The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 29, 1931, Page 11, Image 11

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joins gib m
The OIIEGON STATES?.IAN, Saleza, OreroiC Snaday I.To'rnln". H&rch S3. 1S31
Audience : Enipys Comedy
Presented Three Succes
sive Nights.
STAYTON, March 28 - Peals
of aproarloas laughter '.Issued,
from & packed boas Tnorsday
ntjrht, at the best senior play ever
presented to the Stayton play
fans "Polly With a Past. Thi
production ha the highest royalty
ot any here-to-fore siren tn Stay
ton, and was given again Friday
and Saturday. .
"Another item ot attraction Is
the stage, which has been entire-,
r remodeled and modernized, ac-,
cording to- the highest standards,,
with a new and yery. effective
"lighting system.
"Stiles," a' hopeless drunkard,
played by Frank Welter, had the
crowd hysterical with, mirth,
whenever he Insipidly ambled on
the stage, displaying his red nose.
"Paulette, an enchanting
French siren, played by Florence
Murphy, dazzled everyone with ,
her charming manner, and melli
fluous French accent, ; ,
Many a staunch ,. gentleman
heart was captivated with the be
guiling words, I like see men, I
im what yon call tee man's wo
man, eh!".' ''.--:"
But to Mrs. Van Zile. the so
phisticated doting mother of Rex
whose son's heart the vivacious
polly haa to ruthlessly nterced.
the Is bat a brazen hussy with a
past, - T " , f . v
Tfc complete cast - follows:
Myrtle Davis," a society girl Inter
ested in welfare work. Wava. Wil
son; Mrs. -Davis, the mother of
Myrtle, a rather ' flighty ; woman,
Doris Huber; Rex Van Zlle, a
nice boy and very much'-ln love
with Myrtle. Henry Helxfoss;
Mrs. Van Zlle, Rex's - mother,
Theiiha Dtllard; Harry TRichard
son. a sophisticated wisecracking
friend of Rex's, Wllfoarl.esley;
Clay Callum, a handsome Interior
decorator of about 3 Dick Ber
ry; Stiles a hopeless drunkard.
Frank Welter; Vlodtnir Fetrow
ski. world famous pianist, who
. drowned himself for lore of the
beautiful Paulette. Clair Humph
reys; Prentice Van :zile, .Rex's
uncle, who was wild In his young
er days, Arthur 'Sandner:. the
maid, a very efficient and neces
sary part of the Van Zile house
hold, Louise Waltz, i
In order to give everyone an
opportunity to see this play. It was
given two more nights Friday
and Saturday. "
TURNER: March 2 g-Tarner's
rural mail route No. 1 Is being
extended a few miles to the
southwest of Aumsville,' where a
number or families will be served
who have never been on a mail
.route. M. O. Pearson la the mail
carrier. 4 . . .. -
Mrs. D. B. Parks reports that
the health of Mr. Parks is slowly
ImDrovinr. i Ha will romiln tnr
some time at the Veterans' hos
pital in Portland-
John Amend la tick and' was
taken by the doctor's orders to
the Deaconess hospital. Amand
is an old man who lives by him
self near the Crawford school
Mr. and Mrs. Frank - Harris
na -Mrs. mrrii, sr.. spent
Thursday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Brooks. Mrs. Frank
Harrlg and Mrs. -Brooks are. Sis
ter. . ; - , . ;
Mrs. Xarla'Buroeme and son
Norman, of Salem, spent the
week at the Bureovne - home.
while her sons. W. 3. and, Lester
maae a nurrying trip, to .Los An
Keles. returning Satnrlair .
H. A. Richmond has .returned
to his home at Salem after anend
ing a week at the home ot his
daughter. Mrs. Raymond Titus.
Gerald Glvens. a hleh school
senior, was taken sick with the
measles Wednesdays He was
practicing for a prominent part
In the cast of the operetta. "Paul
uevere . . i .
Richard Walker has returned
from hfa trin tt Portland
Waldo Riches came from Mon
mouth Normal Tuesday evening
for his spring vacation.
The M. E. ladies'! aid society
will hold a silver tea at -the home
of Mrs. T T. TtmlMnn TSnrn.
day afternoon. April 2. AH ladies
re cordially Invited.-
Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Thomason
aaa ror their .week i end guests
their , rfclM
Owsn. and Mr. and -i Mra. Paul
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Small of
Exjcene called at the parental I.
H. Small home Friday. Mr. Small
manager of the Farmers' Co
operative feed and grain store of
to sene.
Undy Tries Out
Plane With New
Landing System
t NEWORK, Nj J.r' March 28
iAf) a bullet plane with no
Tislble means of land In r whizzed
. through the air at almost . four
IIm a minute ! here with Colo
nel Charles A. Lindbergh at the
controls and Mrs. Lindbergh en
Joying the ride, i
The Dlaae which the Mlonel
tried out Is a new one, shaped lik
projectile and; carrying retract
ble landing gear which can be
Pulled into the! wings after the
Burke Approves
Bible in Home
; KANSA8 CITY, March 28
rea Burke, giant gnn
n expressed pleasure last
-hilstnjM when his wife's par-
-v. presented tho Burke's a BI
" 0J. Mrs. Biirk aaM .
.rET..r' keme," said Burke,
uo'a conuin a family Bibls.
-' i . .
jT7- . : " .f. :'
- - :- - ,.r.Jv r
'. 1 m "J m i . m 'Mm i j , . itii m l i 11 i l. . Ij Mr , I i ! 1MW "
United Effort to bz llziz to
Step jSaiss In Uzrion
:,.;f-;. : County ' '
SILVERTOW. Marck . ft Tho
SUverton grange fell In Una with
other granges of Marion county
Friday night when its members
voted to assist in the ousting of
oleomargarine- from the county.
Appointed on the silrerton com
mute to Join with other commit
tees to call on merchants in re
gard to the discontinuance of the
sale of oleomargarine were B. U.
Behrends, Otto Dahl and EdJor
genson. . 1. - ' . ,
The Silrerton Hills grange was
present and its team pat on the
first and second degree work for
six new grange candidates. The
candidates ; were - Mr. . and - Mrs.
A. J. Lathers, Mr. and Mrs. H. B.
Jorgenson, George Elton, and
Mrs. Ruth Huddleson. .. ; -
O. Bowen was present and gave
a report of a recent meeting he
attended at Liberty. . ' ;
The local grange also decided
to invite the Pomona grange to
meet at SUverton in, June, a
Following the meeting' supper
was served. Beside the guests
front the Silrerton Hills grange,
Mr. and Mrs. M. Gilmore from
Union Hill grange were 'present.
Captaizt John Sfacready, world war aviator flew over Boulder dam la aa airplane and had tJhese photographs taken. At the upper left Is
upstream new or the damsfte with the conntry eehJad the" da m which win. oe flooded. The hi mesa in the background will be an
island In the hnge lake to be formed behind the dam. At the risjht'la a view of the mighty Colorado river looking down stream from
the dam. Below at the left Is a cloeeap of the damsite from the river. Drill holes are being made to 'test the .work. In the lower right
is tbe first sign of activity a the damsite. In the center is the- Shell plane that Captain Macready flew and the Chevrolet roaoster wsea
in Ids tour from Las Vegas, Jsev., to the Colorado river near the d amsite. - ' "; ' - '
Uountain View Association
Entertained by Visitors f
; Recently ,
. MOUNTAIN i VIEW. March 28
The Salem Heights orchestra
anit the Orchard - Heights enter
tainers furnished numbers both
vocal and Instrumental - Friday
evening at the' monthly P. T. A.
meeting. Both : groups were ac
corded prolonged applause wun
practically every number encorea
and re-encored. The nersonell of
the group from Salem Heights
with their instruments were Mrs.
Olive Beardsley. banjo; Neal Fis
cher, drums;. Myron Sautter, sax
ophone; Russell r Beardsley,. pi
ano; Irene: Fisener ana urvuie
Beardsley, vocalists.
Th Orehard Heights " enter
tainers 'were AmmonGrice, gui
tar; Ervln Simmons, Guy Me
nowell and J ' B. Best, mouth
liara T. Cirifm and Rot McDow-
-elU Jews harps, Mrs. J. W. Sim
mons, piano; Ervm Simmons ana
Amman fSriee. '. vocalists. Several
numbers being old time melodies
were accompanied by commun
ity singing and whistling.
Miss Lois Rlzrs of Salem gave
two tap dances with Miss Betty
Bedford of west saiem as accom
panist and Miss Ruth Starrett of
Salem rave a reading. "Miss Dor
othy Entertains the Minister." ,.
Local talent numbers were two
violin solos. Miss Vina Emmett.
tjmn haa In numbers. La. Grice. an
exereise. 'The i Boy Who Called
iWnlf " f-nnr rlfth vrnAa' ftovit A
rAAdinsr. Tha Gobbleuns'll get
mu if -ron don't watch out."
Elaine Lynch a reading "A Dutca
LulUby," Virginia Schwartg. Foi
lowing the program. Roy Fitx-
rerald or Lebanon wno is iieia
man for the t Reid-Murdoek can
ning company gave a short taix
on the .value or neighoornooa
gatherings. ;
Trfwvti I n tr tha nrotrram a onec
business meeting was held with
Mn Rav Binerar cresldlnr. The
matter of purchasing a new flag
for the school was aim: us sea ana
ft wa Aaeideti i that this was tne
business of the school board rath
er than of the P. T. A.
At a latft hmir k and fruit
salad was served by the commit
tee." Am m on Grice. .uienn souin
wick and Victor Lynch. !
At the next meeting, ; Friday
Rwnlnr. Aoril 24. a C:30 O'clock
supper will be' served. Both the
program and supper will be un
der the supervision of a general
committee consisting of Mrs. R.
A. Tanaey, Mrs. M. A. Schneller,
Mrs. Ev W. Emmett, Mrs. james
Imlah and Mrs.: Ray mnegar.
c AXT PBANfllsnO. March 28 -
(AP) erased b jealousy over
his wire's actions. wreow
jury decided here, Lieut. Com
mander Emory Winamp, u. s.
retired, followed the tlmeworn
Af iiAnitr! at flrhtina men
and killed himself rather than
face disgrace. ...
irta itnrv at how he found his
attractive young wife in the bed
room of her cnauuer on
the lath of Mareh after a party
in which drinks were freely
.aMut ii tnM hv three witness
es here. For a week he brooded
silently over impending disgrace,
during which he was driven by
'mA lmnnIM to take tWO Or
more lives." Then he shot him
self last Saturday as "me omy
way out.'1 3
rtnth tht widow and her driver,
Ray McGunigle, denied Improper
relations existed between them,
nininr Mrs. Dorothy Wlnshlp
had gone to call her chauffeur at
4 o'clock in the morning ana mey
mtmnAtn fn thm doorwav tO
his room when the former naval
officer saw them.
Great Lake Will Replace
Rocky Colorado Canyon
A mighty man-made lake, will
in a few years. , replace miles of
bald, hard-faced mountains, pro
viding life giving water which
will make the deserts bloom
that's the story ef Boulder Dam,
In the canyon of 'the mighty ol-
orado, an engineering feat great
er than any tried before . In the
history of the world. -
Captain John Macready -. flew
over the . . gorge recently: and
brought back some -photographs
showing" the magnitude ot the
engineering project, which will
harness the waters of the muddy
river, stop the menace of floods
In the Imeprlal valley, provide
power for several states and mil
lions of . people. Macready flew
from the bay cities to Las Vegas,
Nevada, in four house and a half
with a stop for lunch in Bakers
field, merely commuting distance
from this' city, by plane. At Las
Vegas he was met by a Chevrolet
sedan which took, him and his
photographer to the site ot Bould
er City, where the government Is
building a city to house the work
ers who will build the- dam. - A
launch was provided and the
party explored the river and the
forbidding, canyon walls which
rise almost perpendicularly from
the river bed, at the dam site;
Next day Macready flew over
the Boulder Dam. country, high In
the air looking down on the for
bidding country which will he
flooded. - - :.
- Boulder Dam, .the power hous
es, city for men who wHl build it
and other necessary works, will
coat 165.000.000 Thedam will
be a concrete gravity structure
739 feet, high from lowest point
of foundation to top, l.I SO feet
long on the crest and built in the
form of an arch of 600 feet radi
us on the axis. Approximately 3
407,009 cubic yards of concrete
will be contained in the dam
alone. Diversion of the Colorado
river during construction will he
taken, care ot by four concrete
lined circular tunnels, each 50
feet In diameter, all onLone level,
and about 4,000 feet long.
Immediately below the dam is
the power house, a U-shaped
structure with a wing on each
canyon wall. Each wing- will
houseix; and probably eight
power units. An inclined freight
elevator, capable of handling reg
ulation railroad freight cars, will
be located on the- slope of the
canyon wall immediately down
stream from the power house on
the Nevada side of the river.
A highway will . connect - with
the end of the construction high
way being' built under separate
contract and will descend by light
grades to the cerst of the dam on
the Nevada side of the river. 'Af
ter crossing over the canyon to
the Arizona side on the roadway
along the crest of the dam, the
highway grade will rise to the
canyon rim and will connect With
the Arizona highway to be built
laer. a .
To provide for expansion and
contraction, the concrete in the
dam is to be built up in blocks or
columns about S0x50 feet in
plan. The blocks will be curved to
tit the face and rear of the dam.
The railroad line ' from . Las
Vegas to Boulder City will be
completed m a short time. A hlgh-
wsy paralleling the rail line is
now ander construction.
Boulder City, whleh will rise
from the desert, en the cliff high
above- the Colorado will he
model city. The government -will
lease land there for contractor's
of ices and material supply areas.
All the men who - work on ' the
dam will live In this city. Every
modern convenience will be pro
vided. ' i -
Boulder Dam. the world's larg
est and greatest engineering feat.
Is now under way. The first earth
has been moved and operations In
the canyon will soon start.
At a recent meeting of the schoo
board of district No. 121. . Miss
Edna Ferr was re-elected as
teacher of the coming year.
f Chovroloff is
the 1 v o rld'G I argcGfr builder
of six-cylihdor trucEis
-31-. Pin JfciiJSiaS ffrr'fl
Wherever you go on city .street
orcountry road you find Chevrolet
six-cylinder trucks very much in
evidence.Tens of thousands of these
sturdy workers are on the Job
daily, delivering goodsj ; moving
supplies, doing all types o light
and heavy-hauling.' :
Large fleets of Chevrolets are cov
ering the nation for prominent
public utility firms. Nationally
known packers, oil companies and
manufacturers are using Chevrolets
In steadily growing numbers. Every
line of business,' every field of in
dustry Is coming to refy more and ,
more on these big, powerful Sixes.
Indeed, the demand for Chevrolet
trucks during recent years has been
such that Chevrolet " ranks', today ",
as the woriaf farpesf btiraer of i
cyCncer trucks ond comiiief cJcsf
Chevrolet IV? -ton cbassU with 13lr wheerbase . 'COA
(weni wheel eewn. $1S ewl ;
IH.IM dNMto wMi 157 wheel see. $S0 Ciwurilil iheiili. $3SJ
(Del we batafserS) , , M.
All Prices F. O. B. Flint, Mlch and Indianapolis, Ind.' ' " .
t r
- -
See your dealer below
430 N. Commercial
Call Bros., Tamer
P. JT. Walton, Dallas
nardy Chevrolet Co Woodbarn P. CL Crown, Falls City
Columbia Garage,' Mt. . Angel Halladays Garage, . MonmoBth .
r- - A
. "
1 f ' '
': ' !
t ' :1
. y
... v :-'
I -: : ' : ' -. ' ' ' i
-' -1 - -
F. R. Valpcy (left) and C W-Iatheson have been named respeo
' tlvely vice-president and general sales manager of th Graham
Paige Motors corporation; makers of Graham sixes and eights.
Keizer Women
KEIZER, March 28 Mrs. CUr
ence Poole was hostess for the
Keizer , ladles aid Thursday all
day, A pot lack dinner was serv
ed at noon. Quilting and . fancy
work was the work for the day. -
Present were Mrs. M. F. Bliv-
en, Mrs. B. F. Neel, Mrs. Frank
Evans, Miss Mae KInkald, Mrs.
J. C. Ackman, Mrs. Howard Bliv
en, Lois -and Irma Keef er, Mrs.
J. C. Reynolds, Mrs. Fred Fox,
Mrs.. Ben Claggett, Mrs. W. E.
Savage, Mrs. Joe Bartruff, Mrs.
Carroll Poole, Mrs.,0. N. Thomp-.
son, Doris Fox, Magdalene Bart
ruff. and the hostess. Mrs. Clar
ence Poole.
"-'-. . "-J - ' ' -..1 '. .'; .' ; -. - ' :-
,; ;
1 ' '
I if
. . r --jr.: ':: - ::
- -, . v.- , r '- ' . ; '
v Tho Cqusq of 80 of All Automobilo AccirJcnb
The motorist suddenly saw the train sweeping
around the curve and frantically applied his brakes,
but they would not holl Continued neglea had ren
dered them incapable of stopping the car in time to
avoid accident. What if you faced a similar emer-.
gency today? Would your brakes -save you?
. TODAY Scientifically
In a few minutes, and without charge, we will
give the entire braking system of your car a thor
ough examination on our Firestone - Co wdrey
. Dynamic Tester and tell you definitely How quick
you can stop. Take advantage of this service to
day and insure your safety, and the safety of
. ' your family. Do it nowl .
... - ...... - ; ' . ! ' . : ,
. Each -- ftftix '
403I Y 04.C3 C9.60
4C0IX see' 569 ' O
4.7S-19 . e e 6.65 12.90
e e e 7.10 13X0
C.S3-10 . y 750 15.SO
5S5S1 e 5 1: p57.C"t I6.7O
6.C0Z0 sni; 1150 . SSSO
-SOSS 'i'; . 17.95 34.90
SZ iz6 T . . . S9.75 57.90
An Ochar glxas Prieee -.
7 . . Treeeltesuits! Lew
-.- Priea - " Pzirn
.. ..T Xach staJ
4.50-SO . CO.55 016.70
. 4,5t3l e g e 075 26.93
475-19 ; 9.70 SC.90
' 4.75-SO . 10.C3 29.90
5. C0-S0 5 11.25 S1.90
.;5.25a21:e'e e'-12.95 "; ; C5.SO.
5.50iO 13.70 26.70
6. C0-20 e e e 1520 v 2950
6.50-20 1725
7. C0-S1 . . 20.15 3920
AH Otjser Cxes Prleesl
rreperUsaati! Let.
r - -
, " '. The Station with a Clock
4tJ2m" : "DIM"
IaviU V to Yonr Next Blowout
LA k-i