Th OXtEGON STATESMAN, Salen, Oregon, Satcrday Morninr. April li, 1931 PAGE TEN W" 'rliiiifGh Infefesl " ' i 5 , : " '-- , " ' ' of SaMn to v. ococnT nonnnn ' .' ' 1 IILI LIU Ullltmn . ""I v ;. Perf ormanVe, "In Strength" at First M. E. Sunday Night r ------ ' ' ' - - ; , . ' --. nrv Tnlre!t iMflll'Of the First Methodist church will repeat Its performance of .the drama, ?In His Strength." at the church au ditorium Sunday eTeniny, April ' was-first' presented several week agor: Many requests to play repeated bare been received, and the evening service hour will t he riven over to it this week, i The play is to be given under the dramatic oepanmeai i ' 1 ith virrinli Dnrkee as . chairman. Miss Margaret Stev enson, director of religious education;- is coachings the east which is composed of the following stu dents: Peter, the Apostle Eugene smitn. - --Adah, Ms wife Ruth Schrci- ber. . ' V Zillah, her mother Jeane For " rest. Andrew, Peter's brother "Wes- I .... T.xVa '. '" " John, the I beloved disciple '" 'Kelvin ZabrUyvHUi 4, ii -.i;f - James, another disciple WMIs nersaej. . , . : The lighting effects will be bandied by Forest Holladay Wes ley Janke will be stage assistant and Virginia Dume win oe cos- will have charge of the stage de sign and scenic eiiecis. WORLDWIDE GIRLS OFFER PLAY A play, "Missionary Arithme tic" will be presented at tbe cal vary Baptist church Sunday night at 7:30 o'clock by the Sterling chapter. World Wide Guild girls. The . cast of characters In cludes: Dr. Carrie McWllliams, a missionary doctor In India, Miss F. Mildred Taylor; Miss Black, a nurse. Miss Loralne Gregg; three Indian women. Miss Jewel Howell. Mrs. Alma Willis, Miss E. Carol Stoddard; four happy American girls and their "aunt". Aunt Wilda, Miss Ber nice Kielze; Mae, Miss E. Carol Stoddard; Tot, Miss Dorothe Pickens; Gertrude, Miss Dorothy Ross; and Stella, Miss Eva Mae Cochran. The play was coached by Mrs. Earl Gregg, guild advisor. An invitation is extended to the pub lic. - ;No admission will be charged. , HE SOKES SERIES ; Rer. Fletcher Galloway, pastor of the Church of the Naiarene an nounces the opening of two series of .sermons which will continue for five weeks. One of these will deal with the place of the Holy Spirit In the Christian church. The other will be based upon quo tations from tbe devil. The first series will Include the following subjects: "The Holy Spirit and Bible Study", "Soul Awaken ing", "The Baptism with the Spirit",' "Healing, Gifts,; Mir acles; and "Power for Service." The second series which will be given on Sunday evenings,' will Include: "The Great Betrayal". -Slanderer". "Toying with God", -"Brute or Immortal", and "The Mirage." ... The recent revival services which were conducted by the pas tor resulted In about 40 conver sions and the church was crowd ed to capacity many times during the special services. One of the Unusual features of the Naxarene church here, is the large attend ance en Sunday . evenings. ' Holiness Meeting ; Will be Tuesday -The regular monthly all-day meeting of tbe Marlon county Holiness association will be held la the Free Methodist church In Salem Tuesdar. Anril 14. Hot - R. Stewart is pastor of the bost caurch. ... - Mission Closing :First Year Work Sunday will mark the closing 01 ib conference year lor the Kiekreail and Frultland mission the pastor. Rev. F. E. Fisher, an Bounces. He will preach at Fruit land at 11 o'clock Suadav muni. lag. and at Rlckreall at 8 o'clock taac evening. Council. Booster Club Set Meeting ! ;. v ; - The church council of . th American Lutheran church will meet Tuesday nlxht at 8 o'clock and lb Young People's Booster club will .meet Wednesday eves ing at the same .hour. It Is an Bounced. Both . sessions - win bo held la the church social room. ' CO TO 'PORTLAND PERRYDALE. April 10. Mr and Mrs-. Hershel Rimbsteadt and on, who have spent the pas three- weeks . with Mr. and. Mrs O. EL Kurtz, - went to - Portland Thursday afternoon to visit at the Seibert Walker home." His ; BUILD PASTOR i. t Hundreds assembled at the Tomb of . i ..V-- -. . j Cemetery at dawn for Easter services. President and Mrs. Hoover, with James H. Milan, Grand Commander of the Knights Templar pictured leading the singing. - , ; v Annual State Conference Of Evangelical Churches Will be in New Structure Few church conferences have the privilege of helpinsr to dedicate a beautiful new temple of worship, but that will be one of the -enjoyable features of the Oregon conference of Evangelical j churches, which opens here Wednesday, April 16. and extends through Sunday, April 19. Already nearly 10 registrations for the conference have come in. The new Evangelical church structure at Summer and Mar lon streets will be occupied for the first time tomorrow, which means that It will be literally but a few days old when Evan gelical pastors and lay delegates from all over tbe state gather here for the annual session. Pas tors will open sessions prelimin ary, to the main conference Tues day night. Program for the conference. highlight to Salem peoplo of whleh will be the dedication of the edifice Sunday, was an nounced yesterday by Rev. A. P. Layton, pastor. Rev. J. H. Baurenfeind, su perintendent of the Deaconess hospital of Chicago, 111., will be the speaker at tbe early session Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. The " Wednesday session will open at 8 o'clock In tbe morning when tbe board of examiners will meet, with Rev. Carl Hein- mlller presiding. The conference missionary society session will be held that morning at 10 o'clock with Rev. D. R. Hoff man presiding and -at 10:45 o'clock the Students Aid society will meet with G. F. Leininr. Jr.. presiding. First meeting of , the confer-! ence proper will be held Wednes day afternoon at 2 o'clock, with Bishop G. E. Epp, D. D., In the chair: Dr. E. G. Fry," editor of the Evangelical Messenger, of Cleveland, Ohio, will bring the message Wednesday night at 7:30 o'clock. ; The Thursday conference ses sions .open at 9 o'clock in the morning, continuing until 11:45 o'clock and from 2 to 5 o'clock in the afternoon.' The even In program. suiting at 7:30 o'clock,! will see showing of lan tern 'slides and -a lecture by Bishop 'Epp, a, member of ; the commission which visited the Orient. Thursday , night will - be given over to missionary pro gram, t. ; . Frldar will-be the Mr 'day for the youth of the state, with the night session to be given3 over to a rally. in . charge of Rev, Lyle Wllland of ' Monmouth. The sessions for Saturday have not been completed. Sunday, fi nal day of conference, will see dedication of the church and the beautiful Robert ; Morton organ. The program for that day in cludes tbe regular bible school session, at 9:45: o'clock, with Sapt. L. Lb Thornton in : chance. At 10:45 o'clock Bishop Epp will preach the sermon and ordina tion of Junior preachers will fol low. .... J 1- The organ concert - dedicating the new organ will be held: at 2:15 o'clock. . . Program . for this wlU be announced later. , - Dedicatory services for tbe church edifice will be . held at 2:45 o'clock, -with -Bishop Epp delivering the sermon. Bishop Epp ;, will preach the closing sermon at 7:30 o'clock, this service to end with reading of the appointment of ministers. Women of the host church' will prepare meals Cor all conference attendants at a nominal cost. Dorcas Society1 Enjoys Regular : Monthly Session -Tbe Dorcas society of Christ Lutheran church met at the church parlors . for the - regular monthly meeting Wednesday aft moon- at a o'clock with Mrs. Clarke Lee, Mrs. Gottfried Lelske and Mrs. John JCoenecke as host v - 4 the Unknown Soldier in Arlington ' esses. Routine business and a program occupied the time. Committees were appointed as follows: hostesses, Mrs. A. Meyer, Mrs. R. L. Meyer and Mrs. E. Hoffman: flower committee, Mrs. H. Albert and Mrs. Louise Abry; visiting committee, Mrs. Alf Propp and Mrs. Geo. Nets; pro gram committee, Mrs. Alb. Zarn zow and Mrs. H. D. Watson. The decorations were In ac cord with the Easter season just passed. WAV. G. Chapter Will Elect New Of ficers Monday Sterling chapter World Wide Guild girls will hold their month ly business meeting at the Cal vary Baptist church Monday night, April 13. Devotions are in charge of Miss Lois Cochran. Program will be led by Miss Lola Dale Pickens. Every girl is urged to attend this meeting as the officers for the coming year will be elected. A pot-luck dinner will be served. Methodist Men Will Hold Next Meet Wednesday Fully 200 members of the Sa lem district- Methodist Men's council are expected to ' attend the regular meeting to be held at tbe community baU in Turner Wednesday night,- April 16, be ginning at I; 30 o'clock. President Carl Gregg Doney of Willamette university will give the main, address, his 'subject to be "Unfolding . Personalities". Special musical numbers will be furnished by the Turner church men. y ... District League Offices Wilt be ; Here on Sunday District officers of the Luther League and members of the Eu gene, Portland and Vancouver leagues of the chureb have bees invited to meet here Sunday aft ernoon with the organisation of the young people of the American Lutheran church. -- The session will convene at 4 o'clock in the parlors ' of the church, .located on Church street between Chemeketa and Center. State Hospital Gets New Bibles . The Gideons of Salem will bold a dedication service in the state tuberculosis hospital chapel Sun day afternoon at 3 o'clock, it is announced by L Van Delinder of this city, state president of the or ganization. The Gideons group has placed bibles at .the hospital. Baptist Women To Meet Friday The Women' society of-the Calvary Baptist church will meet Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the home, of Rev. and Mrs. W. Earl Cochran. : Election of offi cers will be tbe most important item , or the business session. . An Interesting program is being ar ranged." - - " v FtfKlUfMJ KfEDS'lS Another i eriea of special meet ings at which - nationally known speakers wltt present the dry urogram-for 1932 will be held begin ning ; next Friday , at th First Methodist, church, with a number of local .churches cooperating.- - The unlon meetings" -will be open at 7 : 3 0 o'clock Friday, with COL ' Alfred Lr Mondy ? flying quadrtn"Bpeakerl and," a lieuten ant colonel in " the Indiana" na tional guard," bringing the ad dress; . r tf : ,v 'j : - Two other meetings will ' be held.-Sunday .and Mond'ay - evn lngs, both at .7:30 o'clock, ,flss Norma: C. Brown of Bloomington, Jlh; vice-president of , the Flying Squadron foundation , and associ ate editor of the National Enqulr er, will be the Sunday . night sneaker. . Sne ia an Ard&ind min.' ister and has appeared in every state in the union." x - ,' ; ,E ' ' -J, Oliver W. Stewart of Chicago, president of the Squadron, wlU be tbe speaker for the last of the three meetings,. He is editor of the National Enquirer. : ils . List Virtues For Pastor DALLAS, : April -10. Begin ning Sunday evening, April 12, at 7:30 o'clock, Rev. J. A. Smith of the Presbyterian church will start the first of a series of ser mons on the "Seven Cardinal Virtues. What Are They?" These sermons are the result of a vote of high school students who were, given a list of 25 vir tues to check the ones they con sidered most Important for a weir balanced character.. Two hundred and twenty-five lists were returned, with honesty and truthfulness receiving 214 votes; ambition 191; love 147; self control 137; courage 129; loyalty 112; and unselfishness 105. Rer. Smith - will commence with the last named virtue first and work towards the first in his sermons. Miss N.C.Brown To Bring Prohi Message Sunday WOODBURN, April 10 Miss Norma- C. Brown of Bloomington, ar. ordained minister and a work er for the dry forces, will speak i n the Woodburn Methodist church Sunday morning, April 19, at 11 o'clock. Miss Brown will present the day program for 1932. Miss Brown has traveled and spoken widely and has seen many things of interest, especially things concerning national af fairs. She is vice president of the Flying Squadron foundation and associate editor of the National Enquirer. The general public is invited to hear Miss Brown's speech. There will be no admission charge. Ford Church Men To Hold Regular Meeting Monday The Men's council of tbe Ford Memorial M. E. community chureh will bold its regular meet ing Monday- night, April 13, be ginning with a potluek supper at 0:30 o'clock. Tbe supper session will be fol lowed by a program and busi ness meeting. C. - F. French of tbe Leslie junior high school faculty will speak on "Youth and the Church", and tb ere win be special music by the male quar tet and the "Hill Billies' orches tra from Popcorn- school.. - All men of the community are in vlted to attend. Memorial Service Scheduled Sunday For Bertram Ross A BiMsorlil serrice -for Ber tram Ross, 'who disappeared while bathing in the surf at Nes- kowia on June 8 of last year ana wnose DOfljr was never, recorerea will ha held at the Free Metho dlst church, , Market and North W!nf.r airAfeta ' on 1 Sundav after noon at 2:30 o'clock.! Rev.'M. C. Clark In charge. , Rev. H B. Fouke To Give Address To Group Monday Salem XfinUtarfal 'association will meet in regular . session at 10:30 o'clock next Monday morn ing at tbo T. M. .CVA. building. v The nrorram ( includes devo tions. Dr. E.. S. i Hammond; .ad dress. The - Church and , Youth" by Rev. Hugh B-' Fouke, pastor of the Jason Lee M. E. church. Bogstad to SpeaK Immanuel Group 'ftTV.VKRTOJf Anril ' Rrr. R. Bogstad, - superintendent . of the Sunset home at ' Eugene will speak at Immanuel church San- day morning. Rev. J. M. Jensen. regular pastor, win be at Fort anA wtiere ha will act as d resi dent of the Oregon Circuit of Lu- tkaran hnrehea which holds a HigKPup I convention there at that time - - ZVAXOEUSTIO -ZABEXYACUB - - - ' - Tkirtath ut Ytrry wtrtm . OL- O. WmWe, pattor. - Soaday -aehool t 1:45 p.m. Chrek mrrie t i. . 8akjeV "Tfc Holy-eplril .'Life.". IvsaffsUsUs', Brries t T:44. - Bubiwi, "LiU tks Othmr 844." LMtar M th Book' of BT(btioa TatAr, Thsrs , -4asy-ac,'SL--H-'v Chvreh aad BtW trMU - 'B- Trl Parker,. D. D-putor. .Grsd4 - fiaaday school f :4S - a.n. Monlif worakia .11 o'oWrk: abt:,"Tho Worid'a-qaWw Enrpri." - E renin ' worskio 7:80 eioek. . JCpit prforma.n et tbree Mi na'!a Bis Btreactk. W m bera fi Univaraitr- lu.- Tare Tatug faopia't M&rs.s:sv' a'eloek. : f Crar .' of Wlater and Ofaaatakaiar ?trea; -. GroTer C 3irtebat,-D. paa or. ChTch aehool . maefk' at . 9 : SO a.m. 1m it. &aa&are -8npt. MorniBf worakip. li eioe. uoauaaaity aarriea. mmoa. VTlIt Ha Cornea.'1 -Bpecial araaia. Chria- B Eadaavor eoHetiee aaet-at- 0:30 p. at. Ereniaf wavaaip' 7!80 o'clock. Bor as oa ay me pattor, "Salf-lMeeptioa." Anihera, "Welcome "8we Grace' (Maey). ' Orffaa anaibera, "JETeaaoBg' (Martin): "Merck ef the Aeelytee (Fitcker). . Ifid-wek prayer, meeting at i:3V clock xauraday eTeaing. -.V , irrasT zvaxtoelxosx Marion and Bummer atreeta. . A, t. Layton,-paator.. Sanday aekool S:45 a.m. Morntac verso lp ll o'clock; m eject: "Wbea Jeaaa Cornea la." . Special music. Eveninr trerahia 7:J0 o'clock T tabled : The F rait of the Spirit.", Special macie. Tout-fMBlt l meetiaar 6:30 o'clock: tnbject: "How Far Dare - We Praetlee Brotherhood of Man." - Lewreae lUrei, leader. . . . . . ; . . AlCERZCAir Z.TrTHEBAV ' Chore k street . between -Chemekela" and Center streets. Rev. P. W. Enkaea. pal tor. 11 a.m. The Fine Art of Workinf Together. Special mnsie. . Anthem by tka choir. - 7 :SO a.m. Bandar aekool eT eaing conducted by Max Oehlhar, Sunday Bupt. . )emarks . by. the pastor. , . 9 Hi a.m. Sunday school. LASX8B 1GSSIOK SVAKCnBUCAZ. ' CLEAR LAKE Church acbool - 10 a.m. W. P. Collard, Supt. Worship Vn ...VS... . liTk. T.v.r.ri 11 Holy . commnnity serrice - for yonth" and aonits. e, u u b p.m. MIDDLE GBOVE Church school 10 ( 11. latermeaiaie r ui j. o:aw m. Holy communion serrice in chargo ol presiding elder: v. r. liates as ( LABISH CENTER Chareh school 1Q am W. A. Starker, Supt. O. E. at 7 K.m. Pre-prayer serrice 8:50. C. E. aub v.. r .n V Praetice tka Brotherhood of Man I" Delbert Bihby. leader. . H. R. Sehaoarmaa, pastor, 1161 Union Street, Salem. , TOST SPIRITTJAI. Serrice at 7: SO p.m. at the Nelson hall located en Chemeketa, street between Commercial and laberty streets. Mrs. Howard I. Ray of Portland will be the speaker. Subject, "The Reaponoibility of Mediumship." A circle wiU be held at the ehnreh from 3:30 p.m. natil T p.m. Message will be fiTen by accredited me diums. SAXE1C BAPTIST TEMPLB r. P, niniater. Krrlc,S .wa m. J are held iar Frateraal Temple. Center street between Hiirh aad Liberty. Bible ecaooi w:a. monuna; ,k", 11 o'clock. Sermon topic, "Gleaning in Boats Field." Toung People's meet ing :30. Ereniaf preaching rriee Special mnsie by two ehorae ehor end the orchestra, solo by Kenneth Abbot. Prayer meetiac; Thursday erening. . CHRIST XUTHERAW (American Lnib, Sjnop) i-iv .. Bia itruti. Rer. Amos E. Minneman, A. M.. pastor.. Oermaa ser- Tires :aa a.m. oni; - -- stene of Him Who Suffered aad Died For Cs." Ena-lish serrieea 11 a.m. Sub ject: "At the eet of osmanei. inn . .;i ., t 1 -SO n.m. at the home of Augnst Kehrberger. x COTTRT STREET CHRISTIAK Court aad 17th streets. B. F. Shoema ker, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morning1 worship 11 o eioca; "Almost Persuaded." Ereniag worship 7:30 o'clock; union serrice at t Cbrirtian. Yonng People's meeting 630 o'clock: Aid Society Wednesday and Frt- rrasT chtrch or chrxst. - SCWaTTIST Oi.mekata and Liberty streets, 8unday Sunday school at :5 and 11 a.m. Tea- timanial meeiiae; erery " "7r " " a iL.adTae- Room at 400 Ifeseaie Temple open from 11 to 8:80 except Buaeaya aaa iouh. jasok xa aixMomiAi, u. z. ' tpi.. ..J r.fferson ' streets. Kv, H,h J2:1 erriee at li a.m. or-iu j "What Jeana Meant by 8lrtlon The choir wiU aina-. Erenin,- aerriee at 7:80 M A Blosaom 1'sy Jl SdtV the Lilie. .t ...neld HowThey Grow." Bonaay acnooi at -- a-. .X boon Fox- am a S:SO p.m. aeiowaip. lowinr the erening :aerr.c. CAXVAXT BAPTliT Rodger bnilding. High - and Ferry . -i t.a .L.oah naSMl an : enlS aa. HI. Three-more Sn-day. .rtb. CorraiM. am Proachiag 10:50 . 7:30 P.m, Caurek acnooi or .- . "T z- L.w.. "M Restored to God .ay rv.:-" Solo: "O Lord. Romemoer Ma-MCsra anng o. Mis. Martha Filer P. M. Bspthmal serrice. PUy bj fv. wvo "lliaaUaary Arltbmetie. 1 Sermon: "AddltJon an . oh- Solo "Lord Teach Me to rray J? . v. Vr. Dirks. Monday eren-. Ug 7:30 a' clock tmeteo JZS aesday rrenlar iellowbi - emd pray VZKg V'ao-.dock foiuwjt I m i fcr the meeting of the deaeona and. . Tharsdar eroatett eboix rahearaaa at 7:30 e'tlock. ' - -- - TOST CKMITLI . HIrb aad Center streets..' D. jabioei sr 7; ps Pref St ' W.' Hebson. ETeninr. Zir 7 . Dr. Kenema, preaching. BP?J ity. mie. Sonday acbool t4S a-m. wmuw 1B .. WTl E- arenas i-TO tSirintlre-rW-., .Ptl ..1 serVic. at 7 ,.. The RoTiral meet- Sags continue nt . i . Rosedale Friends WillHearMott vl Preach Sunday rtoTjrta.w : 'larll "10 --Revi Edward Mott. president; of Port land Bible Institutes .will wecl the FTiends church here jiext daughria-ceswerw in New- berg weaseMsj ; tr. . . to attend the Friends MinUter lar conference. , J t Monthly Meeting j To be Wednesday The Knight"' Memorial Congre gational churcbv will bold its reg ular monthly church night meet ing and . potluckr dinner at the church parlors. Wednesday night, starting at C:4 o'clock.- SVSSSBSWMSSSSSSSSSaBSSSSSSSSSSHHMSSSaaWSBSSMMaBSaHBBSMNSSewSS First Gathering :; ; f " For Nets Thought k i 'i: Group is Monday PoUowiag the deelsiors of -'h group' of Interested ' folk' Wexinceday; to; organize a metaphysical'' center in Saj lem, suinotuicenient is mndo Ihat a meeting for this par-" peee Will be held Monday -evenirfg at' 7 . o'clock at the - ntablic ; library -' aoditorinm. State and , Winter streets. Entrance to the auditorium is from the Winter street Side.. . . . '. - .- The group will also . plan , "todies , in J peychoeuialysls and aniry. '.. " Mrs. Frank Crosier Is tem porary' secretary . and ' Airs. Ida Y. Miller is acting chair. ST. lOHSTS rVTHZXA (He. Synod Xorth lth aad "A" SC Rot. II. W. Gross, pastor. Sunday school at 9 a.m. English serrice t:45. German at 11:00, ' . USXXS MXMORIAL ' ' ; South "Commercial ind My era streets. 8. Iariow Johnson, pastor, 848 E. Myers street, phone 087' Berriee 11 a.m., ? 'Making Prom lees." Anthem "Great ad Marrelous." (Wilson). Ereainr aer riee 7:80 p.m. "Jadaa.". Asbnry leagae will , sine Nolte'a "Joyou Bells . ef Easter.." Sunday school . 9:45 a.m. Stearns Cushing, Supt. Three leagues at 6180. -The "elder group, under leadership of Carl Marey, will disease the topic. "If Youth Had its Say About the Church." Mid-week serrieea Thursday erening at 7(80. Monthly dinner meeting - of Brotherhood : Monday erening at 6": 30. Rer, Hugh B. Fouke, speaker. FIRST CHURCH Or THB VAZAREKE - One block south ef Center on lth street. Rev. Fletcher Galloway, pastor. Residence 479 N. 24th street, phone 9630. The pastor speaks Sunday from the fol lowing subjedu: 11 a.m. "The Holy Spirit aad the Bible." This is Me. 1 of a sermon aerie en "The Works of the Spirit" T:45 p.m. "The Deril's First Sermon." : This will begin a aeries en "The Deril's Religion." Sunday school 9 :45 a.m. Frank M. Lit wilier, Supt. N. T. P. 8. and Junior society 6.-45 p.m. Miss Then Sampson, president, Mrs. Fletcher Galloway, junior supervisor. Prayer meetinr Wednesday 7:45 p.m. FORD MEMORIAL SC. E. COMMUTTITT Gertb arenue aad Third street. Mere dith A. Grorea, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 ajn. Morning worship 11 o'clock; subject: Dr. K. 8. Hammond will preach. Special mnsie by Mis Train Grant and Junior choir. Erening worship 8:00 o'clock; subject: "The Mind of Christ en, Prayer." Special mnsie by orches tra and choir. Tonne People's meeting 1 o'clock. SOUTH SALEM" FRIEJTDS South Commercial at W.thinrtn itnaL Chaa. C. Hawortb, pastor. Sunday aer- riees 10 a.m. Sunday acbool, Nathan Cook. Supt. 11:00 Morniac worshin. Sermon: '"The first FroUs." Mr. and Mr. . Rom Miles will sine a duet. 5 :00 p.m. Vesper sorriee. Rer. 8. Kiwa, pastor of the Jaoanoao work at LabUh f 'enter will tell about their work there. Thursday 7:30 prayer meeting and Bible study. SUMMIT Orchard HefrhU road. Meredith A. Grores, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 ajn. Morninr worahin 11 o'clock: (ab ject: "Buried Treasure." KHIGHT MEMORIAL H. C. Storer. minister. Morninr ser rice at 11. Sermon subject: "The Zest for Liring." Men's ehosua will sing. "uuit Yon Like Men. be Stronc" I Wil son). Erening serrice at 7:30. . The speaker will he Mr. Archie McDonald. Mrs. C. A. Huston will sing "Teach Ma to Pray." Sunday school at 10 u. O. C. Harris, Supt. Christian Endearor at 0:45 p.m. Tbe monthly church night meeting and sapper en Wednesday at S :45. -; - FIRST ' trUTTARIAjr "- Kerth Cottage and Chemeketa streets. Rot. Fred Alban WaiL' minister. Chureb school at 10 a.m. . Miles H. McKay. Sunt. Church serrieeat 11 a.m. Sermon, "The Trend et Bellgloa. Mr. Trnma Huston, soloist. Mrs. Walter A. Denton, organiat, Ljf -9 ' - - - ' ' .. ' '" . REFORMED CBXTRCH , " - Corner-Capitol and Marion .atreeta. W, G. Lieakaompar, pastor. ' Buncy school 10 a.m. German , worship 10 o'clock; subject: "The Prodigsl' Son." - English worship: 11 o'clock: subject: "But Tnom aa Va ot There.'.' Special mnsie. J - C FIRST GERMAJT BAPTIST r North Cottage and D streets. G. W. Kutsch. minister. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Sam Hckirman, Supt.v - Serrice 11 S.BV.; Topic, "The Lord's Gracious Call to a Back-Slidden Disciple." Erening serrice at 8 p.m. , Sermon topic, "How Shalt I Qtre. Thee Vpl" Special musie by. church, .orchestra. Voupr People' pieetina at 8 p.m. Tuesday. Henry 'eu man in eharua. . Repolar mid-week prayer meeting at 8 p.m. Wednesday... '"first -COWGREGATIONAL Center aad Liberty street. Chsrlea E. Wars, pastor. Suanay . school . 9 :45 a.m. , Morning worship 11 o'clock; sub ject: "Hi Legacy." -Special music by a mixed Quartet. -. Erening. worship 7 :SO o'clock; subject: A three-act play with a local cast. .Wednesday, April 15, Wom an' Union meeting t the heme-of Mrs. Kibbe, 65 8.' Commercial street.: ; . FIRST BAPTIST Corner of North Liberty and Marlon 'streets. , William H. : Robins. - pastor. Bible acbool at 9:45 with. clase for all age under prepared teachers.' Fred hroer, Supt. Morning worship st 11:00. Subject : "Joseph, a Type- of Christ." Mnsie- by organ and -choir. Young Pee pie's societies meet at 6:30. Interesting topics disenssed. . Erening evangelistic serrice at 7:80. The firbt of a series of seren sermons on "The Adrentnres of a Typical - Young Man,'.' will be giTen. Subject: "The Prodigsl Son Hia Arro gant Claims." Wednesday erening prayer and praise serrice at 7:30. Friday nifc-ht Salem Union Bibls Study classes. XMKAKUEX. BAPTIST Corner of Hasel and Academy streets. Sunday school at 10 n.m. Lessen: Peat. 13. Preaching at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Mid-week prayer and testimony meet ing Thursday erening at 7:45. EHOLEWOOD UWITEJP' B RETHREW North 17th aad Nebraska streets. L. W. Biddle, pastor. Sunday achooi 9:45 a.m. Morning worship 11 o'clock; sub ject : "Big Christians." Erening wor ship 7:30 o'clock; subject: "Fellowship in Faith.' ' Junior and Intermediate C. E. meeting at 6:30: subject: "Being a Growing Christian." Prayer -meeting and personal work class at 7 :30 p.m. Thursday. . CHRISTIAN A MISSIOKAL ALLIANCE S55 Ferry street. Loniae Pinnell. pas tor, phone 4875. Sunday morning Sunday school at 9:45. Mr. M. I. Lit willer. Supt.- Serrice at 11. Sunday er ening1 Yonng People' serrice at :80 Nora Woolery, leader. Serrice at 7:80. Tuesdayreninc praj-er serrice at 7:80. Thursday erening Young People' cot tage prayer meeting at 7:30, held at 1210 No. 18th street. . ,. FEES METHODIST Market and North Winter streets. - 3. R. Stewart, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morninr worship 10:45 o'clock. Rer. M. C. Clark will preach, at both erriee. Erening worship at 7:30 'clock. Yooag People' meeting 6:30. -"--- rr j " I - v 'a. ADVERTISING helps you stretch your dol lar. You do not need to shop around all day to find what you want at the price you can afford to pay The advertisemens in the news-, papers tell you where you can buy it : at the lowest price, 'Advertisements' save you, time, save money, save physical effort. They make buying easy and sure. , . . y Advertising enables the woman in the home to compare values without moving front her easy chair. She can shop comfortably in her own living-room. When she was decided what and where to buy, it takes brit litile time and effort to complete the purchases. - Women appreciate the advantages of ad vertising. They trust it TTiey believe in the goods advertised .-. I and buy them. - - Keep tsithin your budget by purchasing merchandise you see advertised in your nevotpeper be eio AT COilCiGATIOil : The Sunday evening . service at 7:10 at the First Congrega tional church " will Include a threa-act play "Two Masters" given by the. following cast of characters: Mrs.'.Van. Horne, Christian lady of wealth who tries to serve two masters, Mrs. ; WTEr-Hanson; Mrs, StuarUber J lntalid mother, Mrs, C.;E Ward; Janet., MaCrea, i a f missionary's daughter, Mrs. .Richard - Slater; Rachel and Helen, two. college , friends of Helen, Mrs. Wayne Barbara and Mrs. . to' O. Smith ; Mrs. C. von der Witt-Jones, a traveller and lecturer, Mrs.Ells--worth Rlcketts; - the president of , the - Culture . club, Mrs. W. p.: Clarke. . - Tha'nlir la directed-br Mrs. Mark McCalllster. The public is invited to attend, f Jason Lee's Men to Hear C.WNobIe A The Apri meeting of the Bro therhood of 'Jason Lee church. Winter and Jefferson streets, will be helf Tuesday, April 14, at ;30 o'clock. The speaker is to be C. W. Noble, business man of Salem, whose world travels have, brought him into contact with many of the present "hot pits" of interna tional life. ! He will speak On "Over , the Back Fence Into Russia." Mr. Noble has been much In demand as speaker in recent weeks and -all the men of the community are cordially invited to attend the Brotherhood meeting. Dinner wlU be served at C:30 o'clock. Reservations must ba made by telephoning 7107 before Tuesday. Special music will be i furnished by the quartet of the! Salem Ministerial association. Otterbein Guild Will Hold Meet HAZEL GREEN'. April 10. Tbe Otterbein Guild, girls' mis sionary society, will meet at the Pearl Wood home Sunday, April II. at 2 o'clock with Miss Iroo gene Wood, leader. Subject, Philippine Islands. Rev. Kurts, a T. M. C. A. worker, entered Manila with the army. In 1900 he returned to the islands to be Kln missionary work for the United Brethern church. CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH Rodgers Building ' High & Ferry Sts. Graded Church School 9:40 a. m. Junior Church 10:50 a. m. Church School of Mis sions 6:30 p. m. 10:50'A. M. Sermon: "Mas Restored to God By Christ" Pator Solo "O Lord, Remember Me" (Car a Roma) . Miss Martha Floer -7:30 P. M. Baptismal services. Play by W. W. G. "Missionary Arithmetic" fVermon: "Addition and Subtraction" Fator Solo: "Lord, Teach Me To Pray" (Jewett) Mr. Dirks . t WELCOME W. iEarl Cochran,, pastor ' 1" v V 0 , i