The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 29, 1931, Page 6, Image 6

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Legion Auxiliary,
Plans Annual
i. i ? - j . -.
TILE juan.l bridge benefit
and tea to be sponsored by
the auxiliary to the Ameri
can Legion will be given-April
la the large dining- room r the
Marlon boteL Plana have, been
made to transform the 'large
room, into a bower ot-Cowers
where it la hoped there will be
placed at leant 60 tables. Res
errations bare already been re
ceived for 39 tables.
The fund deriTed from thia
benefit is used for the winter
' welfare werk which is ene ot
the most important activities of
the auxiliary and one which does
a commendable amount of good.
Mrs. J. T. Delaney is general
chairman ot the committee on
arrangements. Assisting .her la
Mrs. WiBla Vincent. Mm, Alex
ander McG, Mrs, R. D. Wood
m. Mr H R White and Mrs.
,rrank N. - Waters has charge ot
the aecorauons.
A program of mnsic has been
planned to eupplement the card
" afternoon. Playing will begin at
t o'clock. , ' - . .
neeri TSUVUI -we mr "
with Mrs. Vincent, 1911; Mrs.
'McGee, 3019; or Mrs. DeLaney,
1S. 1 v
:. . ". S j
Br'dge Tea is
Smart Affair '
ONE of the' smartest! affairs of
the spring months for
members of the younger set
waa the bridge tea given by
Gwendolyn. Stollker at the beau
tiful bom of her aprents, Mr.
n4 Xfra T H. Jarman on South
High street Saturday afternoon.
Cards were in play lat seren
tables which were placed in, the
long lirlng room, the library and
on the intimate little balcony
which overlooks the living room.
Yellow was the predominate color
note need in the guest rooms and
ror the tea. table For contrast
pink snapdragons and pink tulips
with, here and there a. bit ot
white bridal wreath were used
Assisting the hostess in re
ceiving and at the tea hour were
Miss Billy Cupper. Miss Priacilla
Miss Yvonne Smith, and Miaa Iso
bel George.
The guest list included the
xriM ViTwrof firv Marraret
Burdette. Margaret Evans, Isobel
George. Dorothea Corey, Cynthia
Delano, Frances Marie ; Kupper.
Maxlne Myers. Frances Martin,
Ciaudine Gueffroy, j Roberta!
Smith.' Jean Eastridgej Lorraine
Ktnzer, Ruth Brledwell. Dorothy
Katharine Kayward, Phyllis Day.
PrisciUa Fry. Augusta Gerlinger.
of Dallas, Katherlne Laughridge.
Biur Cupper. Hasel Johnson, Vi
ola Crosier, Yvonne Smith, Bo
vena Eyre. Charlotte Zleber, Lois
Wilkes. Katherlne Corey, Mar
garet KngeU Mrs Conrad Pa ulna,
Mrs. Victor Williams of Dallas
and Miss Helen Engel.1
- Honors for the afternoon of
cards were held by Miss Hazel
Johnson, Miss Margaret Corey,
.and Mls Jean Eastridge.
MacDowell Recital
Will be Played
. Monday Night
Oltvx If. DOAK, Society Editor.
Tl ATONDAY evening at t
lw o'clock In., Waller hall, the
MacDowell club of Salem
presents Miss Edith Flndleyv pian
ist, and Miss Ira' Clare Love, vio-i
linlst. who will be accompanied
by Misa Ruth Bedford.
. Among the younger musicians.
Miss Ira Clare Love is an out
standing violinist. She was e Pn
pil ot Prof. William Wallace Gra
ham and -studied several years at
the Cornish school of Music.
Miss Edun Fin a ley is the ac
companist of the Treble Clef club,
and Is an exceptionally pleasing
musician. Misa Flndley gave her
Junior recital last year, she has
been prominent In musical circles
in Salem andln cumpue activities
it Willamette. -
This program, as announced by
auss Frances svirgtnie Melton,
president of the MacDowell club.
is as follows: . -
MacDowell, Sea Pieces: To the
Sea, A. D. MDCXX, Starlirht.
From the Depths, In .Mid Ocean
Edith Finaiey.
Bach. Sol Minor Sonata, Pre
lude; Handel, sonata No. Al
legro iva ciare Lore.
MacDowell, Marionettes,. Pro
logue, Soubrette. Lover. Witch.
Clown, Villain. Sweetheart, Epi
logue Edith Finaiey.
Mendelssohn, Ml Minor Concert,
Anaanie iva ciare Love.
MacDowell, Re Minor Concerto
Larghetto Caljnato Edith Flnd
- ' '
Young Donald Panek
Celebrates Birthday
Celebrating his birthday on tjhat
of The Statesman, young Donald
Panek waa complimented with a
dellghtfur birthday party Satur
day arternoon at the home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs.. M. Panek.
The greatest difference between
the birthday ot Donald and The
btatesman waa that Donald was
just 75 years younger, he having
oniy readied the age of five years.
An afternoon of games and
merriment preceded, a grand birth
day eaae with, many candles and
accoapaayfcx ft a pretty lunch
eon suggestive ot the Easter sea
son. The decorations and an Eas
ter egg hunt also suggested the
nearness or tne Easter season.
Mrs. Robert Boardman assisted
Mrs. Panek in serving the after
noon luneheon. -.. . 1
Guests of young Donald Were
A airen Downs, Tommy - Board-
,man. Eolsty Boardman. Robert
Robins, Est&Ha Jean Douglas, Da
na scott. Vernon Scott and David
Unusual Program
. Is Planned For
Wednesday f
A program which will be" unus
ually Interesting- is tnat being ar
ranged by members of the . Mis
sionary society of the First Con
gregational church Wednesday in
the church parlors.
Mrs. M. D. McCallister Is pre
senting a play which is credited
with being more I than usually
clever and the characterisation of
which is splendidly done by Mrs.
W. E. ' Hanson. Mrs. Charles
Ward, Mrs. Richard Slayter, Mrs.
Wayne Barham. li Mrs. L.' O.
Smith, Mrs. Ellsworth BJcketts,
Mrs. W. D. Clarke.
The play is "Two Masters' and
has the theme ot an - American
girt born in China who comes to
the United States for her educa
tion and then goes back to China
after -difficult situations in her
school career. The play Is a 45
minute production and friends of
the members ot the society are
invited to attend.'
Mrs. S. E. Long will lead the
-devotions which will open the
meeting. Mrs. Harry Harms will
sine and between the acts ot the
play Mrs. Steve Stone will give a
group -of Instrumental numbers.
A tea hour, will follow the play.
For this Mrs. Emll Carlson Is
(-chairman of the hostess commit
tee. Those assisting here will be
Mrs. L. H. McMahan, Mrs. George
Rossman, Mrs. A. A. Gueffroy.
Mrs. E. C. Charlton, Mrs. Wayne
Barham. Mrs. E. J. Donnell. Mrs.
John Ferrer; Mrs. Mary Fake,
Mrs. Jay Morris, Mrs. Alice Sle-
wertMrs. William Grler
H. H. Vandevorts
Celebrate Anniversary
Mrs. , George Moorehead as
sisted by Mrs. W. C. Winslow en
tertained with a family dinner in
compliment to the thirty-seventh
wedding anniversary ot the mar
riage or Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Van-
aevort and the birthday anniver
sary of Mrs. Vandevort Friday
nignt at the Moorehead home.
- Yellow roses were used for
centerpiece forjthed inner, table.
Daffodils gave added : charm to
the guest rooms. r
Covers were1 placed for Mr.
and Mrs. Vandevort, - honor
guests, and Mr, and Mrs. W. C.
Winslow, Misa Gertrude Win
slow, Norman Winslow. 'and small
Genevieve Winslow. Mr. and Mrs.
George Moorehead and Van and
Bruce Moorehead.
The Royal Neighbors sewlag
club met Tuesday with Mrs. Mil
dred Kash at her home on Hasel
avenue. She was assisted by her
mother, Mrs. Carrie Bunn. The
rooms were beautifully decorated
with " large baskets of Oregon
grape and early spring flowers
A potlnck, dinner was enjoyed at
noon, zs members and six visit
ors -being; present. The visitors
present were Mrs. MeCully of
Kewberg. Mrs. HatUe Rnfe and
daughter Mrs.,' Dorothy Winegar
of Surer, Mrs. Crystal Slmeral
Mrs. Edna McClintock and Mrs.
Lelala Sharp. ' ,
Plans were ' made daring ; the
business meeting for an Easter
baxaar. The next meeting ot the
club will bo April 14 with Mrs.
Rose Abbott. 2S90 Cherry a'
nue. Mrs. Frances Mahula will
be an assistant hostess.
Independence. Mr. and Mrs.
Ell Wander assisted by' Robert
Craven entertained the - boys ot
Mr. Craven's Sunday school class
with a waffle feed at the home
ot the Wander's Monday evening.
Boys present . for the occasion
were Roy Dunckl. Jack Fox.
Lewis Robinson, Edd Pomeroy,
Robert ilanna. Elarlow Butler
Delbert Taylor, Hugh Wait, and
! i'
rx L
v , J : V
J . . . . o group of folk yoho have and will hold the interest of society. To the left
is Miss Ruth Bedford, popular accompanist and musician of Salem, who will ac
company Miss Iva Clare Love, violinist, extreme right, and Miss Edith Findley, pi
anist, lower right, in a lovely MacDowell program presented by the MacDowell
' club of Salem, Monday night at 8:15 o'clock in Waller hall.
Center top is Mrs. Edgar Ordway, nee Margreta Millard, whose marriage
wajia lovely event at the E. B. Millard home March 22. V ,
Lower left is Miss Doris Pickens who will be an Easter bride in a . pretty:
wedding at the Calvary Baptist church. She will become the bride of Ira Byrd of
CoquUle, OregonPhotos by KenneU-EUis. .
And the Parade
will assemble at ...
We just know it will because everything appear
to be there.
Brousingr around yesterday we seemed to get
started just right for the very first things w
saw were the" ' -
' i i n 4Jj .
.'. . . s .......
- , .
new split back : ,
foundations and ' . , . ;
' believe us "that's ; ' ' f
sump'n. No more i ,i y ,
tug-o-wars every . ; v
time we stoopover. :. . " -
We were sure suf- ' ' . - ' '. i . -; . -. . .
' prised when the-girl - . --
told us they. were only ; - r :.
4.95 and jS.95. ' . , f: '
Oh! Oh! tWe just thought s T.
' : those beautiful little - :. , . : :
v , hats and just think"of . - I "
tne prices can you
" ' imagine such.-soft, straws
at only 45, 5.95 and -6.95.
Then the dresses, well they
t stopped us right in our tracks, -;
there were single piece, two piece
and Eedingote ensembles in the
j liveliest spring colors for 12.45. .
16.50 and 19.50.
It-was sure hard to leave those dresses until we.
spied the coats then "the crowning glory.' of all
Easter costumes absorbed our every attention
for most an hour. We found many beautiful
creations at 29.50 and there were-others
at 17.50 and 49.50 .
' Ti . " - . , -
f- It was getting late and we started
out but the new 4 and 6 button
gloves ' arrested ; our attention. There
. were doe-skins in white and eggshell
and pig skins too. . '
The hose in the new "Springtime" shade seems to be
the economical, as well as smart thing to buy
this spring it blends in with so many colors.
- t .. . - . ...... . . '
, Yes, we. have of ten wondered where the
- Easter parade" started but this year
, . , we found, it must certainly be at
fit Uf
Y..W. C. A. Plans
Open House
There will be a committee
meeting at the T. W. C. A. at
10 o'clock, Monday morning at
which time plans will . be made
for the "open house" which will
be observed by the organisation
in the very near future. The date
has not ret been definitely set.
The committee Is Mrs. William
McGilchrtst, Jr.. Mrs. L. O. Cle
ment. Mrs. W. D. Clarke, Mrs.
Milton Meyers, and Mrs. Ellsa
beth Gallaher.
Girl Reserves Plan
The work of the Girl Reserves
wm ha tarteA ont this week
with ' Mrs. Elizabeth Gallaher.
MntiArr: nt the T. W. C. A
meetlns; the girls of her Willam
ette class ana tne aansora oi me
Reserves at a 4 o'clock meeting
in the V. W. C A. at which time
a lesson in handc'raft wlU , be
given."---.- -;;
Tnesdav will be a busy day for
many groups of Reserves. The,
hleh school srronnt- wUl meet for
a service meeting nnder the lead
ership of Rachel Gardner at the
Y. W. C. A. Song books for the
Y. w. CJ will be workea on.
Special hand done designs are
being -used for covers of these
books which are being compiled
by thia group of girls.
The aeventh trade of - Parrish
will take. a. lesson on how to
press and preserve wild flowers
at the Tuesday meeting, to is
rronn has been maklnr a collec
tion of wild flowers which grow
in the valley and this collection
will be placed in a book and giv
en to the Reserves for a refer
ence book. . . " . . -'
Eighth and ninth grade ot
Parrish. are planning a program
in : the Tuesday meeting ' under
the direction of Misa Margaret
McKenzio. president' of the group
and Miss fary Elizabeth Butler,
Leslie Reserves will practice
on tha ' rtlv Alt Thronrh a
Looking Glass at their Tuesday
meeting. - . , - -
- Mrs. will sneak: to
the members of the West Salem
Reserves at the Tuesday meeting
which they have planned.
Thursday Mrs. ueorge unoten,
chairman of the girls work mu
sic committee, will meet with
Mrs. . Gallaher to discuss plans
for the national "music week"
program.,"-. ...
All the grade school Reserves
will meet according to schedule.
. . . e
- ' '"'' V ', i '
Informal Dinner
Pretty Event
Dr. and Mrs.' Vernon Douglas
were hosts for an informal din
ner party at ' their home Friday
night. Spring flowera made an
attractive centerpiece for the
dinner, table. Cards followed the
dinner hour.
Guests were Dr. and Mrs. C. C.
Dauer. Dr. and Mrs. Byron Ash
ley, Miss Ann . Ashley, . and Dr.
and Mrs. Douglas. 1 i
War llothers Will
Visit Portland
FOLLOWING the annual Vug
torn on the part of the Salem
chapter of. the American War
Mothers, the chapter will send rep
resentatives to Portland Wednes
day to distribute flowers, cookies,
plain cakes. Jells, fruits and such
things, as Easter gifts to the serv
ice men who, are still confined to
the hospital after so many, many
months which now run in to years
following the world war.
All donations which are desired
armory up until 9 o'clock Wed
nesday morning. Mrs. Mary Ranch
wUl be there to receive them after
S o'clock.
Those who are going to Port
land will leave the armory lo
three cars, which will accommo
date about 25 people. .The party
expects to leave the armory short
ly after :30 o'clock Wednesday
Mrs. Glenn Taylor
Is Complimented
With Party
A HAPPY affair for Mrs. Glenn
Taylor was the surprise party-
which a group of friends
planned for her Friday night at
her home, in compliment to her
Cards were in play until a late
hour and prizes were held by
Mrs. II. C. Hummel and W. J.
Wlckert. Refreshments were
served following cards. ,
Those who called in compli
ment to Mrs. Taylor were Mr.
and Mrs. 1L A,'. Smart, Mr. and
Mrs. Hector Admins, Mrs. Agnes
Miller, Mr.' Gibson, Mrs. A. P.
Maler. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Wlck
ert, Mr; aad Mrs. Earl T. Ander
sen, Mf.'and Mrs. F. M. Matthes,
Mr. and" -Mrs. Ed Blessing, Mr.
and Mrs. II. C. Hnmmell. Mr.
and Mrs. C. J. Taylor, Mri and
Mrs. C. H. Hill. Mr. and Mrs. W.
J. Wlckert, Frank Holt, Miss
Frankle Baker and Mrs. A. N.
M-f A .
e e
Mn. Ed Kohneoke of Lisbon,
North Dakota, stopped in Salem
en route home from a winter
spent In California, to visit Mrs.
Ivy- Coons of North Summer
street, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cluas of
Sllverton and Mrs. D. Butler of
Pratum, all of whom were form
erly residents of Lisbon.
: : " One Week of
Anniversary Specials
at the Fashibnette Shop
OFFERING ...... ' . - :.":;V
150 Dresses in 2 Groups at a Saving of $6 a Dress
Regular $190
Sizes 14 to 38
Regular $24.75 jind $29.50
Sizes 14 to 43
Dreues of our usual high grade, from leading makers and from our regular
stock in the newest fashions and of good quality silks. In plain colors (and
with contrasting collars and trims,) Navy, black, tan, brown, rust, and
green; also a few prints. Suitable for business, sports, street and afternoon
Other Dresses and Ensembles in Attractive Prints
V as well as in Plain Colors . . . at a DEDUCTION OF
. The" New Hats are so interesting this season and we are Very-proud of
our-selection. Some are brimless, home hare small brims, others have
gfTrous brims In Watteaa" models, bandeau, tri corns, and bicorns,
v.- turbans or beret types Straws are shinny op dull, rough or smooth.
: We feature exclusive Gage models, also other high grade models such as
Fisk, Wlrth, Shirley, Blair and others. . i -
One special group of 75 hats. In this group are 25 with the
' Gaga label.
OFFERING .,. t .
Closing out our lingerie department "Meroda non-run underwear, silk
irepe de chine night gowns, slips, dance sets. Broken sizes.
And plsast remember the Fashionette Shop carries hih-grada coats. We fea
ture Conde' exclusively. Also other famous makes. -
: ,TheFasHonette Sliop
423 Court Street TL MARIE BUTIXI-Phcse $1$ 1
uonaid wusoa.