The OREGON STATESMAN, Salen. Oregon, Satnrday JIornir.. I'.iich IS. 1331 3o ciety N ews an Olive M.. fioAK. Society Editor sirs Bridg e Benefit Tentative Date April 16 . ' It was decided at the Woman's ilia meeting Friday afternoon that the bride benefitto -be giv en by the elub; f or the Y. W. C. A., would be given April 1, this date set subject t. change.- Mrs. C. K. Spanldlng ts chairman or the committee.'1 - ' - . An excellent ' report of the Thursdar meeting in HUlsboro ot Vhm third district convention of the Oregon federation of women's clubs, was given Friday after noon by Mrs. W. F Fargo, pres ident of the district. The Salem club extended an - invitation to the federation to meet In Salem Announcement was ; made of :the semi-annual meeting, of " the onnntv f Ariaratinn of ClUbS - iu Ktavtonl Anril 23. Mrs. E. C. Cross gave the Ore gon Products talk whlcn was on the Valley Packing company. The grandfather Of E. C. cross owneu ha firat meat market in Salem. Supplementing an v interesting talk by Mrs. Ralph Winn In which h eomnared the social life of Rusia before and after the war. Mrs. C. C. Oeer played a group 01 Rnslan piano numbers, j - A delightful tea hour followed the program.- Mrs. David Wright and Mrs. It. J. Hendricks Presided .t tb nrettilr appointed tea ' table. - ' .V; : ... Portland Symphony to ittjpply Artist When the Salem Junior Sym phony orchestra' presents Its first . ... ... if. e.iam anrilpnra it will have the honor or presenting as assisting artlEt. Terens Steln- er, nrst cemst won me -mtvii-land Symphony orchestra. -Both the Junior and Portland Symphony , orchestras J hay . of- f ered any assistance : that they may giro the Salem Junior pr ehestra In order to assist it in ac complishing the high standard of work which It is dereloping. -Prof. William1 Wallace Graham Has announced excellent progress with . the program and adrance ment of the orchestra. With the assistance of Mr. Steiner, who has been heard in Salem, and who Is an artist of repute in mu sical circles all over the country, , it seems that an unusually com- mendable program will be offer- fa me musical puouc lor tnc iirai Junior Symphony concert. i Mrs. Mary V. Charlton will anon ihia wVmii) in Portland .In a few days Mr. : and Mrs. Charlton will , move to-Portland to make their home. Mr. Charl ton nas. neen appointed unuea States probation SOCIAL CALENDAR , , " if - - . . Saturday, March ,S8 ' Rehearsal for Grand Counell fire between J and. S ; o'clock," In Y. M. C. A. and also celebrate 'nineteenth birthday anniversary. "1 '1 7V J -J T - Grand Council Fire of Camp Fire, 1 I o clock, T. M. t - C. A.; public Invited., f Marion Veterans Plan Spring Meet 1 V .-. . ,1 . -: ' -' ' The Marlon Coisnty Tetaxans association which Is made up ,ot a large number of j patriotic asso ciations Of the county win meet Ifor the spring meeting at, Wood- oarn ayiu . -i 1 -; -f '. -,.- -v- Thotssoclatlon has three. meet ings a year. : The late summer meeting was August, 2 la Silver ton: Salem had" the winter meet- ling December 3; and the spring meeting wm Be i i n , w oueu(a April 2.. -;M" " -The bus taking those from Sa lem who care to attend the meet ing will leare the stage terminal at 9 o'clock Thursday morning. - ---- "Sew and So" Glub , Meets in Zena ! Zena The "Sew and So-clnb was enterUined at the home of Mrs. W. N. Crawford of Zena Thursday afternoon. Japonica, spirea and daffodils were used ef fectirely about the gnest rooms. Sewing and , conversation occu pied the afternoon. Mrs. Alice Simpson and Mrs. : Alrin Madsen assisted the hostess serve a e o'clock 1uncb. . j li ; - Special guests mere Mrs. Alice Simpson. Lincoln; Mrs. S, A. Judson. Salem; . Mrs. Cella Wal ling, Lincoln; and Mrs. James A. French, Zena. Members included Mrs. George Boyd, Mrs. Alvln Madsen. Mrs. , Clarence Merrlek, Mrs. Iran Merrick and the host ess, Mrs. 'Crawford. Children of the members present were Ches ter' Merrick, Robert and Rich ard Madsen. -Delores, Merrick: Al vln. Madsen, Jr., Audrey Merrick, and Alice and Wilma Crawford. Royal Neighbors . Attend District Rally 1 .: " federal court : In t, Portland. . Oregon . TSrape.1 camp, : Royal Neighbors of America, -attended the district rally held at Silver ton Tuesday evening. An enjoy able time was had. Music, read ings and stunts made up the pro-, gram and a lunch was served. - Those attending were Gertrude Walker, Elizabeth Cheney, Sarah Harter, Carrie ' j Bunn. Minnie Tinnel, Bertha lioTeland, Mary Ackerman. Larerne Fiala. Anna Lewis, Ruth Sherman. Hazel El- officer of the llott. May Howard. Clara Corbin, Pattern Mildred Nash, Francis Hoyt, j Doris Corbin, Sarah .Peterson Flossie Wright j Edna Shepard.i Irene Speed, Gertrnde Cheney, Laura Cheney, Rose Abbott. Mrs. Rnef. and Dorothy Winegar of Saver.- , r f Mrs. G. Moorehead to Be Hostess Is Hostess . J i Aa interesting" meeting of the Aid society of "the -Woman's Re4 lief corn was that for which Mrs, Sarah Baker was hostess Thurs day at her home on Lincoln street. 'Spring flowers made, at tractive - decorations " for .the guest rooms. Business and aewr ing and a no-host . luncheon . at noon completed a busy day. Mrsl Rose Voris, Mrs. Julia, Blodgett, and Mrs. Sarah Peterson assisted the hostess, at the luncheon hour. '- Guests present were Mrs. Sarah Peterson. Mrs. Mary Watson, Mrs. Rose Hagedorn, Mrs.- Delia Clearwater, Mrs. Helen . South wick. Mrs. Beaufink. Mrs. Jennie Martin, Mrs. Hattie Cameron, Mrs. Vogue. Mrs.l Lizzie Smith, Mrs. Maggie Cade,. Mrs. Jennie Jones, Mrs.; Alley, Mrs. Louisa V rt-n titrm Sink Drlr IfH Julia 'Blodgett, Mrs. Mann. Mrs?f Bertha Loreland, Mrs. Simmons, Mrs. Sarah Peterson, Mrs. .Mettle Schramm, Mrs. MaryvWirtx, Mrs. Rose Vorla, Mrs.. Clara Adama, Miss Ada Simpson. -' Mrs. Sarah Nelson was a special gueet. ' I: - .-'k Basketball People ' s Are'Cbmplirnented J Monmouth -Mr. and " Mrs. J H. K. Sickafoose were hosts .at a four course . luncheon Wednesday complimenting the Monmouth high school basketball . quintet: Orvllle Hockema, Harold Good, Harold Santee, Earl Johnson and Verl White. Additional guests were A. B. Patchln, coach; F. M. Roth, principal of the high school, Miss Edith Clark and S.:E. Fors. The occasion also featured Miss Clark's birthday anniversary. ; Spring, flowers .. centered the luncheon table,- and were reflect ed in the place cards. A Jolly time was enjoyed with toasts by various guests. Mrs. Sickafoose was -assisted In Berring by Mrs. J. C Wilson. . ' . , ; ! ' Mrs. P. G. MacDonald Contract Club Hostess - - : : ! Mrs. Palmer MacDonald enter tained members of . her . bridge club Friday . afternoon with j a smart luncheon f olowed with an afternoon of contract bridge. Spring flowers centered "the luncheon table and were effec tively used about X the n guest rooms. ' , t i: Mrs. Wayne Loder and Mrs.. O. F. Johnson were additional guests, i Club members - present were- Mrs. J. II. Callaghan. Mrs. Roy Simmons, - Mrs. - William Scandling, Mrs. Jack Elliott, Mrs. Jam-es Young. Mrs. Conrad Paul- ns, and Mrs. MacDonald M Mrs. George Moorehead will be iKaDDa Delta SororitV? 1 V . . II.. 1 . the of i n to members of the Ta'Menettes club! at her home on Hood street Frldaiy night. Mrs. Grover Btrtchett will be the speaker of ; the -evening and will discuss experiences which she has had in her church work BogaU will be especially discuss- "ne pa"T ana tea inursaay Ankeny Bottom The - Ankeny Woman's club met at the coun try home of Mrs. G. H. Marlatt Thursday afternoon. Huge bowls of spring flowers were placed at tractively about , the large living rooms. !- 11 .;" .Roll call was responded to with bible quotations. Mr. L-B. Smith read a. very Interesting poem; life of Abraham was Riv en by Mrs. JO. Farr, Mrs. G.H. M.vl.t . . - . . . kwiV: rVI .--rr:rr V " Ieast n year. An r;,,;, : , "k ;k--I. v" I Bnjoyabl social time followed the lowing club members: Mrs. E. L.k,,i. tI ,.w ti Finlay. Mrs.: A. HL-. ThomDson. I riV l itf Mrs. J. O. Farr, Mrs. E. LHamn- .t.,k w , , I .u.Krriio. Mrs. refreshments, ran. r. wounsion. I ! .cm vA. r., cMiinn. jiri. Wllllflm t .oil i ! - vii aj - xif ilia One of the happy events of spring Tacation for a group Kappa Delta sorority girls of Uni versity of Oregon who are spend lng the Taxation In Salem was the af- The guest list Included Miss Myrtle seaverspn of Montana, i Miss Verio Ramm of Bend, Miss I Louis Riggs, -Miss Katherine ; Earle, Miss Edna Prescott, and Miss Kathryn Rowe. M , Grand Island The regular meeting of . the . Mothers' Circle I was held at the 'home of Mrs. Anna Umbanhour Wednesday af ternoon. Mrs. Graco'Wiley - pre sident, had charge of the business session; 'After a prolonged idis- answered J roll an. interesting household suggestion. . There were two visitors ? present also, Miss Claire Wagner and Mrs. Pau line Fowler. Both Miss Wagner and Mrs. Fowler taught In the island school a few years agO.J r Mr. and Mrs. Delbert W. Dan parenu at The Dalles. X : HER DEBUT H Wlederk hr atit i9nrlt rv: ss. till I . mwu- J I M 1 1 I no Mr- Sidney. Howard and 1 j All daughter Maraaret. Mra. 1 . J Davidson ands the hostess Mrs G. H. Marlatt,? '- ' - 1 7 ' '" - . Genrals Mrs. Robert Haroer Th eharminr Vontrant of lirht 1 was bostess to the Hermosa club ton and dark bottom, no imnnr. I tor a social afternoon at her home 1 1p1 f rnn..' ... - lani in me new spring moae, is I ,",,, " tu"ie ana aai-iiew flays Of their vacation from strikingly presented - in today's I "dlls were ueed as decorations collere at the homA nt Un nn. ' model. The lit ht voka -drarM I about the rooms and Eaater hnn.llAlm .). .- becomingly, and points in slen- nes nd eggs formed a center I Shoemaker. They hare soent part urr iisuiub 10 m ueveriy siyiea i z. v "ueainoi taoie. 1 01 me week visiting Mr. Daniels' &iii wita i imcrvtu (uuci i yineut were Mrs. J. W. graceful flare. Note the tiny, I vUtsrorth, Mrs. Sumner Stevens. back-neck tucks that make . the I Mrs. G. J. Molsan, Mrs. S. D. Man- yoke fit so perfectly. .ininsT, Mrs. M.-D. Hennlng. Mrs. Pattern 2078 , suggests many Sam H. Brown. Mrs. a. T. Wtdi. delightful color schemes in crepe I worth, Mrs. Ji V. Kepplner, Mrs or satin a light blue top with P. W. Seely and the hostess. Mrs. light . blue eggshell top and! . . ' crown Doitom -wnue ana buck - Shaw The " members f the iwu maun w , sreen iiesn 1 worn an a .tnmmnii t. -I., k and rust, etc. z The sleeves 1 are Shaw, met at. th hnm-. nf u,. i t trimmed - with, buttons covered I Joe Shrm i ' - . A ! thews, Mrs.- Amilla Smith. Mrs. I 1 Ed Amort. Mrs. Joe Perrr. Mr. Elton Brownell. Mrs. John Bot- ll- i ..ui, nit. ijoub Amori, , mrs, I Lloyd Keen, Mrs. Ed Goffin, Mrs I w jniam .Berg and : the hostess, Mrs. Joe Sherman. - The net meeting will be at the home of Jttiss Amanda Mathews. - west Salem. Mrs. E r. Mil ler entertained Wednesday at a laacneon ana social afternoon j . which hnnnrod bi own Kir. n I t and . that of '.Miss Lottie Mc -V. ' x . S Adams. 'Those enjoying the oc-JV i- 4 v.tV caslon were" Mrs. J. M. Fisber. j ,nien-Tell Aliyoko Miya airs. .u gene hreos ol KHigvood S "j'v1 ppares io mate ner aerial Heights, Mrs. Waldo Baker. Mrs. out with a daring leap from wtw uio tuiueiu at t,aioa, japan. She ii tlx- first -woman parachute with the darker fabric .. May be obtained" only in sizes 1C, 18. 20. 34, 36, 3i. 40 and 42. Size 1 requires 3 "Tards printed and-lU yards contrast ing fabric, 39 inches wide. K ireimk!nj xprteae ta accessary t mik this Dtxitl vita r psttvra.- Vsrdac for rtrry -'. and siaipl. azsel iastra tioot r civca. Sand fifteen ceats to o!aa 'r fally rspp4. r stamps tor saeb palters. Writ plaisty voor bsibo. addrasa sad style samba. Ea aara ta stata siza vsatad. . Our (all soil vlstcr fsshfoit book contain inr exonisits modal for adalts sod children sad so axceilrst asaortmaot of traatfer pstteras sad it m pad sovelties. ts ow rrxir. Pries fifteen ecata. Book wr.ti psttera. 25 eests. . Ad dress sil mail sod orders to States s Patters Dcnaris-nt. SS W t?ui street, bew Xoxk City. Quartet Receives High Praise In South - The Keah - Kah - Nie quartet, which will present the last of the series of three concerts' In Salem : Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hal Pat ton. Is receiving real ovations In California, where they have been tourin for several weeks past. - -y- The quartet gare a concert' In San Francisco and the San Fran cisco Examiner for March 28 had this to say about the program: m The Quartet, which is headed by Susie Fennell Pipes and in cludes Alexander Murray, Hubert Sorenson and Michel, Penha, gave a concert at the home of Miss RemlUard. They played two Quar tets, the Haydn in' O from Opus 76 and Smetana's "Ass Meinem Leben"and, between . the . two were sandwiched Arensky's beau tiful variations on the Tschaikow sky carol "Christ When a Child "This is a auartet with high possibilities of achievement. Susie Pipes is mercurial and has an in gradaUng suavity of tone;- the second' violin, Alexander .Murray, has " technique , and . masculinity; the viola player, Hubert Sorenson, disengages a lovely-tone and -has a real flair for the genius of his Instrument; Michel Penha.' as ev eryone knows, is a master of the cello. ;. : . .-t . l:;' -f They play with distinction; they put theii heart Into the work, They will go far. Here, at last, thank God, is a quartet unspoiled by - commercialism. ' They are a yonng organisation;' but they are rich in 'legitimate 'hopes. San Francisco, will welcome their re- Chamber musie ' Is of ancient' origin. It originally had appllcav tion to any small group of Instru ments, strings or - other- instm- ments, heard in homes and play ing delicate, individually beauti ful, music From this Idea of chamber musie the present con caption of strings, .mostly quartets- or trios,' has grown. -' r. : Among the .most famous . mu sical organisations -in ' the world was the Flonzaley quartet, which has only- recently disbanded. A group- of Hungarian quarets which are well known, in . the : United States are Roths, the Lener quar tet. Which is most often heard in quartet recordings,- and the Buda pest quartet. -' , & i r Pro-Arts and the London String quartets have both been heard in Portland. The New York quartet is another well known group, as is the Gordan quartet of New York. ': Quaret music has proved to be! especially fine for radio recording.. One of the most beautiful record-, lngs either. for the radio or pho nograph records has proved to be the "Double Concerto," written by Brahms. This has grown to be a. special favorite of radio audiecces. The program which will be played by the Neah-Kah-Nie quar tet Tuesday night promises to be as delightfully pleasing as the two which have been given. r A number of special guests will be present : for this program, among them it is anticipated will be Governor and Mrs. Julius Meier. The hosts for the evening are announced- as Mr-and Mrs. Hal Patton. - assisted by Mr. and Mrs. O. F.Johnson, Mr. and Mrs.: C. P. Bishop,- Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam H. Burghardt; Miss Elizabeth Lord, Miss Edith Schryrer and Miss Alice Brown. - . v a ' a ' Mrs. W. H. Byrd who 1s con-! valescing from a serious -. opera tion undergone In a Portland hospital recently is now at the home of Dr. Jtoy Byrd and ex pects to be at home in Salem the first of this next wek.. Mrs. Chester ' Baker:; and 4 her son. Richard Baker, wno-is at tending -the University of Wash ington, are in ' Salem spending the spring "vacation . with Mr. Baker'..u OPTION! 15 IS QUESTIONED " 'j SMaaMsaaaSBSSSSBS ' - Coard of Cuntror -Members ; , Fail to RecaH Matter : r- Decided Last Year : Whethef the state board of control can legally override a so called option entered Into .with the General 1 Petroleum corpora tion of California, In connection with the purchase of gasoline for the state during. If JO, is, the question that will be referred to Attorney VsnWihkJtj for an op tion.,: v,,,.;- . " The option came up for discus sion' at a meeflng of the board here Friday - Xor; the purpose qf considering proposals, for gasoline- and other motor vehicle fuels used by the state during: the cur rent year. .The i Associated Oil company submitted the low bid of 10.9 eents per gallon for: gaso line delivered fn bulk In Port land. Deliveries in other sections of the state- were based on the Portland quotation, plus the freight differential.- - , f i - : " Other .proposals .were received from the General Petroleum cor poration, TUchf leld : Oil company. Union Oil company, standard Oil company. Shell Oil company and the Texas Oil corporation. Governor Donbte , Option's Legality - V . , Governor!' Meier questioned the legality of the option with the General - Petroleum corporation, which provides that at the' expir ation ot Its 1930 contract with the state if would hate the priv ilege of ' eontinaing - its sales- ot gasoline to the state on the basis of the low. bid for the year, 1931. "It looks to A ine ; as though there is nigger inr the wood pile." said Governor Meier in dis cussing: the option. 'V ;.v r ' State Treasurer Kay declared that it looked to him as though something: had been put over on the board ot control at the -time the 1930 gasoline contract was awarded.- ;-- , . i ' Kay suggested that the option be .referred to -the attorney gen eral to determine whether It Is binding. This was agreeable to Governor Meier and Secretary ot State Hoss. - - Governor Meier ' declared that the option was discriminatory In that it gave the General Petrole um, corporation 'a distinct: . ad vantage - over - the competing oil distributors. . . t- . j Part Of Contract , I . Made la 18SO . .. Carle Abraas, secretary of. the state board of control,; said the option was a part of the contract entered Into with - the t: General Petroleum corporation in Febru ary, 1930, covering the purchases of . gasoline for a period of one year. : : - I-: ",..,-'"-: tr. , ' ' . Hoji declared that he. had no recollection of the , option, and never until a few days ago. - Awarding ; of the contract for furnishing gasoline to the state ot Oregon during the current year was deferred until; the- attorney general ha$ ruled on the option with the General Petroleum cor poration. - -' t.': 1 - In case this option Is held to be valid, the board ot control may be compelled to continue its pur chases from the General corpora tion. This 'would depend, how ever, upon whether the General Petroleum ; ' corporation -' would quote gasoline price as low. or lower than 10.9 cents per gallon. Women's Rights u Suffer Defeat QUEBEC .March f; 27- ( AP ) r The women's equal rights i cause here suffered its second - defeat (srier One of Oldest Who Have lived in This County Sin Birth; No7 Aged 81 ; RICKEY, March 17. Eighty one years ago March 19, Just a little over year- before the lirth of The Oregon Statesman, Benjamin B. Gesner, the oldest member of the Rickey commun ity was born on! the old dona tion claim of ' his parents,' part ot which, he now owns and on which he has Ured the greater part of Ms life. I y --v - Not only is Mr. ' Gesner the oldest- member of .the' Rickey community. but as far ar'can be learned is the second oldest' man in Marlon county-that has made Mario ncounty his " home ' all of his' 'life. -. ' ? ": His mother." Mary Ala way,, was born In Kentucky and his father, Ruben A. Gesner, : was born In New York. They crossed - the plains from ' Missouri in 1845. In this tra-in of immigrants were Jacob and Jane Caplinger' who also settled In this community., Mr. Gesner was the fifth child in a family of 11 and is now the oldest child of - the family alive. The others are Dr. Vanison Ges ner, Portland; f Sallie Gerowe, Portland; Amny Davidson, Sa lem. Two other' members of the family, . ! Amelia f Munkers, and Alonxo Gesner, spent the .greater part of their lives in the vicinity of Salem, f 1 : Mr. Gesner started to school when he was seven years old. He In two days by the Quebec legis lature. "'!' I ' ' - : A bill to pertnit women - to practice 'law in ihe province was defeated by two; rotes. The leg islature Wednesday by a vote of 47 to 11 rejected a bill to give women the right; to rote. attended a school in the vicinity of Marlon - square, the . name ot which he does not remember. At that time this section of Salem was covered . with timber, .lie also attended schacl in the Baker district, the Itaeleay iitrict the Rickey district - and t t the Wil lamette university tsl' ng that burned . down, j-esrs. r -o. His father was the first alerk Of the Rickey school. i . ' "He ,was ' "married to Fannie Buster, daughter - of Jane and. Samuel Buster, 4i 1875. Mrs. Gesner and two children ' have been- dead a number ot years but the rest of Jhe family with the exception, of Frank -Gesner .who lives-at" Rose Lodge, are resi dents of Marlon county. They are Mrs. J. Bodlnhelmer, Shaw; Mrs Norris Hunt. Smaw; Adolph Gesner, Shaw; U. Gesner, Rickey;- Virgil -Cleaner. Rickey; Bessie UpdegrafC ..Clifford Ges ner and Ralph Gesner all ot Sa lem. , . . . : '.- Mr. Gesner is a great reader and is actively Interested In all affairs of the , community and . especially education. - Though having no children In school he worked for- a new schoolhouse . and for high school transporta tion. . ' ' ' '" . ; . ' b- , ' Mr. Gesner does not remember how many years during his life time he -i has been a reader of The - Statesman. He said SO or" 4 0 years and perhaps longer. He , was a reader of The . Statesman when It was a weekly. Mr. Gesner has In his posses sion a broadaxe which his father brought serosa the plains and which was used to hew the logs for barn , built in 1953. which still stands on the place. , j 1;,-; M A Special Purchase and ' :, aVA 1 3 DF i my Bridge and Table Models Hollow ! Standard Heavjj Metal Basek. I Zd EACH. Variety of Designs in Parchment Shades! p OR CHOOSE THREE FOR $5.95 BRUM OFFICE IN E PORTLAND CLOSED The branch office of the pub lic -utilities commissioner in the Multnomah r county . courthouse will be discontinued permanently after April 18. according to an order issued here Friday by C M. Thomas, public utilities commls-1 sioner."- -- ---.'.: The original order closing tne branch office was issued March' 9," with the result that protests were filed by a number, of Portland citizens. .The protests were con sidered at a subsequent hearing. In lien of continuing the branch office - the- Multnomah county commissioners will be requested to ntovide temporary quarters tor holding such hearings as may be asslsgned to Portland by the pub-. lie utilities commissioner. ' The commissioner granted - sin application of the;Tldeport Log ging company,4, for' permission ; to construct a . temporary crossing at grade over the tracks of Its log ging railroad near Nehaiem. A special purchase and sale of matched lamps, begin today at Miller's I Bridge and table style. - ' ' Gold finished metal base and cross arm with hollow standard." Laced, edge parchment shade in simulated alligator skirt design with scenic patterns in variety, j -:-:':--:",f,-V ' "': : 1 "! . - f ' "-. x-- : ; Table lamp in candelabrum style with large parchment shade to match the bridge lamp. ,' i . AH. are equipped 'with silk cord, socket plv BUY SET OP THREE. AND SAVE $1.55. ( ' Second Floor 3 2ND FLOOR GIFT SUGGESTIONS Radio Lamps, metal fiffures Crockery. Candy-Jars V -"."j i ...... New Roseville Vases (finest:, pottery) j:.... ... ... Batik Table Scajrfs (novelty velvets) Tapestry Table Runners and Wall Panels I New Silhouette Placques i. 1 J 1 Scrap Baskets and Hassocks, each.......:..i..:........j I Fancy Davenport" and Boudoir Pillows .......... j ; $1.95 and $2.95 $1.00 .... ...............'...$30, $4.95 .... ..... .$1.75,: $3.50 ..75c to $1.50 ......... ...$1.00 to $1.50 .. $1.00 ..L......;..$1.19 to $5.25 ImbeofotnmiSrt?" - " ' V: " j tauayer ot Japan. Adams Millar. Mrs, Smith Put ; lOn Chain Store Interim Study : - RepresentatlTes John Manning of- Multnomah county, Perry ; De- lap of Klamath county and ltta Smith of Marion county have been appointed by Frank Lonergan, speaker of the house of represen-, tatlres, as house' members of the ' so-called Interim 'committee, to conduct a study of the chain store system. The report of the com mittee wIlNbe filed at the lfZ3 lestslatiTei session." , ; K- Marshall Dana, Portland news paperman, and John Y. Richard son-certified pablie - accountant. as ves- tlgate the assessing of public utili-' MAIN FLOOR Sale of . . REDUCING STEP-INS $4.95 The Jook of being custom corseted will be yours if -you take advantage of this sale of reducing tep-ins today at. $4.95. i These are silk covered with adjust able lacing notch at side and top. All sizes. . . -:1 MAIN FLOOR j. Fine Quality CREPE HOSE Si:95 V J ; t- - i ' i Here is the new crepe hose -that has been so widely ad- j vertised and used through-.) dut the East It is the GEN ! UINE crepe construction! and. not only wears ' ex-? Jtremely well but Is the very ; xenith of hosiery fashions. The new. shades, of course. BASEMENT ; Walter Booth SHOES FOR MEN $4.98 - Miller's are Salem's exclu , sive agents for "WALTER BOOTH footwear for men. This week we show many new Spring styles in men's black and brown oxfords. ; Walter Booth shoes rre noted for their ' sdund.all leather; ' construction. The . best for, the money. tt 3 h f 4 vMiler- MercaMife Go l'i 'MR ' -i ties. - .- .-'- m." Jftm T, - l.. li.ti . i i .