The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 28, 1931, Page 4, Image 4

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    Hie OREGON STATESMAN. Cizn, Orc-cn, rater.! -
Headache L
i . jTCf 5'"'" '.If
"A'o Favor Sways Us; Xo Fear Shall Ave"
From First Statesman, March 2S, 1851 -
Chakucs A. Spracvt, Sheldon F. Sacxxtt, Publisher
CHJUOX3 A. Snucux . Editor-Manager
Suzldqz F.-Sackett - - Managing Editor
Member of the Associated Preee ; ...
YlM Associated Press ts exclusively entitled ta the un (or publica
tion of all news dispatches ceadUed. to It or not otherwise credited in
tlila paper. ;' i. . -
! Pacific Coast Advertising Representatives :
Arthur Vf . 8trpa Inc.. ivrt!end Foowrlfy Bide.
Sa.a Krandseo, Sharon UUr. i Ios Angles. W, -Pac Bids'. ,
! . , ; Eastern Advertising Representatives :
rord,-Proo-Ftechr,liw K.w Yoi-k: t7r-Madison Ave.;
. Ciicaro. 3 N. Mlchlsa Ave. ! . . - i
Entered a't tko Porto ffic at Salmt Oregon, t &wwtCZaii
llattor. PnblisJud retry morning except Monday. Butinee
off iee, tlS S. Conxvu&cial Street. ! ,
Mall Subscript ton Rates. h Advance. Within Ore! Daily aad
Sunday. 1 Mo. ( cents: S Me. Sl.xS Ma. lrar 44.00. Else
where 6 cents per Mv or . tor 1 year l advance. ,
By City Carrier-: S ersrts a month : S5. a yea; In advaace. Per
Copy S cents. On trains and News Stitads ceata, j
- : 'I:,--, i85i-i93i r
fllODAY The Oregon Statesman enters the rank of octo-
JL genarian newspapers. It celebrates the .80 ; years ox
publication. Through vicissitudes of fortune, through
wars and panics, through stress of competition without and
cnanges or ownersnip ana management, wiinui it naa cumc
Rpnin & four.nan veeklr. since the late '60's The
". Statesman has been published as a daily, expanding with
" the times and with the requirements of the community i
How large does the past
cal history and in the history oi maruona. in mat yexiuu
Oregon emerged from territorial status to statehood, and
grew from a population of fewer than 14,000 to one of ap-
proximately a milhon innaDitants. in tnac penoa long chap
ters of American history have been written. Lengthy too
have been the records of other nations. It has oeen a per
iod of scientific discovery and invention and of the applica
mn nf hb aMAntif i mpthnH to all fields of knowledge.
irlp tht f hain of
, of tht newspaper; and what a volume of important hap
penings have been reported in the columns of The States
man in the past eignty years: in jis iues one rcaua
of the passing of Clay and Webster, theorise of Iincoln
and Urant and Jbee, oi tne iignung oi ui
and of the cooling of the embers. 4Boys- in blue" and dough
boys in khaki stride across its pages. The I pageantry of
a L.i.! I . m ia umi AV tMTrH
Jmmi prn r t wacnna cnmmc
tilouchintr iin from the Isthmus, the excitement of the com
ing of the railroad, curiosity
ment at the airplane. It has told or -Indian ouiDreaits wnen
they brought real terror to homes of subscribers. It has
told of the battles of the World War when the fate of a
world trembled. in the balolice. Party strife and faction
wrote verbosely in its , early
sought for power in shaping
-." state. - !.. 7 f -v-
Business too has left deep footprints in; the news and
' advertising columns of The Statesruan. Stores and factories
have come; many have gone. Agriculture has developed and
crops have been diversified. Prices have isen and fallen and
risen again. Buildings have gone up, served their day, and
been torn down. Roads have come, and wires, and now the
winged words of the radio: all have had their story told.
Against the dark background of war. and politics and
the drab backdrop of business has come the gayer scene:
balls and parties, celebrations, picnics, graduations, assemb
lies, concertsall the manifold events which make the days
brighter and happier. I l l . v
. The intimate details of individuals have not passed un
noticed. The Statesman has told of birth and marriage and
death, his told of fame won or honor j lost, i 'The moving
finger writes," then moves on to tell with accuracy the next
events that fall within its horizon. I . f i j
A newspaper is not only a chronicle, a printed record
of the passing scene. It does not simply sit at a point of
vantage and sketch faithfully the stream of passing events
below. The newspaper should also be in the stream, seeking
to direct its current into channels of .greater usefulness.
This has been one of the achievements of! The Statesman
in the 80 years past. It has. teen a guide and molder of
opinion. In its earlier days The Statesman exercised a pow
erful influence in the political development of the state. In
later years it has wielded great influence; in encouraging
' and directing the economic expansion of the community and
the state. Great men have edited it, and they have left the
Impress of their minds in the enduring form of the political
and economic design of this commonwealth.
. Mere survival, mere ability to endure is of vsmall conse
quence unless it is accompanied by continuing accomplish
ment. The past prestige of The Statesman is of scant avail
unless those into whose hands it falls maintain the stand
ards and enlarge the achievements. That indeed is the re
sponsibility which the present proprietors keenly feel. The
Statesman is not merely a means of livelihood or of employ
ment. It is an institution. We who today are charged with
directing its destinies feel a 'genuine sensei of stewardship.
Successors we are of men of vigor and Vision who built up
the paper and through it built up the state. The fine history
of The Statesman comes therefore as a challenge to us of
the present to maintain its strength, to increase its service,
to refine its character and to add to its influence. Time will
write the ' verdict of .our success, but we hope to measure
u.-to our task that The Statesman may go forward with
mounting strength to the happy celebration of many , more
anniversaries. I '
I Kingwood- -1
; . ; o
KIXQWOOD, March 27. Mrs.
J. B Burnett Is at the home of
" her daughter and son-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Raymond Coxnpton, hav
ing arrived a few days ago from
Springfield, Mo. She will remain
for an Indefinite visit.
Miss Norah Hayek of Salem was
: a recent guest at the home of her
sister, Mrs. J. C. Cannoy.
- Rer. and Mrs. Oscar Payne of
Hermlaton are risiting Mr. Payne's
aunt, Mrs. Mary Lister. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Winiam Wona
cott of Aamsville and Mrs. Wona
cott's father, M. M. Pruner of
Riddle visited . during the week
at the A. L. Applewhite home.
Mrs. Wonacott and Mr.-, Pruner
are cousin and uncle respectively
of Mrs. Applewhite.
' Mr. and Mrs. OUve Connoy en
tertained at dinner Sunday Mr.
aad Mrs. E. P. White of Long
view, Wash., and Mr. and 'Mrs.
John Connoy. v "
Mr. and Mrs. E. A..Rawlings
and daughters, Catherine and
Margaret of Corvailis, spent the
week end with Mrs. Rawllng's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Tan
tiss, Mrs. B. B. Flack feft by train
Tuesday evening tor Reed&burg,
WU.. being- called by the illness of
her mother. Mrs. Hack expects
to be absent from home a month
at least. (
Howard Adams Is Quite sick and
''?T- care of a physician. Vita
eighty years bulk both in lo-
vents has been the function
over . the mountains, steamers
at the automobile and amaze
issues, when ; rival parties
the affairs of the embryo
complications following an attack
of nu. . f;y j 1: - !'. ', " "- ?
can Bernard - nas been very
seriously :Ul for a week and the
attending physician has given or
ders that the: Bernard home be
quarantined' for diphtheria.
Baby Bandit of
Oklahoma Held
MTSKOGEE. Okla March 17
(AP) Oklahoma's "baby banr
ait r Eagen cam, u, was indict
ed for postof flee robbery here
by a federal : grand jury. Cane
with two other boys, was arrested
after the robbery of the Bench,
OUa., postoffic January 4. The
two other youths already have
oeen sentenced to serve tea years
on a state charge of steeling an
auiamoDii. .i
Bankhead Files
' General Denial
CAP) A general denial of for
mer Senator Hetlin's charges of
corruption, fraud and irregulari
ties. 1 the last Alabama election
was tiled, with- the senate elec
tion committee here by Senator
John IT. Bankhead.
Publication of Bankhead'a .
ply was withheld pending; the
Marion Co. Health , Dept.
While not so frequent in oc-l
currant in chudren, . headache
when present usually points to
torn abnormal
proeoss. In
small children
headacho may
bo present but
the child Is
anable ; to point
oat the pres
ence of snch m
symptom. Too
often wo think
of headache as
an -aUtpent .in
itself , but it is
ml ways! symp
tom or 8l-n ofl
' ' disturbance!
Dr. a c. ieeer i In children
headache is very apt to indicate
some disturbance in vision. Of
course there, are oilier signs such
as inflamed or watery eye-lids,
frowning end blurred I vision.
Headache usually t is located over
the eyes or the- temples. Natural
ly the thins to do is to have the
ores examined by an oceenst.
; In chronic insertions I of the
nasal pesaage and especinUy the
sinuses, headache may be dlsv
tresslng symptom. The onset of
many acute . infections inch as
colds, srippe . or ! Influenza. . ere
often characterised by headache.
In each instances It is the-- dis
ease that should be treated and
not the symptom.
Inflammation of the brain ." or
its - coverings . is usually j accom
panied, by . severe headaches.
Brain tamers and other condi
tions cause - the pressor Inside
the skull to Increase and head
ache is an early sign. In all of
these conditions vomiting- is also
e prominent sign and It it usual
ly projectile, and has no, relation
to meals, it may occur : at any
time whether or not. the stomach
is fulL This type of headache is
often felt In the back of the head.
Wken a brain tumor is developing
mere is orten a disturbance . in
vision and if the process continues
to progress, total blindness may
ensue. - j- . ; ;i ., .
Occasionally In a child with
nervous instability a peculiar type
of headache occurs, migraine. Us
ually this does not develoD un
til early adult life yet it is not
uncommon in children. It is very
airiicuit to diagnose and Just
difficult to treat.
Many attacks I
of mingraine can be prevented It la the Florida orange grove owh
more attention is glren to proper ed by Joan Marbury. Joan and
amonnt of rest and elimination of her cousin. Sail v. alone on the
those things whleh stir up i or ex- I
cite the child. I I
Many other things might be I
mentloned that can cause head-
ache, as injuries. eDileDsv and I
lack of sleep." When this ' symp- j 000 for the damages to-his prop
torn does occur it needs thought I erty, crashing through the trees
and attention not only for cure,
dui prevention. Drugs should I
never be used except as a;physi- and relieves him of $850, threat
clan orders them, because 'they ening- to collect more. That night
drug merely relieves . the one Mueller sets fire to Dave's Diane. !
From Other Papers
Governor Meier this week de
livered organized labor a blow be-
low the belt which is not likely I
to be forgotten for some time. His
anmmir. nn.A,.l T it ru. I
gerald, labor member of the in
dustrial accident commission, who
has served in that position for the
- . j i
past lour years, has created a
storm of protest In the ranks of
organized labor. i i
Mr. Fitzgerald was endorsed for
reappointment, by the , Oregon
State " Federation of Labor, the
Pm-ti.n i.i ,, I
and a large number of individual
organizations. The protest against
Fitzgerald's removal Is not so
much on account of the man whom
tne governor placed' In his: posi-
tlon bat because of the fact that
it was so evidently a political move
and without other justification.
There was no charge of Ineffi
ciency, neglect of duty or: any
thing of the kind against Mr.
r ltzgeraid.
The governor removed all three
members of the commission to be
effective Anril 1. This has
been done by any governor before
since the compensation law has
been in effect, it has always been
deemed advisable to retain at
least one member of the commis
sion who was familiar with the
work. .. .. j
One prominent member of or.
ganlzed labor stated that the ae
non or we governor was "a direct
slap at organised labor" and that
because of the fact that A. W. "Pted. that would evea dent
Lawrence, who will replace Mr EmVkttn- but
Fitzgerald, has bleu anemJloVer ?etndh 0Te th Io
for the past several years i "the 'Owry was stirred to acUonj
compensation law will now 'be ad- f IK"td hild, Babs and extreme
ministered by three employers." ,y SS1 .
"It Is true that Mr. Lawrence spoiled!? echoed Bar-
at one time was ldlntlHeTwUh HV -WYott re tb
organized labor," he said, "but In ons V Ulk! J7 yoa were BUcn
recent ears he has been oneraU fi 9tonvm brat as a young one
ing a printing- plant In CorvaUIs
ana nas taken no part in the af
fairs of labor except as an emi
ployer.M - ; ,
Charles T. Early, lumberman, of
Portland, is to succeed . Sam
Laughlin, who was a representa
tlre of the public on the commis
sion, and A. R. Hunter of La-
. ucceed E. E. Bragg,
--v w repreeeniauve of em
Fitzgerald's term of Affto a
not expire unUI the first day of
aext December. Mr. Laughlin was
appointed last December for a
four-year term and Mr. Bragr's
term does not expire for about
two year.
Rated as a high class "business
executive.- the governor, in order
to pay. political debts, has dis
charged three executives in charge
of one of the state's most vital
departments; and has turned the
work over to three men who, so
fax as we have been able to ascer
tain, have had absolutely no pre
vious experience to fit them lor
the position. Would he do that in
hia private business?
. The new commissioners are un
doubtedly capable cflearning the
work, but the mistakes they make
while learning are apt to prove
ostly to Injured workers, widows
11 "
"A Knight
Dave Ordway. -wealthy, young
aviator, lands his disabled plane
plantation, have great difficulty
In running the place, due to the
interference of Mueller, their dfc-
reputable neighbor. When Dare
refuses Mueller's demand of S2.-
(to his landing on the Marbury
plantation. Mueller holds himiUD
Rushing to the scene, Dave en
counters Mueller. A Quarrel en
sues. Joan rescues Dave. Under
Sally's care Dave recovers from
the effects of his flht. Though
attracted to Sally, he admires the
reserved Joan's courage. Sally.
anxious to 'return north for a
good time, urges Joan to accept
Dave's offer to purchase the Plan
tation. Joan : tells of the "acci
dents" to the property followlne
ner repulsion of . Mueller's advan
ces. Dave receives an unexpected
visit from his former fiancee Bar-
v.. tri.v. vi.
rZZl ..v"!
Dave shuffled his feet nneaxilv
m xne aarxness. ; t
Gerry," he said, not looking
at Talbot, "what gave you the
ambition to drive this fart For
years you haven't , had the
strength to do anything- more vio-
lent than, to lift your chin when a
'j1 r 7
2S0Uae?1 : yU
ft,wie hundred miles
" iVrlLu - - J U
looked like a church deacon. A
huge pair of horn-rimmed glass-i
es gave his scholarly, ascetic
looking face an expression of
keen intelligence that was nota-
oiy at variance with his repuU-
T"!' Itl lo
oest ne could Without nndne
strain on either mind or body, . i, ;
"It's all Barbara's fault-Dave"
explained Talbot, , whose portly
form, garbed in.Jl loose-fit tin r
suit of Chinese pongee, reminded
iae puot of a piaster Buddha.
"She got all hot and bothered
about your note. Pretended to be
worried rer I ear you had bashed
in your silly conk, you know., I
toid ner that the tree had never
mat your servants used to a-et
drunk to drown their sorrows ev
ery time ' rou came home - f mm
schoot 'on a vacation, - i
-Wrong again, sweetness, re
torted Talbot, his rubicund face
showing like a t a! moon 4n .the
semi-darkness. "They got drank
and began to throw things around
because they knew I'd be coins-
4way again shortly and just had
io oo something to take . their
minds away from the Impending
tragedy. But it you're going to
be disagreeable, im not going to
alt near you. I'm a shrinking,
sensitive soul aad my feelings are
very.easlly hurt. r
So saying, he heaved his pon
derous body ont of his chair aad
sat, down beside Sally with a fat
sigh of relief. Gerry Immediately
occupied the chair that his friend
had just left. Reaching Into the
pocket of his sport coat.'-he pro
duced a small oblong object that
guttered In the reflected light of
the moon. Crossing his lags jutd
sinking far down on his. spine,
he cupper his hands over the In
ject and raised them to his face.
From the. part tally hidden. Instru
and orphans and to employers who
contribute to the XundV Oregon
State Labor Press. i
Comes Flying"
ment there came a long, walling
chord, muted and tremulous.
Then, slurring down half a scale,
the strange, barbaric- notes began
to blend into familiar music, slow,
inf ectuous, filled with minor dis
sonances and grace notes. Ger
ry's doeskin shoe began to pat
time as the sobbing refrain of the
"St Louis Blues" began to vibrate
through the still evening air.
A Glimpse of Sansbine
"The harmonica," explained
Talbot politely, '"Is Gerry's only
accomplishment. When he is a lit
tle confused about anything, he
always tootles ! that horrible
thing." , ;
Sally's joyous laughter caused
Dave to stare at her. He had not
known that she could laugh like
that. Joan, too, seemed suddenly
to have laid aside all her cares
and worries and was enjoying her
self thoroughly, l
"What's he confused about
now?' Joan asked Talbot.
"You never know," shrugged
Talbot. "Perhaps it's because no
one has made him sign a check
for halt an honr or so. " Perhaps
it's because he's in a new place
without his big white yacht in the
background. Perhaps , be only
needs a drink." . . i '
Gerry cocked a threatening eye
at Talbot over the top of the
mouth organ, but the rhythm ' of
the blues went on unbroaken. On
ly Barbara seemed unapprecla
tlve. she sat, still and silent. In
a chair at the edge of the porch,
her large dark eyes resting specu
latively upon Dare's profile.
"Has David been flirting with
you. Miss Sally?" asked Talbot
solicitously, drawing his ' chair
close to hers. ; "He's a great trial
to me. ' He behaves outrageously
whenever I'm not with him. My
spare time is completely taken
up in going around after him, apo
logizing for his conduct."
"Hesieen fighting again," an
nounced Barbara, coldly. "His
nose is out of shape and -bis ear
looks as though someone - had
tried to bite it off." -
Talbot leaned forward and
stared at Dave appraisingly.
"So he has,'" he . marveled;
"My eyes have been so full of oth
er things X haven't had time to
inspect, him. Yes, he looks like
something left oyer In a speakeasy
after a busy Saturday night. If
Gerry would only lay off ; that
caterwauling, perhaps Dave would
tell us where the body is buried."
"And I," said Barbara, restless
ly, "would like to have a tew mo
ments in close communion with a
mirror," ; ? j, : I u; .. , 1 1; : :; :v j
Joan. rose Instantly.
"Davey," commended Barbara,
with , a sidelong glance ; at . her
hostess, "run out to the car and
bring in my fitted case, will you,
dear?' -: ..
The moaning of the harmonica
ceased ''abruptly. .:.-! A. ,
To Whom It May Concern
This Is to certify that
Standard Fire, Dwelling and
Automobile insurance policies
of the North River Underwrit
er Agency of New York Nos.
C-1176S1 ' to C-117675. D
1S595S to D-115976, and AC
ITS J51 to AC-173175 Inclusive,
which were, la blank form, in
the possession of W. L. Gas
kill, the agent of said North
River Underwriters Agency, at
Salem.. Oregon, have either
been lost or lnadventently de
stroyed. . . ;
The public at large is there
fore hereby notified that the
above named policies are In
valid and, Toid for; any pur
pose whatever and nave been
narked as cancelled by this
company. ; ' :
Dated this- itta day of
Karen, lltl. , " . .
ERS AGENCY; i s - ;
By . Ward 8., Jackson, Manager,
1 111 Jiush Street,
. San Francisco. California.
"Do . we dress for dinner.
Dave?" demanded Gerry, brightly.
"No, you goat," snapped Dave,
"unless you re planning to drive
back to town for dinner."
"He Isn't going to drive any
where," said Sauy, firmly, as Dave
limped down Jthe steps leading to
the gravel path. "If you knew
what it , means to have . you all
here, you wouldn't Oven suggest
it." i . -t
"I didn't suggest It." said Tal
bot Indignantly. f'You couldn't
drag me away from ! here with a
ten-ton v tractor, especially since
our little Davey is simply bursting
with hospitality, good cheer .and
what not,"-
Hannah appeared, L silhouetted
mountalnonsly -in the lighted
doorway, ; the whites of her eyes
rolling as she peered out Into the
darkness. - ' f ' :
'Y'awI ; can .set down, now,"
she announced. ' Then, showing
an amazing number of ivory and
gold teeth; "Fo Gawd, Mis' Joan,
dat was sweet music I I suah did
suffer dem -blues." r
"We'll be In In a moment, Han
nah, 'laughed Joan, as Dave pain
fully, mounted to the porch and
passed Barbara her light bag.
"Hannah has an artistic soul,"
observed Gerry owlishly.
"Hear, hear!" applauded Tal
bot. "Gerry believes that the blues
are the highest form i of musical
art and that Handy was the great
est composer of all time. And now
let'a eat, 1 I'm starved,"
As Joan led Barbara Into the
house, Dave tried to draw Talbot
aside to whisper that the girls had
scarcely - enough money to sup
ply the needs of their own table
but the latter, thinking that Dave
wished to scold him for his part
In bringing Barbara, slipped out
of his reach and moved hastily to
the screen door. " -
"No" sense in waiting for Babs
to put on her war paint. She'll be
hours and - hours," ! he said.
"Lucky if , we eat before break
fast time. Let's go."
"We may as well 'go In and
have-some coffee with them,
Dave," said Sally. '
" Southern Hospitality
There was a lilt to Sally's voice
that soothed the flyer's . misgiv
ings Talbot Interposed his yery
AXP Ht '
un wm
srtfft AS
Proudly; we :eview i
the past of our coun-V
try as iwe celebrate,
the birthday of Wash- .
ington, a man1 who
lives In our hearts as ':,
The Father of hia
Country". - !
Phone, Dayj or . Night
'i - v i tj
By H. J.
Eighty years young;
The Statesman celebrates its
80th birthday! with .this issue. The
writer has been contributing mat
ter to Its columns over halt its
lift. ! ;
It seems bat yesterday that, on
August 19,1 1894, he commenced
In that service aad It Is hard to
realize that I in leas than five
months it will be 47 years. And
4T of the most eventful years In
the world's progress In many lines
or discovery and accompusnmenc
This Bits! for Breakfast column
does not cover the whole period,
under that designation, but it ex
tends over a Smajor portion of It,
and, under other headlines,! all of
ft. Hard it Is to break off such
an old habit, and one that has
been filled with so many pleas
ant experiences; so many oppor
tunities for mutual helpfulness In
a, city county, state and nation
that are dearer than life Itself.
The Statesman waa Intended to
be the first jnewspaper with the
attributes of permanence publish
ed in Oregon; By a mistake la
shipping directions for the rout
ing of tha i printing equpment. It
became the second. The Portland
Oregonan preceded It by a few
short weeks, f i -
flamoerit.1 Thurston was Ore
gon Territory's first delegate- in
congress. - He! had known A. Bush
In the east. Thurston himself had
been tarred with the Ineradicable
mark of printer's ink, having for
two years been editor of the Bur
lington Gazette, Burlington. Iowa.
irom i(t iniiiTr tie wanted a
newspaper lnj Oregon that would
support the principles that had
brought him into thetorefront of
political'! life I for there were
tierce conflicts ahead.
we uaucea Asanei Bush, a
young man with personality, am
bltions. industry, ability, strong
convictions land sterling honesty.
to go to Oregon and start a news-'
paper. Mr.lBush, had already ed
ited the local newspaper at West-
field, Mass.? The preliminary mat
ters all arranged, young Bush set
out tor the long journey to Ore
gon. Another; young man, R. P.
Boise, was a boyhood friend. They
had been studying law together at
Westfleld. But young Boise' had
matters to , close up, and though
they; had intended to go out to
gether, hlsteuow student went on
aneaa, to oe on nana lor tne ar
rival of the printing outfit. He
landed at Oregon City, then the
eanftal nf ih territnrr vhoTA if
was..; proposed to publish the
newspaper,! In 'the spring or
early sumtdeif of 1850.
Boise arlred at Astoria In the
fall. Finding I no regular; boat
leaving up fine Columbia, he took
a chance cralt going that-" way.
considerable liulk between Dave
and the gixlj ! opening the' door
with a gesture of the utmost gal
lantry, then I followed her. pre
cipitately ai pave took one quick
step after him.
"Come sdAI Gerry,", called
Dave, i "We'fl-have to chloro
form that loaf before w another
hour goes by?
"Why chloroform m: asked Ger
ry, unrolaisg! his long legs and
rising.' "Just smack film.. Easier.
Quicker. More fun." ;
If the cupboards had been
scraped baralto provide a second
meal, it was not evident from the
appearance of: the dinner table.
Hannah had placed knives, forks
and spoons in as careful array as
though a six-course meal were
about to be f served. A' fruit
cocktail, - gleaming - red and
orange is crystal-thin glasses;
stood appetislngly at the places
of the three unexpected guests.
Talbot, his round, jolly face
alight with naive pleasure, his
blue eyes darting across the care
fully set table; was in rare good
umor. . He accepted this situa
tion as just another of the de
lightful things that were always
happening to him. He was con
tent to live from minute to min
ute, was Talbot. ' exacting the
maximum in enjoyment out of
each passing second. The only
son of a family, who had been
wealthy for three generations, he
still found fun In roving the
world with bis friends, leading a
thoroughly idle and useless life
and admitting it to all and sun
dry. ', - s ! V
(To Be Continued Tomorrow)
:5 .
osrxf atukkak
fQhW Hf i
as vauct;
Tit COVNTrrl !WoeirtJrCi nwXi
mAttrnvix, rticrtp ova rtsst
rawrsTAx tart two nvd
Our Service
and got off at about where .St.
Helens la now. From there he
walked to Forest Grove, where he
expected" to find Rev. Cushiag C.
Eels, who had come . with his
bride in 1838 to join the Whit
man and Spalding mission la the
upper country, and bad .moved to
the valley after the breaking out
of the Indian troubles following
the Whitman massacre la 1847.
Rev. Eels, who bad come from
Blandford, Mass., the home town
of Boise, and where they had
been boyhood friends, welcomed
hia joyously. ,
la a little1 wtle Itev. Eels
bitched vp his rig and they drove
over to Oregon City, to hunt up
their other boyhood companion.
Asahel Bush. Thty found him al-'
ready la politics, . la the field of
wbtoh he was to be a dominating
figure during all the early days
ot the territory and state. Mr.
Bush was chief clerk ot the coun
cil (upper bouse) 'Of the second
session of the territorial legisla
ture of Oregon, which convened
December Z, 1810. That was the
last session there; the capital
was removed to Salem by an act
passed by that body.
Greetings over, young Boise,
who was afterwards to spend a
large part of his life on the cir
cuit and supreme benches ot Ore
gon, proceeded to the place that
he named Ellendale. near what
became Dallas. Shortly thereafter
he received a letter from his
friend Bush. telUng bim that he
(Buth) had just walked from
Oregon City to Portland, trying
to find tut about the reason tor
the non-arrival of the - printing
equipmentand that it had net
yet come; whereat he chafed ex
ceedingly. That letter was In ex
istence until a short time ago,
when it was accidentally mis
placed. In some buUdlng opera
tions at Ellendale, the country
place of R. P. Boise of Salem
son of the distinguished Oregon
jurist, i
m V
That is bow the birth ot The
Statesman was delayed how it
happens that It Is the second old
est living newspaper oh 'the Pa-,
cifio coast, Instead of the oldett.
The job printing department of
The Statesman, coming down
from that pioneer plant of E. M.
Walte, who. had -long done the
state printing with It, was ac
quired just before the opening of
the year 1900. The Pacific Home
stead was started March 1 of that
year. The Northwest Poultry
Journal was commenced in May
of -that year; a consolidation of
the three poultry papers of the
northwest, the Oregon Poultry
Journal. Salem, Oregon Fanciers'
Monthly, Portland, and North
west Poultry and Pets, Spokane.
The Oregon Teachers' I Monthly
was acquired in September of that
year. The Northwest rouury
Journal and Pacific Homestead
are now published as one paper.
' V
Salem was a town of; about 2.-
500 in 1884. The census of last
year showed 2 6.2 CO in the cor
porate limits.' In Its metropolitan
district there are not far from
40,000. There should be 50,000
in 1940. There will be 100,000
not very long after 150, if not
before. . j
When The Statesman reaches
the century mark, perhaps ft will
be serving 100,000 people within
the corporate limits of the city.
It will be, It there can come about
rejuvenation of the pioneer
spirit and vision, coupled with
the kind of cooperation that
builds solid cities.
Insurance Firm
Faces Charge ot
Violating Laws
John Schlbet and company.
Portland Insurance brokers, have
been cited to appear before the
state Insurance commissioner here
April 13, and show cause why the
license issued to the I concern
should not be revoked. The cita
tion was Issued by Clare A. Lee,
state Insurance commissioner.
The hearing will be held before
A. II. Arerlll, who will become
state Insurance commissioner on
April 1. -I - j i 1
Information was received by
the Insurance commissioner that
the conlpany has not written its
policies according to law. !
American j ,
. Biographies in
" George Washington
(1732-1799) I,
, 1510
ouaAt ak his ioyaity;
un ct kcx at rfl vzz::i
atmuxf a tHntt takt is
Affxtwiv vHrrtP tr rr.zvui
Will Reach You
1 ' N