Oregon City, Ore., March 28, 1851 Salem,- Ore.,t March 23, 1931 Page Seven BETHANY SPOT OF OLD CHURCH 80th Anniversary in April; Many of its Pastors Yell-Known men "The aahes of an oak in the chimney are no epitaph, to tell me mm nigh or how large that oak wasV It:' tells me not what flocks uVheltered while it stood. nor wwr-raen it nun wnen it ti mi fell." And Ilk Dr. John Donne's ashes of .the oak," the pioneer churches standing along toe highways do not tell the passing motorist of the days when they were prominent as "meetin' houses", in the tires of Oregon pioneers. Such a church is Bethany, standing at the side of a ceme tery near the Silrerton-gaiem up per highway, a lltle orer a mile out of Silrerton. Records tell that this la the oldest of the oTer 300 Christian churches on the Pacific coast. Well-Known Pastors" L - . M Tl i 1 ocrreu bi oeiiuuiy Bethany church will celebrate its 80th anniversary in April. Pioneers say it was organized in April, 18 51,. at the home of Ellas Cpx. ReV. c. C. Chapman was lta - first pastor. Among other early pastors were such well-known "pioneer men as J. E. Roberts of Turner, Glenn and Peter 'Burnett, the latter a nephew of Peter Hardman Burnett, first gorernor, of California. Original membership of the cnurcn included ... wulburn ana Marcella King, Margaret Miller, Frederick Mascber, Mary Ann Robinett, Josephine Shaw, Sam uel and Sarah Tucker, Mary Dar is, Isaac and Margaret Hedrick, Ellas Cox, Illy Cos, Peter, Gideon, Susannah, Samuel, Harriet and josepn cox, ueorge ana Julian Woolen and Jane Shaw. By 1858, the congregation had prospered sufficiently to build a church, the building which, still stands. Bethany church is no longer used. ; When Silrerton he- ram better ' nettled a Christian church was built within the city. You Read 9 em and Then Tell Large One You Recall! "William Torrance, Esq., of Mil' waukie, lately plucked a gooseber ry at Astoria which measured six inches in circumference.! States man, June 27, 1851. "Mammoth Radishes . . Half a dozen radishes . . one measured 13 inches in circumferance and the others were not far behind. They were upwards of 18 inches long, and grew at Molalla settlement. Statesman, July 4, 1851. "Large Melons. Mr. Horace Bak er last week placed upodt our table a huge muskmelon. It was raised on the Clackamas and was the largest one we ever saw, measur ing three feet and one-half in cir cumference one. way and two and one-half the other." " Statesman, October 7, 1851. Wedding Bells Chime at Cross Baskett Rites . From the Statesman of Apr. 15, 1884V. i ... . ."Married: Cross-Baskett At the family residence of the bride's mother, near Dixie, in Polk , coun ty, on Wednesday April 14, 1886, Miss Jessie N. Baskett to Edwin C. Cross of Salem." ; The guest list included: Mr. and Mrs, John G. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. m w n 1 If. 1m T J. A. XlOSCnu jrg, MX i. ww - O 'Donald, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. T. Cross, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Brislow. R. J. Hendricks, Harvey Jordan, Frank Cross, Ed Cross, Miss Ida Hendricks of Eugene City, Mr. Stutsman of East Portland. Walnuts Trees in Valley Put Out By Mrs. Huttoh "Onlyj God can make a tree," we hear; in song, but it cannot be denied that! Mrs. Leah Hutton did her bit when she carried seven black walnuts across- the plains In her handbag. Mrs. Hutton was at one time known up and down the Willamette valley as "Grandma Hutton,! who once killed a lion with an axe." . It was In 1852 that Mrs. Hutton brought! her seven walnuts to the Silrerton country. Fire of these grew and are still growing where they were planted at the Hutton pioneer home In the Erans ralley a few miles east of Silrerton. The place la now owned by Mr. and Mrs. B&lca, and the huge walnut trees are not the least of their pride, i One tree . Is particularly large, and Is often called "the father of the Oregon! walnut Industry. It measures 4 feet through and has a spread'of 140 feet. The tree is still rigorous and each year adds to its: tremendous size. A few years ago a Portland fnrc I ture company offered $1,000 for this tree, hut it was not sold. Whitman Rescue Of Mare is Told Milton Kester of Hubbard tells this one: "I well remember Jinny, a bay mare owned by my grand father. The old mare was a pet of everyone. She had been stolen by an Indian in the Whitman mass acre near the present city of Walla Walla,; Wash. My Uncle William (Judge William Hubbard) was rid ing her and an Indian pulled him off, jumped on and rode away. Dr. Whitman rescued the pony and re turned it to my grandfather after he came here. This -happened while the Hubbard were crossing the plains." German Bond Men Look Over State "Recently a deputation of repre sentation of the Germans, who are so-fdrtunate as to hold SI 6,000,000 of Oregon railroad bonds, have vis ited Oregon and have on their way investigated for themselves to form an opinion as to the propriety, financially considered, of building the rest of the road through to California." S. A. Clarke corres pondence in Sacramento Union, 1874. r : ': l,yy . ' r . f 'V' " ' o, - . - , ' .V' if -1 rst KBRlt-EUi AlvmB., Stewart conducts Salem's leading nov elty business. Mr. Stewart specializes in expert grinding and umbrella repairing. A nice line of high-grade cut lery is always in stock. Keys and locks fitted or repaired. Mr. Stewart has been in bus iness in Salem for twelve years. Location, 251 Court St. '53 SAW SURVEY FOR RAILROADS Gov. Stevens, Capt. MeCUIlan Survey Northern Route For Road . , 1 l . " In the Statesman! of June 21, 1853, there is an order signed by Jefferson Davis, Secretary of War, dated April 8, 1853, which was to carry out the act of Congress to survey routes for a railroad framj the Mississippi River to the Pacific ocean. ;The survey if or the route to Puget Sound was placed . in charge of Isaac I. Stevens, newly appointed governor of the territory of Washington. . Brevet Captain, George B.' Mc Clellan, was assigned to duty- for this survey. One of the officers assigned to the party was. Brevet The Salem Y. M. C. A. h 1J a consistent record of fjn from its early beginning. It was started in Salem when the city was small and has grown with the increase of the population and business. The inception of! the Salem Y M. C. A. runs back to IS 90, when a little group met in the offices of the old State Insurance company, which later became the home of the association. The first gathering we are told by R. J. Hendricks, was in the natur of a sprayer meeting. There were frequent meetings which resulted in the incorporation Of the Salem Y. M. C. A. The Incorporation took place on March 18, 1892. The incorporators were H. S. Gile, T. A. Van Eaton, Wylid A. Moores, and F. N. Gilbert. The Salem Y. M. C. A. began Us activities, on May 4, 188 2 and wag housed in rooms on the- sec ond floor of the Patton building, so it is now nearly 89 years old. The first equipment of the Y. M. C. A. was purchased by John Al bert, from the Vatoldla Athletic club which had just discontinued activities, this gave the Y a good start and it soon outgrew its quarters. The next home was in the Gray building, ; that soon proved too small and again the quarters were moved. The third home of the Y. M. C. A. was on th second floor Of the building now occupied by the Salem Hardware company, up to this time the work had been done by rolunteers but it had grown so rapidly that It was necessary to employ a secretary. The man chosen for this position was J. R. Wetberbee, now a physician in Portland, he proved to ba a cap able and successful leader. - Mention should be made of some of the devoted women of the Women's Auxiliary whose faith and courage helped ; when the work was new and not well understood. Among those who should be mentioned are Mrs. R. S. ' Wal lace. Mrs. C. P. Bishop. MissSina McNary, Mrs. Anna McNary, Mrs. R. P. Boise, Mrs. McKlroy, Mrs. Mildred Brooks an4 Mrs. S. R. Jessup. j The fourth home of the Y. M. C. A. was opened on July 1. 1S98 In the Hughes building, orer Johnson's store. This was a larger place, than bad been previously occupied, but like the others it SALEM second lieutenant, John Mullan, Jr., Mullan later surveyed the old Mul lan Military road from Walla Wal la' north across the Snake river to Old Fort Colville. j . . "Pacific Railroad-northern route -We learn from, Mr. Jeffrey who has 'lately arrived in the valley from the plains that Gov.' Stevens who has had charge of the survey of the northern route of the Pacific railroad, came down the Columbia to Fort Vancouver last week that Capt. Mcdellan and Lt. Donaldson with their parties would soon fol low. Lieut. G rover and party are crossing the Cascade range 'direct t Puget Sound. MaJ. Stevens gives assurance of the perfect feasibility of the whole route, and says that the ground has been found much more favorable than was antici pated." Statesman, Nov. 29, 1853. Y. M. C. A. '"i.'-o ..rV. r soon became too small. About this time, William Ladd of Port land became the owner of the State' Insurance company build ing and the T. M. C. A. bought it for the sum of $10,000. On De cember 24th, 1901, the Y. M. C. A. moved into the building where it had been born eleren years be fore. It occupied that building for 25 years and did a marvelous ser rice to the city of Salem and sur rounding country. Many out standing men grew up in the old Y and some measure of their suc cess is due to the training re celred there. A campaign for funds was started in October 19X4 with T. A. Livealey, as chairman, to build a new modern home for the Y. M. C. A. The effort was successful and $201,000 was sub scribed with which to erect , a building, fully equipped and fur nished. The actual investment in the present plant is $175,000. The buildins; was opened for use July 1, 1928. The Y. M. C. A. cost the clt ixens of Salem a large sum of money. Is it worth the invest ment? About one of every ten people In Salem have membership priv ileges in the Y. M. C. A. The old est members is A. T. Yeaton about 9 2 years of age and there are about 100 boys and girls nine years or under. One of the most popular" things In the Y Is the physical activities. These are enjoyed by all ages and with the cooperation of the Y. W. c. A. even large numbers of wom en and girls use the physical privilege in the Y. Some of the features fere gym classes, swim ming, volleyball, basketball, box ing, wrestling, baseball, tennis, and many others. Our representa tive teams 'always make a good showing in competition with oth er teams in the northwest, the wrestling team recently got first place in the northwest champion ship meet. The boys work In the Salem Y Is very important, more than 1 , 006 different boys actually use the privileges in the Salem Y ev ery year. Among the actlrlties of the boys is the use of the lobby, and game room, participation ia athletic actlrlties, swimming, weekly clubs centered around Bi ble study, personal Interest clubs. Christian Cltisenship clubs, and two older boys conferences each year Dobbin Party is Ended by Treat At Gilbert Home "Driving Party Several Salem young people enjoyed a very ex-, hllarating driving party last Wed nesday night, and were afterwards entertained pleasantly at the resi dence of Mrs. A. N. Gilbert. On Friday evening after the band con cert, the same party was invited to an ice cream festival by Mrs. J. W. Crawford, in the honor of the ap proaching departure of one of their number, Miss Laura Minto. They were bussie Steiwer, Josie Brown, Ella Abergast, Laura Minto and Messers. Ed Crawford, Milton My ers, Ray Gilbert and Joe Farrar." The Statesman, July 29, 1888. f'fli;1 j "J 3 An outstanding feature of the boys work Is the summer camp which the Y has conducted for nine successive years. Recently the association received a gift of about 20 acres of land at Ocean side near Tillamook. This will now be the permanent home of the boys camps. About 125 boys camped there last year. Music plays an Important part in the program of -the Y. Every Friday evening w feature pro grams in the lobby; which are well attended. Also the Salem Y has sponsored . the Salem - Sym phony orchestra which , holds weekly rehearsals. The Y is endeavoring to secure an endowment fund and already has a small amount invested. In many states every Y. M. C. A. in the. entire state has a working en dowment and our local associa tion is trying to get an amount, the interest of which would help in times of depression and spe cial needs. In many Instances people take out life Insuranoo policies in favor of the Y, make estate pledges or put the Y in their wills. An endowment fund would be of very great value in helping the Salem Y. M. C. A. in crease Its field of usefulness. The' Y. M. C. A. has'a resident hall tfe accommodate 40 men. These rooms are rented almost entirely to members and usually to young men who are just get ting started. They form a very, valuable part of the association program in Uhat they provide a clean, wholesome place for young men to live at a moderate rate. The Salem Y. M. C. A. has had but four presidents during Its ex istence of 39 years, H. S. Gile, J. B. T. Tuttle, F. A. Wiggins and W. I. Staley. Mr. Staley has been president for 23 years. The management 4s made of a board of directors of 21 men: Carle Ab rams, Paul Acton, Joseph II. Al bert, Dr. F. E. Brown, O. P. Cosh ow, R. C. Davis, D. W. Eyre, Dr. M. C. Findley, John Farrar, it. J. Hendricks. George Hug, T. M. Hicks. Roy R. Hewitt, W. T. Jenks, T. B. Kay, T. A. LiveBley, B. E. Slsfion, C. A. Sprague, W. I. Staley, Paul B. Wallace, Dr. R. Lee Wood. These men have ren dered outstanding service, several of them hare serred for 25 years, some have served from the very beginning. This long peridd of time has been without one cent Of remuneration. (Space donated by a friend of the Y.)