The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 29, 1931, Page 8, Image 8

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oriJBfvV of "Fiffy MilK
S '4
;1 delay
The Call
Board wU
Today Gary. CooDer and
Marine Dletrlfch . in "Mor-
Today Wheeler and ' Wool-
sey in "HoJt. Una and
Sinker." . . -
Wednesday Loretta Young
in "Road to Paradise."
Friday Gary Cooper and
Betty Compson la The
Todav Joan Crawford iff-
- Today Olson and Johnson
in "Fifty Million French
. ben." : '.
Wednesday Dorothy Mack-
all In "KeDt Husbands".
Friday Mary Astor in "Be-
hind Office- Doors."
; One of the most original and
different popular plots to be of
fered to the public on the screen
fa that of Mnn PnnU rTp"
in which Joan Crawford plays the
feats re role.
The play is one which will ap-
: reai. to nearly any audience waich
really wishes to be amused, I be
lieve., mo story itself la not eas
ily guessed, and the Interest Is
neia to tne last piay. '
' Miss Crawford has dnn Tnnt
better acting than she does in thia
piay but sue Is very pleasing.
;. Clark uable does some most in
teresting acting. He la a new
type of character and I think yoa
will enjoy him. He rather fascln-
me oDserrer wim nis steely.
calculating temperment.
Cliff Edwards also rises from
a wise cracking musician to some
real acting in this play. Natalie
Moorhead, poor; dear, has to take
tne same old over-sophisticated
role. Some day maybe, she will
get a is if she can do
anything else, i
The audience Saturday after
noon just could not keep still as
the play progressed. It seemed
each person just had to talk over
what might be the probable end
ing and discuss the particular
situations which were being en
acted as the play went forward.
It is that sort sof play realistic
for the most part, eTen though It
is oreracted in ;manyplaces and
although the directing is stilted
almost to count.
Yon will like "Dance, Fools,
Dance" is my guess and will like
it very much. r It is real Enter
tainment for any mood.
New Warner Feature" a'
The Capitol
-Fifty Million Frenchmen"
-With Oisen! and Johnson
Week's Headliner
Salem is to hare the northwest
premier of Warner Brother's new
show, "Fifty Million Frenchmen"
in which Olsen and Johnson star
Sd;.,.n T011' th new screen
"find," Claudia Dell takes an Im
portant role. The picture will
show In Salem i two weeks before
it is to be seen in Salem.
The play has a plot in which
many cross purposes are used in
developing a single result. A wa
ger is made and carried out by a
Teung American in Paris. The
story is developed about this wa
ger and the love for a pretty, im
petuous girl. ! ;
Olsen and Johnson, two excel
lent "funny men" of the screen
carry the comedy part and Wil
liam Gaxton, John Halliday, Hel
en Broderlek and Claudia Dell
carry the other main feature
roles. ' :, -. -. - .. . .
The play was first produced as
tag production and won renown-as
a whirlwind comedy
"Kept Husbands which has
last closed a two weeks run in
Portland at th Orpheum will be
the Wednesday and Thursday
feature at the Capitol. -
It is built about a matrimonial
problem of all time is it possible
for a poor man to marry a rich
woman and the marriage to be a
success? Some men go Into the
market euile. openly for a rich
wife. This play of "Kept Hus
bands" treats of the subject la
Interesting fashion. ,
:Counts Says
'Tba otiIt thin
important in Ufe is happiness and
SefeltVa Trvon rM.--
Nothing else matteTg, Bh - de-
viares. ame, fortune and fan
are all meaningless unless happi
ness and -eerenlty or mind walk
with them.
. "Happiness can only come with
- ., ui yuy u ljxi
young star declared recently.
"Yoa reach, a state of mental
calm only after you have been
We to adjust yourself to your
valuations or. lira That isn't
done in a day or a year. It re
quires time and experience.
MastToacht Extreme. -"Ton
mast touch all extremes
before you find your happy me
diuni. That is true of evec-thing.
And. fa order to attain peace of
mind you must have knowa the
depths ani heights or sorrow and
. Joy. . . .
. "The younger generation has
done this thing and has done it
successfully. In the days of our
mothers nd our grandmothers,
they went to the utmost extremes
or prudery and false modesty.
Then after the war. they swung
the other way to a new extreme
or abandon and carefreenesg, not
to say carelessness. Now they
reicjtlnulnr ,0. find . the Jhappy
i i ; i
meaire loaay.
Lester Vail and Joan Crawford
picture, bviumu as &ue appears in im; uaiuiuii ricuui
men" which has its northwest premier at the -.; Capitol
a - a .
.V--;; v-'
i v r . : v
" .. : - .....
proancuon ax warnera ustnore, "Dance, Fools, Dance.1
. a l i v
A glimpse of Gary Cooper in
.the picturization of Rex
Beach's book "The Spoil
ers" which win show at
the Grand Friday and Sat
orday. ; , ,
Just what the husband Is do
ing at the office and what part
the office girl plays in his day
time operations is the theme of
the story 'Behind Office Doors"
with Mary Astor and Robert
Ames,. Rlcardo Cortes, Catherine
pale Owen, all giving a helping
hand. In the interpretation.
"Behind Office Doors" will be
shown at the Capitol Friday and
Saturday. ": . '
Cliff Edwards
Wiihoui Uke in
' Newest Picture
: - !
For the first time since com
ing into pictures. Cliff Edwards
Playa a "straight" role without
his famous nkelele in "Dance
Fools, Dance." . . - '
M. In, a Picturlaatlon oit the
thrilling Chicago gangster story.
Kdwards enacts the part of the
newspaper reporter whose dis
coveries of underworld crime re
sult In his murder. : -
nsf That
Joan Crawford
medium; and each. In his or Jier
way. is reaching for the - ideal
happiness ot llvtngj -
..vJIodeni G,rt iereBi
Dancing Daughters. At that time
ii Passing through that
extreme f misusing their freed
dom audi making HtUe fooU of
themselves. They , aad spent a
long time la the how-do-you-do
stage-and-were rereliing in be
ing able to throw out their arms
aI reUjl-Hl. there!- Noi Sy
hve reached the "Heno stage, a
nice, quiet greeting with a smile
far mere inviting than the trr-and-get-me
shouts.' " - -
JMy mlad and hap
piness is based upon a two-fold
respooslbllity. work end domes
ticity. .The irm-ira -mr
only one or the other. Having
T7"1 uouoiy interesting aad
"I will nerer rUM'i.t
plete slomesticity, erea whea my
picture day are over. I want to
leave films while I am still la my
prim and aot be a haa-beea aad
"7 people pitying- me. If I
could find the right opportunity
I Would like to trr m flln. v
stage or take nn aomAthtn iuo
of rt or anythiag to keep
- "4-M.ui.m Jworia."
t t:i ir:ii: tt i.
, ,
in a scene from the current
Hollywood Another attempt
is being made to find afar mater.
uu ia American colleges, i
For two months and a half lr'
thus Ungar. of - Universal, hai
been touring the universities ' of
the country, selecting the most
likely screen possibilities among
the Students. His nroterM will h
brought to Hollywood during the
T . . ...
.MieriTauon ior talkie tests.
No attempt will be made to re
tain any of them at this tima
Whea the tests are made they will
return to their colleges, and. next
ummer, a mcicy few - will .be
asked to come back: for real try
outs. They will be given small
parts la Universal pictures and
Will be Sent to m. mntlnn niara
school, if any potential , stars de
velop, iney win ' be givea con
tracts. - - - V;
A similar exDerlment wa tte
by First National several years
ago, but none of the discoveries
turned out to be important. In a
lees systematic war. nnm nth.
companies are scouting around
universities for material. First
National already operates a school
for apprentice actors, l
e . . e ' ;
latest Gossip .
Will Roe Arm nnrirvA nut
Jrs., decision to become ' a re
porter en a Fort Worth news
paper. "Bill will be a good hand,1
he says "if they don't have to
caU out the fire department ' to
wake him up. . . incidentally
young Rorera npnYvaKl -iii . v
arm www. ot A i
the only polo-playing reporter in
i sSr":-"
Gary Cooper, Adolphe Men jouIarlene Dietrich as they appear in a scene from the Josef
vim Sternberg producUon Morocco"i which wifl show for five days at the Hollywood
beginning today. - - . '
:W i Li
Bert Wheeler and Robert Woolsey in one of the laugh oro-
h" t cues arum xiuoa,
ins: at the Grand.
the land. The vounc man II
years old and his writing experi
ence, to. aate, consists of editing
his high school saner in Beverly
Hills . . . T. Roy Barnes hn ln
awarded the questionable distinc
tion ot teaching Edmund Lowe
how to deal cards off the bottom
of the deck for Ed's new gamb
ler's role in "Trans-Atlantic" .
Victor McLaglen has eight bed
rooms in his new house, oae for
eacn Brother and nn ipft Avei .
Hollywood's vonneeat
muion Morrmany Jr., who, at SO,
u proancmg tne Hoot uibson ser
les of Westerns. Ha nrvlnl
has had a seat on the California
Stock Exchange and has managed
a string oi tnree theaters.
No Rest For The Beaotifol
For the next few ..months Tr,
retta Young will have Practically
no tune 10 reiiect upon the blow
np of her marriage with Grant
First National will tint fir fntn
I Like Tour Knr' nnnriai
jrairnanas. Jr'a.. leadlnsr wnman
After that she does the S. S. Van
Diae mystery story with Walter
"I LOre Tarn Har" !..
the adventures of a young Amer
ican in soutn America. It Is said
to resemble soma f nonrTaa vir.
banks. Sr's earlier films. TTeiv.n
forgive me. I feel a pun coming
on. remaps, rape Fairbanks will
ecno, : i uit Tour Nerve".
. Did Von lTAf
That Conrad Naarel m hnm In
Keokuk. Ia.. aad that he mavnd
his first stage role with the
1.w1A. 0v. . a .
crt ico, otuck cauiyaD; lO IK
TURNER. March 28. Mr. and
Mrs. Earl C. Bear are receiving
congratulations upon the birth of
a son. William Edward. March 94
at the Deaconess hosnltal. Sal Am.
They have a danarhter. V.nn1
Amy, over two years old.
, Today Through Toes.
xone ana DinKer now snow
"Morocco" Featured at
The Hollywood
Famous German star in Story
Of Spectacular Power
Here First Time
The Hollywood has a treat for
Salem this week. It will show
Morocco," In which appears
Marlene Dietrich, famous German
star who is threatealng the place
ot ureta uarbo. c
This play was presented in
Hollywood with a grand flourish
and it has continued to hold in
terest and win the praise of Its
audiences ai It has been shown
since Its recent appearance.
Gary Cooper stars and Miss
Dietrich almost steals the pic
ture her first la the United
States. She has hennt and iu,.
sonality that left the critics sf-
- The nlay Itself ! An Af tre
mendous sweep, fast action, art
istry and is called a
picture with power as well as
Spectacle. The locale ia Northern
Africa aad the French Foreign
Legion and Individuals fa ft frnm
the action together with the wom
en w wnom tne men are inter
ested. , i
DMrrnm mfaslnna t OTriitjv :
tension and intrigue play aa in
teresting part, and the fascinat
ing and dangerous , love for a
woman. Dietrich, by P-nonar and
Menjou, together with largo ac
tion scenes, make a picture that
holds - attention and recurs often
ia memory.
Starts Today For 5 Days
Continuous Performance Today l to 11 p. M.
Matinee Each Day 2 P. M.
Attend The Matinee and Avoid Tbe Crowds .
, First Showing; In Salem
1930's Greatest Lore Drama on the Talking Screen
"Hook, Line, Sinker at
The Grand
Roaring Farce; The Road to
a-aracuee- next, xnea itcx
Beach Story
: The Grand will start the week
with a-good laugh la presenting
Wheeler and Woolsey in "Hook.
line and Sinker." the best thing
that these boys have done so far,
The whole v plot has neither
rhyme nor reason but is all the
funnier because of that fact. Most
amusing gun play, a theft of
jewels which to watch causes
ruar irom-ine audience, and a
ioto element that grows more
amusing as the plot develops are
oniy a iew oz tne incidents which
make "Hook. Una nt fiinvr"
a really amusing and-happy piece
xeai entertainment.
"Road to Paradise" will be
seen at the Grand Wednesday
and Thursday. Loretta Young
piays a aouoie role in this play
this bit of strategy always
proves interesting to watch. Jack
Mulhall plays the lead opposite
miss xoung. .
ine piay nas to do with a
young girl who grows up under
tryins? circnmstancAa lint itamif.
much unhapplness and no little
concern on the part of the audi
ence, there is a happy and rather
uuexpeciea enaing. .
The week-end bill will find
Gary Cooper and : Betty Compson
enacting wun tne, hein of a rood
cast the familiar storr. of "Th
Spouers" written by Rex Reach.
This Dlav la excentlnnall- moM
done from the standnoint of act.
uig, aireciing ana photography,
and the theme of the story is one
M . mm m m
tnat nas intrigued readers for
many years.
Newspaper Story now at
The Elsinore -
Dance, Fools, Dance' Uvea
TP Newsroom Tra
ditions, Report
Realism is . malim nM
Beaumont, who directed "Dance.
oois. uance." Joan Crawford's
new vehicle, wouldn't allow any
thina but broken-in t-rr ivHk
to be used in the Chicago news
paper city-room scenes.'
A larre number of dnni
machines were obtained for th
sets and veteran newsnanermen
acted as technical advisors to
make sure no foppish blenders
were made in the action or dia
logue. The newananer scenes, fn
which Miss Crawford Is seen as
a renorter. nla-r an Imnnrtint
part in the gangster film, and re-
i ' . WITH.
,-1 1
a trio or thrill- actors! With
'".."r nysterloas norrcl
of the raoTiea, Ilarkna Dktrkh.
In Josef yea SterbergTa nnforcet
able masterpiece. . .
Farrell and Valli Leave
" On 'Secret Honeymoon;
Cameras Click Farewell
Charles Farrell and Virginia
Valll ire on the Atlantic ocean
honeymoon bound following a
"secret" marriaa-a and an eonal-
ly fsecret" ' embarkation. The
oniy persona on hand for the lat
ter were some scores of photo
graphers ana Interviewers and
several hundred unattached. well
wishers who thronged the decks
of the S. S. Augustus and packed
into every inch or scace in (Thar
He's and - Vlrrlnia'a atateroom.
Following their marriage on
valentine s cay in Tonkers,
Farrell and his bride returned to
New York and went to separate
noteis.. inat was an part or the
Dian ror keenlnr the ceremony a.
secret. How well it wnrkoA. thav
i r - - t -
roiscoverea ireoruary I7r the way
or tneir departure, when they
DOtn Were IWimnM With rlf trra
to their respective suites. Down.
stairs they found the lobbies were
crowded with the curious.
Throng Mills on Deck
Batteries Of nmnrxa vara
trained on the end of the gang-
punk when -they , reached their
yeai the power of the press in
crime snnnreasfon.
Incidentally, one hundred act
ors ana extras wno "used to be
newspapermen themselves' went
Pack into the old harness for the
newspaper scenes. "
NewsDaoers nnon which th
players had served are scattered
au over tao united States and
foreign countries, many of the
men havinr nartlcinated In fam.
ous sews hunts of the . genera
tion, tine or the most picturesque
of these was Mortimer Snow, vet
eran screen player, who acted as
a telegraph operator. In the old
7i aow was a , press braaa
pounaerv Hashing world news
over ' his Wires when thev were
the only-links connecting great
When Beaumont' heran . film.
inc the aewsnaner office unM.
the circulation of a Los Angeles
anernoon paper skyrocketed.
The reason was the demand
lor newsDaoers nrinted
tinted stock to offset the glare
of strong incandescent lights us
ed in photographing with pan
chromatic film. After . several
tests, Charles Rosher, the cam
eraman, decided in favor of a
paper printed on green, hundreds
of copies being used daily in the
city room set.
J Sir Pa
K l:- ? -29 nn .- I m
X i
Ill' Lanshing,
V: Tuesday
y .
I aa
If K
boat. Breathless women and ea.
ger men pushed and Jostled for a
glimpse of the popular y0nn,
star and his bride. 7 g
It is estimated that la tha
course of .the afternoon more
persons -said "Make way for the
press- than are on the staff8'0f
aH the newspapers fn New York
The bride and groom posed for
pictures in steamer chairs,- on the
deck, in their stateroom, band la
hand, hands on shoulders, em
braced. Late BhotornnhoM ..u
arrive and suggest new poses
Cafaeramen who had already had'
mtsir vurn wouia Insist on a
chance at the new poses too.
. Finally the sailing "warnings
started nd the crowd thinned
out and disappeared. And the ex
hausted Charlie and Virginia
could turn their f thoughts to a
Quiet ocean voyage .ending in
sunny Italy where they plan to
bur a small motor car and tour
the country in leisurely fashion.
The Farrsll-Valli wedding was
a great secret while it lasted.
- The couple decided to be mar
ried last week after Virginia had
cancelled a vaudeville tour and
traveled to New YnrV tn ..
Charlie. At first they planned the
weaaing ror the morning of sail
ing. Last Friday thev went tn th
marriage license bureau and it
was all so much .easier and simp
ler than they had expected that
they decided to be married Jm
mediately. Accompanied by Alice invra
Carlton Hoekstra, Farrell's bus
iness manager, and a friend th
went . to.- the home of the Rer.
Ralph M. Houston, pastor of the
First Methodist Eoiseonal chnrri.
in Yonkers.. Farrell produced the
llcens ann anm aSaH IaaV.I
v . r- v. u i
the date and they all realized for
the first time that it was Friday
the thirteenth. .
There was a hasty change in
plana. The Rer. Houston was per
suaded to stay up until after mid-
ugnt. a lew minutes after that
hour the wedding narty reannear- i
ed and the ceremony was per-
Charlie and Virginia will be in
Europe two months or mo Rh
has a home in Beverly Hills and
ne nas one at Toiucca Lake near
Hollywood.- They have not de
cided yet where they will live.
ine romance began lour years
ago when the two met at the
home of friends In Hollrwcnii.
They have never annesrpd in.
gether in pictures. I
JLbbN and
i irtuu uaiiinav inri
' - f i a ii n i a n c i i r i
r u
1 i r
iTr :t.l .
" i