tl; Page Fourteen 80th AnniveksabyiEdition; The. Oregon States mam V I Mounted Volunteers in '55 and '56 Fight Yakimas; LaW of 1 887 Paves Way for ! National Guard; Spanish War and World War Participation Sketched in Article s I Sailiem Men in Matibn s Wars ( Prior to the enactment by the 14th legislative session in 1887 of the Siirnrners law. which cave to' Orecrm its first real statute providing for a National Guard organiza- protection against the Indians was necessary or as a result of patriotic zeal on the part of individual officers and men who were willing to serve without remuneration and in a great many instances, reimbursement for expenses for the sheer desire for military training and the associations that resulted. ' m ; - i; ; Companies A and B of the Re-O . ; L THE FLAGIi eruitlng battalion of the iFirsit 4. . . , , . T the Battalion under command of manded by Colonel Thomas Rj Cornelias are the. first regularly organized companies- -whose home station was Salem.. These companies were commanded by Captains Harding and tiurch. re spectively and ft was by means of these units that men were famished to the rest of the corn- Major Carle Abrams left for San Diego, Calif., where he was to receive farther orders as to the f otare station of the battalion. Upon arrival at S p. m. Jane SO, Major Abrams was directed to move sooth to San Diego to the little town of San Tsidro which was just across the border from Tia Jnim M mr-m tk litHillnn raand organized to ; operate! . , , j i ct ivi auuu . nun wrau against the Yakima Indians and their allies in 1855 and 1866. The next record we hare of a Salem unit is Co. A, 2nd Regi before being relieved by the first ballation and rejoining the regiment In its camp at Palm City. On August 3, all compo nent of Infantry also called the Ueftto of the regiment moved to Marion rules, in is company came into existence la ; 18 63 and was disbanded about 1869. One to Three Companies Here for Years Following the passage ot the Summers law and until the mus- Imperlal Beach, two or three miles west of Palm City to a new camp site which had been pre viously selected and which met with the unanimous approval of the command owing to the prox imity to the Bea and the fine taring for service in the Spanish I bathine beach American war. satem always Ota Pursuant to orders from the from one to three national guard western deotrtmMt received companies. When the First and j August 31. nil, the Third bat Second regiments were eonsoll- tallon entrained for nwmU dated and. mustered-in as the Qn September 2 and mrrir Second Oregon IT. S. Volunteer I c . infantry Salem a company; be- the entlr command cm ro. came known as Company -Jt; i viewed bv Governor withraMnh. COLOR BKARERS TOTS 8RI OltEGOW IiKAD, THAT 'FAMOUS REGIMENT A,, anon ttxm (ir.on(i,Hi.n . 1 wuun dcakeks rno iikiwh LEA It as soon as tne organisation! Th troops la full field equip-) as it starts for Mexican border, ik ioie. iment. presented a. verr fine in. ley in Irvlngton park, Portland, pearance in 'this review which September when rumora became the first contingent of Oregon was witnessed by a Urge crowd, fact and orders were received to troops to serve oversea depart- amon which war, i m.nv entrain- for eastern points, re- iur rmiaio ot bh -rran- neonie from Salem paratoy to sailing for. France. On cisco and there assembled on I r o v . l sntemhr 2 rnmntn. m itii j. v w-jfMu, A t All IVUII ' . " " ' of the Third Oregon , Infantry! ot&er units of the regiment now were given their final pay, mus- designated the l2d Infantry of Ured out of the service and re- lM 41st division, left for Camp turned to home stations and MI"" II- long to lo remem their old status I nered a a very? uncomfortable When the call for trooos waslw,nter np While, at Camp May IS, im, to await Irans- portation to the Philippine! Isl ands. Upon arrival la the Philip pines on July 1, 1899, Company K participated in the capture of Manila. Caloocan. MalabonljSan U,. by Pre.Ident Wilson Rafael and San Isidro as well as some other less Important ' en gagements and expeditions! : on March 25, IS 17. Company M was again among the first ready to move flnH rwn TkJ A nn Following the return of the der commiLnd of CaptaItt meg R. Neer, the company took sta tion at Vancouver Barracks Second Oregon from its .Philip pine service and muster-out at San Francisco on August 7, 1899, Oregon set about thev task of reorganizing the state' forces and, in the course of this Sa lem was assigned Company F, Fourth Infantry which a year or so later was re-designated Com pany M, 3rd Infantry and So re mained until the World war when the regiment's designation was changed to the 162 Infantry. Pursuant to the call ot the president dated June 18, 1916, Brigadier General George A. White, adjutant general of Ore gon, issued the necessary orders causing the mobilisation of the Third Inf., Troop A, Battery A and the Sanitary company, : at Clackamas. Company M, com manded by Captain Max Gehlar, was the first unit to report ready for service. It departed from Salem by rail at 9 a. m. June 20 and was the first . line company to arrive at Clackamas.! Following; the preliminary work of conducting physical examina tions, issue of some additional equipment and Immunization against typhoid and smallpox the 3rd Battalion, of which Company M, was a part, was mustered into the federal service on June 25. Abrams Commands Battalion in South On the evening of June 27 Mills the regiment was filled up to war strength and received the new 1917 rifle and other war time equipment.! December 12 and 14, 1917, were fthe sailing- dates of the 162d, M. Company leaving on which had been designated as J the - latter date land awaking on the mobilization point for the the following morning to find regiment and on April 5, 1917. itself out of sight of land, bound was mustered In the , federal for St. Nazairre. t A L 1 1 wv -k . a I uj uiuuei u. u. MCAiex- Followine the - arrival In ander, U. S. A., later to become prance on December 28, Com- lamous as xne KocJt of the nnv m n.A.!(A r... a short time, then to Contres Marne". During the summer of 1917 va- which was to be the sUtion of nous companies of the regiment most of the, regiment for the were utilized in performing duration of the war as the 41st guard duty at vital points in Division had ben designated by Oregon and Washington and General Pershing a training dl Company M was moved! to The vision through Which was to pass Dalles from which point; detach- thousands, of replacement troops ments were sent to guard bridg- which were j held ' only long es and tunnels along ths O. W. enough to complete the,ir traln R. and N. company's Une. ing. This duty, of course, was ; This type of duty engaged the not the kind expected by the regiment until the latter J part of members of the company whenj pointment: 26 4 Oak street, Sa lem, Oref," Captaia James R. Kser. who commaadedi a battalion' of thea S37th Infantry in the Atgohhe and First Lieutenant Paul B. Wallace v were j wounded while serving in the Argopne, Private Aubrey P, Jones, who. served In ' the-battlv of the Marne, St. MI- hlei and Verdun and was killed In action, October 2 S, 1918. Marlon ! county sent a total of 2588, - for ' service during the World war, of this number 72 paid the supreme: sacrifice and 82 were; wounded.: The tralnlnr of theae freaueat - and Wrgis groups of 'replacements wasa very arduous duty and one that tested the morale of the of- -fleers and 'men to the uttermost. Replacements were f usually re ceived in; quotas; of 500 to 1000 men jnd were divided among the various training . companies by division headquatera. Upon receipt of orders to re turn to the ' United I States the regiment mofed to Brest on Jan ilafy 20, lilt, and was there in spected, preparatory to embarka tion, by General Pershing on Februaryj 4; 1911. The regiment sailed aboard the S. S. Canoplc on February 8, -1919. and ar rived in i New York harbor 11 days later. ) From New Yofk the regiment 'went directly to Camp ! Dix and there went: through the demobilisation routine and was mustered ut or the service as a regiment oa February 19, 1919. HOPS STARTED, BUENA VISTA they; held urt their' respective right hands apd took the oath but the high type of men com-1 When B. Jones of Salem set p9""K company idq me rest i "."" nops on nis xarm near of the reerimenl eounled with the Wheatland: in 188 the hoo indus- excelieni -.tatLf trointn, tt.. WM comparatively new in Ore- .11 I ! A .. . .. ton. Kirkwood and Maenus. re- regunen, jseaid weir collective .pectively. were in the hop raising- "wm. "Ji f,T neir cnance or pusmess at Wheatland before Mr. ever realizing their hopes of get- Jonea, as was Ralph Geers near ting into the front lines was con-cay. A zew hops were raised cerned. jj, M: f . Jnear Bntterville. r ' vu ppijr lu.inaiTiu- i vys w oe grown in uals as jnany were transferred to Oregon, as jnear as Mr. Jones can advance : zones where ample recall, were raised by a man named proof p : the; loldieriy qualities Wells, whose farm was near Beuna of Oregon and particularly Sa- Vista. Mr.! Jones has sold hops for lem men, was Siot lacking. low as three and one-half cents Typictfl of the valor of Salem's per pound and a hieh an elo-ht. sons wa SLieu tpnant FraqcU W. J seven cents per pound. r Mason, rho,: because of his brav-l Thirty-fiye years aro A. W. Nu- ery and lability f was awarded thejaom set out his first hops on the distinguished sbrvlce cross, un- William a&aa farm at Waeonda. J It.. . - 1 . . .. .. 1 W . : . uer mts lonowiirg ciiaiion: tar. auiom now nas a small acre- "Francis Mason, second age on his place here, r lieutenant, 328jh-Infantry.: For Before the use of wire for trl- extraordlnary ; heroism in action Uea fiie hops were trained en coles tr. ! n . I .V A A m. m . . - . oi,i ueurjM, j ranee, ucto-1 "wut cweniy,zeec in height. Bav ber 22, 918. Ille led a patrol elinsja of burlap sacks were used of mea thrdugh a woods in order I instead of twine ahd la. the spring te envelope! thefenemy's position.! at training time the vine was -ivn Advancing J nndjer heavy shell a atari up the pole by the nse of nre, mis officer was severely the strin. i At harvest time the wounded,, ! but; displaying excel-1 vine was cut and the note lent leadership! and unusual jfrom?the ground and placed oVer a bravery, he i cob tinned the ad- hopper, the Weight of the Dole rest. vauce jino succeeded In occunv. ing- oa a wooden "home " tk ka. lng the woods- Residence at ap-jper consisted jof a frame about 14 I feet lonar frrvmrA uw j COMPANY iM, ENTRAINING FOR AMERICAN II akf t iik; a caP cot t O ... : - 'I Tnkisa abMt 1W. 'prior te nnMr neampmeni. --copynf etj i tourtpj Cronio Si.dio. OFFICERS, FRONT ROW) X.ZfT TO RIOHT: CAPT. CHARLUS A. MfRPHT- FlrtST TTTJTFViKT 7utvw . &0LMAS; SECO.NI LIi.L"CJiANT CARLE ABRAMS. rm' Xi.'s r ,,LILTEANT : WJIITNET lu. with ends closed. After flllins- the hopper the contents were emntied into a measuring box of nine bu- anel capacity or 100 pounds. From this the hops Were emptied into a sack. (The sacks were hauled in wagons to the dryer I where the hops were spread out on the floor of the kiln riom and dried in much the same manner as they are now. j A new drying-process, the hot air dryer, has been invented by Frank Needham of Salem, bui for the most pert the farmers use the old method. t;