The OREGON STATESMAN, Salsrv Orecron, Saturday Morals?, March 28, 1931 J 1 , I I ,1. I . II I . - Orders go Out The county school superintendents office is ending out library" orders to all school principals in the county. It is requested that the tilled blanks be returned as Quickly as possible, and all must be in the hands of the superintendent be fore April 15- la districts' where return, is not be tare that date, the supertntedent will select the books. The combined orders will total between XI. COO and $1. 700, on. the basis of 10 cents per pupil set aside, from the county school library fund, v . V, . .i 'Such nice " Easter - things. This expression we hear from the many who look- over our stock now on dlaplay.- Om; own make The ' Spa, See Historic ' Pageant A par- tiai showing of the Centennial pageant which will bo given at , the state fairground In ill in celebration of the 100th anniver sary of the founding of Willam- - ette university is scheduled for early in May, Registrar Tennant stated Friday. Not all of the 134 pageant, which will be compre hensive affair,, with more than 100 persons taking parts, will be given, at this preliminary show- - -ing. - v-;vv va nned Easter baskets and im ported novelties 10c, 16c and 25e at the Gray Belle, 4 40, State street. . V .. -: j . -; Orey Advanced W. L. Orey. for two years past supervisor of Salem district of the Piggly Wig gly stores, ! left with his family this week for Medford. where he will assume leadership of the larger Medford district. Orey has been at Salem Piggly WIggly store No. 1 for five years. Monte Keene has been named- manager k ef this store and supervisor of the Salem branches, Albany and SUverton. ; Winners Named Winners in the Leslie . Junior high school thrift essay contest" conducted under auspices of the ' United States National bank -are: Vir ginia Pugh,; first; Robert Laws, second; Gertrude Daley, third; Lawrence Orwlg, fourth; Berl Ward, fifth J Jeanette Brown, sixth; Johnny Howe, Roland Wirt. Abe. Doerkseu and Mola ' Clark, henorabie mentions. Nothing ever shown before In Salem as delicious as .The. SPa's creamy whip Easter Eggs, made . here. w , v"-:'-..--",; Here For Banquet Mrs. J. T. Emert, who came down from Portland last evening for the ag ricultural banquet, was a guest last night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Conner. Mrs. Emert Is prominent In Multnomah coun ty poultry circles and is secretary f the state Rhode-Island Red as- soclatlon. i ,;v - 18 Inch. Dry 2nd G. fir .25, 2 Ids. J 12. Fred Wells, TeL 154 2; , Advance Payment ." Order In , probate court authorizes Oscar L. Dencer, executor of the estate of Sarah A. Jory, to make advance payment of. $2 00 each to the eight heirs of the estate. The executor's report shows this will still leave about S14O0 In the hands of the estate until, the final distribution. Spa Easter eggs the utmost In quality. Individual eggs in pretty fioxes, 13c to Sl.QO each. Fluffy ,' cream and fruit and nut centers of many colors. McCormick Appointed Word has just been received her that Dr. J. D. McCormick, formerly of the Kimball School of Theol ogy, has been appointed pastor of the Grace Methodist Episcopal church. East Orange, IJew Jersey. -: Friends here have been advised ' that his new address is 3S6 Dodd street. East Orange. l Order" For Allowance Order In probate court authorizes Ed R. Adams and Tom Sorteberg, guar dians of the estate of Myrtle Olive Borgen, minor, to pay $85 quar terly to a Los ' Angeles business college for further education of the ward. The estate shows a cash balance of 1 820.14. Wanted:-20 to 40 acres, with : team, seed, and equipment, on shares, for potatoes, by an exper ienced potato grower. Buell, 895 N. 15. " ; Estate in Probate C. ; A. Pel land has been appointed admlnls- ' trator of the estate of Charier O. Pelland. who died in May, 104. The widow of Chas. O, Pelland died last May. E3tate Is valued at 810,500 and there are seven heirs. Kefton . In 8anltartun-Fred Sefton, Salem printer at onetime and clerk during the recent ses sion of the legislature, has been confined in the Willamette san itarium for the past 17 days.' He underwent, a serious operation and recovery has been sloir. ' . - . - . - - .' ' ' We specialize in the manufac ture ot fine candies and call your attention to ' the unusually fine line of Easter eggs and novelties now on display. The Spa. On Business KarltWipper, patrolman of the county road dls-j trict around Turner route two, 'was a business visitor in the city yesterday. He called at the coun ty roadmaster'a office while in town. - ;.- .- . -. The Spa Easter egg are In a class alone. Creamy whips, fruit and nut, creamy egg yolk In milk, cocoanut nests, chocolate nests.. Final Hearing Se Jlnal hearing on account of S. Ellis Purvine as executor of the estate of Dora Walker has been set for April . 27. " The - final account shows 111,818.18 on hand f or dis " tribution. Court Changed Case of A. M. Hansen ; as administrator of' the estate'of John DeLaywood vs. the Paclfie Telephone and Telegraph comparsy has been removed from circuit court here to the district court Of the United States, Ore gon district. The charge was peti tioned for by defendant on ground that It is a citizen of another state; California. The suit is dam age action growing out of the death of DeLaywood, who was fa tally ' Injured - when struck ' by a ear operated by an agent of the defendant. " - , Amtun Serviees Monday Fu neral! serviees for John Ammann, 5, Turner farmer who died here Thursday night; following a brief Illness from -pneumonia, will be held Monday at 1:30 p. m. from the Clough-Barrick chapel. Inter ment will be in 'Tumet cemetery. Ammann, born in Switzerland, had been a resident of .the Tur ner district for the past 25 year's. He wis unmarried and his only surviving relative ; so" far, as - is known is a niece In Indiana.." '' Delicate creamy whip Easter Eggs. I Our own make. The Spa. Macide Funeral Today. Fu neral services for Mary Mackie, 89, who died here Thursday, will be held this afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Clough-Barrick chapeL Interment will be in the Odd Fel lows cemetery. Surviving her are a sister, Dr. Agnes Lewis of Sa lem f i brother, John Mackie of Grand Rapids, Mich., and a neph ew. Dr. Henry Lewis of Salem. . i'--. : Auction '.2t. A 7:30 -5. M. each aay at lots s jewelry store. ; Road rTosed On petition - of H. Wipper, the county court yes terday j issued order closing to truck traffic two and a half miles of county road south of the H. Wipper residence and east to In tersect with the Parrish Gap road at the E. J. Miller residence. Wip per declared trucks were damag ing the roads. ; ' . Dollar dinner every night, 5:45 to 8 at; the Marlon hotel. . - NnsbMim Graduates C. J. Nus baum, former Salem boy who Is taking' special work at the Uni versity of Wisconsin, will receive his master's degree in June, af ter which he will visit at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Nus baum, and his sister, Rosa Lee Nusbaum, of this city. .- 'U , : - ; - " - Young Blarcy Improving Don ald Marcy, son ot Dr. M. A. Mar ey, was: reported improving fast er than had been expected yesterday.-j following undergoing an operation for goitre Thursday. He is at the Good Samaritan hospit al, Portland. - Shed dry wood-coal. Prompt de livery. Tel. ; 11. Salem' Fuel Co. Foreciosnre". Based on stioula- ftlon in the case of J. C. Gibson vs.-AUred Downs and wife, a de cree ojj foreclosure has y' been handed down, in circuit court in the casej. The stipulation. and de cree provide which of two tracts of land shall be disposed of first. License Suspended -Driver's license! of Billy St. Clair, 663 North Front street, was suspend ed for! 20 days yesterday, when he was ! hailed into police court on. a charge of exceeding the speed limit. -, :' i-i ' ' " . Appraisers Named R. D. Gray has bees appointed administrator of the 'estate of John Ammann. Appraisers appointed are T. B. Funstoa; C M. Barber and W. D. Salisbury. 1 - ; 1 - . '' Tour, children should have the best in - Easter Candies. The Spa makes their own and the purest, best tolbe had. KtatementA : Called . A. A. Schramm, state superintendent of banks, today Issued' a call for statements showing he condition of state banks In Oregon at the close of business March 25. , i - ....... ; ; Retirement E. Smith and S. E. Smith have filed notice with the county clerk ot retirement from the assumed . business name ot Hollywood Auto Garage Body and Board Works company. Rummage sale by Daughters of Union Veterans, Mar. 27th-28th. Corner Ferry and High. " Sam Hnghes Horn e Sam Hughes; who has been doing ser vice on j the federal Jury In Port land, was excused Friday until Tuesday, enabling him to pass the weekend at home. Ex-Governor Here T o T m e r Governor Walter Pierce of La Grande Nras a Salem- visitor Fri day. Il4 was looking hearty as ever and spent some time calling on., his ; : .,. ,, - - . j t r . .---'i ' ' V For sale As we are changing we have for sale 18 head ot good farm horses,.we!ght 1600 to 2900 lbs. Prices 835.00 to $150.00. Spaulding LoLgging C0 : Salem. Ore :;:: , '; ; :7;;:f Draws Fine Possession ot two bottles of beer cost A JS. Robins $25 when he was convict ed In Justice court on Friday on a charge lot violating the liquor law. . ' f : . : - : 5 ' Dr. Chaa Chinese .Medicine SL, Sclim ' Office bran -Tuesday and Satur- day a to P'.SQ t .Hospital Btdi: "" !l to Rent: r ';::" v OU 2193. Csed Fnrnitui j-j Pepartment j 151 5. nijjii BDTIIP1TIES FACE RKDLTS Defections in South Seen With Raskob and Hoover ; r Objects of Attacks -;2'k;' V--l 'vl-i -.:' " WASHINGTON March 37. (AP) Signs at revolt In the southern .ranks of both major parties ... were" received today with apparent-- equanimity! at ' republi can and democratic headquarters. ' While southern democratic leaders were organising to eom bat policies advanced by Chair maa Raskob of the national com mittee. Horace Mann, director of (he southern campaign for the re publican national - committee in 1928. claimed control of 232- del egates to the republican conven tion next.yeaT;' , Although his move was Inter preted as "anti-Hoover" republi can headquarters' showed:.: little concern over his claims. Contend ing its southern organisation was in better shape than ever before. Democratic headquarters took no formal notice of the' disturb ance within Its ranks. But It was said unofficially the southern movement had been anticipated. Claims of Mann .. J; .i.y:. Are Discounted H;;! ? -.' - Mann's claims were discounted by C. Bascom Slemp, former sec retary to President Coolidge. Slemp, a power In southern poll tics, said Mann has "no organisa tion and no following.? ' . :, . ' . "He will not control votes, at the convention,"" Slemp added. Mann contended the south would send a solid delegation to the republican convention to de mand a "new order of politics.". He would neither i affirm -nor deny reports his organization was designed to block the renomina tlon of Hoover:, and; would- be pledged to former President Coo lidge. . . j ,- ; j I . r ;. His friends, however, claimed these delegates as well as others from some northern states, would go to the convention pledged to oppose the president. Plan-Separate Organisation . Mann said headquarters would be established here in December to perfect a national republican organisation separate from the national committee set-up. He added the southern . dele gates to the next republican con vention would represent the peo ple In the republican part of the south, rather than federal office holders. ; jj - Southern democratic leaders continued to work quietly for an organization to prevent the party from adopting the anti-prohibition and economic recommenda tions of. Raskob and to make bus iness conditions the f paramount Issue In 1832. ; - f i j 1 REGISTERED RULE IS CBEO Postmaster J. H. Farrar has received" Information:! on new rules on registered an I Insured mail which will be welcomed by patrons. : '. - ; ; . - A new provision permits a pa tron, on payment of five cents, to secure receipt after a ! registered and i insured package has been dispatched. Up to now there has been a three cent fee for a return card alone. Upon payment of 20 cents a 'patron may obtain receipt of registered and 'insured mail showing the. address and time at which It was delivered. - '- Martin Is Fined Halford Mar tin was fined $7.50 In Justice court ou Friday when he was con victed of driving a motor vehicle without a rear light. " f ; -; Eugenite Arrested Warren M. Karsted ot Eugene was arrested on charge of speeding ' here : yes terday. He posted $10 bail with the police judge. - : jj -:" : ;j ; Account Approved Annual account of R. H. Bassett as guar dian of the estate of Jessie and Josie Haynes has beenf approved by the probate judge. , i . : Files Report Brazier Small; guardian or tne estate of ceraia K. Allan, Incompetent; i has filed annual report, showing a balance on hand of $4,645.35. I ;-; Publisher Visits Ralph 1 Cron- ise, business manager of the Al bany Democrat-Herald, was a vis itor In Salem Friday, j ,u ....' 'Final Decree Estate of Basil A. Klrsch has been closed and A. P. KIrsch discharged asadminis- trator. . . :: ::. ;.fr;'U .'Attachment Certificate of attachment has been filed by the sheriff in case of Eena company vs. J. F. Cowdea and others. Ladd Bush, Bankers COASTING IN AFTER NEW RECORD - ? L -,:..r:i..: - 1L The plaudit or. an enthusiastic crowd fell on the ears ef Gal Wood, veteran motorboat race driver, as he established 101.55 miles per hour as . the new mark,: but the warmest congratulations of all came from Mrs. Gar Wood and Gar, Jr., (lower), as they congratulated the speed champ. (Upper) Gar Wood and his mechanic, Olin Johnson, waving cheerily from their "Miss America IX" as they coasted into their dock at Miami Beach after establishing the new record. Under the Dome "rvEOPLB , 14 ' eastern Oregon Pare more ' interested In taxa tion problems and the price of agricultural products than they are in politics," Said Mrs. Walter Pierce, a member, of the state board of higher education, who called on Governor Julius tu Meier Friday. Mrs. Pierce was formerly state librarian, and still owns her home in Salem. Mrs. Pierce was accompanied by former Governor ; Walter Pierce, who attended the meet Ins; of the 'Grange executive committee, as well as tne agri cultural banquet. He called on the new governor. This Is the first visit the former execu tive has made to the capital . since the inauguration of Gov ernor Meier. , ' i- Many grange members . were seen about the state house 'Friday. Among them were Roy W. GUI, representative In the legislature from . Multnomah county, who' is also, active In Grange work. He championed grange legislation during the recent session. A. R. Hunter, new member of the state industrial accident Commission, who takes office next Wednesday, was here from LaGrande Friday, to look over the situation. Hunter, a demo crat, was. member f the state senate several sessions, al though not listed at the last session. His brother was m member of the house ' at the same time, both here in 1027. Perhaps Governor Meier likes Salem much better now.- During the morning downpour of rain, he received ft telephone call . xf rorfl Portland telling him that It was snowing there. There was no snow in Salem Friday. And since he likes the Job of being governor, his residence in the state capitol should be pleasant. ' : i Schaefer's Easter r; ? Candy Special r Get your Easter Candies this week end at Schaefer's Drug Store. i . The best candy at the low est price consistent. wiUi the high quality that has always .marked Schaefer's Specials. - Pure Candy Eggs. Rabbits. Chickens and assorted : colored eggs in a . profuse variety of sizes and prices. Out Chocolate Easter Pieces are particularly appropriate and surprising In their low cost. Bulk Candy ' Eggs In large and small sites. - 25c per lb. " 2 1b. 45c AIX SOCIETE CANDIES Schaefer's i ; DRUG STORE 135 N. Coml St. Phone 197 The original yellow front can 1 dy special store of Salem. . ; Penslar Agency : . r- 1 VJ rj3 W- " Ioolae Rice, world famous grsghologtr can pewitively read your talents, virtues and faults la the drawings, wordsand what nots that you scribble when lort f C4 .. iMMatii Addrcas Uoui caw I .ajisat" t-4 Mil n Occurrences and . Cfc3Slp at the center of Oregon's state ffOTernment Now that James TB, fUngsIey, convicted satudeier, was grant ed a stay of execution pending ' appeal of his ease to the su preme i eowrt, i Snpertntendent Meyers at the penitentiary will have to postpone his party scheduled for the morning of April &. .The Invitations sent oat for ; the. execution perhaps should be saved, as they may be good at a later date. Hal E- Hosa, secretary of state, can perhaps be- termed as sitting in the "Golden chair.' Both Gov ernor Meier and State Treasurer Kay took opposite views on the ltuary ; ' Mackie Mary Hackle died at the res idence,' 665 Chemeketa street, March IS. aged 89 years; sister of Dr. Agnes Lewis of Salemand John Mackie of Grand Rapids, Mich.; aunt of Dr. Henry Lewis ot Salem.: Funeral services Satur day, March' 28, at 2 p. m. from the chapel of the Clough-Barrick company. ! Interment Odd Fellows cemetery v , .::-..' j- : " . John Ammann died in this city March 26, aged 65 ' years; sur vived by one niece In Indiana. Funeral services Monday, March SO, at 1:30 p. m. from the chapel of the Clough-Barrick company. Interment at Turner. ? ' -' Deltrbt iUemorial ,i JhoB. f nftTt Prised . 3201 J fc?CllU IoderUly A Park Cemetery with perpetual care ' Just ten minutes from the i- heart of town 1 City View Cemetery EsUbllshed 1893 t . Tel. 1200 ,.'";':') . . Conveniently Accessible . Perpetual care provided . for - Prices Reasonable TERWHLIGER'5 JL . Ttnrzaaz. dtrtectoxs i T7S OHSMSKBTA Onw SwilGS is ftmaU Ow FtVm ars mm On Horn la itoin ZOesaMd Xsdy KslkalsM Clough-Barrick Co. Phona 12a . .,., . Church at Ferry St. A, M. Clough ' , , . Dr. L. E. Barrlck . ? - - V. T. Golden Ob v x- s Jittdoot Hut ial'" . LLOYD T. EIGCON, tpB. EJOLD EOT " mm victim LONDON, March 17-(AP.)- Enoch Arnold Bennett, one of the greatest, literary, figures of the present century, died here to night at" the age of J. . : Stricken with lnfluensa seven weekf ago. the famous novelist and playwright was recovering w h e n he contracted typhoid f ever. . After , hours'-r of .Uncon sciousness he passed sway peace fully after s blood transfusion had resulted in temporary relief. News of the death of Bennett, who wrote some, so novels and mora- tnan a doxen piays.-thougn not unexpected.; came as a shock to his personal friends .as well as to hundreds of - thousands throughout the! English-speaking world who were familiar with his works. f, I ;-v ' - .,' '-. ,:"- His earlier novels of the drsb- ness of:?The Five Town.'. Eng land's pottery i . district partic ularly :TThe: Old Wiyea . Tale" were rated as classics even In the author's ' lifetime. In less serious works he acted as guide to what Is best. in. literature, travel and recreation,4 having always been a keen observer ot. human life. His type of prison locks for the cell block at the penitentiary, and both expressed j determination to ''stick to their stories." Hoss is silent, and when the matter comes up for final action, he Willi be called upon to cast the decldlnr note of the, board of control. At least Hal will be with the major ity -this .time, i A quiet day Is anticipated at the capitol Saturday. With Governor Meier in Portland and the other state officials -per-; using' the anniversary number of The Statesman, there will be little news emanating; from the various offices. And then, too, all the grangers and farmers here for the agricultural meet ins;, will be going back to their tasks.-; : . . . ' William Hanley was among the late callers at the- governor's of fice Friday. Hanley was once mentioned as a possible candidate for the office ot agricultural head, but other names have superceded his of late. So far no guess ap pears definite enough to bank up on.. Tour ... V- family may not always have the benefit I ; - . of your "personal support and guidance, but you can perpetuate your financial, judgment and prudence in a' carefully, chosen executor and trustee for your es- . tate. j'-.". ;;..' vj.r -: ,:;',; Ladd & Bush Trust Company Directors and Officers ' A. N; BUSH, President. ? ' ' WM. S. WALTON. Vlee-Pres. L. P. ALDRICH, Secretary. v JOS. H. ALBERT, Trust Officer. We Do. Trust Work Exclusively the two! , well manifold Interests were shown in all of his writings. -. Though personally of a deeply reserved nature, he could chat with the common man pn paper as few"' authors of - his calibre have been able to do. Last Guffaw Is Credited To F. Spears ' He! who laughs last laughs loudest and 1 longest, Frank Spears, igh sehool student, will attest.! . ' It , was like this: .Frank' and some young . friends . west for a ride lit his father's car Thursday night, f An argument on speed waxed; warm as the boys rode along ' the river bottom district. The, upshot was that Frank got out to show the other boys he could keep up with the car tra veling: at 20' miles per hour for a. certain distance. - . ' He got out What 'foul tails" the ' fellows turned out to be; they sped down the road St well, they .sped. Frank hid. The boys came back to hunt him. He remained obseure. - At last a passing car picked Frank up. - The other4oys well, at mid night they decided he was lost and a call to the Spears home so Informed the father. Came back over the wire the word that Frank' Vas home, asleep, un mindful - of pranks and prank sters, s : In the early hours of morning the group, still worried, returned the car, with word" that Frank was still missing. The, first boy who called Mr. Spears had ne glected to inform his companions of the. good tidings! Maybe there were two "laugh lasts"., , ..'..: ; Nursery Stock Evergreen and Decidious Ornamental Trees Priced right, we don't mean maybe. 7 miles east of Salem ..:r on Pen road ' Phone. 38F3 F. A: Dperfler & Sons V 4 ; Salem, Ore. 6A Gtoaurtfla'G (McftacaQGooo99 YOU need a flashlight or an alarm clock. That's one point ...... 1. f in a common geometrical problem. Somewhere a manu factureris making, a.; store is of ferine; for sale,, exactly the flashlight or alarm flock you should have. That's the sec ond point in your private problem And advertising Is the straight line that, shows the' shortest distance between Day after jday, in the advertising pages, you'll find straight lines drawn direct to the products you need. ! . - ' . ; : - -' " . f ' . : '."'..'';'''"'',",. : Look for them. Follow them. They may save you hours of searching. - j ' And more, than time, they'll save you money, j Adver tised products are -those whose honest worth has made them popular. 'Merchants and manufacturers .who adver tise regularly have passed the public's test of fair dealing and reliability. By studying their announcements la the light of your own needs, you can buy most wisely and Read the advertisements1 And practice ' straight-line buying SE5 fliil no's EaTE,:?:i Two surveys will be made oa the msrket road . extensicu through Mission Bottom to con nect with the S3.1em-Champo?T highway before a definite rout. is decided for chances in the cli road, it was said at the county courthouse yesterday following a trip over the route by party con sisting of Oscar Cutler, state market- road engineer, Iled Swart, county engineer. Road master Frank Johnson and Com missioner Jim -Smith. Nothing definite will be out lined until after the survey, but it is understood the engineers would like tot take a short cut through the Bent Jones hopyard between Hubbard 1 and Wheat land. There is also some question on the route to be taken at the Uld Hubbard house, one survey to oe maae up me, oanx soum west of the old hocse and the other ' to follow . the old road, which has about an 18 per cent grade.' Change' here will ! be made, of course, to effect a bet ter grade. r The surveys will also be a move to cut as many corners as . possible from -the route. Coutbcrn Pacific DOLLAR E3AY3 FRIDAY o SATURDAY " D g? C BE BACK BY MIDNIGHT THURSDAY OH ALL TRAINS Roundrips to rid from all places on our Pacific Untt for three-fifths of the regular on way fare approximately lea mile, or 100 miles for a dollar. EXAMPLES OP ROUNDTMPSt t Portland ......,,.'.4 Ocl ...fl.40 , , . ,g0. 45 ,...S5.05 ,..10.O5 ..$23.40 Eugene . . Klamath Falls Marshf leld . . San Francisco Xos Angeles City t Ticket Office J 184 N. Com'l Tel. 80 Passenger Depot 13th and Oak Tel. 41 41 UU Established 18G3