INSURANCE We cannot prevent .. all accident but almost every one can carry the 91 acci dent . insurance. policy - is sued to Statesman subscrib er. . THE WEATHER Cloudy today and Satur day, cooler; Max. Tempera ture Thursday 65, Mln. 82, river 741 feet, cloudy, north wind. WO 1 -mWtf :rBf . ' - . ' F6uweb':l8sil:?;!.''-- ' - , ; : - . , : EIGHTY-FIRST YEAR Salem, Oreg... FridaT Morning, April 10, 1931 No. 12 aiiii mniu Mnri I v-m '-".- wl:t :- ;r -..-. ? i I , ,. .- . . , . . . .. . - : in in iiiiii ii ii u ii si, lyrifiivi iiiiif ikirrf hi vim 11111111111 iiiiiriiiii i ; 77 m DDcoiiDiitinncw- ma mat if. Cherrians Take Pictures, Find Blooms' Across River at Best - Cards Will Mark Route to Attractive ' Spots in 2 :. - Vicinity Sunday . - The sun. continues -to smile on Willamette Valley, orchards and present prospects are - that Blos som Day on April 11 will be, one of the most satisfactory in some time. '; Both cherry. --and prune trees are loaded with blooms and If . the present weather continues tie flowers will' be at their best on Sunday.' Salem Cherrians "all dolled up" In - their natty white , r, uniforms posed for, pictures on. Thursday beneath a bower of, blossoms on the Kimball farm where the flow ers are a bit earlier than in other places.' . ;' :.;" " To the Cherrians,' Salem's .uni formed . organization of business and professional men, belongs the credit for the Blossom Day idea which was inaugurated in 1914. f This year they will direct visitors over the best blossom trails and lend a festive air to the day. Cards Will Mark ; ' Blossom Route Every effort is being made to show tourists the best of the blos soms and golden cards gaily let tered in red will mark the high ways where the best flowers are to be seen. . - " Hundreds of visitors from all parts of the valley are expected in Salem during the day and State institutions will be open for In spection for those who care to vis it themafter . traveling over the blossom covered hills. , King BIng Carl Gabrlelson and eight other Cherrians who were in the Polk county hills yesterday taking pictures pf the orchard blossoms, report finding . the (Turn to page 1, col. 4) . m. i ifin or. PLAN IS AP PROID Stockholders In the Oregon Linen company were quick to give ; assent yesterday to the amended escrow agreement which was submitted to them In the mails Wednesday. A size able " number ' of proxies approv ing the revised escrow had been deposited with the First Nation al bank here by closing hours yesterday. The bank is acting as escrow agent for the new present com pany and the backers of the Sa lem Linen mills. In the revised escrow on which stockholders are voting, 150,000 In cash Is made sufficient for the Salem Linen mills to take over the assets of the old firm, " subject to ' the bonds outstanding. The Salem Linen mill original stockholders agreed to provide an additional $39,000 when needed and made this agreement in contract form. It Is hoped that sufficient proxies to vote a majority of the stock for the new deal, will be on hand by April 25 when the next meeting of stockholders is to be held. PROPOSE TWO MILLION PORTLAND, April 0. (AP) Portland ' and , Multnomah county voters will go to the . polls tomorrow to decide wheth " er or not the city and county shall be authorized to sell each f 1,000,000 worth of bonds for unemployment relief. Proceeds from the sale of. the bonds. If authorized, . will be used exclusively for public Improvements, authorities said. They - estimated" there were lO.OOO unemployed with SO, OOO dependants in the city and . county. ? ' -: . CHARGE OUTLINED . PORTLAND. April 9. (AP) The charge that the government would link Walter L. Tooze, Jr., prominent Portland attorney, with all of the operations of an alleged giant HqUor . ring uncovered last fall by federal agents, was made today by Charles Erskine, deputy United States attorney. - in his opening statement in the Tooze Brown trial id federal court. Erskine outlined the govern ment's conception of the ring as a wholesale industry with stills on remote farms in Oregon and Washington, and a fleet of trucks to carry the finished product to organized dealers In . northwest cities Tbe Jury was completed In the case late today. - CANT BEAT TRAIN PORTLAND, April (AP) Joe Wlnkleman, IS, of Beav er Creek, Ore., was injured fa ' taUy tonight when an Oregon .-City internrban electric train struck his ' automobile oa a 1 Local Program Excelled Only; by Alhambra, : Cal. ; j Achievement in' School and Other ' - - ? Fields are Among the Best 1 t - - . , - : ' - ,... ', ' - , :. - . t. -. A. ; V r f t SIGNAI: recognition of the work done by public and pri vate health groups in Salem last year conies to the city, with word that Salem was ranked second in its class in the nation-wide chamber , of commerce health conservation con test for. 1930, ' ; , ; -, r : r: - Wires to that effect were received yesterday morning O PROCEEDING FILED i Manager: of Power: Firm's 1 - Plant ; Is : Defendant; t - U In Albany! Court ;' : 1 ; A divorce' suit I of more than ordinary, interest "here was filed in the circuit court In Albany last Friday by Helen Lorraine Beaure gard Hamilton : against William Munroe Hamilton. Mr. Hamilton is manager of the Portland Gen eral Electric company here, a po sition which he has held for a number of years. The complaint charges cruel and inhuman treatment, and cites specifically that he took his clothes and moved to another part of their common home; that he refused to speak to her; and that defendant would go away . from home for quite a period of time without letting plajntiff know where he was. ; . , She asks simply for a decree dissolving the marriage contract and for such other relief as the court aeea fit, but makes no men tion of definite , alimony. Attorneyr Keye$ and Page re present the plaintiff. No counter suit had been filed up to late yes terday afternoon. The complaint states that they were married in Vancouver on June 15. 1911. . - - UVALDE, Tex.. April 9 (AP) Of the multitnde who mourned the death of Nicholas Longworth, none grieved more deeply tonight than his political foe but fast per sonal friend. Representative ".J ohn M. Garner,; democratic leader of the house. ! . , 'I hare lost .one of the best, friends of a lifetime, the country a good citizen and the congress a most valuable legislator," Repre sentative Garner said. In Washington they - .were "Nick" and "Jack" to each other. Only few weeks ago the vet eran Texas representative banter ed with his congressional pal over ownership of the speaker's offi cial automobile, which to Garner was always "our car. "It will toon be all mine,' Gar ner told his crony, anticipating the organization of the new house next December when Garner is ex pected to be the democratic can didate for speaker. HAM TO DI CE PQLIM FOE OF lOllBTH IS SiO Big Bond Vote is Today Tooze Trial is Started '. Fatal Raid Case Ended - Wild Bill Jury Splits grade crossing near Oak Grove.: . He died in an ambulance en v route to a Portland hospital. Winkle man, who was employ ed by an automobile firm at MMwaukJe, apparently tried -to beat the train across, witnesses 'said. -- '.j r i" ' MATTHEWS GtTLTY MEDFORD. April 9. (AP) Raleigh Matthews, of Eagle Point, was convicted in circuit court to day on a charge of possession of a still. The Jury, which deliberated 19 hours, recommended leniency. Matthews will be sentenced Satur day. Everett I Dahack, of Eagle Point, was killed during a raid on the still, located on r.eeso creek, last November. . ' VERDICT LACKIXQ : PENDLETON, April O. (AP) Unable to reach an agreement after 12 hoars of deliberation, the jury which heard the case against Joe Wild Bill, Umatilla Indian, charged with murder, was dJorharged tonight by Fed eral Judge John II. McXary. SAFETY MEET LOOMS PORTLAND, April 9. (AP) Employers and employes from many sections , of the ' state will gather here Saturday for the sec- n 3 annual meeting of the Oregon saieiy congress. . , - s A general session will be. held In the morning ar the discussion of safety work and in the after noon , sectional meetings will be held. .Governor Julius L. Meier will be the guest of honor and the principal speaker at a banauet In the evening. oy v. J3. wnson, secretary of the enamber of commerce, and Dr. Vernon A. Douglas, county and city : health , officer. : Alhambra, Calif., with its 1200,000 public health building won first place in the class In which Salem falls, cities of from 20,000 to 50,000 population. ' " - -- First place ; winners In . the va rious classes were: first, De troit;" : second, Newark; " N." J.; third,"New Haven, Conn.; fourth, Racine, .'Wise: fifth," Alhambra, Calif.; and sixth, Chestertown, Md. Over 200 ..cities competed in the contest, sponsored by the United States . chamber , of com merce, through the local , cham bers." Work In Salem Shows Results While nothing is known of the points on which Salem was rated best, the figures submitted by the commerce and health depart ment showed ' the work done In public school health,, immunisa tion programs, i pre-natal ; work, private physicians' work,, water supply, sewage disposal, milk supply, pre-school and school clinics, control f tuberculosis and venereal -diseases, laboratory (Turn to page 2, col. 1) IS HUBBARD, April 9. (Spe cial) Arnold Christen, 9, West Hubbard farmer, suffering from gunshot wounds above the heart, accidentally, inflicted by himself this - afternoon, 'was rushed by ambulance to a Portland hospital tonight. Loss of blood and shock made his condition pre carious. - " After Christen had started out to shoot grey diggers and rabbits, his son, Theodore, heard cries from the field at 2:30 this after noon. Investigated, and discov ered his. father. A Woodburn doctor ascertained the bullet had entered an Inch and a half to the. left of and above the man's heart but he could not determine how serious was the injury. Christen began to lose con sciousness at 6 o'clock. ' When a daughter. Miss Ida Christen of Portland, was informed of the accident by telephone, she or dered her father to be brought to that city for x-ray and treat ment. BROOM IS Olii JOB; CEM OFFICE CHICAGO. April 9 (AP) Anton J. Cermak became mayor today and immediately swished the brooms that bore his demo cratic campaign slogan: "Clean out the city hall." ? Two civic leaders, advisors; of Cermak in his campaign, were appointed to the cabinet: Colonel A. A. Sprague as commissioner of public works, - and Francis . X. Busch, as- corporation counsel. Busch's acceptance) was for a six ty day period only. , 1 J A. M. Smletanka, defeated dem ocratic candidate for municipal Judge was appointed city prose cutor, i . . - t - ; Ranking civil service members in the various city departments were placed in charge pending further appointments. Dr. Hugh O- - Jones, personal physician - to Cermak, was made acting health commissioner, suc ceeding Dr. Arnold H. Kegel. ,. Late in the afternoon Cermak met with the new city council. In which democrats hold a ten ma jority, for approval of his bond and organization. Bearers Chosen ! For Longwbrth Rites Saturday WASHINGTON. April 9 (AP) Six relatives were chosen today by Mrs. Alice Roosevelt Long worth to act as pallbearers for the funeral of her husband. ; : 1 They were Archibald and Ker mlt - Roosevelt, her f brothers; Backner Wallingford, brother-in-law, and Wallingford's three sons. Land en, Buckner, Jr.," and Nich olas, t--,-.-,:.;-. r LLOYD RECOVERING "HOLLYWOOD. Calif., April 9. (AP) Harold Lloyd, bespec tacled screen funny man, under went an appeadicitis operation L today and was reported by atten dants tonight as in "very good condition." . ; 1 IB BW11DED Mother- and Daughter Held Suspects in Claim of Murder Attempt Candy Left on Doorstep At Home of Woman's Parents-in-law TACOMA, Wash., April 9 (AP) Accused of attempting to wipe out a Mount - Vernon, Wash., family with a gift of poisoned, candy, a mother .and daughter were, arrested ier today. V. The two-i-Mrs. Mary Pitts, 1, and Mrs. Avis - Hayes. ! 2 4 were charged with anonymously send ing the deadly gift to Mr., and Mrs. ' Frank Hayes,' parents-in-law of the younger woman. -The elder .Hayes have custody of the three and a half year .old son of the young woman, pending outcome of the divorce' action 'she brought against Clifford Hayes. Note f Warning : Averts Tragedy . . A scrawled note of . warning, also anonymous, was credited by Mount Vernon authorities - with saving the Hayes from eating the poisoned fudge which was left on the doorstep a few days ago. Each piece of candy, Skagit county authorities reported after analysis, contained enough poison to kill an adult. The arrests were made on war rants issued by Justice Frank A. Magill on complaints sworn out by Prosecutor Bertll E. Johnson, who charged the two women with "wilfully poisoning food intend ed for human consumption." Mrs. Hayes was arrested early this morning at her place of employ ment as a domestic, and Mrs. Pitts was arrested - shortly before noon at her home here. Trouble Between Families Noted Family trouble Is said to be be hind the alleged poison attempt. Last January the younger Mrs. Hayes filed suit in the Pierce county superior court for divorce from her husband whom she charged with cruelty and failure " to provide. She also asserted in her complaint that he had served a sentence in Skagit county for bootlegging. ,. The couple, married In Tacoma In 1925, have one son Richard Elwood, age 3 years. The hoy has been in custody of the hus band's parents in Mount Vernon since the pendency of the divorce action. APPEAL OF WATER CASE IS SPEEDED The city of Salem will lose no time in presenting its appeal of the Judge Hill decision on the May 16, . 1930, charter amend ment to the supreme court. City Attorney TrlndJe said yesterday. The abstract in the case has al ready been printed and filed with the court while the citys' brief Is now ready for the printer. Trin dlo expects to file It next week. : He said yesterday he would urge the supreme court to ad vance the case so a hearing could be held in May and a decision ren dered before the summer adjourn ment of the court. The city Is not alone desirous of establishing the legality of the bond authorization, he said, but it finds it necessary to see the char ter amendment through to a fa vorable decision so funds may be provided to pay Baar A Cunning ham for their survey. .The coun cil allowed $1250 for this work but no funds are available for pay ing it until the 11.100,000 bond issue allowed In the May 19, 1930. charter amendment are ap proved. ' - Troops Attack American Guard Oh River .Craft ICHANG. China, April 9. (AP) A large number of Chi nese soldiers said to bo govern ment troops . fired - upon a small American , naval guard aboard the Tangtse river steamer Iping today and were repulsed after a short but , sharp fight. - i .Leo Bradley of Indianapolis, member of the naval guard, was shot in the leg and two Chinese aboard the - Iping were severely wounded. It was -the second at tack upon" the Iping within 24 hours, her American guard hav ing repelled communists who fired from shore batteries last night 45 miles above Ichang. GOLD SEASON OPENS -FAIRBANKS, Alaska. April 9. (AP) A mild winter has per mitted the beginning of opera tions by gold dredges nearlya month earlier than ever before. GAS OVERCOMES TOTS DEAVER, Wyo April 9. (AP) Eight small children were overcome by sewer- gas in the Dearer school this afternoon and several of them were report ed in a serious condition tonight. RpublB Leader Gone Along With one : More of Votes Making ': '. Up Slim Margin j - - t. . .-, . . . Successor Sought; -Outlook Already Dimmed due to. Many Detections ' ,,r. 5- " " ' "r vT WASHINGTON. "April 9(AP) The powerful republican forces that have held undisputed sway in the house for the past decade today were confronted by their most difficult problem of this po litical era as a result of the death of Speaker Longworth. Still bewildered by the sweep ing reduction of their majority of 105 in the 71st to a mere two In the 72nd congress In the No vember elections, the rank and file of the administration forces were further dazed by the loss of their suave and astute leader from Ohio. . Already the republican forces have been scanned tor a possible successor to Longworth, who, (Turn to page 2, coL If labgeWfob dak is filed C. P. Bishop Defendant due To Alleged Reckless ness of Chauffeur Suit for damages totaling 136,000 was filed here yesterday against Charles P. Bishop, by Norman Fletcher, minor, by his general guardian, Kate Vent. The case arises out of an acci dent on the highway five miles south of Albany last October 11, when Bishop's car, driven by his chauffeur, Merrlman - Maxwell, struck Fletcher, age 16. According to the complaint, young Fletcher was knocked to the pavement, his body crushed and lower limbs injured. Nerves in one leg were so Injured that he has lost permanent use of the limb, the plaintiff says. - The accident happened when Maxwell drove the car, in which Mrs. Bishop was also riding, at more than 45 miles an hour to pass another car going in the same direction, according to the complaint. The plaintiff alleges that the driver's carelessness and reckless driving was entirely re sponsible for the accident. Young Fletcher is a nephew of Miss Ethel Fletcher, who resides near Salem. .Bishop is the own er of the Bishop clothing store here. The damages sought are S35. 000 for loss of use of the leg and 91,000 hospital expenses. IN GORDON DEATH NEW .YORK, April '.t.(AP) "Them la no lonrer a VIvlai Gordon mystery," police exulted tonight as they ssw live men safely stowed away behind Jail bars. - : ; One of them, listed in court records as 4 a burglar . who de veloped Into -a petty racketeer, was accused as the actual killer of the titan haired witness in the Seabury vice investigation: . She was strangled with a; clothes line and tossed from an automo bile into Van Cortlandt park six weeks ago. - " The alleged slayer, police said, is known as Harry Stein, as Har ry Saunders as Alexander Norse and as Charles Lubln. He is an ex-convict and narcotics peddler with the instincts of a slugger, detectives said, and his motive was robbery. The mink coat, a diamond ring and the rectangu lar wrist watch of the victim trapped him, they declared. , The others are held as mater ial witnesses. . - y. it Blackhawks5 i Ahead iriSerfesr For Stanley Cup MONTREAL, April 9 (AP) The Chicaro Blackhawks forged ahead in' the playoff series for the Stanley cup , tonigm ny De feating the Montreal Canadlens 3 to 2 in the third overtime per iod after, coming from behind to tie the score in. the last four min utes of the regular playing time. Tha vtetorv rlTfl d - tWO victories in the three xames play ed so far in the series.. RACKETEER HELD Noted Longworth Family Now " ; 'L&ETDkeh-up by Untimely Death AX Murder Case Spoiled When Skull Viewed Members of a county road crew working on a widening job in the Ankeny Bottom seetion yester day were already to broadcast to the world ' the nucleus in the shape of human hones of a red hot news sensation. Only first, the county sheriff and coroner were called in, or out. and then the story blew up. The road workers unearthed a human skull along the side of the road on ' the ' highest knoll be tween Ankeny Bottom and' the Buena Vista ferry. Fifty yards on they found another set of human bones, apparently about the same age. But Deputy Sheriff Sam Burk- hart and Deputy Coroner Dale Taylor, upon investigation, found nothing that would indicate vio lence or- mystery and concluded that that section was years ago a cemetery. The skull found was taken to a doctor at Jefferson who said he believed it to be that of an In dian, thus indicating that the ground might hare been used for a cemetery many, many years ago. 1 1 The section where the bones were found is about the only one In that district which has not been reached at some time or other by extreme high water. POHL REVOLT LIKELY TO SPREAD -LISBON, April 10 (Friday) '. (AP) President Carmona, and members of his cabinet took shel ter tonight in the barracks of the third artillery behind barbed wire entanglements and a battery of machine guns as the danger of rebellion in the army at home ap peared menacing. There they intend to etay for the period of the emergency. Meanwhile Lisbon has taken on the appearance of an armed camp. Soldiers are on duty and armored cars rumble through the streets. Guns are mounted in the nearby hills and the batteries of naval vessels in the- habor are trained on the city. These extraordinary measures were taken when It became known the. revolt at Madeia had spread to the Azores. , Tonight a . cablegram from Lieutenant Aragao 7 Mello. who signed as head of the revolution ary movement at Angra do Hero lsmo on the Island of Tereeira in the Asores, announcing the garri son therehad decided to sever re lations with . Lisbon. ' A similar message, unsigned, came from the Island of San Migueiralso in the Atores, where the - garrison was reported in revolt. Tributes to Come from (By the Associated Press) ' TriitntM to the memory 'of Nicholas Longworth came yester day from people of high position in all corners of the country. -Praise for his legislative tal ents mingled with expressions of sadness . on the passing of a friend. President Hoover men tioned his "happy character, his sterling honesty, his : courage in public questions" in calling the death' a loss to the nation. "The house lost a distinguished and able speaker," said Vice-President Curtis. - - The affection in which he was held In Washington was evidenced by the way republicans. and demo crats Joined in eulogy. Represen tattvtk nirdntr. leader of the mi nority in repeated attacks on leg islation supported by Mr. Long worth, sent this word to Mrs. Longworth . from his home . in Texas:'1 " , "In Nick's passing the entire 9 Y 4 . 1 y " '1. 1 t v. Mr. and irm. inrworth and their only child, Paulina. 6LATT BACKED FOR HORTICULTURE JOB Delegation Will Call Upon Governor Today; Fruit Buyers Take Lead A group of prominent agricul turalists, fruit buyers and busi ness men in Marion'county expect to call on Governor Meier today to urge the selection of Ray Glatt of Woodburn as horticulture in spector for the state in the new centralized department of agricul ture. The move for Glatt's selection began last week with Earl Pearcy and.H. R. Jones, both fruit buy ers, taking the lead in urging his selection as a man of sound Judgment and extensive experi ence in handling horticultural work, both as grower and organ izer. Glatt is secretary of the suc cussful Woodburn Growers' coop erative. Has Support of 1 Cannery Chiefs He is said to have the strong support of prominent canaerymen In. the valley several of whom are expected to be In the group which calls on Meier. While the horticulture inspec tor will be chosen by the new commission of agriculture after the latter is named, it is thought that Governor Meier will have considerable to say in the choice of the executives in the entire de partment. Dairyman Hurls Bottles at His Wife is Charge SAN FRANCISCO, April 9. (AP) Charging her husband made a practice of hurling milk bottles at her, Mrs. Doris Harvey sought a divorce here today from Frank W: Harvey, general mana ger of a Portland dairy. And, the red-headed woman tes tified, Harvey frequently made public and uncomplimentary re marks about tltlan-halred persons. She told the court he also slapped and shook . her,: and called her names. . . Longworth all Over U. S. congress has sustained apersonal loss. My public service will here after lack that Which his friend ship gave. No one can take his place in my affection. Mrs. Gard ner and I extend our love and sympathy to you and Paulina. The house republican : leader. Representative Tilson, predicted history would know Mr. Long worth as "one of the greatest speakers of the house." "I knew him intimately for more than 29 years," he said, "and in all that time never- ob served any act which could be at tributed to selfish interests or to motives other than the purest pa triotism. "In his death the country has lost an eminent and able publie officer, a man with the courage to face any crisis and with tact and judgment to handle any situa tion, however difficult.' Those of us who knew him personally have lost a warm and loyal friend. SORROW GREAT Funeral Will be Saturday' - In ; Cincinnati; A State : : Service Declined Speaker Puts . up Valiant Finht hut k ViMim Of Pneumonia V - By MILES WOLFF AIKEN, S. C, April 9 -(AP) Nicholas Longworth, speaker of the national house and one of the most fascinating figures In Ameri can statesmanship, died of pneu monia today. 1 The 61-year-old congressman' fought a vallenr battle aided by Mrs. Longworth 'Princess Alice to millions but succumbed at 10:40 a.m. The end came In a southern spring time at the colonial born of the James Curtis' after a three day siege of the disease. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m.. CST., Saturday at Christ Episcopal church, Cincinnati, where his body will be taken direct from Aiken. There will be no state funeral. Mrs. Longworth express- . ed her desire that there be sim plicity in the burial arrangements. . ,1 WASHINGTON, April 9 (AP) Heads were bowed In the capi tal today at the passing of Nicho las Longworth of Ohio, a boy re presentative who bad won esteem for himself before he attained the speaker's chair. Officials and private citizens, from president Hoover down, paid tribute to the man and many of them planned to Journey to Cin cinnati to join the president In paying final homage at tbe fun eral. Flags by executive order swung at half staff atop the White House, thecapitol and the broad fronted public buildings. Immediately after learning of Mr. Longworth's death. President Hoover dltpatcbed his - military aide, Colonel Campbell B. Hodges, to Aiken, to aid Mrs. Longworth . In every way possible. - The services will be held from the Longworth home, "Rook wood," Saturday .at 2 p.m., the-, body will arrive there Saturday morning aboard a special train. During the day other special trains will take the president and congressional delegation to Cin cinnati. Working at the bidding of Mrs. Longworth, employes who had been associated tor years with tks speaker moved sadly about the business of making the nacessary arrangements. LAMAR. Colo., April 9 (AP) Survivors of the "Pleasant Hill school bus tragedy" revived tbe story of their suffering and mod est fortitude for the nation today but their narratives over the ra dio network of National Broad casting Co., were emphatically eheerful. , I The - smaller children recited jingles Into the microphone and In a more serious vein the others only a few years older recited their experiences and - thoughts during, the 36 hours they were marooned. Bryan Uniedt, 13. who has been - invited to be the guest of President Hoover, introduced his school mates, and along with Clara Smith, told the story of suffering and heroism of the1 score that faced death during tho protracted storm. Sunday the survivors are going to Denver, and the Denver Post whose guests they will bo has promised no end of festivities un til IS youngster! begin to weary of sightseeing and eating and show-going. ; 1 It's going to be a holiday witll no expense spared. Meals will be eaten in two off Denver's snootiest hostelrles sad the shows can be bad for tbe ask ing. Automobiles will be at tho visitors' disposal. Frederick G. Bonf lis. publisher of the Post, personally will take charge of tho youngsters' visit. Nibs Price to Coach Hoopers BERKELEY, Cal., April 9. (AP) W. W, Monahan, gradu ate manager of the University of California, today announced ap pointment ofC. M. ("Nibs") Price -as basketball coach for 1932. Price has been basketball coach at the university since 1925. When he resigned last year as football coach he alse resigned as basketball coach. SURVIVORS.OF BUS TRAGEDY Oil RADIO