The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 04, 1931, Page 2, Image 2

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    PAGE TWO 1 r The OREGON STATESMAN, SaJecu Oregon, Saturday Morning; April 4. 1931
aittetl jthimI im--0mim paling f y
.alalia " J . " 1 1 ' ! .. , , : . : - , - ' .- . '
William licGUchrist WiU Di
; rcct Choir at Down
town Church"
The choir of the America Luta
rn chard will oer aa We Bax
ter music the cantata, "Our Risen
Lord ua Saviour," .--of
which is br Dr.'Bttthbert Harris
and. text hy Dr. Henua ra
Barge. William McGttchxist is di
rector of the- cantata, which- will
begin at 7:30. o'clock Sunday ev
ening. ' ; . A '
- These wko will take part are:
- Sopranos -Mrs. - Clarence "M.
Byrd, MT- . M. Trindle, Mrs.
Esther Johnson. Miss Mable Llnd.
quest. Miss Charlotte Lrndquest.
.MrswOeo. Oueseath, Mrs. Agnes
' Coveaberg. and Miss Claresse
' , Kolbe. Altoes Mrs. J. - Albert
. Sholseth. Klas - Arbutus vRudle,
' Miss Lougeae Brletxke, MrsWia.
Brietzke, Mrs. A. A. Krueger and
Miss Iol Qaesseth. ' . . '
Tenors Wendell Robinsen. Al
vin Scbirmaa, Herman Taefwand
George Queaseth. Bass A
Sholseth, MSx.Gehlbar, William
' Brietzke and William Blumen
berg. . ,
The program numbers include: .
Sing and Rejoice, Mrs. Trindle
nd choir.
And' when They Were Come,
Mr. gchlrman and choir. -The
night of Sorrow, choir.
Faith Tting, soprano solo,
Mrs. Trindle. -
. Esster Dawn, Mrs. Sholseth and
There was a Great Earthquake,
Mrs. Scholseth and choir.
- They HaTe Taken Away My
Lord, Mr. schirman and Women's
chorus. . t
" Behold, He Is' Here, solo: Mr.
Christ Is Risen From the Dead,
I Know That My Redeemer L1t
eth, contralto solo. Miss Rudie.
; Go Quickly and Tell, choir. .
If a Man Die, 'men's chorus.
Behold My Hands, Mrs, Byrd
and Mrs. Schirman and choir,
f We Know Thee by Thy Pierced
: Hinds, quartet. . - -
The Redeemed of the Lard, ten
or solo: Wendell Robinsen. j
. . Sing Ye to the Lord, choir. 1
Easter Day
: Baptism Set
For Japanese
The Japanese community
church will bold baptismal serr-
' Ices Easter Sunday it 1 o'clock
at the Jason Lee church In Sa
lem, with Rer. S. Niira in
Rer.: Hugh B. Fouke, Jr.. pas
tor of Jason Lee, will speak to
the congregation and there will
be a solo br T. S. Mackenzie and
music by the choir.
The following will be bap
tized: Tetsuo Semba, Don SugaL
Arthur Eugai, . Frank -Terusaki,
Frank Fukuda. Tom Oje, Hl-
- roshi Kaneko, Toshi Nakaahima,
:Minnt Ogura and Sum! Ogura
Martin Luther's
; Life is Subject
For Big Picture
'. "The Life of Martin Luther
from the cradle to the GraTe,"
eight-reel moring picture which
rwill be shown tonight at the Cal-
Tary Baptist church audttorlum;
Is said to be one of the finest
'tnorles erf Its kind ever filmed.
The show Is being sponsored
here by the Livingstone school.
.connected with the Seventh Day
AdTentlst church. There will be a
small charge, funds to be- used
. by the school for Improvements.
Sunrise Prayer
Meet Scheduled
A sunrise prayer meeting will
; be held at the Free Methodist
church at o'clock Easter moru
la g. Mrs. Clara Cooley will be In
charge of the event, in which the
; entire congregation Is ' expected
to participate.
All Departments oiFord Memorial
Church Planning Observance For Z
Easter; Pageant, is Main Feature
Special plans are betag made
. for thee observance of Easter In
. all the departments- of the Irord
Memorial. - M. E. Community
church. The Epworth League
conducts a sunrise prayer, service
- at o'clock followed by an Eas
: ter morning breakfast. At 0:45
the Sunday school will present a
short program in observance of
':- the day.
The Eater service la at 11:00
' a. m. Sermon: "The Message of
, Easter" by -the pastor. Special
-" music directed by Miss Trula
Grant by the Junior choir ln
eludes: rocal duet by members
. of junior choir. Chorus: "The
Awakening Chorus" by junior
. choir. Vocal solo: "Face to Face"
Johnson, by Miss Ruth Maers.
. Chorus: "All Hail, Immanuel,"
by junior choir. And also a rocal
duet by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rose,
; "Behold, How He Loved Us,"
Chandler. - .
At 7:30 the pageant. The Eas
ter Pilgrims" will be presented.
Forty, characters, besides choir
Churches Over
, Announce Many Services
Of Promise for Easter
Salm chTirchei have no corner on the preparations for
happy and i appropriate observances of; that anniversary
which marks the day of resurrection, for ; in. "every secy on
of the ccnmtr. church '. and Sunday, jcbooLlgroups have set
aside- the day for special services. Some of them are told
aa foHewa: ' ' - v
WOODBTTRX. April Special
Easter eenrlces .lor Woedtmrn
chorche axe being planned by
th rarloua pastors. " - J
Saturday high mass wiubegla
at T a. ra. At the htgtt hum there
will be the blessing of the.Kaatex
water, the baptismal water and
the Easter candles. No exercises
are scheduled : for Saturday evening.-
; k ' . i ' ' . -f
High mass ' wiir again be ob
served at both 8 aC m. and 10 a.
m, on Sunday.- There will . be
commftnlon. at the S o'clock mass
and also at the later mass If de
sired.. J ' ': . )
' The Lenten season Is -marked
by Saturday's aerrlces and -. also
the .Climax of the. Easter serri-
ees. The aerrlces Saturday will
be followed jbr the benediction.
The benediction will be giren to
the children's: choir at the 8:00
o'clock . mass, : and. the music lof
the lv o'clock mass will be under
the direction I of Frank DuBois,
who will lead ' the St. Luke'
eheir.' The Little Flower mass
will fee 'sung. : , r ;
.Special musical and speaking
programs are ! also scheduled . for
"Easter Sunday at the Methodist,
rressrienan, . ana unritutn
churthes and the Church of God.
prograos lor the Evangelical
church on Easter Sunday is as
follows: a surprise prayer meet
ing, foUowed by breakfast, at the
parsonage. The Sabbath school
will convene i at 10:00 o'clock,
Helen Kins, j superintendent ln
charge, in connection with -this,
program will be given by the
Sunday school after which the
pastor; Rev. A. W. Oliver will
deliver the Easter message. The
subject will be-"The Joys of Eas
Ged's Candles", an appropriate
ly Lenten pageant, will form' the
center of attraction at the Easter
program which will be given
Sunday evening, at 7:30 o'clock
at the Lablsh Center - school
The cast includes Vera Dow as
youth, Annabelle Bennett as
childhood, Katherine Blanton as
sin, Erma Hornschuch as sorrow.
Eva Dow' as desth, Namoi Horns
chuch as Easter, Grace Klampe
as Christian, Bernadeen Daugh-
erty as service, and Francis
Klampe as sacrifice. Easter is
supported by a group of Easter
chimes, and youth and childhood
br other groups.
Special scenery, costuming and
lighting is being provided to en
hance the effectlrenesa of the
The program also includes an
exercise "The King's Message."
by aig juniors; "Easter Post
cards,"' by ten members of the
primary department; song "Stay
Not in Sorrow," by the interme
diate class, readings by Corrlne
Miner, Laurence Zlnzer, Milton
Scheuerman and Katherine Blan
ton, and a duet by Grace and
Frances Klampe.
Mrs. Earl Harmon is directing
the pageant and other members
of the program committee , In
clude Mrs. E. G. Hornschuch,
Mrs. W. R. Daugherty, and Val
mer Klampe. ;
t TURNER, April. 3The Meth
odist Episcopal Sunday school
will put on a children's Easter
program during tue last half of
the Sunday school hour Sunday.
Rer. W. S. Burgoyne will bring
aa Easter message at the .11:00
o'clock church service. The choir
will sinr an appropriate anthem.
At the. evening service, the page
ant, Ta the Garden", will be giv
en. It will be : led by the choir.
Rev; E. J. Gils trap, pastor .of
the Christian f church, will take
for the subject of his morning
sermon "Resurrection." A bap
tismal service will follow In
which several have asked to take
part. An Easter program will he
given ia the evening, with chil
dren and young people taking
part; Special, music is prepared
for each service.
DALLAS, April 3 Vesper ser-
""""" " .-it ' . ,;- i f ... . " , : '
and erchestraj participate. The
musical part of the pageant la aa
follows: ; .' i . , -i
Prelude: Medley of Easter
hymne by orchestra, directed by
G. C. Larkin. i . ,
Prelude: -"There Is a Green
Hill Far Away" Stebblns, by
choir. i
Scene I: "Hark. Hark. My
Soul" Smart, i by choir. "la the
Cross of Christ I Glory" Con-
key, br choir. 5
Interlude: "For AH Saints"
Barnby. by choir and cast. "We
Three Kings of Orient Are"
Hopkins, rocal trio Fred Rose,
Erwin Simmons, Pete FoelkL
Scene II: TChrist Llveth In
Me" McGranahan, Reba Clarke,
Margaret Kaster, Ruth Maecs.
"Christ The Lord Is Risen To
day" Daridlca, choir and cast.
Scene III: "I ra A Stranger,
I'm A Pilgrim", vocal solo by
Miss Roberta ( Peterson,, "Hark.
Hark, My Soul, by choir. ' .
Recessional: "Ten . Thousand
Times Ten Thousand."
Ices wlU be held at the Freaby
teriau church, Baster Sunday at
4:30 o'clock, under the direction
of Mrs. G. P. MacCregor. The
program will be as follows, with
Rachel TJglow. as accompanist;
- Prelude Christ Is Risen, male
quarter Harold WItcraft, Jean
Schmidt, Gilbert WItcraft, Ner
val Gates: 1 Perfect Prayer, nolo.
Mrs. Arthur Finkt Are Maria,
Mrs.- J. - A. Miller. . rioUn oMlga-
hto, Mrs. Robert Flshe: Medita
tion, Mrs. O.- P MaeGregor, vio
lin obUgato,.Mra Robert Fisher;.
Christ Is. Risen, -vocal solo. Har
old w WItcraft. Crucifix, male
quartette. ' j -. r .
Seleetlona - from Resurrection
Hope, by the choir, a. Sing with
all the Sons - - of Glory, b. All
Around the Clouds are Breaking.
A: Vision of Angels, tenors and
sopranos. But -I iKnow, John
Schmidt and mala chorus. The
Name of. Jesus, rocal solo, Mrs
Arthur Fink: The- Shadow and
Gloom of Life, are Fled John
Schmidt and tenors. I am the
Resurrection and the Life, choir.
Members of the choir are:
Mrs. J. .A. Miller, Mrs. W. L.
Pemberton, Mrs. Sidney Whit
worth. Mrs. J. J. Wick. Mrs. A.
J. Cleveland, Mrs.-J. A. Smith,
Miss Genevieve Coad, Mrs. Mid-
dieton, Mrs. Arthur Fink, Mrs.
George Kurre, Mrs. Ragsdale,
Mrs. Floyd Senter, Miss Alice
McBride. Joe Garner, Harold and
Gilbert WItcraft, John ' Corny,
Norval Gates, John Schmidt, Sid
ney WhitworthV George Cooper,
Ed Howe, Floyd Senter and E.
Ten to Give
Easter Music
Sunday Eve
A sacred cantata, "Light ' Out
of Darkness" (Gelbel) will be
presented Sunday evening at the
First Congregational church by a
double quartet, composed of H. B.
Glalsyer and W. D. Clarke, ten
ors; Harry Harms and Mrs. Rae
Beldin, sopranos; Miss Lucille
Cummmgs and Mrs. M. D. McCal
lister, altos; Victor Wolfe and
Tyler Morley, basses.
Mrs. Charles E. Ward will be
at the organ, and Miss Iva Claire
Love will play the violin. The
program will open at 7:30 o'clock.
It follows:
Organ prelude, with riolln;
chorus, "Dark and Drear the Mid
night Skies"; basa solo. "Be Not
Cast Down", Mr. Wolfe chorale,
"O Christ Who Died for All";
recit. contralto: Raboni; solo.
The Song of . the Magdalene",
Miss Cummlngs; chorus, "O Ye
That Mourn"; duet, soprano and
tenor: "After the Sorrow and
Weeping", Mrs. Harms and Mr.
Glalsyer; recit. bass: "Behold a
Wonderful Thing", Mr. Wolfe;
quartet: I'O Glad and Glorious
Easter"; chorus: "Sing Glorious
Violin and ' organ Offertory
"Larghetto", (Hondel).
Part II
Carol: "Song of the Easter
Bells"; solo, soprano: "O Divine
Redeemer", Mrs. Harms; recit.
tenor: "Ho Te That Once Were
Sad". Mr. Glalsyer; solo and
chorus: "Go Te : and Teach f All
Nations"; chorus: "Behold a
Great Light"; benediction. -
Endeavor Union
To Hold Sunrise
Service Sunday
The Marion - -county Christian
Endeavor Union" is planning a C
o'clock Easter sunrise service to
be held at the Glenn Adams
place en Klngwood Heights. Rer
C. C. Haworth, pastor counselor
of the union, will preside.
The program: will Include a
song service," period of prayer,
duet. The Old Rugged Cross" by
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Kellems,
solo. "Beautiful -Garden of Pray
er," Mrs.- Delbert Daniel; ad
dress by Dr. Jesse R. Kellems.
Friends Vesper
Hour Soloists '
Are Announced
At the 5 o'clock vesper hour at
the South. Salem Friends church
the cantata from "Cross ' to
Crown" will be giren by the
church choir. Soloists will In
clude: - ,
Lesta .Bates, - soprano; Elsie
G e h r k a, , contralto; s .William
Wright, tenor; Ross Miles, bass;
airs., Fred Duncan Is accompan
ist. t -
Weil is Speaker
For Conference
The First Unitarian church
wUl be represented at the Pacif
ic Unitarian conference In Seat
tle, AprU 0-8. Inclusive, by. Rer.
and Mrs. Fred Alban Wen. Dele
gates will be entertained by the
three Unitarian churches of Se
attle, with sessions held la the
university and Icelandic church
es. Mr. Weil will be on of the
conference speakera
Ttu. of mm
: MONMOUTH, . AprU . , ft. Mon
mouth ehurcSe- are x planning
apecial program of saered musie
tor Easter Sunday; each - to be
held ux Its own place of worship.
I The Evangelical church wlU
present a. cantata: 'The Thern-
Crewnea King, rmnday. evening
at ' r:a miss Aims xarain. a
Normal student, is director; .and
Mlia Florence- Rltter Is -pianist.
The arrangement Is in 13 parts,
with sot; by J. F. Powefl, Rer.
I. H. Willard, minister of . the
chmrcl, A. N. Poole and Alma
Larkla; ' dueta by ' Rer. WlUard
afad A. N., Poole aad a duet by
Mn. Ai K. Poole and Mrs. Carrie
Tiaon. A. mixed, quartet, Mrs.
Carrie Tlson, Mrs. . A N. Poole,
Rer. Wlllard and A. N. Poole,
will also sing.
t At the Baptist church ' the
morning service will be featured
by a children's program, directed
by Mrs. A. B. Morlan. In' the
evening m cantata, directed by
Rer. F. C Stannard, and Mra. J.
C. Wilson, choir leader, will be
presented. Miss Judith Severson
will act aa piano accompaniat.
. A: sunrise prayer meeting- I
planned by the congregation of
the Christian to occur on Cupid'a
Knoll,, weather permitting. The
groan will gather at the church
at 5:30 o'clock, and It it proves
a rainy morning, prayer meeting
will he held at the church. An
Easter 1 breakfast will . be- held
later in the church basement.
Rar. Victor P. Morris will de
liver the message at the' regular
service hour, 11 . o'clock. There
will be apecial music by the
choir which , is directed br. Miss
Florence Bierce. Pianists a:
Mrs. Vieior P. Morris and Mrs.
Roy M. Miller.
Choir Offers
I Easter Songs
Following the custom of
vious years, the choir
First Presbyterian church
present their jsaster concert u
4 o'clock vesper service Sunday
afternoon. The choir of 35 voices
Is under the direction of William
Wright, and Prof. Frank Chur
chill is organist. The program
Prelude "Easter Morning"
' Baumgartner
Anthem "Ride On! Ride On!"
Duet, "Rock of Ages" Fearls
Miss Benner, Mr. Springer
Anthem, "They That Sow In
. Tears'" Gaul
Solo "In the End of the
Sabbath" Speaks
Miss Josephine Albert;
Offertory "Processional to
Calrary" Stalner
Anthem "The. Strife la O'er"
. -. .Andrews
Solo "I Know That My Re
deemer Llveth" .Handel
Mrs. James Teed
Male Chorus "Christ Is
Risen" t Nerin
Anthem "Unfold Te Por
tals" ...............Gounod
Postlude "Easter Alleluia"
Grove Leaguers
Will Give Play
Friday Evening
Er-ents Scheduled for the com
ing week by the Ford Memorial J
church include the Bible study
Wednesday at 7:45 p. m. and the
Ladies Aid and Missionary so
ciety monthly business meeting
at the lome of Mra, Ed Brock,
1925 Second street.
The Oak Grore Epworth lea
gue will present, under the aus
pices of the Epworth league of
Ford Memorial church, in the
community baU, Friday, , April
10, the play "The Eyes of Lore",
a three act comedy . drama, by
Lillian Mortimer. Proceeds are
to be divided between ,the lea
gues. Oak Grove Is using funds
t- pay a pledge made at Epworth
League institute at Falls City,
which helps- to pay for the up
keep Of the Falls City Epworth
League Institute. .
Effective Music Chosen
By Leslie Memorial Choir
For Easter Presentation
i-' . 'Ij i aBsasnBaaaaaaaawaaaa. '. .. 4
An E-wtcr cantata, TThe Kiiijf Eternal' (Ira 8. Wil
son), will be presented Easter Sunday evening by the Lea
lie Memorial church choir tinder the direction of J. William
Belcher of Portland. The Easter story, is effectively told
in the following numbers:
s "Great and Marreioas" v. m.
Sackett ?and eholr. -"V Choosing
the Cross" Mrs. Irene "Lorn and
chair. "Blessed be the King That
Cometh Mrs. Mason Bishop and
choir, "In Remembranca of Me"
contralto solo by Mrs. , Mason.
Bishop, 'Gethaemane" choir,
"The Betrayal" eholr, "Away
With . Hint" choir, "O Sacred
Head" choir, "He Died for Me1
tenor and baas dnet snng by Dr.
Lv O. Ross of St, Helens and
Wendell Scott, "Sweet be Thy
Sleep" Lillian Garnjobst . and
choir, "He Is Risen" choir, "Un
to the King Eternal Mrs. Jessie
M. Bush and eholr. "J.
: Those haying part In" the can
tata .are; aoprano. -'Mrs. Jessie
M. Bush, Mrs. Irene Love. Miss
Lillian Garnjobst. Miss Bessie
Tucker, Mrs. VanSanten, Mrs.
J - i n Ihe' i urch eisfei I m
Kartk lftfc mi Kthnik itmtt. . i
W. biiiU, pMtar. 8ar aeaeol 0 :fl
Maniac wnJil ll 'clock : aak
jeett-"The SmmetlM." Bptinal
erviee mm rveaptioa ( ateaber. Even
iacvenai VtloA KAjeet. "Tha
Maaaiag at rvtlexrakia.'- .Tac FeU'a
Metlmt :S0 e'ltlockj aobjeet, ' ''Way
ad .How Should We Obawre Eatr."
Kiu rifa Km leader.
- i. : oxjlp) TtDnros sasszov ' ,
' tS8 Court atoeefc, C 8. Jekaaea, pa
ter.- Saasay aeaeel-e S p.s. Service a4
S aA S Met1aa Taetday, Taasa
ay aag fietarday eTaainta.
tvuir oxxxaar barzst
. Nrta ONtto n4 J streeia. 9. W.
Bateca, artaiater. Saaday b)mk1 S:45 . Saaa fiairaiaa, Snpt.. The paeter
will "TW utr afiaaaf" t 11
.. .SpeataJ Eeatar -araaie hj tka efceir.
Tke Lord 'a Saaper TeUewiac.tke awra-
tog aeevtee. Aa Easter projram by the
yeang people for p.ta. h. T. P. neetlas;
O .. Tasadan
Eaa aehiflerer,
BkieVweek prayer
pnstaaait. stnr
neetiaa at a pja. weaaeeaay.
mn CHtraca or tem itAzixxsn
. Oae btecsr imta of Crater aa IStk
Street. -" Seev neteher Oellevay. " veater.
Kaeter aanieaa aa foUowat S jl Suariae
aerriea. 0:49 a.m. Kaeter prerraaa far
tke Saaday aokeeL 11 a.aa,."Tbe Vir
aale at Beater. 8pee4el aiarle ay the
eheir, S:45 H. T. P. 8. aad Jaaler
aeeiety. T :5 ja. "Seearreet4 lArta."
Prayes BMetinc Wedaeaday . T:4S p-im.
Coatinaatioa ef Jhe staaiaa la Xerelatiea.
: rxxsT rxzssTTSXzaw .
r Caraer ef Winter aad Cheatekata
atreeta, tlrorar O. Birtchat. X. pa
ter. Hnaday echeel ataeta at S:SO .a
At 10 clack tarn wiU be a eeaabiaed
Easter aerriee far tke Saaday sehoel aad
eaureh. There will be a yaf eant giTea
hy the eaUdTea, aad apeeial araaie. la.
eluded ia the order oi aerriee will be
the Baptiaai ef ekildrca. - installation of
eldera, and a akort aenaoa hy Dr. Birt-chet-
Chriatiaa EndeaTOr aecietief ateet
at 6:S0 p.m. Tetper aerriee at 4:90
a'eloek. This will be a eaeert by the
eheir. tke prorraat ef whiek ia siraa elae
arhere. : Ke erasing aerriee. MSd-waek
Jrayr ateeriaa at T :S0 o'clock, Thnra
dev. . ; ,
- MIDOIC GaOVK Charek aehool ltt
a.w. T. T. Walker, Snpt. A apecial pro
tram aad a AeTerie, ''Eaater" at 11 by
the peatecw latenaadiate K. L. O, X. at
6:80. E. Ik C. E. baaineas aieethia;
Taesday areninr at the Hammer home.
Prayer aerriee Wednesday eveaing.
LABI8H 'CENTER Church sehoel 10
aja. W. A. Starker, Boat. O. E. at T
p.m. Pre-prayer aerriee at S:S0.' Eaater
program aad pageant at S. - Prayer meet
inr Tharaday evening. - - ,
CLEAR LAKE Charek school 10 a.m.
W. P. Collard. Sapt. Jr. E. U C. E. at
11. Visa Marie Harold. Snpt. Toning
Peepla'a E. L. C. E. at T:15. Sabjeet,
"Eaater Vests rae ia Literatare."
IL K. Sekenermaa, pastor, 1161 Ualea
street, aelem.
Chemeketa and Liberty streets. Saa
day services at 11 a.m. and S p.m. Sub
ject. "Unreality." Sunday aeheol at
0:45 "aad 11 a.m. Teatiaaoalal meeting
every Wednesday- eremng at 8. Head-
tng room at 406 Masonic Temple open
from 11 to 5:80 except Sundays and
AjrasxxsTio taeehkaolb
Thirteeath aad Eerry atreeta. C. O.
Weatoa. pastor. Easter Morning aerriee
at 10:4$. Meaaage by Eran relist H. E.
Hansea. Sunday aehool at 1:45 ia the
afternoon. Church service at S. Message
by Pastor C. O. Westoa. Evangelistic
Serriee at T:45. Meaaage by Erangeliat
Ethel Omfceknnst. Special asnaie.
HSgk and Ferry streets. Church school
Eaater program 0:40 a.m. followed by
baptismal Berries. Morula g worship
10:5 a.m. Btmoi: "Perfect Victory"
oaator. Anthem: 'Calrary, (Bodney).
Solo: 'Beearreetioa" (Shelley) W. Earl
Cochraa. School of Minions 8 :80 pja.
Cantata. "Mora ef Victory" (Mevserl
sang by the ehoras choir ia the erenlng
at f:S0 o'clock. Baatismal service.
Wednesday evening T:30, special meeting
for all members oi the ewereb. Address
by George 8Cheasama of Sen Francisco.
rrasT OHKisTiAJr
High and Center streets. D. J. Howe,
Das-tor. Moraine serrKje. 11 o'clock:
sabjeet:, "Lore aad . Immortality." . Dr.
)aaea R. Kellems. sreachrnsv. Xaeter at-
sic- Ereniner aerriee T:SO 'cloek; : sab
lee: "The New Resarreetiea." Dr. Kel-.
Urns preachlag. Eeeaiag. p raise aerriee
led by Homer Kellems. Sand ar . echoed
9 :45 a.m. OrviUe J. HaH, Sootf Teaae;
neonla'a Btatlni ViSO B.m. - Tnroe O. E.
soeietiea meet ia reapeetiveVTOomav Baa
tismal serriee at T p m. . "The rertraj
meetings continue at 1:40. every rea-
lag. . . - I
Chnrck street between Chemeketa aad
Center. Her. P. W. rriksea, pastar.
10:80 a.m. Kaster day. Sermon topla:
"Death ia Conquered." Special masie.
Song by the male qeartet, aeto, Sfceeai
and Laasea."Leea Jeaaleea; . . eathaaa:
"Seek .To Christ Among tha LirinK."
choir. T:80 pja. Xaster, eeataU. 'Oar
Kisea Lord and Savior. " Sunday school
at 0 :45. Max Gehlhar, Sapt. Short
Easter program. ' Leagues at :50.
... nasi baptist '.
Coraer . of North Liberty aad Marioa.
streets. - William H. Robins, pastor. Bible
school at 9:45. Trad Broer, Supt, Spe
cial messages aad musical selections both
morning aad eraninr. 8ubjeet: "The
Resarreetioa aad he Mourner," at 11.
Orgaa selection by Miss MlUer. ' B. Y.
P. V. at 0:80. Beth Senior aad Juaior
soeietiea meet In their respeetlra rooms.
Erenlng eraagelistia service at T:80.
Reaaiag eoag-aerriee ia charge- of Fred
Breer. seag-directer. Sabjeet: "Christ
ia the Book of Re-relation." Wedaeaday
erenlng prayer aad praise serriee. Fri
day erenlng the Salem Union Bible
classes at T:80.
Alberta Pemberton, Mrs. Rath
Linn; alto, ' Mrs. Mason Bishop,
Mrs.' La T. Bell. Miss Helen In
grey, Miss Carle Williams, Mrs.
A. C. Bohrnstedt, Mrs. B. D.
Roseman; tenor, E. D. Roseman,
W. SS. Thompson, Dr. L. G. Ross;
bass, V." M. f Sackett, r Wendell
Scott, Ererett Whealdon, Darlow
E. Johnson; director, J. wm
Belcher; accompanist, Mrs. 8.
Darlow Johnson. -
Fred tt. Scott, one of the reg
nlar tenors of the Leslie Memor
ial choir, . was called to Canada
by tha serioas niness of his
brother, and Dr. T. -G. Ross, ten
or of the . 8T, Helens, Oregon,
Methodist choir, 'and student of
Mr. Belcher, comes to assist In
the cantata.
Kmzht Llanorid t
- Ckzrch WtU Offer
'The Resurrection9
' - . .
' The baantlal Xeeater peat- '
eeuit, . "The , fteamorectlesu
win. be preeearted BumOmf
erenlng; at the Knight Mem
orial church at 7:SO o'clock.
, Maslcaal adapUUloBS will
taa made by the organist.
Ira. F. OU Breekenridge. A -triov
cMmpeee(I of Beaeitta
Edwards, Harriett Adams
assd Myre Oleeaeii, Blagtfim
rrhe Empty TMBb." by Ur
neard Itesnblljs, will latro
dace the pagaaat.
-4 The oast wiU be anpported
by the choraa cfaodr. The
caatt Tilate, F. O. Breckea
ridge; the high priest. Vrr
. noa Baahnelij iiiry Magdsv-
lese. Bare. Ethel Thompaon,
Salome, . Loraine , Haas;
afaryt JtSm mother of James, -Bfrs.
Aim Knower; Peter,
sT. T. Thompeoa; John, Don
aid Barnard.
Comer of Sth aad Galas, J. Mark Co
ir. tas tor. S. B. (Sa :S. Mrs. Mae
Tartar leader. Morning aroraaip 11
o'clock. Dr. W. ' B. Hotdea at fwrtiaaa.
speaker. Youag Paopla'a society 0 p.m.
Saaday evening at 7:43 .raster uomer
wiU eoatiaue hie stadiea aa the beak af
Bar.,.,. . .
Sooth Coauaeraial.aad Myara street. 8.
Darlow Johasoa, pastor, 848 2. Myers
Street, phone 2744. Early morning
praise aerriee aader auspice af Toaag
People, with derotioaa, special masie. aad
aa address by Mrs. Emma Whealdoa.
Thia ia the fifth time that Mrs. Wheal
doa baa beea eheaea for thia important
aerriee. Fellowship breakfast' at the
eanrck'ta follow Easter morn inr seimsn,
at 11 o'clock, baptiam of infants, special
masie, sermoa, "The Power of Hie Re
surrection." Cantata, "The King Eter
nal" (Wilson), will be givea at the T:S0
boar. Charek school 0 :4S. Ma meeting
of Asbary or Leslie lea gees ia evening.
. IStk aad Misaioa street, A. 8. Hender
son, pastor. Reaidenee 1156 Mission
street. - Phone 1SOS-W. Services 11 a.m.
and 7:30 p.m. Sermoa topie, "Veins
of the Resurrection,"' a.m. Saaday
school 10 a.m. Mrs. Alice M. Henderson,
Sapt. Week-day services sack Thursday
evening at T:S0, Bar. Zimmerman, lead
ing. The Sunday school wiU gira a pa
gsaat entitled fJey af BU Morning,"
Saaday evening at 7:80.
South CommereUl at Waahiagtoa " St.
Chaa. C Hawoxta, pastor. 10 a.m. . Saa
day aehooL Kathaa Cook, Supt. 11 e-iff.
morning worship. " Sermoa: "Easter
Thoughts. Special masie by the choir. . S
p.m. Vesper service: Easier Cantata.
Thursday, 7: 0 p.m. prayer meeting.
Serriee at 7:80, at the Kelaoa
hall located oa Chemeketa atreet betweea
Commercial aad Liberty streets. Mrs.
Mary Sehwedel af Portland will be the
speaker. . Tools, 'Cracifixioa aad aad
Resurrection.' A circle will be held
at tke church from S:0 p.m. until T p.m.
Messages will be girea by accredited
. Kertk 10th aad A streets.. Rev. H. W.
Gross, pa tor. Sunday . aehool a aja.
Enflish faster 'festival eervice at 0:45.
German at 11:00.
' Church aad Chemeketa atreeta. ' Bar.
Geo. H. Swift, rector.- Choral serriee
with choir at Holy Communion
at S a.m. Holy Communion at 0 :45.
Choral Eucharist .aad sermoa at It a.m.
Court and 17th . atreeta. B. F, Shoe
maker, pastor, 775 Ferry street. Phoaa
4704. Saaday- school 9:45 a.m. Short
lEaeter program at 10:45.. Morning wor
(ship 11 a'eloek; XraagelUt Homer Kel-
leema will preach aad he ana Mrs. ael
lems will aiag. , Ereaiag worship 7:80
a'eloek; aaioa service at First church.
Young People's meting 6:80 a'eioek;
subject, anion aerriee at First Church.
Saaxise prayer meeting oa weat aide of
rirer. Aid meetings- Wednesday aad Fri-
Comer Capitol aad Marioa atreeta. W.
O.- Lieakaempee. pastor. Sunday aehool
10 ta, Oermaa warship 10 o'clock:
subject: "Proof aad Power at the Betar
reetion." English warship 11 a'eloek ?
sabjeet, "The Meraiag af the ReMtrree
tiea." Special Eaater mnaie. At S
o'clock la. the. ereaing. "Tbo Dawa of
Victory," a atory-eaatata - with pageant
win be girea by the choir.
North Cottage aad Chemeketa streets.
Rer. Fred Albaa Weil, minister. Cburck
school at 10 e.m. Miles H. MeKey.
Sept. - Church service st 11 a. as. Ser
moa: "Immortality." Mrs. Trnma Hue
tea, soloist. Mrs. Walter A. Denton, or
ganist. . TJBX.TY ' '
"A meeting to organise a TJnity eenterTTOOms,
ta aiem wm aa held Wednesday after
noon. April S at 1:30 to S o'clock -at
room 1, 29S North Liberty. -Mrs. Miller
ia charge. Abe for these interested la
metaphyaioal laws, psychoanalysis and
TJaity.-. .v. , a , ; . t
Comer Highland aad- Charek streets,
Edgar P. Sims, pastor. Bible school 10
a.m- K. M. Beckett, Sapt. Morning
worst ip 11 a.m. "Belief fa His Bodily
Bosarreotiea Eaaeatial ta Salratioa."
Ereaiag Serriee T:80 p.m. "What the
Scriptures Taaeh About HelL" Special
einring at 1 each aerriee. Janior O. B.
s :s p.m. B enter aad Iatermediata O. K.
a: so p.av ; Mid-week orarer taeetinr
Thursday, T: 30 p.m. -
Market aad Berth Winter atreeta.. J.
B. Stewart, paster. Kaster program t;5
Mo rains' warship 11 a clock: eub-
Jeet: "Tha. Meaaiar of the Cruse." Er-
enlag warship T:0 a'eloek; sabjeet:
"God's Lore. Msaifosted. Threaah -the
Cross. Teaar People's meeting S.-SO
oeloek: braver moetiaa at,T:M Thaws.
day. ereaiag. ; .
Thirteeath aad Center . streets.' A." P.
Laytoa, pastor. Saaday aehool 9:d5 a.m.
Meraiag worship 11 o'clock; sabieet;
"Our Living Home." - Erenlng worship
T:0 o'clock; sabjeet: (Cantata) "Life
Bteraal." Toana People's meeting S :30
a'eloek; aabject. Beater message ia liter
ature. - i .tn- : ..... y-.
Robert L. Payae. adaUUr. Serriees
held la Traternal Temple, Center street
betweea Higk aad Liberty streets. Bible
school 8:a5 avav Serriee 11 a.m. Topie,
"Hia Besorreetioa." Special Easter ma
sie. Bole. Kaaneth Abbot. Toaaa Pea-
ale's meetinrs :80. Berriee T:S0 a.m.
Topie, "Hie Oomiag Again." . Prayer
Thursday eve a inr T:SO. -
' Corner ef Basel aad Academy streets.
Saadsy srhoo! at 10 a.m. preaching at
11 a'eloek by D. 8. Taraer aa "The
Beearreetiea af eaaa Christ. Special
meats. The obaerraaee of the Lord's
SuaseT after the oerriea:--0. -D. Saucy
will preach at T:45. Midweek prayer
sa dtestimoay meeting Thursday erea
ing a i:a.
- , J marl ran Lata. Sywed.) "
17tk Wad State atreeae. Jler. Asms B.
Miaweaaaa, A. at, r-W JtogUt.
rise -aerriee- S:SO a.m. Thame:
Light of the World Come te Lie
Agaia." Usrmaa easter services -:45
iSu Theme: "Peace aa With Yea I"
Special masie at both serrlcee. Saaday
eehawt I Caaaa Pegeaaa
"Peaaa ef Praieei aaater KewAay ear.
rices la Cftati T:S0 p.m. Monday erea
lag. Theme "Dtapehiag tha Last af
the Doabt ta tha DUctples' Miad."
Center aad Liberty atreeta. Charlee
X. Ward, pastor. Saaday school S.-4S Meraiaf worebrp 11 a'ejeek; aab
et: "Our Faith is Ket a Delaeiaa."
Special Easter Music by a taissd aar
teC Ereaing worship 7:0 a'eloek. A
beaatttnl Eaaaer eaatate: "Light Oat ef
Deakaaaa" wl be readerad by a doable
faartet. - . ..
Ceraer -iieith. arewaa- aad Third atreet;
Meredith A;- Grever. paster. Saaday
school Ss45 Meraiac warahla 11
o'clock i sabieet: "Tha Message af East
esc" -Cheewa by Jaaier eaeir "Awekea
hr Chore a." Vocal aelet Fsea ta
ye" by Rath Maers. greaiac war
akip 7:10 o'clock; subject "Tke Eaat
er Pilgrims." Aa Easter pageant.
H. C. Sterer, minister. Chriatiaa Ea--dearer
sunrise prayer aerriee at 0:80 a-aa.
Boy Hnrlaetd. leader. Meraiag werahip as
It. Sermoa 'The Day af Bteraal Lite."
Beeeptiea af members. Anthems. Even
ing serriee at T:0. Tha eholr preaeote
the- Easter Pageant, "Tha Baaarreetioe,"
Ladies Trio. 7'Th Empty Tomb," Ber
merd Hamblen. Sunday, eeheel at 10
& C Barris. Baa. . . .
S. S. Group "
Will Present
Big Pageant
Easter erenlng tha ' Sunday
school of Christ Lutheran church
at 1 7 th . and . State streets, will
present its Easter pageant en
titled Peans of Praise".
The pageant begins with the
triumphal entry of Christ ' into
Jerusalem, takes the - hearers
th rough the passion history, the
resurrection scenes and includes
the worshipping disciples as they
kneel in adoration to the ascend
ing Lord as its final scene. ,
The pageant will be giren alto
gether by the membership of the
Sunday school , without the aid of
any other organisation : of the
church and one of the outstanding
features of the pageant will be
the mass singing of the school.
Luther League
Planning Easter
Sunrise Service
Tha Luther league of Christ
Lutheran church has planned a
sunrise Easter serriee Easter
morning at 6:30 a. m. The ser
riee is to be In the nature of a
candle-light serriee which the
Luther league will attend In a
Singing by the Luther league
and two numbers by the cantata
choir; "Rejoice and Be Glad"-
Nolte and "Q Lord, Thou Art My
God" Nolte; will be the musi
cal features of the serriee.
Soloists Given
For Evangelical
Easter Cantata
A chorus of 2 4 rolces will sing
the cantata, "Life Eternal." at
the First Evangelical church
Sunday erenlng at 8 o'clock.
Ethel Poling Phelps will be at
tha ntanA- . .
Sololsta will be: Kathleen
Phelps, soprano; Elra Ault, alto;
Lawrence Mates, tenor; Reuben
Hilfiker, baritone; and Stanley
Mares, basa.
Women's Meeting
To be Wednesda y
The Ladles Guild of the
American Lutheran church will
meet Wednesday afternoon at 2
o'clock ' in the church social
with Mrs. Luois Rudie
presiding. Mrs. CM. Byrd will
hare charge of the mission pro
gram and hostess will be Mra.
Marie Blelser, Mrs. H. H. Box-
rude and Mrs. Henry W. Reln-
wald. . - ' ;
Calvary Baptist Church School
And Choir Each to Give Program
; Commemorating the Resurrection
.Two Easter programs , will be
presented at the Calrary Baptist
church Sunday, with the church
school to glre a program at. the
9:40 morning hour and the choir
to present the cantata, "Horn or
Victory," (Hey ser) at 7;0
o'clock Sunday night.
The cantata numbers follow:
Night in the Garden (Opening
Chorus by the Choir).
The Hour is at Hand (Tenor
Solo. Choir and Tenor Ogligato).
Recitative by Mr. Dirks.
O Thou Forsaken One (Mexzo
Soprano Solo) by Mrs. Fawk.
And. When : They Wera- Come
(Choir, Tenor Solo), B. J. Bs&m
seyer. When We Stand Afar (Wo
men's Voices, Choir, Tenor Solos),
Mr. Dirks and Mr. Billeter.
The Wonrons Cross (Soprano
Solo), Mrs. Darts..
Why Seek Ye? (Basa Solo,
Choir), Kenneth Abbott.
How Calm and Beautiful
(Quartet), Mrs. -Taylor, Miss
Fawk, Mr. Dirks, an Mr. Gile.
Welcome, Happy Morning (So
prano and Mezzo Soprano Duet),
Mrs .Taylor and Miss Brans.
Vesper Concert at 5 o'clock
Outstanding Feature oi :
W w Easter Events
rw. main. fMtnr ef the several
Eaater Sunday obserrances at the
et TrhAstnnrcll will be the
reaper concert of sacred musle, to
be siren at -8 o'clock Saaday er-
ealag. Cameron Marsnaii m -
rect the sacred music, which foi-
Organ prelude -Esster
Chisaea- Calrer.
Choir Frocaaaionai. .
Anthem "Gloria In Excelsls
Mosart. . ' -. .
Aatheb "Now Is Christ Risen
West. . -
; Solo, "Hosaanal" hy oranier
Sung by Ronald Craven.
Anthem, 'The Resurrection
Shelley. . . . A. .,
Ladles' trio "Consider the Lil-
les from "Calrary' py we
. , Misses Eleanor Moore, Elisa
beth Ogdea aad Hazel Shntt.
, Anthem : "Triumphant Strains
Arise" Chlpman.
Women's Chorus and Baritone
nolo "Ust the Cherubic Host"
from "The Holy City" Gaul.
Baritone, sola k. v. warxoxi.
Soprano solo: "My Lord and My
Redeemer"-r-Buck. Miss Eleanor
Moorev , . -
Anthem: "All In the April Er
enlng" Robertson.
Anthem t "Great and Marreloue
Are Thy Works" from "The Holy
City" Gaul.
Prof. T. S. Roberta is organist.
In addition . to the concert, the
combined departments of tne
church school will hold a program
at 9:45 o'clock' Easter morning
and at 11 o'clock the morning
worship will be held, with mem
bers of the DeMolay coxnmandery.
No. 5, Knights of Templar, as spe
cial guest. Rer. B. Earle Parker,
pastor, will preach on'Dar Cer
tain Hope" and there will be spe
cial music with Prof. T. 8. Ro
berts at the organ. Prdr. Roberta
will also play for the reaper wor
ship. j.
Baptism and reception of mem
bers will be a part of the -morning
The choir of St. Paul's Epis
copal church will sing st both
tbe o'clock and 11 o'clock
morning services Easter day,
with the masie to be the same
for both services. Music follows:
Pro. "Welcome Happy Morning
Introit, "Christ Our Passover"
Te Deum . . , Harker
Communion Service
Kyiie ................ Barnaby
Gloria Tlbl Tours
Nicene Creed .
Hymn "The Strife Is O'er" - .
Offertory, "List the Cherubic
Host" Gaul
Comfortable Words ...Herbecke.
Sursum Corda Tours
Sanctus .......... ...... Tours
Agnus Dei Tours
Communion Hymna
Gloria In Excelsls ...... .Tours
Serenfold Amen ...... .Stalner
Nunc Dimlttls .... ..Gregorian
Bee. "Coma Ye Faithful". . .
Salem Woman
T Model Story
Oi Resurrection
services for Easter Sunday at
tbe Methodist church at Jeffer
son are: Sunday School at 10:00
o'clock. At this time Mrs. Cady
from the First1 chnrch at Salem
will - present the resurrection
story with the use of modeling
clay. The - Easter sermon which
will be delivered By the pastor
Rer. D. George . Cole will be,
"The Light of the-Cross". There
will be special Easter music by
the choir. There will be an Eas
ter program In the evenin gat 7:
20. The adults will hold their
practice at 7 o'clock Saturday
erenlng at the church. -
God Over All (Choir).
' Hf" "e Day (Closing Chorus
by the choir).
The program arranged by the
younger folks, to be giren In the)
morning, constats of:
Primary Department - solo:
"Easter Time," Don Sun; exer
cise: The Seng of Flowers; song
"Night and Day.' Third year
class; recitation: ''Welcome."
Chng gun; solo: "Listen to the
Daisies. Robert Schnnke; exer
cise: "Risen King. Beginners;
song: "Awake." primary Dept
recitation: "Thlg Little Bough."
Glen Cline; Exercise: "Wishes,"
FiTe girls; recitation: "In a Hap
Way." Jean Barham; song:
"Daffodils,-Primary Dept.
Junior Department chorus
"But Now Is Christ Risen. Junior
Dept.; an Easter acrostic, Mrs.
Foster's class; exeroise: "Easter
orn Jln' Stoddard's claas;
song: Coming to the Garden."
Junior girls; exercise: The
Sweetest storr Ever Told"; scrip
tare reading; gong: "Messaee of
SrS V Prln67 Fulfilled ;
We2com Happy Morning-1
, (Tripp); baptismal serriee.