The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 17, 1931, Page 6, Image 6

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Rickreall Ladies" Aid
Hears Speakers
Rickreall Rickreall Ladies
Aid met Wednesday afternoon at
the home of Mrs. Charles Lowry
. with ' Mrs. Charles Campbell and
Mrs. T. W. Burch assisting host
ages. Twenty-seven members and
triends enjoying the very inter
esting program arranged for toe
afternoon. . v - , "
The radio was turned on at
two o'clock' for an address by
Mrs. Louise Palmer Weber and
music by Mrs. Ina Hood.
. This was followed by a short
business session.; A letter from
, Mrs. Allgood, district chairman of
asking each club to sponsor at
least on patriotic program -each
year and . to learn and give, the
flag salute and Americans creed
at each: meeting.! -
Discussion of .plans for a eook
d food sal and flower show to
be riven March It.
Mls Bowens of . Portland, field
worker for .the child welfare bu
reau,, spoke - concerning various
measures which were before the
last session of legislature..
Mrs, Charles N. Btlyeu of Dal-
las. president of ; the state f edera
.lion of women's clubs gave a talk
on the aims : and .plans for the
club year, urging each .dub to
end delegates, to the convention
to be held at Hillsboro. March tO
h t At .the close of the . meeting
dainty refreshments were served
by the hostesses assisted by Miss
Betty Campbell. I -.
Mrs. Ina Mills Heads
Woodburn P. R O.
, Woodburn Mrs. Ina Mills was
elected president of the Woodburn
chapter of P. E.-0. Thursday af
ternoon when ' the organization
met at her home. on Corby street.
There was no nrorram ' as the
election aad installation of the
new "of fleers took up the after
noon. i'
Other officers elected ' and In-!
stalled are: Vice-president, Mrs.
Phoebe Allen;- f recording secre
tary, Mrs. Pauline Bain; treasur
er. Mrs. Nellie Muir; correspond
ing .secretary,' Miss Wilraa Morri
son; chaplain. Mrs. Annettie Sim
mons, aad guard. - Mrs. Aline
Beers. - j -.
. The newly-elected president
and rice-president, Mrs. Mills and
. Mrs. Allen, were chosen as dele
gates to the state convention of
P. E. O. clubs to be held in Leb
anon fn June. Alternates are- Mrs.
Nellie Muir and Miss Wilma Mor
rison. ' ! , .
Delicious refreshments, served j
by the hostess for the afternoon, i
aclsted by Mrs. Gauley, terminat
ed the meeting.' ; f)
Talbot Mrs. j Clinton Hampton
was hostess for; the Talbot Wom
an's club at .her home Wednes
day afternoon. .Mrs. Bob Austin,
vice-president, took charge of the
meeting.- Roll call was answered
with "current events." ;
Aftet the regular . business
meeting, tbe afternoon was spent
doing needlework. --v.
. Club ' members present were:
Mrs. Bob Austin, Mrs. N. H. Doty.
Mrs. Addle Davidson Mrs.' G. M.
Belknap, Mrs. r EL J. Freeman,
. Mrs. A. L..' Emmons, Mrs Delmer
Davidson. Mrs.! A. - E. Cole, Mrs.
. David Jaeobson, Mrs. Sarah Tay
lor, Mrs. Loyal Johnson Mrs. D.
"E. Bllnston, Mrs. George Potts,
.and the hostess. Mrs.- Hampton.
Visitors of the club were Mrs.
M. - J. Davidson.' Mrs. Arthur
Johnson, Mrs.: Rose Sayles and
Mrs. Elmer Hampton. -
. - ; - . . ' V' .
Hubbard Lake Camp Fire girls
met at the Dr. .Edward; Schoor
home Thursday evening forC. the
second lesson in First Aid given
by the doctor. - Much Interest is
- being taken in the work -by. the
members who' have already made
practical, use" jot .the lessons, re
ceived. Camp Fire girls present
were - Miss Betty Brown, Miss
Marjorie Welfer, . Miss Anna
Knight, Miss Helen' KnlghV Miss
Dorothy McKee, Mies Eleanor
Jnhnann '" Ulai Vnrlnn HIcKoniln
Miss s-Beatrice ' Claypool, Miss
Helen" Claypool. Miss Iris , Moo
maw and the guardian, Miss
Gungadene Bidgood. . s - -1
Independences-Mrs. Lee'O'Kel
ley - entertained a few friends t
her home Friday. .The afternoon
was spent' in conversation and
fancy work. A dainty lunch was
served by the ' hostess, the table
. being beautiful with a center-
, pi ere ot. daffodils, v. - ,
Those present were Mrs. Pearl
Hedges. Mrs.? Henry Beal. -Mrs.
Elmer Busby, Mrs. Willar.d Crav
en and Mrs. Lyle-Moore of Mon
mouth. Mrs. Dell Bush of Port
land and Mrs. Nix VerstdSd were
-seeelal ruests of the afternoon.
" Jefferson Mrs. G.'.W. Hum
phrey and. Mrs. Maud Blaekwell
'were-Joint; hostesses tor the Past
Noble Grand club of Mt. Rebekah
lodge. Thursday afternoon in the
lodge room of the Odd Fellows
. hall. During the social, :hour
which followed the business ses
sion, readings and games were en
Joyed. Little Mildred Thurston.
entertained with a piano num
ber,, after which a two-course
lunch was served. There were 17
present to enjoy the. pleasant af
ternoon, i
All officers and guards of the
Woman's Benefit association and
any member expecting to attend
.the state convention of the or-
..ganization in Portland April 20
and 21 win meet at the home of
Mrs. Jennie Miller, 351 South
19th street. Wednesday evening.
Order of Eastern Star Chad-
. wlrk thinler No. 2? will meet for
stated communication Tue-ray
: evening, at 8 o'clock for a, bus
iness and social meeting and all
members are urged to bepres-
ent. ' -
Airs, ciyae jonnson ana .miss
Pauline Johnson will attend the
Chicago Civic opera presentation
. in Portland tonight.
News arid Club
Ouvs M; Doaj
I ' - ....
Tuesday, March 17
- Salem, Writer's section of- Salem Arts league, S:00
o'clock, Dr. and Mrs. H. J. Clements, ! North 14th
treet. - I .;(; : ,-'-. ' ; - -"
Kappa Alpha Tbcta guest of Mrs. Guy Vincent
Smith and Mrs. Tom Wood, apartment 208 Royal Court,
apartments. - :
W. C, T. U.. all-day meeting, poUuck dinner at
noon. George Alexander and Frank Minto special speak
ers In ' afternoon meeting. , . ' - ' -" -i "
War Mothers of Salem chapter, 2 o'clock. In Amer
ican Lutheran church; St. Patrick's program and social
meeting.! . . ' I" - -' .
Etokti Woman's club. Mrs. Vard Hughes, IS45
Chemeketa street; Mrs. Addison Lane lead study en Ore
gon hintory.v i .f ,.; 1 f' " ''.-.- "-: ' -
Past Noble Grand association, " with Mrs. ; Hodge, -1270
Chemeketa, 7:30 o'clock:. " -v
: Hlawathji council, potluck supper, : 30 o'clock:
I. O. O: F. ball. St Patrick party and program follow
ing to which publie is Invited.; ! 4 ;
Stated communication, order of Eastern Star. Chad-
wick cbepter. No. 37. 8 o'clock, business and social eve
ning. i ' ' ' ' . ' t '. : - "
Men's council of ; First Methodist church. 8:30
o'clock in church parlors; Dr. W. W. Youngson speaker.
j Wednesday, March 18 '
McCormick class of First M. E. church, Ralph
Kletzing home, 8 o'clock. " - J -;.
Woman's Foreign Missionary society, 2 o'clock, in
L church parlors of Leslie Memorial church. . . :
Hanna Rosa court, order of Amaranth, will meet
' for special election in Masonic lodge rooms. Office of
trustee to be filled. ' '?
Officers and Guards, members attending state con
f ventlon of W. B. A." meet at home of Mrs. Jennie Miller, ,
351 South lfth street. - ' .
Maccabees social club, Mrs. George Diets, North
Fourth street; ; -i .: .
: Thursday, March' 19 , - .
Faculty Woman's club. Miss Helen Pearee, hostess
at home. 2C7 North Winter.. 2:30 o'clock. . V . .
Hayesville Woman's club, at Mrs. Claude Talmage,
1310 Market street, 2 o'clock.
Chapter G. of P. E. O. sisterhood, Mrs. A. A.
Schramm. 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. Fred Toose will read paper -on
'Our Pjoneers. Lest We Forget." -
' Ladies of G. A. R. will meet for one o'clock lunch
eon in armory; comrades are invited. I --'
, Clear! Lake Woman's Missionary society, at C. L.
Beckner home, afternoon meeting. r. '
: ! i I iday, March.20 . ' .
Mrs; Minnie Grimm, hostess to members of First
Spiritualist church circle, 8 o'clock, residence, 1515
North 20th street.
Hayesville Community club) 8 o'clock, schoolhouse.
Woman's Club Guest
Ankeny Bottom Meet
Ankeny Bottom The Ankeny
Women's club met with Mrs. C. F.
Johnston, at her. country home.
near here Thursday afternoon.
The living rooms were beautifully
decorated with large bowls of. yel
low daffodils and lavender ane
mones. j .
Following an interesting pro
gram dainty ' refreshments were
served by the hostess to the fol
lowing members: Mrs. Ben Watts-
Mrs. Sidney Howard and daugh
ter Margaret. Mrs. L. B. Smith,
Mrs. E. L. Hampton and daugh
ter Margerite, Mrs. G. H. Mar-
latt. Mrs R. K. Farr, Mrs. Wil
liam Wiederkehr- and daughter
Drfnna, Mrs. J. O. Farr, Mrs. M. J.
Davidson and the hostess, Mrs. C
F. Johnston. I
Mrs. Nellie Lamb and Mrs.. M.
J.' Johnston of Toledo, la., Mrs. M.
Lacey et Pedee and Mrs. U. F.
Meier. Sr., were special guests for
the afternoon, jj .v. : -"V, ";.
Hazel Green Mrs. - Rudolph
Wacker 'was hostess to the Sun
shine Sewing. club Thursday af
ternoon. .Members present were
Mrs. B. O Zelalskl, Mrs. Joseph
ZelnlskL Mrs. C. ' A.' Ko bow,'. Mrs.
Charles Zelinskl. Jrt. Mrs. - Her
man Wacken .Jr., Mrs. Worden,
Mrs. Ralph Worden. Mrs. ' A. T.
Van Cleave Mrs.. Archie ,'McCor
kle Mrs. Lovella Van Cleave; t!s
ltors. Mrs. Florence Van Cleave',
Salem. . Mrs, Wacken served de
licious i refreshments. ' The club
-will be guest of Nemo; the east
side sewing club, March 19.. -
Keizer is looking forward 'to
the home talent play which will
be given at 8 o'clock in the Id. W.
A. -hall Wednesday evening. V
West Salem-t-When" Merle Pru-
itt ; came home Thursday evening
he was surprised to find a festive
table spread land J a of
triends and 'relatives waiting, to
wish him many happy returns of
his birthday, Thursday being the
19th : anniversary of . his birth.
Covers .were laid for" Miss Ray
Rihgle, 'Miss Mabel Beardsley.
Samuel McCliatkf and Kenneth
Beardsley, all of Salem; Mr. and
Mrs. Marvin Lewis, the hosts, Mr.
and 'Mrs. W, p.i Lewis, and the
Honor guest, Merlo" Prultt. -
: ; '' :-t. l i - r '. -.
" Central Howell-Mrs. R. C.
Ramsdcn, invited . a. numberVof
boys and girls ' to celebrate the
14th; birthday of. her -son Hollis
Tuesday. Present, were Eva Mik-
kelson, Grace iWigie, Ellen Vin
ton. Lucille : Waltman. Loretta
Walt man, Ruth; Simmons, Cloid
Wigie,- Stanley Vinton, Donald
Kuenzl, Max- Simmons, . Ja mes
Lichty. -Hollis TRamsden.' Mrs.4 A.
Mikkelson, Mrj , and. Mrs. Charley
waitman. raye Ramsden and
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Ramsden. .
West Stayton -Thursday after
noon the Ladles auxiliary of the
West Stayton Growers club met
with Mrs. Bell Woosley. Miss Hel
en K.oni. Martha Irish, Lois La
cev. . Dorothy - Airhe. . Vfarrln
Lacy and Harold Tegen 1 were ap
pointed on a BTbgram committee.
to furnish " program at the
Growers meeting when the ladies
oasxet quut it drawn. After the
meetlnr was adlonrned th art.
ernoon -.was; spent doing fancy
worx ana conversation. The next
meeting will be with Mrs. Clyde
-comsiocK on aaarcn Z. .- ,
. Jefferson MriL Herbert Loo
ner entertained" with a rflnnr t
her country home . Wednesday,.
nonormg -ner momer, Mrs; Nancy
Miller, whose' birthday1 analver
irv nocarred On ihil riiv rnT.r.
were placed for the honor gnest.
Mrs.-Nancy MUier, - Mr. and Mrs
Fred LoonerJ Mrs. Lvdia. Hnvt
Mrs.' Nora- Holt. Miss Ln Miiu r
and Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Looney.
Society Editor
Surprise Party is ,
Jolly Event j 1 '
Prlngle Mr. - and Mrs. George
Adams were pleasantly surprised
on Monday evening when a num
ber of their friends and neigh
bors called - to offer : congratula
tions in compliment to their wed
ding anniversary. An Informal
evening of cards' and conversa-i
tion was enjoyed and at a late
hour refreshments were served. -
Present for the evening were
the following: Mr. and Mrs. John
Fabry 'Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Gurguride, Mr. and " Mrs. H. C.
Stapleton, Mr. and Mrs. E. Xonk-
lln, Mr. and Mrs. Clay George,
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Taylor, Mrs.
George Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. O.
T. Sealey, Mrs. John Van Lyde-
graf, Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Hilflker,
Mr. and Mrs. .: Charles Graben
horst, Mr. and Mrs. George Ad
ams, Mrs. John Fabry, Jr., Helen
jra nry, Albert and Frank! Gur
gurlch, Ruth Stapleton, Evelyn
Shirley and Louise : Wilson, Joe
seaaey, mes. Evelyn and Hollis
Hilflker and Charles Jr.. and
Henry Grabenhorst.
Monmouth. ' Mr. w xr
Meeker and her daughter. Miss
Ruth. Meeker,- entertained a num
ber of friends -.and .- ni?kknr
Thursday evening at a surprise
Prcy nononng W. M, Meeker's
seventy-second birthday anniver
sary.; Those enjoying the affair
were: Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Rem
pel, Mr. and .Mrs.-Louis' Morten
son, and" Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Me.
Bee and daughter Dorothv. all of
Dallas: Mr. and Mrs. D.- A. Hoar.
Mrs, . Addle Calbreath, Mr. and
Mrs. u. w. iiaun, Mr., and Mrs.
William McCrae and. daughter
Kathleen,' Edwin Byrd, MrsV Min
nie Mack, Mrs. Mary Alderson.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gwalchraal,
aars. t. J. Alslp. Henry Alsip.
Mrs. IL K. Sickafoose. Mrs. C. C
Teater and Mrs.- Cummings. s.
. . ; , . - v, : ; J, ' :
1 C WOodburn.- Twentr-twc neieh-
bors and friends surnrlaed : Mr.
and Mrs. . E.- J. r Allen Thursday
night when they dropped-in t.t
their home on Lincoln' street to
help Mr. and Mrs. Allen cele
brate their 25th wedding anni
versary. The evening was spent
in i nllTine ramei. Tll?lfn r-
f reshments were : served later ; in
the eveninr. 1 Those nresent
were Mr,' and Mrs. A. IL Dean.
Mr.: nd Mrs. J. J. Hall,: Rev
and Mrs. E. .W. Blew, Mr. and
Mrs. '- Eugene Moshberger, Mr.
and ' Mrs. F. G. Habemann, : Mr.
nu inrs.' i. v.- jaeers. jar. ana
Mrs. S. W. Mannin. Mlna - LaVe
Watson, -Miss Hope " Inlow and
Miss Marion Blew. - - f-; ,
- MftrnWi of tha KAnainrtnn
club and their husbands were
guests for a St. Patrick' party at
tne George King home Saturday
nlrht with Mrs. Kimr rn.nA Mn.
Charles Pratt as hostesses. Spe
cial guests were Mrs. Paul Hauser
and Mr. and Mrs. Rnell- Pratt of
Heppner. '. . . 1 .
' H . f ' '-: ,
Hazel Green - Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Falst entertained1 with a
dinner Monday evening' compli
menUng Mrs. Falst's mother and
sisters. Mrs. William Buttrich of
Amity. Mrs. Arthur Knubbe. Port.
land, and Mrs. Grace Stimson,
wortn BatUe Ford, Alberta,
Canada. .... .-..
The W. C. T. U. of Salem is
planning an unusually interesting
all-day institute at the Union
haU ' on. South Commercial street
Tuesday. A potluck dinner will be
served at noon and all women at
tending the luncheon are asked
to bring own table service. A De-
cial - program has been planned
ror the afternoon features being
t a 1 k s by George ; Alexander.
Frank Minton and solo numbers
Woodburn Wedding is
Elvent of Sunday- H
1 Woodburn- Miss . Vivian Xrehe.
Nelson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
K. C Nelson of Woodburn. be
came the. hiido of 'Arthur C. J
ciark oi biiverton at 10 o'clock
Sunday momlag at a beautiful
home wedding performed at .the
Nelson home on Second street.
Rev. Rogen. of Monitor officiated
at the ceremony. About 50 rela
tives and friends were present. '
Mr. and Mrs. James Hazel," Jr..
of Portland, acted as bridesmaid
and best man for the couple. Mrs.'
James Stoppard of Portland sang
"I Love You Truly" and !At
Dawning., Mrs. Harrison Nelson,
the bride's sister-in-law, played
the wedding march.
The i. bride wore beautiful
flowing gown of coral crepe and
carried a bouquet of rosea, sweet
peas and lilies of the valley. -Mrs.
Hazel, the bridesmaid, - wore- a
dress the color of ashes of -tosea
and carried a boueuet of sweet
peas. . -. . .- .,v.s.-
; Soon after" the ceremonf the
young married, couple and the
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.
C. Nelson, left for a three weeks'
visit to California and northern
Mexico. Mrs. Clark wore a beau
tiful yellow ensemble on her de
parture for the south. -
On their return, Mr. and Mrs.
Clark will live on Hardcastle
street. Mr. Clark Is the. son of
Mr. and Mrs; C. Clark of Silver
ton." -
, r . J . .,;:-; .:
iPringleVPleasant Point'
Club Meets
. j Pringle The regular meeting
of the Prlngle Pleasant Point so
cial club was held at the home of
Mrs. Harry Wedlter on Thurs
day. A pot luck dinner was served
at noon followed hv the kinu
meeting. The living room was at
tractive with yellow spring flow
ers.' The' afternoon was koH&Hv
spent. ." '
Mrs." George Guernea waa a nnw
member Uken Into the Club, v
Those present were the meats.
Mrs. C. H. Kemnle. Mr. - R,
Jones. Mrs. E. B. Grabenhorst
and. Miss Evelyn Cobnrn and the
following members, Mra. William
PrODSt. Mrs. -J: If. rnhnrn ' Xtrm
V. E. Meeks, Mrs. O. T. Sealey,"
xwrs. ueorge ouernes, Mrs. - E. S.
Coates. Mrs. Solon Shlnkle, Mrs.
W. . H. -Grabenhorst, Mrs. Rue
Drager Mrs. Chris Mumm Un
W. W. Coburn, Mrs."F. R. Clarke,
Mrs. George Grabenhorst, Mrs. E.
uiarge. Mrs. Homer Harrison,
Mrs, W. M. McCarroU. Mrs.
George Adams and the hostess,
Mrs. Harry Wechter. , . j
The club will meet In a fort
night at the hom of Mr v v
Meeks of Salem at 690 E. La
u eue street.
Keizer. A verv eniovahlA d
was spent by the Ladles' Aid of
Keizer at the home of Mrs. How
ard Bliven. A cafeteria dinner
was served at noon. Present
were Mrs. Clarence Poole, Mrs.
warrou rooie. Mrs. J. ,C. Ack
man. Mrs. R. B. McClay, Mrs.
Roy Melson, Mrs. F. E. Evans.
Mrs. J. A. Remolds. Mrs. . Jna
Bartruff, Mrs. Ben Claggett,
Mrs. Ray, Betzer, Mrs. G. N.
Thompson. Mrs. W. D. Taylor,
airs. Archie Claggett, Mrs. G. W.
Browning, Mrs. B.' L. Neal,. Mrs.
W. P.- BUven, Mrs. William
Blake, Mrs. F. W. Fox, Mrs. W.
E. Savage, Mae KInkaid. Lois
Keef er. ' Irma ' Keef er. Goldle
Weathers, Doris Fox. Magdalene
ariruir, Minon savage, . Davld
Melson. Rev. Hares Beall. nastor
at Keizer,-and the hostess, : Mrg.
Howard-Bliven. .
' The next meeting of the aid
will- be - with ; Mrs. Clarence
Poole, president of thealL' f f t
The First SDlritualist - church
will hold a circle Friday-night at
the home of Mrs. Minnie. Grimm;
1515 North 20th street at 8:00
o'clock. :' '-: -:r ' -: I
Lorraine JaiUet
Paramount ttar
EW YORK Children
EW YORK, mothers -are
now working tbe "same miracles
for, their children's hair that
they have found "are . so . easily
performed for their . own with
Danderlne. .
: Natural oils removed by aoap
and water are promptly restored
to the hair by Danderlne. Natu
ral curl is accentuated. A child's
harr Is easily "trained;? is kept
orderly, clean, sparkling. .A few
dashes of this fragrant liquid on
the brush each' time the hair la
arranged;"That is all - that's
' Wavjs set with Danderlne,
last longer. And they look-nicer.
Thicker., longer. - more abundant
hair Is sure to follow tor every
member wnes. . Danderlne be
comes a regular habit with .your
family. It helps stop falling hair.
Dissolves the Jcrust of dandruff.
Changes dull, brittle, lifeless
hair into : hair that : fairly ' sphrk
les with new 11. and lustre! ' -
7b On Minute llairBtoutifiet
At AH Brwf tteras-Thlrty Five Centr.
Author; Callafi v
At Van Eaton Home 'r :
- Mr. and Mrs. Romalne ' B.
Ware, who were en route to Van
couver, Waslu, from the! east, call
ed on .Mrs, Myron .Van Eaton
Sunday. They came especially to
see the flowers at the Van Eaton
home. Mr. Ware Is writer of
flower articles for a number of
magazines. . He will bo remember
ed by Salemitea as the-author of
daily flower articles in the Ore
gonlan for several years. He now
spends sv great deal of 'time trav
eling, in order to get material for
magazine articles. 'They are pub
lished la the Ladles' ; Home Jour
nal, the' . Country - Gentleman,
Tour" Home, The Flower Grower,
etc j': ' t ;.:.-;; : -.i.--' !. - , ; ,
Mr. Ware expects to return to
Salem in June to visit a number
or gardens and secure pictures.
Zena Party Given for r
Salem People'. ' , . ;
Zena Mr. and Mrs. Wayne IX
Henry, who are giving a series of
affairs at their ; country home,
"Maple Mound" this month, de
lightfully entertained a group of
Salem folk with" a four course
0:30 o'clock dinner Friday even
ing. ."'- - ".; . . ' :
The green and yellow color
scheme ' was attractively carried
out In the table decorations. Tel
low daffodils in sliver vase,
flanked by green candles in sliver
candlesticks were used as a cen
terpiece. An, enjoyable evening
of singing and conversation fol
lowed the dinner, i -..-
. Included In the guest croup
were Reverend and Mrs. W. Earl
tf'l tM ft fi I'l ft IT IT 1
- ; i- ,- ' v. '''!'' . .
Living Models
.Will Display
niese Eveiy 3
Afterndbii Thiji
- - .'-f "
W W l : ' ; : :
(t( M'" CAKnig gohmnv mcf ' : ' , , .
Cochran, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Tay
lor, Mr. nd Mrs. George M. King,
Mr. and Mrs. Nathal Pickens Mr.
and Mrs. W. Kenneth Henry and
small daughter, Corlnne and the
hosts, Mr. and f rs. Wayne " D.
Henry. I y- : -'u. '.v-.
Wedding Anniversary
Is Observed' - '-. t
-" - . - : ' - -
Sllverton Mr. and Mrs. J. J.
Stelger entertained 11 of their
frfends and relatives at the Mod
em Woodmen of America hall on
Friday . evening in observance - of
their twenty-tfiah "wedding anni
versary. Daffodils brightened the
hall, where dancing iand cards
were enjoyed until a late hour.
Supper was served at midnight,
with Mrsi Henry Annundsen and
Mrs. Otto Anderson assisting Mrs.
Stelger. (;'.. .
Mr; and- Mrs. Seiger moved to
Sllverton from Stayton some 12
or 14 years ago. ; .
v--;,:-.: '
Benefit Card Party
Being Sponsored "
There' wilt be a rS0O", card par
ty at 6 14 Vincent de Paul hall on
Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. The
affair Is being sponsored by. the
young men of the trrish. -
The committee In charge are
Clark' Jackson, 'chairman, John
Varley Philip Varley. Paul Ret
dy, Fred Reldy, Henry Moorman,
At. Scharback, Frank McCaffrey,
William McCaffrey. :
Valsett Mrs. Eva Gates, en
tertained Thursday, with two ta
bles ot bridge. Mrs. Dorothy Har
ris and Mrs. Doris Sandstrom won
high ' scores. -
I ll ,,l . lil'm fc
jMiaca MfMCAKnig company hkT
Surprise Party -Welcome
to Travelers
f'A delightful surprise party
complimented Mrs. J. E. Long on,
the occasion of her birthday; Sat
urday nlrht and also; acted as a
welcome to both Dr. and Mrs.
Long ! who have spent the past
winter in southern California. -.(
Cards and dancing were enjoy
ed during the evening hours. At
a late hour. - refreshments were
served bearing the decorative mo
tif of St. Patrick. . . The , large
birthday cake presented to Mrs.
Long was white trimmed In green
to carry out the St. Patrick's col
or scheme.
i The guest list included Dr. and
Mrs. J. E. "Long. Dr. and Mrs. C.
a Gilbert. Dr, and. Mrs. P. G. Sta
pran, Dr and Mrs. L. L. Hockett.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Church, Mr.
and Mrs. 8. B. Eshleman, Mr. and
Mrs. G. J. Barham.-Mr. and Mrs.
Merle Bonney, Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Bentler, Mr. and Mrs. F. W.
White, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford
Hald. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Long.
Mr. and Mrs, O. H. Seeley, Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Allen, Miss Anna
Loul3e Gilbert. f 5 , ;
.. -..e ; ..- ..
Mrs.: Cass Nichols J .
Entertains . ,r- '
- -1 , - '? ' - : - I
Bethel r Mrs. Cass Nichols en
tertained the Bethel Dorcas "club
Thursday afternoon. -.The guest
rooms were : bright .with spring
flowers. Mrs- J. M. Nichols con
ducted : the business meeting.
Plans were made for a benefit
card party to be sponsored by the
Stub March 24th at the, home of
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Creech!
'The president appointed as re
; , .... .
Yes, the much heralded Nelly Dons . have arrived . . . and Salem
women who have been patiently awaiting this -big shipment: will
read this announcement with interest. .
Nelly Don dresses, are everything their national advertising pro
claims. Fashionable . . . exclusive not only In style, but In fabric
as welL : And Nelly Dons, are styled by one of the foremost style
artists in America. First of all she has exclusive designs made,
for her fabrics, she chooses real lace, real embroidery. (And Nelly
Don stamp of approval goes on to' the perfect garment, for, Nelly
Dons must live up to the h'igh standards that have made them
famous, u Come to Miller's today and see these modelled . . .:
spend some leisure; time in the department "seeing what's new.
i !
Nelly Dons Radiate Newness
Just Try One On
IJ, " $2.?5, 12-95, TO $g.5Q '
One must see this new Poromeah, a fine, soft
mesh weave used In a Nelly Don frock of sheet
loveliness. It's graceful simplicity la accentu
ated by touches of embroidery which lock at-
f eet like petit point. And the . fine Kzvem la
bite and pastel with genuine Irish lace in
teta. Nelly Don jackets to top every smart sum
Soar dress are here priced very reasonable.
. 1
freshment committee for the par- .
ty, Mrs. A. I. Eoff, Mrs. J. O. Lau
derback, Mrs. E. W. Kitchen.
' Guests for the afternoon were
Mrs. Edith Astle of Haven, Kan
sas, a sister-in-law of Mrs. E. W
Kitchen; Mrs. Julia Grant, Mrs..
George Bahnsen, Mrs. Arao
Bpranger. Members present were
Mrs. John Spranger, Mrs. M. Gun-
ter, Mrs..liarry xoung, jr. . a.
Brlnkley, Mrs, Sundborg, Mrs. J.
M. Nichols, Mrs. A.v L Eoff, Mrs.
Bert Sundborg; Mrs. M. IL Utter,
Mrs. J. A. Hain, Mrs. D. W. Kitch
en, Mrs. J. O. Landerback, Mrs.
Harry Boles, and -the hostess,
Mrs. Cass Nichols.
The next meeting of . the club
will be at the heme ef the presi
dent, Mrs. J. M.-tyieaejs, yAprn s.
Sigma Nu Chapter
, -. . . w , , . . ...
. Kirmm n u u Lr?r aw in. ucr.
nlilan n.lot mt.MAndlr in the.
tnMl ifhrarv-wltb, Mrs. W. A.
Morrlott. newl-r elected president
presiding over- the' meeting for
the first time. f
Current event tonics were tak
en by Mrs. O. R. Paxson, Mrs. E. l
T Pirr ' Un. J. C. Perrv. and !
study topics -were .taken by Mrs '
L. L. Nelson, Mrs.' George King,
Mrs. Hal Hoss. Mrs. C. H. Glenn, I
Mrs. R. H. Baldock.
. Hiawatha council is : giving a
poUuck supper at 8:30 o'clock in
the I. O. O. F. hall Tuesday night.
Following the supper hour there !
will be given a program and par-
ty in compliment to St. Patrick. ,
To this the public Is invited. Mrs. ; !
Minnie Clark is the chairman of :
arrangements. .
e -
If you've never-
worn a
Don; just try
one on today at
- Miller's. "
y s
New Handy Dandy
-. Py Nelly -Don -
by Leo Jnnlsr '