The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 28, 1931, Page 10, Image 10

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    ' W -......'.., . 1 .P - ......
hterest eMMlMM
aleni 7 -ana
Jnccn Lee Church has Full
Frccnun Culminating
Vlth Eastern Event
' The Jasoq Memorial -Methodist
church. Winter and Jefrer-
toa streets, will observe the Pas
sion .week -with special services;
'"as follows: . "'
-'- Palm" - Sanday" morning" - the
' worship hour will offer oppor
tunity for the i rlta - of baptism
and members will bo recelTed. In
the evenisj: the Sanday school Is
' presenting a. stereoptlcon service.
"The. Christ of the Master Paint
ers' In which Rev. R.. D. . Sayaer
from Portland will . interpret '4
of-the-greatest paintings; enow
ia t tho life, death and resurrec
tion of Christ. There wui oe mu
sic by th Junior department of
"tho Sunday. school; : - -' '' -
. . Wednesdav. ADrfl 1. ;t 7;30
p. m. tho pastor will, speak on
The Life of -Jesus and Our
Life", tho service being on of
:rraver and meditation. - Thurs
day. April 2. tho Lord's Supper
will bo commemorated at a serv
ice of Holy community, at-7:39
o'clock. -
Good Friday, an afternoon
service from 1 to J p. m-. will
bring the message of the Cruci
fixion In "The Seven Last Words
of Christ". Each of the words
will receive brief treatment by
one of -the seven ministers, assisting;-
In the service. Special
Tocal and Instrumental numbers
will furnish the musical setting.
Those who will speak are:
Rer. S. Darlow Johnson, Lea
He Methodist church; Rev G. C.
Blrtchet.- Tirst Presbyterian
church: Rer. Ai F, Lacy, retired
.Methodist minister, former pas
tor of Jason Lee church; Rer.
Fletcher Galloway, . Naxirene
church; Rer. M. A. Groves, Ford
' Memorial Methodist church,
West Salem; Rer. M. A. Marcy,
district superintendent of the
- Methodist church, and the Jason
Lee- pastor, Rer. . Hugh B.
Fouke. Jr.
- Easter day there Is to be sun
rise service in the church at
a. ra.. followed by an Easter
breakfast, all being sponsored by
the young people's group in the
church. At 11 a. r-. the Easter
worship service i will hare Its ser
mon theme "The Dlctovery - of
Easter". In the evening at 7:30
the choir will present, an Easter
eananta. "The i Easter Victory"
(Petrle), directed ly Professor
Herman Clark.
An Invitation Is extended . to
the community to Join in these
services. v
Easter Program
Practices Held
By Church Body
JEFFERSON", t March 27
Practice for the Easter program
which will be held in the Metho-
' dist church in Jeferfson on East
er Sunday 1 continuing.
- Choir practice will be held on
Thursday evening of this week to
prepare special music for Easter
- Sunday.
The regular church service,
which will be held Sunday will
be Sunday school at 10 o'clock.
The-special will be delivered
by- the adult's Bible class. Morn-
ing worship will be held at 11
o'clock, and the sermon topic is
The Triumphal Entery". and
yocal solo will be given by Dal
las Harris. Epworth league at
:30- and evening worship
7:30. . r '.-. "
Holiness Group
Gathers; Women
Also ;j in Session
The Polk County Holiness associa
tion met In the Methodist church
on Tuesday for an all-day session
At soon a pot luck dinner was
enjoyed by alU about CO being
served. Rev. Saries of Salem was
the principal speaker for the af
ternoon. i-r
Hojy Week Activities I
"For St. Joseph's GhurcK
Told byReV J; R. Buck
Holy week, with Its "various de
votions preparatory for . Easter,
will commence on Palm Sundsy
in St. Joseph's church. '
Rer. J. RS Buck." pastorpan
nounces: "Ati high . mass on that
-day, March 29, palms will be dis
tributed commemorating our
Lord's .triumphal entry into Jeru
salem,saluted by the cheers zni.
bosannas of the people, who, six
days later were clamoring for His
death. The week terminates with
the sorrowful scenes, of Good Frl-
, day and Holy Saturday, as. de-
- scribed In the Gospel . read on
ralqi Sunday as well as Tuesday,
'Wednesday and Friday of the
week.- -: . "" i ;
"Oa Easter Sanday there will
be two masses. The first mass. at
7:30, at which Sacred- Heart
academy will have entire charge
cr tbe music and Father Cyril
LcboIJ. O. S. B.. will preach, will
td a low mass,, and at JO o'clock
" there wll be a solemn high mass
with three priests assisting, sung
ty the pastor who will alsa preach
ta occasional serracn.
"Fcllowiag Is the program for
Ilcly week: Monday, mass at ; 7
a. ral Tuesday, raasa at 7 a. n.,
with rtaJIs cf the ra."-- on. Wed
X5..'':,ity, i-sss st 8 a. m. Rosary
and ten- ::ti at 7;30 - P. mu
f r :r?- i .:?r beEedictionl
i .
Next War is Coming FasivRi-
B eclares Evangelist Who
Knows Capitals 61 World
Dr. Homer Kellcms, who Is direct-
injr music for tbe Keliems even-
Iff? lis Uc party, WDJcn la conana
Ins; a series of meetings at the
First Christian church. ,
The W. C. T. U. met at the
home of Mrs. Ferguson on Mon
mouth streef - on Monday after
noon. ; A. short business meeting
waa held with the president, Mrs.
Edd Kelley, in the chair. Fifteen
were present!
?ir. "E. A. Pesankoff was add
ed as a new member to the roll.
Alter tne meeting -everyone-wor- i
. . . I
ed on quilt blocks tor a quilt for
the rummage sale.,
First Church
To Give Play
Of Eastertide
Sunday evening at 7:30 at the
First Methodist church a one-act
play. "The Two Thieves, will be
presented tender the direction oil
Margaret hievenson, eaucauonai i
director. - The characters will be I
piajeu uj iwmw raTou
First Thief, and Ted Parker as
the Second Thief.
The scene of the play Is placed
In the realm somewhere between
this, world and the next and oc
curs In time soon after the cruci
fixion of Christ - and the two
thieves at Calvary. The author of
the play, Esther Wlllard Bates, Is
a writer of repute and her dramas
of the religious theme have been
produced extensively throughout
the country. . j ...
Special lighting and elieets
have been devised under the fol
lowing committees: staging.
Blanche Reece and Rohert Holla
day; lighting, Forrest Holladay
and William De Pew; costuming.
Hanna Eymann and Helen Hol
laday;. make-up,' Prof. H. E.
Rahe and Helen. Pemberton.
Stirring Drama
Usedr to Assist
Sunday Messages
. V i .- , . -
"The Rising Tide of . Crime'
the theme for the Sunday
evening serrlce at 7:30 at the
First Congregational church. The
program will Include -the .last
four reels of the photoplay "The
Bells", made famous by the act
ing of i5tr Henry Irving.
This Is a psychological drama
of trem ad out force.
The Inter
--I, '. 1 -
pretation of "Mathlaa" br Irvlnrland navy strong enough that we
has stirred the -envy and imag-
Jnation ' of many great . actors,
The- story Is that of a man -who
had prepared for every eontln-
gency but a relentless conscience
and he was lost, "The Bells' J
shows what a hold love, ambition
and greed can hare on a man.
sung by Sacred - Heart . academy i
eholr at 8 a., m. During this maja
first holy communion will be dis
tributed to the class of children,
who Will receive tor: the first
Good Friday , cereiaonies com
mence at 7 a. m. These will con
sist of the reading of the passion j
and gospel and nine monition,
after which-the mass of the pre - said. No com -
5V.toB- "hnVucn in?eharTor
in oe commemoraiea wun..ap -
, . . . . .
ropriaiw prayers, cymns, eic, ail
i. - i i
1 Arm Ira !n with ihm ,aMnn Af
the cross which win :be TaTd 11
tt.-mv v. - " i r .
iTni,c;t ,,!.. r. M..i.r t
firs, bartismal and Easter water
at 7 a. ti, followed hr the liht -
ing of th." Easter, candle.; The
propnecies wuj be. read, - during
this time, and at - the end . mass
will be sung. At the Gloria, tbe
music of the resurrection will
burst forth together with the bells
ringing the glad tidings of -Cthe
event, and Lent will end at noon
on that i day. Confession will be
heard from S to 1:30 p. m.. and
from. 7 to 3:30 p. m. No eonfes -
slons Easter Sunday morning. -
Everyone, both Catholic and
non-caiaoiie, is lnvuea 10 ail
masses and ceremonies.'
Rev. Cyril Lebold. O. S. C. wo
assist Father Buck. - '
"What do yon "think of condi
tions in Europe, especially as" re
gards the dangers of a new war?''
Dr." Jesse Randolph Keliems of
New York and Seattle, aowi lead
ing In the Marlon county 1 Chris
tian church, smiled sadly. "That
lr a big question," he - replied,
"and I Suppose one could write
volumes On it. But I am quite
sure another war Is coming and
I am afraid It la not far awiyj-
When he y this thJJOctor
does not speak as merely a casual
observer. . H has crossed - tne
ocean 29 times. He has lived for
years In the capitals of Europe,
He was a student t-tn Germany;
France, Great Britain and Italy.
He spent last year in "Rome and
has' studied the workings of the
British Empire In Austria,' South
Africa,' New Zealand and the isl
ands of the seas. He Is not only
Internationally distinguished as
an authority In Philosophy: and
Religion, he Is also the keen stu
dent of world affairs.; U":
Yes. I am afraid the 4 next
war Is Just around the corner,"
he continued. "It will, start in
the Balkans or along the Franco
Italian frontier. ' Italy la dream
ing of ' empire, and there is no
empire for her unless she takes it
from someone else. Troubles have
long , : been " brewing w between
France and the Italians In north
ern Africa. Italy , has colonies
but they are-poor and offer no
real inducements . her' rapidly
growing population. On the other
hand France has made her north
ern African colonies .blossom as
the rose. Thousands of Italians
have moved into her possessions
and they are Intensely natlonalls-
tic. - Everyone in the new Italy is
01 mia Dreea.- ija.aer lueit
. . m. . . . . . . 1 .1 X.
ing leader whose energy and en
thusiasm ' has v. astonished , ' the
world, Italy has had a new birth
and she Is dreaming. ; -
"Across the 1 borders ; lies a
eountry whose troops in . times
past have ravaged Naples, whose
power has wrenched from her the
beautiful, province of Savoy.
France with her thousands of sol
diers . everywhere; Italy with ev
ery other man you meet in uni
form; new and powerful forts be
ing builded along the frontier
how long until the deluge? I i'i.
Growing hatreds everywhere.
Can' war long be averted? And
the worst of It is that Italy will
not right France alone. - Germany
is ready and waiting. She has for-
crotten the cart of Enrland and
America in the Great War she
thinks only of France.. The new
generation of young men does not
like such stories as "All Quiet on
the. Western Front", or The Way
Back." The youths think of the
glory and wonder'of war. And In
Germany they are sullen and fill
ed with hate and the desire to get
square with France. - But Poland
will stand by France and will
spring - upon Germany . from -the
east. Russia with her plan to
train twenty, millions of soldiers.
The picture Is black Indeed; There
are more men now under arms In
Europe than In 1013 ; :
'What about our own country.
Doctor? Do you think we will he
In It? - r,:
pr. Keliems thought for a mo
ment and replied. "Who knows?
No one thought we would be in
the last one. We hare tar more
people now In foreign lands than
we had in 1114. Our trade is to
be found on every ; sea. i If we
can stay out of it If the British
Empire can stay out or It the lead
ershlp of the Anglo-Saxon world
will be1 supreme, I only hope that
In some now unforseen . manner
we can exert such a powerful In
fluence upon the war-like nations
that, fearing we may Intervene,
they wlil hesitate before entering
Into the conflict. But to be able
to do this we must be physically
able to intervene. 1 mean, blunt
ly by this we must keep onr army
ean back ar words -with force If
need be. I know this IS rather, a
disappointing thing for a minister
to say; bat it Is true Just the
I same.
Dr. Keliems said " he doesnt
I think the British . Empire will
crack . because the dominions are
bound to'the mother country by
strongest of all bonds, spiritual
bonds. . ...i -,- :
-The evangelist Is a native of the
wmanspite vauey, member of a
plonc "nrlly. .
Baptism Planned
The special revival ' services
which . have been in progress In
the Church of the Nazarene are
to close Sunday. The -attendance
has been good all the way through
ana, mere have been 35 forward
lf07 v ardTn
1 WuyV?Ld,5v-?-"3.!
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i - T,j v-i'
Easter RnnA;. v-
I . . . " " ""' '"w
I nti 1 ai ... . . ..
"'vo' l"r WU1 dq aeaica-
iroVam vt .tl
IE'0?1 be!S Pr& by the
I ...
Annual Election
Set For Tuesday
The -annual business meeting
lfor the purpose of electlnr efn
I eers for the Sunday' school and
I church wlU .be held! TuesJav
i evening, announces Rev. c. Lew
lis Rounds, pastor of the Erantn
I uel Full i Gomel church. i;orth
' 17th and ChemekeU streets.
AtTRORAT March ' 27 A con
gregational meeting of the Pres
byterian church was : held Tues
day evening. Annual reports were
presented ; by- efricer or j tne
churchy the ladies aid" the Sun
day school and A report by, Rev.
IL L.: Orafious. pastor. ' Reports
of the. last annual -business meet
ing were read by Mrs. Lydia Ir-
Tln, secretary. f::-:; I
Lane Orlbble was. re-elected
trustee for a three-year term. .Oth
er officers .chosen for a one-year
term were Mrs. Edith Carpenter,
elder;. Mrs. Lydia Irwin-, annual
secretary; -Mrs. Aurella Grim,
treasurer: Mrs. Bonlta Dllier; or
ganist; and Mrs. Rose' Miller, as
sistant organist. - v - i
Officers elected for 'the Sunday
school were: Mrs. Bonlta Diller,
superintendent; -Mary Hunt, : sec
retary; John3 Kraus,; .treasurer;
and Maxtne Glesy,' organist. .
Rfcr, H. L. Graf ions wilr be re
tained as pastor another year
The Young- People's Mission
ary, society of the Oregon confer
ence of the Free : Methodist
church is holding Its annual con
vention at Newberg thla weekend,
and In. attendance are a number
of the young folk from the Salem
congregation. ; - .
The program this morning will
include reports from local .dele
gates, . business 'sessions and ' par
Umentary drill led by Mrs Mary
F. Coffee. Principal - feature of
the afternoon session will be an
open forum-of -questions -of - the
day. in tne evening stereopucon
views of : the: Mexican work will
be Shown. ..-'i: -
Rer. B. n. Pearson of. Los
Angeles will deliver the main address-
Sunday afternoon and? eve
nine. Emorv - J.'. Goode of Salem
will- be in charge of the Sunday
afternoon program. He Is presi
dent of the conference, . . -.i.
Palm Sunday
The -chorus choir , "of the
Knight Memorial church will pre
sent a concert, of Palm Sunday
music Sunday evening at .7 : 30,
with Donald J. Allison as organ
ist. The- concert Includes the fol
lowing numbers: - -,"
Processionar "Coronation . r -"The
Entry into Jerusalem
(from - the cantata "Our Living
Lord-). - . ' -.
Men's chorus "Ride on in Ma
jesty" (Wilson):"
Chorus "Open the oates.
(Harris). - i -
Solo "Jerusalem" ( Faraerj
Pearl Eyre. - .
Organ solo "The palms'"
Tlflmlil AIllKon. :
Chorus "Love DlTlne"
(Liszt) with trio obligate.
Ladies quartet -"Hark, Har,
Mr Soul" (Marsh). Beneitta Ed
wards. Harriett Adams, CarroL
Braden. Myra Gleason,
Chorus T-Th King ct Glorrw
(from cantata - "Our . Living
Lord", with incidental solo by
Mvrat Gleason.
Organ numbers "cnoraie" ny
njinsky and "Kamennol Ostrow
by Rubenstein. tj ,
Good Friday
Services Set
Good Friday , services In both
German and English have - been
announced for the Christ Luther
an church. German services, will
be held at f :45 in the morning.
the subject to be "Jesus Cry of
Triumph upon the Cross". Eng
lish services will be held at 7:30
o'clock, the subject to be; "With
Jesus as Tender ; Hands Lay. Him
to Rest with the . Rich in His
Death What Hope Hare Ton
when. Tour Dear Ones are Laid
to Rest in the ' Lap -of Mother
Earth?"' :U. Z:
Maunday Thursday German
services will also be held at 7:30
o'clock In the 'evening. . Subject
will be "In. with and under the
Consecrated Elements," the Body
and Blood of Our Saviour." -
Rev, Amos E. Minneman is the
pastor. . ": .
Program for
A Hzzzwz& of Life z?A Happiness Awaits
"'Yea hy .Tuning ia cn
- . . - . . .
From 7 :15 to 8 A; IX. each Treek-day raornir.2 &nd
. r from 1 to 2 P. II. each Sunday
Cpccial Eister terries April 5 st 6 to 7 A, IX.
m i
s i n :
r,, mmV
cmurr -z.ttthzsjlk chtoch -
. , - (Aricn Loth. Br.) -r-XiclitBtli
sad 8UU ttfMtt.- K4T. ,
Amos . MlsBesaaa. tr.pnoM T2.
eermjLB MTrt :S .. BnDjcx:
C3irim im Hia SMDMt Euiluttin M
rvicM 11 :00 .m- Bvbjactt .At .
fact of Oamairal'- BaadaricaMl 9:40
tBr-laar 7 JS., " jliBBmatt,
tMdar. ' Ca tU : 'Chri - Vietoriaaa '-'
B.m. !-taa chir. "Jlid--ek Uerman
Uotn aarrice ' Wdeay "7:8. .
8-bjct: -"A Peot)U BCracK fcy Us'Er
salty ( Their' Criit.:V ,'."J-r.
rxoLTtrooD ual'mn xmsTKmsr"
Mortk 17th aa Jfabraaka.atraata. U-
W. BiddW ptor. BBay chool S:S
n. MsrsUir wonaia n iocs; m-
ittk! Tears -Jmu."--: Palaa-naT
baeiato -Day rr- -wahl .
SO 'elaek: aaajartr -"Oracromtaf AJii-
fiealtiat.' t . JatariBadUU C. I. ; SMUBf
juk- v-6 '' 1 '- . jv-: y
rmsi cmntOH- o- crkxst.
-'- .-,--sjorsairTis-.-- . ..--' --"
Aiutii ' ua. Libart-r. atrMta. -: Boa-.
day Mrrrteas st-4t a.. a ad -.,- 8a-
act, 'Reality.', Saay,.scal. for P
pita under 20 years . oi r At 9-
lla.aa. -TastMBOBlal aMaiasvtiT Wado
seaday aU At ..t. Ewdiar t
dOSMMoaia Tempt cpBtria i wj
S:80 axcapf Saadays and holiday r ' -
- - . .. v .. x i i i i.. . r . .
ElUadr J. OiUtrap, pastor ; f re4.Eate
Soaday sehoot Bart. Bibla aebool 10
a. . Jaorainf nnjeet, r -jux inviting -n-
traaea." -C. E. S:30 p.m Junior .v.
S:SO p.Ba. . Ta nning aarmoa aaojaci
la "A Trayedy From Tare Viawpainta.'?
Bpaeial aiuaie. TUia eouxeh ia eooparat-
tar ia tha Marioa eoaaty vaaglitd
eaaipairj btng eoaaactao.- im saieai J
tea Kellem party. . . -, . - ...
I7jna rn:tAl and If anna atreets. W.
n . T !.m W n. - naauar.' SundaV tchoal
10 a.m. . Geraaa woraaip - 10 a'eloek;
aabjMt: "With Deaira I Hava-Daaired
to A as Tala faaaaTer rr jib i on. up
tiaa weraaip iro'elacV; aabjact: "Thera
Tbay Cratiliad Hlau" - Tha Lord's Sap
per will ba adminittered at both services.
Bpaeiat aaaair. Anthem, "Ball, King at
Glory. ay . . iOTarea.-; : -. ; . .
' 'crrjtri ronioa mssioir s -
S5S Court . itreet. . C, 8. Johaaon, paa-
tar. Sanday cboal tt 3 p.m. Services
at t sad 8 p.m. Meet in r Taaadsy,
Tbanday aad Saturday a venii.,
Caraar vNarta 17tb aad - Cbemeset
atracta. Baadav sebaol 10 ATa. Mora
ing -tronblp 11 aa. ETeaiaj- 'serviea
1:41 S.B. S.raasenaue. naooaaaar
aaias prayer sneatlBa".- -rriday eeniaf
Toaar JPeopla's aeting. 0. Lawn
Raonda, paatar. : ? t -,V
Cenlee and Liberty treats. Charles
18. Ward.rpaatar. Baaday aebael S:4 -Moraia woraatp 1 1 eio; nr
Jeets OrereaaiiBr the Worldv: Bpeeiat
nai. by. a - mixed quartet. Tveaiiia'
wore nip i:aoeiOCK; nojart).
Ing Tide of Crliae," with tba photo-play
Tha .Belle" atarriag- Lionel Barry mora.
Wadaeaday tha Miaaionary meat in r will
ba bald at4 tba hareh. - The p rot-ram
incladea aa iatereatms piay preaeaiaa
by. aome ' ( the wotaea. . r- - v - - --.
flwm-r Hia-klaad aad Church atreata.
P. tUmmrn- Mitor. - Bib) eeheet- 10
a.a, E. It. Baekatt. Bapt. Meraiaf wor
hip 11 a.m. Sabjeet: "Tba Body af
Bia Daatrayad. Kreains aarvlea T:SO
p.m. Sabject: "What the gtfripturea
Teach Concerning- tho Jead." The Ja-
Benlor O. . 6:30 p.m. .Mid-waek prayer
meeting Tharsday, 7 :30 ? , ' . .
LABISU CENTER Church eehaal 10
S.m. W. A. Btarker, Hint, wonnip at
H a.m. Babieet, r'Jlerey Unappretaia. .
C. E. at 7 p.m. Bubiaet "Why, Chritt
la a Wartby.Maatea." . Fra-prayar aerrica
:50. - Holy Weak prayer aarriea Tbara
day aVealBg".' - " i -
CLEAK LAXK Cfcarek aebool 10 a. at.
if. P. Cellard, Bapt. Jr. E. U ft X. a
11. Toaar People's S. I O. Z. at 11.
Toaar People's X. L. O. K. 7:15 .a.
EToaiaf warahip at S. ' Bukjeet, "Tha
Daaaereiral Serrant," Holy Week madi
tatioa aad prayer kvaar Friday OTeniaf
7:15. ' . :' - . .
MIDDLK GKOVX Cbareb ecbool 10
a.m. T. P. Walker, Bapt. Vfiatioa Bead
at 11. 3lr. Lydia charf, leader;- In
termedtat E. L. CL 7 at 6:30 p.m. Bab
ieet, What lb Mean to Follow Chriat."
Holy Week. VediUtio Wedaeeday avea
lar. ,-.'.-.-; i. .
H. B. Bchaaermaa, paatar, 1161 TJalea
street.. Salem. t - ; . : .- . ...
-- -oauxvot baptiit ' " ;
Corner at Basel aad Academy ttreata.
gaadey eaaool 10 a.m. 8. 8. Laaaoa
Dat. 11. . Preaebiaf at 11 a.m. aad 7:80
p.m. Prayer meeting Tharaday eTeaias-
'Corner at North Liberty sad VarJoa
treeia;-. William H. , Kebias, paator. Bi
bla aehaol at -:. Prod Bracr, Bapt.
hfarainr worship at- ; 11:00. -Babiecti
"The Kaaarreetioa aad the Deabtar." Or-
raa pralada by Mias MUler. - The Toaar
People will meet at 6:SO. Eveaiar
aTaagallatie aarriea at 7 :30. . Soar aervice
la eharre of Fred -Breer. . Bermoa eab
Jeetj "Where Are" tba. Dead t" Cboir
qaartet and "areheatra ' aelectiona. Wed
itaadav aTaalaa -nr-r aad Urmia aarriea.
Friday eveaiaf Salem. TJnioa, Bibla claasec
av 1 :su. . - . - - - ' . ;'.
- Tairteeaih had Center atreeta. A. P.
Laytaa, paator. Sanday school 9:45 a.m.
Merninr .worship . 11 Veloek; aabjeeti
"Why Chriat ie a Worthy hfaaUr."
Maicy to Give ,
Sunday Sermon
-IIUBBARD. March 37 -ReV
M. A. Marcy of Salem will deliv
er the Sunday morning sermon at
the Federated churches of Hub
bard at . the celebration of Palm
Sunday. The sacrament of bap
tism will be administered - and
candidates for church, member
ship will be received. .". .
, Aneccan icthefar Chnrc '
Church St, Bt. Chemeketa ."and Center :
A Downtown Chnir h. .
11 A. M. - Behold thy Kins;, -
(Palm Sanday) .
Anthem: Blessed -is He Ashford, r
Solo: How Long, Wilt Thou Forget
Me? Pflneg-er, Mrs. J. Albert Sholeeth
-7:SO P. M. On the Eve th Crosa .
Special music. Preliminary Program
by Intermediate League. S. S. S: 30, Max
: (iehlhir, Supt, Wm.- McGIlchrlst, rnu-
sic ' director, . Thursday evening 7:30 -'
and Friday 10:38a Passion , services.
..: REV P. W. ERIKSEN,' Pastor
e uriurcnes
TeCL Parker, who with Ronald Cra
ven will take the roles in tne
one -' act -play, ;.: The Two
Thieves, to .be preeented Snn
day evening' at the First Metho
dist church. I .v.
Market and North Winter street. X.
K. Stewart, pastor. Sanday 1611001 9:ti
a.av. lioraini- woribip -11 o'clock-;-anb-
eet: 'Chriat lanity ia of DWiaa Orirln.'
veninc- werahip 7 :80 a'eloeh;-,aabieet:
"Puactuality af God. : Prayer neetins'
Tharaday at 7:30 ' - - .
: , ST.' J0HH' 8 XtTTEZXAV
SSth aad A atreeti. H..W. Groa. aaa.
ban -Pana Saaday ; Saaday aehool 9 a-ia.
Eacliah aerriee 0:45 Oarmaa aer-
viea with'Baly Commaaity 11 a.m. Pre
paratory aerrie at lo:45 Mtanday
Thortday Enflith,- 7:30 p.n. with. Holy
Coaimanioa, - v Good Friday . 10:30 ' a.m
Qaraiaa. . - ' , . j. . . A. ''-- i '
rrasr gexmaw: baptist
North Cottac and I streeu. O. W.
Batsch, minister. Sanday school 9:45
S.m. 8am Bchirmea. 8a pt. Service 11
a.m. Sermon .topic, VJada IeCriot...
Choir anthem, arenlns. aerriee. 7:30
'clock ' sermon topic, f 'Balthaaar- Hub
aoaier a Ifartrr'ia 1528." Yoana Paa
pie's meetisx at 8 pjn." Taeaday. Bef-
eiar mid-week prayer sef rice at is p.m.
Wednesday. '. - J . ' ... - -t - .
B. O. Stover, mlaiater. Horn In r wor
ship at 11. - Sermon, 'The Triumphal
Eatry.'.. "Kide On.' Kide on,",
(Scott) Bole br-Bonald Craven, Eren-
JarB acred . coneert at 7 :80 by chorus
choir. .,, Palm - Saaday maaie. Saaday
school, at 10 a.m.- C. O. Harris. Sopt.
Yeaar - People's soeieties at :5 a.m.
Commaniea serriee Tharsday at 7 :S0.
Bobert -Xk Parao. mialatar.' Sertlcee
are held ia Fraternal Temple, Center
street, between Hich aad Liberty. Bibla
aehool S:45. Vlaraiaa proaehiar aerrica.
11 a'efach. Bermoa Iodic. God. tha
Holy Spirit. Toaar People's meetlnge
s:SU Krentsf preeehinf aerrlr topic,
"A ChaUance to Prove OB--Ke!afe.,
Special masie by. two eberoe choirs and
orchestra, ,; Prayer meetiag- Tharaday or
eaist;. , . - -i-. - . .
Cattara aad ChemekeU streets.
Bar. Prod Alba Weil, miaister. Chnreb
seaoat . as ,19 a.m. jtiiee tu Sieaay,
Bapt. Chnreb aarriea at 11 a.m. - Ser
mon: 'Waa Jesus a Christian?" Mrs.
Trama Baatoa. soloist. Mrs. Marr A.
Denton, orfsaist. -..-.'
Thirtaaath . aad Perry streets. O. 0.
Westo a, pastor. Saaday aehool at 1:4S
p.m. ' Charch aervice at S. Babjeet,
Faith's Army." EvaaretisUs 8erTie
at T?43. Sabjeet, "A Very Imperfect
tioa Taaadsy, Tharsdsy and Satarday
eveahigs at T:45. Women's ' Prayer
Meetlnf Wednesday afternoon at 3;S0.
Chnreh aad Chamehata atreta RT.
Ceo. H. Swift, rector, phoae 1045-7.
Holy Comaraaioa 7:10 a.m. Merninr
prayer, baotiim and sermea. 11 - a.m
Charch aehaol t:45-a.m. "The Craci-
rixion" by Stalner, T.-30 p.m. Good rri
day "Passioa Sacrice' Three Honrs,
' " PTIST MC B. 'l " - "-"y
Church and Btata '. atreata - B. Karla
Parker. ' pastor. - Graded charch aehool
t:45 Mornlnr worship 11 o'clock;
biect: "The Lordshia of JesaS Christ."
Eveaiar worship 7:80 o'clock; sabjeet:
ThieTaa."' Two Toaar Peopla'a meetlars
:so 'cuock.- mm eaareh 11 a-m.
Conrt sad aad 17th streets. - B. P.
Sboamaker. paator. 845 8. Winter street.
Pheae 35 80-jr., Sanday school fl:4S
Mrs. Prank Marshall, Supt. Marnier wor
ship 11 o'clock: sermon bT.Delbrt W.
alele ai Eurene. - 1 Ereaiar worsbia
T;SO elck: aaioa evanretistle moetiar
ia First- Christiaa church. - Toaar Pea
pie's moetiar S:80 o'clock; Aid meetinrs
Wedaeeday aad Frtday. "
.! 80th Anniversaiy Number
WouU yoti like for your ut-of-loifm faienda tf loisw the early hbtory of Salesi
d the Ogon territory? The Oregon Statfesmaii Anniversary number MareW 2S
'.ma skctcI tnose, tryinr, thrilJinff tiays, featurhtg nany irderesting and f unny In
cidents of j that history which are bot crdlnanlf known' , M : J.
Yoo'wilJ want xtra copies' and shbuld order them now. The price is -15 cents,
. Inclading postage for those mailed jouL List the names and addresses below. We
.wui go the mailing. . .
- .. I . .1. . .1 ..... ... mi i I , ....
.. (. ;. r . .,'', .-m--..v; ' -. I ..' v
111 Hi" "1" ..niiii ill ...... .'in. i...'., ......
- i '
Ila cr Ixlzz tit list U
; Cent by L
i Bodrers boildinr, U'th and " Terry
streets. " W. iKarl - Cochfsa, "pastor.
Charea School :40. S.m. A. Iff. Sermon:
Xle- Approach to the Cross" . pastor.
Vocal sofo: "The Palma" saar bf Kea
ncth Abbtt. TAntham: "8in AUeloiah
Forth" (Back). . School ot miio.l ;30
p.m.". 'PrfiM. aermoa by Rev. fcterlinr,B,
fcister, Gospal soar, service. Christisn
charch -mala quartet -will sinf "CrosUiir
the Ear."- ' Wednesday eveamf .7:30
a'clock FeUoViiahip- and. Prayer meetitir
followed by the EaecasiTe Board meeting
a 8 '10. '.Tuesday eveainr- S :S0 -o'clock
the -W. W, G.- will have a po lack din
ner St the cfiorch. -Tbnrsdsy erenlnr
7:80 a'eloekJ e.hoirrebearsst .:. .'' : --
: ; ;4iTBSTi paBTTEaaajr; - -
J Corner al t Cbemekata ,aad .. ' Wlate
streets. Grove C Biriehet,D. DJ,pes
tor.,.. Saaday aehool at 8t80 a.m. . L. M.
Baaiaco, Snptji s Merninr - worship - -11
o'clock. . Sermoa...('Woepinr"o, .Plnj
Boaaay.'-' Xr. Blrteht. Christiaa. Ea
dearor societies met at 6:30.p.m. - Ev
eniar. worship i 1 j30" a'eloek: - ?rmo;
"Biood Moaay" Dr. Blrtchet." Aathem
fiytho choir. ; A pre-oaeter.-sorTiea .will
bo" held ipjhe -charch- aaditoriam aa
Tharsday aveniar. at 7:80 clock,
.V '
'? Seyrjeo at 7:30 p.m. at the Kelson
hallon XTemeketa street etwfn -Commercial-
and Mbertr ctreeta. Mrs. Mary
Sehwedel ei-Portland will be the speak-J
mrl " Tnntc. ''ErTDtian Bondee.'. .11
circle will t held st tie church from
6:80 p.m.-anti T p.m. Messares will be
riven by accredited medio ms. , - , .
: On block' son th-of Center en Iflth
street. . Bev. Pletcher Galloway, pastor.
Besidenca-475- North 24th street, phone
2309-W. Thia ie to be the elosinf Son
day ad the special reviTal serrices. The
paator. -willepeak from the followinr sob
JeeU: -11 m.rm. -"After CoaTorsioa,
What- r t:4S p.m. "God's Supreme Ef
fort taSave."i Sandsy school :45 s.m.
K. T. P. Sr an anior society 645 p.m.
Prsyer meethif Wednosdsy, 7 :4$ p.m.
roio iczMoaiAi. at b. coTaonnrrrr
- Gerth arena and Third streota. Mere
dith ' A. GroTos, ' pastor. Sunday school
9:45 son. Merniar worship 11 o'clock:
subject: .-"lato Thy .Hands.' Speeisl
masie by Itfi&s Trula Grant and Junior
choir. ; renins worship 7:80 o'clock r
sabjeet: "It i Finished.1. Special masie
by choir and' orchestra." Vocal solo
"Tha Palms" by- Miss Bath - Bedford
loaar People's meetinfs 6:80 o'clock.
Bible study Wednesday. 7:45 p.m. .
'-' V' PTR8T CHWSTXajr "; T 7
Hirb and Cawter atreeta. I. 3. Hew,
pastor.- Mornlns) Serriee 11 o'clock:
abject: "Wsrminr at the Devil's Fire.'
Dr. Jesse R; Keliems preaehinr.: Evenisr
serriee 7:30 o'clock; snhject: "What
Mast I do to be Saved t" Dr. KeUems
preaehinr. Sanday school :45 a.m.
Orville -J. HuQ, Supt. .6:80 p,m. Three
C. E. Boeietief meet ia their respective
rooms. Tha Keriral . moetiar ' with the
Keliems Party in charge continues every
cranio r at 7:0 p.nv . 4
'k. r ' i AMXtXCAX X.UTBEBAK J 1
1 Charch street between ChemekeU anI
Ceater street sj Kev. P. W. Eriksen, T-t-tor.
. 11 son. j"Behold thy Kinr' t i e
cial masie by. Tester choir." 7:80 p.m.
"Oa tha Era of the Cross." Special
masie by eheir aad .preliminary prorr-a
by Intermediate learue. Sunday aebnnl
st 9:30, Max Gehlhar. SupC Leact-S
at 6:30. Services oa Thursday ercr.irf
at 7:80 aad Rood Friday at 10:30. Coia
manfea serriee at both servicea.
South Coaiiaereial . aad Myers- Jltreass.
8. Darlow Johnson, paitorr - Beaidnc
S4S E. Myers -street. ' Phono S7S4. Ser
vice 11 a.m, 'f Joinlnr the Charch." 7 :11
p.m.. "The Dependency of Jesus.' f -cial
music, Bunday school 9:45 a m.
Stearns Cunhlar, Rapt.: Threw learn- at
6:80. Leslie,' "Gettinr Reallv Aeqnk t
ed With Jesue. led by Glen IToston. Af
bary topic, "Tba Meanlnr af Peatecoit."
Is termed iat tbpfp, "The Meanlnr ef the
Last Supper.'- Worker conference Mon
day, -7:30. Jualnr-InUrmediaU dinar
and diaeasslo Wednesday, at 6:80.
Common ioa serrlce' Tharsday at 7:80,
topie, "Fellowship." Rerriaea Prissy
eveainr at 7:80, topie "BetrayaL" &la
by Mrs. Maioh Bishop. .
Winter and-Jeff ersoa streets, Ttuch B.
Fouke, Jr., minister. Palm Sundsr wor
ship serriee 11 a.m. 8 rate a. "Jl-imaa
J era salens a." I Anthem - by the ckoir.
"Glorioae Je Thy Kama." Soprano solo
by Bernlee Rickmaa, "The Palms." Sun
day schAor 9:45 a.m. H. B. Carpeator,
Supt. Eroninr worship 7:80 p.m. A
stereoptieaa messare oa "The Christ ef
tho Master PaiaUrs." by Be. R. I.
Bayder ot Portland. The eerriea is it
eharre of. the? Sunday school, who wiU
faraish tha speeisl masie. Toanr Poa
ple'a learacs St 6:80 p.m. ,
. 4-
; f - . :
The Statedaar
. 1 i 1 1 1
" V.
9UB i
,WEST SALEM. March 27-Mrg
D. T. Bradford entertained mem-"
bera of th Missionary society of
Ford Memorial church Wednes
day afternoon at their monthly
silver tea-- Mrs. Graco Bliss led la
tho devotional program for Foun
ders' -day and in. the study period
during which brief llfo stories and
experiences of native Christians
in-heathen lands, wero giren by "
various members of the society.
An unusually In terestlng- grouw
of educational scriptural contents
were-preson ted by Mrs. A, L. Ap- "
plewhlte and Mrs. J. B. Austin.
Miss irelen Bliss rare a number -on
'the steel rnltar. j , v
Luncheon was served by Mrs '
Ji. 'B.- Smith, -Mrs.- L. T. Wallace
and Mrs.. Frank. Forrester. .
; Those., enjoylnr the" meeting
were Mesdames J. L Miller, Grace
Bliss, A. I. Applewhite,. Frank
Forrester,; J, B. Smith, , M. A.
Groves, Edward. Fin ley, J. W.
Simmons, - J.--E.. Austin,;' J. R.
Brown, JB. ; Breckenrldge, J". R.
Bedford,- O. C. Larkin. Rose Bur- I
lelh,1phnip Hathaway, L,:T. Wal
lace, Arthur Hathaway, Mrs. Batt,
Miss Helen Bliss, Mrs. I E. Brad
ford 'of Salem and the hostess,
Mrs. D. T. Bradford.
- The monthly business meeting
of the society will be held Wed
nesday, April 8, at the home of
Mrs. Ed Brock. j
Ford Memorial
f Easter Pageant
Has Large Cast
A east of 4ff people is worklcf
on the Easter pageant, "The Eas
ter Pilgrims," to be given at the
Ford' Memorial M. E. Community
church Easter Sunday ever Ing.
Rev. M. A. Groves is directinguho
pageant. Miss Nellie Badley di
rects the choir and G. C. Lark la
the orchestra. This promises to
be; one. of the finest productions
of this type ever given In West
Salem.' ,'.
The Ladies' and Missionary so
ciety silver tea was held at the
home of Mrs. Darrell Bradford
Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Grace
Bliss led an interesting study of
the book, "A Cloud of Witnesses."
Mrs. A. L. Applewhite directed in
some Interesting games, following
which refreshments were served
by the hostess, assisted by Mrs.
J. B. Smith, Mrs. Frank Forrester
C.S V,a V. T Wi I' I'
Will be Sung
Sunday Evening
-The Crncifliion" by Sir John
Stalner will be suns Sunday night
at 7: SO o'clock by the choir of
St. Paul's Episcopal church under
the direction of R. II. Robertson.
The soloists will be Tom Tat
tum of Portland, Carl Nelson.. T.
L. "Williams and IL II. Robertson.
The organist Is Mrs. Kenneth Dai
ton, -' . ' !
listen in on KEX
Every weekday ,
7:15 A. M.C Family
Altar boor serriee
Rodders Calldlnj: ;' ; High And Ferry Sts.
Graded Church School t:40 a. m. ' W. T.
Jenks, Supt. Preaching 10: SO a. m. and
?; 30 p. m. School of Missions : 30 p. m.
A. II. Sermon: The Approach to the Cro'
Pastor.. Vocal iolo: "The Palms" sung by
Kec eth Abbott. Anthem: SInr Allelujah
Fortk" (Buck)
P. II. Sermon, Rer. Sterling B. Slater,
fOosslnj the Bar". Christian Church Male
JQuartet, . : .. . ;;,
Popular Song; Service. WELCOME -'
- T7. EARL COCHRAN, Pastor