The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 19, 1931, Page 2, Image 2

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S.1IE1 (jlllET
Meets Myrtle Point at 4:30
In Game of. Chief Local
Interest to Date v '
(Continued from pace 1)
the afternoon. Early t the sec
ood Quarter, the ball traveled the
length of the court approximately
ft 'dozen r times with Ilghtainr
peed, with shots missed at each
end repeatedly. When Benson fi
nally scored, both - teams called
tor time oat simultaneously. -;
MeIeeu of Benson, Just about
the llasbiest player seen in the
tournament so far,' gave hU team
ft comfortable lead early la the
third period. Many of the fans
reatured the opinion that Benson
rather than Jefferson was the
team to be feared. -
Summary: :
Bomod 83) i ; pa . rr rv
McLean, F ......... 7 2 .. 1
WIeee, F . t t Q
Woldt, C t 1
Uelser. O ........ 4 1
Courtney. O ...... 2 0 .3
Manas, S ........ 0 I X
Totals ...... '.IS 5 I
Pleasant HU1 (19)
R. Hills, F ...... 0
Peebles; F ....... 1
Maimer, C 1
Stuts. O ........ . S
P. Wheeler, Q .... 1
... Totals ..
. 3 1
. Ashland demonstrated that it Is
one team to look out for In fis
ring championship possibilities,
by trouncing The Dalles, 49 to 19.
Howell, towering center who this
year has learned to use his size to
epeetaeular advantage, was the
Me Lived oh -the
Kisses df'outh!.
-he feasted nightly on the
blood of 'the living, and re
turned at dawn to his grave!
The Weirdest Character in Fiction In
A Motion Picture That Is j The Last
Word in ' I
is r i .
I 3
THI S is the problem that presenu
PHONE VERSION of the interna
tionally famous stage play 'OUT
WARD BOUNDS by Sutton Vane.
three pages to praise this as one of
the outstanding contributions to
the screen and at the same time,
the BRITISH CINEMA censors
from showing in England and all
What is it that makes this picture
different on one side it b'praised
as the most artistic production ever
screened THEN on the other side, -v.
it is condemned? "OUTWARD
BOUND" is not a preachment nor
". is it a lesson It is mainly enter
tammentThe fact that the stage
play achieved such a phenomenal .
success throughout the world,
substantiates the fact that
it is undoubtedly the most un
usual adventure, the strangest
romance come to the screen.
Warner Bros. Elsinore1
. Two dajs only !
"Outward Bound"
cynosure- of all eyes as he rolled
up an impressive total of 11 field
goals and ft total score of 27
points. -f
Howell doesn't appear to be ter
ribly fast but ho retrieves the ball
80 per cent of the times ;lt misses
either basket; and that is quit
an accomplishment. -
The Dalles started -strong, little
Osburn lotting in t ereral long
ones with some' aid from Dick,
who is still smaller, but the lead
was,' short II red when Howell
started galloping. Gill and Breed
er of Ashland i also figured prom
inently in Ashland's scoring and
all firo of . too southern Oregon
players qualified as .ball hawks,
Ashland was -ahead. 22 to 13, at
half time. - , .. a ' . ,.
Summary; j , .
Ashland 49) ' FG
Boeder, F ...... . 2
Carter.' T
Howell, C ....... 11
GUI. O 6
Mabbott. G !l
; 5 "
Darley, S
- . ' -5 V -
Totals . . .T
The Dalles J
Osburn, F ....... 2
Dick, F 12.
Peck.C . . fcr... . . 1 1
SorweJd. -G . . . 1
French, Q ....... 0
YandiTer. S ......
-r 1
. 2
Totals 7 - 5 10
Referee. French; umpire. Jack
son. : - j . ,
Schultz Admits
He Stole Towels
Orville Sennits plead guilty, to
a charge of larceny wbeav ho ap
peared in Justice court on Wed
nesday and was sentenced to 45
days, in JaiLf Schultz. according
to the complaint, was acting as
caretaker for Dr. Mark Skiff at
Brelteabueh and was guilty of
bringing to- Salem, towels, bed
clothes, kitchen utensils and oth
er property, .j .
Question of Asking Hearing
j Now ; or -Waiting Until :
; f Fall Coming. up ; :
The major problem to be con
sidered by the Willamette JtUer
Waterway aaaoclatloni at the
meeUns which will bo held at the
Cray Belle oa Friday creator, will
be .whether or not the rroep will
reenest a. rehearjas oa the Ques
tion of narisahilUy of tne wuiam
ette by April first or whether the
matter shall he held oyer -until
Xan when the-whole queatioa of
the riTor owrrejr may, bo conaioer-
ed. - - -i . ' ; ; :
By the rirers and harbors act of
1930 a aurrey 01 tne tiTer irom
Portland to Kngene was : made.
The : United States enstnoera - in
Portland made thia anrrey In the
summer and early fail of 1930,
worked op the material and sub
mitted it to the chief of the Unit
ed States engineers in Washing
ton. D. C The report of the Port
land engineers was farorable to
canalization. This report waa re
ceired in Washington " February
11, 1931 and was submitted to
the national board of ona-iaoera. ;
The chief of the federal engin
eers waa then required to submit!
the findings of the national board
to the secretary of war. Had that
report been farorable the secre
tary of war would hare reriewed
the material and "then submitted
It to the speaker of the house who
would tn turn hare referred the
matter to the committee on rirers
and harbors. If this committee
had approTed the plan it would
bare come before Congress by the
usual route.
In his report tne dlrision en
gineer recommended a four foot
channel from Oregon City to Eu
gene at an estimated cost of 17.
190.000 with estimated befeeflts
from freight rates abore Salem at
3359.000 per year. -
In view of these findings the
board made an unfarorable re
port. A period of 30 days la al
lowed for a rehearing on 1 this
question. If the new hearing Is
granted In April only the question
of canalization will bo considered
while If the matter, la Continued
until fall the whole question of
the riTor surrey will be consider-
From 75 to 100 people are ex
pected In Salem on Thursday ev
ening for the association meeting.
Representatives are expected from
fost of the Willamette Valley
towns. Frank Jenkine of Eiimna
is president of the association.
Willamette tiiiM
'For -Desirable
1931 Freshmen
The commencement of the reg
ular summer campaign on : the
part of Willamette university for
desirable members of next fall's
freshman class, was. la chapel.
Monday, whea Dean Frank: M.
Erlckson appealed to the present
students to help the administra
tion. ' . . j :
Willamette "university accord
ing to the inspectors from the
Methodist board of education
who were on the campus recent
ly, la about 300 students less In
number than should be for real
efficiency. The number of. 800
students makes overhead and
other expense less.
. The modern tendency of edu
cation is not as It was at the be
ginning of the century, according
to Dean Erickson. Then, the idea
was to limit the preparation for
professions whereas today .the
standards are raising and a'pro-
iesnonai man must o wchool
longer than the busin c
of Triumphs! - j
the Lanzk Pemc ciJ931
Positively Ends Friday Night!
Throw the Dishes in the Sink Put Off
Anything -- But Don't Mis "Reducing"
1 1 kAryi Veoming
o--"!e e - e O
i , Warner's Capitol - -Today
Marie Dressier - and
Polly Moran In Rodaelng.'
Friday Waiter Woolt and
Virlenne Segal in -Golden
! Dawn". - v;." ..)": th
. i ; Waner'a Elatnore ; '
Today Greta Garbo In In-
spiratiod". ,
Thursday- Douglas -Fnl r-
banks Jr la : "Outward.
Bound. ' - ' '
TXoQrwooa 1 -
Today Maurice Chevalier In
"Flay Boy of Paris1 . ?
Thursday Charlie Huray In
I "Caught CheatlngT. ; s
- The Grand ; '
Today Lillian Giah in Hae
Romantic NlgtU." "
Friday -Edmund Lows .In
' "Scotland Yard".
GOES o;i STM n
The Drata-Seedsport section of
the Umpqua highway, which Is
destined to become one 'of the
outstanding overland routes' tn
Southern Oregon, has been taken
over by the state highway com
mission as a state project. ! This
was announced following a meet
ing of the state highway eommls-
sioners held In Salem yesterday.
The session was the first attended
by. Charles K. Spauldlng, who re
cently was appointed a member
of the commission to succeed C.
E. (Pop) Gates of.Medford. ;
The Umpqua section is approx
imately 65 miles in length and
connects the Pacific highway
with the Oregon coast highway.
The proposed construction opera
tions Include three bridges and a
tunnel. Douglas county and the
communities affected by the im
provement have agreed to eontrb
ute 25 per cent of tha cost.
The commission authorised the
readvertislng for bids on the Nye
Pllot Rock section of the J Ore
gon-Washington highway for re
surfacing 7.8 miles In Umatilla
county. This contract was award
ed last month to Lair and com
pany of Kelso, Wash., for 136.
000. The contract later was inval
idated, members of the highway
commission said. Bids oa the pro
ject will be opened at a meeting
of the highway commission to be
held tn Portland April 2. Some of
the work will be paid for by the
emergency federal aid money
while other work will be paid
for by the state and regular fed
eral aid.
Columbus Dared
More Than Liridy
Hold Debaters
The B and (A classes at High
land school put on an interesting
debate yesterday afternoon, with
the f A, composed of Wallace
Steed, Marion Mitchell and Iran
Lowe, defending the negative,
winning the decision. The 0B de
baters were Donald Driggs, Eliza
beth Steed ' and Esther Mae De
Vore. . ; :
The question was: Resolved.
That it took more courage for
colonel Lindbergh, to cross the
ocean than it did for Columbus.
Judges were Miss Carlotta Crow
ley, Mrs. Sadie Grant' and Miss
Lyle Murray. -
Mrs. Carolyn Carrol is : the
teacher of the B class and Miss
Isobel Bartlett has the A group.
of a Gareeir
Salen. Oregon, Thnrsday, March' 19. 1931
wm on
GATE fil QOniiD
Flax Superintendent Will
Leave job May 1; no
Successor flamed
Continued from page 1)
inception. ; One of these audita
was jprepaired y a! firua . of ac
countants employed by Governor
Meier. 'Another audit, was con
ducted by the state department.
: The ways, and means - commit
tee of the . legislature discussed
the state ; flax industry , almost
nightly during: the recent session,
and several reports were pre
pared having to do with its fi
nances. - '" ''"
Governor Meier said yesterday
that he had no man as yet te rec
ommend to succeed . Bartram, as
head i of the state flax Industry.
Bartram first became connect
ed with tha flax business here
when ho brought a ' flax pulling
machine to Salem in 1923. Four
years ago he was made manager
of the flax industry at the state
penitentiary. During much : of
this period' ho served as' manager
of the Oregon Linen Mill com
pany, here. After . his resignation
as manager, of that plant he de
voted his entire time to the state
flax Industry, serving at a salary
of S 6000 a year, this amount be
ing recently reduced to 15000 an
nually. .'
Continued from page 1)
American Public Standard tests
of raw water from the-Willamette
River, now in the possession of
the Oregon-Washington Water
service company, and including
analyses made in the year" 1929
during the period of time when
the water was unpotable.
(t) A statement of tha chemi
cal treatment proposed to be used
in connection with filtration and
methods of - sterilation, odor and
taste removal.
m Estimates of cost of com
pleting the filtration plant which
was under construction and is
now abandoned.
f S) Estimates of cost of opera
tion of the filtration plant.
ft) Statement of anticipated
earnings and expenses based on
present consumption - and future
estimated consumption, to show
what effect, it any, the addition
of the filtration plant may have
on the rate structure now in force.
Mrs. Creech, 87,
Stricken; Little
Hope is Held Out
Mn. - iffeltada. Creeeh. mother
of T. W. Creech, was. stricken
with paralysis Tuesday at the T.
W. Creech home, and Wednesday
was said to bo in a critical condi
tion. :
Mrs. Creech with her husband,
r00' ufl- uvo
... . j .
h ,
; " mr r i mi n - r ,r- . . .... ... ....... .; . . . -. 't
.' - "- ' ' if ' " " ''"!' " ! . ' :- :' "f.'' '!. : ' .'..:'. '
Edward Creech, came to Salem in
1912 and has made her home here
since that time. . Mr. Creech pass
ed away la 1913. For the .past
three years, Mrs. Creech has made
her home with Mr. and Mrs. T. W.
Creech. .
Atthouxh IT years eld. Mrs.
Creech has lead a very active lift
until her recent illness,
The Salem district of the Evan
gelical Missionary Women's group
will hold an institute in . the
church at the corner of 13th and
Center street all day Friday v
A matron's gold medal mission
ary oratorical contest will be held
in the mornings beginning about
1 0 : IS I 'dock. This, and other
fnntimtm ar wrine held srelimln-
ary to the diamond medal contest
to be held tuts summer ac tne
convention at leaning's Lodge.
. In the afternoon Mrs. Vagelein
of Lebanon, a returned missionary
from Iadla,' will address the as
sembly, and Constance Fisher will
give a reading. ' : j
Special music has also been ar
ranged, and will include a trom
bone solo by Rev. Petticord et
Corvallis; solo by Rev. Lyle Wil-lard-of
Monmouth; piano solo by
Miss Helen Rex; duet by iCathleen
Phelps and Dorothy Bottiger; and
violin solo by Ruthyn Thomas. ;
Silvertonians to
Seek $18 ,000 For
Purchase of Park
r. : .-. ' i
A crouD of Sllverton business
and professional men will appear
before the state highway commis
sion' next week and request that
$13,000 be set aside for the pur
chase of land in the Silver Falls
area as a park project.
The plot in question contains
between ! 000 and 700 acres. In
cluding some of the falls. In case
the highway commission agrees
to purchase the land the Marion
county court" will Improve, the
road leading to the falls.
SchaeferV Herbal i
Throat and Lung
; ry.. j : Balsam
This is a modern. Scientific
Vegetable Remedy for the re
lief of Coughs, Colds, Bron
chitis, Bore Throat, Croup, As
thma, Hoarseness, -Whooping:
Cough, and Diseases of the
Pulmonary Organs. Guaran
teed to relieve, or money re
funded Order through your
local druggist or mail check
to Schaef er Drug Co Salem.
Price 50c to $1.00
The large bottle contains three
times the amount of small one.
Try our Cold Tablets for cold
in head. :
Manafactored aasd sold by
The original yellow front can
dy special store of Salens.
1S5 N. Com'l St. , Phone 197
; Peaslar Agewcy
Asricultura! Leaders Invited
To Salem to get .Behind
j .Agricultural Dept. "
The 'Neat Step" plan
ned to arouse Interest in the
working out of the. new agricul
tural department plan for Ore
gon will be held at the Marion ho
tel ion Friday night, March 27.
II. K. Cutty, of the agricultural
department of the Oregon state
chamber of commerce, is chair
man et the committee In charge
of, plans for the banquet.
- Arrangements are being made
to entertain' 300 visitors at -this
banquet and all who are interest
ed in the agricultural industry of
the state are to be invited' to et
tend. Prominent . people who are
expected are: Governor and Mrs.
Julius L. Meier, O. M. plummer,
manager of the Pacific Interna
tional Livestock Exposition; C. C
Hulet, master f the Oregon state
grange: Irving Vlnlng, past presi
dent of the Oregon state chamber
of commerce; W. O. Ide, president
of the state chamber; Marshal N.
.Dana of the Oregon Journal; VK
J. Kerr, president of Oregon State
college; presidents of various co
operative agricultural -groups,
presidents and secretaries of lo
cal chambers of commerce, and
members of the county courts of
the , various counties. ' '
It Is planned that this will be
- b wmw
Edmund lbwe
If. jV
-Oft i
sbsv w sf . i rz
r 5
one of the largest meetings of Its
kind ever held in the state. The
purpose is to create interest la the
new agricultural department and
to consider plans for its develop
ment. -A committee in charge of ar
rangements met In Salem on Wed
nesday and formulated plans for
the meeting. This committee in
cluded H. E. Cully, Marshall N.
Dana, W. O. Ids, J. O. Holt, E. W.
Eyre and U. O. Holt.
Canada's- gold output in 1930
totalled 143.193.390, an Increase
of 3,SC2,1& over 1929.
Here's the Way to
j Treat Rupture
A Marvflous nosne Treatsneat
.That Anyone Can Use oa Any
Ituptkre, Large or Small
" Thousands of ruptured - men
and women will rejoice to know
that the full plan by which Capt.
Collings treated ntmself for dou
ble rupture, rrom which he was
helpless and bed-ridden for years
will be sent free to ell who write
for It.
-Merely send your name i and
address j to Capt. W. A. Collings,
Inc Box 931-K, Watertown, N.
T. It won't cost yon a cent and
may be worth a fortune. Hund
reds' have already reported satis
factory res sits following this
free test. Send right away
NOW before you put down this
paper. Adv.
Home of 25c Talkies
The .Most Popular Man
on the Screen!
Also fjooiedy, College Cntles
, RcTlew A News
Their LaUet LsKgh Special
Charley M array and
' ' George Sidney la
nzmim mm
1 I