vagi: tiii:: f i The OREGON STATESMAN, Saleni. 'Oregon, Saturday Hornin ?, March 14, 1931 I: Cfe Salem and Vicinity 1110 WALLS B OFFICERS Many. Mamed ; on Varions Committees for Annual 1 j Friendly-Sale . WOODBURN. March7 13 Offi cers of the Presbyterian lad let id society were ; installed . Wed nesday afteraoon . wbea the mm ben ! 6f the society . met , at the hpme of Mn. R. M. Hicks. Assist ing , hostesses . were Mrs. C. ; . C. Cammack. Mrs. Clyde Whitman and Mrs. E. T. Sims. I Rev. E. W..Blew. pastor of the Presbyterian church, conducted the services; Officers are: presi dent. Mrs. H. F. Butterfield: rice president, Mrs. C. R. : Duncan; treasurer. Mrs. Henry i Layman; secretary.' Mrs. Norman Richards; and press reporter, Mrs. Rex W. Bentley. . - , . Saturday and Monday. April 25 and 27. were set as the dates for the annual friendly service sale, to be heldt In the Ogle building. More definite plana for the sale were given ' by Mrs. Henry, Lay mand and committees were ap pointed as foilows: saleslady, Mrs.' S. W. Maujin Mr. H. Overton. Mrs. Edgar Dodge, Mrs. J. J. Hall. Mrsi Rex. W. . Bentley, Mrs. M. J. Miller and Mrs.I Roy Fanlconer. Mist Fay Foster will, be In charge of the candy booth. Notion coun ter. (Mrs. Jack Hansen, Mrs. Nor man Richards: cooked foods. Mrs. E. W. Blew, Mrs. E. J. Allen, Mrs: W.' J. -Wilson: lunch com mittee, Mrs. S. F. Foster, Mrs. Clarence Wampler.. . Mrs. E. T. Sims.', .. . It was urged by Mrs. 'Layman. In charge of. the sala,- that all . members ; and friends gifting . all contributions, notions,; furnish ings, .shoes, canned goods .And other things- to her or-Mrs. E. W. Blew. . Mrs. Butterfield s appointed the following hostesses, for April: Mrs Edgar Dodge. Mrs. Bell White., Mrs. Clarence Wampler, and Mrs. Addle Dond. -' The devotions .committee fof April Is composed of Mrs. J. C. Williams, Mrs. Harold Asplnwall, and! Mrs. Jack Hansen. The newly elected officers will compose the calling committee, for AjriU; An interesting t program was enjoyed by those present. Mrs. .Edgar Dodge read ' interesting current erents. topics.1 Mrs. Jack Hansen and Miss Fay Foster sang a medley of lullabies.: Mrs. Maude Machel gare a , short talk t on . eTenti to happen in 3tfarch. De- " Tbtions for the day-were led by Mrs. E. W. Blew. ; J '2 iVickersham is V, r Surprised Over ' Wet Objections BOSTON, March. 13 (AP) Ceorge W. Wickersham, In an address Thursday, said the' sr alanche of "wef critlelsmt which greeted the' recent prohibition re port of the law enforcement com' mission, , of which he was chair man, was surprising. : j "Interpreting the . report as a document rrom which he thought the rts" would . hare denrled more - encouragement than the "drys. Mr. Wickersham rereal ed his surprise that "the most re hement crlticism.M had come "from the opponents of prohibi tion.1 . . : . . CLUB ENTERTAINED s SALEM IIKinW'rst irIMs The Chatenseaux eluli4net m. the community hall . ThnrSday after noon for their regular- monthly meeting. A pot luck dinner was served and all the ladies assisted la tyiny the quilt which will be lTen as a prize at the men's shamrock supper on the 20th, The stable was arranged very prettily ; wBi aarroaiis and shamrocks. Mrs. i William 'Trudgen, was the f hostess, i ' . sa - SynopU of th Anjiat SutoBt ot tho United Btti BrsBci of th Qaea. , Ud iMmraBctr-j Gop,y, Ltd, t SO V 'w Yk City, in tk . ot Ieear. 1 S30. -md to th Infnr- Coaaitiioaer ( thm StU f Or- fn.. imrsunt to Uwf - ; i i CAPITAI, - - i . : INCOMB - Net pruntomt reeird doriai tilt rtar. 19.ST.52. v . ' ' 1 IiUmv dividends nd nati siTd daring thm year, 91i.2X0.60. v- Ineom rom ether aoarecj vreeiTd doHn ttr year. SlSS.489.7d. . Tata ineana, 853.fi57.88. ' i . , DISBURSEMENTS ' i . h Kct losaaa pii dariar the year taelad isc; adjaatmcat expense. S313.585.tT. r lividead imid ea capital te dap. Inr the year, 0. Commiasiona end -Mlariee paid during Uie year (iaeladint. Field . zpBSe), SJ75.797.05. . . Taxes, lieaasee and fees paid dariaf Aateent o(' li ether aipeBdltaret Te-'al .eapeaditaTee.- S734.OeS.SL. (Blrajiea ea Paid LoeM, SM8S.- ' Vihie ef steeltf and bead oirned (nur ket lae). 91.084.400.69. - Other Asaets. (200.00. baaka and ea head, J 1,099.7 7. , rremiaiaa in eenrse ef eeUeetiea wriu n iee September SO, 1S0, 120,1S3.- latereat and rent doe and seeraed. f 16.390.TO. . Total adaUtted aaarta.- Sl.86l.0J8 48. IXlBILdTIES I7 00 1i"r iMM anpaid. flu,. - Anteaat af vnaarned preaiams all a iludiBf rika. S691.7ft5.84. Dae fer eemminiea and brokerage. 0, All ether liabilities. S3S.5OO.00. TeteJ I Kabilitiea. . exehuire et capital lock. f83O.803.84. - . J. POI THE TEAE e . ?!?m"UB "Tad darinr Ue year, 94.097.30. i iaaea paid daring tbe year, S8.S30., SS. I " . I . iaenrred daring tb ytr S8. 035.13. Name of Company, Qnec&tUnd Iarar snee Company. Ltd. . s Name of M. 8. Manager. W. . Comam. ' Name ef Auiateat Manager, )L J. Rob in win. Statatery retident attorney lor service, Xaaaranee Commiaaioner. ; Nazarene Pastor 1 WMOpenReavdi : : i Series tomorrow. - Special relTaJ ' aerrlcies are to begin Sunday at the Church of the Nazarene with Rev. Fletcher iaIloway, pas tor, mm evangelist, ' Prof. Clyde Hoffer will direct . the slaginic . smd - a - .quartet composed of George Fileeen, Frank Litwiller, Joltn Frleeen and Clyde Hof fer will furnish special mu sic Also a ladles quartet composed of Hattle Utwlkl ler. Ha Hoffer, Jeanne Bax ter and The Sampson will -sing.: . : ; Rev. Galloway has been pastor : of the ' local - chnrrh since the first of September having come to Salem front lUeblo, Oolo where he waa past'or for four years. He Ium spent' lO years in the ministry of his denomina tion and has been known as . aa able evangelistic pastor. JEFFERSON SENDS THREE DELEGATES JEFFERSON. March 12 Dsle gates who were elected to repre sent the Methodist Sunday school at the county Sunday school con vention at Woodbu-n this week end are Minnie - Harris. ; Joanna Beach and Ralph Beach. Mrs. Cady. of Salem has. con sented to come on Easter morn ing and present the resurrection story with modeling clay. ; ; The regular services for. the Methodist church Sunday are: Sunday school at. 10 .o'clock; morning worship at 11 o'clock. The sermon topic Is "A Little Child" and the text is taken from -Matthew. 18:1-6. Epworth league will be at 6:30 and 7;30; evening; worship will be held. The sermon topie , Is '"Prayer and Fasting," -and the text Is from Matthew 17:14-21. " . - : , The woman's foreign mission ary, society will meet at the home of Mrs. George Mason Wednesday afternoon at 2:30. Founder's day will be observed at that time. . YOUHG FOLK PLAH TO COMCT MEET SCIO,' March .13. The C. E. society met for a social business meeting, Tuesday evening, at the country home of -Mr. and Mrs. Jess Hlldreth. v The society, de cided : to take .charge of a com plete church service which will take place In the evening of the fifth. Sunday in March. ' A, 'committee, coaaUtlng of Miss j Edith Pentney, Earnest Ralston, and Miss Virginia Turnidge, was appointed by the president. ; Mrs. Glen Thurston, to arrange for this service. ' - Mrs. Earnest Ralston and Miss Lorena Thurston . ; were elected captains to draw up plans ' for a contest which will begin In- the near future. Miss Doris Kllndt and ,Miss Geraldine Rodgers were appointed "Boosters' for this month. At the close of the business meeting. Norene Sims took charge of the social time. The next meeting will be with Miss Geraldine Rodgers.. T ' i Ford Memorial I Church to Hear Thomas Sunday . -' . ' f-:'".i ; Atllhe Sunday evening service, at the Ford' Memorial M. E. Com munity church, Lyle Thomas, su perintendent of schools, will speak a few minutes, on the 8ub ject: Some Impressions About the Legislature." . The men's- oouncil held ' its monthly , meeting Monday night, March. 9. Plans for future work were discussed and committees appointed for the meeting to be held April 13. The council plans to conduct the morning service of the church the first Sunday of each month.. ; - - H.R.Scheuermah To Give Sermons v ELD RIDGE, March 13 Rev. il. R. Scheuerman of Salem will speak Sunday evening, March 15 at the Eldridge school house. This will: be one-of a series of ser mons ('preached4, here . by Mr. Scheuerman for people of this community. -. : i :- Woman's Society T6MeetMaick20 i ;.. The; Woman's - society of the Calvary Baptist church will meet March; 29 ,?at the home of Mrs. Stoddard, route net at . 2:20 o'clock. The topic will, be "India Selected, with' 'Mrs. Barkus leading. Mrs. Amundson '.will conduct the devotional hour. : , First Christians -Announce Revival i ' ; - I Reviral meetings will be opened at the First Christian church Sunday,. March 22, with the Kel Iems evangelistic party In charge, announces the pastor. Rev, P. 3, Howe, i - ;-.-, A. . ILLUSTRATED "LECTURE .ROSEDALE. Rev. -Atchley will give an ? niastrated lecture on the, "Evils of the Cigarette Sunday evening. . He has a fine et of : slides. Every boy and girl and parent Is especially In vited to attend. " : AT IDDBUDiJ Last Sessions of 32nd An nua! U eeling of . Sunday School Council Today ; " i :'-' ''"' " ' : f WOODBURN, March fit The annual ; convention v of ; Marlon county i Sunday school ' council opened here - Fridajv with many ehureh school delegatea - from all over the county registering In the afternoon and evening. The meet ing willi continue today, -with the program! as follows: ' , , 9:30 a. m. Song service. Mra. J. M. Hill. -Devotional service. Rev. L. S. Mochel.-? : ' ', 10:00 a. m. Church school In- stitute. Theme "The Joy of Wor ship. Children's division- Mrs. Charles i Cody, chairman; Mrs. O. E. Belcher and Rev. Glenn, S. Hartong. Young people's division Mrs. J. M. ' Hill, chairman; Mrs. Albert M. Van Cleave and Rev. W L. Shrook.' Adult divi sion John Krausch, chairman; Charles Cody and ! Rev. HJ L. Grafious. Solo, Mrs. A. B. 'Adkis son. Convention, sermon. Rev. John Mitchell. ; i Noon-i basket dinner. 1 : 00 p. m. Meeting of nomin ating committee, composed of all district officers, pastors and Sun day school superintendents in Marlon county. 1:30 p. m.Songf service by Mrs. J. j M. Hill. Devotional ser vice by Rev. E. W. Blew. 2:00 p. m. Church school In stitute. Theme, "The Joy of Ser vice." Children's division Min nie E, Dodge, chairman; William Livingstone and Carl BlacklerJ Toung j" people's division Mrs. Sam Shambeck. chairman; Ivan Hadley t and "Z Rev. John " Myers. Adult division G. E. McClellan, chairman; Rev. D. J, Glllanders and Mrs. Scott Jones. Solo, Mrs. A. B. Adkisson. Address, : Rev. Hugh B. Fouke. : PAQGRAM STRESSED SALEM HEIGHTS, March 13. Those who attended the Sa lem Heights Sunday .school at the community hall Sunday were treated j to an ' excellent panto mime entitled, "The Good Sa maritan' presented by the boys' class of; Royal Knights under the direction e f - Mrs. P.; F. ; Stolz heise. ! Reverend Johnson gave the first of a series of short talks which will: be- given each Sunday juntil Easter.? : I At recent meeting Mrs. Em ma Whealdon was elected Sun day school . superintendent for the remainder of the year. . The Salem . Heights Sunday school has an average attend ance of about 75 and these peo ple show a keen appreciation of the efforts of. those In charge to make it larger and better. At one time the attendance exceed ed the hundred mark and- coop eration and support Is norr asked by the officers that the people of- the community help them to again, reach .that r gure. ; The Salem Heights Sunday school Is a eommnnity affair and strictly un-denomlnatlonaL I ; DrMarcytoTalk At Leslie Sunday; N N8ht Service .Rev, M. A. Marcy. district su perintendent of - M et h o d 1 s t churches, will.: preach Sunday morning ; at 11. o'clock at the Les lie Memorial church " on . snth Commercial and Myers street. His sermon i win te on "Christian Optimism." . ' . ' . ' . . . . No Epworth League or church services will be held at the Leslie church Sunday evening, as the congregation will .unite .with oth er Methodist churches' for the prohibition rally at the First M. E. church tomorrow night.-, ; - Clark Wood New ' Pastor at Lyons; League - Formed t ' i -SnMeaaaVaaennanV " ' f ' ' LYONS, ,f March ; 13 Clark Wood, of r Salem - has - been sent here- as pastor for- the : M. rE. church. Mr. Wood Is a student minister; and will preach each Sunday morning at 11 : o'clock. ' . A young people's league was or ganized last Sunday evening. Miss Doris Huber. was elected presi dent; Stella Jordan vice president, Maxine Huber social vice, presi dent and Eva Davis,- secretary. Deets Pickett '... To Address M. E. ; Prohi Gathering Dr. beets Pickett of Washing ton, D. C, xesearch secretary of the Methodist board of temper ance, prohibition and public morals,- will j give an address Sunday evening at -the First Methodist church.'!-. A prohibition rally will be ob served in the church 'auditorium that evening. ... AtclileytoTalk At Friends Church Rev. E. F. Atchley, field secre tary of the Oregon Antl-Clgarette league, will deliver his address, The Enmjr of Youth, . at the vesper service of the South Salem Friends' church Sunday afternoon at B o'clock. CaMMUrJITY CHURCH M in the Churches 1" ST. JOHH'S Z.XTTHXKAjr (Me. 8 rood) Kerta 16th end A atreeta. Ser. B. W. Greaa, paitor. Suadar aehoel S:00 a.m. Englita aerriee :45. Oermae Lenten aerviee t 11:00. -Wedaeaday arening 1:30 mid-week Xagliah Lentea lerrioa. SXTOUeTD Corner Capitol and Uariea atreeta.' W. O. Uenasemper, paater. ' Sunday ' aekeel 10 a.m, OemMtn wonhip 10 eja.; anb Jeet: ' ' Jesaa Among frtenda and reea.' nUah versa ip It e'eloek j - mbeet: "Leaaeas Treat the Idle et Jadaa." Spe cial CHXIST Z.TJTHZXAH -. EignteenU and 8tate treats Her. Amoe B, Minnemen. Am-' U- Ptor. Pheae S7a, German, eemmnaloai eer vieea : jnu 8nbjeet; "The- Area end Glorioee FriTUege ef KeeeiTias the. Lord's . Supper.'. Engliak eonunaaiea eerrieea 11 ajn. 8nbjeeti "Many Are the Bleaai age That Xnaee Trom , the Vaithral Uae ef the Holy Baerament." Soaday aehool 9 :0 aja Mra. Amoe X. Minnemaa,; SspU Lather' leagee T.-OO p.m. Lanre Minnman, leader. A eeaa btaed haeineta end deretioaal meeting. Oermaa aerrieee . S p.m. . Snbjeet:- "St. John' Vision ef Chxirt in Olory." ) Ger man LenMn aerrieee Wedneaday, 1 :S0 p.m. - Bnbjeet: "Jeans Crowned With Therna.' ' . ' . Engliah. Lenten - gerrices Fri day atening 7:30 p.m. Babieet: "With Jeeae te See the Bapeneriptlon Over the - Croaa Have - Ton Crowned Jean King AIm U Tear laiel' - . KBTOHT aCZMOSIAX. C H. C. Btever, mthiater. Morning wor hin ,t 11. Sermen. ; "The Prodi rml La.Ten Boa." Ladiea Trie "A titUn Prayi deL rer" (Barnard Hamblen) Carrol Era Myra eieaaea. Mra; H. U Braden. JSveaing aemce a i lav. , mito "The Prodigal KotnTna," Anthem by the choir. Bonder aehool at -10 ejn, C. C Harria, Sept. Young People's ae cietiea at 6:30 p.m. snxmrALiir Serrice at .1:30 P.m. a Nelson HaH en Chemeketn atreea between Commer cial and .Liberty atreet. Mra. htery Schwedel ef Portland will be the speak er. Topie "Tha Way to Bpiritnal Pow er." - A elrele wiU be held at the ehnrch from 5:30 p.m. nntil 7 p.m.-Mea-aagee will he given by accredited me diuma. ..; -. -. ; . nut tnriTAELur North Cottage and Chemeketn atreet. Br. Fred- Albenj- Weil,? minieter. Chnrch school tt 11 n-m. Milea H. MeKey, Bupt. Church service at 11 a.m. and S p.m. Her. Horace Westtrood, D. D. of Boston will preach at both senrieee. Sub ject, at 11 n-m. "The Bobeonacioos kind in Onr Daily Li'w A- Bnrmen e the K Pajehelogy." ,Bnbject at 8 p.m. "The New BeTelatuta," Mra. Tmmn Huston, soloUW . Mr. Walter A. Deatoa, organist. s- rX2 MXTH0DI8T , Market and North Winter, atreeta. . B. Stewart, pastor. Soaday school 9:S a.m. Morning worship 11 o'clock; ahb ieet: The Paith ef Abraham." ing worship 7:80 'clock : sabject: The Way te- Happiness." Toung Peoples meeting :80 e'eloek. -. " GXJLO TZDZNGS MXSSXOhT 253 Cetort street. C. 8. Johnson, pas ter. Sunday school at t p.m. - Seweos at and p.m. ' Meetings, Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday evening. - : coxraT stbxbt chbi stiax . Court and 11th streets. B.I. Shoe-, auker, patter. Sunday school . i. MreTrrnnk Marshall. Sept. Mora ing worship 11 'eloekt wbieet: J'The rBWk? -fung-PeopU--. meeUng S e'eleck. followed by The eongregstion will join In ike np-"! aerTlee at 7:30 in the Purst M E. chTrch. Union mid-week tlD' 1:80. rirat ChristUn ehureh. Aid, so eiet meetings on Wednesday and Fndar, TXaST CO0BOAT1OKAI, Center and Liberty atreeta. i CharTea T. Ward, pastor.- Sunday school :45 n-m. Merninr worship 1 1 1 ; anbiect : "What is Life Worth lM 8peeial mn aie by mixed stuht ''" V? ship 7:30 "eloek; subject: Tk Jri mph ef the B.t"-ith the last hnlt ef the moving picture 'Tho S XM-,-A business meeting the Woman Union will he held Wednesday. Mareh 18 at the home ef Mra. Wayne Barham. 182S North 4th atreet.; , SAUSM BAPTIST TBMPLB Kobert L. Payne, minister. Berrieea la the Pratnil Temple, Center street between High end Liberty, streets. Bible aehool . am. Morning mwkuf serrice 11 'clock. Sermon topic. Je sus ReToUtion to the Churches." YounS People's meeting :30. tEraning preach, log aerviee 7:SO. flermen topic, ''P"-' Behfnd a Shadow ef a loabt ef the Inspiretien ef the Bible." -Special n sis by two choms' choirs and orchestra. Prayer meeting Thursday evening, rrasr baptist :- ' . Corner of North Liberty and Marion atreeta. William H. Bobina, V BfWe aehool at :5 in charge Snpt Fred Breer. -Morning wonhip at 11:00. Sub feal TneSeven B'l the Gospel." Bpeelal music. Young People nseetal -30 f.m. " Evening evangelistie ser vice at 1:80. Song aervice in charge of Fred Breer, director. 8raen topie: "Eden'a- Tragedy and i Modem ' Prob lems." Special instrumental mnsie and vocal selections. Baptiamel. service. Wednesday rveninr prayer service nnd studies in " GaUtiaas. - - iTiday verung Salem Cnioa Bible ' classes. - , j. vrrnsT onahfaw baptist North Cottage and D atreeta. ; Wv Butsch, minister. . Sunday school : a.m. Sam Schirman, Bnpt. Services at 11 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Bev.O. Bteh kowsky ef American Fells. Idaho, will bring the messagea at both aerrice and continue hpeakina: every evening through out the--week at S pan. - a TMMAKXm. BAPTIST Corner, Hasel and . Academy tlj"' Sunday aehool at 10 ;"i. t",. and 10. BrtnS,vr,r3,ble-rr!.Jl" ing at 11 a.m. end 1:80 p.m. -, rJ-": nniw and testimony meetjng Thursday evening at 1:80. ' " - . . ' . ,' - ' " rriasT BVAwoBXiCAi. . "Thirteenth and Center streets. A. P. I.STton. pester. Sunday aehool : .". hforng?w"hP 11 - o'clock subject.: "Blessed. Hope.' .Evening worship 7:30 e'eloek; subject: The, Young; People will have charge of this- service. . . Winter aad Jeffersod streets. Hugh B. Tonka, Jr pesior. . . i v l a.. a.m. Morning worsmp .. J .CT jeet: The- unnnewn ' cpi ; "r pastor. No evening wershinlnt Jaaon Lie Jeina in the Prohibitio Bhlly to hear Pta Pickett, at the First Methodist i . oik Tai.r Paania'S meeting 'iocJc insMad ! : ' aU The Jea rues offering a prorrsm l Interest ana seipiut oeveuen., , ; ; IABISS MISSIOS BYAWOBLIOAI, MIDDLE GiLOVE Chnrch seheol 10 n.m. T. F. Walker. Bvt. ; Wershtp m 11. Bubieet. - ine-Jraraofe i." Chsnred Mind." Intermediate E. L. C rm m .mn. - . xb I a tk heme ot Mrs. Mary Harndon Wedneaday nt S pan, Pyer. end Bible etiy Wednesday "LABISH CKKTtB-Chnreh aehoel 10 . w s Rtmxktr. Bans. C. E. at 7 ' rr-pT.jT .Mrviee .1 :50. . The worship aervice sa noiiu drimdrm sasmuitf eerviee eoaducted nt the aehool hence. Subject: "The Par- able of Great vaise. r - , ? CLSA.hV UAhwK -cnurcn acaooi j a.. W. P. Collard. Sunt. . LL C. E. 7:1 Subjeet: "My Responsibility- to tae Chereh." W. M. S. meeting nt Mrs. Chaa. Beckner'n . heme Thursday at 3 "L'nV Bcheuermaa. vastor llt rnlon street. , Salem, -.-v...' - . : " ?- SUTBKTM TJAT ADYXSYTST Corner et Sth and Gain. 3. Mark .Oa v mi tor. Sabbath school tSaO S:4i.. Mrs. Mae Tartar,- leader. Seniec les- T3 . a . 1 . 1 Wam1 Prof.' Gee. Beliean of Portland, speaker. Bukiect: "Tho Challenge ef our Tooth." jd.- u. a p.m. rrer. nveiienw. wiu pss. O - - .t. m ' - - mm.' Ik. Rib . U . ; Hmmmmmw W m.A . nesdsy, Thursday evenings at 7 :4. Pas- lor, isomer vui speas us save croeca vosb mnnity hall. - j -r- OHXISTXAhT naSSIOHAKT AXXIAJTCB , TABBSJf ACLB - ' SS $ Terry street, Louise PiaaeL pas ter. Pheae, 753-J. Serrieee 11 n.m. and 1 :(0 - in. Zranralistie aerrice. Special mnaid at both eerviee by tbe Young La diea' ' nnrte. 8undy aehool t:45r M. O. Litwiller. SupU louag People' meet ings: :30 p.m. Lawrenee Bich, leader. Week-day aerrieee Tuesday evening. Prayer meeting. Mrs. H. M. Wykoff. lend, or. - Thnradny evening, Yeung Peeple'e Srayer - meeting nt ; home Of - Mr. end) trs. Joe Yaleeh. Friday ' night, Bible study. - . , . ' . , . rrasT mt. a. .-r---- Church and State streets. B. Xarle. Parker, . peaton Graded ehureh aehoel :4S .am. - Monrtng worship II e'etock; anbjeet: "The Werld'o Greatest Kater priaa." Xvening worship T: SO e'eloek'; Methodist Prohibition Belly . In First Chnrch auditeriuaa. See story. Three Yeung People's meeting at :80 V clock, denier charch 11 tn. Theme: "Jean Measure of Greatness;" - 1 - i SOTJTH SAIXK'XTaXJTDS -. Benth Commercial et Washington atreeta. Chne. C Haworth, pastor., 10:00 n.m. Sunday aehoel. Xathanv Cook. Sept. 11:00 Morning worship. - Sermon:-"Why Invest iav the Churehf' 5:00 p.m. Vea per eerviee. Be. E. -T. Atchley in ad dree. "The Enemy et Youth." Thursday 1 :80 n.m. Prayer ' meatine and Bible hbtudy. - ;.. v.,,,.. . ... .... FOKJJ MBhCOKIAX. SC. S. COhthnjHITY Garth avenue and Third street.'. Mere dith A. Groves, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 ajn. Morning worship 11 'clock: subject Tbft M At... . , lb, . mmmmm ' ' Special Junior usie by Miss Truln Grant end jsveainc - worship 7:SO e cioci; aaoject: - rorsaken" in ser ies M-Seven Lest Words ef Christ. Bpe eial muaio iaeladee piano voluntary, choir anthem, orchestra music,, ete.- 'Toung People's meeting e:80 o'clock. Junior ehureh 11 a.m. Bible study Wednesday 7:45 p.m." ; . . . ? - " ; ( - . CALTABT BAPTIST . Kodgere hailding. High and Parry streets. Graded ehureh school 9 :40 a.m. W, T. Jenha, Bupt. Junior church 10:50 s.m. Preaching 10:50 - a.m. and 7:80 pjn. Three B. Y.'a 5:30 .p.m A. M. sermon 'Salt" pastor. Anthem: "All Bhll-Be Peaee" (Wilson). P. M. ser mon: "Keep Thy Heart" Rev. Theodore Meynard. Vocal soloj- The Earth is the Lords' sung by Kenneth Abbott. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening 1:30 e'eloek. Meeting of de-eons and deacon, esses 8 :30 e'eloek: Tbursdey evening choir rehearsal at 7:30 o'clock. EVANGELISTIC TABEIUTACLB Thirteenth and Perry streets. C. G. Weston, pastor. . Sundsy school 1:45 p.m. Church service nt 3 p.m. Evange liatie aervice at 1:45 p.m. Subject, "Tw Dominions." Wednesday at 3:30 p.m.. Women's prayer meeting. At 7:45 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. 8peeiel lecture jeoursn on the Book ef Bevelation. ' -FTBST PBSSBTTEKIAK Corner of Winter and Chemeket street. G rover C. Birtchet. D. pastor. Maraists WAMhim . 11 . ' . T..-1. T-k nr.i. lace Howe Lee ef Albany will preach. Anthem. "Angel Voices Ever - Singing7' 8helley). Solo. "It Was For Mo" Pi.n.ti m. uri n : v . w ing worship 7:80 o'clock. Dr. Lee will again occupy the pulpit. Anthem, "Tar ry with Me O My Savior" (Baldwin). Sunday school. 9:80 a.m. Christian En deavor societies, 9:80 p.m. Mid-week prayer meeting on Thursday nt 7:30 p.m. XTBST CHBISTTAir High and Center streets. D. JV Howe, pestor. Morning service 11 .o'clock; subjeet: 'The Lord ef the Harvest.'' Evening-eerviee. 7:80 'clock; subjeet: "The Wonder Book ef the Ages." Spe eiat muaie at all services by choir under the direction of Prof. E. W. Hohsen. Sunday aehoel 8:45 a.m. . Orvilld J. Hall. Snpt. Mid-week aervice 1 p.m. '.Wed nesday. Toung People's meetings :30 pm. C. E. groups meet, in their respee ti rerooms. FBU1TLAKD t BXCXBEAXX SCSSIOV f. E. Fisher, pastor. Pruitland Sunday aehool 10 a.m.' Or es Fsrr, Bnpt. Preaching 1:30 p.m. Subject:. "The Unoffended Chriat. Bickrean Sunday school 10 a.m. Mrs. Warren Bnreh, Supt. Pnionvale Preaching 10 a.m. The cup the Matter Gives us te Drink. Sun day school 11 .m. D. L. Gubser, Supt. AMB&IOAV LTTTHZBAy Charch street between Chemeketa- nnd Center. Rav. P. W. Eriksen, pastor. -11 a.m. "What ia Ue Bread From God f" A a them by choir. 1:80 p.m. "Do Our Bins rind s Out.- Sunday aehool at 9:45. .Max Gehlhar. Supt. Luther leagues devotionals at :30. TTJtST CHTTBCH OP CXBIST. SCIENTIST -Chemeketn hnd Liberty- streets. Bun day services at 11 in the morning and 8 ia tha evening. Subject, "Substance." Sunday school for pupils under 20 years of pre at 9:45 and 11. Testimonial meetins; every Wednesday evening at 8 'clock.. Beading room at 406 Masonle Temple open from-11 to 5:80 except Sundays and holidaya. . ; - - iST. PATTL'S EPISCOPAL ' Church and Chemeketn streets. Rev. Gee. H. - Swift, rector. Phone 1045-J. Holy Communion 1:80. Church school 9:45. : Morning prayer and Baptism 11 FTBST CHTTBCH OP THE HAZABEKB One block south of Center on lth street. Ev lietcher Calloway, pastor. Residence 475 North 24th street.' Phone 2809-W, Special revival service , will begin -Sunday and continue for. two weeks. ll'nja. "Preparinjr the Way for Bevival., 1:80 p.m. "Why is Con version Necessary I ' This . will , beg'n series of sermon a for the week. - Trie, John Friesen and - sons. Bnndsy school 0:45 n.m.. X. Y. P. aS. and Junior so ciety :30 pn. -.: C ... - - ..t.. India Traveler 1 -Pratum Speaker f r" ' r ' ' ' : Mrs. CL Foegelein, of Leb anon,' who has spent six-years In India, will speak to the Epworth league and to the evening congre gation at the Pratum : Methodist church Sunday, March 15 at .7 o'clock. Her subject will be "Glimpses Df India. : ' ; V ; .... - S-dem Baptist Tern - ' Robert L. Payne, Minister ; 1 j . Services are held In Fraternal -Temple. J Center St, Between High and Liberty. . j San day, BlorningC Jesns ReYelatlon to the Churches.) Sunday Evening: (Proof Beyond', the Shadow of a Doubt of the Inspiration of-the Bible.) believers,'and doubtees alike v . ARE INVITED ' : 0FF1CEBS ELECTED - -in- -Spring Valley, Society has Busy Session as Annual t;, Reports Offered , ? ZENAV March 1.- The new ef fleers '..of the Spring i Valley Missionary society were . installed In office with' beautiful ', cere mony by Mrs.. W.T. Scott of Salem wha was at tone time pres ident,' at a meeting held ! at the home of Mrs. V. L. Qlbson at Brush College Wednesday.- ' List of new officers tndudes: Mrs. S. D. Crawford, president; Mrs. Frank Windsor, vice presi dent; - Miss Irene '-Windsor, sec retary, and Mrs. W. V rank Craw ford, treasurer. : : . ' - ' A 1:S0 .o'clock . potluck lunch eon served . at three attractively appointed tables proceeded' the Installation. Vases and, howls about - the " guesf , rooms s were filled with a variety, of daffodils, dainty miniature blossoms yleing with the giant King Alfred n beauty.. , i-j, '-. . Mrs. Charles McCarter ; who served for the last time as pres ident Wednesday presided at the business session, hearing yearly reports of various committees. Mrs. : W. Prank Crawford con ducted devotionals assisted by Mrs. W. T. Scott, Mrs, McCarter urged all members who! could to attend the fortieth annual meeting of the Willamette Pres byterial at McMinnvllle, March 19 and 20.' . . Mrs. W. W. Henry gave a. re port on the sale of the quilt which netted the Spring Valley Missionary society $20. , Mrs. P. H. Scott led unison singing. Special guests ; for' the i after noon were Mrs. Merle Sarchet of Portland and her grandmoth er. Mrs. Ed McDonald of Salem. List of members Included ' Mrs. Roy B. Barker, Mrs. Hugh Craig. Mrs. L. Frank Matthews,1 Mrs. S. D. Crawford, Mrs. L. M. I Pur vine, Mrs. W. T, i Scott, ' Mrs. W. Kenneth Henry ; and daughter Corinne, Mrs. Frank Windsor, Miss Irene Windsor, Mrs C. M Burvlne, Mrs. R. ; H. Scott, Mrs. Charles McCarter. Mrs. .W. ' W. Henry, Mrs. W. D. Henry, Mrs. W. Frank Crawford, Mrs. ,W. N. Crawford and the hostess, Mrs. V. L. Gibson. Church Nears End of First - Sunday, March 22 tbe Stayton church of Christ la planning to celebrate Its golden Jubilee. Fif ty years ago, this March 19, 14 people came together and organ ised what Is known' as the Stay ton church-of Christ. I , Some of -these charter mem bers are still alive. To them and to the hundreds of others who are past and present members and friends of this church, invitation Is extended to be present for the memorial services and to renew old friendships and memories. . Services begin at 9:45 with the morning services. Basket din ner will be enjoyed at noon and the afternoon session wilt -start at two o'clock. A program Of spe cial, music and special speakers is being arranged. j -v A history of the church will be given and letters from old! mem bers and ministers will be read. Auxiliary Devotes Period to Sewing; Endeavorers Meet MIDDLES GROVE. March 13 The Ladles Auxiliary of the Mid dle Grove church met at the home of Mrs. Helen Walker, Wednes day afternoon, to devote the time to sewing. Women present were, Mrs. Eva Wagers,; Mrs. , Pheobe Wagers, Mrs. Mary Herndn, Mrs. Kate Scharf, Mrs. Rose Crane. . Mrs. Ella Walker. Mrs. Helen Walker. Glenn Wagers and Laura and Lu cille Crane. r : ' ' ' i The "pilota Junior Endeavor met for business meeting- and party at the home of Mrs. W. H Scharf, Saturday afternoon. The president. -Alfred McCallister pre sided. The Juniors enjoyed ;a lively taffy-pull ' after . the meet ing. ( . ' . - ; . Half Century CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH Rodger Bonding IHgh and Ferry Sts. Graded - Chnrch School t : 40 a. m. - W j T. Jeoks, Supt. Junior Church 10:S0 a.i m. Preaching 10:50 a. m. and 7:30 y. m. Three B..YS S:30 p. m.. . -":.. ' t '- : A. M. SerniOBi:' SALT Pastor j j Anthem "All Shall Be Peace Wilson I -P, IL Sennoax "KEEP THY HEART I. . - .-. Rev. Theodore Maynard - - J;' Solo "The Earth Is The Lord's", Kenneth Abbott, .Anthem: "Te Glory Of God" (Heyser) , Popular Gospel Song Service WELCOME W. EARL COCHRAJT, Pastor ! -o BISHOP ? - n-" eV-i . 1 sasT 4r y.-, i Bishop Walter T. Sumner of the . Oregon diocese of the Episcopal charch, who will make a visit to the st, Paul's church here Sunday, March 22. DORCAS SOCIETY'S AFFAIR IS SUCCESS The annual "Brlng-A-Guest" meeting of the Dorcas society of Christ Lutheran ' held Wednes day afternoon ia the church par lors filled the parlors with guests and. members. . ; ..The entertaining hostesses were Mrs. Percy Blond ell, Mrs. Albert Fleming, Mrs. Christian Prahm, Mrs. Chas. Ilins and Mrs L. C. Hockett, - After the-routine business of the day the attendants -were en tertained with a program of mu sic, singing and speaking. The main address of the day was that off, the pastor entitled : "Enve lopes" In which he spoke of the outward actions of people as en velopes hiding : at times an en tirely different character : and of the sanctifying' power of grace t otransform both the heart and the outward "envelopes" of one's actions. - ' - , ,.. ' . Committees were appointed as follows: hostesses: Mrs. John Kreenecke, Mrs4 Clarke Lee and Mrs. L. Leiske: program: Mrs. Chas, Soos and Mrs. Wain; visltr mgr Mrs. Alfred Propp and Mrs. A. oehier. St. Patrick Day I Time For Party Of Booster Club The Central Booster dub. vonnr people's 'organization of the Amer ican Lutheran church, will spon sor a SL Patrick's . day party In me enurcn parlors Tuesday eve ning, March 17, at 8 o'clock. I Committees la-charge are: ' - Entertainment, rlarenm Pet Are Grant .Wicklander, Archie B jelde. Ester Borrvlck, Lougene Britike and Mark Gehlhar; invitations, Clara Homyer, Helen Dunning. Olive Rogan, Alvln Shirman and Erwin Bahlburg; refreshments, Susie Kruerer. Arllne Tlmm. Isle BJelde, Victoria Schneider, Ester Hansen. Edward Ahrens, presi dent, and Mtss Charlotte Llnd qulst, secretary. This Is an organization which boosts and backs with personal support every undertaking on any organization of the church. . . Special Revival Services at the CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE ' March 15-9, v Every night 730 . Rer. Fletcter Galloway . j Pastor-Evangelist Special musical features Male quartet and : I . Ladies quartet I Great congregational '' singing " v. TRY OUR WELCOME! I RALLY ID) 1 1 If ill ; ' . TO HEAR -:; Deets Pickett ITeaearchx Secretary - Board of Temperance Prohi blUoa and Fabllc llorals - WashlngtoR, D. C V "The beet Informed man in America on Prohibition : Sunday, March 15, 7:3L P. M. J- Firtt Methodist Church ' - - : " State and Church 6t. . j ,. ; . ; s . .... , -. . , ,. .... .. . Everyone Incited . Specie! Liz:: OTTFJIBEID GUILD CHOOSES OFFICE! A- ' " ' ' X - IIA&EL GREEN. March 13 The Otterbein guild elected the following officers and- delegates at i a recent business ' session: President, Iola Luckey; vice president, Hazel Cook; secretary, Alice Cook; treasurer, Nora Rutherford; secretary; literature . and evangelistie agent, Imogens Wood; secretary of thank ofler Ingi Lucille Dunnigan; : secretary of stewardship,. Belle Ilulford; collectors) .June . Dunnigan and Hazel Ilulford; delegates, Iola ' Luckey, Helen Davis. Nora Ruth erford, " Imogepe . Wood, Hazel Cook and Bell Hufford. .-Lucille. Wood; and Edna Ruth erford became, members of the guild.. Ia the reading contest, Hasel Cook's division won. all . reading -the 'three books on the standard except one book. The losing side Is to treat winner. The guild is planning a program. fori the mothers and daughters banquet la May. ' ! Iola Luckey led the devotional sertlce on "Self Control. Nora , Rutherford , was hostess, assisted by l her daughters, Edna and ' Daisy. i AID SOCIETY IISS fll DAY SESSION JEFFERSON, March 12. The Ladles' Aid society of the Chria tloni church met for an all-day meeting Wednesday at the home of jlrs. Hugh Bilyeu. The day was j spent 1n" needlework for the Easter sale, and piecing quilts. At noon a basket djnner was en Joyed. Mr. Parrlsh. the' evangellsf, and his ' sister, 'Miss Lillie Par-, rlshi favored the guests with songs. Present were Mrs. W. O. McCaw, Mrs. Dave Burnett, Mrs. Robert Terhune, Mrs. Guy Aup perle,Mrs. W. W. Warner. Mrs. Wright, Mrs. J. L. Main, Mrs. B. S. Richardson, Mrs. Leo Weddte, Mrs. C. L. Calkins. Mrs. Albert Arnold. Mrs.- John Calahan, Mrs. Hugh Bilyeu. Miss Lillie Parrlvh. Elery Parrlsh, Dave Burnett aad Hugh Bilyeu. Jetierson to Hear . Y College Singers JEFFERSON, March IS The Albany college Symphony quartet will be at the Evangelical charch In Jefferson, March 22, and will have- charge of the evening ser vices.' ; , ,'f. .""'1 " ' " "I ', LAST DAY IN SALEM Dir. HoraceVestsVccd of Boston NY Cottage and Chemx-kcta St. .:!- ,: . i j Tomorrow at 11. a. m. "The Subconscious Slind in Our Daily Life. A sermon on the new Psychology. Tomorrow at 8 p. m. fThe New Re YelatIon.,, fc.y --. . ..... in the interest cf 1 '..' -' 1 : . - t ..... j BIT IM