1 IV Past Matron's Club Will Meet Friday The Past Matrons club, of the Order of the Eastern Star will meet 'Friday night at the home of Mrs.i Ida Godfrey for the regular social meeting of the month. ; ; Hostesses were to have been Mrs. Enfma Murphy Brown. -Mrs. Lotta Smith, and Mrs. Alice My ers but circumstances, vhave changed so that Mrs. Brown will be the only hostess who will be able to be present. - Sllverton. Mr. and Mrs. Al- in Legard werer supper - hosts Sunday night to ft pleasant little party at their home on ' Grant street. Covers for supper were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Forrest-'West and Miss Virginia West of Port land; Mr. and Mrs. Otto Legard, Lois Legard. Mrs. A. O. Legard, Mr. and Mrs. Alrln Legard aud son Denxel. . Gerrals. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ferschwetler were hosts for a dinner at their home southeast of town Sunday evening to the faculty of the high school. ' In the party were Mr. and Mrs. .James D. Brehaut, Mrs. Helena Sstudillo, . the Misses Mabel Z Harden and Marie Ann Schaefers and Harold Tumbleson. Miss Gertrude Weiss was an addition al guest. . 'STAY MARRIED" 7 t ! 1 V I Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Fisher, who hare been sweethearts since 1871 and in remarking upon the recent arelebration of their sixtieth wedding anniversary they admit they still are Sweethearts. Waldo Hills. The members of the Wlllard Women's club enter tained their husbands "and friends at a card party Saturday erasing at the Waldo Hills Com munity club house. Fire hun dred was la play at 11 tables. Late la the evening refreshments were served. Out of the com munity guests Included Mr. and Mrs. Will King, Mr. and Mrs. Ansel Solie, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Allen, Cathaliene Cuddy, all of Sllverton; Mrs. Maude Haberly of The Dalles, and Mrs. A. A. Keene of Salem. ; - ', Sllverton. The Trlpla Link club met - Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Axel on Coon street. . Mrs. Bertha Mor ley .was the assistant hostess. The club members are spend ing their time la making a quilt. They hava not as yet decided what they will do with tha quilt when it Is completed. The last quilt they made they donated to tha Odd Fellows horns at Port land, v ' Sllverton. -Sllverton members of tha Rebekah lodge motored to Salem Monday night to , attend the initiation of the Salem order. Those going over from here in cluded Mr. and Mrs. Clay Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fittgsrall. Mrs. 8. Gay, Mrs. A. Lerfald. Mrs. John Gehrke, Mrs. Will Egan and Miss Ora Larson. Ladies' S ilk Hosiery FINAL CLEAN-UP OVER 500 PAIRS SERVICE CHIFFON INGRAIN Everjr pair in our stock selling for $2.(io, $2.50 and $3.00 ALL GO AT ONE PRI g?f . Only Koso excepted is our famous hon-run grenadineoi which are never on sale. Rubber Heels Put On Your Shoes Each Wednesday at HALF PRICE. Bring Them Any Day; and Leave Them for Wednesday. DRi L. J; WILLIAMS, Chiropodist Office in Store i55liibo Stu VS'alcia.Ofog. TOILETRIES REMEDIES .184 N. Commercial SL TOBACCOS CIGARETTES Oregon Owned -o- Oregon Operated -o- i . In Oregon Only You can buy many luxuries with the money you save when you buy your every day Toiletry and Remedy Needs at Byrnes, Inc. Hot Water Bottles . : Guaranteed 49c EXTRA SPECIALS FOR 60 Watt Light Globes Outside Frosted Guaranteed 10c 25c West's Tooth Paste... ...2 for 29c 50c Melba Tissue Cream . 19c $2.00 Karess Face Powder ..............$1.69 50c Melba Vanishing Cream 19c 35c Palmolive Shaving Cream ............19c 35c Colgate Shaving Cream ..............19c $1.00 Milkweed Cream 69c $1.00 Pond's Creams ....... ...69c $1.00 Fiancee Face Powder ..........:....79c 25c Cashmere Bouquet Soap ......15c $1.00 Coty Face Powder .................,69c $1.00 Listerine .... .....65c $1.00 Double Milk Choc. Malted .....69c 60c Thompson's Choc. Malted Milk ....39c 25c Oxydol Washing Powder 16c 1 00 Aspirin Tablets, 5-Grain ..............25c $1.00 Pacquin Hand Cream ...L.........59c 25c Woodbury's Soap U 18c 5c Hershey or Toddle Bars M......8 for 25c , 98 c $1.19 GRANGER 10 oz. Can and 50c briar pipe Reg:. $1.40 value Edgeworth 16 ox. Ready Robbed 45c Kotex 1.3 for 85c 60c Kotex Belts .....15c 50c Kleenex ......3 for 85c 50c Jergen's Lotion ....33c 75c Doan's Pills ...49c 25c Feenamint ...16c 50c N.R. Tablets ........33c $1 Ovaltine ........69c $1 Nujol ...... ... .... ... 63c 75c Balm BenGay ......49c 75c Vapo Rub ..,.........49c 60c Mentholatum 39c $1.20 Sal Hepatica ....98c $1.25 Absorbine Jr. 98c $1.50 Petrolager ........98c 1 Pt. Squibbs Oil ........79c 50c Woodbury Cream 39c s 60c D&R Creams 39c 60c Corega .......... :...1..42c 60c Mistol ......42c 30c Bromo Quinine ....18c 50c Packers Shampoo 39c Cliquot Club Rainier Lime Ricky , For 35C Doz $1.98 TOI LET RI E G - - SHAE1S WHITE OWLS $2.43 Box of 50 Lucky Strikes Chesterfields Old Golds Camels $1.19 Carton of 10 rkgs. 8e Rubber Gloves 25c 10c Lux Soap 3 for 19c 10c Lifs Buoy Soap 3 for 19c 10c Camay Soap 3 for 19c 10c Ivory Soap 3 for 19c 10c Palm Olivs Soap 3 for 19c 10c Coco Almond Soap 3 for 19 10c Colgate big- Bath Soap 3 for 19c 1 lb. Nassours Castile Soap 39e FRED MEYERS (5I7I?EE 18c lL. 35c One Lb. IOC Lbs. Fmll FUTor FuU )Velght $1 Lucky Tiger 69c $1 Psylla Seed .. ........ .69c Lactro Dextrine...... 6 9c $1.20 Scotts Emulsion 98c $1.25 Pinkham Comp. 98c 85c Radox 59c 1 lb. Flax Seed 14c 1 lb. Flax Meal 14c 4 oz. Boric Acid"5c 100 Hinklo Pills 19c 100 Bland PUla 25c 100 Calomel Tablets 23c 100 Cascara 5 gr. 29c 1 pt. Italian Olive Oil 49c 1 pt. Bay Rum 29c 1 pt. Witch Hazel 29c 1 Gallon Water Glass 98c 1 pt. Rubbing Alcohol 29c . 1 pt. Milk Magnesia 29c Fruit Flavor 25c c ss: 9c Three Lbs. Petrolatum (Mineral Oil) Pts. 39e Qts. 69c Gals. S1.8S Cod Liver Oil (Norwegian) - Pts. 55e Qts. 89c Gals. $29 Agar Cut: Vi lb. 69e 1 lb; 12J59 uncut lb. $19 25e Mercurochrome 19c 4 oz. Glycerine 19c i . 6 oz. Glycerine and 1 Rose Water 19c 4 oz. Aromatic Cascara 23c 4 oz. Camphorated Oil 23c 6 oz. Castor OH 23c 3 oz. Oil Eucalyptus 23c ' 10 lbs. Epsom Salts for Bathing 39c 1 pt. Milk Magnesia 29c INC. 184 N. Commercial St. Not A Chain Store - REMEDIES V- 85c Kruschen Salts.... ..59c 85c Jad Salts 59c $1 Vapex ...... ......... ...9c 50c Arzen i....39c $1 Lavoris ..................79c T - . i- 10c Powdr Puffs 3 for 19c 10c Face Cloths . 3 or 19c 50c Cheramy Perfume 29c $1 Gem Razors .. 79c $1 Gillette Razors ......79c $1.75 FlasMighU ....... 98c 60-Watt Clear Globes.. 10c 60c Barbasol 39c 75c Glover's Mange .1. 49c s . i : . PL Vacuum Bottles L.79c 60c Sempray Jovenay. .42c Toilet Tissue ' 1000 Sheet 4 O CT for LUl for $1 TOBACCOG it- Ger?als. -Mr. nd Mrs. J. H. Booster entertained at cara &ai nrday night of last week Mr. and Mrs. Phyllis Wolf and daughter. Kathleen of St. Paul. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Jeldkerka of Salem, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harper, Mr. and Mrs. Vera Jones and Mrs. V. O. Booster of Gerrala. Last Saturday erenins Mr. and Mr. Ttnnnter. Mr. and Mrs. Har per and Mr. and Mrs. Jonea were guests or Mr. ana Mrs. uien iett gren at Salem.' ; . ' " . . - Silferton Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Davis and their daghter Val da, Kathryn Benson and Angelina Oottenburg were guesU at weekend party at Oswego, j GUESTS AT SIIiVERTOJr SILVERTON, Feb. 25 Victor Sather and Lloyd Baker of Cor Tallls1 wera week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sather. Vic tor is doing post graduate work at Oregon State college and at tha same time employed in a drug tore at Corrallls. Mr. Baker is a pre-medica stu dent at tha college. OFFICERS TO ENTERTAIN NORTH HOWEL.I Feb. 2S A announced at tha last Grange meeting, the program for March will be glrei entirely bjrtha offi cers of the grange, including the members of the executive com mittee and the musician. Each offler la asked to contri bute one member for the program dunaf the lecture fiour JLitf. HUE I PROGRAM E WALDO HILLS, Feb. 25 The pupils of Evergreen under the direction of Mrs. Neal Ver beck ' and Mardon Oveross gave the following program Monday to honor Washington. ' . Flag Salute school. Song America, school. Reading Faith of Washing ton, Jane Ogden. Reeding Why Jimmy mi3sed the Parade on Washington's Birthday; Olive Joy Roop. - Song America, the Beautiful, school. ReadingWashington's Train ing Lena Von Flue. Reading Young George and the Colt, Doris Tpwns. Rec. Calvin leaser. W Reading Washington A mo del for a youth, Orpha Wenger. Song Tramp, tramp school. Reading Farewell address Harvey Gehrlag. Rec. Washington Pauline Bal chellor. The next meeting of the Happy clud will be the third Friday la March. Harvey Kaser, Edith Knight and Maxine Harmon are In charge of the program. fall rnovss SERIOUS WALDO HILLS, Fee. 21 Wa., HaeTernlek was pain- fuly Injured Saturday at her home when she fell on the stairs. She was descending and thinks she missed the step because of impair ed vision looking through the low er part of bi-focal glasses. She thought she had reached the land ing ana she sua naa one step, tier knee was badly hurt -though ahe thought It was better Monday, but in trying to walk on crutches she twisted it and at this writing Is In great pain. v Goodwill Store Needs Potatoes SILVERTON;, Feb. 25 The call of the Good Will stor at Sllverton tor this week Is for po tatoes. A nice lot of donations were made last week which made the work of the committee Satur day comparatively easy. Those employed at the store Saturday were Mrs. E. Holden, Mrs. S. Gay, Mrs. C. M. Wray, and Mrs. Edson Comstoek. INJURr 13 SERIOUS WOODBURN, February 25 Andrew . Walkoskl of Woodburn was quite seriously injured Sat urday morning . when a piece of steel entered hie leg above the knee cap. The accident occurred while Walkoskl was cutting wood for Joseph Erb, abous six miles (om Woodburn. Dr. Gerald B. Smith operated on the knee Tuesday morning, removing the steel from a place very close to the bone. IF! EIIID gives warn WALDO HILLS, Feb. 25 Th ; Happy Hour club of the Ever green district held a p!e social at the schoolhouse Friday even ing. F. M. Powell of Sllverton acted as auctioneer and, added SIS to the treasury. The following program was en Joyed with Mrs. Neal Verbeck and Mardon Oveross In' charge. Song primary gradea. Piano solo Jane Ogden. Play " Interviewing Servant Girls fMrs. Ted Fin ley, Mrs. John Brunner, Maxine Harmon. Mrs. . Neal Verbeck. Edith and Ethel Knight. Ida Lund. Comic Medley Fj M. Powell.- . L. C. Eastman, Gus Ilerr. j Vocal Solo Johnny Overlund. Play Goodbye Jane Ogden, Margaret Shockley. Violin solo Kenneth Towns, accompaniment by Doris Towns. gong "Whiskers" 8atrum Bros., and boys from McLaughlin. t Duet Sylvia and Anna Over- lund. 1. Statesman subscribers have re ceived a total of fZ.COS.CI In claims, paid by the North Amer ican Accident Insurance Co.. on their S 1.00 policies. - . t.