The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 10, 1931, Page 6, Image 6

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, April 10, 1931
Junior Symphony
Orchestra Concert
.The outstanding musical event
ct the spring season Is the first
appearance of the Salem Junior
Symphony orchestra, Friday eve
ning at 8 o'clock, in me armory
on Ferry street. ' .- -
Under the -able leadership of
Professor William Wallace Gra
ham, whose -experience and - uc-
cess has placed mm Toremosi in
the line of conductors, the organ
isation of youthful musicians hare
a. real treat In storefor music
lovers.. Professor Graham for
icht veara studied in Berlin.
three years, of which he was the
leader -of the Froiessionai aen
Symphony orchestra of Berlin.
For seven years Professor Graham
has been secend concert' master
for the Portland Symphony or
chestra, which has given titm in
.valuable experience as a conduct-tor.-
. ' "
Appearing as guest artist on
the program is Ferens Steiner,
principal 'cellist with the Portland
Symphony orchestra. Mr. Steiner
will bring with him a rare old
Italian Amati ceIlo, which has an
estimated value of $12,000. This
wonderful Instrument produces a
deep, mellow tone, the richness of
of which is most delightful and
pleasing to the most sentisive mu
sical ear. This Amati was made in
Italy In 115 and was first ex
hibited in this country at the time
of the St. Louis exposition,
, Mrs. A. A. Schramm, prominent
Salem pianist, will accompany Mr.
Steiner in his program.
Those who have contributed to
the success of the organization: in
. addition to a large number of in
dividuals, are the Salem Woman's
club. Rotary club. MacDowell
inh SiUm Music Teachers' asso-
elation and the Business and Pro
fessional Women's club.
A large number of tickets have
already been sold and more are
anticipated before the: opening
election. Following is the pro
gram as it will be given Friday
Suite, "Egyptian" . . . .A. Luiglnl
Allegro non troppo
Andante sostenuto
Andante espressiro
' - Orchestra
Romania, op. t, No.' 1
............... Ferens Steiner
Tarantella ........ David Popper
Ferens Steiner
Overture, "Cxar Und Zimmerman
, A. Lortzing
Hungarian Rhapsody.. Lizt-Popper
Ferens Steiner
Air from Shite in D Major -.................
.J. S. Bach
Minuet, "Celebrated"
Luigi Boccherinl
, For String Choir
Valse, "Invitation to the Dance"
Maria ron Weber
Orchestra .
There is wide variety in styles
for spring, but none more impor
tant than the simple and youthful
street dress of printed flat crepe
with tailored collar . and cuffs.
. The model presented today is ex-
; .rr:uiciy am arc WKtt US IOW placed
skirt' flare and side nioata
: also very easy to make; and may
.be worn now under a top coat,
and later with a scarf or fur.
Pattern 2093 la stnnnina- nf kai
and brown print trimmed with
4eige satin or natural linen eol
T lar and cuffs. A brown suede belt
adds a chic note. J
May be obtained: only! In sises
14, 1C, 18. 29, 22. 24. 3, 38 and
40. Size 14 requires 3 3-4 yards
or 39 men fabric
X Sruamttlar cxpHene I ae
ry to maka tail model with ear,
Kttara. Xardara fee tvtry tiia, and
pla, exact iaatraetieaa ara givea
Sm filtaaa aaata r eaa aattara.
WnM pUiaiy font Sana, add rasa an4
tyla aamaar. Ba sore to state aise
wasted. r
Taa-aaw iprinr aa4 'soauatr aat
tara. aatalor featnrae as excallaat aa
ertBeat of (traee. iperta . aad
heaie dreaaei, liaftria. pajanas ed
kiddiea clot has, a)e dalifhtfn aeeea'
ery paUeraa. Pria af catalog flfteea
caata. Catalo rwith patUra, twenty
five eeata.. Addreea ail Mil tad ar
dere to Stateanaa Patters Dpar
wat. a 43 West 1 7 A street. Stw Sferk
News and Glub
Olive M. Doak.
, . I " Friday, April 10-
El Kares Grotto and' wives, sponsor card party so
cial rooms of Maaonie temple. ';''
Mra. E. N. Bailey will entertain Missionary women
or First Baptist church, 2 o'clock. - -
West Side Ladies aid society of Jason Lee church,
potiuck dinner; in church parlors; each member may.
brlDBarbaatFrItchie No. 2. Daughtera of Union Vet
erans of Civil War. Friday, 8 o'clock. Woman's club, r
Special patriotic program. . . . ?
Three Links club Friday, 2:30, church parlors. Mrs.
Etta Hodge. Mrs. Blanche Saunders and Mrs. Nellie'
O'Neil assisting hostesses. " ' , "
First Baptist church women's missionary , meeting -Friday;
April 10, at ,home of Mrs. .H.. L. Durham; Instead
of Mrs. E. M. Bailey as previously announced. .
Carnation club will meet with Mrs. Ruby Pou jade,
East Center street, Friday, 2 p m. '
Salem Junior Symphony orchestra concert Friday,
8 p. m. armory. ' ; 1 ' " " r." .' -
Salem Women's club, Friday afternoon 2 p. m.,
election of officers for coming year.
Women of Dallas
Club Enjoy'
Dallas the Dallas Woman's
club now has SC paid up mem
bers, according to the report of
the president, Mrs. C. W. Henkle,
made at the meeting Tuesday af
ternoon. This is the largest mem
bership the club has ever had.
Mrs. V. C- Staats gave a report
of the meeting of the third dis
trict federation held recently in
Hillsboro. ; j
A nominating committee waa
elected to submit the names of
candidates for the coming year.
Those elected are Mrs. J. O. Van
OrsdeL Mrs. Roy Donahue ,and
Mrs. Arthur Palmer. - The club
voted a prise of 3 2 for the essay
contest entered by high schools
of the county on i"Conquering the
Foe of Youth." I The contest la
sponsored by the Oregon Tuber
culosis association.:
The club also voted f 10 to be
used for purchasing and mounting
additional pictures to be added
to the picture library to complete
the set made several years ago.
The program for the day was
n charge of Mrs. Donahue, who
made a brief talk, on Oregon prod
ucts.- and papers were presented
by Mrs. A. J. Cleveland -on the
pulp paper Industry. Mrs. Ora
Cosper told of the Importance of
the wool production to Oregon,
and Mrs. Oscar Hayter described
number of tne cereals grown
and manufactured in Oregon.
Hostesses for. the afternoon
were Mrs. Erie Fulgham, Mrs. A.
J. .Cleveland, Mrs. Harry Webb,
Miss Eva Wald and Mrs. A. R.
Hartman. !
The May meeting will be the
annual meeting with reports of
the year's work j and election of
officers. I
' e
W. R. C. Presidents
Club Entertained
The past president's club of the
W. R. C. met with Mrs. Hattle B.
Cameron, Wednesday afternoon.
Special guests for the afternoon
included Mrs. Francis Gwlie and
Mrs. Leonra Jaeschke of Silver
ton chapter of W, R. C, and Mrs.
Julia Blodgette f and Mrs. Ida
Traglio of Salem. A pleasant aft
ternoon of social conversation
waa enjoyed by the group, after
which refreshments were served
by the hostess. An Interesting
part of the program was the roll
call wheat each member respond
ed with a short poem or quota
tion. '. !-'- -
: Those enjoying . the afternoon
were, Mrs. Mary, Ackerman, Mrs.
Jennie F. B. Jones. Mrs. Sarah
Drager, Mrs. Helen Southwick,
Mrs. Lizzie W. Smith, Mrs.. Sarah
Peterson, Mrs. Rose Voris, . Mrs.
Bertna Love land and the hostess,
Mrs. Hattie B. Cameron.
- ' .
Royal Neighbors Meet
ror Social Time
Wood burn The- members of
the Woodburn Royal Neighbors
sewing club met at the-home of
Mrs. Eva Engle in south Wood-
Durn Wednesday afternoon. The
sewing club helped Mrs. Engle
celebrate her birthday.
The afternoon was spent in
quilting. Refreshments were serv
ed lite in the afternoon. '
The next meeting of the club
will be held at the home of Mrs.
James Thomas on Gatch street
April 18. The ladles will piece a
quilt lor the new Oregon Royal
Neighbors home.
. Those present at the Wednenda
afternoon meeting were Mrs. Rose
uiooens, Mrs. Delia Gibbens, Miss
Mary Gibson, TIrs. Molly Gibson,
Mrs. Anna Uchte. Mrs. John Al
guire, Mrs. Howard Sayre, Mrs.'
James Thomas, Mrs. Edna Brers,
airs. Mary uraiicek, Mrs. patter
son, miss . Impecoven Patteson,
aara. a. viiaer, Mrs. jnlla Brach
mann. Miss Agnes Brachmann and
airs.- aura nice.
Club Nominations to
Be Made Friday
Members of the Salem Woman's
club are lookina ; forward tn an
interesting meeting on Friday af
ternoon, when i nominations for
new clnb officers will be made.
An instructive as well as enter
talning talk by Misa Mabel Rob
ertson, dean - of s girls at Salem
high school, is ! featured on the
program. Special music Is also
oeina piannea xor the pleasure of
me members. .
Professor Herman Clark, choir
director "of the Jason Lee church,
and Mrs. Clark, entertained mem
bers of his choir at an Informal
evening in his i home Thnrari.v
night. Following social "get to-
geiaer ..retreenments were serv
eL. by the hostess.
-.. 7
Dr. and Mrs. ill. c. rDw w
Friday -morning for Sdo where
uey win spend the day transact
ing business matters.
Society Editor g
D. A. R. Quilt Tea
Arranged For :
Near Future
. One of the outstanding social
events of the near future la the
Quilt -Tea to be given by the
Daughters; of the American Rev
olution , in : the Women's club
house on the afternoon of : the
25th of April. Many of the quilts
to be exhibited are around 100
years old.
The committee in charge of this
affair Includes, Mrs. V. E. New-
comb, chairman; Mrs.' C. A. Spra-
gue, Mrs. Claude Ellison. Mrs.
David Looney, Mrs. S. L. Minard.
Mrs. Herbert Ostlind, .Mrs. JL T,
Love, Mrs. W. B. Johnston, Mrs.
W. C. Conner, all of Salem, Mrs.
A. E. Austin of Woodburn, and
Mrs. Oscar Hayter and Mrs. J. R.
Aiigood of Dallas. r.
: :
Miss Ethel Barry
Bride-Elect of
At an Impressive " wedding
service Wednesday morning at 8
o'clock In the St. - Vincent : de
Paul Catholic church. -Miss Ethel
Barry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
J. C. Barry, became the bride of
Fred Moriarty, son of Mr. and
Mrs. William Moriarty. The wed
ding was the culmination of a
childhood romance .which started
In Strettler. Alberta. Canada.
where both families 1 lived pre
viously, i '
Rev. Thomas Vincent Keenan,
officiated at the nuptial mass.
which was given before an altar,
elaborately decorated with lilies,
daffodils, and jonquils. About
100 relatives and friends wit
nessed the ceremony. - ,
The bride was attractive In a
smart traveling suit of blue
crepe with eggshell accessories
and a. corsage of . butterfly roses
and orchids. Her only attendant
was Mrs. A. J. Barry, who wore
an ashes of reset ensemble with
eggshell accessories. A corsage
of butterfly roses and orchids.
A corsage of butterfly roses and
pink " sweet peas added to her
costume. -,, ;--
J. A. Barry -served as best
man. ' j
Mr. and Mrs. Moriarty left
Immediately after the' wedding
for a wedding trip to Vancou
ver and Victoria, British Colum
bia. v' ' '. 1 '
Dancing and Cards
At Homing Home
One of the Interesting Informal
affairs of the week Is the evening
of cards and ; dancing being ar
ranged by Mrs. L. R. Honfing at
her home in North Salem, when
she has invited guests for Satur
day, evening. Spring flowers will
carry out the color scheme of yel
low and .white in the table decor
ations and .card . accessories.
Those chosen for the evening
include Mr. and Mrs. Guy Vincent
Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace W.
Woodruff, , Mr. and Mrs. Merrln
Fiddler, Mr. and-Mrs. Chester B.
Ftaaier, Mr. and Mrs. Clarke
Walker and the host and hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. Horning.: Mrs. Guy
Vincent Smith will assist the
hostess at the supper hour. '
Sweet Briar Club is ?
Honored Thursdav.
I WalUce Road. Mrs. Ed Pratt
delightfully entertained fellow
members of the Sweet Briar club
at her country home, on the Wal
lace Road, Thursday, April 2.
Spring time bouquets of tulips
and daffodils were arranged ef
fectively about the guest rooms.
Mrs. Ray Binegar, president, con
ducted : the . business session fol
lowed by a pleasant social aft
ernoon. The . next meeting i will
be held at the home of Mrs
Sarah Patrick Wednesday, April
22. Mrs. Pratt was assisted by
Mrs. Lou Grote when she served
a dainty Junch. i Mrs. Ella Gull
and Mrs. C. Bunty were special
guests for: the afternoon. In
cluded In the list of members
PfMentwere Mrs. William N.
Stoddard, Mrs. W. T. McCalL
mrs. uju Grote, Mrs. J. Crab-
vree, ra. js. o. MoU, Mrs. Sarah
Patrick, MriJ Mose Adams; Mrs.
F. E.Mercer Mrs. Ralph Allan,
Mrs W. C. Franklin, Mrs. C C.
ChaffeeMrs. James Imlah, Mrs.
R. O.: Williams, Mrs.. Charles A.
ala,'Trr8' nl Bunn. Mrs.
A. E. UUey. Mrs. C. L. Blodgett.
Mrs. Ray Binegar.
. . I;
;The,HJm onry, Society
of the Leslie Memorial church was
entertained Wednesday afternoon
at the home of Mrs. E. T. Barkus.
About 23 guests enjoyed the af
ternoon of devotional service, fol
lowed by music and conversation.
Mrs. Charles Lucas assisted J.he
hostess In the serving of a dainty
tea. , -
Au-ora Society
. Active ; During
-. Aurora En- famille dinners
with an added gueet or two seem
ed ;to be the preference for Eas
ier isunaay, with attendance some
time during the day at the church
service of thejr choice. The John
Krauses presided at a- dinner at
which were' Mm Rnrv trnm
and all ' her children, Arthur,
John, Arleeta and: Georgia. Mrs.
J. i 8. Cooper Tot , Portland, moth
er of Mrs. John Kraus . and the
grandchildren Billy. Stephen,
kuii, Biuie, jonn ana George
Kraus. - : . .
; At the George Gergen home
were Mr. and Mrs. Ray; Gergen
ana cniiaren : Fatty and Hubert,
Mr. and Mrs. John- Kister and
f Jack Minor of. Portland. -
Mr. and Mrs. J.- W. Sadler en
tertained Mr. and Mrs: - Frank
Settiemler of "Woodburn and Per.
gy Sadler and George Fisher of
f orxiana. , ; - .- --- ,
Members of Mr." and Mrs." Lane
Cribble's family who were home
for the week end were Mrs. Ty
ler and Mr. Franklin Tyler who
came from Bend and Lowell Crib
ble of Salem. Sunday afternoon
they all drove to Salem to visit
Rober Scott of Woodburn, a son-in-law
' who Is sick in a hospital
there. . - ' 'v-'r-
Jane Gergen and Ersula Mosh
berger of Woodburn Tisited Max
lne Glesy and the girls attended
the local dance Saturday night.
f Week end guests at the George
Ehlen home were ' Harry, Karl
and Rose Ehlen. Miss Haley and
Peggy Woodcock all of Portland.
Among- those leaving town
were Mr. and Mrs. Chester Gil
breath and-daughter Joan, who
drove to Vancouver, Waah. to
Tlsit with-Mrs. Gilbreath's par
ents Sunday.-
f Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Strickland
and the twins Jimmle and Jean.
motored to Eugene to din with
Mrs. Strickland's niother and sis
ter. Dr. Kent ahd family.
George Knapp, and daughter
Margaret who was down from Sa
lem to spend the week end with
her father, took dinner with rel
atives in Portland Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Grim, Mr.
Charles Beck, and Mrs. Lou Erb
saland spent Easter with Mr. and
Mrs. Karl Beck of Salem. Others
present were Mr. and Mrs. Edgar
Pierce, Richard and Barbara
Pierce and Mr. and Mrs. R. I.
Hendricks of Salem.
Mrs. Frank Rahn
Honored Guest
Silverton. Mrs. Frank Rahn
was completely surprised Mon
day afternoon when a group of
friends walked in on her to as
sist in the celehtatlon of her
birthday. Mrs. Rahn remarked
that this was the first surprise
birthday party ever given for
her. She received a S9.ntM
glass luncheon set.
, Those present for the after
noon were Mrs. Kate Morley,
Mrs. Clarence Morlev. Mr n.
M. Wray. Mrs. Albert Webb. Mra.
Schuster, Mrs. J. Staynbrr Mrs.
I. it. Stewart. Mrs. S. E. Gar.
Mrs. D. E. Geiser, Mrs. Hans
Jensen. Miss Ella ,- Grinds - Mra.
A. Grinde, Mrs. Merlin Conrad,
Mrs. Mary Andrews, and Mrs.
E. R. Ekman. - :
Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Rahn were hosts at dinner. Cov
ers were placed for Mr. and Mrs.
W. ! W. Miller of Scio, Mr. and
Mrs. A. H. Cvtus. -Robert Dar-
old and Max Cyrus of Albany,
Mr. and Mrs. D. : E.- Geiser. Mrs.
W. O. Livingstone, Mr. and Mrs. ;
itaymona Werner, - Virginia - Lef
fler. Beta' Rahn of Portland and
Mr. and Mrs. Rahn.
Gervais Choir Honored
With Dinner Tuesday
i uervaia. Rev. Father Orth
gave a turkey dinner at the par
ish . hall Tuesday night to mem
bers of the Sacred. Heart choir
and the cast of a play " recently
given here. : There were 28 seat
ed at, the tables. 'The decorations
about the hall and on the tables
were in lavender and yellow, the
colors used in the decorations at
the church for Easter. Branches
of : apple blossoms were laid at
intervals on the tables. Seated
at the head of the table were
Father Orth, Mrs. Helena Estu
dllla, the Misses SophJ Nibler,
Marie Mangold and Gertrude
welss and John Klene.' . Others
around the table . were Etheloy
and Ewald Eusee, ' Victor and
Joe Schindler, Annie and Joe Do
ran, Rosie Hauptmau, Catherine
Mutter, i Elisabeth and ; Peter
Schelchter, Elizabeth Kuhn. Ma
rie Marson, Rose Dietrich, Gene
vieve Hauptman, Clara and Ly
man Eder, Rose , Leith, Andrew,
Rose and Peter Miller, Tony
Pedka, " Eliraheth Messer, Lilly
Snyder, Eva Leith and i F. Adel
man waited tables. An evening
of music and games followed the
dinner. . , ;
i Scotts Mills - Miss Grace Dun
agan was pleasantly surprised Fri
day evening t her home, the oc
casion being her birthday". The
evening was spent in ... playing
games after which lunch was
served. Those enjoying the ev
ening were Mr. and Mrs. Otis
Shepherd and two children, , Mr.
and ' Mrs. ' Louis Sheperd, "Misses
Dora and Margaret Geren, Vanet
ta Hasklns, Dortfaa Sheperd, Leo
na Korb. Stella and Evelyn Tay
lor, Grace Dunagan, Helen Law
rence and Miss Newcomb, " Ray
Teller;", Charles . Wade, . Charles
Janes, John Lauderback, Frank
Sheperd, John Taylor, - Ray Mc
Killop, Jack Taylor, Glenn shep
erd. Pearl Reed, Mrs. C. : Reed
and Mrs. C, A. Dunagan.
- . e a .. - " -Mr.
and Mrs. E. T. Barkus entertained-
recently in their, home
with an Easter - dinner,' " compli
menting Mr. and Mrs. Frank C
Rock and their " two children.
Franklin -and Biilie. A center
piece, of Easter lilies combined
with Amanita lilies adorned the
attractively appointed dining ta
ble. '
Auxiliary Benefit
Social ' Event
Of Season
The American Legion auxiliary
benefit, bridge tea. which has oc
cupied considerable attention for
the. past fortnight, was one of the
most delightful of spring: social
affairs. Fifty-six tables of auction
bridge .were in play Thursday af
ternoon In the main dining room
and the Chinese room of the Mar
ion hotel, which were made lovely
by artistically arranged baskets of
springs flowers, cherry blossoms
and daffodils combined' with Ore
gon grape. -
The fashion revue through the
courtesy of Mack's ready-to-wear.
store and the Miller Mercantile
company, showed attractive mod
els in - sports . wear, afternoon
frocks and formal evening gowns,
these being modeled by-local high
school girls. ; . .
Little David Smith pleased the
guests with aeveral . - vocal - solos.
which were enthusiastically i re
ceived. His mother, Mrs. David
Smith; accompanied on the piano.
. The auxiliary . quartet gave ' a
group or musical numbers which
were , especially : popular . with the
listeners. - .
s Mrs. - J. T.. Delaney, general
chairman, "was assisted by a com
mittee composed or jan, itoger v.
Woodrow, Mrs. WUU "Vincent,
Mrs- F. N. Waters, Mrs. H. ' R
White and Mrs. Alexander McGee.
. The high prize for the afternoon
was won by Mrs. A. J. Busick, sec
ond score by Mrs. M. D. Pilkenton,
and Mrs. C. D. Busick was the
holder, of the third award. , .
The' guest list for the affair in
cluded: -. t .
Mrs. A. J. Busick, . Mrs: C D.
Busick, Mrs. F. H. Thompson, Mrs.
F. L. Utter, Mrs. Richard McNul
ty, Mrs. M. D. Pilkenton, Mrs. T.
J, Brabec. Mrs. Leo.- Rae-f, Mrs.
Lee. Canfield. Mrs. W. I. Need-
ham, Mrs. Bailie N. Savage, Mrs.
D. J. Madison, Mrs. Edwin Arm
strong, Mrs.; W. J. Braun, Mrs.
Karl Helnleln, : Mrs. Bertram
Thompson,- Mrs. Ellsworth -Riek-
etts, Mrs. J. H. ScoU, Mrs. Miles
McKee, Mrs. James Burgess, Mrs.
R. Bergs wick, Mra. J. Teepner,
Mrs. S. Burgess, Mrs. C. Daue,
Mrs. E. V. Johns, ,
Mrs. Conrad Frlgaard, Mrs.
Carl Butte, Mrs. Christopher
Butte, Mrs. Glen Seellg, Mrs. M.
Gunter, Mrs. Herbert .Ostlind,
Mrs. B. F. Foreman, Mrs. Elmo
McMillan, Mrs. Roy Remington,
Mrs. Horace Baker, Mrs. Henry
Fourmlex, Mrs. W. A. Merriott,
Mrs. H. V. Sechler, Mrs. . H. J.
Smalley, Mrs. Carl E. Hultenberg,
Mrs. L. A. BlaisdelL Mrs. F. H.
MeFarland. Mra. B. A. Victor, Mra.
Fred Klrkwood. Mrs. Harry Car
son, Mrs. Ellsworth Hartwell, Mrs.
Effie Bedee, Mrs. Jessie Sims.
Mrs. F. Lewis, Mrs. Bertha Bent-
ley. Miss Ida. Baillle.
Mrs. W. W. Woodruff, Miss
Mable Propp, Mrs. Clarke Walk
er, Mrs. William Watklns, Mrs.
L. C Marshall. Mrs. G. Clifford,
Mrs. W- E. Anderson, Mrs. J. De
vers, Mrs.. R. Quinn, Mrs. L. P.
Bergsvlck, Mrs. A. Levin, Mrs.
W. R. Green, Mrs. Fred W. Wa
ters. Mrs. R. W. Clarke, Mrs. A.
W. Binegar, Mrs. Ray L. Binegar,
Mrs. Leland Smith, Mrs. F. L.
Kuhns, Mrs. E. L. Ford, Mrs. V. E.
Hockett, Mrs. W. E. Feldman,
Mrs. W. X. Mlnkiewltx, Mrs. F. E,
Shafer, Mrs. R; H. Baldock. Mrf.
Ronald E. Jones, Mrs. William B.
Mott, Mrs. E. P. Thorn, Mrs. Karl
G. Becke, Mrs. Harry Craln, Miss
Charlotte Zieber, Mrs. . Brasler
Small, Miss Rovena Eyre,
Mrs. Charles E. Cone, Mrs.
James Lewis, Mrs. Henry S. Pois
al. Mrs. Arthur H. Moore, Mrs. Ja
cob Fuhrer, Mrs. Paul Ficke, Mrs.
Earl Daue. Mrs. Roy Nelson, Mrs.
Wallace Carson, Mrs. Frank Chap
man, Mrs. Kenneth Power, Mrs.
Wolcolt Buren. Mrs. William Gos
ser. Mrs. William Staeey. Mrs.
Jack Johnston, Mrs. Russell Bone-
steele, Mrs. Laura Cleveland, Miss
Margaret Cruson, Miss Dorothy
Eakin. Miss Gayle Kreason. Mrs.
L. B. Endicott, Mrs. Richard A.
Meyer. Mrs. Lester Pearmino, Mrs.
J. H. Brady, Mrs. H. ,H. Hulsey,
Mrs. E. E. BOrch, Mrs. K. 11.
Thompson, Mrs. K. W. Fitzger
ald, Mrs. Walter Page, Mrs. Gor
don Wilson, Mrs, isawia v leaao.
Mrs. Kenneth Bell,
.Mrs. Merle Travis, Mrs. can
Jones, Mrs. . Lyman MeDonald,
Mrs. L. M. Flagg, Mrs. A. J. An
derson, Mrs. Rodney Allen, Mrs.
E. J. Kirchoff, Mrs. James D. Mil
ler, Mrs. E. E. Blodgett, Mrs. B. J"..
Pound. Mrs. E. V. Wooten, Mrs.
Mrs. Curtis H. Johnson, Mrs.
Frank Meyers, Mrs. K. J. Hodge,
Mrs. C. F. Patton, Miss ReU Clag
gett. Miss Beryl Porter, Miss Alta
Bright, Miss Jennie Bartlett, Miss
Vera Vee Leonard, Mrs. Clyde
Whitman, Mrs. Edgar Dodge, Mrs.
Ray Jones, Mrs. Rae Gibbons, Mrs.
Elmer. :Daue, Mrs. Scott Page,
Mrs. Paul .Schmidt, - Mrs. Carl
Armstrong,' Mrs. C. L. Newman.
Mrs. James Jennings, Mrs; Otho
Hoppes, Mrs. Oscar D. Olson, Mrs.
Ellis Von Eschen, Mrs. Ted Paul
us, Mrs. Arthur Montgomery, Mrs.
William Perllch,
- Mrs. C. H. Bingwalt, Mrs. J. E.
Sehaupp, Mrs. . D. F. Furlough,
Mrs. B. R. Niles, Mrs. A. L. Ra
vin, Mrs. I. A. DeFrance, Mrs. A.
A. Dixon. Mrs. M. A. Young, Mrs.
E. E. Glock, Corvallis; Mrs. P. L,
Herbig, Corvallis ; Mrs. Earl Sny
der, Independence; - Mrs. Roma
Hunter, Mrs. 'Burton Meyers, Mrs.'
L V.' Benson, Mrs. Harris. Liets,
m'Iss Allle Beck. Miss Alice Glatt,
Miss Edith McCord, Miss M. Wil
lef ord, Mrs. Reed Rowland, Mrs.
Lawrence Imlah, Mrs, E. H. Ken-,
nedy, Mrs. U L. Jensen, Mrs. Ray
Stewart, .Mrs. Frank. - W. Magan.
Mrs. George Alexander, - .
o Mfs. Lloyd RlChes, Mrs. John
Hunter, Mrs. Ray Hurst. Mrs. G.
L. Forge. Mrs. G. Nelson, Mrs. J.V.
Schiuv Mrf. D. - B. Taylor. Mrs.
Frank N. Zinn, Mrs. Grant Schaft
ner, Mrs. A. D. Woodaansee, Mrs.
Oscar A, Steelhammer, Mrs. J. H.
Wtllett, Mrs. A. McGtnnls, Mrs.
Elmo Bennett, Mrs. E. E. Bart
ruff, Mrs.. E. B LewuMrs. A. J.
Wheaton, Mrs. R. T. Boala, Mrs
Knight Pearcy, Mrs. George Man
ning,; Mrs. -M. ' J.- Meicholr. Mrs.
Ralph Kellogg,: Mrs. Dean Adams,
Mrs. L. D. Lambeth, Mrs. F. Hal
Ik, Mrs. L. B. Gilbertson, and Mrs.
David Wright and .Mrs. Willis
Roughton, special guests.
- ' ' . " ..
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bradtl and
daughter Martha Francis, attend
ed a family dinner at the home of
Mrs. William Knight ef Can by
Sunday. - . "
Prof William Wallace Gra-
ham who will conduct the Sa
lem Junior Symphbny orches
tra, which makes its first
appearance before the public
tonight in the city armory. ,
Party at Linfoot
Home Honors
Mr. and Mrs. Nile Pearce (Ruth
Stevenson) who recently return
ed from their wedding trip, to
California, were complimented
Wednesday evening at the W. J.
Linfoot home in South Salem. (
A mock wedding was the fea
ture of . the evnings entertain
ment which "was1 followed by an
Informal , program and . humorous
games, followed by a surprise gift
shower. Mr. MacKenzle also sang
several ' Scotch ballads and Mrs.
W. J.-Linfoot gave several ap
propriate, vocal solos.
With Miss .Frances Graham at
the piano, playing a wedding
march, little Ross Linfoot and
little Mable Grace Stevenson, pre
sented gifts to the young cou
ple. A large wedding cake with
tall yellow tapers on either side,
formed the centerpiece . for the
serving table. Those who - were
bidden to greet the young couple
were, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Craw
ford and daughter, Gladys, Mr.
and Mrs.. McKinney, Marion Zln
ser, Mr. and Mrs. T. S. MacKen
zle, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin B. Stew
art, Mr. and Mrs. John . Chllders,
Mrs. Mathilda Olkland, Mrs. Hat
tls Dodge, Miss Shirley Steven-,
son, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Linfoot
and son, Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Newt
.' 'derman and son -Glen O., Mr.
and Mrs. William J. . Hall, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Miller. William
J. LinfoOt. Jr., Mrs. E. J. Pearce,.
Harold W. Pearce, Mr. and ' Mrs.
Page Stevenson, and daughter,
Mable - Grace, Mr. and Mrs. Carl
E. Alderman and son Junior, Mr.
and -Mrs. A. E. Luther and chil
dren, Clara and Glen, Miss Fran
ces Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
J. Gillon and Charles J. Glllon.
K. C. K. T. Members
Guests at Clark Home
The regular fortnightly .meet
ing of the K. C. K. T. club was
entertained Thursday afternoon
with Mrs. Ray Clark-as hostess.
Conversation and sewing, was the
diversion of the afternoon, after
which refreshments were served.
Easter lilies were used to add
to the attractiveness of the
Clark - home.
Club members enjoying the
afternoon were, Mrs. A. A. Gra
ber, Mrs. E. Mclntyre, Mrs. Bert
Waller, Mrs. E- J. Donnell, Mrs.
Fred Barker, Mrs. Hattie Given,
Mrs. Nellis , Knox. Mrs. . Roy
Wright. Mrs Otto Shellberg and
Miss Maxine Clark. Additional
guests were Mrs. L N. Donnell,
Mrs. Harley Pugh, and Mrs. Ron
ald Clark.
The hostess was assisted by
her . daughter, Miss Maxine
Clark at the. tea hour.
The next "meeting of the club
will be "with Mrs. Hattie Given
In two weeks.
a a
Recreational Club at
L. W. Drager Home
r Jefferson Mrs. L. ' W. "Drager
used cut flowers to decorate her
home ' Thursday of last week
when she entertained the Rural
Recreational club. Memorial ser
vices were held for the late Mrs.
W. L. Case In lieu of the regular
program. Helen Hoefer gave r the
reading "Flowers in . Heaven".
This was followed by scripture
reading in which all present took
part, Mrs. Ralph Groshong ex
tended an Invitation during the
business meeting for the club to
meet with' her in two weeks. At
thy close of the afternoon the
hostess was assisted in serving a
dainty luncheon by Mrs. Ernest
Harnish, and Mrs. Carl Harnisch.
Club members were Mrs. Fred
Hoefer, Mrs. Charles . Cox, Mrs.
Earl. Cunningham,". Mrs. Grosh
ong, Mrs. Ernest Harnisch, Mrs.
Albert f Harnisch, Mrs. - ' R. A.
Marsch, Mrs. E. O- Truax, Mrs.
Carl Harnisch, . Miss Helen Hoefer-and
the hostess. Additional
guests were Mrs. Lois Stanton of
Albany, Miss Ethel Truax, Bobby
Marsh, Ardis ' Ann and Donna
June Harnisch.' .
a ,.: a :...
Salem Teachers Plan
Annual Spring Tea .
' The Annual Spring tea. spon
sored by the Salem teachers is
being arranged for Thursday af
ternoon from 4 till 5:30 o'clock
in the social room at the T. M. C.
-Mrs. Mabelle Burch, general
chairman in charge of arrange
ments, has announced Miss Mable
Temple, Miss. Ruth Goodrich and
Miss Francis Welch as her assist
ing committee.' , ' '
.-.. a
, - Amity. Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Thomas ' spent last week; with
their daughter, - Mrs. T. B. New
man. Miss Helen Jean, came
homo with them for a week's
OJS.C. Alumni Club
Enjoy Banquet
-The' local members of the Ore
gon State college alumni Asso
ciation met Thursday evening for
a : 3 0 o'clock banquet at the
Gray Belle, for s general "get
together" and social time.
Mark - D. " McCaUister,. state
president of the ; association,
served as master .of ceremonies
and arranged an Interesting pro
gram of talks and musical num
bers which included, a vocal solo
by Miss Lena Belle Tartar, for
mer O, S. c. student, and talks by
Coach Paul Schissler of Corval
lis and Robert Chrisman; promin
ent business man - of Portland.
Group : singing of old college
songf brought to - a closing by
the singing of the Alma Mater
song terminated the evening's en
tertalnment. About i 25 members
made up the guest list for the af
Gervais Mr. and Mra. Vern
Jones gave a card party Saturday
nigntj at; the home of Mr. and
Mrs. J Scott ' Jones f o r Mr. and
Mrs. i MacMillan Jonu of Port.
land. Other guests were Mr. and
Mrs. jGlen Lengren and Mr. and
Mrs. I. A. Jelderka-of Kalam anl
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harper.
Continues Today
J oh
Regular $1.98
771 Q
. ' ' ".mi II :
JT 77
Salem Girl Wins
Collegiate Honors
Oregon State College, Corval
lis Billle Cupper of 6alem, Jun
ior In home economics at Oregon
State ; college, has been elected
secretary of the National Collegi
ate players, an organization com
posed of the best student dra
matic talent on the campus. .
Miss Cupper has been secre
tary and Is now president of .the
Associated Women students,
treasurer of the- Madrigal club
and is on the Sophomore Cotil
lion committee; She Is a mem
ber of the Alpha. Chi Omega so
rority. :.
Miss Cupper; wla1. leave soon
for Ann Arbor; Michfaa, where
she will attend a1 national meet
ing of, college women's organiza
tions. a - . -a - -.
West Salem -About . 40 women
heard Mrs. LUMolne . Clarke of
Salem Tuesday afternoon in the .
new school building;: Her subject
was "Education For Parenthood."
Mrs. Ray Ferguson gave piano
numbers preceding", and follow
ing the address which was spon
sored by the social committee of
the parent-Teachers' association.
Refreshments were served. As a
general committee In charge of
the affair were Mrs. A. L. Apple
white, -Mr. J. A. Gosser, Mrs.
Woolley, Mrs. Guy Newgent and
Mrs. Charles Adams.
11. U" Utkt
mis QUI
all priced at
this is a "
afast Received from Oar
New York office
$7.03 Values .
q n Ays