The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 29, 1931, Page 2, Image 2

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The OHEGON STATESMAN. Saiga, Orc-ron. Sunday Mcrn!fl March 23, 1S21
' If arch 16 Trial resumed. Mrs.
Howard testifies. - i - ,
- March -17 -Dr. Cooper on stand
and demies statements- alleged in
second statement to police.
March 1S1 -Defenue opens case.
without llrat ootiry- 1 Dr. Frank. R. Menu on stand.
March 2( Court denies motion
for directed verdict of acautttaL
March It Bowles testifies
Mrs. "BowUis kUled herself.
March 21 Miss Loacks testi
fies In her own behalf.
March tV -Defease rests. .
March IP Pinal arguments be-
March --IS Arguments complet
ed and cant roes to Jary.
March tfl Verdict of acquittal
retained. ?
Czzz in Recent Court
" History of State ;
- .
Continued from sag 1) I'
apparently . contradictory state
ments - concerning- the - time . ele
ment In the death, and having--to
do with the remove, of the body
from the1 apartment, -were brought
-oat hi the trial.
Dr. Pan! B. Cooper. called ' to
attend her . after she fell to the
; floor under the deadly knife
thrtnt, contradicted,. according to
state transcripts, an earlier state
ment and dictated a "confession
that the first 'Statement ws In
ror in several important instances.
At the coroner' Inquest and at
the- triil he repudiated the "con-
f esslea. " i
Wh TtWn !lwT
In the first talk with police k
said Mrs. Bowles was lrr when
ha sailed the ambalaace. Later,
e flciala declared, he admitted she
was dead when he called -the am-
ttnlanre and sent the body to a
mortuary. He was cited for viol
Uoa of a state law for having re-
, -moved a bod?
In f aalload the coroner.
Th coroner's inrv returned a
verdict that Mrs. Bewles was the
Tlctim of a fmnrderons attack
by either Bowles or Miss Loncks
or ooin.
They went on trial March S. In
rnnrladJne ar rumen ts the defense
made the plea that the Jury
"hang them j or set them, tree-
there can oe no comyrvmue.
.State Doesn't '.!
The state made no mention of
i tii death nenaitTi in eat Ha lug Its
however., it . advanced- its
hMv that while Kiss Loacks
niHiMcd the larnra. ot the young
society matron te her side, Bowles
picked p tne maae
it into his wife's breast.
The defendants took the stand
in their ewn defense, ootft caun
nlr direct land -cTose-exaxoina
tion. They told eabstaaUaUy the
same story, which was mat aars.
Bowies' had come- to the apart-
mnt In MCTCh Of BOWlei. WfcO ar
rived iater. Mrs. Bowles asked her
husband about a divorce; no saia
.anything- she decided -npon would
jiiurr htm. Miss Lemcks men
tioned that she and Bewles had
decided to see ho more of each.
aikJ then, thev said. Mrs.
Bowles remarked MX oant o on
like this I'm -going to make jns
Mt ATM axain." to which saed fl
ed "There's, only oe thinr to
And Bowles inquired what that
might be Tm going to get a
glass of water," that was the an
swer. Xrepped to Floor
After Stabbing ;
Tien, the defendants agreed,
ahe went to the kitchen. She
eemed to sUy there longer than
necessary. Miss . Xjoacks heard a
cry: Bowie didn't. As they Teach.
d the door the woman's body
crumpled, hey said, and she tell
Washington eonnty got the COUTtS CZllCd
trial on e maense srauoa iwr m
change ef renne from atfUaomah
county., attorneys for Cie defend
ant declared prejudice was ao
trong against them a fair trial
could not be obtained. Bowies is
the sen of the late-J. C. Bowles,
Sadden ruRs -el desert wind-storm orer Lake t barfed Into S lice of antomohQes anil
Mnree. in die Mejave desert, Calif brought a score I tracks, Jnst after completing a aeries of sncceaafnl
of persons; near death when this mirnlane wae. I Oih testa, Fortnnatelr none wastniored.
pipe lice mm
For Uniform
JIEW' TORE, March 28.
(JLP) An argent appeal to the
rales comntiQee to derlse some
meana to-suMre uniform offlciat
ing: throerghoat the country was
Toiced today 4y the -national as-
sociatien et basketball at Its fl
nal session.- i
Altar prolonged -debate, dur
ing which the ast accused the
west -of -eearifts rough, play
and the -woet -declared- the east
had -originated the- "block'.. It
was -decided to pass the back to
the -rules body, at Its meeting
here next month.
It" was -suggested, among other
things 'that : the .rules committee
get out -a merlng picture of a
model baskethaB game to - be
shown, te coaches, officials and
players, in every section. An
other scheme called" for the: man-
factarers of. sporting goods to
send creek net of' officials
throughout the land to
and demonstrate -the- proper
method of calling a game.
Hnnt Brothers Packing, com
pany contemplate securing water
for their plant directly from the
Willamette rirer according, to an
application made to the office
of the district enrineer of the
United States war department
last week. ;. - : ...-"
The application requests that
the peeking - firm be allowed to
lay a submerged pipe in the -Wil
lamette rirer at a location about
500- feet below the Southern Pa
cific company's bridge crossing
at Union- street, j i
eight Inches in "diameter, would
be laid two feet below the bed
of the rirer to a point 400 feet
across the. waterway. The 1 ap
plication states that: the outer
end of 15 feet of the pipe will
be perterased and aerre- aa an
intaJEe,. lying -on the "bed. or the
rirer six feet below the low wa
ter mark:; A buoy will mark its
location. .
Major Oscar O. Kuents of. the
corps of . engineers in Portland
asks that any objection from the
standpoint of nari ration be re-
ceired in the Portland office, be
fore April 1.
the exportable surplus ot their
19J1 erop.' , if
The agriculture department. In
estimating, the total winter and
spring wheat acreage indicated
for harrest In this country "t 57.
441,000 acres as compared -w'th
5s.153.000 last rear, said tods
there was little change in the
world aituatton. -s
Jurors Fila IriT Smiling at
Prospect- of :: Freeing
Two Defendants '
(Continued from page Oil
read It silently. The ' tense spec
tators, anticipating the yerdict,
leaned forward. I But the court
was not-yet ready to read the Ter
dlct. Ha ordered: bailiffs to locate
District Lotus ; I Lang
ley -and Qeorre Mowry. M- chief
deputy, but ' they could not be
found. ' :--- ?lnvt:K
Judge Bagley unfolded the ver
dict 'once'more,- ' '"--
We, the Jurr In the abom en
titled, court and cause." - he- read
slowly, "find the defendant Kel
son c. Bowies not: guilty.".
A rippio of applause atarted In
the Tear of the courtroom' ' but
judge Bag-ley sternly commanded
slleweo and- ordered there must
be no demonstration. - - .
psccona verdict .
Read by JodM . .4.
A. heary sUence hunr bter the
covnnwm wniie the court read a
similar verdict acauittina- Miss
Loucks. .
Mrs. Ada D. Fiesel. Miss LoncVa
mother, rushed to her daughter
and embraced her. tears at room. I
ing- down hr cheeks. Bowles rose j
and embraced Lis uother, ; lira.
D. A. Dinsmoor, and Ms uncle,
W. Lair Thompson, one of tho de
fense attorneys.
The court- turned Lis attention
to jhe jury and thanked the IS
men for -their work.
''"As the final ravel lomnfiwf 1h
millionaire" and his former secre
tary walked to the Jury box nd
thanked each Juror individually
tor tne verdJet.' -- ,
The same- nerves, of steel that
carried . the defendants through
the, long trial carried them
through today"! climax without
break. They took no apparent no
tice oc each other. , - ;
Bowles and Wsa. Loucks - p're-
parea io leave uuiaboro at once.
iMeuner would - make any state
ment., inaictments on a statutory
Eitimp Cera
on tho Prudcnttsl Plan
brinf jou
Safety ,
Stcpaci Ulcers lieIecl;
j Vitls FaiaoriiTowdsr '
' A llllwaukee nhvsiciaiT ot nr
2 1- years ' experience has nrfAt-
a xoreauia, urn. fewder fern
which ; has brought amazingly
quick reiier to -sufferers from ul
cers, acid dyspepsia gas, bloat
inr. diztlness, headaches, etc.
It neutralises excess acid, re
neves irritation, pain and dis
tress, and being in powder form
forms a soothlnx coating over the
inflamed stomach lining and ul
cers , io that healing can take
place. . 7 .-, -
, And -best of all there Is no
rigid dieting necessary. . This
treatment Is different and to
quickly Introduce it everywhere
the distributors are offering to
send a free -proof treatment and
the. true facta about tho treat
ment of ulcers and other forms
ot stomach, trouble to any suf
ferer who writes them. If you,
wsnt to try v it free Just send
your name and address to the
RamRock Co., Dept 7. Box SO,
Milwaukee, Wise Ad v.
charge are atill pending; against
them but jn the absence of state
attorneys It was not possible to
learn when or what action would
be taken In that matter.
Immediately after adjourn
ment the Jurors gathered up their
belongings : and left .the court
house 'dormitory ' that Lad been
their Lome" and prison for four
weeks. . ' .
Vomnnto Facet.
Murder Charge
28 (AP) A auperior court
Jury acquitted Mrs. Marguerite
Voter, 58, of a first degree mur
der charge bare tonight in con
nection with tho shooting of her
husband on their Lawrence farm
February .
- 01;
This season you can get
the finest 'quality seas
oned woods At prices
that will make your pur
chase an 'investment.
Build now buy now
. . . save now on all
? building materiab. r
610 N. Capitol
We can assure you
prompt delivery at all
times on large and small
Powder c
Supply Co.
Tel. 728 or 2248
on ovary
dollar savea
. i 1 ' i i i i I,,,
.... . -
YOU can open your Account
with any amount and add
addhioaal Savings at any time.
Tour Six Per Cent will he mailed
yoa each month or earnings can
be left to compound senu-annu
ally just as you please. Sdttmif
Your leatW Book Oaak C"wittlw
la vraitlnff; for yoa
Rightl to Limit
Cost, of Meals
County courts cannot Unit the
ar-tha shipbuilder" ot Seattle expense account for food for pris- highway
and Portland.!
Throughout the long trial the
families ot both defendants., ana
the family -ot Mrs. : Bowles-sat In
the. courtroom. Frequently they
were in tears; .
i The defendants bore up well
under the strain. Occasionally,
Mi Loucks! would wipe tears
from her eyes; Bowles was sol
emn, haggard and attentive
oners confined in Jail on civil or
criminal process to the actual
cost of sueh food, according to an
opinion prepared by Attorney
oenerai van ! winkle Saturday.
The opinion was requested by L.
u. LweiUng, district attorney ot
una county, i
The attorney general held that
the sheriff is entitled to tav for;
errice-as weu as rood.
Any reduction in wagea for la
boring men will be opposed- by
J, C. Compton of McMhmville,
prominent. Oregon contractor for
ljwtnr I public road work. He was- In. Sa-
tem yesxeruay ana siaxea mat ne
was contemplating a- tnlnunum
wage of SO cents an bear for or
dinary laborers during tho sum
mer season.
'Curtinr wages simply
wo- pile- up la winter months- tho
burden of strpnortinc families.
whose Breadwinners have been
unable to make a living lathe
summer- months' said Compton,
"X would favor a clause la state
contracts making It
IV A. A. Leo L B Steeihammer
Nv oalku x
V S44StattSt.
NX,. Phone Xgt 0
mandatory for contractors to pay
a mrnimum wago."
Compton said the outlook for
road construction this summer
was good. -
ran boies us
Wheat Markets
Will be Loaded
Again, Forecast
CAP) Despite a . nrospective
three " per .eent reduction - in do
mestic wheat acreage. American
Oakland. CaL. for several months e1"0" t1 compete la an
CLEAR LAKE. March it
u a ester -rigir has returned to
Clear Lake after having been in
(Continued front page t)
died from a : wound inflicted
"with murderous Intention by
Miss Leucks or Bowles or both.
December c Miss Loucks and
Bowles are bound Over to grand
December 11 Grand Jury be
gin Investigation. --
December SO Grand Jury re
turns Joint Indictment charging
Bowles and Sisa Loucks with Mrs.
Bowles murder.
January S Indictments charc-
lng first degree murder returned
separately against . Bowles and
Mlse Loucks. Indictment lavolv-'
ing statutory charge returned. Se
cret indictment returned la con
nection with alleged attack on
Mrs. Howard.
January $ Defense counsel
attacks indictments. Arraign
ment continued. ,
January 18 Mrs. Howard re
ports second alleged attack.
January 20 Motions to quash
indictments overruled bv Circuit
Jndre Ekwall and state elects to
prosecute en lolnt indictment.
January 21 Defendants plead
not guilty.
-January SO Change of venue
motion filed by defense.
. February Change of venue
arguments heard by Judge Ek
wall. state does not oppose the
February 7Judge Ekwall as
signs case to Washington county.
Circuit Judge George B. Bagley
to preside.
February IS. Defendants
transferred to county Jail at IIUls
: boro.
February J4 Judge Bagley
sets March 2 as trial date.
March 2 Trial opens. First
jurors called. ?
. March 4 Jury completed.
Msrch 5 Testimony begins.
March 9 Francis Nlbler, juror
taken ilL Frank W. .Jackson, one
of two alternatives, takes his
March 11 Two mora Jurors Ul
rorn Influenza.-.-. Trial, adjourned.
March is Influenza strikes
two more Jurors.
and is now helntnr care for h
father. C. W. Puch. who hu hn
seriouslr HI for some time. , Mrt,
rugn has -been receivinr treat.
meats and Is reported as recover-'
,n ad intends leaving Oakland
Anrll 1. Mrs. Parh'i
In Clear Lake wil be clad tt
she is again in good health. -
overburdened world market with
To Whom It May Concern:
isHS -u to certify that
Standard f ire. Tkwaiiin mmA
AutomobUe inaurance policies
or. the Tiorth Blver Underwrit
ers Acencv of New YrV Km
C-1176H to C-117575. D-
to iizt7S. and AC
17SSS1 to AC-17SS7S inclusive,
which were,, in blank form, in
the, possession ot W. L. Gas
kUl. the agent ot aald North.
River TJaderwritera Agency, at
Salem. Oregon, have either
been lost or inadventently de
stroyed. : ?
m The public at largo Is there?
fore hereby notified that the
above named policies are invalid-
aad void tor any pur
pose whatever and nave been
marked as (cancelled by this
company. ,
icffug! - V ' of
By Ward 8. Jackson, Manager
211 Bush Street,
i San Francisco, California,
r. . m ia i i
y to
rpELL ua to :- get
X move oni'Aird:
-watch us register ac-
; tion. Movinsr, storage,
short hauls or lonjr-
- distance uto trucking
at rates that irives
your dollar, a sense
of respectability and
.'worth. ...
Larmer Transfer &
Vef Also Handle Fuel Oil and Coal
In Oregon, eastern VahIn-ton, Idaho,
T.tontana, Utcrh, Nevada, California nd
Vyomlnj, Crcnssr. end wost. (r.'.Inl'
mum adult faro 50c) v-
Going April 1 2, 3 or ;
Qcming Sin9
C?OiCAJ;j . . . t .io '
SALT LASa OTT . . o . . 1 9,1S
LOS ANSILC3 fWs Lwke Oryl . . 290
OOPEy fltS - TXWXST02T ' f 7X3
nUTTa 11.15 BA1TX3 , T.43
UL VS3AS3 ... tsAS TAEXMA . . . . . 6.69
POCATXZXQ 1S.4S zjl axAzma .
BOZSS . . .10X5 -BEND .... ' 8.40 '
idoscow . v. bum) vxamzxroir A70 1
rUXLMAir . . 7.80 TfBBDAXXSa , . IAS
noon rtvxr . t uss
Tickets to' ea all Uelea seclfl rrelas (lecleSfas
rao rertleeS Kese) mm4 tm N ee'rs. la f teaSers oasl ri
Teerl.1 SUeeer. m44 r.f.t.r sleeplea sSr therges.
iiTuK! iiilfryiliiiWIStiiii
tUKTON SECTC, GmtoI Agsnt PaMsnger Dspt. Ticlwt efflcs eni
Trel Unwit SXOAwOWAT ANO WASHINGTON. treeewey 4500.
Tlie Oregon Statesman issues a . North
American Accident Injurance ; Policy- to
recrular subscribers and members of their
families at the small addition cost of one
dollar per year for each policy
Due proof that this policy is a wise invest
ment and provides excellent protection is
pi ke 38 claims paid to subscribers of The
l Statesman,
Total of 0295Q.B Claims
Y' W tS 59 t St, (Struck by car crossln-r street)
iS' 7ayte tot5 ditch)!!z
E. N. PeetzOS Marion. (Injured in automobile collision)
JPfe GJ?ce .Si? s Angreles, (AutomobUe collision
G. r. Sturyis, Rt. 1 Brooks. (Automobile collision)
Mrs. DotIb Bates, 2084 McCoy St (Car collision) IZZHZZZ
'yyt? 2084 McCy St CCar coDIsion) 1
?;T' 5ol 171 Court St (Auto colllatftnV
S ? Water' Molalla. Ore. (Auto struck by truck)
Mra.AuI Brown, 1759J3. ComX (Struck by motorcycle)
5 eaton SaIem- OVrist fractured, car eolHuton)..-
ri ieni luar ovenurneaj .
Mrs. Cart Burns. (Carl Burns Wiled in auto accident)
rrS7iiGeS0S,lIenL (Car Praised from highway).
H. D. Hubbard, Salem. (Struct by car while crossing street)
i?1?1111?', Br(K! (Car struck by railroad train)
to. H. N. Bolder, Salem. (Car plunjred into ditch) .
131. A. Harris, Brooks (Automobile cnlHstnn
Maxine Graham, Salem. (Automobile collision) .
Inez fWelty Salem. (Automobfle collision) ,
Harold Cook. TiirarL f AntmnhiTA
Madeltoe M. Gieay, Salem. (Car collision)
J. T. Hafner, SubUmlty. (Car cftllfalnn)
Velma E. Rowland, Salem. (Car collision).!
Mrs. W. W. Rosebraugh, Salem. (Car collision) ,
oi, x-aincK, oaiem. tuar struck by truck)
Carl F. Green. Salem, fllit bv
VCJrCr"tk RnnAnwaa Am4- TT J -ll- J v
Ella Edelman, Salem. (Hit by car while crossing street):
Dewey A. Brundidfire, Brooks. (Car cnlHsinn) -
gjen W. Olmsted, Salem. (AutomobUe collision)- - -
W. IS. Kyle, Scio. (Struck by car while crossing street)
Iva a"Bushey, Salem. (Automobile rWa-hm) -
Mrs, Olga G. Hof f ard, Salem. (Car collision)
g? A. P. Layton, Salem. Oregon. (Injured when car overturned)
Wayne Ransom, Aumsville, Ore. (Automobile collision)
Henry S. Peck, Rt. 4. Salem (Car collision) -;..;
O. Wf. Emmons, Salem, (Collision with tmeb) J
r 25.71
I 135.71
? 30.00
114 58 '
Other claims are coming in almost daily. These are paid promptly. Don't
muu iu uuf Application lUliAi I -
SSS H Scad la your application with a
, roa mar mt for wnr m Wr ih.
i i. it - -
Tttr or raontMr. Fin in Application.
Application for Insurance
... i.... ............. .......... it ii.
tor the
Salem, Oregon. ,
'Sh??SJSSLt!S!!S.l yer ?ro dl It U e-mtood that
- - -" b-iwuub is to do aeuvered to my a
!?lh dy.ib7 ytmr. tIiortsed carrier and I shall
..iu t vas regular esubiisHed rata;
ww ettoscnoer to mo Orega Ets'esmaa. ( )
T an m m. v M. .
i - suoscriBer io too Oregon Statesman ' ( )
j . "......
crrr.. ....... ...... ............. state..
. ...... ... v . . . ? ; h mV pnoND
- i
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eetvoVs8 ooo o?.PVmenAof lM PollcT m l T-
KorUi A-Jriiiii1 'Accldnt ,Me Policy Issued by the
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