The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 19, 1931, Page 3, Image 3

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Calerfr I QreGh. Thcf&Iay Ilornlnr, IlarcH 19, 1S31
Chemeketaa Trip Member
of the Chemeketan club will o to
AMqua1 Falls next Sunday on an
all-day trip. The route ."ap
proach will he through Sllxerton
and over the same road that -was
taken to Mobs Lake last jear.
"Bill McCloud will be In charge
Of the trip. Each person who at
tends WiU pay 80 cents for trans
portation charges. Coffee wUl la
served, but each hiker will bring
his own lunch. Persons Interest
ed In going on this trip, whether
members of the club or not, are
asked to sign their name-en the
clnb roll for the hike at the T.
M. C AI The croup will leaxe at
8 o'clock! from the T( M. ( C. A
Sunday. 1 '. ;" -
Special price. Certaln-teed All
Parpose paint, 31.88 gallon. Nel
son Bros.; Inc., 355 Chemeketa.
Many at. Meet - Between? 85.
and 70 persons attended the meet
ing of the ' Leslie Brotherhood
meeting Monday evening, when
the following program was given:
readings. Betty 8mlth and Doro
thy, Keaton; piano and trombone
duet. Jack Bnsh and .' William
Bush; xoeal and piano solos by
Roswell Wright of New York who
Is here -visiting his sister, Mrs. E.
Dent; reading. Helen Pemberton.
Mrs. S. .D. Johnson was accom
panist for community singing- and
Clark Will was chairman for the
eTenlng.. - '
-Public Ppcaklng Banquet
Members of the Y. M. C A. pub
lic speaking class will meet for a
banquet' at the association build
ing' Monday night. The program
will ' be under the direction of
Mike Panek as chairman and C. A.
Howard aa toastmaster. -Each
member will b expected to giro a
f lTe-mlnute after dinner speech.
... i ... . - - .i - -
iWhen you think of Life Insur
ance think of Charlie McElbin
ney, the widows friend..
Benefit Planned An old fash
ioned box social will be held in
the parlors of the First Christian
church-Friday night, beginning at
8 o'clock. The affair has been
planned as a benefit for the choir,
of which Prof. E. W; Hobson Is
director.- A program of .music
an readings will be given,
r- wUt -
Sarah A. Wells died in this city
March 17. aged 4 1, years; mother
of Thelma, Blanche. William and
Lawrence, "all of Portland;-sister
of J. F. McCool of Portland. - Fun
eral serxices Thursday; March 19.
at 2 p.m.-from the chapel of the
Clough-Barrick . company. Inter
ment Odd Fellows cemetery.
' "Ward .
Mrs. Maude Lenore Ward died
at the residence. 829 North lth
street,' March 17; daughter of
Mrs. Elieabeth Lewis;- mother, of
Connell and Hugh Ward; eister'of
Lloyd Lewis, all of Salem, - Fun
era! serrices Thursday, March 19.
at 1:30 p.m. from the chapel of
W. T. RIgdon and Son.
. Dong T. Potter died at the resi
dence, 1482 North . Commercial
'street, March 18, aged -42 years;
"husband of Vera; father of Mar
gene and Norman; son of Mr. and
Mrs. L W. Potter, all of . Salem;
brother of Roy W. ..'Potter- and
.California. Member Elks lodge.
Announcement of funeral later by
W. T. RIgdon and Son. - ! -;
,Delcre?t iHemoria)
If odaratf lx ,
'. A Park Cemetery
with perpetual 'care
Just tea minutes from the
heart of town
City View Cemetery
established 1893 Tel. 1200
Conveniently Accessible- '
. Perpetual care provided for'
Price Reasonable
JL rrnrnsAit sracoroxs
IOsr Srxic is F wmbsI
Owr rrleaa Ara ImmhMi
0t Hm a M4r
Llttmil ly tailw
Clough-Barrick Co.
US Chsrth at Ferry St.
A. U. dough Dr. L. Barrlck
V. T. Golden .
IXOT3 x. sksixkc, tSgS.
i J
Derby Not , Appellant FY K.
Derby, administrator 4e bonis non
of the estate. of T. W. SUlger, has
filed affidavit with the court here
to show that Guy O. Smith, attor
ney for the heirs is the one who
desires to appeal action In the
case brought against the estate by
Ruby Richter. says he was
not personally advised whether. or
not it Would be advisable to ap
peal the. case. . He says in August.
1929, a petition asking the court
to allow appeal was signed by
Smith as attorney for defendant
but that; he, : Derby, i taked that
this be. changed to read Smith as
attorney for the heirs Instead of
attorney for administrator. The
matter wasn't changed, the affi
davit rays. :;;:- ' ; i; r.r .
Disease Low" Only 28. cases
of communicable diseases - were
reported In Marion county 4or the
week ending March 14, according
to the report from the state board
of health, while for the state at
large the total was 18 cases. In
Marion county . the report was;
diphtheria,! one;, measles, three:
"fin", two; spox, two; pneumonia,
one; ehlckeapoX. one; mumps,
18. ' i ti - . . .,-
Easter candies, our own make.
on display soon. The Spa.
Tools Burgled The machine
shop of A. E. Hutchinson at 1055
North '14th street was broken In
to Tuesday night and a number of
tools were stolen including drills,
extension cord, wrenches, wire
solder, screw drivers, punches;
chisels, pliers, side cutters and
hammers. ! Evidence) lacks show
ing whether the burglar had a
vehicle br a sack to carry away
the spoils.;'' , '
. Far-Off Alumni Gronp Word
was received recently at Willam
ette university that four of Us
graduates who are in Peiping (Pe
king), . China, hare organized a
branch of the alumni association.
They are Cedric Changv class of
25: Hazel! Newhouse, '27 Mrs.
EBther McCraqken Dixon. '23. and
E. J. Winans, '07. The two ladies
are teaching In a boys school in
the above city.
. - ..-- i . '
Shed dry wool-coaL Prompt de
livery. Tel.": 13, Salem Fuel Co.
- Girls to Meet The Girl Re
serve triangle of Tew Park will
cneet this afternoon at 4 o'clock
at the Y. W. C.'A. for a lesson In
cooking under direction of Mar
garet Marsh, the advisor. TJ)1s:
will be the first meeting ofnla
group of girls in the new. cluh
rooms. . The girls will eat tjie
meal they hare. prepared.
Dog Poisoner Abroad Serer
al valuable animal pets hare been
poisoned in the North 'Fifth street
neighborhood recently. Among
them are a fox terrier owned by
Charles Werner, 1925 North Fifth
street, a valuable bird dog, a wa
ter spaniel, and, a pedigreed cat.
Police and humane - society offi
cials are watching for the poison
er. . -u
! ... - '
; : Dance at Hazel Green, Friday.
Orchestra Rehearses, Hats
After what was said to be a most
satisfactory rehearsal, members
of the Salem Symphony Orchestra
were treated to refreshments serv
ed by Mrs. Hans Seitz, wife of the
director, and mothers and wives
of the . orchestra members who
were present.
Steal Gasoline, Report Two
boys were captured by police of
ficers Tuesday night as they were
stealing gasoline from a pump at
the rear of Pohle's Implement
house on .Liberty street. They
were taken to the Juvenile eourr
w eanesaayt
; Passes. Away Word was re
ceived here yesterday that Mrs.
Nettle Vandergrift, a resident of
Salem for a number of years,
passed away March 13, at the
home of her daughter in Mont
gomery City, Mo.
12 and ! 16 in;h wood, also
planer wood 95.00 per cord load
delivered from cars 85.50 from
yard. Cobbs & Mitchell Co., 349
S. 12th., Tel. 813. "
- - Stolen Groceries Clarence
Rush of 1097 South 13th street
reported to the police that a quan
tity of groceries were stolen from
hirs residence about 9:15 o'clock
Tuesday night.
' Speeding Fine Ray Sanford
of 1230 North 21st street was fin
ed 1 5 In police court, Wednesday,
for speeding.
o , 1. 1 tk
! Birth
Patron To Mr. and Mrs. -John
Victor patron. 125 Or N. Winter, a
girl, Dorna ' Virginia- bom March
12. , y ' - :; - .-
Forry To Mr. and Mrs. , Shir
ley Clarance Forry, 2788 Lee. a
girl. Alberta Mary, born March
12. . - : f .
Pettey To Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Allen Pettey. 1530 South Com
mercial, a boy, Roy Allen Jr.', born
March 15. : : ,
Proylea To Mr. and Mrs. Mor
ris William Broyles. West Salem
auto park, a girl, Mary Estelle,
born March 1 5. ; " ,
wltksst eparstisa r lass sC
sse oniM Bias. -
Dr. Chan Laos .
Chinese Medicine-
180 N. Commercial
St, Salem -Office
Tuesday and Satur
; day 9 to 5:80
... - . - , ....
Collision Miss Pearl Langley
of Aurora - route 4 sustained a
slightly sprained wrist and loos
ened "teeth la an automobile col-,
llslon which occurred two' miles
west of ,'Champoeg .late . Monday
night,' according to report filed by
Herbert S. Coleman of Hubbard.'
Coleman had just pulled his car
off the road and set the parking
lights to accompany the girl home
when N. Mayer of . Woodland,
Wash., driving at about 35 miles
an hour, collided with ColemaVa
car. -r: . 'j ;:. ..' rrt,i-;
n earing Set For April 9 ear
ing of the peUtlon of the Wasco
Warehouse and Milling company,
to recover alleged excess demur
rage charges paid to the Oregon-Washington-Railroad
tion 1 company, has been set for
April 9 in Salem. The hearing
will be conducted by C. M. Thom
as, public utilities commissioner.
Dry planer or dry alab. 18-In.
85.50 1L, J lds $10. Fred E
Wells, Ine. -1 ;-. ?
' - -. - ": i f
Hit and Again Elmer Hanson
of-Woodburn reported an auto
mobile accident : yesterday in
which Dr. T. Sims, also of that
city, hit Hanson's car on the right
front fender and then; again on
the right r,ear wheeL HansonT
says he signalled to turn but Sims
did not see the signaL ' . i - ,; '
- Marriage Licenses Two mar
riage licenses were issued at the
county clerk's Office yesterday, aa
follows : Carl Stober, 219 Wagon
street, and-Pearl Neuberger, 718
Gatenbeln avenue, both of Port
land; .and Andrew K. Schlndler
and Mabel Van Meter, both of
Salem. : . , ; . A ..
Case Continued The case of
the state rs. Byron Hunter, also
known as Howard Graham, was
continued. Indefinitely In justice
court on Wednesday because of
insufficient evidence. Hunter was
accused of larceny of a diamond
ring. : ) .
Lease Approved The county
court has granted administrators
In the estate of Marion Palmer
to lease property at the southeast
corner of Trade and' Church
streets td Claude McRlnney of
the Salem Fuel company for ' a
three-year period.
' Appraised Estate '- of . Frank
Michels has been appraised at
814,440 by George H. Bell, Thos.
Becker and Guy Butler. Final
hearing. on the report of Anthony
R. Michels. executor, has been set
for April 18.
, Final Hearing Tuesday, April
21. has been set as time for final
Rearing In the estate of Darid F.
Sayles. of which Rosa Sayles is
(administratrix. ; Order entered
Yesterday sets aside real proper
ty for use of the widow. -
The Spa is now manufacturing
their Easter candles, which will
be on display soon.
Clinic Schedule Clinics to be
held today, by the county, health
department include the preschool
and dental corrective at the Sa
lem health, center. this morning;
and preschool clinic at -' Aurora
this afternoon. ; . ,
"Improvement Noted Mrs. A
L. Adolnhson, who has been ser
iously 111 at her home, suffering?
from flu and a slight attack of
pneumonia, is reported much Im
proved. ;. -i . l
- - ' j ;! ' . : 1
Forfeits Driver's License
.Reckless driving cost Mllfred V.
Smith, route 1, Brooks; his 'driv
er's license for 10 days. The sen
tence was passed - In police eourt
Wednesday. (
Account-Filed Emmett F.' Mc
Coy has filed third annual ac
count in the guardianship of Clar
ence D. McCoy, Incompetent. An
order also reduces amount of the
guardian's bond.
..- ' -
Case Started Defendant will
resume its case before Judge HiU
this morning In the suit - of
Brown vs. Krieger, foreclosure,
started yesterday.
Christensons Jailed Ed and
A. Christenson, said to be broth
ers, were sentenced to 10 days in
jail for being drunk, by the po
lice court, Wednesday.
r X
fKi i .1
- OU Lll
You Need Refrigeration
but you don't wdnt your refriserdtor to inter
fere with your; radio enjoyment
Therefore use Gsi Rcfr'ferstfon, sdmitteoly the best
o; ell. No motor; no movinf parts; silenl as the nisnt
: Complete fine at tKc Css Displsyroom. Ptcs cell or phone
for literature.
Report' Received Report ' re
ceived here oa C. W.'s
Questionnaire- relative - to high
school athletes' shows that, mote
than 18 per cent- of the high
school students In the state who
participated . In football ; last year
received injuries, and that med
ical costs reach ed 8 1,5 9 7. La
Grande has 125 hoys turning out
for football; Salem had 37; Cot
tage GroTe had 28; Portland 108.
Boetticher - la superintendent of
The Dalles schools. . -
Gathrie Paid 5000 A tee of
$5000 for his first year's work aa
receiver of the American bancor
poratlon was allowed' George B.
Guthrie, owner , of the - Elslnore
theatre here. In the federal court
In Portland Tuesday. Guthrie was
appointed March. 17, 4 1 930 1 ind
has had charge .of the liquidation
of the - hancorporation and Its
subsidiaries.' The book value of
the properties was' placed-at ;$1,
109.000 and the liquidated ralue
Im estimated at $100,000.
: Demnrrers T w o demurrers,
one by defendant -.Merle Ramp
and the other by defendant Clara
Fuller, have been filed in the ease
of the Brooks Community club vs.
Ramp and' Fuller for account
ing of funds. Both demurrers are
based ' : on ; contention that the
plaintiff has no legal capacity to
sue; that there is defect in the
party plaintiff;, and that the sec
ond amended complaint does not
state sufficient ' tacts to const!-,
tute eause of. action. . ;
Dollar dinner every night,' 5:45
to 8 at the Marlon hotel.;
T. 4 W. C. A. Electlbn Miss
Doris .Clark was elected ; by the
women of Willamette university
to occupy the president's chair in
the campus Y. .W. C. A. She will
head the association work coop
erating with Wesley Warren who
Is president of the campus Y. M.
C. A. Other officers of the wom
en's group elected Wednesday
are Dorothy Rose, vice president;
Ruth Schreiber, secretary;-; and
Mary Scott, treasurer.' ' j. 5
Veto Thought ' Popular Allan
Bynon, Portland legislator, here
this week on business declared
that 'Governor Meier's Teto. of
$500,000 from the state appro
priation for the higher schools is
generally popular in Portland.
Bynon expressed doubt if the act
was legal- hut said that he
thought no one- would raise the
Issue, due to economic stringency
which - made tax reduction ; pop
ular. ' - . ...
Permits Granted Log-' hauling
permits were issued , by the coun
ty court, yesterday to Stanley Mc
Kay of Hubbard to operate over
the Pleasant View and ClOTerdale
route Into Salem by Frultland;
and to J. W. Vasek of Jefferson,
to haul logs over the Greene's
bridge road to Jefferson.1 ; '
Sextette to Sine The' Chema-
wa Indian school girls' sextette
will be an added attraction at the
program of the community club,
meeting in Salem Heights Friday
evening, it was announced yes
. Application Ta case of Hilda.
P. Dennis vs. Chittenden and-A.
M. . Jerman, application to place
on trial docket for the April term
of circuit court has been made.
.It Is. estimated the case will re
quire two days. 1 ST
Appraisal M. G. - Gunderson
J. A. Campbell and C. G.! Rue
have appraised the estate of O, K.
Qvale, incompetent, at $1500.
:i - - ,...
In Albany C. S. ' Jackson of
the Kruger realty office was, an
Albany business visitor .Wednes
day. ....... . :
Vacuum Cleaners
for Rent
OU 2103. Used Furniture
131 N. High j
We promise a business like
consideration of your . loans
the current rate of Interest, a
moderate fee and a quick
answer. -
Straight er Monthly Payment
Wardrobe, . Discussion Subject
Members - of , the Willamette
nnirerslty Y. W. C. A. met in the
association room in Eaton hall.
Wednesday afternoon, to discuss
tne sunject "mow to cnoose.your
spring wardrobe., r .-?
Seeks Wages Charles W.
Ranck has filed suit against M. J,
Trester and others to recover
$397.50 alleged due for labor
performed. He also asks $125 at
torney's fees, ;
Return From South Mrs. Ida
Shade' and Mrs. Josephine Davis
returned Tuesday night V from
southern California," where ' they
have ' spent the last two and, a
half nonths.
New Position Miss E d 1 1 h
phle position with the Globe Body,
and Fender works left vacant by
resignation of Miss Gladys
CltixenshJe Claaa 1 The Y. M.
C A. citizenship class meeting
night has : been - changed from
Wednesday to Saturday, accord
ing to C. A. Kells, instructor. :
May InTeet Permission to In
vest funds in the guardianship of
Clifford Etsel and ' others has
beesr granted the guardian, ' Jo
seph J. Lambrecht.
Discharged Ana B. Thompson
has been : discharged as adminis
tratrix of the estate of Sherman
W. Thompson, following distribu
tion of the assets. . -.
. . .. -'. . ....
Released Amelia M.v Rasmus-
sen has been released as guardian
of the estate of Henrietta Schir-
mer.. minor, who has obtained
her majority. . r
Notice of Lien Notice of chat
tel lien was filed In the clerk's
office yesterday in case of Doug-
as McKay Chevrolet company
against G. H. Berg. .
RecoTen on jndraient Amal
gamated Mining comoanv baa sat
isfied judgment entered against it
In the the suit brought by W. J.
In Portland Miss Clara Ho la
yer and .Miss Zelma Oehler were
Wednesday , business visitors In
Appraisal Estate of Anne Ste
vens has been appraised at
$259.91 by'A. R. Siegmund. Otto
Berning and A. Nlbler.
In Canby C. L. Parmenter and
W. O. Krneger were Wednesday
business visitors in Canby.
In Portland P. ' H. BeU, local
Insurance and loan man, was. in
Portland on business yesterday.
John Silver , to
Get Scholarship .
: From Havertord
John Silxer. of the rraduatinc
class from Willamette university
last June, has been .awarded -a
scholarship from Harerford col
lege for a year's education abroad.
This scholarship is one of two of
Wo will allow you
If you haxe a lot of old dishes, no matter how hopeless they;
may be, they can be turned j to. good account. . . We Willi,
allow you-ten cenU apiece for all you .bring (up to fifty pieces) j
and the credit thus secured will be applied as a first payment
We Will Allow
Apiece for Your
Old Dishes
And If you prefer. Instead of a dollar, you can bring all your old dishes, cracked, forlorn, erased and hopeless no matter, each piece
ta as good as a dime.' We will take up to fifty pieces and credit you with ten cents for each piece on one cf these beautiful sets at
Fourteen Nlnety-Flxe. The old dishes, at the conclusion of; the Trade-In Sale, are to be glxen to the Salvation Army and the Good
will Industries. In this way you will not only help yourself but you will render great aid to those worthy'charltles.
Fewer Listed Than In 1925
' But Acreage Greater;
; Average 82.9 Acres
T. ''' U""U"U"a""u "v ' ,i,
- Some results f the 1950 farm
census In Marion county hare
Just been released from the of
fice of the director of the census
in Wash inx ton, D. C, and show
some lnterestlnr facts and com
parisons. ' - .. . : ' .
In 19 SO there were 4.821 farms
In the county, 12 less than - In
182S and 1.140 more than In
If 20. The total acreage as of the
last census was 299,582, com
pared to 886.224 in 1925' and
287.718 In 1920. Last year the
farms axerare 8 2.9 acres, as
arainst 79.8 in 1925 and 99.9 In
1928. - . -. .,
Farm on the last census showed
a raluatlon of 250,909.920, of
which 229,055,950 was for . land
alone. $11,252,980 for build In i
and $8,672,352 for: farm ; dwel
Unss alone. Implements and ma
chinery are ralaed at 92.872,252
and the axerage Talue of land and
buildinrs per acre Is 217.41.
Virtually all these figures show
increases oxer the father -years.-' -Most
Of. Farms
Owner Operated .
Of the farm In 1920. 3.921 are
operated by owners, 102 by man
fered by Haxerf ord In America. ;
All of SHrer's expenses, includ
ing the cost of tuition, llrlng and
traxel costs, will be paid by Ha
xerford college for a year's educa
tion In the Genexa School of In
ternational Relations or any other,
onlxerslty of the local graduate's
Ladd 6c Bush, Bankers
' Established 1868
ten cents apiece for all the old tihes you hare (up to fifty
v to be used in place of cash on. a new set. in this
on one of the new and beautiful ,
sets featured ta this Trade-In-
-Sals" of China. No cash is need
edthe old dishes -are Just as
good. The difference can be
paid at the rate of a dollar or
so a week. ..
, . -V-.. , '' ":"r i'
Most good stores get about twenty-five dollars for such sets as these
out to, keep business moving- at normal, speed we offer them at
Fourteen Kinety-Flxe and on the Burnett Budget Plan at that take
a set for a dollar and pay the balance a dollar a week. t , .' r
agers and 79$ by tenants. Owners
operate 299,979 .acres xalued at
s 38, 93Z.9 41; managers operate
21,194 acres worth $2,921,634;
and tenants handle 78.390 acres
worth $8,055,355.
There are 65 farms under three
acres;. 776 under nine acres; 720
under. If acres; 1,110 from 20 to
49 acres; 907 from 50 , to 19
acres; 668 from 100 to 170
acres; 26 from 175 to 2S9
acres; 23S from 260 to 493
acres; 235 from 260 to 499 acres;
59 from 600 to 999 acres and 12
oxer 2,000 acres.
Horses decreased from 10,073 In
1920 to 7.063 in 1930; mules on
farms Increased from 186 In 1920
to 252 in 1930; cattle increased
In the 10 year period from 21,276
to 23,481. Hogs, decreased from
21.790 in 1920. to 11.016 in 1930
and chickens increased 26.000 to
257.231 in 1920. "
The census shews the crop har-
xest in 1929 as follows: corn
harxested for grain. 5.257 Int.;
oats threshed . for grain, r2 5.406
bu.; wneat. 26,525 bu.; barley.
2.441 bu.; hay. 27.198 tons; corn
cut for silage. 5,011 'tons; pota
toes. 3,957 bushels. All show an
Increase -oxer 1924 except pota
toes, hay. wheat .and oats.
Hunter Brought h :
Into Court Upon
Larceny Charge
Byron L. Hunter, going Under
the assumed name of Howard
Graham wss , hailed ' into Justice
Colic, gas. sour
belching, fre
quent tomltitg.
'fexerishness,' In
babies and chil
dren, , generally
show I food ' Is
souring In . the
little dlgestixe
When these symptoms . appear,
gixe Baby a teaspoonful of Phil
lips Milk of Magnesia. Add It to
the first bottle of food In the
morning. Older -. children 'should
be given a tablespoonf ul In a glass
of water.1 - This will comfort the
child make. ' his . stomach and
bowels easy. In fixe minutes he Is
comfortable, happy. It will sweep
the bowels free of all sour. Indi
gestible food. It opens the bowels
In constipation, ; colds, : children's
ailments. Children Uke it Teadlly
because It Is palatable, pleasant
tasting. . "1 --v--- '
Learn Its many uses for mother
and child.' Write for the Inter
esting book, ''Useful Informa
tion." JLddress The Phillips Co.',
170 Va rick St.. New York: N. T.
It will be sent FREE.
, In buying, be sure to get genu
ine Phillips "Milk of Msgnesla
Doctors haxe prescribed It for over
1 50 years.' :"
-lit I
The Dinner Sets are from one of the leading potteries in Europe,
and are far more beautiful than the picture we haxe borrowed
for this adxertisment. ... Each set contains six Dinner Plates,
six Soup Plates, six Bread and Butter Plates, six Fruit er Oat
meal Dishes, half a dozen Cups and Saucers, a Salad Bowl, a
Platter, a Vegetable Dish, and
a Sugar V Bowf and ' Cream
Pitcher.. All are . of the finest
China richly decorated with 'deli
cate flowers la natural colors
and edged with gold.
court on Tuesday to answer to a
charge of larceny. According to
the complaint he took possession
of a diamond. ring belonging to
C. A. Duchien of 169 N. Capital
street and sold it to the American
Exchange for fixe dollars. ;
Ball was fixed at $600 and fail
ing to furnish It Hunter was
lodged in the local jail. He will
be rixen a hearing -at 10k o'clock
today..'. . , - . ' " "
Blue Key Plans
-For Hoop Teams
The various team coming to
play Jn the state high school bss- .
ketbau tournament will each be .
met by two men of Willamette,
unlrerslty's Blue Key fraternity.."
The Blue Key Is a national serx-, ;
ice fraternity. .
These two men will bet respon
sible tor the pleasure and enter
tainment, to a certain extent, of ,
the members of their charge.
To Japan, China, the
Phllllppines sail from
Vancouxer or Victoria
ithr via Honolulu by
the poradis roum - Em
press of Japan, largest
and fastest oa the Pa
cific and Empress of
Canada; or direct by
the Speedway Express
Ships - Empresses of
Asia and Russia, r
1x31 sea-going luxury . .
Canadian Pacific service
..congenial companions,
r Ask for literature.
, Ask about University
of Oregon Summer
Session cruise to tla- '
wait on the "Empress
of Japan" from
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ST. H. Psacoo, Cnl Agent Pass's Dept.
I6S-A Broadway, Portland, BR'n 33S2
Of WarU Owr
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rfTI rfTi STi art
pieces), the allowance
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42 Pieces for
New Set for