The OREGON STATESMAN, Salecu Oregon, Thursday Morning, April 9, 1931 PAGC SEVEN ! fix 3 Society Spanish Program At LLE. Church Wednesday Something nutans and most in teresting was toe program given Wednesday afternoon , by. the la dies missionary society of the First Methodist Episcopal church in the church parlors. The prin cipal speaker of the afternoon -was Mrs B. L. Steeves who . told In 'a most descriptive manner, some of the interesting experi ence on her recent trip to Mexi co City, and It wa around that Idea that the Spanish Idea for the remainder" of the program was centered and devalooed. Fol lowing Urs. Steeves' talk, the members who hare Joined the so ciety this year were requested t stand and it was announced by the rice president. Mrs. Paul Ed wards, who had charg of the af ternoon, that they were the ruests of honor for tie day. and lovely corsages were presented each new member, each- "senorl ta" who had taken part In the proeram. and ures'dlng officers, by th small daughter of, Mrs. George Lewis. ' A decided Spanish atmosphere was created in the elaborate dec orations used about the room?, which, was brought out -in the use of Soanish draneriea, a refusion of brtebtlv colored flowers, tn jrtve the Soanish color, ard In thr senorlta" costumins of fjv of the ladies of hy orranirt.!on. Mrs. C. E. Wilson. Mrs. E. E. fiqbert. Mi3s Margaret Stexenson. Mrs. Robert Fortner and Mrs. John Carkin. who also took part in the program.. Mrs. Robert Fortner added to the nleasure of he guests in the singing of a Spanish song to which she responded with a Mex ican Folk song. The provram. under the lead ership of Mrs. Ronald Glorer was carefully and cleverlv worked out and a most enjoyable afternoon spent by the group. Devotional3 were arranged by - Mrs. H. F. Shank. " " About 75 members and friends were in attendance during tSe afternoon which was brought to an appropriate closing with the serving of Spanish. refreshments consisting of hot Spanish tamales and coffee. -.. O..D. O. Brieve Club Honored Wednesday Mrs. H. Nobafelt wl'i entertain members of the O. D. O. Bridge club in her home on North Com mercial street Thursday afternoon. This Is he first meeting of the group since the beginning of the Lenten season.- - The members of the club are Mrs. T. A. Windishar, Mrs. J. J. Karst, Mrs. Earl Anderson, Mrs. I. Johnson. Mrs. H. Purrille, Mrs. George Patterson, Mrs. Madge Casmer. Mrs. F. J. Boehrlnger, Mrs. James Heenan, Mrs. Adam Engle and Mrs. -Rue Drager. Pattern By ANNE ADAMS Contrasting Binding lends dis tinction and chic to a graceful frock that is Ideal to wear under the new spring coat. The jabot and the side skirt godets are fern lnine details of .real Importance la the latest moder r A. colorful print In silk or cotton may be chosen far pattern 2100. under a nary coat, yon might wear a print of several shades of blue on a turquoise ground, and bind the seams with nary, with brown. the gold an orange prints would be attractire and for a black coat there Is a glorious range of greens, red, yellows and oft sinks. May bo obtained only In sixes 14. II. 18. 20. 31. 34. SC. 31 and 40. Sis If requires 1H yards of 39 inch material.- " - Ha iraa iaklf axpariaaoa U aaeaa airy tm mtmkm tala m4al with ear pattara. Tartar for- ry ciM. ea imala, azact iaatroetiaaa are 0rmm. Sum fiftaaa east tor eh pattara. Writ plaial? jmm aaaca. a4daaa aa4 tyl aambac, Bm aara t ataia sis wan tad. Tha aaw- rprinf aa omner pat tera catalog faataraa aa aieallant aa aartmaat mi aitsraooa, " porta aad heasa rs. Uarari. pajanaa aad kiddiaa elotbat, also delightful aecea aory pattern a. Priea of catalog fifteea eanta. Catala rwita pattara, twanty ftwa casta. Address all mail and or dart to 8tatan Pattara Depart meat, 143 Watt 17th atraat, Xaw Tork CHy. : - - - News and Club iOuve M. DOAK. SOCIAL CALENDAR . ' - ' - .7 t Thursday, April 9 The Etokts club 'will meet Thursday afternoon at 2t30 with Miss Gertrude Alkin at Chemawa. Mrs. H. G. Carl will have charge, of the study hour "Oregon, Hla- f tory" for the afternoon. '-. Sewing society-of Women's Relief Corps will meet. with Mrs. Helen SouthwUK, 11 $3 Marion street, Thurs day afternoon. V ' : I-1 Loyal Woman's Sunday school class. First Chris tian church parlors, 2 o'clock; business and social meeting. - " ; I Past President club of .Woman'sTleUef corps, Mrs. Hattle Cameron. 393 North 21st street election of of ' ficers. i . . 1 The R&phaterians society will meet Thursday after-; non with Mrs. A. A. Schramm, 595 Leslie street, The IlayesTitlo Woman's dab will meet. Thursday; at 2:00 p. m., with Mrs. E. L. Moor. " 1 ! North Salem W. C. T. U. birthday celebration a.t Jason Lee church, 6:30 p. m., W. C. Winslow will giro .an address. :- ' . t : j Full rehearsal of Salem Junior Symphony orches tra. Thursday evening 7 p. m. upstairs in Rogers build ing, corner of Ferry and High streets. I Auxiliary Capitol No. 11, will meet in I. O. O. F.j halL Thursday night at 8 p. m. r j Willing Workers class. First Christian church, will v meet with. Miss Nellie Clark, 1501 Chemeketa street, Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. : Friday April 10 ! El Karaz Grotto and wires,' sponsor card party so cial rooms of Masonic temple. ' Mrs. E. N. Bailey will entertain Missionary women of First Baptist church, 2 o'clock. West Side Ladles aid society of Jason Lee church, ' potWick-dinner; in church parlors; each member may bring a guest. ' Barbara Fritchie No. 2, Daughters of Union Vet erans of Civil War, Friday, 8 o'clock. Woman's, club.. Special patriotic program. Three Links club Friday, 2:30, church parlors. Mrs. Etta Hodge, Mrs. Blanche Saunders and Mrs. Nellie. O'Neil assisting hostesses. i First Baptist church women's missionary meeting Friday, April 10, at home of Mrs. H. L. Durham, instead of Mrs, E. M. Bailey as previously announced. ) Carnation club will meet with Mrs. Ruby Poujade, East Center street, Friday, 2 p. m. Mrs. J. Caughell Luncheon Hostess Tuesday i Mrs. John Cauxhell entertain ed members of her bridge club with an attractively aDDointed pne o'clock luncheon, Tuesday. Serine flowers combined wttn Easter novelties adorned the luncheon table where covers were placed for Mrs. Don Pritchett. special guest and the regular club members, Mrs. Frank Chap man, Mrs. Wallace Carson, Mrs. George Weller, Mrs. Milton Steln er, Mrs. Willard Marshall, Mr a. Gerald Backstrand, Mrs. Rex Adolph, j Mrs. Frank Deckebacb, Jr.. Mrs. Woieutt Buren. Mrs. Kenneth Wilson. Mrs. Kenneth Power and the hostess, Mrs. CaughelL A euest nrize was awarded Mrs. Don Pritchett at the close of the afternoon's bridge play. m Mrs. U. G. Shipley And Mrs. 7 E. Law Hostesses Prominent among the social af fairs of the coming week are the frist two of a series of bridge teas, being arranged by Mrs. J. E. Law and Mrs. U. G. Shipley in the home of; the latter on Fairmount hill. ! The- opening affair of the ser ies is nlaaned for Friday atter- aooa when the hostesses have in vited guests to make up six tables of bridge for the afternoon, with a second bridge tea following on Monday afternoon,' when the same number of tables will be in play. A number of socially prominent maids and matrons will be in cluded la the guest lists for the series. Mountain View Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Anderson were din ner hosts Sunday to a group of relatives and several additional gaests. Those enjoying the hos pitality of the Anderson homo were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Doyle, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Bohm, Mr. and Mrs. Philip SUner senior and Mrs. Julia Bales, all of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Robbins, their son Leo and daughter Barbara Jean, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Sitner Junior and their son Philip- third. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Anderson, all of Salem; Clyde Anderson and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest An derson, f Th Salem union met in the hall on Commercial street Tues day afternoon. Mrs. Waite from the Christian Allianc church ondncted tha de- votlonals. Mrs. Gordon--McGil- ehrist sank the Holy City, accom panied on the piano by Mrs. Tea Gordon. ? Rev. Howe of the First Chris tian church gave a very interest ing- talk on -his work as chaplain at the penitentiary. Mrs. N. J. Leenman is tne new ly elected president of the organi sation. ' Silverton A rrouo of Pythian Sisters, numbering about 12, call ed on Mrs. iieien wrignxman Friday to assist In the observance of her birthday. Mrs. Wrightman was the reclp! ent of flowers, and numerous oth er rifts from her friends. ' A special surprise was a largo Angel Food cake which Mrs. Wright man's mother sent her from James ton. New Tork, -i The Willing Workers class of the First Christian church, will meet with Miss Nellie Clark, IS II Chemeketa street, Thursday af ternoon at 2 o'clock. ' Assisting hostessest will be Miss Alice Griggs. Mrs. Mabel Me Chan, Mrs. Ross Rellly. Mrs. Ger trude Klrkpatrlck, and Mrs. C. C. Fishback. ' . Mrs. W. E. Scandling will en tertain members of her contract bridge club on Friday afternoon. Society Editor i .- -' 7-7V7;: 'Vk;1' j Honors Daughter On Birthday Anniversary Brooks Complimenting their little daughter, Kreta Fae Ash baugh, on her eighth ; birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil V. Ashbaugh entertained a group of children at a party Thursday afternoon. The rooms of the Ashbaugh home were prettily decorated with Baskets of Oregon grape and the color scheme of green and yellow was carried out in the re freshments. . Kreta Fae received a number of nice gifts. An Easter egg hunt started the afternoon's festivities.' then fol lowed a contest for pinning the tail on the rabit, which was won by Genevieve Chastain. A basket of candy and colored eggs, was the prixe given. , In the group were: Arlene Ras- mussen. Roseanne : Henry, Buster Dowe, Jack Bosch. Clara Umemo to, Ada Hutto, Genivere Snyder, Marie Bosch, Martha Umemoto, Minnie Cutsinger. Darrell Allison, Sonny Snyder, Clarence Cutsinger, Lona Barker, Evelyn Moisan, Bob Ramp, Daisy Pott's, Martha Hutto, Elmer Cutsinger, Hattia Aspin wall, Arleta Wood, Neva Ramp, Jeanette Barker, Lillie, Potts, Raymond Potts, Gladys' Epley, Norma Roberts, Glen Cofflndaf- fer, Eleanor Fuller, Suraie Ogura, Mercer Smith, Robert Bailey, Clarlta Fuller, Mable Borchers, Minnie Ogura, Delores Sargent, Dellmo Smith, Mllo Neilson, Geni- vieve Chastain. - Beulah Otto, Thelma Reed, Lavonno Harris, Mary Chastain, Mary Clark, J al ette Etans, junior Bishop,.- lns Lavette, Edna LaFlemme, Maxine DeJardln, pearl LaFlemme, Dena von DeJardln, Vivian Lavette, Evelyn LaFlemme, Freddie La Vette, Miss Letta Wallace, Prof. Werner Rax. Mrs. Frank Snyder, Miss Doris Wood, Mrs. C. A. Bailey, Mrs. C. V. Bishop, Miss Lena Rlggi, Master Vra Ash baugh, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil V, Ash baugh and the little honor guest Kreta Fae Ashbaugh. The Past Noble Grand club met at the home of Mrs. W. W. Allsup Saturday night. The time was spent making decorations to be used when the district con vention Is held in Gerrais April 18. When the work was finished refreshments were served. Those present were Mrs. G. A. Sawyer, Mrs. Cleve Shields, Mrs. S. A. Harris, Mrs. Charles Moore, Mrs. K. D. Coomler, Mrs. Allsup. Mrs. Thelma Beck and Ruth Palmer. Daughters of the members were Lavon Harris, Lois Coomler and Betty Beck. Clear Lake The Improvement club met all day Thursday, quilt ing for Mrs. Tbeo. Stolk. A pot luck dinner was served at noon. Those present were Mrs. Cecil Boyd. Mrs. Theo. Stolk, Mrs. Eck. Dutoit. Mrs. Alex Harold, Mrs. Roy Smith, Mrs. C. A. Baker, Mrs. Amos Smith, Mrs. McClung. aad small daughter ODal. Mrs Fred Hammack and son JUnmie. Mrs. Englebrecht and small daughter, Mrs. W. Clement, Mrs. James O'Niel. Mrs. George Gar ner. Mrs. Davis and children, Miss Haxel Clement. Miss Pearl Baker. Miss Anna Englebrecht. .).' Sriverton - Mrs. Ella Knight read the- Teport written by Mrs. Roth McPike ot the Pythian Sis ters district convention held at Hubbard on March 28 at the reg nal meeting of the Pythian Sisters Tuesday night meeting. ; ' - The committee in charge of the card party given for the benefit ot the cemetery fund reported that the party had brought 38.75. , Anbnrn The Auburn Woman's clab will be entertained at ' the home of Mrs. Ben H. Hawkins Thursday, April 9, at her home on the Portland-Turner road. - AH la dies of tha community are invited to attend. ' ' Mrs. W." Wells Baum-Is again at -her home after having under gone a major operation at a local Aff airs Local Star Group Honors Lodge Officials A busybut Interesting week Is being enjoyed by members of the local Order of Eastern Star, with tho official. Tisit ot Mrs. Carey Jackson, Worthy Grand Matron, of 'Baker, and several prominent Portland officers as their Inspira tion. - A district meeting was held Tuesday evening In the Masonic temple, when the Ramona chap ter No. 58, from Silverton and the Chadwick chapter No. 37, of Sa lem, joined in the exemplification of the ritualistic and initiatory work.. A dinner was served In v the main dining room with the honor gaest Mrs. Jackson, worthy grand matron; Frank Mangold. of Port land, wortby grand patron; Mrs. Monnie Hauser of6alem, worthy v,rand associated conductress; Mrs. Reta Scott ot Newberg, grand Easter; Mrs. Isabelle M. Low of Troutdale. grand treasur er; and Mrs. Mable Settlemler of Woodburn, grand lecturer, seat ed at a special officers table. Following the lodge work. Mrs. Susan Varty, presented a clever reproduction of the initiation as was used over 75 years ago. Those taking part .were, Dr. W. C. Kantner, Mrs. Mary Curtis, Mrs. Walter Pennington. Mrs. Leon Barrick, Mrs. Harold Phll lippi. Miss LaVerne Kantner, Mrs. Blanche Nelson, Mrs. Lila Antrlcan Albert Smith, Larry Flagg. Harold- PhilUppl,. J. O. Russell. H. J. Mohr and W. A. MerrlotL Several lovely afafirs have been arranged in honor of Mrs. Carey Jackson during her fisit in Sa lem. Wednesday she was a spe cial guest at the card -party of the Daughters of the Nile, which was given at the home of Mrs. Frank Hallk. On Thursday Mrs. Milton Meyers will compliment Mrs. Jackson with a luncheon at the Elk's club, followed by an af ternoon of bridge at the home of Mrs. Paul Hauser. Farewell Dinner Fetes Travelers Friday The home of Mr. and Mrs. V. P. McNamara on North Summer will be the scene of Ian interesting dinner party on Friday evening, when Mrs. McNamara will com pliment Jointly, Mr. and Mrs. Eu gene Courtner with a farewell dinner and the birthday anniver sary of her husband, Mr. McNa mara. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Courtner plan to leave Salem Saturday for Casper, Wyoming, where they will make their new home. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lapham, who are also planning to leave Salem soon for Portland where they will take up their new residence. " Tulips and spring greenery will be combined for the table centerpiece where the following guests will be seated, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Courtner, Mr. V. P. McNamara, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lapham. all of Salem. and Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Paulsen and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hoyt of Portland. Aurora Ladies Guests At Loran Giesy Home Aurora By invitation of Mrs. Loran Giesy, the Ladies Aid of the Presbyterian 'church met at her home for the annual meeting re cently. Reports of the outgoing officers were read ad approved. Officers chosen to serve, for the coming year were Mrs. Hauroah Huet, president; Mrs. Leila Giesy, vice president; Mrs. Daisy Ogle, secre tary and Mrs. Francis Kraus, treasurer. A load of wood was reported donated to the church by Mr. Diiler. Needles were skill fully applied in the sewing of car pet raga to be made into rugs and sold at the baxaar. which will be held -some time before Christmas. The hostess sorted real home made ice cream and cake. Pres ent were Rev. H. L. Graf ions and Mrs. Graflous, Lydia Irvin, Anna Wurster, Emma Smith, Lila Otto way, Aurella Grim, Retta Evans, Anna Giesy, Agnes Lergen. Daisy Ogle, Edith Carpenter, Hannah Hunt, Mrs. William Kraus, Helen Tergen and Mrs. John Singer. . . "Jefferson The home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoefer as the scene of a jofly party Saturday night when the young people entertain ed the group of merrymakers that has been meeting monthly in the neighborhood. Games, music and contests were enjoyed. Miss Jen nie Sullivan, won honors in two clever contests. At a late hour re freshments were served by Miss Lylth Grate, Miss Luclle Grate, Mrs. Albert Harnlach, Miss Helen Hoefer and Mrs. Hoefer. , . - The Women's missionary socie ty of the First Baptist church will meet, Friday afternoon, April 10, at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. H. L. Durham Instead of with Mrs. E. M. Bailey as was previously an nounced. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hart man who have been sojourning in Los Angeles and other southern Cali fornia points since the middle of January, are expected to return to Salem the first ot next week. A cold does 3 things "I rPapoV stops them all A cold always affects yon in at least three ways. Air passages are inflamed and Irritated. Per spiration is checked. Bowels are clogged with add wa-tes from the mucous discbarge. So doctors say you must do three things to be rid of a cold. - Pape's Cold4 Compound ' does all threet It reduces inflamma tion and swelling of the mucous membrane; It induces perspira Smart Bridge ; p t r Luncheon is Thursday ' Outstanding among; the social events of the week Is the first of series of smart bridge luncheons being given on Thursday, by Mrs. David Bennett Hill and Mrs. W. H. Lytle in the attractire Lytle homo on North Summer street. Following - the luncheon - several tables of contract bridge will be in play, where places will be ar ranged tor Mrs. Julius L.7Meler. Mrs. T. A. Livesley, Mrs. William Boot, Mrs. Hollis Huntington, Mrs. George Rodgers, Mrs. Henry Mayers, Mrs. Oliver C. Locke, Mrss Harry Hawkins, Mrs. Dan J. Fry, Jr.. Mrs. Frits Slade, Mrs. Ercel Kay, Mrs. John McNary, Mrs. Da vid Eyro, Mrs. William Walton, Mrs. Conrad W. Paulas, Mrs. James Linn, Mrs. P. D. Quisen berry and Mrs. Gus Hlxson. Lovely Bridge Tea AtW.H.Dancy Home One. of the most charming ot spring j social " affairs " was the bridge tea given Wednesday aft ernoon, by Mrs. W. H. Dancy in her home on North Liberty street. The spacious rooms of the Dan cy home were made unusually at tractive by the profusion of spring flowers, with daffodils, wallflowers with f or-get me note carrying the predominating note of color. Guests for the afternoon In cluded, Mrs. John D. Caughell, Mrs. L. D. Griffith, Mrs. Breyman Boise, Mrs. C W Paulus, Mrs. W. Al Jones, Miss Josephine Baum gartner. Miss Charlotte Zeiber, Mrs. Dorothy Steusloff, Miss Ro vena Eyre, Mrs. Ercel Kay, Mrs. A. J. Rahn, Mrs. J. J. Elliott, Mrs. David Bennett Hill, Mrs. F. H. Spears, Mrs. Fred Deckebach, Mrs. Don Young, Mrs. Bert Ford, Mrs. C. H. Robertson,' Jr., Mrs. H. K. Stockwelh Mrs. Milton Stelner, Mrs. Jack Stump ot Mon mouth, and Mrs. Gordon Hadley, Mrs. D. L. Craig, Mrs. F. J. Chap man, Mrs. Ernest Bonesteele. Mrs. Kenneth Power, Mrs. G. F. Chambers, Mrs. W. L. Phillips and Mrs. Gus Hlxson. Mrs. Frederick Deckebach, Mrs. Breyman Boise and Mrs. W. Al Jones assisted the hostess at the tea hour. High score for the afternoon was won by Mrs.-Breyman Boise, and second prise was won by Mrs. H. K. Stockwell. Marian Conklin Charming Bride Easter Stayton A lovely Easter wed ding was that of Miss Marian Conklin and Clifford Thornton, which took place at the Dave M. John home on Saturday last. The ceremony took place before an improvised altar with tall tapers and Easter lilies and other spring flowers, and a homespun made by the bride's grandmother- a hun dred or more years ago as a back ground. The bridal party enter ed to the strains of the wedding march played as a violin solo by Miss Patsy Mayo. Little Larry John In a pink silk suit was the ring bearer. Miss Ruth Hudson of Eugene, the bridesmaid was lovely in a green flowered chif fon. .Mrs. Dave John, matron of honor, was most attractive in a blue flowered crepe. The bride wore a long gown, of ivory taf feta, charming in its simplicity. Long lace mitts also in Ivory, added a quaint charm. She car ried a white bible and lovely orange blossoms. Orange blos soms .were also worn in her hair. She was given away by her fath er. Mr. Arthur Conklin. of Pasa dena. Calif. The groom,' Mr. Thornton, was attended by Mr. Harlan d Atterbury of Roseburg. The ceremony was read by Rev. Wayne Wright. Following the ceremony a three course wedding breakfast was served. The color scheme was pink. Beautiful roses, sweet pea and tulips were used. The bride made a most lovely picture as she cut the beautifully decorated wed ding cake. Betty Pendleton and Patsy Maye served. Mr. and Mrs. Thornton were both members of the class of 1928 at O. S. C. Mr. Conklin was a member of Tbeta Delta No. Mrs. Conklin was a Kappa Kappa Gamma. During her senior year she was very popular on the cam pus as manager of the Beaver. She was a member of Theta Sig ma Fhl and Cap and Gown, hon orary societies. This past year she has been circulation manager of the O. 8. C. alumni monthly. For several years she had made her home with her sister. Mrs. Dave M. John, of this place and as a consequence has many friends here. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. S. I. Thornton. Mr. and Mrs. John At tebury and Harland Attebury, of Roseburg; Mr. and Mrs. D. M John, Sr.. of Corvallis; Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Calllster. of Albany: Arthur Conklin. of Pasadena. Calif.; Rath Hudson, of Eugene; Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Brewer Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mayo and Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Keibert of this city. The bride's going away costume was an ensemble of tan and brown with accessories to match. After their brief honeymoon trip they will be at home at Roseburg. where Mr. Thornton is a building contractor. 1 ; 4- - Mrs. J. W. Pearson of LaGrande la a guest in tho city tor a tew days visiting with relatives and friends. ' tion; opens v tho bowels. ' Chew one of these pleasant tablets and see how Quickly nasal discharge stops; head clears: breathing be comes easy. See how that achy, feverish, weak feeling disap pears, i And r "Pape's" doesn't stop with killing cold germs. ' It activates bowels . and removes germs and add wastes from the system. All drug stores 35c Just remember 'Pape'aV ' War Mothers Hear Reports on : ; , Hospital j i ' The American War Mothers as sociation held an Interesting meet ing Tuesday afternoon at the American Lutheran church par lors. Two - newly initiated mem bers. Mrs. Mary. Ay res. who had one son In tho world war, and Mrs. Bertha' Turner, mother of three sons who are now Legion naires,' were given a position of honor on the afternoon's ' pro gram. .A large attendance enjoyed the afternoon of informal talks, mu sical numbers and dramatic read ings, especially prepared for. the occasion. Mrs. Mary E. Rauch, chairman of the hospitalization committee,' gave an interesting re port on the total Easter offering, stating that more than 850 was turned over to tho veterans. hos pital in Portland as the donation of the local organization. Those on the committee assist ing - Mrs. Rauch were Mrs. Rose Hagedorn, Mrs. Emily Hendricks and Mrs. Annie Mohr. Of the 17 mothers who motored to Portland last Thursday to see the veterans hospital, only nine were. able to attend the meeting Tuesday. These nine, however, gave brief infor mal talks on their impressions of tho institution and its organisa tion. Those attending the afternoon's session included Mrs. Mary Rauch, Mrs. Annie Mohr, Mrs. Schramm, Mrs. Littlefield. rMs. Clara Pal mer, Mrs. M. Lee, Mrs. Prudence Bouffleur, Mrs. May Ivie, .Mrs. Nicholson and Mrs. Elizabeth Waters. A special guest for the afternoon was Comrade Harris, who is in his 93rd year, and who was also called upon for a few remarks. Miss Mary Kurz Weds Charles A. Miller Waldo HUls The Apostolic Christian church In South Silver ton was the scene of an interest ing wedding Easter Sunday after noon at '2:30, when Miss Mary Knrz and Charles A. Miller were united In marriage by Rev. Wm. Kaufman. Miss Kurs has recent ly come hero from Burlington, Oklahoma, near where Mr. MJHer, until recently, made his home. Mr. "Miller Is a prominent tailor In Portland where he now has a home. Following a wedding din ner at the home of tho brlde.'s cousin, P. J. Neuswanger, the cou ple left for Portland- This com munity joins Mrs. Miller's large circle ot Oklahoma friends in ex tending congratulations. mm Roberts Mrs. Roy Rice gave a birthday dinner Sunday for her father, J. A. Hobba in honor of his 79th birthday. Covers were placed for J. A. Hobbs, honor guest. Miss Fern Hobbs, Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Hobbs, and Mrs. C. W. Jullen and children, Carl and Mary Patricia of Portland, Earl L. Hobbs and daughter, Elizabeth Ann of Hlllsboro, Mr. and Mrs. Roy L. Rice, Dorothy and Roy Rice, junior. An Easter egg hunt was en joyed in the afternoon by the young folks present. Mr. and Mrs. George Alexander were guests In Marshfield over the Ea$ter vacation, returning home the first ot the week. Portland Rose A TRIUMPH IK TRAIN COMFORT ... small Wonder the Portland Rose sprang to immediate popularity . . a train of exceptional characteva fleet oftralns ...custom-built for Port land. ..heralding to the world, tho picturesque beauty and limitless re sources of Oregon. ONLY THRU TRAIN TO CHICAGO tv. Partiaad . Ar. OaaalM . Aa. Si. lowk . Ar. Oticage . 9.30 P.M. &19 P.M. &2SA.M, f. 45 A.M. Thrv leapn to 5o!t Lota Cify, Dawvav, Omaha, Kansas Oty, Chicago. Diract connection at Omaha for St. touis. 1" Anarhar dotty train aoat CONTINENTAl IIMITEO Ot4o A M. General ; Passenger Dpt. 837 Pittock Block, - Portland, Or. W, C. T. U. Enjoys Program Monday very Interesting meeting ot tho Salem W. C. T. U., corner Commercial and Ferry street was held Tuesday, April 7. at 2 o'clock, the president. Mrs. U. J. Lehman, presiding. Devotion was lead by Mrs. Gil bert White, subject. "Touth Bringing tho Thought, Adults Should bo an Example tor Touth." Mrs. Gordon McGllchrlst sang, "The Holy City." . Mrs. H. F. Shanks reported for the L, T. L. declamatory ( tem per en ce) contest, held at Brooks, March 29 at the Sunday school convention. Miss Betty Hurley winning silver medal. The L. T. L. are now ready for the Gold me dal. - This W. C. i T. U. are giving a tea April 21. having as guests the presidents of tho Missionary soci eties in our section.. , After the usual business ses sion. Rev. Howe of the First Christian church gave a very in structive and helpful address on prison lines, especially of the youth of our land. Golden Hour Club Honored Today The Golden Hour ekib will be entertained Thursday with an at tractive one o'clock luncheon with Mrs. E. D. Miller as hostess in her home on D street. . Daffodils combined with spring foliage will be used on the lunch eon tables where places are being arranged for tho club members. Including, Mrs. Mason Bishop, Mrs. C. A. Sprague, Mrs. J. Ray Pemberton, Mrs. Carle Abrams, Mrs. William Brets, Mrs. Roy Hewitt, Mrs. A. A. Slewert, Mrs. B. E. Slsson, . Mrs. E. E. Van Slyke and tho hostess, Mrs. Mil ler. Following the luncheon, sew ing and conversation will be the diversion of the afternoon! . (FBQ(UD&0I3H ) . I w I I , , 1 I I WtMiiwaaaaaaaai i i MaWaWaaawwaiiwaeami 4.. I nr mi ii ii i j WITH THE PERMANENT DEAUTY OF PURE WHITE PORCELAIN -ON-STEEL AND WITH ITS ' ' 7-1 7 ' "' - NEW STANDARD OF ADVANCED REFRIGER ATION, FRIGIDAIRE IS SOLD TODAY WITH A (LP ARAM? The Frigidalre guarantee means more 'than freedom from ex penses It means more than mere mechanical dependability For today's Frigidaire offers a new standard of Advanced Refriger ation. It offers a combination of features not to be found in any other electric refrigerator. ' The 3-year Frigidalre guarantee is a guarantee of outstanding performance- the faithful delivery of a finer and more complete refrigeration service. " . AND, if you are considering the purchase of an electric refrig erator with a small down payment and easy terms, there is no reason why you should accept a lesser value than Frigidalre, for we offer to arrange all payments to suit your convenience 347 Court 3 0 0 Music Teachers Entertained at Bush Home Tho Salem Music Teachers' as sociation was enjoyably entertain ed Tuesday evening at the homo of Mrs. Jessie Bush. The feature ot the evening was the talk on "Instructing the Deaf" by J. Lyman Steed, superintend ent of the state school for tho deaf. Mr. and Mrs. Steed were ac companied by nine students of the school, two from the primary de partment, two, from the intermediate-grades and two high school stadents. who gave a practical demonstration ot the methods em ployed in the instruction of the deaf. One of the most Interesting steps in the procoss was tho dem onstration of rhythm, which was illustrated with a splendidly ex ecuted Scotch dance giren by tho older girls. Those in attendance were Pro fessor and Mrs. T. S. Roberts, air. Thielsen, Miss Elma Weller, Miss McHirron, Mrs. Walter Denton, Mrs. Frank LlUburn, Mr. and Mrs. J. Lyman Steed and the hostess, Mrs. Jessie Bush. Miss Helen Hertzog assisted the hostess' with the serving of re freshments at a late hour. Mrs. i Bush chose spring flowers for ' decorations about the living rooms where the group enjoyed the ere- . ning. I a Beta Chi Mothers Honored With Tea One of the most Interesting so cial affairs on the Willamette campus. Is the annual spring tea given by the Beta Chi Mothers club, honoring the mothers of the newly Initiated members. The tea is being planned for Saturday, April 11 In the hours from three till fire o'clock in the sorority house on State street. The host esses will be assisted by actlre chapter members of the sorority. Tel. 9119 11) ii ir r cyJ YEA E u : f In her home on Marion street. J hospital recently.