The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 11, 1931, Page 5, Image 5

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morninsr, April 11, 1931
PACK nvn
Smallpox - The sixth ease of
smallpox reported this year came
to attention of the county health
department yesterday, the patient
being an 18-year-old lrl residing
near Bueua Crest., The case la
moderately severe. As tar as could
be learned yesterday, there are
only three or four contacts. - ThU
case Is near Brooks, and while do
connection between it and the five
eases that hare been reported At
Brooks recently could be found
yesterday, health authorities are
pretty sure there ta some connec
tion, la Tiew of the appearance
of several eases lately, the health
officer is advisiag that vaccination
be sought by all persons, and es
pecially children, who bare not
been given the serum. A free vac
cination and Immunisation' clinic
is held at the Salem health center
each Saturday morning. , 7 1
Dollar "dinner every night, S : 4
to 8 at the Marlon hotel. -
Sketches' Attract Attention '
Local Interest has been aroused by
the paintings on display at the
Brier store on Commercial street.
One used as a background in the
display window and the other Just
Inside the door are attracting
much attention. Both paintings
are the work of Gilbert Satter,
who has been employed in the
store since last fall. Young Set
ter has never Jiad any lessons in
painting but has made It hobby
for some time.- He took a short
course In show card writing, but
has had no other art education.
He is a brother of Ed Satter, lino
typist at The Oregon Statesman.
Bogus Names Given Police
officers claim that the two boys
'arrested Thursday on petty lar
ceny charges, preferred bogus
names In place of thefr own. Mel
vln Hickman. Route 4. gave his
name as Melvln Zwlcker, 14(3
South 14th street, while-Glen
Dake. 1343 Wilbur street, gave
his name as John Thomas.. 90
South ltth street. Neither of
those arrested was Melvin Zwieker
of 743 South 25th street. The lat
ter came to the police station Frl
ey afternoon to clear his name.
Dry mill wood, cordwood, coal.
Dial 1000, Salem Fuel.
Reports riled Semi-annual
accounts in estate of Emily W.
Jeffrie. Frederick Yergen and
Elizabeth Anderson have been fil
ed with the probate court. Ie
nore Yergen. administrator of
that estate, says expenses paid to
tal 1283.48 and that the estate is
appraised at. sil.4io.7. uia
buraement in the Anderson estate
so tar have been $379.93 and re
eeints S6.151.C2. according to
Ruth !. Allen, administratrix.
Alterations and Repairs Build
lnar nermits were issued by the
city Ute this week for the follow
ing repair Jobs: T. D.' Vinson, re-
nair one story nweuing, i4s
North Cottage street $5; Harry
Burnside. alter one story store at
2500 Fairgrounds" road, 175:
'George F- Smith, alter two story
apartment house at 95 North
Fifth street. $250: C. W. Pogue,
alter one story apartment house
at 2217 Lee street for $300.
Sues For Divorce Charging
that be has races of temper, com
pelting her to work .ever since
their marriage in August, 19 20,
and otherwise treated her in a
cruel and .inhuman manner, Ida
S. Garland yesterday filed uit for
divorce against George E. oar
. land. She asks that two pieces of
property which she claims are
hers thourh ther are in names
of both, be declared hers.
Methodist Ladles Aid cooked
food sale Sat. at Vibbert and
Todd, State St.
, Cars in Crash Commercial
and Leffelle streets was the scene
of an accident Friday between
cars driven by O. J. Smith, Fair-
view anatmeats. and Mrs. S. E.
Wilson, Route 3. - Reports to the
notice show that' Mrs. Wilson
drove her car Into the rear of
the other, breaking Us tall light
and bending the tender and spring
Well Attended A Japanese
program which was presented last
night in the T. M. C. A. by local
Javanese was very successful and
Interesting. The program Includ
ed native music, singing, piano
playing, and a Jul iitsu demon
stration. The crowd exceeded the
seating capacity of the Y. M..C A.
- Rim. Tire Stolen A 33 by 4
Seiberling tire and rim were stol
en from the delivery auto belong
ing to Otto Buseh. Route 7, while
It was parked at 22nd and Nebras
ka streets. Thursday night, ac
cording to reorts at - the police
Shrub sale, camelia, azalea
5 Oe. Evergreens 5 for $1.00
flowering shrubs 10c, 248 Court.
Visits Here Mrs. O.'D. But
ler of Independence was a Salem
visitor here yesterday, calling up
on her old friend, Mrs. Mildred
R. . Brooks county ecorder. Mrs.
. Butler had some Interesting
things to say regarding a recent
trip to Europe.
- Parking Comes High Several
people paid a total of over $30. to
Salem for overtime parking vio
lation fines, Friday, In police
co art. One Item was for $5 while
the Eoff Electric company paid
Transfer In estate of Albert
G. Graefe, Incompetent, the pro
bate court has authorised W. F,
Prime, guardian to deposit $500
new in savings bank In the State
- Savings and Loan association.
Speeding Arrest - S. A. Cron
sen Station A, state hospital, was
arrested Friday by city police on
a speeding charge.
Motion Day Regular motion
' day-business will occupy Judge I.
. ' H. McMahan's department of cir
cuit court today.
o . :
: Conapton Mr. and Mrs.. Ray
xnond Com p ton of West Salem are
parents ef a baby girl born April
9 at tha Deaconess hospital. She
Buildings Erected Building
permits J by Salem were Issued
late this week as follows for erec
tion of structures: H. C. Hummel,
one and a halt story dwelling at
35 North 23rd street, $4,100;
oe Sargent, 11 camp houses, one
Store. 2S72 Portland road, cost
$7,150; i J. O. Stutt. one, story
dwelling at 1945- North Laurel
street, $2,500; J. G. Naden, gar
age at 1876 North Liberty street
tor $40; Mutual Savings and Loan
company; garage at 8564 Kose
street, $200; R. H. Sagnotty, one
story dwelling, 705 South zist
street, $2,000. ,
Carnival Dance Kentl Hall Sat.
Proxies Cotne In According to
report of H. E. Eakln, vice-presi
dent of the First National baatt.
proxies ! are coming in in large
numbers to back up the stock
holders'! committee In charge ef
exchange of the stock' of the Ore
gon Linen mills for stock In the
new company being formed. The
committee will meet On April 25,
and It proxies continue: to come
n as fast as they have already.
there will be an easy-majority in
favor of the exchange. It Is ur
ged that stockholders In the old
company give the matter their at
tention at once.
i :
Buys i Thlclsen 'Block P u r-
ehase of the two-story reinforced
concrete building on north Ferry
street between Liberty and High
by George C. Will. Salem music
dealer, was announced yesterday.
will bought from Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Thielsen, making the -pur
chase as an Investment. The
building is 20 by 149 feet Inside,
with full basement. Will has
made Investments In several
pieces of down town property.
Entertainment and sale of
food and handwork by Girls'
Friendly society of Episcopal
church U p. m. today. j .
Special Muste Special music
arranged for the First Evangeli
cal church . Sunday, when the
congregation will occupy ts new
enurcb home for the first time.
includes the anthem by the choir.
"Jesus Tender Shepherd,, to be.
sung in the morning; and a se
lected number by the choir in the
evening. Ethel Poling Phelps will
be at the organ. Rev. A. P. Lay-
ton, pastor, will preach at both
services, j .
Change Time - The book re
view section of the Woman's club
will meet in the future regularly
every Monday afternoon at 2:30
o'clock. Instead of at 3:30 o'clock
as In the past. It was announced
yesterday. ..The first meeting un
der the new schedule will be held
Monday. .Several new books
which It Is believed will be of spe
cial interest have been added to
the list. . .
Rummage sale
Fri. and Sat.
191 So. High.
Swope 1 Matter Final order in
the guardianship of C. A. Swope
was entered in probate yesterday,
with last account of Roy Nelson,
guardian; approved, and distribu
tion of $1,443.02 ordered, this
sum to be prorated among the
holders of unpaid claims, total
ing $6,161.80. When - the distrl
bution Is finished guardian is dis
charged, the order states.
Helse Ejected The third elec
tion to fill the vacated post of
yell leader at . the senior high
school was successful, ' for the
first time a comfortable majority
being recorded. Lynn Heise was
the winning candidate. His op
ponent in the last election, held
yesterday, was Howard Rankin.
Decree Entered In ease of
Marion: land and investment com
pany vs. Ed Koessler and others,
plaintiff ls entitled to- recover
$7,500 and attorney's fees, decree
entered yesterday states.' Pledge
of note and mortgage made by de
fendant la ordered foreclosed.
Dance I Ball Bros.
night, April 11.
Choir to Sing The Jason Lee
church choir, directed by Prof.
Herman Clark, plans to sing Sun
day afternoon at the Methodist
Old People's Home, and in the
evening at the Boy's training
school near Wood burn. There are
about 20 r members In the choir.
Daughter is Bora An eight
and one-half pound girl was born
to Mr. and Mrs. James Bunnell
of 1997 State street on Thursday
at the Bungalow maternity home.
The small daughter has been
named Joan.
Demurrer Overruled J u d g e
McMahan yesterday signed order
overruling demurrer of amended
complaint In the case , of Martin
Ferrey as administrator of estate
of Gerhard Rosenbaum, vs. St.
Benedict's Abbey.
I . -
Report Approved The probate
court has allowed fourth semi-an
nual report of administrator in es
tate of William Schwader. Assets
on hand show $5,327.08. '
Account : Filed S e m l-annual
account in estate of Walter H.
Ruble was filed yesterday by Orlo
a. xvUuie, executor, ana snows a
deficit of $360.15. Disbursements
were $1,364.51.
Returntng Home Mr. and Mrs.
H. C. Shields hare as their guests
Mrs. W. A. Valentine ef White.
S. Dl, who is en route home after
spanning tne winter in caiiiernia.
SpeedlnW Pine A fine of $S
was paid Friday by S. A. Croyser
ox Salem, for apeedfng. .
" y Dr.- Chan- Lara
" f Chinese Medicine
1 180 N. Commercial
St., Stiim'r
1 Office hrnrs "
Tuesday and Satur
day a to 8:S0
Game Commission and Fire
Marshal to Name men
: Subject to.Okeh
J None of the police officers now
provided by law to be appointed
bv the atate game commission,
will continue after the new state
poliee department law becomes
effective, oxeept such as are' ap
pointed with the approval of the
governor and the ehlet-of state
police, according to an- opinion
handed down by Attorney Gen
eral VanWinkle Friday.
Neither will there be any game
wardens other ;. than , those ap
pointed by the state game com
mission, with the approval of the
governor and the , chief , Qf atate
police. A state game supervisor
saving duties other than those of
a peace officer will be retained
by the-commission. There also
will be a master fish warden.
Insurance Head
Also Fire . Marshal l ; !.':.)' i.
The state prohibition commis
sioner Is abolished under the new
state police department act.; The
state insurance commissioner is
made ex-officio state fire mar
shal, . , t
"It will be noticed. read the
opinion, "that the fire marshal,
with the approval, of - the gover
nor and superintendent of state
police, may employ persons to be
known as deputy fire , marshals.
Evidently the Insurance commis
sioner continues to hold the posi
tion of state tire marshal, or
there would be no one to employ
such deputy state fire marshals.'
The secretary of state and state
highway commission are relieved
of all police powers. The secre
tary of state now administers the
state traf fie ' department, while
the highway department partici
pates in the enforcement of . the
laws regulating trucks and sim
ilar vehicles.
Tha lTillza.t1nn of centnriea
and thousands of years ago varies
little in many respects zrom mat
of tndsv. w. a. Delzell. candidate
for congress at the last general
election, tola saiem A a ciao
members veHterdaT. He DOlnted
out that many legal practices were
the same, estate being . bandied
with instruments almost identi
cal with those of today.
- Delzell said economic ups and
downs were also prevalent in
those times. He . predicted that
mankind could do much to alle
viate these evils through the nse
of Intelligence. A stabilized cur
rency together with a stable silver
basis for money to accompany the
gold basis, was held by Delzell
as necessary before prosperity
could be assured.
Jerold Owen, editor of the Ore-
eon Lerionnaire and formerly of
The Oregonlan staff. Friday was
elected secretary or tne woria
wsr veterans state aid commis
sion to succeed Frank Moore, who
has resigned. Owen's commission
will become effective April zo.
The office carries an annual sal
ary of $4000. ; . ; : -
Owen served overseas aurvejj
the World war and has been
prominent in American Legion
affairs. In Oregon for several
years. He was publicity manager
for Governor Meier during . tne
last campaign. ; .
Mr. Moore was appointed sec
retary of the commission early In
the administration of the late
Governor Patterson. He pre
viously was .employed la Port
land. , "
Moore said he had not yet de
termined his future plans, but
probably would return to Port
land where he has 4 prospective
business connection.
Dismissed Formal decree dis
missing the indictment against
the Oregon Pulp and Paper com
pany in the suit brought by .the
state as result of investigation or
the. cinder nuisance was entered
in circuit court yesterday. ;
Hearths Tuesday J. L. Brown
hill, accused of possession oi m
toxicatinr liquor, was ordered to
appear In Justice court on Tues
day to answer to the charge. .
Application In case of A. E.
Crosby vs. A. A. Schramm as state
superintendent-of banks, applica
tion has been made to place on
th emotion docket. ; t
We're selling hundreds; of
them erery day. Get yours
, Tomorrow
Sehaefer quality -
Dollar Mints
32c per lb.
2 lbs. for. 58 c
- This te a apectal that wine
sOMieiiisTrrs will appreciate.;
' " A surprising 'assortment la
both dark and light chocolate.
- These ordinarily sell for
C5c per lb. ..,.; i -
. aly at
Drug Store
1S5 N. Com'l St.
-'Dial -8197 ;:
The original Yellow Front and
candy special store of Salem.
; renslar Agency .
Under tKe
Portland stopped In Salem
ernor Julius L. Meter, The Port
land mayor left the city for a
trip to California -where he will
spend a short vacation. ' Before
leaving the city he said he yoted
for the bond issue to provide
work for the unemployed. The
election was held yesterday. The
mayor : was dressed in his golf
outfit.' and.: said he. was on his
way to see Bobby Xones.- ,
.. The governor left the "state
capital yesterday . noon for
. Portland where he said he
- womra arrive- la time to cats
his -vote for the unediploymeat
bonding plan. - The governor
supported the move whew the
legislature was called npow to
pees a law making it poasibTnr
for Mmltaomah cownty to call
m special election to vote SI i
000,000 bonds for road: and
highway work.
' W. fV. EUls and " Edwin M.
Cousin, attorneys "for the Wasco
Warehouse Milling company,
whose complaint against the O.
W. R. A N.. Southern Pacific
and S. P. & S. railroads for al
leged overcharges is the subject
of a hearing before the public
utilities commissioner are here
for a long session. The hearing
is expected td take about five
weeks, and is said to Involve
about" $400,000.
A Salem officer' received an
appointment when Adjutant
General George A. White of
the Oregon Rational guard an
nounced yesterday that Major
Joseph V. Schwr haa been pro
Reports indicated that the
change in the secretaryship prob
ably would be followed by clean
sweep of local appraisers and bo
nus attorneys. A change In the
headquarters office staff also was
said to be under consideration..;
Secretary 1 of State Hal Hoss
voted "no" on the acceptance of
the resignation of Frank Moore.
On the appointment of Jerry
Owen. Hoss voted with the ma
jority Discussing ) the resignation of
Moore Hoss said: "I have ob
served the work that Moore has
done and can say I regard him
as a very capable officer. I have
watched him for his time In of
fice bees nse I was secretary to
Gov. Patterson when he. was
named. I hated to see the state
lose his services. So long as he
had to go Jerry Owen will doubt
less make good In the position."
Nelson Invited
To Banquet of
Beta Theta Pi
J. C. Nelson, principal emeritus
of the Salem high school, has been
invited to attend as an honor guest
the annual banquet to be held in
Portland this evening by Oregon
alumni chapter. Beta Theta PI so
cial fraternity.
Mr. Nelson is probably one of
the oldest members of the fratern
ity In Oregon, having been Initiat
ed 44 years ago in June at Han
over College, Indiana. The ban
quet will be held in the Multno
mah hotel. Mr. Nelson plans to
attend. '
No Fatalities
Reported Here
There were a total of 53? In
dustrial accidents reported In
Oregon during the week ending
April 9, according ' to a' report
prepared by the state Industrial
accident commission, No. fatali
ties were reported.
We wish to thank our many
friends for the sympathy and
kindness shown us during our
bereavement, and for the beauti
ful floral offerings.. Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Sharp and family. .
- .
.Rich in Protein,
and Economical
The Ideal Meat
Rabbit Shop
190 S.' Coml Tel. 2812J
-. Open eTerjr week day
, except Monday
Hospital Beds
for Rent -
iii!t',-tl :-
Call 06 lO. Used Furniture
Department .;--
131 X. High
Occurrences and Gtisip
at tha center of Oregon
state government
moted to lieutenant ebloaeL
He has been with the national
guard for aboai SO years and
served In both the World war
and on the Mexican border. V,
The newspaper; fraternity In
Salem is growing. ; The state aid
commission. ef World war veter
ans yesterday,, appointed Jerry
Owen; .former- Sunday editor of
the Oregonlan, as executive sec
retary. -Owen succeeds Frank M.
Moore, whose resignation was
accepted. ' Moore ' said : he had
other plans which , he will an
nounce, later.
The first court martial in
the atate in aoene 90 years was
started in Portland last night.
The court was ordered several
weeks ago to try a company
cnmmniTlrr ' for alleged short
ago of funds. It was learned,
yesterday that Louis Heinrleh
of Portland was ander techni
cal arrest and was. the de
fendant named in the order. -
Hal. Hoss; secretary of state,
la back on - the Job again. He
went to Tillamook the middle of
the week to give an address be
fore a woman's organisation, bat
he said he didn't get to the one
part of his . address which , was
deemed the most important and
about which he received the most
publicity that of changing the
state motto; ,
' The Bank of Commerce at. Ore
gon City failed to open Ita doors
Friday morning and was placed
In the hands of A. A. Schramm.
state superintendent of banks, tor
liquidation. Heavy wunarawais
during the past 48 hours were
said to ' he responsible tor the
bank's financial difficulties.
At the time of nreoaring Its
last financial statement the bank
had deposit of $912,281.89. and
resources of $1,234,381. The
bank was organized In 191$.
Ottieers of the bank Include
John -Humphreys, president; Dr.
Guy Mount, vice-president, and
O. G. Jones, vice-president and
Hares "
Mrs. Ellen Hayes died at the
residence, 13Z5 norm jruin
street, April 8, aged 77 years;
mother of Mrs. Bertha M. Zeh-
ner of Salem,' Charles E. Hayes
of Junction City, Roy M. of Fres
no. Cal.i and Fred W. and EUls
a . both of Portland: six r rand-
children surviving. Funeral serv
ices Saturday, April 11, at 10 a.
m.. from , the chapel of the
Clough-Barrlck company. ' .
Mrs. Harriett Harris died April
0 at a local hospital, aged 3i.
Survived bv husband and daugh
ter at Grand itonae. unerei an
nouncement later from Ciougn-
Barrick company.
Florence C. Huffman, aged 26
Tetn. died In this city Friday
evening. She Is Ihe daughter of
Omar Huffman of Harrishurg,
Oreeon. - Funeral announcement
later by W. T. RIgdon and Son.
CIoutb-Barrick Co.
- Phone 6151
Church at Ferry St.
A.f M. Clough V
Dr. L. E. Barrlck
V, T. Golden
Established 1893 Tel. 8632
Convenieritly Accessible
Perpetual care provided for
. Prices Reasonable
.-. a i
f ungaAz, piHnoToaa
770 PnTiMBIt UTA
Oer Bcrrica is rmaeaal
On FrieM Atv'BMMWs
Oh Bhw ta Motiri -
7JetaN4 XaTMUsMt
Prltrest itlemorial
A Park Cemetery
With Perpetual Care
Just ten minutes from the
heart of town
- The Kellems meeting at the
First .Christian church are con
tinuing with greater Interest and
enthusiasm than ever. Last night
eleven more were . added to the
membership . and ' the prospects
are that many more will come by
Sunday. '.
Speaking of evangelism last
night Dr. Kellems said: -
.'The old evangelism Is dead.
Nothing can bring It to lite again.
It belonged to a certain period in
cultural history and with the eha
tauqua is passing away. But
evangelism itself will never pass
away. An Intelligent . proclama
tion -of spiritual truth, an evan
gelism which keeps abreast with
modern thinking and dresses its
message' In the language which
men of this day understand will
be Just as effective and more so
than the old emotional appeals
which we've an of times mixed
blessing. Evangelism needs - all
the fire of the old faahionedr
evangelists with modern scholar
ship. What Is needed is to put
passion into liberalism." '
. Great preparations are being
made for Sunday when It Is ex
pected that the building will
again be packed to the doors. A
great many people are to be bap
tized also. Last evening Dr. Howe
baptized 20 who have previously
confessed their faith.
On Sunday morning Dr. Kel
lems will preach on the theme
"The Lord's Supper" and In the
evening his famous message on
"Christian Unity."
Keenan Parole
Board Chairman
Rev. . Thomas V. Keenan, for
several years a member of the
state parole board and Catholic
.chaplain at the penitentiary, was
elected chairman of the board at
a meeting Friday. ,.C. F. Wright
of Portland, new member of the
board, attended the meeting.
Hereafter two ' meetings will be
held each month instead of one
as In the past.
Oregon Cement
Use Now Urged
The Gold Hill chamber of com
merce has tsent a petition to Gov-
! ernor 'Meier urging inai more
Oregon made cement be used on
state highways and in other pub
lic work. . A copy of the petition
was sent to the state highway
Ladd 6c Bush,' Bankers
f EstabUshed -1868 -
of High Quality 4
extraordinary collection of
beautifully made dance sets,
combinations, stepins, slips,
gowns, etc., rarely offered at
such a low price. Lace trim
med, appliqued, embroidered
and tailored styles. . - .-1
lWe,d like to drop ithe hint to
those who . are going io- bu
graduation gifts
The state - Industrial Taceident
commission, under a resolution
adopted. at the 1929 legislative
session, expended $13,500 for an
Interim investigation in direct
violation of the Oregon consti
tution, according to an opinion
prepared - by . Attorney General
VanWinkle here today.
The constitution provides that
all appropriations shall be made
through a bill passed by the leg
islature and signed by the gov
ernor. . . ; .
The accident commission, ' In
requesting the opinion, 'desired
to know . whether the money
could be taken out of the indus
trial accident f and. Attorney
General YaaWiakle ruled that
only 10 per cent of the fund was
available for administrative ex
penses, and that the commission
was not authorized in charging
the Investigation cost against the
- i
Roosevelt Club
May be Formed
Today at Dallas
DALLAS,-April 10. A meeting
of all those interested In forming
a "Roosevelt for President" club
will be held at the Polk county
The Ladd & Bush Trust Company
does not receive deposits. Its entire
organization and facilities are ' de
voted to one specific object: EFFI
Because of its stability and its ex
perienced staff it offers a depend
able service, 1 1
Ladd & Bush
See fnH page
announcement in
ihe Sunday Statesman
-courthouse Saturday. April llj
The meeting is scheduled to start
at 1:20 p. m.
- Membership in thls'club is open .
to all voters and not restricted to
members of the democratic party.
So far as is known, this is the!
first club of this type to be or-!
ganlzed in the state, but several,
other counties : have begun ar-j
rangements to organize. M i
W. A. Delzell will be the prin
cipal speaker at the meeting. The
notices concerning this meeting
have been sent out by Lynne M.
Parole Officer
May be Chosen
It was reported here Friday
that Governor Meier Is consider
ing the appointment of a state
parole- officer at the Oregon
state penitentiary. This office
has been vacant since the Patter
son administration.
Nunery Stock
Evergreen and Decidious
Ornamental Trees
Priced right, we don't mean
maybe. 7 miles east of Salem
on Pen road
Dial 116 Can 38F3
F. A?Doerfler & Sons
Salem, Ore.
Trust Company
has been named Joellen.