EIGHTY-FIRST YEAR Salem, Oregon, Saturday Bf orning, t March 28,- 1931 LtC. L1URDER TRIAL CLE HEARS iiT IllLLSBDnO Final- State- Plea Started uy r..owry; says much - "Rubbish" in Cass Postry - Quoted in : Defense Pleas Lasting Through j Early Part of day . IIILLSBORO, Ore,,: March. 27. (AP) -Delivery of I the state's final answerto charges ad argu ments - ot ' the - defense' in the Bowles-Louek murder trial was begum today by Prosecutor George Mo wry. . ' V ' Mowry's talk to the- Jury fol lowed those- given by William O. Hare and Judge Wallace McCam- mant who delivered final argu ments in behalf of Neleon C. Bowles, Portland millionaire, and lrma u. ixucas, .xu- umuica paramour,, accused of stabbing to death Mrs Leone Bowles In Miss Loucks Portland apartment last November 12, Bowles and Miss Loucks have . admitted they were in the apartment at the time hut said Mrs. Bowles .killed herself because of her husband's unfaith fulness. ' , A ot of things which he did not understand were brought into the case by ' arguments of defense, counsel, Mowry ".told the " Jury, and h said, be was determined to "get the rubbish out the road be fore X begin to talk about the case." - Recalls Failure ; To Describe Wound " The prosecutor said-he still was unable to understand why Bowles bad not told Dr. Paul B. Cooper the nature of Mrs. Bowles Injury when v he called the physician to the apartment after the bread knife had ' pierced his ' wife's breast.. Such Information, Mowry declared, would have enabled Dr. Cooper to bring with him the prop er medical ' ane- surgical equip ment. , . Mowry pointed out stales , in the kitchen of tba - s; art.-nent, which the defense deTcL-were planted as evidence," had "nothing to do with the esse and that the state bad Introduced no evidence about them. They were referred to only In defense testimony, be said. , .. He charged the defense had Introduced -trick" photographs to show Mr. and Mrs. George f Stevenson . could not see the things they testified for the state they had seen from their front window. - - , - f , The Stevensons, whose home Is Just north - of the , apartment In, which Mrs. Bowles died; testified they saw two men 1 leave the apartment with a woman's coat and hat. This contradicted testi mony given by Dr. . Cooper and other relatives to removal of Mrs. Bowles effects. Mowry spent con siderable time discussing the pho tograph and the location of the Stevenson home. - f . Argument to, End . r lbout Noon Today - The prosecutor is expected to torn pie te his arguments ; by Eat orday noon. Circuit Judge George It. Bagley, presiding, announced (Turn to page 2, col. 1). WOUNDED LAD DIES v i PORTLAND, I Ore.; March 27. (AP)-Billy Pine, 12-year-old Portland schoolboy, shot acciden tally by a playmate yesterday, died here today. - -Fine had gone to the home of Dean Davenport, 12, during the noon recess. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh A. Daver port were not at. home and Dean - volunteered to show Billy his father's old .45 calibre army pistol.'- In handling the weapon be 'discharged it and the slag passed completely through Fine's body into the wall behind him. . SEEN TO ENTER CAR KLAMATH FALLS. Ore- March 27. CAP) Irene' Ad kins, 10, was reported missing from her home here today. She was said to have left town ; with an older girl and the two were reported to have entered an automobile driven by an unidentified man on the Ashland-Klamath Falls highway. " REPORT IS DENIED PORTLAND, Ore.. March 2 T. (AP) Clere. Montgomery, 22-year-old Wallowa county .cattle man, who rwas reported shot and killed during an argument over cattle early this week. Is alive and well at Anatone. Wash., his sister, Elaine Montgomery, Port- . Miss ;' Montgomery's informa tion came from Harley Tucker, another rancher, who lnveatigat edxthe report at her request. PORTLAND MOVE FAILS . WASHINGTON. March 27. . 1AP) The interstate commerce commission today dismissed the petition of the Portland. Oregon, traffic aad transportation asso ciation for lowering of combina tion rait and water rates from Born Here Five Years Before - The First Statesman Appeared Mrs. Malinda J. Wade, shown here with her grandson, .Murray Wade, Jr., ts probably the oldest person now living who vras born in Mar Ion county If not in Oregon,. She celebrated her 85th birthday last St. Valentine's day having been born February 14, 1840. on a pio neer farm near Salens Her parents, George and Millie Stephenson Xeal. tame across the plains In the famed wagon train of 1844 . which Included sir Xcal brothers who settled in this county, as well as the ancestors of such well known families as the Slintos, Scott. Dolpha, McMahana, If oIhulSs and Gilberts. Malinda Keal wu married In 1869 to W. Lincoln Wade, pioneer merchant, and had resided in her present home -last sixty 'years.' - : IMESS SAYS HE SUED Pi Unusual Turn Taken In Leo ; Brothers Trial; Seven Identify Fugitive ' CRIMINAL COURT BUILDING, Chicago,- March 27. -(AP)Tbe Leo Brothers murder trial took an unexpected fantastic - turn t today when a South Park police officer, stationed near the place Lingle was assassinated, testified that at the time he was chasing the sup nosed slayer of Lingle, be was fol lowing a "vision.". Anthony Ruthy; former traffic officer now attached to the state's attorney's office, told a hushed courtroom that he had had "vis ions" ever: since he suffered a head injury in 1924 and that they took the form i of "everybody '. In general from the good Lord down." ' 1 ' J The "vision" he had on the day Lingle was murdered, the officer said, was of another - policeman who seemed to bavo been killed. A man crossed in front of his sta tion at: Randolph and Michigan streets and, ho ran after him when he heard the shout "Catch that man," but; all the time his "vis ion was right in front- of him, Ruthy said. 'u :-'A ' Defense attorneys had indicat ed ; they Intended; to call Ruthy later because of bis Identification (Turn to page 2, col. 1) OR "Unloaded" gun is Fatal Klamath Girl b Missing: , . Cattleman Wasn't -Killed Coastal Rate cat Denied California points to northwestern points -via r Portland. -' The Portland organization In an action against the Bay: Cities. Transportation j company, a steamship line and various rail roads claimed that Joint rail-water rates from, California points to. inland points la Oregon, Wash lag ton and Idaho,' were prejudi cial to Portland shippers. Com pared with combination rates on goods shipped to Portland by water, stored there and . re shipped, i ' i ' i ' DAIRY SHOW SET " POUXLAXD, Ore March 27.- AP) Representatives of Oregon ; dairy interests de cided here : today to hold the annual Oregon dairy, products show in ! Portland June 8 to 13, Inclusive. EX-JANITOR HELD KLAMATH 4 FALLS, Ore.. March 27 (AP) Dave Robert son, a former Janitor in the local American :Legion building, was arrested in connection with an attempted robbery of a grocery and a hardware Btore here today. ROSS opnsnsTio. ONTARIO. Ore.. March; 2 7- (AP) Prosperity will return soon, particularly in the western part of the country. Governor C. Ben Ross of Idaho teld a gather ing of ranchers here last night. He advised the ranchers not to get discouraged and .quit farm- "We know that it requires one acre ot farm land to support one person," the governor continued in his discussion of how to speed the return of prosperity. "If we want to assure ourselves of a market Is the west for the prod ucts of the west, we ranchers must buy the manufactured prod ucts of the west." ' on. North Liberty street for the ;. J .- - -t ' :- eRIlL FRED BURKE Assumes Apathetic Attitude When Questioned About Gangster Activity " ST. JOSEPH, Mo., March 27 (AP) Seven Chicago "Of fleers to -1 day grilled Fred Burke, regarded as the country's most dangerous criminal, only to learn he consid ered Chicago a "nice town" and had visited it frequently ; but ? re fused to do so again except thrugh extradition. The man charged with lining up seven Chicago gangsters :- on : St. Valentine's day, 1929, and mow ing them down with a stream of machine gun fire, assumed an at titude of cool apathy. He admit ted his Identity but refused to an swer questions about a dozen slay- in gs. . Harry ' Ditchburne. assistant state's attorney Investigating at St. Valentine ' slaughter, abandoned an announced intention lot fur ther questioning the prisoner to- (Turn to page 2, C0I4 7) RIDE Oil TOP OF: STAGE IS FATAL EUGENE, Ore.. March 27. (AP) A man identified as Roy Adam Wilson, probably of Cham bersburg, Penn., was killed near here today while stealing a ride on top of a aoundbound Pacific Greyhound stage. ? The stage sped under an over head crossing and Wilson's - head was r crushed against the limbers of the bridge. Investigator said they believed Wilson wa ' ar ranging baggage on top of . the stage and failed te . see - the bridge. . A card found - in his -clothing gave his address aa 563 Pleasant, Chambers burg, Penn., another card was from the , University of Oregon medical school clinic and officials there gave the name of Mrs. Ella Poe, Los Angeles as an aunt of Wilson. r ", The driver of the ' stage said he heard ' a strange noise on top and when he stopped to Investi gate he found Wilson dead. 1 - . v r --. ' ' ; Dramatic: Goal - Wins For Lions SEATTLE, March 27 -(AP) f Scoring a dramatic goal three sec onds before the end of the game, Frank t Jerwa, ; speedy 1 1 center, broke a tie to give the Vancouver Lions a 2 to 1 victory ! over Se attle here tonight and r sent the Canadians Into a two to one lead in the Pacific Coast Hockey league championship series. . , Statesman ; ; -Display : " " i Tow are cordially invited to view the window display of The Statesman at the H. ii. Stiff Furniture em 1 pany window . today. Old files of the paper are shown, . incladin So. X, VoL 1, the first lssae printed at Oregon City. ; The display was placed yesterday and , attracted a group of people all the time It wae displayed. The .dis play wCl close tonight. AGRICULTURAL OUTLOOK EYED AT OIG DISH v. - ; f'': Support: Pledged for State Department Created,. : 1 By Legislature Prominent men From Many Corners of State .Talk ; . At Banquet Herel, ; V. "What we did do. what we can do. what we will do for Oregon agriculture" .was the theme of the banquet,' attended by more than 300 people from all parts ot the state which was held at the Mar ion hotel last night. ' Pledging support for the newly- created department of agriculture, various speakers told of past ac complishments and future needs. O. M. rplummer as ! toastmaster, introduced Governor and' Mrs'. Julius L. Meier -and representa tives of the rarious interests of the state. List of Speakers "- , , , Is Lengthy One . Speakers included H. E. cully, chairman of the agricultural com mittee of the Oregon state cham ber ot commerce; Dr. W J. Kerr, president of Oregon State college; Charles C. Hulet, master of the state grange; W. A. Schoenfeld, western representative ot the fed eral farm board; Irving Vinlng. past president of the state cham ber of commerce; Marshal - N. Dana, associate editor of the Ore gon Journal; Mrs, Sam Jackson of the Oregon Journal; Glenn E. Marsh of Hood River, represent ing: the horticultural interests of the state; Herman Oliver of John Day, representing the livestock in terests; A. E. Engrebretsen of As toria, representing the dairymen; Fred Cockell of Milwaukie,- rep resenting the poultrymen; 'Burt Brown Barker, vlce-preeideirt ot the University of Oregon; Eugene Courtney, chairman of the agri cultural committee of the Oregon Bankers -association, and A. M. Wright, - Tlce-presldent of the United States National j bank of Portland. " - ' - L ' 'y 'Mnsle'' war furnished!-' y-- the Chemawa string trio, composed of Professor Ruthyn Tnrney, Mrs. Gertrude Turney and Alex ?jlel- ovldofL i i Chief Justice Bean of the sUte supreme coiurt Friday signed a certificate Of provable ! cause In the ease of John Klngsley, who was under sentence to be hanged in the state .penitentiary here next Friday for the murder of Sam Prescott, Ashland police of ficer. ' j " " i - ' : C; This automatically stays Kings ley's execution 'and makes it pos sible for him to perfect bis appeal to the supreme court. . - Attorneys '!:. E. Kelley and T. J. Enrigbt of Medf ord appeared be fore Chief Justice Bean In behalf of KingsleyjThe stay of jexecution was opposed by George Cbddlng, district v attorney of; Jackson county. i The usual number . of i Invita tions had been issued and; all ar rangements! had been completed for the execution. Klngsley i was alleged to hare shot and killed Prescott, " when the officer attempted to question him regarding a stolen automo bile, .1? i DELAYED BY ORDER v - - .-tg;- They ! Have Watched Salem Grow r V v If s These women hare, enjoyed seeing Salem grow. Oa March 3, 1939, they joined with JUrs. Abgail . Hatch rarrar In Vibrating her SOth birthday aanlversary at John rarrar's home here. From, the , leffx lira. W. S. KXt, II. Commercial fit. Mrs. 17U Babcock, X. Commercial Et. Sirs. Abail Hatch Farrar, SS5 N. liberty St.; Sirs. Ruth IS. Sayre. Chemeketa SCt tr. XL N. Chapman, N. Church BUf , Mrs. Mary Haas, JV. rront Et 80th Anniversary Edition 1 The Oregon Statesman presents this morning its 80th Anniversary Edition. There, are four sections; i the regular news section and three tabloid sections filled with. historical matter.. ..' . - Our endeavor has been; to give a panoramic view; !pf the" past 'eiglit decades aa covered byThe States-' man in its regular fpublicatron "of .that period."; There ; are numerous historicaT articles , of .merit" from .per : sons well informed on Hhe subjects they write abqut.' There are illustrations "which go'farjbaclc; in Salem's. " album. Then there are' "thumb-hail" pictures,' gleaned from the back fies of this-newspaper.-These extracts.' in . the -language of . the- day: they were first printed, give a truer picture of the past than any which could be written ' today. Some quaint, , some droll, .some stirring, they breath the air of the news of yester- year. .The chronology" too , will give' one an idea of the subjects '.which The Statesman had for 'news ma- ' terial in the past 79 yeas. i . - - ' J ' Every1 effort has been: madeto preserve Wstori-' cal accuracy,. "Perhaps some errors have come in, f pr . -'which we crave indulgence.-. ; . - , . - 1 ' . - - " The Statesman "acknowledges deep obligations to all those who have assisted in the preparation of ar- tides or supplying of material for this issue. With out their help it would have been impossible for our . staff in the time available to assemble all the matter which is herein offered. .' - - -t - The publishers wish, also to express sincere ap- -preciation to the great multitude who in the present and in. the years past, have by. their subscriptions, their advertising or their job printing, supplied -the plant with those "sinews of war" which a newspaper requires for its survival. ALL PRINCIPLES Will Carry Full Support of . Indian Congress Into . Round Table J.!eet , 1 KARACHI, India, March 27 (AP) Vindicated in all his principles,-Mahatma Gandhi is certain to carry everything before him at the present all-India National con gress and go to the second" rdund table conference in London with the undivided strength" of the con vention and' India's millions be hind him. - I The congress working commit tee, which corresponds to the plat form committee of an American political--tou i witlon,' psasgdreso f lutlons today ratifying , Gandhi's truee with Viceroy Irwin and de signating him as the chief nation alist plenipotentiary ( at London. . Support Will be ... , Near . Unanimous That Gandhi will win almost complete unanimity at the con vention and emerge as a greater figure than ever before was fur ther assured by the dramatic elev enth hour capitulation of Subhas Bose, leader of the revolutionary party, who instructed 'his follow ers to support India's ascetic lead er in the Interests of national un ity. . - . It was from this group, which advocates violence in achieving (Turn to page 2, col. 1) v Br ennan Placed On Health Board To Succeed Phy Dr.. Joseph P. Brennan of Pen dleton Friday -was appointed by Governor Meier a member , of .the state board f health to succeed the late Dr.: W. T. Phy df-Hot Lake. ." , M Dr. Brennan Js a graduate .'of the University of Wisconsin and the Rush Medical school of Chi cago.' He h&s : been practicing in Pendleton for eight years. ' Dr.: Brennan lis active n - the American Legion. and in IS SO served as president of the East ern. , Oregon' Medical association. - . .y.-" ; - ; !'"-, . L ' " ILSJEST PAL Shell Shocked man Shoots Without Cause; Victim Asks Mercy for him ELY, Ner.,- March 27 (AP) George Pollock, World war vet eran, died in a hospital at McGUl, near here, tonight from gunshot wounds after pleading for mercy -for Henry Bennett; a buddy dur ing me war, wno a iew nours earUer was said to have fired the fatal shot, ' - -, Bennett Is in' the county Jail, his mind apparently, blank, the result of shell shock during the war and sheriff's officers say he frraable to think or talk coher ently and does net know he has killed his best friend. The shooting is said to have occurred when Pollock s and Har rison Bambrick stopped at the Bennett ranch, 20 miles north of McGIll for a visit. An boor. later the pair rose to depart. A moment later Bennett ap peared with a rifle and, according to Mrs. Bennett; said: "George, you are going to dance to my tune now." He fired as he-spoke, and Pollock, shot through the abdo men, grabbed his friend and with the aid of Mrs, Bennett disarmed him. . Football Stuff . Wins Grappling. Match for Achiu ALBUQUERQUE, N. M., March 27 (AP) Walter Achlu, former Dayton - (Ohio) university grid star, - tonight proved his football training's worth when he used a flying tackle to send Wildcat Pete, Oregon grappler, to the floor with such force that he was knocked unconscious. When Pete failed to come back within the alloted time for the third fall, Achiu was given the match. : ; . Pete had won the first -fall In 28:30 with a surfboard hold. He was laid out after the second fall had gone 10 minutes. Each man weighed 155. ii u i 1 1 in c 'HILUOli DOLUR' I6B TO OPEfi To be ; -Ready in two Veeks ""'Barring Difficulties, ;Says Roadmaster. - The nllllon dollar highway" at Lake Xabish will be open for traffic In another two weeks, bar ring unforeseen difficulties. Road master Fjrjuifc Johnson Teported yesterday.St;';r-..'. f A crew has been working on the fill 1 the past -week, patching up damage done last fall when the ground started creeping under the fill Just when the work was being finished. There is another week's werk on phis,- but there Is hope now that j 'there will be no last minute creeping: v ."; , It has been necessary to raise the fill alt the way from a foot to two and a bait feet in places along i a 5 P 0-foot stretch. About 300 feet of the fill remained all right. !:- Await Cessation Of i Heavy! Rains " A crew is ready to start pour ing tar on the bridge as soon as It quits raining .and another crew of ! four are waiting cessation of rain to p4t about 100 gallons of paint on 'the 85 spans, each 20 feet long.; All this should be finished and the highway ready for Use In an other two 'weeks, Johnson says. CLASH DU STEAMER ATTRACTS FEDERALS If ' SAN FRANCISCO, March 27. (AP)-At!the request of the San Francisco i police department the federal government today took a hand in the domestic clash of Rob ert Farley? Francis and his "wife, Mrs. Lola Francis, aboard1 the lin er Sierra.il Department of JtfStlce agents today began an Investiga tion' Qf the wife's claims she had been assaulted by her husband on the. high seas. -':-;-": : l Francis was arrested Thursday, when, the Sierra docked here, on a radio warrant from Honolulu which; charged him with the ille gal .removal of SI00O worth of diamonds from Hawaii. He is be ing held as a fugitive from Justice in Hawaii. He was arrested at sea and held in the ship's brig after his lfe appealed to ship's officers for protection and claim ed he assaulted' her. DE BOE IS FREED LOS ANGELES," March 27 (AP) -Daisy DeBoe today, after four unsuccessful attempts, won a right to at least temporary free dom 6n $5,000 baiL 1 Presiding ' Justice . Nathaniel Conroy, : district court of appeal, gave the order for release of the former settetary of Clara Bow on ball, afteri the fifth petition of her attorneys for rehearing ot habeas corpusplea. '' V" ;-,i'. I The rehearing was set for. next Tuesday, i She is serving an eigh teen months sentence at the coun ty Jail on! charges of grand theft made' against her by Cyara Bow and upon: which she was convict ed. ? ' ; SAX FRAXCKCO, March 27. (AP)-i-Mever Grace of Chi icago and Iiattlinjj Dozier, negro welterweight of Wichita, Kan., fought 10 flashy rounds to a draw here tonight. : HOLLYWOOD, Cal., March 27 (AP) Speedy Dado, Los An geles Filipino flyweight, hammer ed out a victory by a wide marjrln tonight over Chato Laredo, of Ju arez, Mexco; who was unable to take a single one of the 10 rounds. i . ST. . LOUIS, March ST.:. ! ( AP) -i Pat O'Sbocker, red headed Irishman from Salt Lake City, tossed George Manlsb, Brooklyn heavyweight grappler, in 85 minutes 45 seconds here' tonight with a crotch hold and slam. The boat was a wild af fair, Manlsh being pitched bead first from; the tins twice. BOSTON March 27. (AP) Jim Londos, Greek wrestler, toss ed umo uanoaiai, ot itaiy, in 9 minutes and tour seconds at the Boston Garden tonight. Jim McMullen of Illinois and Dick Davidcourt of San Francisco wrestled 10 minutes without a decision. FOR CEl'J IIFJIC6 i it Lalte Sports H 1 - n i ff Detail of Contract C ' Be Smoothed out Today Chief of Water. 'Fin Goes Into a Huddls With Of f icials The Oregon-Washing Water Service company will accept the city council's offer iof 11,100,088 for the plant here, provided a sat-. lsfactory contract can be agreed upon between the two parties. . E. C. Elliott, president of the- com pany, brought this word to Salem San Francisco, bringing with htm a tentative contract by which the transfer ean.be worked out, Elliott's acceptance of the prof fer will be in the bands ot Mayor Gregory and City Recorder Pool- sen by 4 p.m. today, thus meeting . the time limit set by the- city council Monday night when It passed a resolution authorizing the offer. Holds Conference With Officials Within an hour after his arrival here Elliott was in conference with Mayor Gregory, City Attor ney Trindle and Aldermen Pur vine, Kowltz and Patton, members of the utility committee of the. council, Attorneys Keyes and Adams, the latter from San Fran cisco, sat in to represent the water company in a legal capacity. , The conferees went over in de tail the proposed contract between the city, and the water company. In essence the contract follows the resolution of the city council. It provides for city acquisition as of February, 1, 1931, valuation, with the present company continuing operation, and accepting profits or losses, from that period until the property is actually turned over to the city, j1' -Council Required ' To Withdraw Appeal The council Is bound under the proposed contract to withdraw the appeal of the May 1, 1930, char ter amendment, from the supreme cauj3. In consideration of this, the water company agrees to be gin, immediately the completion ot the filter plant here. Accountants hired by the company and by the Htv. with thlrri.nart arhttrafor. it needed, are to arrive at the ac tual investment in the filter plant and this is to be added to the price of 11,100,000 agreed upon by the city. j . The contract provides that the authority for the entire, deal is to be gained through submitting the (Turn-to page 2, col. 6) IIITEB ICE m WEST COAST GUEST SAN FRANCISCO, March 27 (AP) r To put the I. finishing IVUVtla 1AU ta r m fff half beartedly for the! last few months, winter came back to the Pacific coast today with hla kit of snow and ice. j He'll move on again; probably by Sunday, United States weather observers, who keep close track ot his movements, predicted., The cold old , fellow scattered snow over the pacific northwest, sprinkled rains as far south as the San Francisco bay area, and sent the mercury scuttling down in southern California.- He nipped at fruit buds and blossoms which thought winter had gone In to his annual hibernation from the apricot trees of Yakima valley In Washington to the ; citrus groves of Imperial valley ia ex treme southern California, A -cold wave coming - off the continent Joined by a rainy dis turbance blowing in ' from the ocean conspired to invite winter back for a few more days of work; C. R. Reed, federal weatherman, explained.-: , ;;. , Some damage was reported from" his unexpected return. In most, sections orchardists and ranchers welcomed the added pre cipitation, although weather bu reau records Showed it was gener ally of no considerable quantity Extra Copies' cf.- ':" Anniversary Issue Still Available ! I FEW EXTRA COFIKS of the SOth anniversary number of 'The BUftes- tnan will be available for a Short time.' The Statesman will address and mail these trim is -nta m ronv to mr.v x addrees in the United BtatM. ' If yon will telephone or niail your order, the tsae will be forwarded at oae to the " proper . ajdrena. " -Yr carrier boy will make the collection. Only a limited rinrr.-c r f the copies are avaiULla eikl a prompt order wi J l.e ner rssary to lnaure d; liter;. Im. I M 1 H i i ' I -