The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 15, 1931, Page 6, Image 6

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The OnCGbrr CTATilArtVCalaa. Ore-an. CgadarCarglayirireB 15,
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Olive IL DOAr, Society Editor,
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.... a compliment to the Business and Professional Women of Salem
who have been busy this week observing in appropriate fashion the annual
national "Business and Prof essional Women's week".
To the left is Mrs. Mona Ycder, president of the local Business and
Professional Women's club; center is Mrs. Madalene Callin, who spoke be
fore the Corvallis business women this past week and who is editor of the
official magazine of the club, the 'Oregon Business Woman".
To the right is Miss Phyllis Day, student in Oregon State college .who
was a recent hostess while home over the weekend and who will be among
. those college students to spend the spring vacation in their homes in Salem.
AJ1 Photos by Kennell-Ellis.
THIS week there will be much
planning and "filling: tip the
cookie Jar" In homes to which
collect stmdenta will be returning
Friday to spend the week's spring
Taxation from college duties, -It's
a grand time,' these Taxa
tions home. Family life that'tends
" to drop into dignified decomm
wita the "children" awsy at
school suddenly becomes fall of
actiTity and exhlllration with the
Impetus of the Interests and en
thusiasm of college7 llfo . feeing
- thrust into it. There will be
guests, there will do parties, there
will be clothes to plan, and dis
cuss there will be all manner of
derelopments lor discussion and
abeerTatlon. All told, it wilt be
a splendid week which wilt start
- with Friday's spring vacation.
There are- being planned a few
r.IXrtles for the coming week, but
for the most part .the days will
continue quiet nntll April 8, when
Kaster will break the silence. One
of the largest parties or the year
is being planned for Monday and
Tuesday night, however, at which,
time Mrs. Elliott, Colony,. Mrs.
- GroTer Bellinger and Mrs. Karl
Kugel will be hostesses to mem-
bers or the Monday Night Danc
ing club and a few additional
guests at the Willamette Lodge
' Country club on Wallace road.
Bridge will be in play botk eTe
nlngs and St. Patrick will inspire
the decorative motif for the club-
" bouse, k
, With the promise- of good
' weather the Women of the Salem
- Golf dab are developing much
enthusiasm over the Friday tour-
! nsments. Friday will feature a
! flag tournament.
Already there are many Salem
people joining parties at the
. beach and plans are being made
' tor opening beach homes. Many
parties are Just in the offing for
i week-end beach trips and not a
tew will be made up tor this week
1 end. .
Before it can be realised the
winter will be a thing of the past
and the spring and summer trek
to the beach and the mountains
and to other states will be on in
earnest. ,
Orchard Heights
Women Meet
Orchard Heights. The Or-
v chard Heights Women's club met
''Thursday at the home of Mrs.
J. W. DeLap on ; route six. The
: meeting was an all day one with
a delicious pot luck dinner at
noon - The day was spent in
cull ting tor Mrs. William
At the business meeting at
which Mrs. C. H. Fisher presided
It was arranged that the local
J club entertain the Oak Grove
Ladies' - Aid society Thursday,
March SC. at the home of Mrs.
1 J. B. Ashby la Salem. .A report
was heard of the recent meeting
at Brush College of the Federa
tlon of Uural Women's claba
A Tery Interesting paper on
"Oregon Missionaries' was given
by Mrs. B, 8. Blackwell of Sa
lem.' This was the closing som
ber of the Oregon history study
v which the club' has enjoyed
throughout tbe past year. Mrs.
Elackweil Is the wife of a Meth
odist preacher who served this
charge many years ago and who
bint the church bow standing at
- pis place. .
Special guests j tor the day
were Mesdames Fawk, Stephen
Hills,' Arba Martin, . W. H.
Humphrey, J. B. ; Ashby," Frank
Picha, Marion Putnam, 'Emma
DeWitt, R. . C. Blackwell and
Clinton ; Kennedy. S -. '
Members present -were Mes
dames G. H. Fisher, Cash Rob
erts, Fred Gibson,' Philip Bouf
fler, Prudence ,Bouffler, - Burn
ham Southwlck, Eugene South
wick.' William . McDowell, Guy
'McDowell, Frank Farmer, J.
Fawk, C. 8. Matthews, Edward
Reed, Robert Adams, William
Knower, Miss Mary Wait and the
hostess, Mrs. DeLapp. ;
Miss Thielsen Plays
Charming Program
A' delightful informal -evening
of musle was that given by Miss
Gretchen- Thielsen in the studio
of Prof. T. S. Roberts Friday'
night in compliment to about 40
lnrited guests, immediate friends
of Miss Tbielsen. !
The program was delightfully
given "and gave decided evidence
of the artistic ability of the young
musician. So popular did the
event prove that Miss Thielsen
will give the program later tor a
recital program, t "
Prof. Roberts I assisted Miss
Thielsen in her program which
included the following numbers:
. I
Piano and organ.
. Wldor
........ Gaul
.... Nevln
Eventide ........
The Rosary . . . . .
Ill ! y- v
Piano and organ, "Grand Aria"
. .......... . . .i . , Demarest
XV i t . .-
Vox Angelica . ... I ... . Henrich
Cavatina Wheeldon
Emmaus ............ Fryslnger
-"-.. .v y ... m
Pilrrim Chorus, from ! Tann
bauser ............ Wagner
. . ..
Mr. and. Mrs. Cbarles Nunn of
Marshfleld were guests la Salem
Friday night. They spent the
weekend la Portland. v
Hactt Day.
in Golem
Dr. Horaa Wedwpod
of Boetoa , '
N. Cottage aad Chemeketa St.
Today at 11,
The Snbconscions Blind
ia Our Daily Iif .
A sermon on the new psy
. chology i:
"-' ' ' -. r-:. ' i V
- - : . . " -: j ! : ' - i- . .
Tonight at 8 r o'clock
The New HeteUUon"
Opera Luncheon is
THE Portland. Federation of
Music Teachers entertained
ia compliment to the Chicago
Civic Opera company Friday with
a 12:39. o'clock luncheon in the
large dining room of the Congress
hotel; . Music lovers and amateur
and professional musicians were
present from all over the state
and the erest represented a splen
didly successful and smart affair.
The outstanding artists of the
opera, company were present as
was Mayor Baker; St. Leger, cler
er director oiL the Civic opera;
Bishop Summner, Frank Branch
Riley, speaker of the day; and
William Tan Hoogstraton acted as
'master of ceremonies.
Miss Helen Calbreath, presi
dent of the federation Introduced
Mr. Tan Hoogstraton who received
sack thundering applause as to
amount to an ovation.
In a brief talk made by Mr. St.
Leger, emphasis was placed upon
the crying need of more opera
companies. He pointed out the
fact that there are now just' six
such companies In the United
States, and all but the Chicago
Civic company are practically new
companies. .
Mr. St. Leger also paid oat
standing trihate to Mark Daniels
and his ability aa an operatic
singer as he bad proved himself
in his appearances with Chicago
companies. - '
Mayor Baker paid this tribute
to tbe Chicago company: "Having
followed opera rather closely all
my life, I have never seen such
perfect stage setting nor heard
such dramatis singing aa has been
accomplished during the present
opera season. ,
, The luncheon meeting was at
tended by hundreds of people and
there were at least 200 who were
unable to make reservations.
Mrs.. Edgar Rowland
Is Hostess
A delightfully Informal after
noon : was that spent by members
of the "S. E. W. So" club as the
guests of Mrs. Edgar Rowland
Thursday. Tea was served at a
late hour with Mrs. G. Tallin as
sisting. Mrs. C. A. Downs will be
the next hostess la two weeks.
Guests for this afternoon were
Mrs. J. Fallin, Mrs. C. A. Downs,
Mrs. Jess Wheaton, Mrs. Knight
Pearcy, Mrs. G. Fallin, Mrs. Ted
Brown, Mrs. Ed Donnley, Mrs.
William Tarnell and Mrs. H. R.
Brooks The 4-H Thimble club
met in the school house Monday
with their leader, Mrs. H. H.
Bosch in charge. The business
meeting was conducted by their
president, "Minnie Ogura, and
Beulah Otto read the secretary's
report. Plans were made to giro
their demonstration at the next
Parent-Teachers' meeting. Those
present were Daisy Potts, Clara
Umemoto. Beulah Otto, Sumie
Ogura, Hattie Asplnwsll, Mary
Clark, Ada Hutto, Arleta Wood,
Evelyn Molsan and Minnie Ogura.
i 1 ! One certain fact ia quite well known.
I I ; The food that folk place on the throne 1
if 1 j Is milk. This Kinjr of Food? a treat.
; j Our Milk Is Frtsh and Pure and Sweet. "
" , .in
Watch for thelribtory II
Book la Rhyme I
"tcJi for fcJtKuea
1 from Dairy land,
Salem Sanitary Milk
Telephone 31 w 1831 Stat CC
Pretty Party is
Compliment to
. Young Maids
Miss Kathleen Mae iindbeck
entertained at tbe home of -her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Ia. Ldnd
beck on Soath High street, Satur
day night la compliment to a
group of the younger set.
The affair was a St. Patrick's
party. All th decorations and
the mean suggested the Idea of
the good patron saint. Cards and
dancing wer enjoyed during the
evening hoars.
- The guest list included Miss
Deris Unruh, Miss Marguerite Mc
carty, Miss Lucille Rolow, Miss
Doris Armstrong, Miss Ruth
West, Miss Constance Cartmlll.
Clubs Continue to Hold High
Place in Calendar
Of Coming Week
Clubs and orjjanizations continue to hold the center of
attention of a large enare oi saiem wornpn. ionung- events
Include Third district meetim? of the state federation of
women's clubs March 26 in HilLsboro; the state Daughters
of the American Eevolution convention in Newberjr March
19 and 20; and the convention of District 11 of the Pythian
Sisters, March 21 In Hubbard. ,
The D. A. R. convention will be preceded by. a board
meeting of the executives of
the state organization - in
Portland Wednesday night.
Delegates from the Chemek
eta chapter of Salem will , be
Mrs.- W.- H. Orr, the regent; Mrs.
W. XL Byrd, .Miss Edna Mingus.
Mrs. Russel Catlin, Mrs. A. E.
Austin of Woodburn, Mrs. J. E.
Sibley of Dallas, Mrs. H. T. Love,
Mrs. Lewis D. Griffith, and Mrs.
Frank Settlemler of Woodburn.
Alternates .include Mrs. W. -'F.
Fargo, Tice-regent; Miss Lillian
Applegate, Mrs. V. E. NewCfemb,
Mrs. C. T. Ellison, Mrs. A. A.
Underhill, Mrs. C. A. Eprague,
Mrs. C. C. Best, Mrs. W. . B.
Johnson, Mrs. Frances Looney
Cornell and Miss Marguerite
Looney of Jefferson. 0 . !
-The Pythian 'Sisters are plan
ning an extensive program and
day of events In Hubbard. Mrs,
Emma Snyder of Aurora will
preside as district deputy grand
chief and she has arranged the
program for the day. There will
be both an afternoon program at
1:30 -o'clock and an evening pro
gram beginning at 7:80 o'clock:
Between 5:30 and 6:30 o clock a
banquet will be served by Thalia
Rebekah lodge.
The evening meeting will In
clude special music, and floor
"work, initiation, and addresses
by representatives of various
temples of the state.
The Third district convention
will include representation of
about 2000 Oregon women. Ex
tensive club plans are to be dis
cussed at this . meeting and an
exceptionally attractive program
has been arranged.
One thing to receive immedi
ate conslderaUon will be plans
for observation ' of national mu
sic week. Mrs. C. C. Geer ! is
county chairman of this commit
tee and has sent out suggestions
and plans to the 11 clubs of the
county for the observation of the
week, j In Hlllsboro March 20
there will be a luncheon for the
music folk over which Mrs. Ross
well Walts, district musle chair
man, will v preside. Mrs. : Mark
McCallister, state musle chair
man, will bo guest of honor at
this luncheon. ' Any one inter
file club is invited to attend the
Miss Helen Keudell, Miss Margar
et smart Miss Carrol Dasch, Miss
Irma Oehler, Miss Helen White,
and Miss Llndbeck.
Miss Doris Pickens returned
this. week end from spending sev
eral days In Roseburg and Co
auille. Miss Pickens is being ex
tensively entertained before her
marriage April 5. One of the large
affairs ot the future in compli
ment to her la the shower to be
givea March 24 by Mrs. Chester
Pickens and Miss Dorothe Pickens.
ested In the musical activities ot
Members of the Royal Neigh
bors lodge are also attending a
"Nash" convention in Portland
Monday. A special bus. has been
chartered and all members who
possibly can go are asked to be
at the stage terminal at 0;4S
o'clock' Monday morning.
West Salem Players
To Repeat Play
'Because the Ford Memorial
Methodist church In West Balem
is making a drive to clear up its
Indebtedness, the ' West Salem
Community club la sponsoring a
presentation of tbe comedy "The
Mommy and the Mumps," Friday
evening. This play was given in
February in the community hall
with remarkable success. Tbe
proceeds from the play will be
devoted to paying off the church
It was decided to nse this de
lightful comedy on account off
the many requests that have
'come to the community officials
for a repetition. The play waa
given last week before u in.
preclative audience In Falls City.
Committees ; have been ap
pointed to take care ot advertis
ing and ticket and rehearsals
by the cast will be held . Wednes
day and Thursday evenings in
the community hall. i
Elizabeth Arden
is in Personal Touch tvith you
Through every one of her Prepomioos
and Treatments . ,
rjyTIENEVER you use one of EH&btth Arden t
l K Prt titrations for tbe cart of she skin you art
sccurt in tbt knowledge that tht Preparation was r
sonally planned by Miss Arden ana first used by per.
Every time .you smooth on Cleansing Cream t
pat with Ardena Skin TonHr and brace your
. muscles with Special Astringent and Muscle Oil
according to the Elizabeth Arden method,' you
arc following the steps of the treatment skil
fully developed by Miss Arden 's inspired fingers
to satisfy her. own exacting requirements.
Euzabbtb AicDKtr's Vtmtiam Toilet Prtparasiom ' j
- art on sale at ' .Yv: ';!
Quisenberry' Centra! Pharmacy
Guardian Bid;. s Tel. 204J
Elxzabbth Ajldxk, 691 Fifth Att,Nei York
tamctt: ij Old BmJ Sirta -. 5 iumi rm i U Ttim
I s
! i
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; : .v; - i .. S .
Just Received
38 N
Direct from New York
Flat Crepes
Printed Crepes
4C0 Stzit Street
Tht Slstz let LdTies
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