TK OREGON CTATE3MAN. Crczx. fclcrd:sy.r:srr.!r-. ?!-rc!i ltZl nnrn I FinI State plea Started , By f.!owry; Says Uuzh - "Cubbish" In Cass , (Continued from pare 1) bis instructions to the Jury would occupy about 90 minutes, ;v'--To the jury ol laea McCamant urged they be not swayed - by 'the- unforgiving feminine spirit which follows any violation of the moral code, and which the defense claims is directly -responsible for the plight of the defend ants. .-. . -.:;.":' Mowry announced he expected , to make some headway with, his concluding: argument' late today, and will complete! it tomorrow, after which the court's charge to the jury will be made. Presiding Judge George R. Bag ley first planned a night session but after the noon recess said it might pro re too much of a strain on the jury. The state's final argument is expected to last : threugh almost all .of tomorrow morning. , - . The arguments of MdCamant and W G. -Hare occupied practic ally the entire session today. Al- . though Hare's sentimental story and his soft, persuasive voice was In marked contrast to the bitter .denunciations 'of his -colleagues who pleaded for , acquittal 6n charges the state had been unfair, he; too, voiced the demand the defendants "hang or be set free." "There- can be no compromise,. ne aeciarea. BlcCamant Quotes ! - Hawthorne's Story ' - MeCamant outlined briefly the pioi or uawtnorne's "Scarlet Let ier, and quoted from "Ode to the unee Guld,- by -Robert Hums. ; ; Haying done so h declared "on the qaestioir of moral. rela tion each of you Jurors ha his own thought. Nothing I -could say wouju cnange your ; minds on a question so basic as that. But I go wisn to speak of the hitter, malevolent, unforgiving spirit against the defendants who are found violating the moral-code, and the sentiment that any pun ishment meted out !to them is richly deserved. - "This is the product of. femin ine psychology the "bitter spirit women exhibit to one- of their own, aez who has been too free with ar, favors it is the most unlovely of the- sex traits. That spirit is wicked and wrong and doesn't. belong in the thinking of any good man. -- Hare In. eoncloding hla sum mary, had said "may your verdict be such that it will follow your footsteps by day tad comfort your pillow by night. Bay-'I per ceive their sins, Jut I find them not guilty of murder.' - sued nmm (Continued from pas - In court at a ball hearing f Frank loster, Chicago gangster,. a the ' Wflom he chased, but when the -state- offered to prod nee him todr a eourt witness, the de- fense objected strenaonsly to the surprise more. t AssIsUnt Bute's Attorney Way land Brooks warned the attorneys and the court that the man was mentally unbalanced and that the J'"' would not produce him as tyMts owa witness because it would not vouch for him. , Priest Identifies - Brothers as Seen The Rev. John Reynolds of No tre Dame university testified he saw a man run from the pedes trian subway after- LIngle was killed and asserted 'Mr. Brothers answers the description." ""David, a shipping clerk, testified he heard the shot that ; killed Ungle, saw a young man tun out of the. tunnel, heard a shout "Catch that man, and saw him run away, chased by a pollce- man. - -.. - v Asked if he saw the same man in the courtroom, David pointed to the defendant and said "There . he is, looking right at me, - David was the-seventh person, who either said Brothers was pos itiveiy the man who fled from the I murder, that he "looked like" the man or that he ."fits the descrip tion fixed in the mind of the witness. GOIII IIC5M : III1 .LI PECIPIES - (Continued from pas X India's freedom, that Gandhi ex pected the most determined oppo sition. ; Approved-b ythe all-India con gress committee which embraces representatives of all provincial congresses, one resolution memor allied the bravery and sacriflce,of Baghat Singh and. his two com rades who were hanged at Lahore this week for revolutionary actl s Titles, but disassociated Itsel? from political violence in any tvroi. i , . . copy opuiny : BEEHfiT HERE Marion county now has in Its vaults a copy of the agreement - between the scAerament and the county, on construction of the North Santlam hiiay, halt of the etpenae of 'wLich Is to be borne by each party. The connty eourt yesterday re ceived from Washington the conv aimed by C. V. i Marvin, ectinr I o- Front row, left to rights Kenneth Hunt, Charity Blodgett, EugrneyStricIand, Herman Domogall, Dor othy Mo-DowcJi; Nell Fisher, Rachel Bonaell. Isurlna Barkam, II Mill. Jim White, Bud Bfercer; back -. rows DaL;ra Iceland. Wllmer McDowell. Myron Batter,, Bill DeSonsa, Hilda McDowell, Xjeenard Falsi. Jimmy Meyer. Frank NeiderbJat, Slargwite Wagner, and Robert Hoyser. The orchestra is directed by Waldo Fuegy.: ; y ' I ,"' v: ,;.:' 'J: " -.-.K' V " -V'1- :' ; - - proval attached of W. H. Lynch, forest service district engineer at Portland. -, 1 1 !;..-- ' Thw actmg secretary fdgned the document March - 19, and County Judge J. C. Siegmund and Commissioner Jim Smith signed it February 20 before .for warding it east. y It is presumed bids-for con construction ; will be advertised immediately.! It is hoped clearing aids ; wm be i cut op : in several pieces to i hurry the work and also to. , aid 1 1 the unemployment situation. i r f ; :.OFfBSMDHS Portland T. M. C A.s second string volleyball team won seven out of -eight games to take first place in a round robin tournament in which' that Iteam end sounds from Eugene Yl M. C. A., Oregon State - college faculty and Salem T. participated here last night. aiem won five out of the eirht cantos, taking third, whne the state college faculty men made second place by wliralar six. Eu gene Trailed tn last, loafs g six out of the eight t Each team slaved" the other outfits in two- games. C. Page- captained the alem team, which, was also second string. Other players were Bob Elfstrom; O. I Reed. C. Schneile. Breyman Boise. C.. Page, Jr., O. J. HuU and O. P, West. FAIRBANKS, Alaska, March 27 tajj MiotJTed Moller, Fair- banks, and Frank Hodges, a pas senger,, who--have been enroute here afoot aiace- their plane rraek- ed up 1st the Habcwna river district more tnao. two weeks ago, reached McCarthy, 90 miles east of here today. . ; - , WARNER BROS. CAPTTOI. Today . John Mack Brown in "The! Great Meadow." - Saturday' -Bela Logos I In "Fifty Million French men. 1 WARXEH BROS. ELSLVORE Today i Be be Daniels in "My Past., HOLLYWOOD today I Jeannette . Mae Donald In "Monta Carlo." Friday . John Gilbert ia -Way; fori a Sailor." I GRAND Today i, Xewis Stone ': and Dorothy Mackalll la "Of fice Wife Friday Louis Wolheim in Danger Lights.- e 1 e see nunu. TKeGall Board By OLIVE RL DOAK - (:. . .Ve U naiiiiLw2):f , J HOME OF 25c TA TODAY MICKET MOCSB MATTKRE l:SO P. M. All Childresi interested la playisg fat the' Mickey Mouse orchestra come at 12 o'clock ' : 7fie ear's Dramatic Smash . i . M ews and Cartoon j" ATTEtiD-TOIilGHT'S r,lATlNEE11:30 Js. MAMENE D1ETNCH VV..V. rY X I THESE "MICE" PLAY CAT Mickey Mouse NOTES I By ZOLLIE3 VOLCHOK . ' MMC . - I ' As an added attraction and in keeping with . the- educational program arrangements the Warner Bros. Capitol theatre en deavors to nrespnt for the Mick ey Mouse- members, 4lan8 were completed with Donald Dare, one of the Pacific coast's j leading dancing instructors for a series of appearances on the stage as an added feature for the-Mickey Mouse program. Mr. Dare will give instruction to any or j all members of the club free of charge each Saturday. The first lesson will be offered tomorrow. ' v .-; MMC i- :: - ?' . -! Starting this Saturday we will tell you about the Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse cartoon con test which will be held during the next few weeks. The contest is open to any member of the club: all drawings must be made free hand . . . no tracings, will be accepted; drawings 1 can be any size; large one's preferred. Clear white paper dona in pencil. ink or crayon. You may hand in your - drawings at anytime, the sooner the better, as we receive them they will be put on display in ' the window ot some ot Sa lem's leading merchants until the final judging day. All. draw ing, must be in not later than Boon Saturday, April 25. . :: MMC ' 1 -l-- ' The stage contest last week met 'with loud applause. The prises were awarded to David Smith, Donald Clark, Barbara Rundell and Ruth Fargo, , . :-- , MMC - ,r,. ": Harold - -Jepson gave i a ' very convincing imitation of Joe Fris co, famous tap dancer, and was greeted joyfully Hare Id 1s from tha Barbara Barnes School ot the Dance, i - MMC K s . ' " - In addition to the danxlng les sons on the stage Saturday the program includes aa interesting feature picture The Great Mea dow", cartoon comedy "Flip the Frog", comedy and the third ad venture ot the Mickey Mouse club serial "Flngsr Printa' - ' . MMC ' ! Doors open Saturday morning at 10:30 a. m., be aura and coma early for the program will be rather long and the-show may be started earlier. MMC So Long. 4 ; ; - ; zollib. (lEEOTFlffllSE . Ill TAXES QUERIED WASHINGTON,- March 27. f AP) Opinion continued divided on Capitol Hill today on the need for a tax increase to meet the prospective 9700,000,000 treasury deficit. -f ;..! ; - - -' ' Senators Reed, republican, of Pennsylvania, and Walsh, demo crat, Montana, shared the belief .iia?' USB, Coming, - Fables Comedr. Q. Qaxamount Qlrtiae Starts Sunday 5 Days Midnight Matinee 11:30 P. M. Today OR NO CAT -o that a tax raise could be avoided Representative Freer . of : Wis consin, a republican member i of the ways and means committee,; however, contended the deficit Waa "a new liability that must I be met.- : v., i -.1 --. - jf ! "Every . other governmental unit raises its' obligations by tax ation," said Fr ear, who is identi fied with the house progressive group. "We i must do likewise; The government should not be op erated on borrowed money. j if : Mickey Mouco Rally. AND CLUB MEETNG SATURDAY AT 10:30 AM; I 77? 1 - : M 1 Held Over for the 1 Mickey House Club Meeting ON THE STAGE j Mr. Donald Dare One of America's Fore most Dancing Instruc tors ; liffr :- WILt Hi I Fpgo . : 1 ' i Lesson No. 1 Sat At 11 A. II. - C02ICDIES, CARTOON SERIAL Tinker Printe" Ms; TODAY mi i I H I 7hye;'lb.rona AT 2 P. M. L?i : I : I . . not Frndiiniv Th. mo,g picture ever filfned. 10 1 mm J Iov . thibrioMio5e3 wml mm ni?? JcAlMon Frenchmen nd pf 'mi wetl IW wm '" P - Evenings y- AdnlU D(JD a 4' J CONTINUOUS isnow SAT. and SUN. COBDIli "GCEPT flfFER DctaL'3 cf Ccntrsct 7K 0a Ironed cut Today With Official . (Continued from page 1) proposition to the Voters of Sa lem at a special or regular elec tion. If the measure- carries, the deal can be Completed, - ' In the conference yesterday the representatives of the city declar ed they wo old insist tha tentative contract be "worded so therp would be no Implication that the city could- not submit a counter proposal for a mountain water- piant, should sucn a proposition be declared at the special or regu lar election. Elliott said the wa ter company had no basis for op posing such a counter-proposition although ha intimated he would prefer it not to be placed on the ballot. v . Company Will - Set Time Ubnit - The water company 4s expected In its letter today to set 21 days as the time limit for Its offer, the proffer to be extended - beyond that time If the city council and the water company mutually agree to a longer time for deliberation.';:'-; In the pendlnr contract be tween the water company and the city, a period of 10 years is set Z3 TEACH - r All rinfc irafntMi 4f. -wsiaaBisT wsvniiA m MV Art of Tap Daneinxr I -.Mi 'I fHll I for the exercise of the option and the company agrees that la event ta rotors reject the jlai. It e&a be submitted again as often as the city dselresand the company binds Itself to accept the price at any tine withla the decade. City Attorney Trlndle was busy last night with the aldermen' on the committee, going . over . the contract with the view of con ferring on It again with the water company officials- this afternoon at 1 p.m. When the contract is mutually agreeable it will be sub mitted to the entire council for thorough discussion, and consider ation before' it is executed. Machinery Firm ' Sues Local 11 an Marshall Fields, of the' -Troy laundry here, is named defendant in a complaint for money filed yesterday by- the Troy Laundry Machinery company. Inc. The complaint sets out that defendant holds $7120.77 worth of eaulo- ment which he has refused to re turn at demand of the plaintiff. roNi'dt-jiTi BIG SURPRISE STUDIO PREVIEW ! M i 2-DIG FEATUn-2 FOR THE PRICE OF 6m . ' f! : Fcllovnns the Lest Evejung Performcnee of the Cerent Feature ,j : "SO MILLION FRENCHPEjVJ" i AUnd the Regular ! 9 o'Clodc i i' 4ND STAY OYER VTrilOUT ADDITIONAL CIIAnGE i i ? w , . r ! , . .... ..... DAYS ONLY TODAY directed by - : - : vjfi ss I HARRY BEAUMONT - j Story and Dialogua by Aurania Rourerot . ConUnulty by Richard Schayer L WARJsER BROa EOO OFFICERS SILL FEED DIME (Continued from psge 1) day and left for Kansas City to Interview Uurke'a go year old wife. : j H , ' . Wife Denlest all , . ICnowledtre Of Acts " . Mrs. Burke; Insisted , under po lice Questioning sne knew nothing of the alleged criminal activities of ner husband. . The . bluer eyed' young woman, the former Bonnie Porter, daugh ter of the Milan, Mo-., farmer, at whose homo Burke was arrested yesterday mornlne. said she had believed hep husband a real estate broker and oil man. . . , When officers -asked Burke abont his Chicago, activities he re- f'Oh, yes I've been there fre quently. I bought an automobile mere last week, it's a nice town. Turning to a group of choto- grapners, tne ganman said: rroa reryf likely are a nice n s : n . ., AT lT) frr? iTD onc3ccr7c?nc3 ; Co ; ! U i -. il i'- x- i 1 jr ; you're in for a. thousand thrills as you L vratch beautiful Joan, the rfrl reborter. de If: scend, into a realm of tangdora for a news paper yarn. She battles the uaderworU, her beauty and allure her only weapons, and -wins through 1 to roraance--but ai ine nweuesi drama In many a moon! v 'TTD bunch of fellows, but X don't see why Z ahouid pose f dr you. Ton never did anything for me." Two. states, Michigan anj ihj. nais, and United States govern ment had fifed claims this sfter noon for custody of Burke. ESffl, SHOT ; re;j am ,: PORTLAND, Ore., March 27. (AP)' Johnny Hansen of Portland and Stanley Sargant of Vancouver,. Wash., fought a fierce six round draw on a "bar. gain, fight bill tonight. Hansen staggered sargant In the second with a barrage to the jaw, but from the fourth on, Sargant's su. perlor condition, told, and in the last round ha had Johnny In ob vious distress The draw decision was nnnnn. ular, Hansen weighed 150, Sar gant 151. IiAST TIMES TODAY I r1 fit IL Tomorrow ", BERT WHEELER - . and KOBT ! WOOLSEY in "HOOK LINE and SINKER" it before she does you'll gasp AND Jilill secretary of agricultare, with ap-