Tha OREGON STATESMAN; Calcn. Oregon, Thsrs&ty ircrnla?. April 0,: 1S31 PAGE ELEVEN t Unocal News Briefs Blore Detail More details of the work la which Dr. stelU Ford Warner, formerly of Salem, ha been engaged since she waa loaned by the Commonwealth Fond several -weeks ago to the U.' 8. pabllc health service, are given In a letter recelTed bj Miss Mabel Robertson yesterday. . Dr. Warner will make a special sur rey f maternal and child hygiene over the country, her work being s, step In plans of the health ser vice to engage- actively in the .child hygiene field. Dollar dinner every night, 5:45 to 8 at the Marlon hotet : ' Japanese Injured M. Okabe. Jarman bop yard, was cut on the bead and braised In an accident at 8:10 o'clock Wednesday morning at the corner of Ferry and Cottage atreets. B. M. Ran dall. 1840 West Nob Hill street, claims In his report to, the police that Okabe was driving too fast and did not giro the right of way. M r. Okabe said In i his re port to the police that i he did sot Judge Randall's speed prop erly. ; Cm Dismissed - Byrd John eon, charged with assault with a dangerous weapon. , was dis missed on Wednesday when Mrs. Johnson private prosecutor in the case, requested his - release. Justice of the. Peace Miller B. Ilayden granted her request on condition that she pay costs in curred by the county so tar, which she did. Balloon dance Fri. Haset Grn. Ward Banquet Rev. Charles E. Ward who is tearing soon for Forest Grove will be tendered a banquet In his honor at the T. M. C A. Thursday night by the Yolleyball teams. The time Is 8 o'clock. Mr. Ward has been a member of the group; for seren years. Arrangements are being made by Paul Acton and L. E. Barrlck. Dr. B. F. Pound Practice lim ited 'to removal of teeth, gas or local and dental x-ray,. 30 First National Bank. Tel. 8530. New Plan Beginning at the Lions club luncheon session this noon. President Newell Williams will ask past presidents now In the city to take turns at presid ing orer the luncheon meetings. Dr. William Mott, the most re mote past president living here, will preside today. Judge I. H. MeMahan of the circuit court will be the speaker. Affidavit Harry Needham. lAf And ant la riivorca suit brought by Edith Needham, has filed affi davit to show that he is not earn ing sufficient funds to do more than contribute to support of their minor child, to whom he pays 815 monthly. He says he is will ing to accept care and custody of the child. He filed cross com plaint some time ago. Diseases Forty-one cases of communicable disease in this County were reported during the week ending April 4, according to compilation of the state health board. They included:. measles, eight; flu, four; whooping cough, one; spox, two; tuberculosis, five; pneumonia, one;, chicken pox, eight; and mumps, 12. Screen hog fuel for prompt de livery. Fred E. Wells. Bank Matter Judge Gale S. Hill of circuit court has author lied payment of salary, of 8300 monthly an travel expense to 8. 1L Laws, deputy who is assisting the state bank examiner In liqui dation ef the Aurora and Hubbard banks which failed in February. The expense money will be paid from the banks. Bond Over to Grand Jary -John Nyland, charged with the unlawful possession of a still, waived preliminary bearing , in justice court on Wednesday and was bound over to the grand Jury. He failed to furnish bail of 500 and was committed to Nearly Completed The com panion damage cases erougni oy Mary and August S e h u k e y ' against the Willamette Grocery company will go to the Jury , this morning. It haa occupied the last day and a half In Judge MeMa han s court. - Jt .Special Communication vr- - of Salem Lodge No. 4' A. VLrV F & A. M. at 1:30 P. M. Thursday Apr. 9 at the Locige Hall to attend the funeral ' aervimt nf our late brother. N. P. Rasmnssen. at Terwilliger Funer al Parlor at 2:0.0 P. M. H. W. Swarrord, Master. Clinic Today , The county health department will conduct a preschool and school clinic at 8unnyslde all day today, with Dr. C. C. Dauer in charge. A clinic will also be held at Silver ton' this afternoon. ' Demurrer In suit of A. E. Crosby vs. A. A. Schramm, defen dant has ' filed demurrer on grounds that the court in which salt wis brought besuo4urlsdlc tion and that the complaint does not state sufficient tacts. Xetl Fnneral Set -Funeral tor Claud Nell, 47, who died here Sunday, has been set for Friday morning at 10 -o'clock from the Rigdon chapel. Interment will be in City View cemetery. X have 3000 to loan on ap proved real estate security. A. N. Moore s. Visitor Mrs. Harvey Schue bel of the Rtvervlew school sec tion was a Wednesday visitor in tne city, . ; . Demurrer Filed Demurrer to complaint ha been filed in case of John. G laser vs. Roy Rae. I Births Edrett To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edgett. 1870 South 13th. a boy, Marvin Elwood, born. April 4. Woolridre To Mr. and Mrs. Walter C- Woolrtdge, route nine, box 28 X, a girl. Lillian Pearl, born April T. " Child Injured Monte V. Cloyd, nine months old ion ct Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Cloyd of Tillamook, was injured about -the face as a result of an accident between the car In which be was riding, driv en by Mr. Cloyd. and that driven by.T. P, Clerln. 838 Hasel street. Portland, according to police rec ords. The accident occurred Wednesday morning at the corner of an alley on Court street be tween Liberty and Commercial streets. ? The report from Cloyd shows that Clerln backed from the curb and the two cars col lided, i . r t . Reorganization A meeting will be held at the Washington school this afternoon at 3 o'clock to reorganise' the Girl Reserve triangle there. The former advi sor had to give up the triangle, wblch In i future will be under leadership of Margaret Ghorm ley. senior at Wllalmette. Lucy Fisher, a Washington student, will assist Miss Ghormley with the reorganisation. Mrs. Eliza beth Gallaher will also attend the meeting today. Dry mill wood, eordwood, coal. Dial 6000, Salem Fuel. Dinner Meeting Grant school Girl Reserves held a dinner meet ing at the T. W. C. A. last night. Two new members. Ma cine Ash craft and Jeannette Arehart, were Introduced. Others present were Mary Louise RUter. Ruth Walk er, Phyllis Miller. Harriett Por ter; Miss Pauline Llvesay, advi sor: and Mrs. Elizabeth Gallaher of the T. W. C. A. . v; Name Filed George H. Patter son and Emma Patterson hare filed with the county court notice of assuming the business name of Senator confectionery. . L N. Sturtevant has filed retirement from assumed business name. Terminal Cigar store, and with his wife has created the Jennie Lind eats and aweets business. Judgment J udgment decree in the case of Troy Laundry Ma chinery company vs. Marshall Fields haa been entered declar ing plaintiff owner of the equip ment In dispute. Bhould defend ant fall to turn over the equip ment, monetary J udgment of 37, 120.77 is awarded. Sale Authorized In matter of liquidation; of the Aurora State Bank, the circuit judge, on peti tion of the state bank superinten dent, has i authorized sale of a nest of safety deposit boxes to the Scio state bank for 345, the ap parent highest price offered. rah barer for close-in house. See 1220 Chemeketa. A 6-room home one block to state build inn. HnsA to schools, business. ehurche. Lot 39x107. All pav ings paid, immediate possession. Price on terms. I33u. Big ma- count for cash. Becke & Hen dricks. 189 . High street. n.tlL.l A rrUrMnn to place on the trial docket has been made in case of Pearl Matting as administratrix of the estate of Phillip H.' , Carpenter vs. Emma P. Bremer and others. The suit is outgrowth of an accident in which Carpenter, a pedestrian", suffered fatal injuries. TaMnMiMi- Harrr M. Levy. lAhn w Hathawav and William T. Maboney yesterday tiled with th Muntv cierk arucies oi incor poration for the Fidelity Finance corporation which they are eetab llahtar In ; Salem. The capital stock is given as 82.000, consist ing of 40 shares at 80 a snare. nnantUn Named Mvrtle E. Carter baa been named guardian of Lyie it. carter, minor, in uo matte order to sell real orooerty has been granted by the probate Judge and E. Koy. ueorge eu and Josenh Fisher appointed ap praisers. "i iTrom Caldwell J. Jester, en- mrmA In tha tm! estate bttaineSZ in Caldwell. Idaho, was in the city Wednesday on business and while here called on his . old friend, C. J. Jackson of the Krue- mr realtv offices here. Mr. Jack- son knew t the - visitor when he lived in Idaho. Stolen Tire Mrs. Jessie Rudln, 825 North Cottage street, report ed the theft of a 31 by 5 inch Western Giant tire, tube ana rim from her auto, the night of April 7 when it was parked between 7 and 11 o'clock on Slough road. according to police records. ApprovedAnnual account of Ladd and Bush Trust company as ruardian of the estate of Anna Quendt baa been approved by the county court. The account snows a balance of 31 63. S3 in cash, and investment of $1,000. Move Here Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Eby have moved Into the res idence at 2185 Chemeketa street. They formerly llred at Corrallls, Eby being transferred to mana gership of the Pacific Fruit com pany here, i . . Appeal Takes Associated Oil company has filed appeal in lta ease against A. K. LaBranch and others. 1 LaBrancn was given the decision when the case was heard In circuit court here Feb ruary 14. ! ' Leave for Home Mrs. Edgar Moorman and children Mark and Cella left yesterday morning for their home In Miner. Idaho, after spending a week here at the home of her mother, Mrs. Almira liaie. To Washington Mrs. Agnes Apple and child left Tuesday to make tbeir ? borne in Vancouver, Wash. They have been living at 438 South 22nd street. Bicycle Reeevered A bicycle reported ' stolen from Dallas on Tuesday, was recovered by Salem police here Tuesday night. Birth Reported Mr. and Mrs. William Bohanan. 8alem route tour, box 48, are parents of a boy. , born Tuesday, April T. - - -. . PILES CURED I0TELLICE0CE AT 1 U. HIGH Average of one Psychology Class is : 117, Above ; ' Collegiate Morm N Wilamette university's students are above average la intelligence as college students rank. This was the conclusion reached after giving the Otis self-administering intelligence test to 87 members of two classes la psychology un der Dr. R. B, Winn of the univer sity facnlty. r ; The average "I. Q. ; f Intelli gence quotient) of the two class es is 117 whereas the average American college, student ranks between 110 and 115. The ave rage I. Q. of the general public la 100. i Three of the 87 students rated 29 apiece. The highest possible score in the Otis group is 133 for college students. : Higher scores could have been made by several of the students if there had been more questions, but the limit was 75 questions. The time limit was 20 minutes. The lowest "scores la the class es were 85, which is IB points be low, the average college student's L Q. and 23 points below the ave rage shown by the students here. Taken as Part of Regular Course - -1 i T- The two classes In psychology have been studying thinking. reasoning. Instincts, Intelligence and intelligence testa during , the past tew weeks. The classes re quested Dr. Winn to order some intelligence tests. ' The tests were administered Tuesday morning. Students graded their own tests and hand ed in their scores at the end of the hour. Names did not accom pany the scores; henee, no one but the recipients know who re ceived the high scores and the low ones. It Is part of Dr. Winn's policy to keep this a matter of in dividual concern. Questions on the test included practically every line of study In the colloge curriculum: physiol ogy, logic, mathematics, physics, and things that could be known only by a close observation. Willamette's registrar con ceives the idea that the 67. stu dents who took the examination are as good a cross-section of the students as one could find; hence the statement is made that Wil lamette university students have an average I. Q. of probably 117. General Rating Of Mental Ability An I. Q. of 109 means that a person has a "mental age" equal to their chronological age. If a person is 30 years old and has an I. Q. of 100, his mental age or M. A. In (terms of the psychol ogist) la 30. If his physical age Is 20 years and he has an L Q. of 120, then , his mental age' la 24 years. i People of genius hare intelli gence quotients of 140 and above. Superior intelligence is rated from 110 to 120 and people of very high Intelligence are be tween 120 and 140. A dull person's L Q. Is between 80 and 80 while persons with an Intelligence quotient of 70 to 80 Is called "border-line". Persons with L Q.'s below 70 are morons or feeble minded, . Kirkwood Ford Agency Will be In on Big Show Announcement was made yes terday that the Fred Kirkwood Ford agency at West Salem will participate in the traveling . Ford show to be held for three days here with the Valley Motor com pany, Salem Ford dealer, and the Ford Motor company branch co operating.' The exhibit will be held in a large tent carried from place to place ' on Ford trucks. It is open to the public. . Postponed! Case of Merchants Credit Bureau vs. Mary .: Balch and others, schedaled to come up today in Judge Anil's court,, has been postponed until a later date on petition of parties. Marriage ' ia View License to wed was Issued here yesterday to Lawrence O. Has slug. 23, Mt. An gel, and Elinor Davis, 18, Silver- ton. - ; Appraisers J. O. Dixon, H. S. Dixon and A. L. Brougher have been appointed appraisers of the estate of Weston Scott, a minor. Trom Enrene C. W. Walk Ins of Eurene. where he has head quarters aa representative of the Schillings company, was a busi ness visitor here yesterday. ; "Exchanbe Property C. A. Tatum of this city has traded his 10 -acre tract on the Auburn road to George S"mith for residence property at 780 Highland street. VALETERIA (0) (0) CLEANERS Dr. Chan Lna ' Chinese Medicine ' 180 N. ConmercIal St. Ssltm Office hours Tuesday and Satur- -J .day 2 to 5:80 . Hospital Beds for Rent Call P610, Used Furniture ' Departmeat - 151 w. nigh X-Jlldcr tllC Occurrences and Gt is!? Tim Oregon supreme eourt was quiet Wednesday. The seven members of the court were in Portland, attending the luncheon la honor of two members of the court as well as other Jurists over tha state. Justlcea Kelly and Campbell were the "guests of honor,- being the . new members on the highest court of the state. Bat - the - court was not ther only quiet place oa the grounds. Spring fever apparently struck some impressionable blows. Even the governor's office was qaict, with little of publio in terest transpiring, at least. as far as announcements were ems censed. If this weather keeps np, the governor commented, be was going to spend his time in other parts of the state. Henry Hansen, advisor to Gov ernor Meier, aaid ha had heard several rumors of lata that he was moving back to Portland... Han sen said his wife did move back for the summer months, but that he-would be here during the ma jor portion of each week. He has a desk In the governor's of flee. K. L. Randall, proprietor of the cigar stand and . lunch counter la the eapltot building, is recovering rapidly from a re cent operation for appendicitis. Randall is being missed from his usual stand on the first floor of the mala capitol baiH 1 . ... - : If other deleaatlons to the state house fall to appear, there is al ways one which presents Itself re gularly. Male members or the Willamette student body cross the street . to enjoy a smoke la the capltoL C E. gtrlcklin, Vtate engin Obituary HATES , Mrs. Ellen Hayes died at the residence, 1925 North Fifth street, April 8, aged 77 years; mother of Mrs. Bertha M. Zehner of Salem, Charlie B. Hayes of Junction City, Roy M. of Fresno, CaL, and Fred W. and Kills 8. both of Portland; six grandchil dren surviving. Funeral services Saturday. April 11 at 10 a.m from the chapel of the Clough Sarrick company. Sharp Frances lareva Sharp died at the residence, 1348 Cross street, April 8, aged three years, seven months; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Sharp; sister, of Robert. Funeral services Friday, April 10, at 1:30 p.m. from the chapel of W. T. Rigdon and son. Rev. D. J. Howe officiating. Interment City View cemetery. Nell Claud Nell of 380 South 18th street, died in this city April 8, aged 47 years; husband of Era; brother of Mrs. Emma Cuttler of Hawthorne, CaL Funeral services Friday, April 10. at. 10 a.m. from the chapel of W. T. Rigdon and Son. Interment City View ceme tery. Nells Peter Rasmnssen of 818 East Miller street, died at a local hospital April 7, aged 73 years; survived by his wife and three soniT Albert. MHo and Paul, all of Salem. Funeral services Thurs day, April t. at 1 pn. from the Terwillirer funeral home, under auspices of Salem lodge No. 4, A. F. and A. M. Interment City View cemetery. 1 Ptltrei premortal Phone 9S31 lCoderately Priced A Park Cemetery With Perpetual Care Just tea minutes from the " heart ef town - TERWILLIGER'S a T70 Oar Barrio Is Twsraal Oar PtMs Am Oa Em is XCsSm 2T CITY VIEW CEMETERY Established 1893 Tel. 8052 Conveniently Accessible Perpetual care provided for Prices Reasonable Gough-Barrick Co. BIORTDARY . U Phono 8181 i Church at Ferry St. A. M. Clough Dr. Lw. BL Barrlck ' , Vh T. Qolden 1XOTD T KXCSCZSj lit tne center cz urezon's state government eer, returned Wednesday from San Francisco where ho attend ed a meeting of the Ochoeo Ir rigation district which Is being reorganized. On his way back he stopped in Klamath Falls to attend to details of other dis tricts in the process of norgaal setkm. - Strkklia reports, pro gress in all projects ander the reorganlzaUoB. plan. ; .R. J. Hendricks of Salem filed the first petition for a -People's Utility district under tha new law passed by the legislature. The preliminary papers were filed with the new hydro-electrls commis sion for the Bay City district. Other : informal inquiries, have been received. Including one from the city of Reedaport. Ralph CowgUL Ifedford, who has charge of the fish ladders and fish ways under the game commission, was a statehouso visitor Wednesday. He made no comment oa the recent re placement of the entire game commission by the governor. 0i!EDEi,11 HIT BERKELKT. CaL. April 8 (AP) On man was fatally in jured and eleven others were hurt, seven of them seriously. whea a section of a new concrete roof of the Mechanics building, under construction, collapsed on the University of California cam pus here today. ' Skeleton bracing and pillars yielded . suddenly,- precipitating tons of material and workmen to the ground. One man seised an iron rod and clung" to It as the roof collapsed beneath his feet. Amerlco - Cabral of Oakland died shortly after rescuers extri cated him from the mass of wet concrete. Eleven others were ta ken to three Berkeley hospitals where their injuries were found to range from . fractured skulls, Internal Injuries and cuts to bro ken bones An investigation was begun by Fire Chief George Haggerty of Berkeley, a second was under way by State Fire Marshal Jay Ste vens and the contractors insti tuted a third International Board to Meet WASHINGTON. April 8-(AP) The international Joint com mission, having Jurisdiction over boundary water and other dis putes between the United States and Canada will open lta regular semi-annual session here tomor row. ID ROOF COIM HIGH LACK GROUPS BH Open House to be Held on : Friday; Latin, ; French and German Program First annual, open house of the combined language departments of the senior high school will be held at the school auditorium Fri day at 8 p. m with Latin, French and German dab members participating. , : The event supplants the annual open house held by the Latin club, a ten-year-old Institution at the school. . The French dub is three years old and the German club was started last year. The program will include greet ings by the club heads; "Cinder ella given by Pauline Routh. Georgia Nash, June Speer, Mary Jane Leu, Win Jenks and Helen Larsen; readings by Eleanor Berth; minuet by Josephine Cor noyer, Frances Lau. Elvira Ros enthal, Betty Read. Thelma Gill ette, and Claudine Gueffroy. - Violin solo. Delbert Jepsen; "Virgil, the PoetT Blanche 8hep ard: The Aeneld,. Klva 8eaon. with living statues by Theyon Aahcrast, Ceclla Howard, Lucy Klein, Lewis Melson. Buron Pay ton. and Junior Lindstrom; male quartet, "Die Lorelei." Delbert Jepsen. - . Clarence Fast. Emory Hobson and Homer Welty; Peas ant songs and dances: Constance Cartmill, Betty Galloway, Dorothy Lipps, Jean Cladek; Lottie Hol comb, Theresa Murhammer.' Rob erta Patton and Grace Peters;: Glimpses into Foreign ' Lands, Prof. Helen Pearce of Willamette university. ' Officers of the three clubs are: Latin club Elva Sehon and Fern Dow, consuls; Dorothy Mur- Ladd & Bush, Bankers EstabUsbed 1868 f -' " '. :. ! ' i - i "v . j J l . .. us, MRS. BROWN, housekeeper of scarcely more than a gen eration ago, was a skilled laborer. The Mrs. Brown of to day is an executive. , - She has turned over much of her work to mechanical appliances. Much of her cooking has been placed in the hands of manufacturers of foods. Most of her sewing is 'done for her by the makers of clothing and household furnishings. Freed from drudgery by modern inventions, 'she has become a manager. The advertisements in her daily newspaper have en abled her to be a better director of the affairs of her home than any woman of any past generation. She is primarily an intelligent buyer. She spends 85 of the family in come. The care with which she reads the advertisements and the wisdom with which she acts "on them determine the health, happiness and prosperity of her household. She studies every new and every accepted product that might benefit her in her business of home management. She compares values. She is an expert in getting one. hun dred cents worth of comfort protection and satisfaction . for every dollar she spends. She reads the advertisements; every day. On them Mrs. Brown's efficiency depends The advertisements in this newspaper are the daily, record of business progress, the report to you of the manu facturers and merchants who serve you. It will pay you to read them. phy, Frances Jenash and Mar garet Doege, aedlles Martha Sprague and Lucy Klein, quaes tors. French club Mary Jane Lau, president; Vail Rogers, vice president: Lucille- Ward, . secre tary; Colene Mennls, treasurer; and Elvira Rosenthal, song leader. German club Delbert Jepsen, president; Louis Mlnturn. vice president; Emory Hobson. treas urer, and Eleanor - Berth, secre tary.;"" A small admission, will . be charged. CIICUUIW p BAC!( AFTER T-IEET W. A. Scott and Gus Hlxson, circulation managers of Salem's dally newspapers, were hack In Salem late yesterday after a trip to the Northwestern Circulation Managers association convention held ' in Wenatchee, Wash., Mon day and Tuesday. Twenty-nine circulation man agers from representative news papers in the northwe4 attended the meeting. They determined that next year the gathering would be held In Portland. The keynote of the gathering was economy la operation. Nursery Stock j. Evergreen and Decidious Ornamental Trees Priced right, we don't mean maybe. 7 miles east of Salem on Pen. road T Dial 11G Call 38F3 F. A. Docrfler & Sons " Salem, Ore! Schaefer's Throat and Lung Balsam for Coughs Contains Oil Eucalyptus, Pure Glycerine, Syrup, etc. No nar cotics or harmful drugs. Can bo used safely by both old and young. Manufactured in our Ofrn laboratory. ; Schaefer's Drugstore 1S3 N. Com! St. Dial 5107 The original Yellow Front and candy special store of Salem Peaslar Agency ST Officers chosen -for the next' year were: president, H. n. Ca- hll, Seattle; vice-president, A. J Hllllker. Calgary, Canada; secretary-treasurer. E. P. Hopwood, Portland ; directors, E. A. McKee. Longvlew, J. Verschuere, Astoria. tlcr:oni?cos WHEN, things have looked dark, oca has only to con template America's baalo resources to realize how truly safe and sound our nation la. And one has only further to contem plate America's man pow er to realize how quickly these basic resources can be transformed Into the. very stuff of Prosperity. The link between the two Is the Commercial Bank, ever ready to encourage well-conceived expansion .and sound enterprise. The First National Bank strives to do Its full part In aiding the growth and development of Salem and the surrounding country. The FIRST NATIONAL BANK . lit Salem -r1 V