears. Inez Scott, Jewell M in-
ler, Katherine East. Josanne
Simmons and- Miss Slrino.
Perrydale: rf he Ladles Mis
sionary society held their regu
lar montnir meeting Friday aft
ernoon In the club room. A Terr
interesting program . on self I- de-.
nlal was carried out. Those
present were Mrs. H. Jv ElUott.
Mrs. EJennlngs, Mrs. J. E. Yoa
kum. Mrs. H. G. Keyt. Mrs.' Van
Staaveren, Mrs. C. , H. 1 Gillam,
Mrs. W. H, McKee, Mrs. D. L.
Keyt, -Mrs. Frank PatT. '
- Spring Valley, For the first
time since early ..winter all mem
bers of Cams Fire Waheinkeeyah
were . present vfor their regular
meeting, and an enjoyable .Easter
party, at the home of the assistant
guardian, - Mrs. Vtvtan Stratton
Friday evening.. Several members
rare report, for whlca they will
receive aa hnor bead.' The next
meeting will be Friday, April 17
at the homeof Mrs. Trail k Smifh
Society Editorg
Salem : : Woman's
.The Salem Woman's club eiect-ed-
the, following delegate to the
county -federation - of dob -'meeting
.in Stayton April 13 : Mrs. Da
yld Wright. Mrs. J. M; rDerera,
Mrs. C. K, Spauldrag, Mrs. C. C.
Geer.-Mra. . W. F. Fargo.; r - '
- These . delegate were named
ia the regular club meeting held
Friday - afternoon In the club
house. , A report of the nominate
lng committee for officers for the
coming year named the following
members to be voted upon at the
regular election of officers: Mrs.
J. M. Devers. president; rice pres
ident.' Mrs. Ivan "Martin; record
ing secretary. ' Jrs. J. C. Tibbets; .
financial - secretary, - Mrs W. ;I,
Staley; Mrs. Mary. Bayne treas
urer; parllmentarian. Mrs. JT. H.
Crosby ; director, Mrs. H. J. Wied
mer; trustee, Mrs. . David Wright.
Miss Mabel Robertson spoke
during the program hour on the
accomplishments in the - high
school during the past three years
in relation to social life. health '
work. and . the point system.
Mrs. ' Ivan Martin gave the Ore
gon products talk on the Hunt
Bros, cannery. '
In relation - to ' "good music
week" It was announced that Sa
lem would have abl representa
tion . in the high school music
tournament la Forest Grove this
year through the i medium of '.a
boys quartet ; composed - of ' Earle
Potter. first tenor; Willard Mos
es, second tnor; ' Fred Wolf, first
bass, and William Skewls, second
bass. . :;" 5. , ! i
The Woman's club is taking an
actlre part in the observation t
"good music" week this year, ac
cording to plans that are now un
der, way.
' ' ' ' ; , ! . r
Smart Tea WilLbe;
Afternoon Affair
One of the smart- affairs of
the week will be the - university
tea which wUl be given this af
ternoon between the hoarse of
3 and S o'clock In the Beta Chi
sorority house on State street
with the Beta Chi Mother' club
as hostesses. -
Guests will be members of the
house, alumnae members, Port
land Beta Chi Mothers' clubhand
the Faculty Women's club of
Willamette nnirersity.
As a special feature of the af
ternoon seven new members will
be welcomed by the elub.- These
are- Mrs. M. B. Scott. Mrs.. J.' C
Dalk. Mrs. Norine Flck. Mrs. E.
W. Peterson, Mrs. F. G. Phelps,
Mrs. M. B. Purvine. and Mrs.
John Cation, v ;
Guests will be greeted at the
aoor by Miss Nancy Wallace and
the second hour Miss Evange
line Millard will open the door. -
Mrs. Carl Gregg Doner t and
Miss Olive Dahl will pour the
first hour and Mrs. Paul Wal
lace and Mrs. Paul : Edwards
will pour the second hour.
, Mrs. Frank ' Power will Intro
duce to the line in .which will
stand, Mrs. F. A. ' Elliott. Mrs.
Frank : Eriekson,- Mrs. - B. : E.
Parker, and the club officers,
Mrs. D. A. Hodge. Mrs. H. H.
Vandervort,- and '- Mrs. Robert
Aiken. ,
Eldriedge Mr. Tom Shlvely
entertained with a surprise party
at her .home Tuesday evening
honoring her son, Fred, on his
14th birthday. Those invited for
this lively, party, were boys of the
seventh grade at Eldriedge
school. Following an -evening of
games- and fun refreshments were
served.- , ..J. , . .i ? ,
- - . - ;.. -MeMaaaaiaoawaiaaaaaiaaaaiiaa
' ' i OEririeesS i Peggy: T
" Today we feature a'spedal in thtj ' ' yi K
' smartest new, pajamas It's jgovozS - vSi' S t-- CfuiltlMjl II ' 13
d - - to be a big season for pajamas "T" ' lfi " . ' jAy i & 77 I L K
H -.. ; and this timely, sale, will save you - -. - v-'-, ' W f!7 yf
' money ! These are guaranteed fast tJut Uj vzA ll
lC'yVUn Floor) . :- V-
.'. ..; . ' .'.i' ... - - .. :. . . - - ' - 2
ST i y'fy''3Tfyvyysvv J! twMiiMiwwwa "yy-1--" 1 ' .ay
i alXU.-4t-fimm.mAlM MjLilAJkMA imi.knm .a Imd li.AijAjutJLlALLJUldAdJkM.A. Al
Wllirig Workers :
Guests of Miss Clarlc
; Mis, Nelil-Clark entertained
members of the Willing ;Work
er class Uf the First Christian
church at her home Thursday
Afternoon for. lis regular busl
nesa -, and ocial meeting. .- Miss
Alice Rlgr. Mrs. Mabel McGa
han, Mrs. Rose Rellly, Mrs. Gert
rude Kirkpatrielt were assistant
hoetessea.'. - - ' .. - -.
Special guests were Rer. D. J.
Howe. Dr. Jessie R. Kellems,
Mrs. W, A Clement; Mrs. J. A.
Murphy, Mrs. Mark r Ellis, and
Mrs. R. F. Peter. - ..
Clas members present were
Mrs. Will May, Mrs. - Arthur
Flint, Mrs. . D. . 'A. Shoemaker,
Mrs. J.i- D.. . Sears, Mrsi-Ferrol
Gibson, Mrs. Glenn Hunter. Mrs.
C. E. Bo wen. Mrs. D. A.v Wag
ner, Mrs. B. W' Macy, Mrs.' Av F.
Noth, Mrs. Albert Cox, Mrs. Har
ry .'Httnt. "Mr. D. -B. - Simpson,!
jrs. w. tx. uaroner, airs. is. w.
Cooley 'Mr. T. L Llnd, Mrs. J.
C. Perry; Mr. C. C." Cole. Mrs.
M. ' Keeton, Mrs. O. C. McDowell,
Mrs. E, J. Reasor, Mrs. J.' C.
Emerick, . Mrs. W. SchleUner,
Mr. A. A. Carper, Mrs. V. R.
Klckethler, Mrs. William Ellis,
and Mrs. A. B. Seely.
. '
Mrs. A.-J. Smith
Entertsiins Club
Hubbard- Mr. A J. Smith en
tertanied the member of the
community guild at her country
home "Wednesday afternoon. She
wa assisted by Jrs. Ella Stauf
fer and Mrs. Ellen Carl.
; A, chicken dinner will be spon
sored by the guildMay 1, accord
ing to plans made at the meeting.
Members appointed to serve on
the general committee for the din
ner were Mrs.-Wilma Lef fler. Mrs.
Winnie Kocher and Mrs. Neva
Flnlshed articles of sewing
were displayed, including many
lovely . aprons and scarfs to be
used in a bazaar next fall.
Sewing rags for rugs wa the
afternoon's work of most of the
members.' -. ' : - -
Mrs. Winnie Kocher, assisted
by Mrs. Jane Pulley and Mr. May
Hampton,, will entertain, the guild
at the next meeting.
Lunch was serred by the host
esses to . the following member:
Mrs. Amanda Grim, Mrs. Nina
Rice, Mrs. Amanda Dimick, Mrs.
Jsnia Dimick, Mrs.' Winnie Koch
er, Mrs. Margaret McMannis, Mrs.
Catherine Slittenhart, Mrs. Carrie
Polndexter, Mrs. Jane Pulley, Mrs.
Maud Bidgood,- Mrs. Alice Adams,
Mrs. Wilma Lef fler,. Mrs. Neva
McKensie, Mr. Ethel Johnson,
Mrs. May Hampton- and Mrs.
Greeta Murphy.
Silverton Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Hansen were hosts Tuesday night
to the Trfnity Sunday ; school
teachers. The evening was spent
in a discussion of the work and
at Its close the hostess served rer
Present for the evening were
Mrs. J. C. Larson, Miss Lillian
Block, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Meyer,
Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Torven,d, Sam
uel "Torvend; Martin Hatteberg,
Rev. H. L. Fobs, Henry Torvend,
Agnes Torvend, Magna Hansen
and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hansen.
- Zena Mrs.. Ralph C. Shep
ard of Zena, guardian of the local
campflre, Wahsinkeeyah, was ac
companied by - members Elaine
and June , Worthington; . Alice
Crawford and Ruth and Julia
Shepard, wherr they attended a
party, given at the home of as
sistant ; guardian, 'Mrs. -V. A.
Stratton , Friday night Games
and contest . were the diversion
of - the evening, o : .- -
Willing. Workers
Will Sponsor
. Silver Tea :
A 'allver " tea Is being " Ton
sorod by members of the Willing
Workers class, of the First Chris
tian church Tuesday 'afternoon
at the home, of Mr. . Ivan G.
Martin, between the . hours ot . t
and " 4 o'clock. ' . ,
A' program Vas been arranged
by Mrs. K. Smith, chairman of
the entertainment -committee.
Mrs. Frank Brown," recently re
turned from, a trip, to Honolulu,
will speak on the -city and the
Islands - of ' HawaiU. ; Musical
numbers -will be given by Mrs.
Homer. Kellems .and . Mrs, Jessie
Kellem.. -. i ' :
.Mrs.vJ. C Perry, and Mrs.- J.
D. Sears are the hostess commit
tee. , Mr. A. B,;. Seely. is ; chair?
man of the tea committee and
assisting her. is Mrs. Arthur
Flint; Mrs. V. -Hlckethier, Mr.
Curti,Cole, Mrs. , Mabel, McGa
han, Mrs. Alice FJchback. .
Miss Nellie Clark and Miss
Alice Riggs win - preside at the
tea table. , ' ;
Sewing Club is Guest
Of Mrs. SoutKwick .
Mrs. Helen Southwick ' was
hostess . to members of the Sew-,
lng society of the Woman Re
lief corps for its regular busi
ness meeting Thursday after
noon. Mrs.' Sarah Peterson, Mrs.
Buflnk. Mrs. Bouffleur, Mr.
Clara C. Adam, and Mr. Rose
Vores were assistant . hostesses.
Spring flowers : were used effec
tively about, the - guest -rooms
where tea was served; following
the business hour. . ,
- Mrs. Jessie Hastings, Mrs. Bar
bara Holman and Mrs. Whltnew
were special guests ' ' ' 1, -
Members present were.. Maggie
Cade, Pauline Clark; Catherine
Long, Rose Haredorn; ; Mettle
Schramm. Berth Loveland, Hat
tie B.- Cameron, Emma Roberts
Effie Dunlap, Londena Airey,
Jlmmle Jones, Sarah Baker, Fan
ny Bard, Jessie .Crossan, Nellie
Pierce, Lou Kraps. Delia Clear
water, Hattie Kennen. Lain Bor
lng, ' Elizabeth Remington, Julia
Blodgett, MUs Ada Simpson, Mrs.
Sykes, and Mrs. Salmon.
Beethoven Banquet ,
The annual - banquet given by
the Beethoven club of Willam
ette university will be an event
of tonight in the Silver Grille
room of the Gray Belle begin
ning at 5:3 o'clock. r
This is a guest banquet and It
is expected that covers will be
placed for not less than .60 peo
ple. Many faculty members will
be Included in the guest list.- An
Informal - program has been ar
ranged and toasts and after-dinner
speeches will mark the oc
casion. -
Silverton. Mrs. Arthur . Heat
er wa hostess at a "500' party
at her nome Monday night with
three tables in play. Mrs. A. W.
Kleeb won high score and conso
lation went to Mrs. Clara Goetx.
Guest for the evening were
Mrs. Kleeb,. Mrs. Goetx. Mrs. M.
Warvlck. . Mrs. L. Haskins, Mrs.
Alice Terry, Mrs. L. Tucker; Mrs-.
Clarence Morley, Mrs. Roscoe
Ramsby, Mrs. Robert Goets, Mrs.
Stella Forgey, Mrs. W. E. Sateh
well. and Mrs. Ed Klemmick.
Lyons A group of young folks
from the , Stayton high school
gathered at the J. H. Johnston
hnm. n Fox Valley Thursday
evening and enjoyed an old fash
ioned candy maxing parry. -
evening passed too quickly Inter
spersed with fan . and', music
Those present were Misses Wava
Wilson, Eva Humphreys, Hilda
Johnston. Harold rmoin"
Clair Humphrey . and Hugh J ohn-
ston. . - ....
Mrs. E. T. Kertsdn
Is Hostess!. . :
Mrs." E. T. Kertson entertained
Thsrsday night in compliment to
member f the W,' E..N. T. pino
chle club at her home on North Li
berty street. Spring flowers made
a delightful decorative not tor
the guest rooms. At the close of
playing, high scores were held by
Mrs. Ed Nile. Mrs. E. T. Kertson,
E. .T. Kertson and Alton Andrews.
. A mldaight.supper was served
by the hostess assisted by Miss
urac uaacxenbusn. and Miss
Evelyn and .Mis. Bee Kertson.
Guests were. Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
Niles, Mr. and -Mrs. Hilman, Mr.
and Mrs. John Ponlin, Mr. and
Mrs.. Frank BelL Mr. and Mrs, Al
ton Andrews, and Mr. and Mrs.
Kertson.' ...
. - .. - i ' -
Mrs. .G. Nobbenfeld -Entertains4
O; D. O.
A' charming afternoon of cards
followed by tea was enjoyed by
the O. D. O. club as guests of Mrs.
-George Nobbenfeld Thursday - af
ternoon., pastel snades of spring
flowers in yellow and pink ga Ye a
happy color note to- the 'guest
room.. : First prize for the after
noon was won by Mrs.'Rue Drager.'
At the tea hour, Mrs. Nobbenfeld
was assisUd-' br Mrs. E. J. An
drews. ; . '. . .
Club 'members .present were
Mrs. Eugene. -kerlen. Sr.. Mrs.
Adam Engle, Mrs. E. J. Anderson,
Mrs. T. A, Wlndlshar,- Mrs. Rue
Drager, . Mrs. , Frank Boehringer.
Mrs. C. A. Johnson, Mrs.' J. J.
Karat, Mrs. George Patterson,
Mr. E. S. Preville and Mrs. Nob
benfeld. '.
Mrs. Albert Arnold
Is 7Complimentecl
; Jefferson Mrs. Albert Arnold
wa complimented with an after
noon at the home of Mrs. Charles
Loveland. Wednesday .when a
group of her friends entertained.
After a', social time refreshments
were served. . .
Guests In compliment to Mrs.
Arnold were Mrs. W. O. MeCaw,
Mrs. E. F. Powell, Mrs. John Cal-
ahan, Mrs. Lee Weddle, Mrs. C.
S. Calkins. Mrs. ; Ruth Larson.
Mrs. J. Boyer, Mrs. Louie Simon-
son. Mrs. Maggie Mathier. Mrs.
Arnold . sr., Mrs. . Dale Arnold,
Mrs.' Charles Loveland. Mrs. Ad
dle Hutchinson, Mrs. K. S. Thurs
ton, Mrs. Hugh Bllyeu, Mrs. Dave
Burnett, Mrs.-Henry Freeman.
Newport-Salem .
Reunion Planned
The Salem people who now
live in Newport are planning a
reunion; to be held April 1C in
the puMie 'hall at the foot of
Beach street in Newport. All
Newport people who now lire in
Salem are urged to be present to
attend this reunion. -
The affair will be an all-day
event with a basket dinner to be
served at ' noon. An excellent so
cial -time Is anticipated.
. .
Silverton The . Triple Link
club met at the home of Mrs.
Fred Otjen Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. Bertha Morley, Is president
of the club. Mr. . Roy Davenport
was Joint - hostess with Mr. Ot
jen. The afternoon . was spent In
sewing. . . .
rTl . pajaaaajajsaajsaBasBSSSSffSsssn
ISBaH 1 - -Sa V
3 & I -
--.. - '- ' - .- ..-..-'
-' flow .did 'we. get Theme' $ 1.9 5 .hose 1 to sell at 9 8c?,
-Tbe factory- Is noted for. their 'quality product.
The -slightest flaw,-even though It may be In the.
foot Is taken out and sold as a substandard,' Mil
ler's 'Inspected these and decided they would be
'- .'appreciated by . their Theme customers . ; hence.
-.; this big" sale which ' takes place today In center
aisle. Extra sales girls will be In attendance!)
. Center
J- T
Beta: Chi Sorority
Has Delightful
; Party
A charming' social event of the
spring in university eireles was
the theater party followed . by
food and an Informal evening of
musie and fun in the. Bohemian
atmosphere of a - eountry barn
Friday night with member of
the Beta Chi' sorority as hostes
ses. - : . '; '
. Mrs. T: a! Elliott, bouse
mother of the Beta Chi house,
and Miss Echo Balderee were
special guests for the affair.
The guest list1 included Robert
Kuteh, Lawrence Gibson. Frank
Van - Dyke. Warren MeMlnlmee.
Stephen Mergler, Mel viae Zhar
ly. Lloyd Gired, Melvln Crowe,
Lawrence Tarnes, Robert Honk.
Homer Roberts, Marlon Moore,
George L'oyd. Percy Caroenter,
Charles Gianoll. Bruce Spauld
ing. Marion Crawford, Arthur
Fisher, Ralph . Foster. Filmore
Huth. Louis Glrod. Frank Pem"
berton. Ben Briggs.. - Clarence
Poore, . Jim Allison. .Herbert
ardy, Willis Balderee. Wayne
Wiley. - Bernard Newby. - John
Nelson. ; - :- . -.
St. Paul High School
Sponsors Bridge Party
St. Paul , The Junior class
of the St. Paul union high school
with their parents will give a
bridge an "500", card party the
night of Sunday,. April IX in the
high school gymnasium. '
- This affair is , given under the
direction of Miss Alice McGratlr,
faculty advisor.
Prizes and refreshments will be
provided. All friends, new and
old. are cordially welcomed to en
Joy this social evening and thus
make the' first high school' social
card party a success.
Friday, April 10 a dance will be
glren by the Knights of Columbus
in the high school gymnasium.
- ,
- : - ' V ; ' ' ' "
Woodburn A group of friends
pleasantly surprised Mrs. Carlton
A. Hande Tuesday afternoon at
her home on Hayes street.
Th 'afternoon was spent ' In
sewing for Mrs. Hande.
Those present were Mrs. Gerald
B. Smith. Mrs. Ralph Bllyeu of
Silverton. Mrs. Fred G. Evenden,
Mrs. Ray Wolf of Portland - and
Mrs. Neil Myers. t
Balance of
Stock of Merdhandse
Ready-to-Wear, Piece G00&3, ITotions;
Trimmings, Remnants, Etc.
A Sale of
, . . - Salem Theme Xans may
rTl A I DnT UiU famous tjuallty
JL.V JL.AJk. X e at Bsc! And they may
1 '. buy the season's latest
TON. TAN CLAXRX, KXVA, and BULLET. Oh yes, well
put in La TotmI, too. Now there's a line of shades thai
will do justice to your new wardrobe of Spring and. Sum
mer' wearables. ; r . - ;
Women who buy Themes regularly . . . will find a haven
tn hosiery bargains. They will buy from two to six pairs
of these. In fact their entire summer hosiery needs can
fee supplied at a generous saving. We advise early shop
ping in order that one may get their proper shade and
else. '
Aisle at
Church Women Enjoy
Afternoon ,
The Loyal WomanTclass of the
First Christian church enjoyed a
business and social meeting
Thursday afternoon in the Churchl
parlors. Mrs. Almira Reed, presi
dent, presided and Mrs. Arthur
Welch led the devotions. -Mrs.
Laura Osborn long absent mem
ber was present for this meeting
and made a brief talk.
Mrs Jessie Kellem. .violinist.
and Mrs. Homer Kellem, pianist,
gave several musical number, ac
companied y Mill Louis Plum
mer. ' V"- ':--- '
Tea followed ; the t business and
program h.Or.''vrtJrty guests
were served by'fhe social commit
tal, utr n. n. nfmstead. Mrs. Eli
za Amsprlest, Mrs.- S. B. Corett.
Mrs. Mary Weddle.- Mrs. A. J.
Flint. Mrs. S.M. Beaver, Mrs. Sar
ah McDowell and Mrs. Iola Glea-
son. ' ' '
Monmouth Students
Wed in Nehalem
Monmouth Miss -Winifred Al
ley, an Oregon 'Normal school stu
dent, was married to Robert Lew
is. ' popular football man and
graduate- of the normal this
spring,' In the community church
at Nehalem, ' Sunday, immediate
ly following the Easter service.
Reverend Sehaeffer, mintster oi
tht church, read the serrice.
The bride's attendant wan Miss
Trances Custer, also a student of
the normal; and Mr. Lewis was
attended by J. Alfred Cox, assist
ant director of physical education
for men; at the normal.
Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Alley, par
ents of .the bride, are pioneer res
idents of "Nehalem. Mr. Lewis
came to Monmouth from Colo
rado Springs, Colo., and has been
prominent In school- activities
while in Monmouth, and presi
dent this year of his class.
Miss Alley, who ' served a ses
sion as "song queen" of the
school,: has been very popular on
the mpus.
. Mr. - and Mrs. Lewis are at
home now at Bay City. Lewis will
teach next year at Garibaldi, and
act as athletic coach there.
Silverton Mrs. John Merri-
man was hostess t for Loyal Ber-
eans at the class .meeting held
Tuesday afternoon. ,About 35
members .and -.Visiter vwere pres
ent. Mr. Allee iKereher. presi
dent, presided at the business
meeting. " '-
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