The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 13, 1931, Page 8, Image 8

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Sakia, Oregon, Friday Morn in?, March 13, 1931
o;i early mm
Breakfasters Hear Chief as
' . Well as Trio; Moynihan
Program Chairman
- Alex . MelOTldoff, known as
Cblef. Meniwacato. vti the fea
tured artist at tbe -weekly pro
cram of the Salem Beakfast club
on Thursday. . Chief Meniwacato
la an Allntlan Indian who ' has
won world wide recognition for
- his musical work. . He played aa
a Tiolin solo the "Deer Dance
which is an arangement of orig
inal melody of the' Rogne River
Indians. ..
. with Mr.v Melovidotf were
Professor and Mrs. Rnthyn Tur
ney, the three making up the
Chemawa - ; string ' trio wnien
played two , numbers. - The trio
consists of Mrs. Gertrude Tur
ney siano. Professor Turney, vi
ola. and Mr. MelOTldoff. violin.
Nearly 15 years ago. when he
was a student at Chemawa. Mr.
Melotidoff was a student of Pro
fessor Turney.
Boy Soprano Sins" .
Other ' numbers on the pro
. grass were glTen by Robert Ut-
tley, 14-year old boy soprano,
with Betty Bedford as accom
panlsL A trio composed of Mar-
cla Stimpson. Francis Pnrrlne
and Dorothy1 Dodson sang two
numbers and .'Helen Kane and
i Nona - Woodry from the Barbara
Barnes school of dancing gave a
song and dance number with
Mrs. T. M. Woodry at the piano
Clifford Moynihanis chairman
or, the program committee for
the breakfast club and ; has
charge of arranging the varied
programs which are being broad
cast from -the Silver Grille of the
Gray Belle each Thursday morn
ing. ......
Stages Cut Rate
To Meet 'Rails
Meeting competition from oth
er lines. Pacific Greyhound
stage lines announced marked
reductions in weekend fares, ef-i
fectlve on its lines through the
balance of March. Round-trio
schedules to Portland call for a
payment . of r $1.05 with corres
ponding redactions to other parts
or me vauey; and the state.
Variety of Dresses is Bewildering "at First
.. Tvtia of the Annual Statement of
" acme i,oasi jriro issuranre Coia-
" w, . c. ia tha Domin
ion of Canada, on tha tairtj-firss UY of
Iacesnber, 1930, suae to tha Insoraace
vwinimr oz ma otata oi Ureron, par
saaat to lav:
Vlrw.Ow. '
$41 0sfjr7iUIB''eie4 J'
. aiTidenne and rent reeeiTed
arinc taa year, 118,428.59.
Iacoaaa from ether sources reeeWea.
aurjag- tha year. fl.84S.S2. ... .i .,,
Taut intone. $62,331 g. '
- , urir- t Tar ia
cludiar adjastaent expenses, $
. ITdo4i ,pai4 a capital stock Sor
ter tha year, .
CoaUin B salaries paU a aria
tne yaar. $12,388.13. ,
Taaaa, licensee ana fees paid daring
a year, $4483. ..... . . "
fSoT',t U 0lk" 1PBd:tttw.
RaitUea te Head Offiee, $33,834.12.
Total expeaditaree. 873,218. OS
y, jy r"a aetata ovad (market
. . Valia, of ctaki and konds owned (Mar
ket tsIbo), $38.6i.00. .
LB aaart(a$ta and collateral, ,te,
Caak in banks and Oa kaad. fl$,13a..
. ,
'.m'"""J'"ta cnra of ollaction vrit
naca September 30,- 1930, $11,H1..
l4S?$1? "d ,U "4ot ' denied.
Total aamitted atietr. $433.380 8$. V
tS2.72 lor -" P1. .-
Amoaat of unearned premium! aa all
atrtdiat rik,. $33,911.31.
$4 SO ' - ,"-Mio M1 brokeraf. $t,-
A'liyv1,!' Uiif'; . S2; ' !
-Tata! liaVtiitiea. xelaie of - tpitl
Itack of $20.0. $$ 9$7 03 "' s'
sa? alrM,,"m ariE ka year.
Utaas Incurred darlnc tka yaar, $$$..
Fashion creators hare used
layiih hand in presenUnr the
spring .mode In - dresses, and
though you may feel that you're-
confronted -with a style labyrinth
in which you don't know where to
turn first, with a little thought
a little self-analysts and preel
sion you will be able to assem
ble your new wardrobe so that it
Includes eTerythlng you need, and
more, in the most correct, effect
Ire, and charmingly, Indiridual se
lection mat it may erer be your
pride to boast of owning.
" Since social 1 life is so lmpera
tirely eompetitire so far as being
well-dressed Is concerned. It will
be Togue-wise for you to play a
little game .that . Is an actual rite
in the llres of - many of the
world's i most smartly dressed
women, it's a simple game that
will be fun to play, and in which
you re . sure to prove victorious,
All you need do is find a full
length mirror before which you
can stand in your birthday
clothes, glting yourself a thor
ough examination, and seeing
how high you can rate In style
points. Ask yourself whether
your shoulders- are ' wide your
npper arms 'heary whether
you're high walsted, thin-waisted
or straight up and down, wheth
er your hips bulge or are too
narrow whether your thighs aro
rery heavy your legs too amply
proportioned, or too thin. Be
thoroughly honest with yourself.
and whether you fold your fig
ure one hundred per cent lovely.
or less satisfactory than you
should like It to be, keep your
characteristics In mind, so that
you can know just what kind of
clothes to buy.
Raglaa. SlecTes
The seamless arm-hole, which
is developed in raglan or dolman
style for dresses, can cover a
multitude of sins! When the
sleeve itself is not exaggerated,
the raglan 'shoulder line gives
broad shoulders an narrower ef
fect And i the modified dolman, i
or raglan sleeve conceals the-ful-
ness of an over-stout or too-thin
arm. uniy me tail woman can
wear the very full dolman sleeve
but in restrained form. it. may be
worn by any type figure. This
sort of sleeve , has been adapted
to tailored frocks in woolens, as
well as to more formal daytime
xasnions. . ,
keep within the bounds of 11 to
13 Inches from the floor for day
time an dsport dresses; 8 to 11
inches from the floor for after
noon frocks; and instep or floor
length lor formal gowns you will i
be quite correct, and you can find
the most flattering - length ' for
both your, figure and your limbs.
Short Sleeves Youthful
short sleevem are . bound for
much popularity this spring, and
seem . to . have a faculty for flat
tering both the long, thin : arm
and the short ehubby arm. The
tact tnar any length, from three-
quarter to cap sleeve is Dermis- I Smiles. Iaujrhter' and iennnjtafl.
sable shows further the freedom! were visited on the smiling Lady
which style authorities have taken Cynthia Mosley (above) la the
unto themselves." nermittlnr -von I public's answer to her sneech.' tl
jS- . . 1 a? a ? . 9 M - - . w
aeiigntiuiiy wide cnoice in your I uns r uswaia, ner nas band's
lie sexn skeptical th T&rtT
i a . . a a .
r i
lauded by the granddaughter of
Levi Leiter. late merchant nrinat
Of Chicago. --r::" r
selection of clothes.
.Light Colon
Light colors were riven a bead
start this past winter, surrestlns
a bright note where formerly only
dark shades r were - considered
staple.- a With . the : advance rof I the formalized daytime atylesl
" '"V 7, .1 , w " . The newer silhouette is ' tb6
more 'definitely reeornised- nt-1 i Z,. ,
Mmewhnt ofcl a . , 7 Tfr e"r uW-Wtltd through
and .ni f A ldrc" relm' waist, or belted at the nori
i.v? ir. them -i more to i walsUine. Metal buttons are go
snits, sport costumes, and eoata. 4. .
In, pastel, and ow vivid rt r7.,rr:V. t?,U I?'1
i '-Ti" J,Ui,rem1' d conventlonaUy placed on ; double
dart shadLr-"w wasted coat ,,f
freely used for . trimming. The 1 ne wxei-uont is the other
most frequently seenSlor. in TT !U ot Btrle'
wuoiens will Da tannlah rr,T I
ruttr browns, navytnd-white fvg.e IlIM slender, effect, re-brown-.nd-yellow
aid tSStl and In.rwL,?B L1" V
Short Jacket Suit With
Jaunty YbiitMulness is f
Feature of Nevr Styles
Designed Either Along Sport Lined or With
'- "T-.:!- : TT t t- v r- v.
aiionng i enaing i owara r ormauty; -Both
Well-Worth Owning
rTIHE ' short jacket tuit has always come alonjr with the
. X first sisis of Sprino;, but this year it haa an added charm
u buucu cub inc noa a new, jauniy youuuiunesa tnat no
one can resist. Not only are the suits themselves attrac-
uve, Dut tney are complemented by such dainty blouses tha
wiey cannot neip duz xnnu the most feminine heart.
.rnero are two aecinlto type oIO-
lOft larkavt llllfl nna nf .l..n4.4,
L . -1 . m ...
viavcK, kii . m .. multicolor weave
rough surfaces, spongy materials,
pebbly types, checks and plaids.
l-opular Fabrics
Before summer seraita
wearing of cotton frocks cottons
back, and a youthful tuxedo, bo
lero, rerer or double-breasted ef
fect in front. ;
The peplum, and Jumper dress
m Va .111. . . .
tM I v vmw Buuuuciirfl Hal
0wlll continue their popularity for
a or Company. Taa Paeifia Coast
laaaraae Ooaaoaa v.
Naaaa af PmU n' it -vr.n.:-
. J . . " . H.IUI,
b . . ' Br?"T. f. H. Codfray.
htatatary resident attorney for i
Clara A. Laa. InsBxamca Cai
- arnopaia 01 Ma llinil Rt.t....
1.? fj,"l? af r-
T-jr-rT -i",.?1 ?. - tka
" ' i aceaaaae; J.P30, aaado
i. .'.,"BC Caanmiaaianar o tko
Stata at Ortav parsaaat to law:
eoe mMI ' "p,u 3 a. 7.
i-iet ftwaunu ..t.i j . ...
l,m,ui. y.
rataraat, aiTidrada and renta receired
naf tka yaar. $117,331.11. "
Iteoste froaa other aoarctt nealroa
Sarinfka yaar. $43.$14.SS.
Total iaeame, 901.5O3.51. .
, Wet laaaaa paid aariavar tna year, ia-
17$ 89 J"m wpansaa, $1,049,-
Divida.., "n ttpital itock sw
. rho year. $O.e00.0O. . .
ToUl oxpeaditarec. $S.1U,08T.1$J
. . . - - - A&SXTS - - r
v!i!I if tfc?r; H
v7t V "ika aaada awaed (atax-
vahaa). $a.7.9S.00. T
$l5rtl0.0V"OT,Of" '4- fl. ,
"I M4 -Wl kaaa. $27S,.
49 iea Sptabar SO. 1P30. 32o,175
$3 mTm " ni
$43.15!" CUi tmrJ Pl. 37$.
Aniaaat of anearaed preaaiaata an all
atataadiag- viaka. $72,380.13. - .
97 far coatisia sad - krclrte,
Lieaala raaa. Taxac. et-.. 4.1.4.o.
. .?t',"r"m Coaapaay BalaaeM. $10T.-
Ji3 x A" T.'o.oe, $171-
To(. KaWUtlot, " atMaiir of eapful
$toek of $750,000.00. $1,373. 7$.
- AUSINESA IS BK(iOH -' - -r
i roa THE TEAK
tka yaar, ; $4,3772.
Iaaea taearrod dnriag tha year.- .
ajoapf BipBr. National Casualty
if Prealdent. W. Curtie '
af aaeretarr, E. A. Grans. !.
StatatoiT rrmint att.raey for serrlea.
B. A. Daua. i'ortland, Oregoa.
Belts Worn Ilidi .
The waistline on your dress is
correct if it Is accentuated or
belted anywhere from the top of
me aids to toe natural fnr?-
and you who are naturally quite
nign-waistea are . most fortunate
this season because the extreme
ly high-placed belt is delightfully
youthful whether ;on sport or
more iormal frocks. If. however.
you nave the straight no-and-
aown igure, a dress that has a
bolero Jacket will surrest & hizh
waist,1 as will, vertical seams at
enner side front of the dress.
A arrow Hiplines
Fashions favor the slender.
nipped Just now, and if your con
tours are a t little over-Kenerous
you may suggest sllghtness by
dresses whose skirts are cleverly
seamed In narrow panel or diag
onal eizect. Avoid straight all
around tiers and ruffles, and pep
lums that stand away from the
body of the dress. A peplum ef-
xect nas -.been achieved in many
rrocks by sewing a banding of
some sort on in circular, effect.
thus retaining this youthful mode,
without accentuating Klrth. . And
conversely. Alps that are too nar
row can be emphasised by wlde-
oanas or stripes, and circular in
serts. All of these details are ex
tensively . used in tha draniM 'nf
the day. and Can be found in mer-
cnanaise in every price range.
; iiow-ljlned f-alBAiu r
The sheathed, slender effect
wta primarily rrom shoulder to
knee, wltn i nleats and
leased below the hip, and It is
found In dresses for .every . occa-
aiun. xuim, ivoe or Skirt all Ann
ette provides fullness that softlr
B'er neavy tnigbs, minim
izing their proportions, and equal-
tv an ra a.. a 4 . .
. oucceasmuy veus thighs and
legs that are too thin.
' Established lengths
f You can have your skirt lengths
depend upon the shapeliness of
your legs and as long as you
ia - tT J?L r'rr Ina Cos.
P4my of Hartford. U tko SUto of Con-
r, 1S30, snada to tka Ianraaea Conn-
zrJrZiZ:' Bx" or.,.'
.. . ; J CAPITAI, . ,
boooTV'' ,Uck p.
Ineono frarn other aoarcea reeaWed
Total iaeonia, $7,49.3 17.83
,,1"A darf taa year -
f7r dJ"f axpenaoa, $3,50,03.-
tiJr. $3w5vi it M
Valoa af atawka ua lluJ- .
kat vahaa), $lS.S3S,5S.eo. YT.
t57T5Oo00."Wrt, " -"
Cask ia kanira S v. .4 tun
4S7.3S. - "
reftiBi in, eaaraa of collection irrif
Kausmraneo Keeoeerakla, L,60$.$S.
Tatal admittod a.a. $30.14. '.
001 77: s i'
7 Anions of aaaaraeS
aatitaadiar riaka 17 4ait - aa
-A taVI ilSk Bllitaa alnaaii al
'k, $9,433,017.01. r""
roa. THg ta .
$33,75.S,4?i'"r eeiT BTiB 7'.
SS10 Mf,,rf tko yaar. $30.43.
fJ35ff UeMT -4"ri,r Tsar. 1V
!ia?,, cPy. CoaaoeUept
Fire. Coapaay.
i ama of Praaidens. Edvard Villiean:
t oaereiary, Kflware T. CaapIU.
James S. Hoed. 330 Sherlaea- sIT:
load. Ora. ' - v ' " "
vresnlpasa .M all
will be used extensively for ling- Iae comIn easons. as will the
erie blouses to be m orn with the tw Dl?e dress that we may clas-
sprlng suits. Eyelet cottons. Brod- Biry lu,?.r M Prt "ock, or a
erie An rials in h,ti.t. , f -u I sport suit.
over-design. natterrAi im
aottea Swisses, piques for Ulloreo Hnlff Man n(Yf
blOUSeS. meshe for snnrt M. 'CiU 1U CM lACAC
es, cotton plaids and rlnshanna all
promise to be seen in smart eos
tumes. In the woolens, worsteds.
wool-ginghams, . rough woolens, f A man supposed to be Oliver
spongy, basket-weave. 1 oebblv Henry Hayes, but who goes by the
wooiens, wool crepes,, trico and name or uarry Jones, was arrest
For Bellirigham
faille effects, light-weight tweeds. 1 64 yesterday by county offi-
sneer ana opaque woolens, sucn cerB Pa neia ior uemngnam.
as Toile, and - Saxonies will be Wash., officers. The man insisted
adapted as befits them to sport I bl3 nam is Jones. He was ap
and more formal dresses. . I parently hitch-hiking his way
mere are no radically new mrougn the country. He la want-
siiKs ror spring, although there is felony charge.
a restless undercurrent -that
points to many ? charming new-
suriace silks for early summer
wear. Flat crepe is going to con
tinue as a fashion leader, with
canton and sheer crepes follow
ing. Patterns, in monotone are
the outstanding new novelty.
wneu developed in u a vmtm
And of course you will want one
all-satin dress for spring, prefer-
aoiy oiacic or midnight, with
wnue lingerie trimmings
Domestic Replicas of Oriental
Rugs Attractive and Durable
And Then There's the Price Angle, With the
widest jmrrerentiai imaginable
abort Jacket suits one ot a'aport j detail nl their Jackets, and ; pep
n.J ,f nd lhr inade indl-1 lums continue to be the-most lree-
T r uressmager touches I ly Used variation of the season's
which give It a more formal as- silhouette. Navy blue IS going to
Wa.Aad - ea. ' a .la 9
rw ream looun nan one I Del mair tnnnrtinl till. .
of fach---and you can easily af- j and will be a strong contender
lord tO. because both OUT be hart I far tt Mn ,A .
In smart styles for Terr lnexnen-1 blaek- - nthar n..m.
sive sums particularly because I reda. hmwm mn. .111 k -
MMmuj ui iuo icuuu i most mter-i eoreiMi--thi' aimi .r f
estlng salts are going to be fur-(though they are In new shades
less a fact which -subtract manv I thia
wian irom meir cost, ana adds I ever been. The jacket lUelf may
uwubio luipoixanca 10 u mucn 1 resort to -piee,tsr that, run from
repeated phrase lowest-prices in I shoulder to. hem tnrkinr that
years as applied to suits. .; suggests fitted lines nenlums
Th Snort Rait - r w-tooth, ; scalloped, or
l I ri ji - t m . . .
n v 1. . .1. i""icu ruiei m invci. I a ere
smart tweed or other rough eur- which the ; silhouette has been
.!t len. brightly necked made Interesting. : Many ; of these
CKVir' aH.i?,f ine Jcker collars, and are
shade, nubbed. pebbled or strined moanr . k. mhi 11..
with, a contrasting neutral shade, of the blouse worn, over the suit
J&T. fU uAoT .kuwtt5 Jacket, orto be complimented by
"if ;vu auu suupi iiarea I $ lUr SCerf,
w piwea ireaimeni, witn jacceu
varying rrom the usual hip length
to three-quarter It is Interesting
to note that contrary to last1 sea
son's styles, "many of this year's
jackets particularly those of
three quarter length re entire
ly beltless. Their fitted lines are
suggested primarily by aeamings
and tucks which are placed so as
to emphasize the waistline. An-
OthP IntarMttn trcafmont im esa
of nleats in tha. f iaiVata I oiuvjsttivw. juarcQ iz That
tb andon. fk mwfi M -1.. I cost of living has decreased be-
sleeve. All of these details add nd " Dr eBt at su"
Ullired simplicity so necessary yerton during the last year was
to the sport outfit. With these conclusion reached Wednear
suits is usually worn -a hand- r ,fl meewng ot me
knitted (or simulated handknit 1 I ooara 01 aireciors or me Bilverr
blouse, or t waistcoat blouse of I ton chamber of commerce.
pique or for the sake of ' con-1 The meeting was called Wed-
trast, a cotton or flat crepe blouse nesday night for the purpose of
witn generous lingerie touches. going over a group ot figures
The Dressy Suit I which Earl Adams, president of
The dressy jacket-suit makes I the organization, cad complied.
much or its blouses, and uses ey-I Mr. A damn had Mnr rima
ery type from the simple cotton from the local merchants and
blouse with lace frills, to the chain store heads and had made
moat swagger tooaing piaia. or ae- a thorough checking of rental
mure pnnis. Tnese suits use more conditions. The decrease in th
price of foodstuffs was i 33 per
cent that m meats was 25 ner
cent ana rental decrease was 25
per cent.
The cut In wages haa not been
as big ia that of living expenses.
committees appointed for the
spring opening are automobile
show, W. N. Arbuihnot and Fred
uavenaer; -dance. Rollo Hen
iini'in DDnDLPiini
uuiiii rnuDLunuiiu
Not so long ago. there, was as
Thia I much direrenee in the . appear-
type dress is an early-season j ance ot n OrienUl rug and a do
classlc. and really belongs In ev-1 etle a there Is between a
ery complete wardrobe. (Rembrandt original and a mod-
Fashioiu As Ton Uke Them ! ern Pencil sue ten. it was quite
You can readllv see how a.av i evident that they wero of two
It is going to be to have all tha I different worlds, that the mas-
loveiy clothes you want, in more I lery suntiety, and artistry in one
distinctive .array than you ever I wre wholly lacking In (despite
dreamed possible: Make each new the durability of ) the other. - But
frock you choose somethlnr von I modern methods ot wearing, col-
anow you'll cherish all spring a I or oienamg ana manufacture
feeling of self-satisfaction doeslBT brought tilings to a point
much to improve your appear-1 wnere only an expert will Immed
ance. . : lately recognize the . difference
And how exciting it Is to know I between an Import from foreign
that such beautiful clothes have lands of the east, and a rug that
never been so reasonably priced I has come from a short distance
.;. mew Silhouette " . : l east ox tne Mississippi, - i
Two of the new silhouettea had I - And not onlv are thes' nrs
their start last summer, but two excellent replicas they are ao
of them are. quite different from modestly priced, that their cost
anythlEg. in recent -years. The represents only the fraction : of
cape-dress we are . all familiar that ot an original. o. If you are
With, but this season capes are planing to redecorate your home
defniitely accepted, whether they this spring,' and if you've always
are no more than two or three dreamt of owning real Orientals,
inches long, or whether they ex- but don't know when youll be
.uu w ue wausc. jNowaaays mostiaDie to axiora them, give vouraelt
capes are detachable, and permit j this Joy of having rich designs
me cresses .tney Belong to to ex- and beautiful tjolorings to ga?e
tend their sway well into - the. on, even though they aren't so
summer, c,when. they, canine worn closely associated with antiquity
capeless particularly if the dres- as you "should wish. . . " U
ses themselves have no sleeves.; ' We . cannot deny that there la
ine poiero. too, has already an lntrlnsie beauty fo an Orient-
won some, popularity, but thislal rug that makes It a prized pos-
jcevr, ii a. going o oe a most ar session, and that like old wine Its
cided influence in sport and U- talue Increases as the. years pass
ored-frocks; They add a smart on. If you can afford a genuine
note to active sport frocks, with OrienUl, by all means get it. and
inejr jauniy air. par-1 wbether you , choose a Chinese,
tlcularly when they, are developed I Kermanshah, Persian, Beluchis
ln contrasting colors: and they ( tan. Saronk. or en ef the manv
are particularly well adapted to 1 other types loved by every; rn
V t I II Si till l
connoisseur, be sure that you get SSS-Jif S""' R"V tifffi
afineone Thla.bould not b. dif-
flcult to determine, because any and, Harry Larson; window prizes
reliable rug merchant taker pride LOweltHoblitt; announcer.- Ma
in his knowledge of the history Jor Eastman; musical enterUln-
, J ua' "nu wu e giaa to en- I men t, .Robert Goetz
ticaien jot, ana .assure you of a
good val. To get still further
knowledge on the subject, go to
any public library, where you can
readily find a book treating - on
the history of the various types
of rugs. Ton will find it an inter
esting and instructive- study, . and
wu? w uicq , win prove wortnwmie
when you make your purchase.
Carpeting ' ;
If you don't go in for pat
terned rugs, you can follow the
modern idea of having your rooms
carpeted from one end : to the
other though for this, you will
doubtless wajt to wait until fall.
We suggest that you make your
choice now. however, beeanan
there are excellent values to b
had" this time of the year.
:; Brcaiier nags .
. More appropriate for ' snrlnr
furnishing are the throw or scat
ter, rugs in rar or : hook types.
These are beatntlful, particularly
if you get genuine ones that are
ot authentic design thouch
clever machine-made types may
oe naa rar moreinexpeujirely. A
IT yen have Frequent BAJ
-acszs. -
IF yetf eaonoi read fbse print at
- thread a aseedle.
OT ye are KEXTOUS and Irrl-
, table Consult $ NOW..
. t Charres Reasenable '
sad news Thursday morning ot
the tragic death in Portland of
her brother, Stephen I Kramer, 17.
The boy's body was found Wed
nesday at 9 p. ra., lying under an
electric light pole.
The are light on the pole above
young Kramer was out, and al
though there were no burns on
his body it is presumed that he
may have shook the pole In order
On Groce Estate
Since clothetrhave been so def
Initely apportioned to different
hours of the day, there Is a par-jto u5ht the light and have been
ticuiar type or rrocg, tor every 1 electrocuted.
occasion, if you are keeping a I .Medical aid was hastily sum-
syyuiiniucui iuisw monea, as was a puimoior, dui
lar interest, in the afternoon, you efforts ""to resusciute the lad
should choose a formal afternoon proTed futile. Beside Sister Rosa-frock.-
and for your Informal UUt who uti at once for part.
evening xuncuons, you-ww mo Und; the lad is survived by hU
a A 1 - aUU a.. aaaaanl '. ... -
imifp-iwiui. urns I parents, two sisters ana ttvo
nignt inspiration . . 1 brothers.
, Thus, the . ail-occasion aayume
areas can oe oniy tat unnu 1 j- . a war
frock which, because of its be- Ijn IGCTlOll hi a CM
tlveness can see yoa safely on the! O rinal lx.eDOrt
ntAralnaf train tnwn tlintnrh I a
your shopping or buslenss hours,
to luncheon, and even to a mat
fnjkat ' ' - -
An-fntrtrninr unaet ' l u 1 - Objection to ' final account of
tha loa.t mr,n - in....4. w.l I Rosetta A. Groce. fn estate of A.
to keep yourself . well-dressed g9.Toce' were ,,,ed yesterdsy by
from morning to evening. There yru. aamunisirator. lie
are . special fabrics for these ob,5.u specifically to failure to!
frocks all of them woolens, Jnuon certain payments, total-.
ranging from the opaque, :heer to have been
e.K.i .v. .ni.. made to the admlniatratHT r-
4Uaaa a.n sVW VU.P 00 S w lw , a a. "
tweeds, v ; - I Ro Rickett for rental of proper-
80 fir as i color is concerned, I "na ir oiner receipts receive
you are tree to choose, ..wltWn1?:t;oniafl,c5 OTl 110 a.ISO Di!
the bounds f correctness. Ox- ,fw UTOV .reelTln
,. i.A.n mA . .lfor acting as administratrix, and
the best of the dark colors, while further denies thatCarl A. Dob-
,nn mv- alu a. vfvl biiA - I " iaenuuea,TO WZVV aiiornev S
even pastel. Many of these tail- feev sum orer fSO.. He
ored frocks are developed in mon-1 8" Judgment against - Rosett
otone. uniform weaves, but manyluroc tor sum. totaling 197.13. '
ot them endorse flecks,, nubs, .' '' '- 1 1
stripes, checks and even" bolder ISI18 BEACH RESOitTS .V.
paid patterns. ' INDEPENDENCE, March 12-
In any event; these dresses are -". wiiiara uraven , returnea
trimmed with gay colors.- in ,the home Sunday from spending seva
form of scarfs, jabots, gllets, con- r ys at ine aurerent resortg
trusting jacket-blouse and skirt, along the Oregon coast highway,
or littlev -blouse efecta under bo-1 M". Craven reports the weathef
lero Jackets. There's no end to as . ideal and crowds are all
the number of ways In which col-1 ready. at the beaches, taking ade
ors are being adapted, including vantage of the mild weather.
applique, trl-color colar and cuff
sets, belts, and monogram-motifs,
each of which is adapted acord-
ing to the individual style of the
In the sport - and tailored
vogue, more than an other, the
check and- overgrown check,
known as plaid, are most popular
for this spring's mode. Some of
these frocks ' are in silk, devel
oped in distinctly tailored fash
ioned, .and suitable for social oc
casions thaf don't demand form
ality. .In tne jplaid woolens that
are quite sportlf. the box-pleated
skirt that brings back school-girl
memories, is a happy Idea, as is
the advent of the double-breasted
frock of checked , woolen, with
metal buttons to add. a youthful
.uch. :
Lad; 17, Victim
Oi High Voltage
Word at Stayton
RTAYTON, March. If.: Sister
' Rosalita, teacher In . the par
ochial school here, received , the
Reduced Week-End
ON' .
' LINES ' - -
One cent a mile all nolnts on
Pacific Greyhound Lines be
tween ' Portland and Rosebnrr
and Coos ; Bay points. ;. . "
Every Hoar for -
PortUuad .R.T.' . tl.05
Corvallis ; . .V. . .R.T. JBS
Bene ..R.T.' l.AS
McMinnville ; .";R.T; ' .70
Albanr ; 1 . . . .R.T. jm
Rosebarc ..... .R.T. S.15
Marshfleld r ..IIUT. 4JBO
For - Information regarding
other points: .
. -CaU Stage Depot
.- Hoel Senator - '
" Phone 999
. , service, speed and
safety. We are told
, that the folks of this
community talk In m
' glowing terms about
Jl mil lVval mnvin rr mryA
'long distanee .hauliirjr. 'I
' 4 t 4 '
m 1
telephone service
is fast, clear and easy to use
4 Joat ae easy and satisfactory : neas of Toi
. tojoaualocalcalL" r
.. This Is. our aim when we
handle) 'aa inter-city tele-
phone call for you.
Satufacdoa tironjh the
am witJa wUek yoa place ,
Sallifaction at t2i ouick
Satisfactlos throush speed resolto which roicemimis-
of carinction. . ; ; -t nicatkm brings yon. '.
- Satisfaction tlxrcogh clear- c Satisfaction at iu low rcsV
' ' . " - ' ;. . s.
-The Pacific Telephone And Thjegjiaph Compant
, r -. r . .
From the deep
cushions of
L v x u r I o u '
Motor Cooch .
craaae Mm aooak kaa
ways la fcreael-wlaewod.
any HJlag aai Maeo as Uta ewaa
$MI traiol sewy rkait briaea
' ftwTsMW AsfW &f SpsfsaaMaj
Xjom Amgelce .... SS22LSO
Baa Fiwaaeleco...'.(lsuiO
- Grsssta Pnsa ...... u5
Eugene ........ 20
Hotel Senator
,. Phone COG
. OF-
, Each of the eleven banki in the
United State National group en- .
oya- the accumulative aervice
biKty of all other member banks .
and the total resources of approx-
. - . . . . -
! UQlBBt BANKS - --'
; United States National Bank 1 ' '
1, Pertland -' -r
United States Natkml Bank -
. SsaloTH ,
? Citisens Watlonal Bank
J Peninsula National Bank
. Portland
. Central National Bank
' Portland - -
! Union State Bank
Portland' '
-1 United States Kationaf Bank
j Bank Oregon Oty - -
J . Oregon City
' Pint rational Bank , ,
- -. 6t.lZelens ' .
Bank ef let. Angel
Ut. Angel
Pint National Bank
Camas, wn. :
United -States.
NQtipnal Bank
1 ale:n.0rcgc:v
t'- he Atl-
tk, be sure to specify
"vie Csitalistt Pacific"
Deck $olf, daecsoa), brsstgo
with congeniaf compsnioft
utae service sao comforl-
bfe sceesMIociatoaI . fa
' - xceHeM CMisiee theee
'ere- features of every
tTmpress, DecKess aesi
Cebee Clans liner. LaWaw
of the fleet the nw Cv
ipress of SritaMi .... Tive
leys to Europe . .. fit
seitiAcje m June. Three to
five GmWim Pacific sail
too weelry from AW
real enJ QweUc - yew
wcel eoaftt win
further oVtaA.
cyscU,. i
- !