The OHEGON STATESMAN, Saiga. Oreon, Friday T.!ornin" f larch 13, 1931 PAGH TITjTVJT.ZI T-l"'.- ICII USE OF DIAL HIES Telephone Company men Demonstrate in Clubs, Schools and Homes : to Instruction in the bw of th dial telephone is being given la schools, dabs and homes ot 1 Sa lem by members of the- staff of the Pacific: Telephone company here. ' 1 ! After midnight on April 4 all telephoning.-In the cltyr will be done by the dial system and the company 1 sparing neither time nor effort in making sure that ev eryone knows how to use the new phones. '' ; - "' A demonstration team com posed of Mrs. Leona Bolens. R- J. Sumner and Vietor Collins has been, working In the schools in all grades above , the fifth, the . service- dabs, women's clnbs and. other organisations ot the city. Large Slsed Dials , Caed by Party In this demonstration a eom l plete explanation ot the use ot the t dial telephone is given. A pho nograph record which gives all of the tones of the equipment is tised. A set-up of the diateystem 4m ramAm and actual calls pat throagh. Two dials, one IS Inchea la diameter and we : oiner - Inches, are used to show the work of the dial. A 20 by 3 Ineh faealmile directory Is shown said two dial telephones are used tn the demonstration. ; , 'We hope ' that only ! normal rails will be made over Salem tele ones from midnight ot April 4 until Monday, April 6.- said H. V. Collins, manager ot the local company, -i "The new equipment will be given a very careful check during this period and we will appreciate it if patrons will re frain from 'curiosity calls during this period." L EMILY 'Jill Mil III AUTO ACCIDENT ' JIUBBARD. March 12 Miss Emily Koutny, senior of the Hub ' r. hiph HrhnoL is confined to her home from Injuries Tecelved in an automobile accident near ruhr UahiIit erenlnr. Miss Koutny was on her way to church at Canby with her slater. Miss Mary Koutny and her broth ers, Frank and Edward Koutny. a thA Koutnr car was leaving the Pacific- highway to enter Can . by it was struck by a passing mo tnrtat and camnletelr demolish ed. Miss Mary Koutny received a ; few cuts and bruises but the . brothers escaped uninjured. Ed ward, a member or the ; seventn grade, returned to school, the next morning after the accident " nnirMtlr: nana the irons off for his adventure of the night be- fore. K. JEFFERSON 0.L S. EHJDYS PROBRAWI jrpfkrson. March 12 En mUA chanter No.' 70. O. E. S. held Its regular meeting Tuesday night in the lodge room In the uuanU lialL After the business session, a program waa enjoyqd. which was under tne direction ei v,a T r Van Winkle. ) - The' program consisted of the following numoers: auei; nwrco, 'On the- Plattsburg," by I Mrs. 'J. "n Van "OTInVle.- clano and " Gil bert, drums; solo, "Chant of the Jungle,' by Elmer Beacn ; reaa n, .kr Mn Helm er Davidson: CiMiianhan main "Til Bells Ot St. - Mary's" by Gilbert Spragg; read ing, by Mrs. wesungnouse; eoio, TneoABlA That's All." i br El inor Beach; duet, "National Em -J Diem, piano ana anuni. oj 3 0. Van Winkle and I Gilbert Sragg.' - . ' .4 mn. J. n Vaa Winkle has had ' charge of the programs during ' the last three months, and at this ' . Kvutin - xin - Lant Lnonev was appointed program leader for the next three months. -At Mne ciose of the- program, refreshments were. served In the dining room. Siindav School Class Entertained r AT.nrvi 'vrch- lx- The Tal bot Sunshine Sunday school class was entertained at the nome 01 fr. and Mrs. Gilbert Belknap Mil ntfit Th Belknap home was very attractive with huge, bouquets ot daffodils aooui uv room. . r- . .,- , ' r -names vert en loved br the young folks during the early evening after which a tarry pun furnished amusement till a late Present were Mrs. tAddiefDa- vldson, teacher, Lelah Jones, . Marjbrle Cole, Ilerie Blinston, Tktrothv Jones. Louise, Gilmore, Neva Emmons, Ida Belknap, An ita Gilmour. Gladys Jones. rwtamhnii Raker. Robert Cole. Warren -Jones,-Dale Turnldge, Virgil- CaUvan, Billy AusUn, El don Turnldge, Keith Brown, Frank Brown, Donald Gilmour. Guests were Clar Calavan, Janet Belknap, Mrs. A. E. cole. Mr. ana Mrs. D. E. Blinston and Mr. and Mrs. Belknap. : .. ; Trt TtKTTJTtX IIOMB RICKEY. March It The con dition of Margaret Magee who underwent In operation at the Salem General hospital It very f a mriUi Kha will be . removed to ber noma Friday. Mrs. Magee ap preciates the kindness of the - grange members, the u. cine ' nwinlwri and friends"-.- for the ttowert, the csrdsand many act of thoughtfulaess during ner iu . ness. Miss Magee Is the daughter MISS MIAMI ; . . -' . O " -fi ' ; ' 5 1 1 (',':" '''''' I i ' 5 " V:s.-' t I with grace and charm were the factors that decided the Judges is Margaret Better's f avor when aht was elected "Miss Miami 1931" to represent her city in all beaut competitions. ; 6ERVA1S HIGH TO STAGE CDWIEDY r.RRVAIS. March 12 The Student Body play, ?YlmmIe Yon son's Tob," a comedy-drama in three, acts.- will be preaentea ai the city hall on the evenings of April 9 and 10. The comedy is full ot laugns, pep ana action, ana as all i participants have ' shown their ability In former high school plays. It Is sure to be well presented .and to draw a large at tendance, i- . ' I The east of eharactera isr Vim- mle Tonson from Wisconsin, Les ter DeJardih; pal, the detective, Arthur! Grafious; Frank, the clerk, Carl Francis; Mickey, the farm hand, Alexander Esson; Mr. Kent, the father, Kennem Manning- Belle, the foster daughter, Irona i , Rallweher Svlvla. ' the niece, Florence DuRette; Peg, the cook, Evanelle Esson; Kutie, tne helper, Etheloy Susee; Mrs. Kent, the mother, Marguerite Hart. , HOSPITAL UNIT 1 JEFFERSON. March 12. The annuar Inspection ot the hospital company, by a regular army ot ficer, designated for that purpose from Vancouver barracks, was held at Lebanon Monday night. The officer was well pleased with the work demonstrated, and could not give any rating at this time. However, the company is expecting a good rating. ) i am iucsi oeuuiv u iuc uur pital company are: Captain, Jo seph O.' Van winxie; sergeants, Verdo Harris and Charles Rock hill i eorooral. Dallas Harris: pri vates, first class, Herman Kester, Gerald Phelps, Clyde Hutchinson and Gilbert Spragg. - The time for the annual en campment has been set, which will be June 9 to- 23, at the usual place. Camp Clatsop. STANDS SPECTi - I BANQUET DATE SET YiirnVATS. Vfrrh IS The airh aehool Junior-Senior banquet will be held at the school building Tuesday evening. Marcn u. i ne cafeteria class under direction oi Ulaa Harden will assist the Jan- iors la preparing and serving the four course owner, rne pnnci nal sneaker will be Professor Jamaa ustthri of Willamette University and additional speeches will be made by members of both the Senior and Junior classes. FISH GROUP S EDTEBTIJED : . ' , ' , 'I . '- -. , - - West; Salem Society Plans Benefit to be Given" - Jl : 1 t ; awiiier . An Interesting meeting be the WaBIM'i Ululnnir cvotafw held Wednesday afternoon at the nome or Mrs. Kmmett A. Dickson: Devotions were led by Mrs; J. W. Slmmona and this was followed by: a business' session at which aira. simmona also : presided. Re port were heard from all officers of th aittr Plin, r,n Aim- euacedr for a benefit et some kind ot ye determined to be given by . x. . I . & a . - . - aucii.y a iu near lUiUre. Mra. J R Prawn waa an a committee ' of - one to solicit quiumg wore ior tM society. . the ' missionary study' period and The monthlr ailrer tea nf tha society will be held Wednesday, March 26 at the home ot Mrs. ii. x. sraaiora. au members ana friends of the society are cordial ly urged to attend. V ; Present at Wednesday's meet ing were Meadantes J. R.' Bed ford, J. I. Miller, George. Lathrop, A T - Amm1aVI,a T-k wm V. . . B J. A. Gosser, J. R. Brown"' J. W. O I T . ... oiuiuiuna, -uric J31ASS, Biisa Hel en buss and. the hostess, Mrs. Dickson. " 1L ! ' Bottom, with. Mrs. William Mo Qee and Mlaa Thelma Barnett as special guesta. : ; ;1r ; i - X- series of yells were givaa. led by Evelyn Cane and Franel Thompson, song leader, .. -Following aha business session. a demonstration of muffins ana custard was given by two mem bers. ? Refreshments were served at the close ef the meeting. Club members -present were the president, Armlnta Jones, Evelyn Cane, Arnold Thornstad, Francis Thompson, 8. Paul Jones, Jr., Cora Marie Parka ana Deiores Thompson. ATTEND CONFERENCE -RTDRrKDOE. March 12. Miss Ruth Palmer,- accompanied by El len Vogt. Marguerite Bart and Mra. A B. Atkinson, attended the state Older Glrle conference "' at Eugene last , week ena; ana re ports that besides having a most enjoyable time, honors were re ceived by the girls from this dis trict. Miss palmer, with the oth er girls,: took part in the program and all' activities, and were rep resentatives from uervais. r mi RESIDENTS JT SALEM HEIGHTS RALEM HEIGHTS. March 1 2 A. C. Eohrnstedt who has lived In this community the past' three years has sold his home to Her bert Ostlind and moved to the city of Salem. The Bohrnstedts hare been very active in eommunity af fairs, he being vice president of the community club -and she being secretary of the Woman's club. Mr. and Mrs. Ostlind say they like Salem Heights verv much. Mrs. Merrill who has been very in the past two weeks nas recov ered sufficiently to be able to sit up a short while each day.. Mrs. Olive Beardsley and . two sons, Orville and Charles, are re covering gradually from a severe attack ot lnfluensa. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lupher spent Tuesday at the P. F. Stolz hejse home. Mrs. Lupher Is a ne- nhew rf Mra ' Rtolzhelaa - and graduated from the . Passadena geological school last year and is now emnloved hv the National Research council and is located at Seattle.' f ' ; : Miss Berna Sautter spent the weekend with her sister Maxine, who is attending the ! university at Eugene, j: BOBEBTS CLUB" TO HAVE PROGRAM ROBERTS, Mareh 12 A pro gram wbicn will be interesting to old and voung will be given at the community club ' Saturday nleht. . Robert CiPaulus and Otto K. Panin, will ihow their famous colored, slides of the flowers ot Oregon. They have made an in tensive study of native nowera and will trim, an illnttrated ' lec ture which will be of real educa-. tlonal value. In addition to the lecture, sev eral numbers from locar taient will, be given. MISSIOiJ BOTTOM 4-H CLUB ACTIVE MISSION BOTTOM. March 12 An enthusiastic group of 4-H cooking club members . met Fri day at the home of their leader, Mrs, Frank Thompson, in Mission -' y, Y 1 sb xtr r 'vs' ' ,.: t CCQDrLDD We all catch colds and they can mate us miserable; but yours needn't last long, if you will do this: Take two or three tablets of Bayer Aspirin just as soon as rki f. n lr? ctarf.a Stav in the house if you can keep warm. Repeat with another tablet or two of Bayer Aspirin every three or four hours, u those symptoms of cold persist. I Take a good laxative when you retire, and keep boweVdpen. If throat ls'sore. t i W pf a m a rrnarter-rrLissf ul of water wri TTii-a RnnifiRa imlammation'and reduces iiifectioivThere is nothing like. Bayer Aspirin for a cold, or sore inroau w TW almost instantly. The genuine tablets, marked Bayer, axe absolutely Harmless to mo near. LED "Yf IE m SBSS mMSiB9 W -aw et Mi fflaikyttaMU POP IS TO ETEHT.I sented at Band Hall AURORA. Mareh 12-rPutUs of the Aurora 'grade school will present an -entertainment - at the band hall Friday evening: . . The program includes:- school orchestra. Dr. de Lesplnasse leader: playlet,KIH . or Curev,, fifth and sixth grades. Principal characters Mr. Dowell, Paul Ar nold; Chuck; Howard Melnnls; Bobble, Robert Hurst;,. "Gypsle Danee." nnd choruV third and fourth grades; black faced di alogue: "Mammy," Hasel Fergu son; "Old Man" Ernestine Flan neryr songs, "My Old Kentucky Home,- Colorado Moonw, fifth, sixth, aeventh and eighth grades; dance "Creepy utile 1 e a r Crow, first and second grades; school p lay "8mythe versus Smith." Judge Wlsehead, Rob ert St, Clair? Lawyer Pro-for-il, Kldon Harrison; Lawyer Con-agln-it, DorrU Gllbertsonf wi dower. "Plentiful Smith,- George Arnold: wjdow, "Rebecca Smythe Martha BradUj court officer Robert Keel; strong minded woman, Dorothy Fuller ton; jury and spectators, seventh and eighth a-rades; song. "School Days," Bertha Bagley and Rob ert Colrln; dance, and: chorus, fifth and sUth, grades. ' RUSHED TO HOSPITAL 1 JEFFERSON March 12 Paul G. Smith, farmer rho lives near Green's bridge suffered an attack of appendicitis ' early .Friday morning andwa4 taken to a Sa lem hospital- by Dr. Ji O, jVan Winkle, local physieian.? An oper ation was performed bypr. J. O. VanWlnkle and - Dr. C.H4 Rob ertson. He is reported tdbe get i ting, along nicely. SCIO TO COME DI1SSE0VICE " 8CIO, March It- Favorable, action was taken Monday at Al bany by the Linn county district boundary board on tbe petition ot the Scio board of education tor high school bus transportation for the coming school year. Similar action was taken In the eases of Albany Brownsville, Corvaliis, Jefferson, Lebanon and Staytoa. It is stated In Scio by many who have kept In touch wUh the situa tion that bus transportation has been latgely Instrumental , la bringing, the Scio high school to the largest enrollment in its his tory during the present school year. - Continuation of this meth od of providing high school fa cilities for many who otherwise would not continue their educa tional careers beyend the grade Is considered a boon to the educa tional welfare of the Scio region in general and to the Scl3 fcls'-i school la particular j AH petitions were allows!" by the boundary board oncociltJoa that no school board charge more than 940 per student per year for the children carried on school buses. The Scio school board" is paying $1S per pupil daring the present school year bat it Is stat nd a aatlafaetArv arrangement can probably be made to conform to the S40 requirement of the boun dary board. A ATTEST) CONFERENCE ; GERVAIS, March IS The Misses Marguerite Hart, . Ellen Vogt and Ruth Palmer represent ed Geryais at tbe Older Girls' con ference held at Eugene during the weekend. They were chaper oned by Mrs. A. B. Adklsson. They report receiving a great deal nt ,ond . from the conference. These delegates will be hostesses to the Christian Endeavor society at a special service to be held in the social room of the Presbyter ian church next Sunday evening during the hour proceeding the regular Sunday Christian Endeav or, meeting. a .TV e cam .say-e I V Thoimm in 1931!" A 1 M ' - ; - f :;;,TA .:" " f,. ' j; . 1 - - -a- ' I -' w "or -Mr & March t, 1931. Goodrich Silvertown Inc. ' Salem. Oregon. Gentlemen; Every conscientious motorist should be glad to give the League his sup port ... it means more safety for his tarn. Hy and himself on the ! highways and streets. Show that, you Intend to do your part by -signing the pledge and stop heedless, reck less driving. i Yours very truly, . I Signed KENT SHOEMAKER, 4 Chief ot Traffic Dlvison. - I am heartily in favor witluany movement tending to promote safety and reduce motor vehicle accidents on our streets j and high, ways. The campaign conducted by the Sil vertown Safety League is witlrout doubt a very commendable movement Inj this .work and has my; hearty endorsement and recom mendation to the people of Oregon to co operate In every way possioie. ' Yours very truly. Signed WALTER LANSING. " Sgt. Trartie nivision. Goodrich Silvertown Ine., ' f Salem, Oregon. ' .-' 1 Gentlemen: The Silvertown Safety League is ... a real service to humanity . , , a movement to reduce the appalling! "toll of the road" through the propotlon of careful driving has my endorsement and co-opera tion. I am glad to Join with yoa. r Yours very truly,; Signed !ALE. HOSS, . . Secretary of j State. j Say these Prominent State Traffic Officials it !.;,'UpJ 8AF11TT UA9JJ t THE callous disregard of life and limb hjt reckless driving.,. the menace to the safety of his family and himself has stirred the indigna tion of every conscientious driver and citizen. ! - ATSiMh m mm m mmmimg mm mmtm. mmm mmmmf fftlyaiyl ai aayjijil p "aa-l-i-faaal & f hmp ay !! Uji aWa fa 0 1 n Wii W'1 Let u Install m hriU liamt chromium em blem mf tkm Leagmm .mm th rmdlmtor of ymmr tmr. It Utta tho ' aaorfcf that yom mrw im tho fight mgalmat wehlmummu thmi took 33.000 liwrnu Umtyomr. Singly and alone he couldn't do very much about it. "- j : But, together .vrti .can do something about ill - v ' - - -: ; ; :- ' I' t : " When you realize that more people were killed last year by automobiles than were lost by the' American Forces during the World War and that the number of deaths is growing year by year then we believe you will want to join In this cru sade against recklessness and unsafe equipment. Only an aroused and militant public opinion can change these conditions. Toiir help, your ex ample, are needed. The Silvertown Safety League is your means of expression. Read the pledge nine common sense rules .nine commandments of safety. Are you willing to take this pledge along With the rominent people of this community and abide thousands of lives can be saved in 1931. it? If you are. ..if enough people will do it. We have a pledge ready for your signature, ..we will see tnajt tne Dcautiiul emblem ot tnelicaue is installed On your car and give you a reel There is no cost. sni tion button for your lapel. obligation to buy. ..we sii another soldier in the war against recklessness. Sign up! This crusade needs you.1 1 ?! '' - '.'; '. f qUCDEH' TTIHIIS- E. EE AOS TUBS TJODnDiiYf GOODRICH SILVERTOWN: .Inc. I 198 SOUTH COmiERCIAL STREET Salem Automobile Co. Newcomb's Tire Shop 435 Commercial Street , : 540 Ferry Street Ted Puryine ! :;: Earl R. Adams ; 2590 Pacific Highway 2121 Fairgrounds Road - SEE PAGE 66; THIS - - of Mr. and Mrs, M. M. uagee, " 4 t - 1 i i