EIGHTY YEARS ; . ; riac orders now for The -Statesman's - 80th Anniver-. sary edition, a review of Salem history. THE WEATHER : Increased cloodlrcss te ! eoniinjj nnscttlal today, r&'a Saturday; Max. Iftrtp. Thursday Ci, MIn. 23, r&in .04, river 5JJ, north wind. FOUMDnD-1851 EIGHTIETH YEAR Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, March 27, 1931 No. CI 1 OFFICERS RUSH' TO CUE ARCH s cm Fred Burke Wanted In Llany : Parts cf - Country - fcr-;-, Dozen Murders Surprised and Caught With ; WoiChancft to put up V Rght for Liberty ' ST. JOSEPH, Mo.. March .28 (AP)-lred Burke, kown as the moat dangeroua criminal 1 n America- because of Ms alleged wholesalo murders' and robberies was captured without a struggle today at a farmhouse near Milan; Mo., four St. Joseph-policemen, a sheriff and a- rural constable sur prised the killer Jn bed. He sur rendered without a shot being ; fired. " -' - , V" ":?- ' . Word of his arrest sent Chica go detectires racing to St; Joseph by automobile. In the hope of be ing first to claim the prisoner. They carried warrant which .charge Burke with: being the. as sasln who lined up seven Moran gangsters In , a Chicago garage St. Valentine's day, 1121, and riddled their bodies with machine , gun fire. ' :-t Wanted Alo for " ; Michigan Crime Meanwhile, Prosecutor -W. N. Cunningham and Sheriff Fred Cutler left Benton Harbor, Mich., in an effort ". to return him to stand trial for the slaying of a policeman in St. Joseph,. Mich. Burke is charged with a dozen or more, murders, and robberies totaling at least a million dollars. The capture which ended a na- tlonwlde search for .the man so badly wanted S 9 0,0 0 0 in rewards have been offered for his appre hension, was the result of a farm er's observation, E. M. Mathews, chief of the St. Joseph police said today. - Noticing Burke displayed bills of large denomination and that he never left his automobile when visiting neighboring towns, the farmer reported, his suspi cions to the department ot Justice which requested St, Jose-piu offi cers to Investigate. V Officers armed with "machine guns rushed Into ' Burke's room at dawn and seized him before (Turn to page 1, col. 1) LEO BROTHERS IS CRIMINAL COURTS BUILD INO. Chicago, March 2f. (AP) Four state witnesses In Judge Joseph Sabath's court tolay IdenUfied Leo Brothers as the "blond man" on the scene when Alfred (Jake) tingle was killed in a pedestrian tunnel- last June. Chief among them was Clark Applegate, a Kentucky - race horse trainer, friend of Llngle, who said he was not more than eight feet , behind the reporter vrhen he was shot down. Apple gate identified Brothers as the man who dropped the death weapon but did net say he saw the shot fired. Other witnesses, all of whom said they saw Brothers running away from the pedestrian tunnel where Llngle was . killed, were Otto Skoboda. who completed his cross-examination this morning. Patrick Campbell, a young truck driver and plumber, and Daniel Mills, a taxi-driver. . - Indians Listen Spellbound to i Gandhi's Pleas V KARACHI, India, March (AP) Mounting a piatrorm m the middle of the great ooen-air stadium where the congress party Is meeting, Mahatma. Gandhi to day held tens of thousands of In dians spellbound for an hour while he reiterated his creed of non-Tlolenee. . When he had finished the au dience stampeded out of the sta dium and one old man was crush-' ed to4eath. Several other -persons were injured. "No one can harm me," Gand hi had told them, "so long as It is God's will that I serve India. Gandhism will not die with me." Million Asked In Legal Fees On Patent Case m KANSAS : CITY. March 28 JAP) Legal fees of at least vOO.000 each for their services in 14 years of litigation over alleged Mringement of patents to the Dubbs petroleum tracking process are sought by former Senator James, a. Ree of Missouri . and Charles W. German, another Kan- City lawyer, In suits filed la fl1 e0Brt today. . he patent case recently was ettled out of court In Chicago for reported S2S.000.000. EMM Lay Claim to Wendel Millions : : i ' But Aren't 1 f:. . . t t. ' - t - . h . i h : . s i. :" , n,v..V.,.-: Theodore Lavton, 73, wealthy landowner of Wiokford", Rhode Island, site atop the trunk in which he claims were found documents that will prove that the youngsters sitting beside him Edna Hayward, S4, and Teddy Hayward, SI are th legal heirs to the huge for tune left by Ella JVendel, New Xork recluse, who was last of her . line. , ' . ' v---r r i-,.-. CORVALUS BEATS SALEM DEBATERS Even Winners Surprised at r Decision, is' Report; t Locals Effective - . An, unexpected defeat r at : the hands of Corvallls high's affirma tive debate team put an end-last night to Salem high's elimb tor the state debating title. Tbe de bate, held at the normal school chapel In Monmouth, wai to break a tie between the two schools for district honors and . to -' decide which team 'should enter the state finals., e ' ; Salem persons who were pres ent declared after the debate that even the Corrallls - supporters seemed surprised at the decision of the critic Judge, Eugene Laird, assistant In the public speaking department at the University of Oregon. ' . . . Local Negative Team Effect! vp ; . Ward Horn and Eleanor Bartn, who had gone undefeated until last night in their' presentation of the negative vide of the ques tion of chain stores as a detriment j .(Turn to page 2, col. 7) - . KllElOSIOIl SiFFS OUT LIFE ' : I, ' BELLINGH AM, . Wash.. March 26 (AP) One man was dead, two-others were near death In the Anacortes hospital tonight and a fourth was severely Injured as the result of a donkey engine explo sion at the Independent logging company's camp on Turtle Back mountain, jOrcas island. today. : t Burns and Injuries proved fatal to Russell Norman, 25, who" died late tonight at the hospital while the conditions of Arthur a Long mate, 40, and Charles Norris, 35, were reported as critical. , . , ; Finds ho Trace v V Of Missing Men CORNERBROOK,4 N. F.i March It (AP) Bernt Balchen re turned late today from a 4-hour rttrti that tuMti near Horse Island in a further search for Var- Ick Friflsell . and others missing in the Vlk in g disaster. ; He re ported so trace of them and will give up further- search, return ing to Boston Saturday. . - STEIWER IX DEXVER " DENVER. ! Colo., March 26 (AP) United State's Senator Frederick Stelwer of ' Oregon, chairman of the senate committee on Indian affair, .was in Denver today Investigating the Indian land and reservation tax exempt situation. I - Display Friday and Saturday there will be a; display for The Statesman! la the east win dow of the VL L Stiff Fur niture - company on Court street. Old files will be on display. - ' This display Is feature of oar. 80th - anniversary, showing; the progress la printing, and showing the history . which The States man has i reviewed in the period, 1831-1&31' See this display. Friday and Saturday. Likely to Get 9 em 4 -a. i I i EUIOTT TO ARRIVE TODAY FOB PARLEY Belief Persists in ? Spite Of. Denial That Offer; :f . Will be Accepted X H EL C. Elliott, president of the Oregon-Washington "Water Serv ice company, is scheduled to ar rive in Salem early this afternoon and to go immediately, into con ference with T, J. Deianey, north west manager, and -rWalter-'.E; Keyes, attorney for the company here. The men will have under consideration the offer of $1,100, 000 for the local plant made by the city council Monday night. ' - Unofficial statement ; from the local representatives of the com pany has been that it was doubt ful if the Oregon-Washington Wa ter company would accept 1.1 00, 000 for the plant, Elliott made a similar statement when here on his last visit. However, , the belief persists that before 4 p. m. tomor row, March v 2 8, when the coun cil's offer expires, the water coms pany will hare accepted the pro posal. ' .; l: ":'?-.; Coancirs Offer I , . ' Is Deemed Fair - : ' ; It is thought by the council that the figure of ?1, 100,000 Is ap proximately the company's Invest ment here, less depreciation, since the purchase of the plant in 1926. If Elliott aecepts-the proposal a contract must be drawn embody ing details not Included in ' the rMinlntlnn of the council. That resolution provss as a part of the deal that he city withdraw its pending appeal of the May It, 1330, charter amendment from the 'sunreme eoart. The .'water company is . to proceed with . its new filter - construction here, the city agreeing - to reimburse the company ' for Its ' added expendi tures at their actual cost. -1 . .. 'C'afsPajama&i Have Value But r Writ "lis : Denied NEW - YORK. March r 20 (AP) The expression "cat's, pa jamas, in the opinion of Federal Judge Coleman, has a trade val ue. '' . J ' "' ' t- V i However, he denied a prelim inary Injunction to the Kats Un derwear company - to restrain "Kats"; Pajamas Ine., from use of Its corporate name. The under wear company claimed sole right to use the phrase, having used It as - a '- trade name since 1924, whereas ."KaU" Pajamas, Inc., began using it last. January, .-- One of Jobless 1 MONTREAL, March 2 64 AP j . The march of a jobless mob de manding - dismissal of foreign workers ended today In probably fatal injuries to Reno Cartier, 2J. He was shot by the superin tendent of a building supply company whose doors the crowd was storming. "- - Freddie Steele Beats Ferguson -TACOMA, March I 2 (AP) Freddie Steele, young Tacoma welterweight, won a decision pver Nels Fergusen. Calgary, in - six rounds here tonight. Steele scored a four count knockdown in the first round and landed the harder and cleaner . punches practically all through the contest. WHEAT iJATIDFJS T Weapon Held in Threat to ' Abrogate ; Existing Treaties .--? European Side of Question ,- .To be Told : Today. -i Expected ROME.' March' 21 (AP) "Bread baskeU of the world") bat tled this afternoon against a pro posed European boycott on im ported wheat. Presenting a ' united :front against the. boycott . proposal, made in an executive committee et the world wheat conference yesterday, delegates of Canada, South Africa,' India anr Australia and two representatives of United States wheat growers', decided to day to oppose strenuously I any agreement, by ' European coon- tries, for special tariffs which would militate- against overseas exporters. '. - - ; , . rThe' delegates agreed : te hold over the heads of the Balkan countries the threat that. If they Joined the boycott, pressure would be usea to secure the abrogation of existing most favored - nation treaties giving privileges to those countries. I ....--. : -The Europeans expected to pre sent their views at tomorrow's meeting with Rumanian minister of agriculture Madgeara leading the fight, - v - In his address to. the conference this morning premier Mussolini said the world wheat surplus was largely due to the fact ' people adopting higher standards of liv ing, were eating less bread. ' PROTEST LIHG BALTIMORE. March 28 (aE) A protest against federal and state laws limiting the rights of physicians to prescribe, drugs and remedial measures was voted, to day by the American . College of Physicians. .'-,,;, :,. ? A resolution embodying - the protest was approved with but one dissenting- vote at the business ses sion of the ' annual convention. Members said their understanding was federal and state prohibition and narcotic laws were aimed at, though the resolution was la gen eral terms. ..... The resolution was Introduced by Dr. Alfred Stengel, chairman of the .resolutions committee,' which- gave its unanimous ap proval. , -- . "... ; . . , The resolution recommended "that every legitimate, effort be made to Impress upon the mem bers of congress that unrestricted medical treatments of disease by properly licensed physicians should be granted, and that .they should not ' be penalized on ac count of the misuse of medical methods by a very small percent age of so-called medical and non medical men." -j. . DIVORCES ALSO FEWER PORTLAND. . Ore., March 2 (AP) Dan Cupid's business did not escape the general depression of 1930,' census bureau- statistics released today revealed. . Marriages in -Oregon dropped from 8243 In 1929 to 7591, In 1930, a decrease of 652. Divorces also declined In num ber in. 1930 as compared to the preceding year. In the past year 2 S2 5 were granted, while in 1929 the number was 3179. - 1 -Marion county had 406 mar riages and 138 divorces. rETlTIOX IS FILED ; PORTLAND, Ore., March 26. (AP) As Involuntary bankrupt cy petition against Fulop Bros., Inc., operators of a - chain of men's furnishing stores in Ore gon, Washington ' and Montana, was filed in- federal ? : district court. here today by. the Knicker bocker company. New York, In ternational Hatters' Supply, New York, and Harold Goldman. Port land. . : , : The petition alleges the com pany committed an aet of bank ruptcy March 24 by admitUng Its Insolvency when O. S- Crocker was appointed receiver for the firm on petition of Hattle Mar inethal. Portland stockholder.' TAD BADLY HURT PORTLAND, Ore March 23. (AP) Billy Fine, 12, was -shot and seriously wonnded here today when bis playmate. Dean Davenport, 12, pointed ' as unloaded, revolver at him and pulled the trlffger. The .43 caliber bullet pierced BIHy,s body la the tapper part of the abdomen, . BIO STILL FOUND PORTLAND, Ore., March 26. (AP) A 1000-galon . still was IS OF MEDICAL HS WW Fihop in F o;i LICETl STOCK TO BE 3 Progress Toward Financing vancit U(iTiidatlhg.:;Debfi:': j : Is Reported HereW V, '. Pending .reorganization of the Oregon Linen-Mill company here will move a Jtep nearer comple tion today, when a S 10,00 0 de posit is to be made injescrow here as an indication of good faith on the-part of F. Jx Gilbralth and his associates who are 'forming the Salem Linen Mills to take over the Oregon Linen Mill plant here. Gilbralth. with John B. Meek Of Portland, are virtually assured that they can produce the remain- lug $70,000 when directors of the present company hare removed $53,0QQof unfunded debt now outstanding against the corpora tion. ... :--'. Deposits of preferred stock In the Oregon Linen Mill 'company had reached a total of 64 per cent Of the total Issue up to last night. Stockholders covenant when the agreement that they will exchange agreement that the will exchange their holidngs on a basis of one- f or-f our shares of the - new com pany's stock for the old firm's Is sue. : :.-, ;..- f ! Progress Made m - i r Liquidating Debt s i - Representauves of the Oregon Linen Mills have made some pro gress in liquidating the outstand ing debt, it was stated yesterday. Nearly $20,000 of the debt Is said to be covered by the sale or exchange of the company's bonds for the unfunded liabilities. The corporation - has sufficient authorized but unissued bonds to take up the residue of debt. ' . Gilbralth said yesterday he was hopeful the situation could be cleaned up shortly go .the mill could be operated. He said his as sociates and himself were receiv ing marked - encouragement from Portland investors. Gilbralth said he already had lined up a $20,000 order, for the local mill, provided the reorganisation could be effect, ed and the operation of the mill resumed. : . ; v---, Application For ifL Broadcast Here Is Turned Down According to ; advice received Thursday from ! Washington, the application for a Salem : broad' casting state has .been rejected by the federal radio commission. Two applications were made with the commission, one by Rawley of Portland and another by Reed of Portland,, the latter desiring to amae time with koac. The federal radio , commission has taken the position that no more 'licenses should be granted to Oregon because the state , Is said to be over Its quota at the present time. Recently the examiner for the commission recommended against a license for Klamath Falls. Cupid Depression Victim Fulopa Deemed Bankrupt nJnloaded" Pistol Fired ; ' Second Crash Victim Dies seised today by federal, state, and uiacxamas county officers In Mllkrcreek two miles south of Colton., E. C. Kyle was arrested on a charge of operating " the sUIL , - - FTLIPIXO BOY VICTIM f ROSEBURG, ; Ocej, March , 26. (AP) Isldor - DIas, Filipino mess boy employed . by Captain Manning .W- 1 Spotswood.v -; Port Townsend, Wastu - died here to nlgfet from Injuries received In an automobile accident last night la which Captain Spotswood r. also was injured fatally. - ; - Captain Spotswood -died Shortly after the accident. Mrs, Spots wood : vfas seriously lnjufed but Is expected to recover. . ; ' BENTON FARMER KILLED ALBANY, Orew March 2. tAP-M. C. HolUnd, 41, Ben ton county resident; , was In jured fatally itere today when a . Sowthera Pacific train stntck his automobile. He died two 'hoars later. ".'-.zj--i' - - f Witnesses said Holland at tempted to ' reverse his car ' . when be saw the traia tat It staUed oa the track. His skull was fractured and he .suffered many ether Injuries, - armory Accepted - COTTAGE GROVE, Ore., March 26. (AP) Tbe new armory constructed here has been accept ed by the general staff of the Adjutant-General's office , and will be dedicated probably April 1L- r '--r-.'- ' The entire general staff of the state, headed by General George A. White, is expected to attend the dedication exercises. - Gover nor Meier has-been invited to at tend. . - DEPOSIT Young Editor '.who-was to Sway Policies in new ; 1 ; ; Texrtory f Await -; - ' - Great Changes Have Ensued - .- V- TT is 1851. 1 new In Oj Tomorrow will! Oregon territory, is morrow his Xirat paper. The born.' "Courageously he sees to.it that under the masthead appears the slogan he is to preserve in the paper's succeed ing: years: f No; favor sways .us, no fear shall awe.1, r-'xi l .'A .long' distance Into, pioneer O y 1 - ' 1 . . . t . . i iana, nas -come ,1ms .juassacnua etts youth. . -He recalls .that ; a year . ago ha had been at west field, . editor of ' a weekly -there. What an Interlude' the last -12 months has . brought! The trip through Panama, - The arrival in Oregon. ' -The journey up the Willamette to Oregon City where the tiny . territorial government was conducting its business. The delay. of the 'press ' and . printing outfit.' Its arrival,: too late to be in the field before that Whig Oregonian. - v Never mind. The democrats will r speak - tomorrow. Tren chantly, w "Carry - a Thiner Throngh" reads a major article on the galleys. It Bush hasn t written it, he's approved it. Expectation. Dreams. The thrill of development. A new empire to be built. . Tomorrow. And in the days to come. ' Thinks young-Bush: "Tomor row .... The Statesman. . It is 1 93 1. : New faces. A new city. - An automatic printer pounds out news gathered today from Russia to Portland. Type writers clicking are reporting auto accidents. - The first .section of an anniversary number of The j (Turn to page 2, col. 5) REMOVAL OF LIGHT SE SEATTLE. March 26 (AP) Blow and counter attack follow ed i fast today In the .controversy between Mayor Frank "Edwards and elements angered . by his re moval 17 days-ago of J. D. Ross as city light head. Two hours after George W. Roberto, secretary pi the board of l nubile works, had assumed charge of the city light department- through a . special rule passed by the board yesterday to fix existing conditions, he was ousted by a temporary restrain ing order - issued by Superior Judge William Steinert at the re quest of H. E Nelson, business man and taxpayer. . "I have no axe to grind, Nel son Said. I have acted because I felt It was my duty. In my opin ion a great Injustice, has been done Mr. Ross and I can't under stand why the mayor jshonld try to remove him." 1 . J3lty authorities . were ordered to 'show cause Monday, before Judge Steinert why the tempor ary order should not be made permanent. Government to Assist 'Islands I Says President U. S. S. ARIZONA, March 16. (AP); President Hoover, home ward bound from the Virgin isl ands,; and Pqrto Rico, announced tonight the government's policy of aid and cooperation to improve agriculture - and expand Industry in Porto Rico would be continued. . He also said an attempt would be made' to assist the Virgin isl ands -to develop means of self support which would relieve the federal government of the cost of their maintenance. - Musical Age' of Average Radio 2 f fXfsf eher :" is 16 i COLORADO SPRINGS. Colo., March 26 (AP) Speaking be fore the southwestern music su pervisors, H. Howlett of the radio air service corporation of Cleve land, Ohio, today characterised the American public as musically about sixteen years old. . "Seventy-five per cent of all ra dio, listeners want dance music," Howless said. We -of the radio world do aot blame the listener. He does not know any better. Late Sports " VANCOUVER. B. a, March 26. c . (AP) - Bob Kruse, Portland heavywfclght, - defea' 1 - Stanley Pinta, New York, here tonight two falls to one in probably the most savagely-contested wrestling bouts ever staged here. ; Pinta took the first fall la the fourth round 'after 'Kruse practically knocked himself out with fruitless flying tackles. Four minutes af ter resumption, Kruse got a fall on a foul and ended the match a the sixth round with a back press following a: bridge ' and . body scissors. . " - - .. . CHIEF CM. I West: ' '-.--r--. be March 128. Asahel Bush, nervous young man, - To Oregon "'Statesman; iSto be (ED Ifi LEPEH MOuT PASSES 0;i More Than ; Half of his Life Devoted to Service-of -' I ; Unfortunates - '.; HONOLULU. March 26. (AP) Ir,a "Brother Joseph"" Duttoa, who sought to expiate a. worldly life i by - humble' service to the lepers of Molokal, dlfed In a hos plUl 'early today of old age. Dutton Would ' have been 88 years old April 27. His health had been f failing for the past year. More than half his life had been devoted to the victims of the world's most loathsome disease when. his. eyesight almost gone, he was brought here' last July that a cataract , might be - re moved from his left - eye. He never h!melf contracted leprosy, He never left the hospital again, although" after several months he gained sufficient strength to sit in a wheel chair. He died peacefully at 1:50 'a. Expiated "Sins of Early Life - What impelled the dashing Ira Dutton, civil war hero and suc cessful business man. to forsake the world and seek atonement In a religious life was something he never told... Once, - commenting on the approach 'of -his ninetieth birthday, he said with, a twinkle in his eye that tho ffranh of his life represented "fortyvflve years down,-and forty-five years up! M: Dutton' kept his friendships with other Civil war veterans af ter coming to nawail and the leper, settlement, but those were almost his only contacts with the world which knew the first four decades of his life. Regardless of the- Impulse which led him to Molokal. Broth er Joseph was no mournful mar tyr, i He " found, fhapplness in serving, those lepers assigned to the group he supervised In Ka "; (Turn to page 2. eo!. 7)- STATE CHAMBER TO ALTER HIS HOL PORTLAND, Ore., March 26. (AP) The Oregon state cham ber i of commerce, meeting .here jtoday. ; set : In motion plans - tor forming a statewide committee of 60 or more civic and business leaders to i take over direction of the organisation. New officers were not elected but eight directors were chosen to serve until such a time as the large committee can be organ ized. The directors were: Irving E. Vlning. Ashland; f Frank Jen- Kins, Eugene: cart ' Haneriock, Tillamook; Ralph S. Hamilton, Bend; J. E. Akey, Pendleton; Hugh Brady. La Grande; Julius L. Meier. Portland; and ..repre- sentatlve-at-large, John F. , Daily. Portland. . The resignation of W.' G. Ide, manager of the chamber,-was not acted upon. "We refuse to take It serious ly , i said President Ralph Hamll ton.) "We feel it is a misUke to let him go at this time after he has built up the state land settle ment movement to the point where It Is bringing 1000 families a year into "Oregon. We believe he should remain 'In office untU the big committee ' starts Us work,- -i-;, ;. . New Use Found . For Soda Water ItULSA, Okla., March 2 6. - (AP) Freezing a fire 4o death with ! soda water, as the flames. driven by a 100-mile an hour gale, lae't back at the fabric ot ..n airplane 11,000 fee above the earth, is a possibility of the near future revealed by exhibits In con nection with the third annual na tional airport conference In ses sionhere. '.f - " y Ruth McCormick Engaged, Rumor ALBtJQiTERQUE. Nm March 26-(AP) A renewal 'of a friendship r formed ; while they were serving In congress led to reports today that Mrs.' Ruth Hanna 'McCormick. former 111! nois Congress woman, and Albert Simms, former representative of New Mexico, were engaged to be married, r IK FIlEEDlu MEillllFG i MTf ;'n:; ' ; ; L vUU LluUlik - Povies and f.!iss ! Lc uc!:2 to Prefer: Ga!!ows Rather v Than Life Terms ; Officers' ; notoriety Kz , ; Cause, Manufacture cf j-,, Evidence, -Claim , ;inLLSBORO, Ore., March 26. -tAP) Freedomor death on the gallows of Oregon slate prison. rathe than life in the penitentiary ' Jtiat mrmm .1.. . . . Ui. BUOIUfJI for a young millionaire and his former secretary as concluding ar- -guments to the Jury were beard in the Bowles murder trial tr . today. . O Silently, unflinching, with eyes half-closed and; jaws clinched. Nelson C.Bowles, 'young capital- i 1st of Portland, sat beside the girl, Mjss Irma Loucks, Jointly ac cused with him of murdering his wife. .... ., Occasionally Miss Loucks' eras narrowed or she smiled disparag ingly as the district attorney thun dered his arguments at the Jsry and shook an accusing finger mt the defendants. - A knlfeblade pierced the heart of Mrs. Leone Bowles, 33, prom inent socially, last November 12 as she, Bowles and . Miss Loucks met In Miss Loucks' apartment to discuss the tragic situation tn which they found themselves. State Unfolds Surprise Theory The defence contends the wom an took -her own Hfe,rhen the full realization Of her husband's asso ciation with his former Becretsry swepl pver her. ' inn siaie. nas ueciarea U was -murder, and in an argument to day that surprised the crowded courtroom by its directness Lotas Langley, district attorney, oat- lined the sUte's theory, hitherto nnrevealed in its entirety. . One of these persons " and his hand Indicated the defendaats "one of these persons held the woman while the other used -the knife!" . . "Our theory is that Bowles used the knife! - And Langley proceeded U (Turn to page 2, col. 3) SEMII1E SCREECH ACCOMPANIES E5 MIAMI, Fla.. March 26. f AP) ."While Seminole tribesmen chanted the weird m on things and cries of the ;screech" and "bsf falo" ceremonial dances, Tihokee Osceola, 17 year old Indian maiden, and -yllenry Cypreas. stalwart brave of the tribe, pledged solemn vows of - matrt- mony here today. The two dances, never before seen by white men. were per formed by a ring of gaudily cos tumed Indians, led by Cory Os ceola, chief of all Florida Semi noles. They preceded a marriage ceremony- that bound Henry and his new . squaw, according to Seminole custom, to a life to gether, under penalty of ; disap proval of the great spirit. Other celebrative dances followed the wedding, r - - - In front of the platform were fashionably gowned white wom en and curious white men erery one a cash customer at a quarter a head,' in the board fenced In dian village on Miami's' out skirts. . Easter Egg Hunt Not to be Held The Salem Lions club will not hf'd an Easter egg hunt this year as It has done for the past several years. The reasons given by the club members for discontinuing the event are the objection pre sented by the Salem Ministerial association and the lack ot time to devote to the affair. It Is net known whether any other organ ization will take up the work or not, - ' Labor Control Still in Peril LONDON. March 26 (AP) Confusion In British party pol itics, carrying with it a possible threat to the life of the MacDoa ald government. Is to continue at least until after the Easter holi days. I I - . r Open Hens s at Pre Rooa The Statesman will be op erating Its biz Scott rotary press today, running off it SOth anniversary edition. We will be pleased to have the public drop la and view this press In operation. "It will be running nl the morn ing and airnin in mt.l-after noon. Call either at the of fice on Commercial street or t Ferry street entrance to pressroom. "