Tho OHEGO;? STATESMAN, galea, Oregon, Thursday Horning. March 19. IS 31 vac.:: Society News and Club Jiffiiis Olive IX. Dais. Society Editor Salejh Symphony Group Entertained I!Irs. 17. l7aton : Thursday Club ' Hostess Mrsl "William "Walton will en tertain the memberi of the Thurs day club at her nome tuts arter- naon with a one o'clock luncheon followed br an afternoon of I far da, -, ' Snecial ruesta will be Mrs Ju lius Meier. Mrs. T. A. Liresley. Mn. O. F. Johnson, ana airs. "William Boot. Club members are lira. Darid W. Eyre. Mm. Harry Hawkins, lira. O. C Locke. Mrs. Henry Meyers, Mrs. George Rod ger. Mrs. Frits Slade. Mrs. Dan Yrr. Jr.. Mrs- John McNary. i Mrs. A. Bush, Mrs. Frank Snede- mf who la now in the east, and Mrs. Walton.- Mrs. V. R. Griggs Entertains Guest . Mrs. V. H. Griggs bat had as Iter house guest for the past few days Mrs. R. E. DeTney of Great Falls. Montana. During the brief visit, several informal afternoons of cards and . informal evenings hare complimented Mrs. Derney. Saturday night Mrs. Griggs en tertained with a bouf fet supper harty In compliment to Mrs. DeT ney and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rose of Portland, the latter of whom were weekend . cnesta at the Griggs home. Covers were arranged for 15. " ' , Mrs. Dereny will leare Salem for her home this morning. ; Encinitis Club Hears Dial Talk The Encinitis club heard an ex planation of the use of. the dial telephone system at the regular dinner meeting of the club Tues day evening. Mrs. Leona Boelens and Miss jeweu uox representee, i D j the telephone company In these I KeDeKan LOuge talks. -. r Mrs. Elizabeth Gallaher waa a : special guest for this meeting. Club members present wese Alice Falk. Mildred Jndson. Gertrude Chamberlain, Genevieve Ander son. Marie Waldorf. Olga Gath. Esther Hllmer, Bessie Tucker, Leila Parks. Dorothy Franks. Ma bel Cnrrle, Bettyf Elofson, Jewell . Cox. LaVada Carter. Ruth Roblin, Eileen Gilson, Evelyn Poulsen. -, Mabel Wiederkehr, Helen Rich ardson and Erna Bat term an. r - I Ml SOCIAL CALENDAR .. Thursday March 19 U ! "' ... ....... ( . ' :l , ; Faculty Woman's club. Miss Helen Pearce, hostess . at home. X67 North Winter, 2:30 o'clock. t : ; Hayesrille Woman's club, at Mrs. Claude Talmas' , 1310 Market street, X o'clock. - H Chapter G. of P. E. O. sisterhood. Mrs. A A. Schramm, 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. Fred Toose will read paper on 'Our Pioneers, Lest We Forget i " T v r ' Ladies of 41. A. R. will meet for one o'clock lunch eon in armory; eomrades are invited. ) f- ? i Clear Lake Woman's Missionary society, at C. L. Beckner home, afternoon meeting. " . r ' Brush College Helpers, Mrs. V. L. Gibson hostess 1 at her home. ' . ' ' .--s-- , . United Artisans potluck dinner :30 o'clock; f ok' lowed with program and dancing at 8:10 o'clock; Arti sans and friends inrlted to attend. 4 r Liberty Woman's dub.' 2 o'clock; Mrs. Ed Dencer. . Merry Mlnglers will meet at 2 o'clock with Mrs,' Fred Scharf. .. : . . ' All officers and guards of Women's Benefit associ- -atlon requested to be present for the regular meeting, -I o'clock. Woman's clubhouse. Friday, March 20 Mrs. Minnie Grimm, hostess to members of First , Spiritualist church circle, 8 o'clock, residence j 1B1B North 20th street. I t 4 j Hayesrille Community dub, 8 o'clock, schoolhouse, ! Mrs, W. M. Stoddard. Calrary Baptist church mia aionary society, her home, route No. 2; 2:30 o'clock. Auxiliary to Sons of Veterans, 2:30 o'clock,! home of Mrs. G. F. Tyler, 883 South High street. 1 .- 1 Silrer Thimble dub. No. 4, bridge and "BOO" aft ernoon at Fraternal temple, 2 o'clock. j ! Auxiliary to U. S. "W. V. meet for monthly! social meeting with Mrs. F. A. Thompson, 17B South Com mercial street. All-day district Institute Woman's Missionary so ciety. Evangelical ehiirch, 13th and Center street, be ginning at 10 o'clock. 1 Women of Salem Golf dub, flag tournament and no best luncheon at club house. Saturday, March 21 One o'clock luncheon, compliment to Mrs, Reesi national president of woman's Alliance, T. B. social room of Unitarian church. Mrs. George Trott In charge, O. T. Club ; R. P. Boise Home r , The "spirit of St. Patrick was ; , present for the decorations of the luncheon table and guest rooms of ; the R. P. Boise home i utwitr axiernoou wnen mrs. . Boise entertained for members of " the O. T. club at her home on Summer street. Corers were ' placed for; 12, the total club mem- 'berahin. and followinr lnneheon . bridge was In play at three ta ; bles. t - Mrs. John Rand will be hostess to the O.; T. club at her home Observes Anniversary The! annual "home coming" and 'the celebration of the 36th birthday of Salem Rebekah lodge No. 1. was obserred Tuesday night with a program and social meeting which proved to be. an unusually pleasant affair. , r .i Aa Interesting history of the lodge was glTen by Grace M. Tay lor; orchestra numbers were pre sented: by Beardsley's orchestra; an Instrumental skit was given by Dorothy Franks; readings were presented by Evelyn Cummings; and Rer. H. C. Storer sang a group of solos. Roll call was an swered by 150 people. Following the program refresh ments were served by the social committee. Mas. Cora Van Pelt. Mrs. Ida Hostettler, and Mrs. Florence ? Yarneli. Mrs.! William Brown Complimented National President To Visit The president of the national Women's Alliance of the Unitar ian church Mrs. Thomas B. Raes. accompanied by her husband, will be a weekend guest in Salem. The Women's Alliance of the ocal Unitarian church will enter tain with a one o'clock luncheon in compliment to Mrs. Rees Sat urday in the social room of the church.' Mrs. George Trott is In ments. Mrs. woman as well aa actire in. the Alliance ot the Unitarian church. April 14, J Clear Lake Improrement club met Thursday for Its regular day of Quilting. One quilt was finished and two more were put in. The club will meet again Tuesday to finish up : the work on the two quilts start ed. Those. present were Mrs. Ce- eil oyd, Mrs. Guy- Smith, Mrs. t Eck Dutolt, Mrs. George. Garner, Mrs. Roy; Smith, Mrs. Alex Har old, Mrs. Amos Smith, Mrs. Fred - Hammack and son Jlmmle,. Mrs. Ballard, Mrs. V. B. Boyd, Mrs. J. . C. McFarlane, Mra. Ector. Mrs. Robertson. Mrs. W. Clement, Mrs. Mrs. J. O'Nell, Mrs. Ruby Me- Clung, Miss Pearl Baker and ifrs. JLntner caapm. Brooks Mr. and Mrs. ; Sylves ter Harris entertained with a Mrs. B. O. Schucking entertain ed with an Informal luncheon and social afternoon at her suburban home Eola Acres" Wednesday afternoon. The affair was In com- The Clear Lake An Wday of Mrs. " ikixmin ' Diuvn. Airs. ituuoipn Prael of Portland, sister-of Mrs, Brown, and a group of Portland friends motored down for the oc casion, j Covers were placed for eigne r Hubbard Richard W a t k i ns was honored on his 11th birthday anniversary at a birthday dinner party by his mother. Mrs. E. E, Watkina Tesday afternoon. Games were played after which the din ner was served by the hostess. A color scheme ot green carried out the St.. Patrick's day motif lor the decorations. A lovely cake decorated with 11 candles traced the center of the tables at each end of ? which was placed 'a tall candle. j Corers were placed for Alias Barbara Cornell. Miss Phrl "SOO" party-in their home Tues-118 Brown, Miss Ruth Junghlckle, 'day evening. At the close of the erenlng a "Jlggs" supper 'was erred to the following guests: 'Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Harold, Miss . Marie Harold, Robert Massey. of ". Qulnaby, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ' Coomler and Miss Lois and John . Coomler of North Howell. Mr. and Mrs. Clere Shields of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lengrea of Hayesrille, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. i Harris, Miss Larene Harris and -Albert aHrris, and the hosts Mr. . and Mrs. A B. Harrla. v i .'. . . Wallace Road Mrs: William - M. Stoddard will-' entertain - the Calrary Baptist Missionary so- - eiety at her homo on the Wallace , Road Friday. Members in Salem -who desire to attend are request . ed to meet at Calrary ' Baptist ' church in order that all may hare a conveyance to , the Stoddard -home. ' k r J - e v . Brooks Mrs. Grant Blxler en "tertalned with a party Monday In . honor of her small granddaughter . Delores : Sargent's fourth birth- day. Her i guests being Kreta Fae Aahbaugb, Mrs, i Cecil V, Ash- baugh, Mrs. Johnnie Gilbert and .Mrs. James Riggi. Delores re- : celred several nice gifts. Kreta Fae Ashbaugh spent the night as .guest of' Delores. t . S , Mr. and Mrs. Berk Jones are ' receiving congratulations upon the birth of a baby boy, born March 6 at the home of Mr. Jones parents. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce 'Jones. This Is their second child. - . j - Hazel Green MrsvW. W. Ra therrora was hostess to the Nemo Sewing club Wednesday after- inoon. .The club will be hostess to . the Sunshine Sewlnsr duVat Mrs. 'Lewis Wamplers home on March 1. . ; Miss Dorothy Pearce will re- ceire members of the Faculty Women's dab of Willunetta unt iTertity at ner noma Thursday aft--ernoon. Assisting Miss Pearce .will be Mrs. Ma-E. Peck, Mrs. Paul Edwards, and Mrs. . XL R- Miss Marjorie; Rich. Miss Carol Moomaw, Robert Wearer. Charles Knight, Harold Wolfer, James Bldgood, Max Moomaw. V e r a 1 Herahberger, Kenneth Bldgood. cnton Vredenberg, and the guest or honor, Richard Watklns. An especially raluable lecture was given Monday night before members of .the Leslie Parent Teacher association by William Fox. rural supervisor for Marion county schools, on the subject of "4-H cm b work tn the City." As business enacted by the club, the most important was the appoint ment' of a nominating committee to submit names for voting for of ficers at the May Meeting and the appointment of a committee to de- rise waya of spending the money in the P. T. A. treasury to the best advantage to the school. :: ;( i- . e Scotts Mills The R. N. club : held Its auction sale of aprons and tea towels In the L O. O. F. hall Wednesday evening. with Fred Hasklns acting as auc tioneer.' The sale brought 130.79 as a total amount. . ; e Qulnaby The Royal Neighbor sewing; j club met Wednesdsy at the home of Mrs. C L. Beckner. The day was spent In quilting for Mist zutette painter. The next meeting win be Frl-1 aay, aiarcn zv. iWritera Club Has Charming Evening One of the most delightful ev ening meetings to be remenfbered by members or the writers see tion of the Salem Arts leagno was that for which Dr. and Mrs. H. J. Clements were hosts Tues day night. Although the hosts were not members of the club they opened their lorely home on North 14 th street to the members as their special guests for Thurs day nlghU ' ' :. . ' '"; ! ' As Is the custom of the dub. original nnmberg were read by rations members. Followinr the program hour, a delightful buffet supper was served by Mrs. Cle ments assisted by her nephew, Charles Campbell. Mrs. J. M. Clif ford, leader of the dub, and Mrs. F. G. Franklin poured. . . .. Special guests of Dr. and Mrs. Clements for the erenlng were Mrs. Mildred Lenoir. Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Winn and Charles Camp bell. Section members present were Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Cronemiller, i Mrs. F. A. Well, Mrs. R. C. Pan jlus, Mrs. W. F. Fargo, Dr. and Mrs. F. G. Franklin. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Clifford. Miss Grace Gilliam. Mra. Jessie Singleton. Miss Laey Higglns. Dr. Mary Rowland. Mrs. Blanche Jones, Perry Relgelman, Mrs. B. L. Steeres and Mrs, J. A. Jelderks. ":-r v i . House Warming j Happy Event Mr. and Mrs. D. i D. Olmstead were dellghtfnuy surprised Sat- urdar . erenlng when a rroun of their Neighbors of Woodcraft friends gathered to wish them mncn nappiness in their new home. I During the erenlna Mr. and Mrs. .Olmstead were presented with a beautiful rase as a gift lor mo new homo. Cards and general social actlr- I ties followed by light refresh ments completed the evening:. Tnose who enjoyed the dellrht- fl affair In addition to the honor guests. Mr. and Mrs. Olmstead. were Mr. and Mrs. Claude Town- sen, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fandrich, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ray, Mrs. ietue Hansen. Mrs. Glenn Ad ams, Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Itonnls. Krancls Wllllama, Mrs. HatUe Kennon, Mrs. Pauline Clark, Mrs. Rosa Brownlnr. Mrs. i Znllnakl. One of the happy SL Patrick! The Past Noble Grands aasocla- celebratlons of Tuesday night at I tion was charmingly entertained T. 1L a A, was mat sponsored by I at tns noma of Mrs. Etta Hodgo Mrs. R. W. Haas Salts, assuted by I Tuesday erenlng with a St. Pat Mrs. AlUa McCain. Mrs. J. Jep-1 rick's party. - Mrs. Sarah Huttin, sen. Mrs. Raymond Kites, Mrs. W. 1 Mrs, Amy Mills, and Mrs. Bertha J. Mlnklewits, Mrs. M. a Moynl-1 Wolf e assisted Mrs. Hodge. A ban. Mrs. Henry Kolstsr and MIsf I profaslon of spring flowers mad Esther Glbbard in compliment to the guest rooms exceptionally at- aoout xuv memasra ana irwnos i itcut. of the Salem Symphony orchestra ot. which Dr. R. W. Hans Selta la leader. - Following tho regular practice. refreshments were served from! a Guests for the afternoon ware Edith McElroy, Clara shields, Wllda Slegmund. Ethel Fletcher, Sallie Curtis, Helen McLeod. Ida Hostettler. Lenora KrieseL Erelrn long table beautifully graced with j Naderman, Ardona Pratt.. Anna cake arranged in many tapering I netl, Dora Hill, Addle Hammer, uyers and with hand tinted sym- iuraco weeper, xaa Tragiio, Eu cnarge of the general arrange-1 Mrs. Thomas Teeann m An,w Iter Stella. Prp1 anif Xtr TTw..l t ... i . . to ma. scut C1UD I Aaama. She has been one of the hoard of fiVirs. rosier VOnC directors of the Massachusetts Contract Club Hrwr several Important committees of that organization. She also was chairman of the Women's Re publican . committee d urine the past political campaign. " " Both Mr. and Mrs. Rees hare spent mueh time In ! Europe stu dying conditions there. One year Airs. Rees studied the actirlfles of the Alliance of the Unitarian church In England. Plans are being made for the entertainment of Mr. and Mrs. Rees during their short visit in Salem. i Brooks Mr. and Mrs- B. F. Ramp were hosts for the Brooks community club party Friday eremng at tneir borne on the Pa cific highway north of Brooks. Progressive "500" was enjoyed until a late hour when refresh ments were served by the elnb la. dies. High score prizes were won by Mrs. Art Rasmussen and-C. A. saney and low scores went to Mrs. Raymond Blanton and Del YiiSl0 p8?nt w.e; Ml; members of tho Liberty Woman's Mrs. Foster Cone entertained the members of her contract club at luncheon in her home on Ben Ixmond Tuesday afternoon. uemners nresent included Mra. John Caughell-Jr., .Mrs. Gordon Hadley, Mrs. Willard 5 Marshall, Miss Korena Eyre. Miss Char lotte Zleber, Mrs. Conrad . W. Paulus, Mrs. Jacob Werle and the nostess, Mrs. Cone. xiuoDsra a group of com munity guild members from Hub bard enjoyed a meeting of tho Federated women of the Wood burn churches Tuesday after noon. Present were Mrs. Alice Adams. Mrs. Margaret MoMan nls. Mrs.-Jane Pulley. Mrs. Neva McKensle, Mrs. Ethel Johnson Mrs .Marie Claypool, Mrs. Junia Dimick, Mrs. Wilms Leftler. Mrs. Msy Hampton Mrs. Mary Cola- man and Mrs. Catherine Slltten- hart. ' Mrs. Ed Dencer will receive and Mrs. C. A. Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wall, Mr. and Mrs. Art itasmussen, Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Jtuanton Jr.. willard Ramn. air. and Mrs. Rollie Rsmp, and son Derwood Ramn. Mrs. Mary Mathews, Del Vibbert, Mrs. Mary Martin, Arlene Rasmussen, Cleo Ramp, Mrs. J. S. Dunlayy and the nosia Mr, and Mrs. B. F. Ramn. i Sllverton Mrs. G. B. Bent- son, county president of the TtV - . - a tv omens jreaeraiton. was a re cent luncheon hostess for mem- ners or the county board. Mrs. Bentson was assisted by her sis ter, Mrs. jsd Hoiden. Covers at the table were placed for Mrs. D. H. Looney and Mra. J. G. Fontaine of Jefferson, Mrs. xx. j. Tate or stayton. Mrs. Bow ers or suhiimlty. Miss Mattle Beatty of Salem, Vera Otta way ot waiuo Hiiia and Mrs. Bentson ana Mrs. Hoiden. The purpose of the board meeti ins; was to make plans for the spring meeting which will be held at Stayton April 23. The board will furnish the sneaker and th hostess club arranges for the re mainder or the program, x - The federation includes about 21 women's dubs of Marion county and it is expected that aoout 160 women will represent tne organization in Stayton. .; : I ; Mrs. F. A. Thorn Dson will be hostess to members ot the Auxil iary to the United Spanish War Veterans at her home 1S7S South Commercial street Friday after noon. Mrs. Ida Jirod and : Mrs. Elizabeth Green will be the slstant hostesses for this social afternoon of the auxiliary. dub at her home Thursdsy after noon at 2 o'dock. Mrs. W. J. Fair and Mrs. F. A. Etickson will as sist Mrs. Dencer. iMro, Etta Hodna Is Hostess many bouquets of spring flowers. and centered with, a St. Patrlck'a Hnnsaker, Florence Shields, Ger trude Cummings, Florence Tar- boys ot SU Patrick adorning its white leed surface. - Mrs. W. J. Mlnklewits was responsible for the cake. Stauffer Homeis Scene of Party - Hubbard The country homo of Mr. and Mrs, Julius Stauffer was the scene of a gay bridge dinner party the ere of 8t. Patrick's day. Shamrock and Irish motifs for ths decorations and favors were la keeping with tho spirit of tho day celebrated. . ,v-r- A T o'clock; lncheon was fol lowed by an evening of bridge with prises won by Mrs. George Grlmps, Mrs. eLster Wilt A. J. Smith and Elmer Stauffer, Guests were Mr. and Mrs. El ton . McLaughlin. Mr. and Mrs. genla Slegmund, Josephine Erik- son. '- i. .i ."' ; Miss Olive Shurts and Mlia Pearl Ostermaa. attended the luncheon given by the state fed eration or musie clubs. Friday, at the hotel Congress in honor of tne leading artists of the Chica go Civio Opera company. Letter ; Claims Perfect Crime In Brooks Case BAN DIEGO, March 18 f API Two notes, both purporting to be from persons who eonf eased tney killed Virginia Brooks and left her body jn Carno Kearney Georgo Grlmps. Mr, and Mrs. E. w-r etof inTMtl- O. Ericksok. Mr. and Mrs. Waldo fHtJtl Wlltt.KJS11? F. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. f?cer . M to Clearer. Mr. and Mrs. Orlia Boje, I V;Z- tr"' mVwri' Mr. and Mrs. W. S. McMannls, Mr. and Mra, A. J. Smith, Mr. viiVt... t7i ' 1-uonvner and Mrs. Elmer Stauffer. Mr. and Virginia University avenue home ana was signed "The Doctor." The signers of this note said he had committed the 'Derfeet and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. JuUus mV "? hd left f! cla.?h and Mrs. Elmer Stauffer, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Will, Mrs. Winnie Kor.hnr Mra. Man. ViKmiiI. Mlas Mildred Smith, and the host Stauffer. Loyal Bereans Are Entertained Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hawkins en tertained members of the Loyal Berean class of the Court street Christian church at their subur ban home Tuesday night. A bus iness meeting preceded an enjoy able evening of games and mu sic. with refreshments served at a late hour. The guest list included Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mltler, Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Shoemaker. Mr. and Mrs. a. Hawkins, Mr. and' Mra.. Shaw. Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Wegner, Mr. and Mrs. Baumgartner, Mrs. Rilda Priem, Mrs. Hazel Priem. Mrs. Esther Krueger, Mrs. ID. J. Win- kenwerder, Mrs. Harry Beeaon, Mrs. Bessie Updegraff and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hawkins. Dr. Horace Westwood of Hing ham, Mass has . been the house guest of Mr. and Mra. John Clif ford for the past two days. Hing- ham was also Jhe home of Mrs. Clifford. Miss Dorothea Steusloff enter tained' Tuesday evening with an attractive St. Patrick's party In compliment to Mrs. G. F. Cham bers. Cards were in play at eight tames. - e Mrs.' James Toung entertained members of tho Alpha Chi Omega Alumnae club at her apartment In Royal court Monday night, e e e Mrs. John W. Antrlcan and amall aon are expected back la the city within a few days. They hare ben spending soma time In Los Angeles. Miss Kathry Sheldon of .Tole do will be a xuest at the John Harbison home during the basket ball tournament In Salem. e . e . e Mrs. R. P. Boise and Mrs. Brey- man Boise will be hostess for smart bridge luncheon at the R. P. Boise home Friday afternoon. Corers will be placed for II.- second note was sent by mall to enter of Police Arthur Hill and though unsigned the writer claim ed he had slain the girL George Sears. Lieutenant of detectires. in cnarge or tne Brooks case, said he placed little credence in either letter. DI5TIK OPPOSE US OF D Residents "of the Englewood and Highland school districts will appear before tho school board asking that that body reconsider its decision not to build additions to the grade schools in these dls-J trlcts, considered likely, accord ing to reports. While residents took no appar ent Interest when the board bad th matter before it on three con secutive meetings, the board's aetion in turning; the building propoeitlona- down is said to be arousing the groups.- A tentative date tor a mass-meeting in the Highland district has - been set, and the Englewood Community club Is scheduled to hare the mat ter before Its next meeting. The school board - tabled the building matter Indefinitely at the same time appointing the city su perintendent and Mrs. Roy Keene to make a thorough and compre hensive surrey ot the entire school district, looking toward a careful building program for the future. Nichols Again : Breaks Record WASHINGTON. March 18 (AP) Spurred by official word that she had broken the women's altitude record. Miss Ruth Nich ols, society arlatrlx has added a 100 mile an hour record-equalling -flight between New York and Washington te her roater of accomplishments Ribs Fractured z By Savage Bull PRINEVILLE. Ore.. March 18 (AP) C. C. Elder of Powell Butte suffered sereral fractured ribs todsy when a bull he was lendina- attacked him. Help sum moned by a child who saw the at tack enabled Elder to escape. . CHILDREN'S BOWELS need watching! Let Dr. Caldwell help whenerer . ...,l.h A KTI..I or um wu(ui lum, His simple prescription win make that bilious, headachy, cross boy or girl comfortable, happy, well In Just a few hours. It soon restores the bowels to feaalthv rArnlkrltr. - It helna "break-up" a cold by keeping the bowels tree from sickening mu cus waste. : Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin Is Ideal for children. ! They, like Its syrupy taste. It does not tripe; never weakens them. It Is safe eren for a tiny baby. Ton hare a famous doctor s word for this laxative. Dr. Cald well's record of having attended over 3500 births without loss of one mother or baby is believed unique In American medical nis tory. ! . Get a bottle of Dr. caidweua Syrup Pepsin from your drug store and hare it ready. Then you won't hare to worry when any member or your ramiiy is headachy, bilious, gassy or con stipated. Syrup Pepsin is good for all ages. It acts quickly; doesn't sicken. It sweetens the bowels; ' increases . appetite makes digestion more complete. Da. W. B. Caldwcu.s x SVOUP PEPS1R1 A Doctor Family Laxative Dotwoon-moal foticuo Is a slcnal eat oomothlnc: sweet A cold does 3 things I ''Pajpo s" stops them all ; A eold always affects you In at least three ways. Air passages are tnfUmed and irritated. Per spiration Is checked. Bowels are clogged with add- wastes from the mucous discharge. So doctors say yoa must do threa things to bo rid of a cold. Pape's Cold Compound does all three! It reduces inflamma tion and swelling of the mucous membrane; ' it Induces perspira tion: opens the bowels. Chew one of these pleasant tablets and see how quickly nasal discharge stops; head clears; breathing be? comes easy.. See how that achy, feverish, weak feeling disap pears. And "Pspe'a" doesn't stop with killing cold germs. It activates bowels and removes germs and add wastes from the system.' -All drug stores 8 So. Just remember "Pape's". . Tkoa lead's el workers nd shoppers overcome fstlg la ssld-afternooa by eatUtf f - (eeel or aVinklnf barsfsfa with sugar la H. . It fl vxwiit to endure fstlgue. For fatigue may de velop into exhaustion, and when the system Is in that state, It has rlrtnslly no re- .slstance. Colds . and other common Ills ,aro Inevitable. It Is a good idea when you feel fatigued to stop's mo- : ment and eat or drink some thing sweet Such foods or berersges are a ulckly di gested the boar is nonr ished, and the energy In the sugar is ready at once to re new rigor. , r:: ' y':: . Appropriate sweet snscks can be had In soda fountain berersges,. ice cream" candy and small cakes. or chil dren cominsr homo from school, sweetened and fla- Tored milk shakes, also bread 4 and butter sprinkled with sugar are recommended. ; Most foods are more delicious and nourishing with angsr. . The, Sugar Institute, 03 "Refresh yourself with a flavored drink? EEsisllcBrp ippsi ffnv ffil3mi anmml Wmvfj epcdD easySBSjaela'aeC T H E O - or Spexog smsTing selection of cholcd rks in , smart stripe sad figures of uonsual appeal I The Comparable Quality fc Year Ago Cost f4JPS It natters all . J . this smart ''Marathon' snapbrtm hat b the pew colors and with moisture f roof inner circle." r for th "Devon' A Onnoi?t3: OpiztoG-OaflC for Young Men ' Ccsparabl Quality 1 Vfrnutd nr Cort ' 05OO Mere I . A Tear Ag : ; 1 JTrle "Devon" is a style-right spring model for? young- men. Made in a comprehensive selection jpf Interesting fabrics worsteds and novelties in kofter weaves-rit represents the outstanding suit Of the season. Extra PanU $4.98 Cnrlna'o Newest frs the fit of these shirts, above all else, that will capture your ap proval. But you'll want them, too, for their smart solid colors . . . fancy stripes and figures !. and the exceptionally fine broadcloth that makes theml 2 longira, or 1 golf knlcker and 1 loagie. Cassimeres, twists and worsteds. ', A nodlooldng sports ozforl tn black with whlta ciV 0 brown calf with sand call, , CS.CO Jhat are sure to lease 'any ssaa who wants to look wtV croosned--Tet be thrifty I . 015 oC 3 for bors. Black Scotch gri'.i leather with smooth Hack trL, tml-hard box toe! welt sola, ; tixm forn . tVk to SVs 6- DCPAD CUC U " ; 0 D " O U C -4 1. 1C0 "K. LIBERTY ST SALEIl HewltL , " -- ' 'I . . " . -i