The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 13, 1931, Page 20, Image 20

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"Hot Much for Yardage bu
: Bulging With Style;
; i Several Types ;.
. They're nothing much In yard
age these new little - evening
wraps bat they're bulging" with
style from every seam! Ton aim
i pit mast nave one, or your rorm
al frocks won't be getting their
share of chic coverage. Yea know,
' of course, that boleros are. just
abont the last word for every
kind of frock, but for evening
- wear, particularly they do nobly.
revealing your gown la all Its gay
loveliness. . - - j. -U ' ,
" : These little Jacket: can be
- worn under your heavier evening
wrap If it's a chilly spring night,
hot warm weather Is In the air.
and in no time you'll be wishing
yon had one of these little Jack
etsIf yoa haven't been wise
enough to boy one and since a
word to the wise Is sufficient, and
since yoa may be surprised at how
Inexpensive these treasures are
- you're sure not to fail picking one
out at your first opportunity. ;
- . Beside the bolero, there 'are
longer Jackets that come right to
r the hip and button over buttons
are very Important this season,
whether they're glass, wood, crys
tal, prystal, china fabric-covered,
or Jewelled. '
. Still others come right down to
the 'hip line, with a single button
posed, single-breasted fashion, at
a very much fitted waistline.
. We simnlv must not. and we
could not. forget the peplum.
because wherever we turn It
greets our eyes. On .these- brier
evening wraps it is a , .perfectly
darling variation of the silhouette
and its French favor mates even
a blase debutante take a new interest-in
her clothes.
So far as colors go. all that
need be said Is that yon choose
those that will go best with your
evening gowns. Ton will ngtiefc
that colors are sharper this sea
, son yellows tinge the lew reds
.... yellows are oi a definite
lemon cast . , ; blues take thelr
snaaes iscaa. sappnires .-. . tur
quoists . . . and the hard glint ot
steel . . , greens are like sprout
ing grass . . . You will find every
color In a new shade . . . and ev
ery shade In a cast that will be
becoming to you, no matter how
fair or dark your complexion may
be.; - .r,. .... - -,
Child Born in
Open Car Held
By Snowdrifts
March y 11. (AP Sturdy, six
pound Baby Suggitl tonight was
little concerned that his birthplace
was a horse-drawn open automo
bile Inching slowly through huge
snowdrifts. He was fdolng fine.
Likewise, his mother, Mrs. Ar
thur Suggitt, 41, Manoscong, suf
fered no ill effects.
A billiard had piled snow so
high in the roads that the car In
which she was being brought to
hospital here last night was
stalled and had to be pulled out.
A pecan tree In Ascenston
Parish, Louisiana, Is 107 feet
high and has spread of 13 S
feet. 1 - ; . :
A rare specimen of silver In the
form of a. 280-pound mass has
been sent to the Smithsonian; In
stitution from Ontario. .. - f
Not Necessary to Spend Fortune, However
We can honestly say. In this
' modern axe. that - accessories
make the costume, and In plan
ning your Easter and spring
wardrobes, yoa want to give a
fair amount of thought to the
Jewels you wlU wear with them.
And don't think. that it takes a
queen's ransom to get a generous
amount of costume Jewelry, be
cause you can have as charming,
colorful and appropriate an affect
with a twisted gold necklace that
costs $1.9 S as you can with, an
heirloom from which It was cop
led, though that heirloom la worth
a hundred times as. much. "
The -most lnteresUng ' thing
about the new Jewelry is the tact
that It i almost all copied from
anique pieces of French,. Italian,
and Oriental court pieces. " The
tenency toward the large ornate
jewels was first widely noted last
fall, and though itr was thought
that with time these . designs
would be modified in the modern
pint, they have continued ta
Quite the same degree ot old
world individuality. -
Similarly, the stones used i In
beaatiful Jewelry since the world
began, continue to be favored. In
cluding garnets, rubles, ame
thysts, topat, emeralds, saph
ira 'and' of course, their
Demure Lines
Anita page chooses a linenlike
- atraw to match her frock. It Is
nade ta draped form. With; a
crashed brim posed over a ban
deau which ends In a girlish bow
i -
,. a '( - '
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JHF';v it "
hi' i A i i
- I ANITA mOS , : . !
' . , 1 - '
I i: 1:
. Three strikingly different evening gowns add variety to the wardrobe of Anita Pase, At'tho left
i clineiae chiffon frock embroidered in sliver brocaded pattern
in the center Is of blue lace combined with net and trimmed wltl sjroagraln ribbon decorations la rots
shade; at the right Is a sophisticated sown of black lace designed
cular flounces set on below the hips. '
If you want to see these jrowna in actual wear they appear la
rent snow at the Capitol theatre in
Personality in
Beconiing More Essential;
Halo Hat Creates Furore
BY a woman's hat shall you know her, might well bo a
modern adage, because never has it been o Imrmrtnnt
that our headgear be an expression of our characteristics
and moods for with a chanjre of hat fas Ions- it la he-
coming) you "can entirely change the effect and spirit of
your eaure costume. '
it you would be swagger, aniO-
you go sporting in a chic, tailored
suit, ! choose a brimmed ' hat in
English felt, with a squared front
effect, slightly tilted, to a side.
For your tailored salt, that does
not have the air of active- sports.
yoa may . choose straw braid.
cleverly moulded to your head.
with a sailor , brim, or one ot the
very pert new lifted brLma.
Charmeuse, rough straw, bak-
ou. Ramie braid, stitched felt, mi-
lan, ana clever tweed weaves are
all appropriate the latter, par
ticularly for the beret which con
tlnues to bo Important In all mil
linery collections. 1 "
-.1 -Varied Types i
with your daytime outfits,
witch com mid-way between be
ing tailored or dressy, yoa have
a choice of many types of mlllln-
O -
ery worthy , synthetic. . relatives.
In the seml-pfecious stones which
haTe been used no ranch j of late,
we find that coral and turquoise
continue a the moat lmnortint
costume accents, with Jade, chal
cedoney, and lapis taking a sec
ondary role. - ; ' ;
MetaHJe Jewelry
Aside from the stone-sat 1wel.
ry. the all metallic Jewelry has
continued gaining- in importance,
particularly baeanaa ahxhw it
la gold or silver it Is neutral, and
blends perfectly with any color
costume.' Another Important
fact-la that It Is not Quit so ela
borate as the other types,, and
may be worn equally appropriate
ly with Snort as with A
tumes. Of course, there are tvne
of stone-set lewelrv that r. ia-
ciedly sportie in aspect, because of
woir large, ancarved forms, which
when combined with metal or
wood If nd a! smart note to the
tailored outfit. In evenln Jewel
ry, r bines tones and synthetic em
eralds and rnbiea
the most popular, whether la the
old-fashioned s eon rt trn .
simple; modern designs which
nave been inspired br cnMitie
Ear rinra. bracelatal
clips and necklaeea are all being
worn ; more tnan ever and hare
even ; found their place In the
sports types, though they were
considered out of place a tew sea
sons ago. Ot course, we do not re
fer to active sports, because then
an Jewelry to out ot keeping, ex
cept perhaps tor a simple pin In
one's scarf, ; r
- Wrbt watches have done bean-
?.2ltvhlasrs wItWa tn Put year,
ana those we favor most are so
tiny, so slender and so delicately
worked that it hardly seems like
ly that they are more than toy
novelties. These are known as
baguette watches, and come In
gold cases for tailored wear, la
French enamel cases for one's
daytime costumes and in beautl-ful.-
dlamond-atsddad tmai en
formal wear. Their straps may he
etijBr i narrow learner, in the
English style, in silk braid, in
woven metal ' or in tiia run. nt
narrow, diamond studded, brace
teis. ' :
Three of a Kind in Gowns
the very near fu tare.
ery to choose from. The brimmed
had that goes to any extreme for
an Interesting effect may have a
brim posed over a bandeau . . . ,
or may be a snug little affair ot
ribbon that adds . Jauntiasea by
means of a feather trimminr , , ,
or a forehead revealing hat that
slopes to the back, and becomes
ever so daring with a little reil
-whether you wear It oyer your
370 State St.
White Pump
White Oxfords
The Largest Showing and the
LfO west' Prices in the City
;; ; t ;
with draped neckline; the frock
ta pk princess line witb wide cir
' ' " . ; ,
'Reducing which will bo the cur
' 1
eyes, or just turned softly back.
. The Halo hat has justifiably
created a furore, because" there
haa never been anything so
charmingly youthful in the face
framing mode. The halo effect la
achieved by means of twisted
coils of velvet or grosgrain rib
bon, or tweed on a tweed hat, or
some knitted fabric that may
glisten with little threads ot me
tallic. The effect la decidedly ba
byish and quite angelic, though
the addition of a veil adds a note
of sophistication.
A variation of the halo hat is
the Algerian turban, made in the
vivid shades associated with the
colorful adventures -In Morocco,
Algerian yellow, Sahara brown,
ebony, and palm green are Just a
few of the glorflusly J """sring
shades that will accent Y-r-dark
costumes. These little hats are
not costly, and yoa can hare one
for tevery .outfit. : :, ; "
For - Formal Frock
These face-framing hats are all
appropriate- for your Sunday
Self Service Stores
New Sport
If ooitwear
v-V- .;.:""'':-'e"1"--- '';:."'"-'- f-ii4-r.:,;:.j
Fastest Growing Store
1 a
Famous Designers Sponsor
Hew -Styla of ; Wearing
"fem Around Clock
CHICAGO (AP) And now
the latest ; song - Is around . fhe
clock In pajamas." - -...
i For there' are pajamas la which
to cook the ham an, pajamas for
a dash to the corner grocery, and
still more lounging pajama,
beach pajamas, cocktail, dance,
dinner and evening ' pajamas, as
weU as the substitute for the tra
ditional night gown. :
This new atyle la sponsored -by
mlehtr names in the realm of de-
ign Worth. Chanel, Mplyneaux,
Vlonnet, 8chlaparelli, Mainbouch
er and others and charming are
the models that are coming from
Paris. -: ,
Pajamas are no longer merely
coveralls In which to rest the
wearly bones. They hare come
nnt nt the hotidolr and are going
places to teas the theatre, din
ners.- The raa - Began in soiarv
European resorts. .
A tour of smart Michigan ar
mh7. shona and State street de
partment stores revealed that the
last word In morning or breakfast
pajamas are In one piece and are
tailored out of gay printed or
flowered cotton fabrics or out of a
silk known aa baomboo:
The lone, wide trousers simu
late a skirt. Lounging pajamas
can be bad as tailored or as negli
gee as desired.
If: her dare program brings
friends in tor early afternoon
bridge the hostess costume will
be a r trump If it resembles one
creation seen in display. Next our
heroine may wish to go to the
beach. It she Is of the vintage
that goes to the sea to be seen
there are beach pajamas which
established their 'popularity at
Palm beach this season. They are
fashioned la pastellines, flowecad
and printed cretonne,
As the shadows lengthen come
the hours tot Cocktail, tea and
hostess pajamas. Cocktail paJa-
maa art saucy. One model just
unpacked was a one piece lipstick
red crepe with intervals ot accor
dian pleats on the voluminous ankle-length
trousers. Tea paja
mas are more sedate. Hostess pa
Jamas may be made of lace or
chiffon. Quite frequently they
have Iflo wine sleeves. There is
a subtle distinction between host
ess pajamas that stay at home and
tea pajama that gads.
As ; boos pass some the reign
of the dance, erenlng and dinner
pajamas. These are best describ
ed by saying they are gowns with
divided skirts.
' The newest note is the back,
skirt on the dance frock. When
the wearer approaches she is la
pajamas, when she retreats site
is ,la .a dregs.
night frocks, and should be worn
In exactly matching colors. The
satin hat, too, is yery popular for
these dressy frocks, and Is de
veloped In elaborately draped
Torsions, that concentrate their
Interest In crown shirring and
rolled brim manipulations, ' ,
Salem, Ore,
Black and White
Brown & White
Black and White
Sport Oxford
Shosa Lsc3 Espsnqiye and;
McderatePriced Grades
Betif Budget limited
believe In finely made costly shoes, by all means If
you can have- several cairs. on your dress allowance.
But when that is limited, we
wardrobe of low priced shoes,
all, shoes are like everything:
they were, and you can get
just a few dours; secondly, wneno
your clothes are definitely dlvid
ed into active sports. . spectator
sports;-tailored, formal afternoon,
Sunday night, and; formal ; eve
ning types, you simply must have
appropriate shoes for each. Third
ly, color has become so important
in modern wardrobes that It Is
Jnst as Important for your .shoes
to harmonise as for your millin
ery. And lastly, a few pair ot low
priced. , shoes will' iaat many
months If you change frequently,
find they'll retain their shape Jnst
as long as one pair of costly
shoes that you are forced to wear
almost continually;
.. Active Sports
For your active sports shoes.
you will want the heelless type,
or those with a very flat heel.
preferably of crep rubber. The
most interesting sport types are
the Wales tie, and the flap ox
ford in two-tone combinations.
White or taa buckskin with
black, brown, orj vivid trimming
are going to be the winners of the
later season, and for early spring
wear a tan elkskln with contrast
ing color is more suitable.
Spectator Sport
In your spectator eporf shoes,
you can allow yourself a far more
liberal choice, and your heel may
be anything from the regulation
Cuban to the high-low heel which
Is 15 1-8 tall, and tapers down
almost as garcef ally as a Span
ish heel.. These spectator snort
shoes are favortd In oumo styl
ing. In suede, buckskin, or kid. or
reptilian leathers, which are very
free i& their use ot color contrast.
A style' we are particularly fond
of Is developed la naural Jara
lizard, with a saddle, and wing
toe, and black quarter of a rust
eolor kid, which will be perfect
ly In tune with the new, lively
browns of spring. '
- Important Color
Tailored shoes favor the shap
ed heel ot moderate height, and
are developed In kid, patent,
tweed, and gunmetal leathers.
Whether they are j In opera, tie.
step-in. or oxford trllnr. ther
are simple, and use little other
than a piping of reptile, or beige
or gray leather. Ia these shoes,
the basic browns, - greens, blues.
wines, and black of the spring
wardrobe color chart 'are most
aften seen, because It Is these
deeper shades which are favored
- . - ; '
heartily endorse the extensive
for several reasons. First of
else, much less expensive than
a comparatively jjood shoe for
for . the essentially . tailored dress
or suit. .
:. for Afternoon
: Formal afternoon shoes hare
become very Important,' because
of the longer skirts, and these
types are the same as those chos
en for Sunday ntxht frocks.- Cen
ter trimmings are very important,
in the form of , buckles.v strap
closings, and the manipulation of
straps.-wh!ch may be braided, or
decorated with enamel Insets. The
T-ctrap 'shoe and the opera pnmp
are the most popular for wear
with these frocks, and should be
chosen In any shade that matches
one's gown: ' this is made simple
because almost all shoe shops are
equipped to dye fabric or leather
shoes, purchased white, to match
a given sample.
Bulgarian stamps. Issued to
mark the wedding of King Boris
and Queen Ioanna, are finding a
ready sale in Italy. -, -
Sunshine -
y i s
- Joan dlarah favors a . peach
crepe- - chcmlee with a belted
waistline to blend with her peach
ea-and-cream complexloa.
Your Bouquet
Easter Fashions
)M HAVZ gathered the
ef eprtng, and find
f rare beauty which you can
wa. .-' i
Tjigtlnctlvsnsss . and cxaUuivsoess are
koncer mere adjectives. They
actualities ta every feminine frock & every
swagger tadcur end youthful coat that we
havs chosen
With Infinite asrraad a hypercritical style
sense we have permitted them entree to our
shop enly because we know that they are so
exquisitely fine. as to prove economical adV
ventures tot you. J-. .'
There's a double purpose to be
served by the daytime clothes of
the girl under eighteen, becange
they must appeal to her . ranity
and. good taste, and at the same
time be practical enough for her
many outdoor activities.
- Most girls of this " enlightened
sge go in for tennis, basketball
and golf Just as -strenuously as
they do for afternoon teas and
parties, and the clothes that allow
them playtime freedom are; the
most economical ot all,
The rogue tor lightweight
woolen frocks Is an excellent one"
for the girl of sub-deb age, and
the one-piece- type with short
sleeves, and shorts under a flared
skirt are widely favored. Still
more useful Is the Jumper dress
with shorts to match, so . that
when the . jumper Itself is taken
off, -the blouse and shorts may be
used for playing, basketball, or
tennis.- , 1
Later in the spring, wash fabric
frocks ot linen, pique, and shan
tung should be worn, particularly !
because they can always be kept
clean, and are so Inexpensive as
to allow for several changes. I
These outfits now come In en
semble form, with Iltle matching
Jackets that permit our young 1
lady to look quite dressed up in
her leisure hours ' I .
For Social Activities
When the Junior is ready to en
gage la social Activities, j 'she's
quite a different picture frqm her
sporting self. r
- : With, a universal trend toward
youthful frocks, for mlsaes and
women, the spirit of girllshness is
even more emphasized in i styles.:
for the younger girl. Little chiffon
frocks with tiny capelet sleeves,
peplums.) and high belted waist
lines always look ' demure; and
are appropriate for the j semi
formal dance. It Isn't too early to
wear organdy, either, and It may
be worn either in a pastel shade.
In white (which Is the favorite of
many young debutantes of im
portance), and in the deep shadcg 1
of brown, blue and green that are
becoming so popular. , J ,
Taffeta, too, is popular tor the
young girl's dance frockj and
lends Itself perfectly to the
sheathed silhouette that ends In -a
full, shirred and flared skirt, to
the peplum, and cap frockj
With any If these outfits, slip
pers dyet to match, or preferably '
In an attractively contrasting
shade should be worn . . a
hanky and handbag to match the
slippers . , . and a little evening
wrap to match, or in 'black or
beige transparent relvet '(these
two shades are most practical, be
cause they go with any other
color. .
first flowers
them blossoms
claim tot your
Mgr. , ..