The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 29, 1931, Page 5, Image 5

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salm, Oreyoii, Sunday Morninr, March 29. 1S31
tag:: fivi:
Local Soloist Featured Wes
ley C. Helse, 640 North Cottage
street, was the trombone soloist
with the Oreron State colleeo ea-
det land which toured eastern
Oreron dnrlnsr the cast week'. The
band has 70 members, ASLot whom
are selected annually to make a
. tour under Director Harry L.
Beard. - s :tc
'SuchLnlee Easier- ftninii
This expression' we hear from the
many who " look ever our stocn-
bow on display. '.Our own mace
The Spai. i -' V; : -:
. From j crooked, janger janusi
nailer.', count read , supervisor
in laftor In Salm
yesterday from " his - home . in
CrookedjFinger. ' John Fabryrsu
perrisorjin the-South saiem ois-
tricx arowna-iTriagie,, was aiso i
htiitness t visitor. . Both .men call
d at the county roadmaster of-
" ' : Another- S.-B. A. ' lodge dance
Tuesday night U. Park .hall.- 25c
ana xvz unus uicuu. -
. tint 1U rim The week
schedule! for "the-, Marion county
nirtmnt of . health' Includes a
class in first aid, to be held Thurs
day evening- at the health center
here with Dr. V. A. Douglas' in
charge. Other clinics for the week
follow - pretty clos eto tno
schedule. ' r i '"' 'i x-1
Filled Easter baskets and im
ported novelties 10c, 15c and
25c at the Gray Belle,, 440' State
Object to Cost Defendant In
m of J. " C Gibson vs. Alfred
Downs has filed, objections to the
entire cost, bill, on grounds mat
no costs should be levied against
him because ntinulatlon . entered
into byr the parties constituted
amicable adjustment Pf tne ease.
Vor rood bnv In" a used car see
Dave . Smith, Salem ."Automobile
company, iupmppn Tepresenw
tiTes, 435 N. Com1! "St: Tel. 97.
Milk Bottle Thieves ' Three
boys were arrested. Saturday on
charges3 of stealing. "milk bottles
in - South Salem. - Th hoys were
Percy Meier, 507 ?. North , Front
street; Edward Potter, 750 North
Front, and Gilbert Logsdon, 240
West -Wilson.; . ; v;
i V Nothinr ever shown before in
J Salem as delicious as The Spa's
creamy whip Easter Eggs, made
here. - . ,- . .. ',..'".
To - Appeal Case C. H.- Mar
tin, charged with giving : short
measure of wood, was lined lift
in Justice court here but gave no
tice that he would appeal the
nA v. R Martin, .who ap
peared to answer o a - similar
charge was declared not guilty.
Will parties who saw. O. E. en
gine back Into adto Sat.- April 7,
at 10 p. m., call 8517 J T Res. 1780
Fairgrounds Road.- ; - - ; :
Fined $10 William J. Warg
nier, charged with the unlawful
sale of Intoxicating liquor, was
fined $100 and sentenced to 20
days In . Jail by Justice of . the
Peace Miller B. Hayden. Warn
gier "failed to pay the fine so
will serve it out in the local Jail.
18 Inch Dry 2nd G. fir $6.25, 2
Ids. S12.'Fred Wells, Tel. 1542.
- . - t - - ,
Reports Accident T. I. T7eLss
reported to the sheriff an accident
which happened yesterday on thej
highway at Aurora. No one was
hurt. Weiss says the car driven
by Dale Isbell crashed Into the
center of the Weiss machine.
Motion to Strike In case of
Lucy Dawes by Joe, Dawes, her
guardian, vs. WIUiamrjW. Allen,
defendant has filed " motion to
strike parts of the cotrfplalnt. The
complaint charges' carffiessness In
Allen's practice as a physician. .
- The Winter Garden Bowling
Alleys have been purchased by L.
V. (Tiny) Hall; Notr open for
business. The Willamette Valley
, league will roll here today.'
Transcript Filed Transcript
of Judgment for money from the
Clackamas county circuit court
has been- filed -with. rthe 'county
clerk In the case, of .Willamette
Valley Lumber company against
Norman L. Ileyser.
Xlceaso Iued A marriage li
cense was issued in Portland Sat
urday to Charles A. Miller of Port
land and Mary Kury of Silverton,
both of legal age, according to
word received here.
Spa Easter eggs the utmost in
quality: Individual eggs in pretir
boxes, 13c to $1.00 each. Fluffy
cream and frnlt and nut centers
of manv colors. ! : .
Arrcstcd George C Hagen
was arrested on North 4 th street
yesterday, charged with possession
of beer. Two cases were found in
his possession, Ounty; "officers
made the arrest., -'i . "
A shipment .of the beautiful
new. " Peacock J. pottery suitable
for gifts and bridge priies Just
In at Adams', florist. 453 Court.
Payment Ordered Dr. D. F.
Eastburn, administrator of the
estate of Mary. Eastburn, has been
authorized to pay out funds from
the estate ' to settle- a mortgage.
; o . ; ; m
Adamson To Mr. and Mrs. Joe
E. Adamson of 632 North High
street, a daughter, born . March
28 at the Jackson maternity
home. ::" - " --v- - . - -
Wnsost eperstloa n Um of Um.'
" '32f Oregon aidf,
Dr. Chan lam
. Chinese Medicioe
180 N. Cou mercUl
St, St:m ;
Office knrs '
Tuesday and Satur
day a to S:30
Auto Accident vT. r H. Carkin.
state tax commission, backed his
car from the curb Into the mid
uie ox etate street shortly after
noon, Saurday. Normain Kennedy,
284 North Commercial street, at
tempted to cut la front of Carkin,
Carkin .started - forward and the
resuIOngr crash tore the Carkin
ear s numper off u and dented
itenneayg .lender, r c
.Tour children should, have the
oest in master candies.- The Spa
makes their, own and - the purest.
oesc io ,do naa.
- Auto Paaaenirrr fnfm-rl TirV.
SVilbur C. Cavender of 535 South
1 8th street was cut with glass in
an auto accident on State street
between 12a and 1311 strees, Sat
urday .morning.- The ears ap
proached ' each 'others on Slate
street and- Troy Wood. -1(9 5
Broadway, - cut his ". machine - In
front of r. Raymond' v Gurnston,
2030 North 5th street, to go north
into an alley.
Wanted: 20 to 40 acres', with
team, seed,' and equipment on
shares, for potatoes; by an exper
ienced potato grower. Buell, 89S
Tire-rim Ttift A 51' ViW viz
tire and rim were stolen from the
roadster belonging to JJ. . W.
tiooae, 2178 state street. Friday,
The car was parked at State and
19th streets."
-The Spa Easter eggs are. In a
class alone. Creamy whips, " fruit
ana nnt, creamy egg yolk in mllar,
cocoannt nests,- chocolate -nests.
..- '- " - - -..
Account Filed Annual - ac
counting in guardianship, of Rob
ert C Bishop and Charles K.
Bishop baa been filed by Clarence
M.' Bishop.- guardian. and snows
cash on hand of $1,598.20. ; ,
-Dr. Altman,'. homeopathic phy
sician. 296 N. Liberty, Salem.
Appralsal-L-.J,' B. ; Ashby,; Mil
dred Judson and Bessie M.'Elof
son have appraised estate of Eva
line Baker at $2,525. Ira Ashby is
executrix, and has Just filed her
tirst annual "account.
Delicate-creamy whip - Easter
Eggs. Our own make. - The Spa. .
'; Motion To Detlae M. J. Tres
ter and i others, . defendants : In
suit brought by Charles . W.
Ranck, hare filed motion to com
plaint made more definite and
certain,; , . i
' Motion ' to' Set Motion has
been filed in case of Martin Fer
rey as ancillary administrator of
the estate of Gerhard Rosebaum
vs. St. Benedict's Abbey, to set
hearing, on demurrer. .
To Taroma Mr. and Mrs. A.
L. Skew la and Mr. and Mrs. ' W.
P. Ladd left by motor yesterday
morning for Tacoma, where they
will remalA until this evening
for a . visit with relatives. -
Nothlngever shown before In
Salem as delicious as The Spa's
creamy 'whip Easter Eggs, made
here. I ; . . .
'.'!.''. - - ,,'f-
Marriace license Marriage
license was Issued -here Saturday
to Orville Davenport, 2 , 1515
Belevue, and Kdna E. Schutz, 22,
7 9 0 North Church.
ere to
Hotel Argo Dining Room
. Special Chicken Dinner ' noon
and night 50c. Chicken dinner
with Strawberry Shortcake this
evening. ... ,
I . . ., ,i ..
The Spa . "
Fried Chickens Roast Young
Turkey dinners. 75c and $1.00.
Gray Belle, 440 State Street
Special .dinner 50c. ' ' . : f
Gray Belle Dinner 7 Kc.
v . Dollar. Dinner - DeLuxe roast
. turkey, steak or grilled half
spring chicken. , . : .
For Dinner This Evening '
Special Sunday dinner $1.00. at
The Marlon Hotel today, y
Special Sunday Dinner 50c - '
Argola Restaurant. 222 H N.
Commercial, upstairs. '
Home Cafe r
i 11 to 8 50c . .
: Fruit CocktaU -
Chicken Oark soup. Garden salad
Creamed Asparagus . . Potatoes
. - i Hot Cross Buns . .
' Choice Fried Chicken
. f - T-Bone Steak
I i ' Baked Chicken
Rhubarb - .. Banana Cream Pie
Manhmallow Pudding; ;
Styled For
Young Men f
Stay Young
; Hand ; "
! ' . . .
A .
: Price
Bound Over to Graad Jnry
C. H. Martin and Lv R. Martin,
charged with giving cs.f. checks
were boand over to the arrand
Jury Saturday by Justice of the
Peace Miller B. Hayden. .
We specialize In the manufac
ture of fine candles and call your
attention to , the unusually fine
line of Easter eggs and novelties
now On diKDlav. The Rna. -
Hearing Set May 4 has been
set as time for the final hearing
in estate of Anne Stravens. ' Final
account of Henry Eder, executor.
snows caslr and property, balance
OX f3,185.82k ; . . ;
"Such,, nice , Easter things.
This exnrss(Wl hear tram
the many who look OTer ou stock
uur uu uuspiay. unr own maie.
Attachment --TOn complaint to
recover sz.ovu on4 promissory
note in case of Mert C. Hem en
way vs.' Ethel M. Karr, attachment
nas been made on real property.
The SpaEaster eggs are In h
clasa alone. Creamy-whips, fruit
and nat, creamy egg yolk In milk.
cocoanuinests,- cnocoiate . nests."
12 and 16 Inch, wood, ' also
planer wood, $5 per cord load
delivered from. car, $5.50 from
yara. codds and Mitchell Co.; 349
S. 12th. Tbl. $13.; ; ' j ' ;:. i:: . ,
Splendid 1 room - honM 1 In
Gladstone, near Portland. ; Trade
ror small Salem home or tract.
Price $5250 .with $2500 straight
mortgage. XEO N. CHIL-DS .Co.,
realtors. 320 Sute. TeL 1727.
Seeks Money Seeking to re
cover on a promissory note,'. El
len G. Lambert has filed fore
closure complaint against W. E.
Milburn. :; . . . :
Dr. B 'F ' Pound craft! limit.
ed to removal of teeth,,- gas of
locai ana aentai x-ray. 303 First
National bank. Tel. 2040. .
From Marlon Miss ' Grace
Pehrson of Marlon was a business
visitor yesterday at the office of
the county school superintendent.
Appraisers Named G. I.' Barr,
Ed R. Adams and Clay Allen hare
been appointed appraisers of the
estate of H. G. Spragne. v '
Delicate creamy whip . Easter
Eggs, i Our own make.' The Spa.
r From CloTerdale Helen Dum
beck of Cloverdale was amonsr the
Saturday .visitors: In the city from
that section. ; . .: r
' et:-. '..
' From Woodbnrn : James D.
Miller., who Is teaching In Wood-
burn, 'was-a business caller In the
city Saturday. . - ...
.' .. For sale As we are changing
we hafe for sale 18 head of good
farm horses, weight 1600 to 2000
lbs. Prices $35.00 to $150.00.
Spauiding ' LoLgglng Cort Salem,
Ore.- . . .... ' ".
Disorderly Charge Drunk and
disorderly charges - were drawn
against W. E. Seay Friday by
local police. Seay was fined $20.
i Watch Stolen Clark Roberts,
895 Chemeketa: street, reported
the theft of a 7-Jewel Elgin
wrist watch to the police Friday.
Your children should hare the
best In Easter" Candies. The Spa
makes" their own and the purest,
best to be had. ..'
Chickens Missing Six chick
ens were stolen -Friday ; night
from the property of Si Weinan
at 2107 North-Commercial street
Auction 2 & 7:30 P. M. each
day at Love's Jewelry Store.
. Speeding Fine A. $3 speeding
fine was collected in police court
Saturday from ; Carl Marcy of
Salem. "', i ,,.,;L: i I
Sale Confirmed Sale of real
property In th estate of Mary
Eastburn has been approved by
the county court.
Dollar dinner every night. 5:45
to 8 at the Marlon hotel.
Uwlra "Foifv-losurw V rn V A.'
Basey has filed complaint against
W. A. Liston and others seeking
ror Closure on real property.-;
Will trade eauitv' in srood 4-
room house and large lot, close
in, lor car. Tel. 35 or 2537M. w
Jim Mott Quits
As Legislator -:
To Accept Job
l James -W. Mott, who recently
was appointed state ' corporation
commissioner to t succeed Mark
D. McCallister,' Saturday resign
ed as representative In' the legis
lature from Marion county. Mott
has served foar terms In the low
er house. His resignation becomes
effective next Thursday. .' ? -
c- and '.
' Youhu Men
G. W: Johasoa Co.
Sole Distributors ,
'Monroe' Clothes .:.
"I 469 State St.
Salem, Oregon
Captains, Lieutenants - to
Meet for Discussion
Of Problems
; Organization " of ' a' leaders'
couneil for : Girl Scout captains
and lieutenants of Salem and vi
cinity waSi. formed -'yesterday,
with -Mrs. E. A. Collier of Salem
named " chairman - and Miss . Jas
mine ' Lundquist '" of Chemawa,
secretary.--, : p Il-.:v',rV..' r-;
The' group will meet the. last
Wednesday evening of the month
at 8 o'clockilat the Y. W. ,C A.
club'' rooms. : ' t ;;- '-.: -"
; This .Is the first more t(j form
a leaders' organization since Girl
Scout work was revived , In the
county; ,. however, v six captains
were, present at the meeting held
yesterday at the- home, of Mrs.
H. R. White. ' Scout ; troops" are
now : functioning. In-Kelzer, Che
mawa and Englewopd. and Leslie
Junior high school here. ;
Plan to Diacoam
Commos ' Problems . ' - : r
The purpose of the leaders'
organization Is to bring ogether
the leaders . that they may dis
cuss common problems,' and also
to provide a better- contact be
tween : leaders , - and : the.. Joint
sponsoring, committee from the
American , Legion auxiliary and
the Business and , Professional
Women's club. The chairman of
the leaders' group will meet with
the Joint committee, and in turn
a member of the sponsoring com
mittee will meet with the lead-,
ers. . . - i Ct:,. ... ' .' ,'
. Leaders also discussed plans
for summer camp yesterday, and
decided to hold but one period
at Camp San taly this year. -
. present; at tbe meeting- yester
day, besides Mrs. R. W. Clarke
and.; Mrs. H. R. 'White of the
sponsoring body, were: Miss
Lundquist and Mrs.- Florence
Middleton, captains of Chemawa
troops; Mrs. ,E..' A. Collier, cap
tain of the Englewood group;
Mrs. King S. Bartlett, Mrs. Carl
E. ,,, Hultenberg . and Genevieve
Morgan, all - of : the two Leslie
troops; and Mrs. A. Mlnturn of
Kelzer. A new troop is Just be
ing formed, at Leslie.
J.'Stltt Wllson,wIdely known
as a ' lecturer nd prophet of the
social gospel will be heard at a
meeting on the Willamette un
iversity campus, Tnursday nignc
at 7:30. This word was received
here Saturday night from Seattle,
Washington. - . .
' i- He ; Wilson Is one of the fea
tured speakers at the fifth an
nual meeting of the northwest
council of Young Men's Christian
associations of ..Oregon, Wash
ington and Idaho. - V
Arrangements for Mr. Wilson's
appearance on the local campus
have been made by four Wlliam
e&e university men: Hayes Be-
all, president for 1930-31; R.
Wesley Warren, 1931-32; Harry
Stone' Jr., and Roderick Chang:
They are In attendance at the
students' meetings in Seattle.
To date, there have been three
scheduled meetings for Mr. Wil
son in Salem. He will address the
university students at chapel,
Thursday noon, he. will meet the
members of the. university Y. M.
C. A. at an after dinner hour, and
address the public at 7:30
Mr. Wilson was closely associ
ated with Ramsay MacDonald and.
other .leaders of the British labor
party at the time of its organiza
tion. He Is a former mayor, of
Berkeley, Cal., and has . spent
many -years In the labor move
ment and In the field of educa
tion in the United States.
United Workmen
Hosts Tuesday
i Members -of Protection '- Lodge
No. 2 of the A. O. U. W. will be
hosts to visiting members from
outside cities on. Tuesday evening
March 31 at their lodge room In
the Miller building. r Delegations
are expected-here from Portland,
Albany Lebanon,, CorvaUIs - and
Dallas. About 20 new members
will be Initiated on this, occasion
and the meeting-will be "preceded
by- a supper at the Argola restau
rant about 6:30 p. m..- . -
Tailored Where
. By Master
- . w A. -
A marriage of international interest win be that of Countess Alice
Ezcchenyi, daughter of the Hungarian Minister to the United States,
to Coont Bela BadHuef Hungary who are pictured here at Aiken,
8. C The Countess mother Is the former Gladys Vanderbilt,- The
wedding wfl take place In Washington, D. .C next month, .
Under the
THE - reaction ol Governor
Julius L. Meter to the agri
cultural banquet Frld a y
night. could not be learneH, as he
left early Saturday, for Portland.
He Is thought to be resting after
listening four hours to farm talk
and discussion, .of the need for
farm relief. - 1 1 - .
SnggesUea to ' after dinner
speakers may well be? taken :
from . the hint dropped by the
chief executive at the banquet.
He said be may become known
as tbe MX on-Talking Govern
or." At least he cuts his dinner
speeches very short and has re- -fused
to accept Invitations to
talk before numerous groups. .
This is a eomendable move and .
its ' t oDowtag by others. Is
trongely urged. ..
Even Tom Kay, state treasurer,
gave signs of nervousness at the
lengthy discourses on the agricul
tural conditions over Oregon, the
nation and other countries, and
the personal successes of some of
the speakers. He left his place
at the dinner, moved to the rearl
of the room, and stirred to other
positions frequently. v The - most
intent listener appeared to be
Miss - Beatrice . Walton, - private
secretary to the governor. ' ,
The first court martial - la
Oregon In 20 years bas ! beesi
ordered by the National Guard
headquarters. The fact' that
there has been but one such
.move in 20 years speaks high
-for the department, . The last
court martial had to do "with
orders at camp Jn which a mut
iny virtually resulted. This was
In 1911." General George A.
White Is adjutant general of
the National Guard.
Charles Gram,1 state labor
commissioner, has been conduct
ing a real "labor" department the
last few days. His staff Is busy
reorganizing the headquarters.
making room for the departments
of industrial welfare and board
of inspectors of 'child labor. Even
"Charlie" had his coat off and
... J Ammanu
" John Ammann of Turner dis
trict died in this, city March 21.
aged 15 years; survived by one
niece in Indiana Funeral services
Monday, March 3 0 at 1:30, p.m.
from the chapel of the Clough
Barrlck company. Interment at
.Turner. - , . ... .
Qty View Cemetery
Established 1893 . Tel. 12M
Conveniently Accessible
Perpetual care provided for
Prices Reasonable
; rxnrgiAXi BisccToxa .
. Oar tern fmnil
Out rxteas Ai IiiiiiiMi
; Oas H H M4ra
CIonsh-Barrick Co. v
PhonO 120
Chnrch at Ferry SL
: A. M. Clough .
-Dr. L. E. Barrlck' 1 ,
' ;-"':. V.'T. Golden
btlcrect iHtnwrial
S20 t . Hamuli r
A Park Cemetery !
iwith perpetual care
I Just ten . minutes from the
-k .:." heart Of town v J -;"
? , Non-Sargical .Treatment
' 40S Oregon Building
- Occurrences, and Gcjsip
at the center of Oregon's
state gOTernment"
was moving furniture.
. ' The new hydro-electric- om.
mission will be housed in the
: offices adjoining: the state' en
gineer's office -on i the ; fifth
floor of the state office bulld-
vtng. They will occupy the of
flees vacated by the state board
of higher education, when, the
" latter moved to the third floor
of the state capltol building.
Gas prices In Salem had a three
cent range last night, and if the
distributing plants fall In line it
looks like. more prices are to be
killed In another, bombardment in
the gas warfare. One' downtown
station was pouring the go-mixture
out at'lStt cents a full gal
lon, while others sold; at 1SK
and still others at 18 cents.
No one seemed to be abfe to
vouchsafe a reason for the reduc
tion 'in prices, .with the best one
offered, being that it was a move
to .give Salem motorists Just as
good a deal as the. Portland deal
ers otter, y-,:'
A. number of motorists . from
Salem are driving to Portland
with only enough gas In the tank
to get there in order - that they
might come home on cheap gas.
It was said. Portland prices have
been pretty consistently two to
four cents lower than - those for
which gas is pumped here.
.add & Bush, Bankers
Established 1868
Hospital Beds
to Rent
00.2193, Csed Furniture
- - Department
181 N. High
Throat and Lung
Balsam " -ll
A .reliable remedy for Coughs,
Colds, Hoarseness, Bronchial
Coughs, -Sore, Throat. Soothes
the throat. -r-..:.u.
I, - The, - f medicinal " activity of
this " Is due -. to - the following
drugs: v, - - L",
Drosera Rotnndifolla -.
; EupfaorbU Filulifera
'- Ipecae ..... .
Wild CherryV ' ' c
Ammonfam Chloride ..
and GlycerlM -
- Sold only' in ' 1
50c id $1.00'
j--.-: bottles !
r." DRTJd STORE ':;i.C-fl
133 N. Com'l St. Phono 197
The original yellow front can.
dy special store of Salem.; --
Fenslar Agency
tsn-to TOLD
Marlon county's share of state
motor receipts for -the quarter
ending March 15, 1931, amount
to 12112 according to an oppor-
tlonment made Saturday by Sec
retary-of State II08S. Tho-coun-
tys one-third " was ' doubled in
the remainder of 14335 appor
tioned to the state .highway fund.
Total ; net- receipts for the
quarter aggregated - 3130,421.
The gross receipts for the quar
ter were 1 22,6 80 from which was
deducted 31102 "for -refunds and
S8&,143 foradministrative costs.
Of the net . receipts of 3136,
421, the state highway commis
sion received $90,947 and the 30
counties $45,473. .
. ' Polk county's .' receipts from
the apportionment amounted to
1000.23, Yamhill county's ' to
3875.83. ,::..-
. The secretary of state also ap
portioned 163,218 of funds col
lected under the. state transpor
tation act. Three-quarters of the
receipts went to the state high
way fund . and one-fourth to, the
Sam s 1 1 sfaVlA ' san4u's a V A
was Polk's 120.70 and
Yamhill's $250.25. - A
The Spa. Easter Candies
rf&y- ere now on display . . :; ?
This " year showing1 the most beautiful
of our many; yearV experience. ,
, L
, t .i 1
Wj(b)ll if (co.Vi-
73 North.
Russell Brooks
Writes of Kinn i
. George's Lcvcc
Russell Brooks, son of Urs.
Mildred Robertson Brooks, county
recorder, was one of several hun
dred men presented to , King
a Mt a an.. - .
ucor i ursi levee oi me year,
held at St. James palace, London,
Mr; Brooks Is American consul
with post at . London. He was
presented by the American Am
bassador, In an Interesting note to fc!l
mother, he. makes brief descrip
tion -of the event, which occurred
March I.
: V ' Nurery S tocli
Evergreen and Decidioua
- Ornamental .Trees ;
Priced . right, we don't mean
maybe, t 7 miles east of Salem
. -.; . on Jen, road . ;
'.''i- Phone: 28F3'"- ,
F. il. D&eHler & ScrJt
- Saienit Ore.
Iiherfy Etreet