PAGE TETJ : " - ' ' The OREGON STATESMAN Sahn, Ore?cn; Tuesday McralrTarch 10, 1931 - lEffflSffiT HTl'J All Sections of County Rep- resented at one day ' 1 Institute . . j . VOODBURN,' March About 175 teachers of both grade . and high schools In Marlon county gathered at Woodburn ' hixh school .Saturdar to attend the Marlon county teacher' Instl- Discussions on many problems of interest toteachera. were, car ried on at the meeting. , In the ' -morning ihe teachers - attended different departmental meetings 1 'according to their -interests. In i the afternoon a: special program Aw Woodburn blsh school and - grade school stadents. followed kr for- the entire aasem- Klr vii riven. .,- ' A new association, a principals association for grade: scnooi principles, was formed at the meeting. Mrs.-Margaret Riches of Mt.. Angel, was elected ,-presiaem of the association, iiarwiu waiL nrineinal of the Woodburn rrade schools, was - unanimously chosen as vice president. The aa- . sociatlon was,, formed samraaj because the grade school princi pals haTe many problems which are sot In "common . with "Thigh school principals, and consequent ly much time is wasted. The new asbciatlon. consisting of a group with commoner . Interests, will hare more time to take : up Im portant matters. . - At the grade' Principal's meet ing Arthur V.Iyers, principal at Liberty rendered a report on the grade school county baseball league. The games will start April 10. The deadline for registration ot teams Is March 21. A rullns that the - principal of the school must be a member of the grade principals' association belore a lowing the team to participate was drawn tip. A new form ot agreement slip, which ., will do away with many of the objection able obstacles f concerning con tested games was introduced and approved. Players, in the grade school league must be IS years of age or under to play in the league and must bare attended school 85 per cent of the school - year, j taking Into account, of course, serious illness or other uncon trollable factors. 1 ' i - Contest Dates Set ; At the meeting of the commer cial teachers, which was presided over by P. E. Rohner ot'VtobC burn the dates f or the county bookkeeplnc an4 typing contests were, set. This year the tests will be held In Salem high .-, school j April 4. Three students and one alternate for. both the typing and bookkeeping tests will be chosen from the schools. The typing eon test will be divided into A" and B" divisions. Woodburn, Salem and Sllverton are In class "A", and the rest, of Marlon county - m mm Here's a smashing romance that be gins with an airplane crashing' into an orange grove and ends with' a kiss in the moonlight near the same spot. Between those two events there - .takes place enough adventure and . conflict to make up a life-time of : excitement and thrills for most of u$. Davey Ordway is the young mil ' lionaire who has the misfortune to be in an airplane whose motor fails y and the good luck to crash Into Joan -T Marburys, orange grove. ' H - .-. And every reader of their story will gain many hours of' pleasure. V Dont fail to read r . ,'. ''A KNIGHT. . GOMES. FLYING - - 1 1 ' .... I I o : 9 I II nnflT T I I If . .irrrry l r ... TV T . ' SHAME DRIVES; o Benita Bischoff above) for six " days and nights bore the shame which was hers when she learned of the lurid life that was her mother's, Vivian ' Gordon, who died by strangling on the eve of her appearance as a vice witness in New York. The shame was too much for little 4 schools In class BV The com mercial teachers r also discussed the newer ' methods of keeping typing charts. 4n the classroom. They also discussed the advant ages and disadvantages ln tne latest' edition of bookkeeping text, The high: school principals set April 17 as the date for thede clamatory contest. ; ! iThe contest will be held in the Eugene Field school auditorium. All entries are required to be in by March 20. A meeting of the county base ball league was scheduled to meet in Salem high school. March 11. starting at 7:30. Discussion for spelling tests In grade- schools and a fifth grade reading contest were also; brought up. R. W. Tavener. supervisor of secondary education " in Salem, gave an interesting report on the county English test held recent ly. The report was given to the high school r teachers' section. Mill City and Scotts Mills ranked highest In the tests which covered vocabulary, t knowledge of litera ture and other English sub-topics. " Jnnior Red Cross Rabject In the ' afternoon " Miss Mary Concannon, 'national organizer of the Junior Red Cross members ot the great organization. Sher also brought out the point that the members of the service create an international feeling of goodwill. . V $ i ..4 L i - 1 ' I By EUSTACE L. 1 ! ! 1i Beginning . 4 - ' It - POUNOSO tASl ; Benita, 16 years old,' who wrote' : In her diary: "I can't face the world any longer.' I'm coin? to end it alL So she joined her mother in death through suicide in Audubonr a suburb of Cam den, - N. J-. "where she turned ' on the gas la hr father's home. She told -of instances "when junior and . senior Red Cross work had aided distressed humans ; In all parts ot the world. Red Cross work has spread all over the world; according to Miss Concan non. She showed Red Cross mag azines from - practically -every country in the world. , f j Robert Goetx, I superintendent ot Silverfon schools, gave a re port on the Oregon educational plan and bow the recent legisla tures actions had effected the plans. "Vera D. Bafn - of Woodburn schools gave a talk on the Ore gon: legislature and bills passed that affect the teaching: profes sion. Nine bills that have a. more or less direct - bearing on -the teachers were passed by the legis lature. Bain explained some of the vague points jof the free text book bill andiso ' gave . special mention of the ruling : passed which gives the " county . school superintendent latitude in prepar ing final examinations in - grade schools. -i i Talks on health, education. In grade schools were given by Mrs. Edith Manning, Mrs. Mae Engla and Miss Mathilda Gills. Various clever methods of Instilling the fundamentals ot health into the children's minds were suggested, i Dr. .Vernon Douglas, Marion county health officer, was the - ; 4 'I - March 18 in GALLED BEiDtID Manager of Woodburn Ho--teUs Victim of I Heart Trouble H WO'ODBVRN. March? -Jonathan Harvey - Mattley.j ftged 7. w.n -t his home In Wood- burn Friday .afternoon ; of heart trrtntit . Th hodr vu taken to Portland where interment will he held probably Monday afternoon. The body is at Flnley'sn funeral narlor. " " V VLt'. -MatUey'-death came as the culmination of an' Illness of about - a week. Mr. and Mrs MattleV- moved -v to- -Woodburn about three years ago and took over th - manasrement - of the Woodburn . hotel. - Although Mr." Ma.ttlevrhaa been troubled ' with heart trouble for quite a number bt years, his death : was nnex- ; . .. .. ;. -. f --1: i- Snrvivlng Mr. MattUy :are his wife, Sally Ann Mattley, and five children, Mrs. Claude Palmer and Maud Mattley of Portland, Bell Klein of WheelerTlary of Mashr field; and Arthur Mattley; of We halem.: :,-.'4 ;f ViK last speaker of the day,;, fie ex plained and told of his experien ces In the Marion conityi health program: - r " - , If.-. .;, M. E. Gralapp started the Insti tute in the morning1 by .leading the teachers in group singing. At noon a lunch was Berredby the domestic science" class St "Wood- burn high school .In theealetern. Helen- M. Ottlaa Wasf In charre. of the meaL The Booster elub. mem bers of WooaDura.iugn sscnooi heloed" carry ot the , arrange ments for the day vf it - After lunch the entire delega tion gathered In the school audi torium. ...The high school, gins' ouartet eane two numbers. "In the Gloaming' by HarrlsOn i and Humpty Dumpty" oy Alien Thoserau. The quartet? la com posed of Opal Dickey. 1 Edtlh Shrock, , Mable - Halvorseii ; and Zona Schwab. The girls (sextet, composed of Opal Dickey;! Daisy Shrock. Edith . Shrock, Dorothy Austin, Mable Halvorsen I and Zona Schwab sang "Gondaller" by Kevin and "I: Passed byfi Tour Window" -by Broch-Lucas. 1 The next Marlon county: teach ers institute will be held at Staytoajn the near future.; i .Florida's 33 airports represent a capital investment of 1 1,5 58, 0 6 0, a survey shows. ' I LIQUID or TABLETS Cnre Coldsr Headaches, Fever J 6 6 6 SALVE ! : .. , CURES BABY'S COtD i i I 1 ' ! I) ! 3) I' t t r i . ' i i ADAMS ! - ; it 4 4. 1 j- 1 1' . . ; m : ' I Mr.- and - Mrsj- 8. V Pf elfauf - en tertained Saturday . as overnight guests, their small; grandchildren, Teresa May, . Margaret Rose- and Charles Greene of fScio. The PfelfaTifrjnotored - to'jScio Sun day and. returned the small, folk to . their home. -t; ' Mrv and Mrs j R. S. Pflster.of south Salem were Sunday guests ot Mrs. poster's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.'" Carter 1 . . Ray Stumbo lis building' a two ear garage- the dimension of which aret 20x20 feet at his home on-Roeemont aveaue. Wayiie Baker is the chrpenter., "L.t , Little- Gladys-McCleani jJatLgh ter'ox Mr. and MraJ A. '.McClan is coavelesclng from an Illness of several weeks dnratlon; ' i Mr. and Mrs: J. R.' Brown, their daughter Opal and son Teral; mo tored to Swlsa: Home Saturday morning where they were guests of relatives until - Sunday even ing ' ; - ?y ' . ... .'-.' ..: Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Picha' and small-. daaghter - Thelma, have moved to Salem after a residence of several months In this city, v . Mr'?and . Mrs.-John v Crabtree. are living at 1253, Skinner street ttavlpg moved bere recently front Wallace. road. j , : , .-. .'. j Recent Quests of Mr. and "Mrs. rl-T' Wallace Were Tr.' and Mrs. Luther'. Choattf And ' son, Luther Junior, ;r Mrs; - KT.t May hew aU. ot Portland and' Forrest Rhodes-of . Brooks; '.f-1 trrm.-"T f 'Zr"ys:h $ ' Mr. and Mrs. ! J. P. Craig, Mr; and Mrs Allen raig and children, Emalino ' and . Junior motored to Neskowin Sunday. They went by way of the Salmon river cut off,: drove down the Roosevelt high way returning home -Via, Hebo. They report the weather, cold at the i seashore and that Sunday was the lowest tide ot the. year. Mr. and Mrs.. Henry Van San- ten with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Van nn TUNE IN ,Tke' Lucky StriifDanc - Orchestra every Thm day, T&wrs day and SaU urday evening cr N.B.C Your Trifr p tL Ths A rUn Tebeto CoL. frt. , 1 - 4 N 1 . YY) Eanten .of, '.Wallace road motored to Sllverton Sunday to visit Mrs. Van Santen's, mother, Mrs. Albert Dunlfer who Is very ill. . ' . Mrs. Frank Grandma) Thom as is seriously 111. It is feared an operation may be-necessary. . --Misses Violet Wallace and Edna Riffey went as delegates, from the West Salem Sunday school to the Older Girls conference, '. held Fri day, Saturday and Sunday at Eu gene. The girls report ; a very pleasant and profitable time. ;. -r Saturday guests of Mrs.. Sarah Sutten were Mr,; and' Mrs. - Eu gene Irons, whose, home is in -Nebraska. They, are taking a motor trip, through the, coast states and are now house gueats jot Mr, -and Mrs.. Benjamin: Irons, of Salem. T?y have ,alsoirJ?i.te4 relatives in Seattle. -;;--' v'?;'.".;" ': v. Friends-. of theJ. ,T. Shlpler family will b sorry to learn that their home at Green Valley, Calif, was recently- destroyed by- fire. Though the house la' which they lived was 'not their, own they lost most of . their household goods.. The Shlplers own and formerly occupied the ."house -on Plaxa street In which -the Waldo' Baker family 'now- 'yve;--;?i,;v , ' r ; . - - " j ' - r' ' - DAUGHTER IS BORX- X T ' ? SILVERTON, March SrSilver ton .Jriends rhave received .an nouncement ot the birth of a sew enland one-half pound baby girl to Mr. : and Mrs. Roy" Beshell of Oakland. CaL Mrs. Beshell - will be remembered -here as Amy Pe terson, .the daughter ; of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Peterson,. who lived for; a time In North Howell and later on raraaise Aiiey ine, i-eiersons are now making ' their home ' at Garibaldi.':. ; ..' i.rv'-, : , ' .Home demonstrations' f of the California: agricultural . extension service were attended by 157,336 nJ Li uj 1 mm:' HV: i'ZSED 0 FIIE ! WOODBURN. March 9. Fire, thought to have started from an oveheated chimney, broke out at the home of J. W. Berkey on Ioud street. Saturday just before coon. The ! fire broke - out on the roof and had gained quite a leadway before 4t was detected, although there were people , in the house. Considerable damage was done. ' Practically the whole upper - part of the bouse 'i was ruined, either by. fire or: by the tlackned ; water "that ran down the walls. T ' ' : - ' ' .;'- - ," 1-Although ; Jlremen arrived as soon-n sa possible, :the ' tire : had oilte "alstarf,eSome' trouble' was experienced la- getting the .city's new pumperto work end the' old outfit, got. Into, action, ftrst. .. . , , i ffThe.-house -was covered by In surance: -i-yc School Program 4 To :be Given at ; West Salem Soon V WET SALEM, March t.-rThe West Salem school will present a benefit program on Friday eve ning, the proceeds to bo used .for heeded school equipment. ; ; A great deal of time and work Ahnoet instant relief guaranteed us- with one swallow of - '0t Capital DrugStore LUCC1ES kind to sunshino mo I TOASTING" eThroav T uso of tho Ultra Violet Rays. LUCICY STRIKE mado -tho Croam -"ITS TOASTED" on extra, secret boating process Harsh irritants prosont In all raw tobaccos cro ox polled by "TOASTING." Thoso Irri tants aro sold to others They aro not prosont In your LUCICY STRKCE. No wonder LUCKIES aro always kind to your M-"rt..tww- V4UU- . 2 j;vpA- '-::: 2l'"r''"22 '. v'-'S' ' : :. :---'.-'.:.:''.'" j ."j have keen devoted to preparing the program, the feature ot which will be an operetta entitled 'Let's Co Traveling." Other numbers have also been prepared and the entire program promises to be of exceptional merit. " .. . Sixth Annual -'" fj -- J j ijLml ' : Y !fff FRIDAY Marclvl3 Windows Unveiled , 7-30 P. r.I..;:. TREASURE HUIIT I AUTO snow STREET E1ITERTA111- llEUT " f - r--: r. VALUABLE PRIZES J THREE BAUDS v iKOVELTY STUNTS : Big Dance T cole WcELnoys ; OREPONIANS : at the ! ' -1 ' CRYSTAL GARDENS , with Ehna Hunter f." Great Colored Entertainers COME EARLY h STAY LATE aro always your ffhrbat Everyono knows that lows that's why tho process Includes tho of tho finest tobaccos of tho Crop THEM throat. a The advice ctyouf physU dan is: Keep out of doors, JnVie open a?r; breathe deeply take plenty cf exer cise in the mellow sunshine, and have a periodic checkup on the health cf your body. v.. -.: