CnrCOI? CTATZSIIA1I, Ci!srj Orc-ca, Crsfay Uerzlz'. Kareh 1 r n ' ' 'IK i I SOCIAL CALENDAR Holiday, llareh 30 . . " ' j Woman's dab classes -will meet 1:S9 o'clock at Woman's clubhouse. Discuss Sinclair Lewis. History class meets at city library fireplace room. South DlTlsIon of First Presbyterian church, 1:00 o'clock, Mrs. 1. R. DuRetie, 2041 South Church street; tew tor Salem General hospital. - - Junior Symphony, orchestra practice at armory; arrive promptly at 7:15 o'clock In order that picture may be taken. - ' . - ; Salem -McDowell club, 8:15 o'clock, Waller hall, for March program. Tuesday, March 31- Chadwick Chapter, O. E. S. bridge evening, In Ma-;; ionic temple. . . t- .r;..'; ' The Ladies Aid society or Knight Memorial church, will meet at home of Mrs. A. C. Haag, 1889 Court street, 2 :30 o'clock. 4.'. w.' I': . Nea-Kah-Nie string quartet third of series of con - certs at Hal Patton home, . . , 't " " ; I Wednesday, April 1 ; . - Missionary society of First Congregational church.-Thank-offering meeting. 2: 30 o'clock, in church parlors.. Pre-Easter trek of . Salem: War Mothers, visit to Portland Veteran's hospital; leave armory between 9: 30 and 10 o'clock. Bring donations to armory before 9 o'clock. - - Thursday, April 2 j Marion County Patriotic association, Woodburn; leave terminal at 9 Vclock by special bus. i: Mrs. F. W. Selee. hostess to Chapter O of P. E. O. sisterhood, for guest day, at. her. home Pacific highway' at Hansen avenue. ' . .t - . r ;:--'- :. i - - - ' ' Friday, April 3 - Mrs. George Moorehead hostess to Ts'Menettes club; Mrs. Grover Birtehet speaker. , . 4 Ouartet Program McCoy Dancing Party Beauty TlOR the past few years there ' H has been heard, much discus sion in musical circles of one Ernest Block, composer, who made his presence known with deep impress when he won a na tional prise contest with his sym phony "America which in 1928 was given a simultaneous ; pre mier all over the United States by many symphony directors.. The Nea-Kah-Nie string quartet will bring Block's latest creations out of the filmy fiber of sound, to Salem when they present "Night," "Alpestre" and "Topga taboo" a group of three numbers Tuesday night in the aristocratic old home of Mr. and Mrs. Hal Pat ton. - ; " i ' It Is going to be an experience worth having to hear this modem music from the mind of an Amer ican by rearing, although a Ger man bv birth, in the surroundings of the lovely Victorlanism of the Patton home. ; . . The Nea-Kah-Nie quartet has been receiving such high acclaim In si lthe programs which it has glTen, both In Oregon and .in the tour from which it Is only just returned that the last program to be given in Salem this year will be received with more than usual interest. It seemed that the second pro gram given in the O. F. Johnson borne in which was featured the grand and inspiring music of Caesar Frank with Mrs. W IL Burghardt as artist assistant could not be overshadowed by anything done later by the quar tet. - The program which it has planned to present Tuesday night bears evidence of closely ap proaching this, last program There Is a large membership in the Salem Chamber Music so ciety but it is also being made pos sible for the public to enjoy this last program througn tne pur chase of tickets at the Gilbert Stu dio, according to - announcement made by Mrs. Monroe Gilbert, pre sident of the society. The program which will be heard Tuesday night in the Pat ton home is as follows:. Beethoven .....Op. 95, F Minor Allegro con brio - j Alleeretto ma non troppe Allegro assai vivace a.serioso Largbetto espressive Allegret to agitate ',""" , Bloch . ' . ' ir-i - Night V Lini$ ti Alpestre Tongataboo Dohnanyi . .Op. 15, D Flat Major Andante, allegro r, :sf I Presto acdacato - -Molto adagio animato. - : Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Darby and small daughter, Shirley Anne, of Portland- are spending the weekend at the home of Mrs. An na Junk and Bertha Junk Darby McCoy A 1 charming dancing party was held Thursday evening at the home of Miss Betty Lott Finn. The evening was spent In card playing and dancing.. Re freshments were served at mid night by the hostess and '. Miss Dorothy Finn.- j - Guests were Mlsa Florence Snodgrass of Salem, Charles For rest of Dallas. ; Miss Mariorie Walling of Salem. Rollo Cobban of McCoy, Miss Beatrice Hawley or -Mccoy, Kay . Brown of Dallas, Miss Dorothy KIrkwood of Sa lem, Paul" Parsons of Dallas, Miss Lucille Werner of McCoy, Mr. Baker of Salem, Miss Winona Finn, Maurice 1 Dodson, both of Airlie, Miss Katherlne . DeJong, Lawrence Massey. Miss Mildred Yatkn:. Fred Fournier and Lew- Tiffa-ny all of Amity. Camp i:"Fxx Girls Of Hubbard lleet HUBBARD - Mothers of The Idaka Camp Fire Girls and the Smiles Blue Bird girl were guests at an Impressive Council ' Fire ceremony . held by tie Idaka group at the Camp Fire room Thursday evening. ; The mothers were costumed to represent their ancestral countries aa follows: Mrs. Stuart L. John son, Holland; Mrs. Edward Wolf er, Ireland; Mrs. John Claypool, England in the Puritan age; and Mrs. Waldo F. Brown, an English lady; Mrs. Neva McKenzle, wear ing the red-white-llue and Mrs. J. R. Bldgood, Scotland, and ire land.. ; M. Coleman, a mother of one of the members.1 was an other guest. -. -t -. : ' - : Tne motners r expressed ineir enjoyment of the program which included the awarding of honors, and the conferring of ranks and the receiving of new members by the .- guardian. . Miss Gungadene Bidgood, also talks and readings by the girls, followed by lunch eon. . -:-' New members ; received were Miss Iris Moomaw and Miss Mil dred Coleman. The girls taking Woodgatber'a rank were, Mls Marion McKensie. Miss Dorotny McKey. Miss Betty Brown, Miss Eleanor Johnson,' Miss -Beatrice Claypool and Miss Helen Claypool, lard Craven. The Fire Haksrs rank we taken by Mia Anna Knight an.4 Mias j Marjorie woifer.. . The Blae Bird : glrU Phyllis Brown. Carol Ertckson. Marjorie Moore. Ruth JungnUkle, Barbara Cornell, Bernie Stevenson, Carol Moomaw, Marion lUch and Shir ley Bontriager - introduced by their leader. Mis Helen Knight. responded by giving: their flower names. The Blue Birds then took their plaecs within the Camp Fire j circle and sang the Camp Fire song, "Mimmy Moon.- . An interesting program follow ed the Council Fire Including the following numbers; Pantomime, "Star Spangled Banner by Miss Marlon MeKenxle; flag salute by all; talk "Our Birthday Project" bT Mis Helen Knight: Holland nursery rhyme by Mis Dorothy McKey: song by Camp Fir gins; a letter from a French English j student In France to one of the French students at Hubbard was read by Miss Anna Knight; an or- gan solo by Miss Marjorie Woirer; reading by Miss Gungadene Bid good. - : ; Independence. Mrs. Elmer Busby entertained friends at her ; home Friday. Time was spent In conversation and needle work. A dainty lunch was served by the hostess - to the following guests, Mrs. Lee Okelley. Mrs. Henry BeaL Mrs. Pearl j Hedges, Mrs. Percy Dickinson and Mrs.: Wil- r ? c I r t Saij it iriL'i A u u 7 s v EASTER. fresh. leaiLiuful : long" llooming ; houquets and plants C. F. Breithaupt Florist' : Phone 380 (Dial 5904) M r 512 State St. . CALLED TO SALES! , QUINABY, March' 28 Mrs; ' S. L. Beckner has been in Salem, caring for her father, D. D. Gors- Hne, who was . taken suddenly ill last week. Mrs. Beckner " expects to bring her father and mother to her home here as soon as-Mrs. Corsiine is able to be moved. . For t PottedTlants or Cut Flowers - . f or - - EASTER LUTZ Florict3 1625 Market'- SU Call 2124 Dial 332 t r- n Three Year Guarantee r tr3 ICELVINATOR MODEL "V5 1 A i ive cubic foot refrigerator with over ? sqiiare feet , of shelf area .: ; ' ; - -. ' . . ! ? . ' . . - r. 1 "The model shown la only one of a complete line of refrigerators embodying : . ' the most advanced idea In food preservation - and mechanical' perfection. If you are planning" on purchasing an electric refrigerator. you. will find it , . - worth your while ttf visit our store. Kelvinators may be purchased on con- - i A '.Tecient monthly payments arranged to snit you : : ' ; LI iia'COURT STREET;.' SEE-- Buster Brown Window Style display all moder ately priced and Buster Brown Quality in every pair . . . 1 J c'l :' 1 I 1 iDl-yjiiib:: ' ?f VHW; A 0 s-Easter Style Display of the Season's Most Fashionable Models Buster Brown Says Sandals Snort Oxfords -Violet Ray, the new Oxfords SEE BUSTER BROWN'S SEAMLESS PUMPS FOR DRESS .v. MISTEIv : WSW SITOE STORE ' ... n- . ' it . . -"jr 1 .-,...- .. - . - Extraordinary Reductions Feature This SALE! Floor; Demonstrator and Used Hlodel Hadios! Spartons yictors Zenith Atwater-Kent - - - Brunswick , ; - . and Other Famous Makes j X Regular . $230 Zenith Model . 2 Regular $238 Zenith Radios : 8 Regular $174.85 Columbia Radios 2 Regular .$189.00 Brunswick Radios 1 Regular $178.00 Victor Model L 2 Remilar S178.00 Vktor Radios 2 Regular $169.00 Atwater-Kefat Models. 1 Regular $198.00 Victor HIghtoy '1 Regular $150.00 Atwater-Kent ; ..i.. ' - ; 1 Regular $150.00 Spartqn Omplcte at $1470 $99.50 j. $99.00 $99.50 -$99.50 $590 $99.50 ....... $29.00.; $39.00 : 1 Regular $125.00 Lowboy Arbdrphone Radio $39.00 1 r Remilar S150.00 Freshmah l...,".. $390 .!' j'Regul'ar $146.00 Atwater-Kent 1 1 Regular $149.00 Atwater-Kent ..r $29.50. ' ? i' RpflTikr i700 Radicla Combination' , $35.03;. o iieguiar-f lou.w AiTvaicr-jcmi vv.wW;.. Stewart-Warner ' ' z.w L vX ; , 5 Regular $150.00 Atwate V. v; -- 2 Befular $150.00 Stewar 12 Used Midiret Radios ; Regularly priced from $59.50 to CO CI K( $69.50 v v p. DOig U U Your Owii , Terms iajasxn y f : Ko Phone Orders! ! cKone Scli to Dealtra r , All Sales Final! . .. .. -'. ... J . , rv 432 STATE STREET : - I: t T -1