The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 26, 1931, Page 6, Image 6

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    i 1 1
i I : The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon, Thursday Morning, February 26,1931 .
. .
r. : t
k. . . -. . , 1 1
- j I
Society News ;.4nd;:ub
Olive M. Doak. Society Editor
Rural Women Meet
In All Day
" Session
Brush College On hundred
club members and guest were
present at Brush College Satur
day when the Federation ot Rur
al Women's clubs ot Folk county
. tu entertained tjr the Sweet
Birar club. Brush College Help
ers and Spring Valley mission so
ciety with an enthusiastic all day
meeting at the local senool House.
The executlro committee of. the
federation composed of Mrs, W.
D. Henry, Zena, president, Mrs,
- Forrest Martin. Dallas, rice-pres-
ldenU and , Mrs. A. E. Utley,
Brush College, secretary were in
charge ot program arrangements.
As an opening number on the
morning program. Mrs. Irma
Fawk ot Oak GroT led in sing
ing. "America, the Beautiful.
accompanied by Mrs. A. E Utley
at piano. Mrs. Henry- introduced
the new secretary, Mrs. A. is. ui
ley to the club group as she took
tne chair for the first time Satur;
i day. Mrs. Wi D. Henry, who was
made president of the federation
, at the conrention held at Ball
ton recently,- expressed her ap
preciation of the honor paid her
for their president. Various re
sorts were then heard. Mrs.
Frank Fawk stated that the
county health and budget co-i
ml t tees had met with the Polk
county court and told ot their de
sire for a county health nurse.
Miss Margaret Gillls has been es
tablished as health nurse for
three months as a result of this
meeting.- i-
Mrs. I. J. McBeo of Dallas
tated that Mrs. Humphreys, well
known demonstrator would hold
cooking schools anywhere In Polk
county free" of charge upon "re-,
quest. Mrs. W. D. Henry re
quested representatives Item
each club to giro report at the
federation picnic to be held at
Dallas park In June, as to wheth
er the clubs desired , th cooking
Representatives of the clubs
who met for a round table discus
sion following the meeting were
Mrs, - W. D. Henry, president;
Mrs. Charles McCarter, Mrs. Fred
. Olson, Mrs. E. Farrier, Mrs. L. J.
McBee, Mrs. Forrest Martin, rice
president; Mrs. William Stod
dard, Mrs. F. Farmer, Mrs. S. D.
Crawford, Mrs. Cash Roberts and
Mrs. McDowell.
Health comn-ittee for the year
will be Mrs. C. I. Blodgett, Mrs.
Frank Fawk, Mrs. -Wi Knower
and Mrs. F. Cooper., A splendid
dinner was served at 12 o'clock,
and following the dinner 12 of
the 18 clubs in the federation
gave reports of their activities. j
Mrs. Charles N. Bilyeu state
president of the Oregon Federa
' tioa of Women's clubs was pres
ent and spoke in regard to the
advisability of the federation
taking as a project the abolish
ment of unsightly billboards
from highways. -
After Mrs. Bllyeu's talk Mrs.
Marie Flint McCall, state grange
lecturer, and, member of the fed
eration suggested beautifying the
roadside and gave Information as
to method to use. '
The splendid program was giv
en by. a group of school children.
W. A. Dalzell as one ot the
principal speakers ot the day
gave some much appreciated
reminiscences of his boyhood.
Miss Lewis Plans
Attractive Program
' - Miss Sda Trotter will present
Miss Elizabeth Lewis In piano re
cital the evening of March 2, at
the home of Mrs. Alice Wenger,
ill South Commercial street.
i Miss Lewis Is a talented young
. musician and will play an exact
ing program ot classic and mod
ern numbers. The program will
Include works Qt Bach, Beetho
ven, Chopin, Ifavel, Emil Sauer
and lAsxi.
Barbara Jane Powers, violin
ist, will be the assisting artist.
Miss Lewis Is appearing In
Portland In recital Saturday eve
ning February 28. at 408 Fine
Arts building.
North Howell Mr. and Mrs.
t. H. Drake entertained a group
of friends last Fridav vpn!n at
their home in honor of their 27th
wedding, anniversary. . Cards and
oancing maae the evening a
pleasant occasion and later Mrs
Drake assisted by Mrs. Musket
servea reiresnments.
: Guests resent Included Mr
and Mrs. Ellis Stevens, Mr. and
Airs. a. v. tucKara, Mr. and Mrs.
K. D. Coomler, Mr. and Mrs. Hol
der Mikkleson. Mr. and Mrs
Frank Pickens Mr and Mra a
D. Musket. rW. II. Steven Prniut
Pickens, Ted Stevens, Calvin Mik-
aieson, Aiabei and Bob Drake and
tne nosts, Mr. and Mrs. R. II
Drake. ,
" The photographic section of
tne baiem Arts league-will meet
in tho fire nlaee room of the rltv
library. The subject for discus
sion will -be "home tortra!ta,
and each- one is requested to
Dring an example. . Any one In
terested is welcome tn attend
these meetings which begin at
.3V o'clock. i
r& Silverton. Mr. and Mn W "R
Latham were hosts at an eveninr
of bridge Saturday when four
tables were In nlar., Snrlnr
flowers made the Latham rooms
particularly attractive for the oc
casion. Airs, ueorge Hubbs and
u. Kamseyer won high score.
Mrs. David Furlough enter
tained with V birthday dinner li
compliment to Mrs. A. L. Skewis
j ruesaay evening and this was
followed With an informal inr.
., prise party for Mrs. .Skewis at
: her own home upon her return
: xrom me amner party.
Mrs. C. W. Keens was hostess
as rive tables of bridge at her
nome Saturday afternoon. Wed
nesday Mrs. Keen and Mrs. p. A.
Loar oatsrtalaoa' Jointly, at a
rriag pany atui Keene home..
Town and Gown club, Lausanne hall. 1:30 o'clock.
jk w n TT Jason Le Methodist
church. S o'clock: Dr. L. Barthmess lecture on nar-
I Woman's Alliance will be hostess for informal eve
" alag; of cards and social time at home of Mrs. J. M. Per
rs, 1S75 Market street. J"rienda of church welcome.
i f Capital auxiliary No. 11. Patriarch Militant, L O.
O. F. hall. 8 o'clock. All members wear dress uniform.
i Ladles Aid of the Woman's Relief -Corp, Fair
grounds, for all day meeting. Potluek dinner at noon.
, ; Sunshine Sewing dub of Hasel Green, entertain
Nemo Sewing club at home of Mrs. Charles A. Koborusi
2:00 o'clock. '
i Knights and Lady Maccabees, Joint meeting, Fra-.
ternal temple, 8 o'clock; business and social meeting!
outside tents have been Invited.
), ' photographic section of Salem Arts League, in fire
1 place room of city library, 7:30 o'clock; any one Inter- -,
ested come; subject 'home portraits."
Mrs. Albert a Smith will entertain Kensington
, club.-at her home 1678 South Commercial street. Social
i afternoon. I . i .'; '
f i Leslie Can Do class, with Rev. and Mm. S, Darlow
Johnson, 7:30 o'clock.
Nebraska association, 8:30 o'clock potluek dinner,
St. Paul's parrlsh house on Chemeketa street; bring own.
table service; program planned.
I Mrs. Nellie Rahe hostess to Woman's Bible class ot
First Methodist church, at her home 831 D street.
'Salem Woman's club, board meeting 2 o'clock; bus
iness meeting 2:30 o'clock; program In charge of art
department and tea., meeting 3 o'clock.
; First Spiritualist church "circle,. George II. Stod
dard home, 1420 North Fourth street, 8 o'clock.
Barbara Freitchie tent, regular meeting, t o'clock.
Woman's clubhouse.
: Past -Matrons club of the Order of Eastern Star,
Mrs. Ida Godfrey's home. .
' Invitations out for inter-sorority "at home"; Beta
Chi, 1445 State street, 7:30ao 8:30 o'clock; Alpha Phi
Alpha, 1190 Oak street, 8 to 9 o'clock; Delta Phi, 1810
Court street, 8:30 to 9:30 o'clock.
Spring Valley Mission society, Zena school housej
all day meeting; no admission to be charged.
Camp Fire Plans
For Large Affairs
The Salem Camp Fire groups
will give the first large affair of
the season Friday night at the Ja
son Lee church. This will be a
"mother, daughter and dad" ban
quet at 6:30 o'clock and this will
be followed by a council fire at 8
o'clock at which time outside
guests are invited.
A short international program
will be given during the dinner
hour as a prologue to tne council
fire program. . .- .
In the council fire for the
Camp Fire girls fS the time when
honor beads and special local non-
ors are awarded. The Friday
night fire is only local and is in
preparation for the, grand council
fire which will take place Ln
March. At the latter time an ela
borate program will be given and
the ranks of wood gatherer, tire-
maker, and torch bearer will be
given, as well as national honors
to be awarded.
John Charge will appear on the
program Friday night with spe
cial Scotch numbers, and other
special musical numbers will be
given. At the council fire a spe
cial Interpretative pantomme of
the song "Trees ' will be given by
Mary Elisabeth and Esther Hun
saker. assisted by several "tree
dryads," who will respond with
tree poems.
! t ;
Mrs. Addison Lane entertained
In compliment to the members of
the Salem Woman's Press club
Tuesday afternoon at her home.
An Informal afternoon of bridge
ana conversation was enjoyed
and this was followed with a tea
hour. Guests were Mrs. E. A.
Brown, Mrs. W. C. Conner, Mrs.
Fred Zimmerman, Mrs. Ralph
Curtis, Mrs. Murray Wade, Mrs.
Mary Arthurs, Mrs. E. E. Tho
mas, ! Mrs. ; Buchanan, and Mrs.
Lane. Mrs. E. E. Thomas as
sisted In serving.
Bridge Afternoon
Pretty Affair
Mrs. Kenneth Power : enter
tained with a delightful bridge
luncheon at her home Wednes
day afternoon in compliment to
her club" members and additional
guests. Daffodils and : acacia
made colorful and dainty center
pieces for the tables and were
used effectively about the guest
rooms. Covers were plaeed for
If -guests.
. Mrs. Gordon Hadley won the
guest prise for bridge which fol
lowed the luncheon hour. L Addi
tional guests were , Mrs. Bert
Ford, Mrs. Gordon Hadley, Mrs.
Don Pritchet, Mrs. Charles Rob
ertson, Jr., Miss Charlotte Zel
ber, Miss Rovena Byre.
Party Compliments
Small Miss
Mrs, AI Youngblood entertain
ed Wednesday in compliment to
the fifth birthday of her small
daughter, Alelne. Spring flowers
were effectively used to make a
pretty background for the after
noon of games and the birthday
tea hour which honored Miss Al
elne. Miss Helen Newberry as
sisted at the tea hour.
Guests la compliment to Miss
Alelne were Mrs. V. Hindman
and small netee, Arlette Klee
man, Mrs. H. Garrett and Peter
and Glenn Garrett, Mrs. C Rust
and Gwendolyn Rust, Mrs. R.
Curtis and Jean and Carolyn. Cur
tis, and Jerry Youngblood;
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Craves en
tertained with a turkey dinner
Sunday complimenting: Miss Cora
Smith. Mrs. Velma smith and
sons, Maurice and Donald, George
La France and Hardin Smith.
Daffodils were used - about the
rooms, and . to center the dining
Before foief lone' from worii
est or 4rinii somslfciftf sweet
ad set how this aourisWnt
''picks you so"
I 1 hi.. W-.. -J
c nn
m m m
it's very
easy to catch
when you
tired out
It dozi not pay to go borne
"dead tired." Your system,
In such a condition, has vir
tually j no resistance. As a
result you may get chilled
then comet a cold.
The "dead tired- feeling
can bo avoided by eating or
drinking a wholesome iweet
food such at soda fountain
beverage, ice cream, candy,
or sweet cakes. These are
qslckly ; digested and tho
energy in the sugar is quickly j
available to renew rigor.
At this time of tho year ;
diet plays an important part
in the maintenance of health. !
Foods should be chosen for 1
vitamins, minerals and rough- ;
age. For quick fuel and palat- r
ability, sweet foods should"
bo included. Host foods are
more delicious and nourishing -with
sugar, Tho Sugar
Institute. -
C3"Good food promote tort he alt
Sweet Briar Club
Is Entertained
Wednesday i
Mrs. Carrie Buna was hostess
to members ot tho Sweet Briar
club at her homo Wednesday oft-
Daffodils and spring anemones
made a delicate color and flower
decoration for the guest rooms
where the guests enjoyed an in
formal social afternoon and sew
ing. Tho sowing; was dono for tho
Salvation army relief work.
Tea was served late In tho aft
ernoon with Mrs. Arthur Utley.
Mrs. Mildred Nash and Mrs. M.
C. Potteys assisting ln tho serv
ing. -
Mrs. Fred Allan. Mrs. Noyes
and Mrs. Mildred Nash were spe
cial guests. Club members are
Mrs. Olon Adams, Mrs. M. a Pet
teys. Mrs. Ray Blnegar, Mrs.
James Imlah, Mrs. BL O. Moll,
Mrs. Ralph Allen. Mrs. William
Stoddard. Mrs. W. C. Franfclle.
Mrs. F. K. Mercer, Mrs. O. C.
unarree, Mrs. Arthur Utley, Mrs.
Karl KogeL Mrs. Corydon Blod
gett. Mrs. Ed Pratt. Mrs . Tvn
Orote, Mrs. A. H. Bunn, Miss
in a asms, Mrs. James Crab
tree, Mrs. Marls Flint McCall,
Mrs. Sarah Patrick. Mrs. Carrie
Williams, Mrs. M. J. Adams and
Mrs. Olaie.
KIngwood. A pleasant after
noon was snent Thursday at tttm
homo of Mrs. D. A. Williams
wnen sno invited members of tho
Book and Thimble clnh to m
With members ot the Lanrel
clal Hour club at their semi-
montniy meeting. Mrs. J. A.
Yantiss presided at the bmlnu.
session and an amnalnar roll nail
was enjoyed when tho ladies
were required to relate the efr.
cumstances ot their first meeting
with their husbands. ,
A social afternoon was innt
with several delightful nlana
numbers by Mrs. W. A. Wilcox
and Mrs. Roy Ferguson and ln
InsDOCtlnr soma lnterestinr hatr.
looms ot tho Williams family,'
among which was a hand made
counterpane 100 years old.
Mrs. Robert Hall will enter.
tain tho clnb Tuesday, March 10,
at which time a miscellaneous
shower will bo given honoring
Mrs. Hall's niece, Mrs. Harold
Qwin. Mrs. Qwln, a recent bride,
nee, miss Laura Sparling.
Mrs. Williams was assisted at
the tea hour by Mrs. C. L. Haug
and Mrs. Q. IS. Vosburgh.
Mrs. C. B. Spencer entertained
tho Delta Chi chapter of tho
Delphlans at her homo Tuesday
morning. Miss Edith Hasard
gave the Delphian travel talk on
Italy. Topics wero taken by Mrs.
Anunsen, Mrs. Helnleln, Mrs.
Brady, Mrs. DeLaney, Mrs. Lam
breth, Mrs. Spencer, and Mrs.
Barton. Mrs. Leonard Nelson
garo an excellent book review.
Mrs. XL H. Kletxing will bo tho
next hostess, March 19.
, e e e
Dr. Roy Mott of Palo Alto. Cali
fornia, is tho guests of his mother,
Mrs. W. 8. Mott and his brothers.
Representative James Mott and
Dr. William Mott.
Standard Bearers
The Standard Bearer girls met
at tho -homo of Mrs. Flndley. Tho
meeting was called - to order by
the president, Esther Cook. De
votions wero led by Esther Hun-
saker. Thero was a short play
and a story contest, tho latter
resulted ln a tie between Betty
Parker andJoyce wood fin. The
hostess, Fayo and Fern : Col well
and Gladys Taylor served re
freshments. Various committees
wero appointed to report at tho
next meeting.
Those i attending wero Esther
Cook. Esther Hunsaker, Esther
Hawley, Eleanor Trindlo, Mar-
Jorlo Vannlcs, Peggy wagstaff.
Betty Parker, the advisor, Mrs.
Lee, Vada Wlntermato, Julia
Johnson. Joyce Wood fin. Gladys
Taylor, Fern- ColwelL Fayo Col
well, Oliro Swingle, Mrs. Swin
gle, Mario Llppold. Gladys Haw
ley, Doris Armstrong, Jane Him
met, Lola Burton, and Mrs.
Flndley. ;
Mrs. A. J. Smith is
Hubbard Hostess
Hubbard. Mrs. A. J. x Smith
was hostess to the members of
her bridge club at a 1 o'clock
luncheon at her country home
north of Hubbard Tuesday.
Daffodils used la a color
schema of yellow and green car
ried out tho springtime motif ln
the decorations. , i
Covers wero placed for Mrs.'
Julius Stauffer, Mrs. Lester Will,
Mrs. Waldo F. Brown, 'Mrs. El
mer Stauffer, Mrs. C H. Cleaver,
Sr., Mrs. Hugh Wells, Mrs. Orlle
Bojo, Mrs. George Crimps, Mrs.
Edward O. Eriekson, Mrs. Elton
McLaughlin, Mrs. C. H. Clearer,
Jr., Mrs. Neva McKentle and
Mrs. A. J. Smith. ,
The afternoon was spent at
bridge with three tables of cards
ln play and with honors won by
Mrs. ' C. H. Cleaver, Sr.. first.
and Mrs. Elmer Stauffer, second.
Sweglo A happy birthday,
surprise party was tho affair glv- j
en in compliment to the birthday !
ot O. P. Bond. Cards and dancing
wero tho features ot tho evening
and at a late hour refreshments j
wero served. Those present were
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin lm!g and son
Ruben, Mrs. M. Struts, Mr. and
Mrs. E. Hoirman and son Ted, Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Hoffman, Miss
Lena Slebens, Mr. and Mrs. R. A.
West, and children Marlon, Ruth
and Ruby, Fr. and Mrs. At Meyers
and children, Lillian,. Lester and
Lo rains, Mr. and Mrs. Gideon
Welty and son Miles. Mr. and Mrs.
Menno Dalko, Mr. John Lanei Mr.
and Mrs. Wo. Kroeplin and chil
dren Billy and Norma. Ines Dar-
cy, Mr. and Mrs. Merts and sons
Clyde and Lee, Mrs. Aufderheide
and daughters Ruth and, Alice,
Mr. and Mrs. Sweglo and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Shaffer and daugh
ter Carol, Mr. and Mrs. John Mark
shall and 1 son Dana and grand
daughter, Margaret Swenlng, Mr.
and Mrs. B. Thoma Mr. and Mrs.
John Whitehead, and family John,
Howard, Mary and Loulte.
-. . . . . . . .
r,vaemeKia cnapier, oraer or.
DeMolay for Boys win bo hosts
for a daneo to bo given tonight In
the soeial rooms of tho Masonle
temple. The danco wiU follow tho
regular business session and will
begin at t:t o'clock. Members
ot tho advisory board and their
wires, and Knight Templers and
their wives will be guests for this
C ' b Luncheon
. Pretty Affair
Mrs. Homer Egan will bo host
ess for3 an attractive luncheon
and .bridge . afternoon at her
homo ln Brooks today in compli
ment to the members of her club.
Mrs. Allan Bmon of Portland
will be an additional guest for
this affair. Club members are
Mrs. John H. Carson, Mrs. . Paul
Hendricks, Mrs. Clifford Farmer,
Mrs. HolIIs Huntington. ; Mrs,
Carl Nelson. Mrs. Donald Young,
Mrs. P. D. Qulsenberry Mrs.
Lawrence Hofer. Mrs. Karl
Becks. ' Mrs. Lawrenco ; Wood
worth. Mrs, JLllan Carson; And
Mrs. Egan. : - :-r- ! -
. , : - e e ' v -
Royal Neighbors "
Sewing Club Guest
Mrs. -.Carrie Bunn and daugh
ter Mrs. &mared iasn, entertain
ed the Royal ' Neighbor Sewing
elub Tuesday at their homo on
Hasel avenue. A potluek dinner
was enjoyed at noon. .
' Twenty-nine members wero
present for, this enjoyable affair;
Visitors present were: Mrs.- Ella
Evans of Tacoma, Washington;
Mrs. Anna Ball ot Independence;
Mrs. -Rose Glbbens, Mrs. Anna
Lichta, Mrs. Laura Rico, ; Mrs.
Stella Goler, Mrs. Margaret Al
gulro of Woodburn, and ' Mrs.
Fern Bunn ot Salem.
Tho next meeting of the club
will be March 10. with Mrs. Clara
Corbin, 1183 Center street.
V. C. T. U. Sponsors
rrogram rriaay ,
A program will be given Fri
day evening beginning at 1:10
o clock ln connection with; tho
W. C. T. U. medal contest which
will bo tho main f eaturo ot tho
evening. Several contestants will
appear and the winners will be
announced at tho conclusion: of
tho meeting. -
Piano duets, violin selections.
vocal numbers, male Quartet,
readings, and an address by Rev.
Blddlo will make up an Interest
ing program offering. Those ap
pearing are Paulino Nelson, Ger
aldlno Peterson, Tommy Medley,
Merrill Van Cleave. Mrs. Pros-,
cott, Mrs. Gels, Harriett Porter,
Phyllis Miller, Miss Elverda Mln
ton. Dean Ellis, Dorothy Duncan,
Eleanor Mead, Daisy Mint on and
Rer. Blddlo. '
The program will be given in
tho Castle United Bret horn
church on North 17th and Ne
braska streets. Public Is invited.
Mrs. Cora Smith is
Rainbow Hostess
Mrs. Cora Smith entertained
Informally for members of tho
Rainbow club of the Royal Neigh
bors ot Woodcraft at her home
Monday evening. After, a social
and business meeting va late sup
per was 8 erred.
Guests wero Miss Dorothy
Stafford, Miss Lillian Kayser.Mrs.
Vona Herrln, Mrs. Pearl Harris.
Mrs. Halite Lynch. Mrs. Lanora
Dennis, Mrs. Florence ' Bressler,
Mrs. Nora Busey, and Mrs. Smith.
. e e e
An Informal and delightful
luncheon and afternoon of eon
tract bridge was enjoyed by the
members of tho contract bridge
elub of Mrs. Conrad Paulas
when oho entertained Wednesday
arternoon at nor homo. 1
Word from Mr. and-Mrs. W. H.
Daney and Mrs. Frank 8nedecore
indicates that tho travelers are
haying a splendid tour and enjoy-
lnrarery spot of local eolor. Tho February 18.
last note was from New Orleans
and tho Mardl Gras has been a
part of the day's entertalnmen.
They were to leave for Florida
M- 4 O)
otIIt every
a t
F--tHE&FS ooe thing lApartio
JL ulax about FrJgldalro that
every woman likeaj And that
tho Uct that eren tho trnallftt
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With a Frigldaire In your homo
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you can usually find room for all
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And when you turn the cock
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For Frigldalrebasthcsurplus power tokeep
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This is one reason why FrJgidalre quickly
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truJj economical rtfrrgtratorfooumandfo mso.
we Invite yon to call at our ahowtoom
andsecthominyFrigiririrg features that
will save yoo money, time and trowbloi
The latest models are oovoo display
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Listed Below Are a Few Prices Which
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Customer of the
capitae: drug store
Auto Strop Blades'..
Gillette Razor Blades
L Q. S. Elixir Pt
American Mineral Oil
Orlis Mouth Wash 20 oz....
Aquavelva ...
Mennen's Snaving Crea
PinauSa Lilac VegretaL..
Palraolivo Soap 1 .....
Psyllium Seed 1 lb. Can-.: .
Success KidneyTills..
Witch Hazel Pt.....l.
-L .for
25e , Aspirin Tablets
75a Aspirin Tablets
S5e Aspirin Tablets
45o Kotex . ..
50 Pepsodent Tooth Paste.....
85e Palmollve Shaving Cream..
125 Phospho Comp.
1.00 Cod liver Oil Olafsen......
1.00 Cod Liver Oil (Flavored) . Olaf sen
50 Furniture Polish 8 oz.i..L-...
1.00 Listerine .
1.50 PInkham'i Compound
80s Syrup of Figs-.. .
75 Baurhe Bengue .
Rubbing Alcohol
Cuticura Soap
Kleenex ;
.Fletcher's Castoria
J -for
. .for
Hm ...... .....for
. for
Ipana Tooth Paste :. f or
Pebeco Tooth Paste .....for;
Cold Cream Perfection 4 oz.L............for
Cold Cream Tt. Amelita 16 oz....
Lemon Cream (Jar) 4 oz..........
Orang-e Flower Skin Food 2 oz.
Peau Doux Shav. Cr. Med
Listerine Tooth Paste
Lucky Tiger Hair Tonic. for
Cocoanut Oil and Egg- Sharhpoo:.....f6r
Kolor-Bak ... .for
Orlis Tooth Paste-. . Lfor
AmeUta Lip Stick Lge. Light ...fpr
AmeUta Lip Stick Lge. Med . .for
Amelita Rouge (6 shades) ..for
Anident Tooth Past . , , , f0r
J for
- ..-for
Modernique Stationery
Peau Doux Playing- Cards
Evans Pound & Half Sandy.
Hair Brush - ,, . "
Cannon Bath Towels.
Rubber Aprons
.for , 59c
. 40c
1 69c
( 5i2c
27 c
49 c
-Uf or
Capital' "Drag
US suu
Only tho Best