The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 26, 1931, Page 3, Image 3

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    Tht OREGON STATESMAN. Sakza, Oregron, Thursday Morning, February 26, 1931
Local News Briefe
Attend Meet A number from
the Salem grange were In North
Howell yesterday to attend a
meeting of the agricultural and
home economies comnitfteaa of
the granges ot the county. Going
from here were:. Mr. and Mrs. E.
O. Beckley, S. H. Van Trump. Mr,
and Mrs. F. S. ToVnsend. Mrs.
Clara Shields. Mrs. Viola Harri
son, Mrs. J. J. McDonald and Miss
Ethel Fletcher. Fred A. Golf or
Koseborg. chairman of .the state
grange grange agricultural com
mittee who was in Salem, also
went over, as did M. F. Shrock
of Clackamas county; S. H. Ed
wards of CorTallis, Charles Wick
lander of Portland and C M. My
nat of Riddle, all of . whom hap
pened to be In Salem on legisla
tive matters. '
Dollar dinner ever night 5:45
to 8 at the Marlon hotel. -
Foils Holdup Man When A. A.
Mayfield. route 1, was held up
near the Oregon Gravey company
plant on North Front street, Tues
day night at :45 p. m. be didn't
giro the desperado a chance to
rob him of any -valuables. After
knocking the robber down; May
field fled. Mayfield's description
of the man to local police was
that he wore a brown overcoat,
cap and' trousers, -and had about
an Inch growth ot beard on his
face. v" .
Crash Wrecks Wbeel When
machines drlTen by GoTer C. Htn
kle, 546 Soth 14th street, and
Tom Milter, Philomath, Ore
crashed at the corner of State and
Warerly streets. Wednesday af
ternoon, the front bumper of the
latter car wrecked the rear wheel
of Hinkle's machine. Hlnkle was
proceeding east on State street,
and Miller came onto State from
the north, hesitating but for an
Instant at the stop sign.
Old Time Carnival D"ance, Che
mawa M. W. A. hall, Thurs. NUe.
Social Hygiene .Discussed
Vernon A. Douglas oi mo mwu
county health clinic discussed
"Social Hygiene" from the physi
cian's viewpoint, at the regular
meeting of Willamette university
campus Y. M. C. A. In Caresto
Cottage Wednesday night. This
was the first of a series of meet
ings which will last through three
or four weeks. Other speakers
will be the dean o!swomen of the
university and a local minister.
Burglars Attempt Entrance
Tom's lunch room on South 12th
street near the Southern Pacific
depot was broken into Tuesday
night. A window , was reported
broken on the north side of the
building. The investigating offi
cer reported that nobody bad en
tered the room and that the win
dow might have been broken by
a rock.
Wanted light and heavy hens.
Highest market price. Tel. 1880.
Cros3 Market. ,
- Akiln .Stricken The Wom
an's Union of the First Congre
gational church devoted its meei
fng session Wednesday afternoon
to sewing for the Red Cross. Ar
ticles made will be sent to chll
. dren and grown, folk,; In the
drought stricken .areas of the
Country. The meeting yesterday
was at the ; home of-Mrs.-W. I.
Sons of Vets Meet The Sons
of Veterans of the Civil war and
the auxiliary met at the Wom
en's club house Wednesday night
for a dinner and program. The
entertainment, was furnished by
the Joseph Benner family, rausi
: ciahs and the main address of
the evening was given by W. A.
Delzell. A good rowd wa in at
tendance. Miller's dressmaking contest
ends Saturday night.
Expert May Visit Here Word
was given out at the physical edu
cation office of the Y. M. C. A.
that Ralph Carlton. Pacific north
west representative of the Ameri
can Red Cross, may visit here
come time in the middle of March.
Mr. Carlson is swimming examin
er for the Red Cross and con
ducts swimming schools through
out this part of the country.
V" Harmony Class Each
Tuesday night, one-half hour pre
vious to rehearsal of the Salem
Symphony orchestra at the Y. M.
C. A., Prof. II. W. Hans
to conduct a harmony class for
musicians. The first meeting
Tue3dkay night was a success, ac
cording to advices from the Y. M.
C. A.
Gets Mention Honorable
mention for the Oregon diviston
of the national safety campaign's
lesson , contest ' was accorded an
article submitted by -Miss Greta
Iliatt of the Garfield school fac
ulty, according te word received
here. Miss Hiatt teaches the
sixth grade. :. : ' -
12 and 16 inch wood, also plan
er wood S5.00 cord load delivered
from carsi 5.50 from yard. Cobbs
& Mitchell Co. 349 S. 1. Tel a 13.
Attorney Recorded The clr
cult court 1 "box' was swelled
yesterday, with orders on 15
cases brought by the Intermo'tn-
tain, Building and Loan associa
tion against 15 different parties.
in each Instance, the order made
Lars BergsTik attorney of record
. for plaintiff. . .
; Swimmers Practice Regular
practice of the high school swim
ming squad, "consisting of about
12 boys, has been going on each
week in the Y; M. C. A. tank. Bob
Boardman, physical director of the
Y," states that a meet will prob
ably be scheduled soon with th
University of Oregon freshmen.
To Amend Complaint Order
allowing, the, plaintiff to file an
amended complaint has been
: signed by the circuit Judge In the
ease of William Smith. against F.
W.- Pettyjohn company.
Wttfcaat pratia loss f Urn.
$29 Orcga Slag.
Y Ixbby Program Friday
night's lobby program at the Y.
M. C. A. will be the annual In ter
national program.; Among the 10
or 12 nations represented,, by
eongs, dances and stunts are
England. Scotland. Ireland, Swe
den, Germany, Switzerland, Italy,
Spain. France and Japan. Wil
liam McGllchrlst, Sr., is the mem
ber of the lobby program com
mittee who is in charge of this
event. ; ; ;
Miller's I dressmaking contest
ends Saturday night. ; "
To Make Appraisal An offi
cial of the American public
health association, will be In Sa
lem one day next weea to check
with Dr." V. A. Douglas, "county
health officer, on the latter's ap
praisal of health work ; in . the
county. Heretofore the 'national
body has sent a man in to make
the appraisal, but this year a
check will be made witn ut
Douglas' figures.
Amends1 Complaint Based on
second amended complaint filed
in case of George Diets vs. C. E.
Taylor, Diets has made motion to
have himself made plaintiff as
guardian of William Hagan, in
sane. Instead of as administra
tor of another estate. In the com
plaint, . Diets asks recovery of
deed to certain property held by
Taylor or Judgment of $2,500.
12 and 16 inch wood, also pla
ner wood, $5.00 per cord load de
livered from car. $5.50 from yard.
Cobbs & Mitchell Co., 349 S 12th.
Tel. S13. i
Civil Examinations Five per
sons wrote on the seven-hour jun
ior engineer civil service examin
ation, conducted at the postoffice
yesterday -.with Jos. Benner In
charge, .? Three divisions of en
gineering were sought: civil, me
chanical and structural steel and
concrete. The examinations were
for departmental posts.
. .
Filed Report J. F. Ruther
ford yesterday filed , with the
sheriff report of accident which
happened at Hazel Green. The
accident involved car of C. Hynes.
Rutherford says he made attempt
to dodze Hvnes. who was coming
along themain rsad while Ruther
ford drove out from a side roadT
Miller's dressmaking contest
ends Saturday night.
Building Permits The fol
lowing building permits were Is
sued Wednesday by the city build
ing Inspector's office: L. Nelson,
repair one story dwelling at 263
Cherry street, cost $105; Produ
cers Cooperative Packing com
pany, erect one story fuel . bin
at 1695 North Commercial street,
cost $500.
Pro-school Child Studied
Members of - the Parent-Teacher
association and the American as
sociation of University Women
sponsored a pre-school child stu-
d group which met at the Y. m.
C. A. dnesda nieht. The
basis of habit building was dis
Dance Friday, Hazel Green.
Traffic Iaw Violations Those
convicted of traffic law violations
In the police court, here. Wed
nesday, were Adolph E. Schulx,
Route 1. who failed to stop at a
stop sign;; and Frederick E. Broer-
of Salem (who was fined $5 for
speeding, j Sehulz paid a $2.50
"V"-Hvkrbn Man A" Is Us A
visitor Tuesday night at the lo
cal Y. M. C- A. was Dr. F. Messing
who la head ot the social hrgieme
department of Oregon. He has
been conducting a weeit s cam
paign In the Eugene puDnc
schools. ;
Funds Go Ud The Y. W. C. A
has raised $4,242 to date in its
budget campaign, according to
firures comDiled at a meeting or
workers and captains held yester-
ria mnrnlnr at thft Y W. U. A.
hnilrHnir The ram Tin I en will con
tinue until the $7,000 minimum
budget is reached.
More Fever Two new cases of
scarlet fever have been reported
in the county, one at Mt. Angel,
bringing the total there in the
past month to five, and one trpm
near Woodburn. They are both of
a mild nature.
Miller's dressmaking contest
ends Saturday night.
'Surprise Speaker The Lions
club will have as speaker at, its
session this noon a member, of
the legislature. Identity of the
speaker has not been made
known; however, the program
committee promises an Interest
ing session.
Hl-Y Meets The Hi-Y club
has changed Its place of meeting
having ; met for the first time
Wednesday night- at the Argola
for a dinner meeting. Heretofore
the club i has met In the social
room, of- the Y. M. C. A. for Its
dinner meetings.
Sale Confirmed Order con'
firming sale of real property in
the estate of William Wiley Gasn
a minor, has been signed by the
probate Judge. Elizabeth jam is
guardian of the minor. ,
Hospital Beds
For Rent
00 2193. Csed Furniture
t Departmens
151 n. Bigb
... - tSr' 'Jfc
Seek ; Recover .Money The
Union Central Life : Insurance
company hat tiled suit against
John D. Rile and wife to recover
money alleged due on n promts-;
sory note. The Aurora, bank has a
second ' mortgage against Hile's
property, mortgaged to the insur
ance company, the complaint
states. ,
Wanted light and heavy hens.
Highest market price. Tel. 1880,
Cross Market. :
Appeal Filed E. A. Magnesen
has filed transcript of appeal in
his .case against Marion" county
over5 alleged damage to his prop
erty in relocation ot market road
No. 45. Magnesen Says the court
offered him 160.20 in settlement
of the damages, but that the
damage done amounts to $1,255.-
14. : r - ., -! .
Hearing March SO John P.
Hunt, as executor of the estate of
Sallie Graham, has filed amended
petition for order ot sale of real
property. Hearing on the petition
has been set for March 30 in the
county court chambers.
Dunne to Talk -The Fraternis
club will have as Its speaker at
the session tonight Senator Jo
seph Dunne of Multnomah coun
ty. The club will meet at the Spa
at 6:30 o'clock. Dunne's subject
nas not been announced.
Shed dry wood-coal. Prompt de
livery. Tel. 13, Salem Fuel Co.
Appraisal March P Dr. R. "l.
Lee Steiner, E. F. Slade and
C. W. Paulus, appraisers of the
estate ot Daniel J. Fry. Sr.. Vill
make the first appraisal March 9,
according to notice in probate, .
Nominate ' Tonight Salem
lodge B. P. O. E. will nominate
officers for the coming year at the
regular meeting of the lodge to
night. Election will be held
March 5. H. H. Hulsey Is the
present exalted ruler of the order.
Dunn Is Callei- J. H. Dunn of
the Northern School Supply com
pany, with headquarters in Port
land, was in the city yesterday
to confer with school officials.
Tice on Business Fred Tice,
representative of the Scott Fores-
man Book company, was. in the
city on business for his company
Dance Friday, Hazel Green.
Scio Student Party Some of
the students from Scio high school
are scheduled ta be here. Friday
night for a party. They will swim
at the Y. M. C. iA. tank. !
O. S. C. Profs. Volleyball Two
teams of the professors of Ore
gon State college volleyball squad
will play the local business men
at fie Y. Sr. C. A. Thursday night.
Wednesday Traffic A rest J.
J. Gaffney, 2025 Myrtle aveno
was arrested Tuesday on charge
of falling to stop at a stop sign.
Attachment The sheriff has
filed certificate of attachment
with the county clerk In case of
Julia Parsons vs. J. H. Ellis.
Estate dosed Order has been
entered In probate court closing
the estate of John Walling. T.J.
Brabec Is administrator. ,
nintiwr "inl Reckless driv
ing cost Charles Ginther 35 and
costs when he was convicted In
local justice court on Wednesday.
George M. Johnson died in this
city February 24, aged 65 years;
uncle of Mrs. Walter Kennedy
and . Ralph J. Kennedy and
brother-in-law of Mrs. A. Robin
son, all of Salem. Funeral serv
ices Thursday, February 26, at 2
p. m. from the chapel of 3 the
Clough-Barrick company, Rev.
Tibbits officiating. Interment
City View cemetery.
Robert L. Austin died in this
city February 25, aged 52 years;
husband of Mrs. Emma Austin
of Portland; son of Mrs. Susie
Austin of Portland; brother of
Morton F. Austin, Mrs. George
E. Johnson and Miss Elva B.
Austin of Portland and Mrs. C.
P. Ellison of Salem. Announce
ment of funeral later by W. T.
Rlgdon and Son.
.Merest iflemorfn)
A Park Cemetery
with perpetual care
Just ten minutes from the
heart of town i
: ::v ; '
City View Cemetery
Established 1893 Tel. 1200
Conveniently Accessible
Perpetual care provided for
Prices Reasonable
JL rvmxx. dtuctou
Omt Srrtc ta Partm!
Oar PrteM An BmmmMs
On Rom hi Ktodrra
Uensset Z4y E-tlalaw.
" Indoor HutUH
. tLcnrs X. SXGDOK, XSgC .
- j
Mary Ann GHkey was Early
Teacher; Graduate of
; Willamette, 1866
3 1 .... ' .. ,
With the departure from this
life of Mrs. Mary Ann Gilkey,
Oregon has lost one ot its earli
est pioneers and most active citizens.-
Her parents were the first
white couple to be married in
this section and she was the first
white girt born in Yamhill coun
ty. The Indian children -were
her playmates ot girlhood days.
Her life not only reached far
back ' into the early days of the
settlement of our community and
state, but also figured promi
nently in," progressive endeavors
of more recent years.
Mary Ann Robinson, was born
on her father's old. donation land
claim, three miles south of Day
ton, Oregon, March. 7th, 1846. On
February 21, 1S1, at the age of
84 years, 11 months, and 14
days, she peacefully went to her
reward. ' -
Her early schooling was in the
district school near her home, in
what is now the Webfoot dis
trict, While studying In this lit
tle school she was under the
splendid and lasting influence of
her highly esteemed . teacher ana
friend. Mrs. William OdelL Fol
lowing this she was for ;a time
in the graded school at Lafay
ette. ,
She later attended the Port
land Academy, . and completed
her courses of study at Willam
ette university in 1866. She
taught In, various parts of the
Willamette valley for about 14
years. It seemed that wherever-
she would go In recent years sne
would there find some former
student who was eager to pay
her a tribute.
Miss Robinson was married In
1880 to William E. Gilkey. They
made their home on a part of
the old homestead near Dayton.
Mr. Gilkey died in 1918.
The wide range of Interests of
Mrs. Gilkey, as well as her store
house ot historical incidents
made her a fascinating conversa
tionalist. She found great Inter
est in the history of the Oregon
country, in fact, in anything pio
neer, particularly In the history
of early Methodism. She was a
member of the Oregon Pioneer
association. Because of her lit
erary Interests and appreciation
of books, the Dayton library has
been named the Mary A. Gilkey
library in her honor. She was a
charter member of the Pleasant
Hour Reading club.
Mrs. Gilkey was also a charter
member of the Webfoot Metho
dist church. After the first
church building had burned she
rode horseback all over the
neighboring country to solicit;
funds for the rebuilding of the
church. She taught in the Sun
day school, acted as superinten
dent ot the Sunday school and
was active In every way in the
work of the church there. A tact
of interest was her personal ac
quaintance with many of the pio
neers of alethodism in Oregon,
as her acquaintance with "Fath
er Wilbur; "Father" Roberts;
Rev. Royal, and the daughter of
Jason Lee who was preceptress
at Willamette university when
she attended, as well as many
others of note.
Those who survive are: three
nieces. Miss Lena- Stilwell of
Dayton, Oregon; Mrs. Ina Tag
gart of Ontario, Oregon; Mrs.
Mamie Randall of Amity, Ore
gon; and two nephews, Clair , C.
From Fairfield F. Ralph Du
Rette of Fairfield was a business
visitor in Salem Wednesday.
When you begin to suffer from
heartburn, gas or Indigestion, it's
usually the fault of too much acid
in your stomach. The best way
the quickest way to stop your
trouble Is with Phillips . Milk of
Magnesia. A spoonful in water
neutralizes many times its volume
In stomach acids and does it
instantly. The symptoms disap
pear in five minutes.
You will never use crude -methods
when you know Phillips Milk
of Magnesia. And you will never
allow yourself to suffer from
over-acidity again. It is the
standard 1 anti-acid with doctors
and has been for over fifty years.
Your drug store has Phillips
Milk of Magnesia, in generous
25c and 50c bottles. Full direc
tions for. its many uses in every
package. Insist on the genuine.
A less perfect product may not
act the same. "
.Although we . have been
making this excellent eough
remedy for over 27 years, it
does not remain the same. We
are ever on the alert to accept
new principles (drug) that
will improve the action and
quality of our product.
Thus In our syrup you are
receiving the benefit of long
experience and the latest pro
ven drug products for allevi
ating the discomfort and dis
tress caused by ' coughs and
colds. N
In most of the remedies of
the market the formula is fix
ed and ' due to - new medical
discoveries soon become obso
lete. In Schaefer's Remedies
yon are assured that this will
not happen and yoo are gett
ing the benefit of the latest
Sch a efer's
The original yellow front can
dy special store of Salem.
1S5 N. Coml St, Phone 197
' Penslar Agency
" -' - ' ... 1
Little five-year-old Jane Elisabeth
Whitelaw. daughter of a well
known English racehorse owner
and trainer, is probably one of tna
world's richest riris. A grand
aunt died recently, leaving- arr es
tate of approximately $ 10,00V
000. The little Jnbsh girl
(shown above with her constant
companion) was made heiress to a
large portion of the huge estate.
Stilwell r San" Francisco, Cali
fornia; and John B. Stilwell of
Dayton, Oregon. She also leaves
a number of other relatives and
innumerable friends.
View Proposed
Locations For
Matket Roads
To look over locations of con
templated market road construc
tion lor the new season. County
Roadmaster Johnson, Commis
sioner Jim Smith and Market
Road Engineers Cutler and" Scott
were in the Silver creek falls area
The men viewed routes on both
sides of .Silver creek falls, and
were also In the Crooked Finger
district and the Jack's bridge
la an opportunity to nuke
1 on a safe and sound
Investment. '
. . . controlling and man
aging building and -loan as
sociations In the principal
cities of Oregon, Is offering
Preferred Stock at f lOO
Guaranteed Dividends'
Payable Quarterly
Also sold in units of -
1 share no Par
common $100
shares Preferred
Easy partial payment plan
if desired
For further particulars
send your name and
address to the
fnvtthntol Department Jl
Guardian Bldg., Portland, Ore.
In hilun In Hm Stata W Ongont
Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays
February 20, 21, 27, 28, March 1st
.$ 90
.$ .50
Astoria .
.$ .70
Other points
Tickets on sale In both directions between all points,
minimum 50e ":
Return limits Tuesdays following dates of sale.
E. F. ROBERTS, City Passenger and Tkt. A sent, Tel. 727
Larmer Transfer &
Phono 3113a
We also handle Fuel Oil and Coal
Melchoir, Sims and Hughes
Move up in Ranking,
Is Announcement
Three promotions ot interest to
this section were announced yes
terday at Oregon national guard
headquarters hers. Those receiv
ing promotions are Michael J.
Melchoir ot Salem, Elburn T.
Sims and Everett J. Hughes, both
of .Woodburn. :
Melchoir,' who has been master
sergeant in headquarters battery,
249th coast artillery, - here, ; was
promoted' to - second lieutenant
and assigned to post of adjutant
of the second battalion, 249th
coast artillery. He has been a
member of the national guard tor
the past 10 years and is a vet
eran of the world war, -r
Sims has been a first lieuten
ant with howitzer company, 186th
infantry, Woodburn, . and Is now
prompted to rank Of captain, and
assigned to command of howitser
company, 186th Infantry, succeed
ing Oliver S. Olson, who was made
a major a few weeks ago. Sims
has been in the guard since 1917,
and served oversees with com
pany I, 162nd infantry,, seeing Ser
vice in several important' engage
ments on the western front. 1
As a result of Sims' promotion.
Second Lieutenant Everett! J.
Hughes 'steps up to he first lieu
tenant in the howitzer company.
He also served in old company
I, 162nd Infantry.
Salem barbers have been "call
ed down" by international head;
quarters at Indianapolis for fight
ing amendments to the barbers
license law -before the present
legislature, i
' The proposed legislation would
place members of the state hoard
for ijour travel dollar?
Jut check over In your
mind how many more trips
you can make during 1931
if yen go the Pacific Grey
hound way. And remem
ber, every modern travel
'. luxury is yours -PLU Sp
ine added zest of scenic
: San Francisco ." . . .f.lSJSO .
Portland .......... 1.30 . -
JLos Angeles ....... 22U50
Chicago ........... 44.00
(via California)
fqvo'fy law fam H j
iafn NoMoa
V Phone 696
tnpft ffdof
.Sarvica elf PoinU
Forest Grore $135
Ilillsboro ... .. .$120
Rainier .$195
Seaside -$335
Vernonia $2.15
Jn proportion.
on av monthly salary basis, hut
Salem: barbers declare this would
lncreasa operating expenses need
lessly and have worked against
the bill. The measure is backed
largely by Portland barbers, It is
said. . .. 1 '
But now International has tak
en a hand, - with the ' following
telegram received here under sig
nature of James C. Shanessy,
president of the international
journeymen's barber union: '
"Immediately withdraw your
opposition and fight on amend
ments to license law or section
152 of the constitution
rigidly enforced." Fines of from
$5 to $25 and suspension from
the union if not paid are outlined
in section 152.
O.E. Extension
Order Received
By Commission
The public service, -commission
yesterday received from the in
terstate commerce commission a
copy of an order issued February
12, relative to the granting of a
certificate of public convenience
and necessity authorising the
Oregon Electric Railway com
pany to construct an extension ot
its railroad, , and a branch line
leading from such extension.
Provision ' also is made in the
order for Joint operation by the
Oregon Electric Railway com
pany and the Southern . Pacific
company, .over a part of the
branch line, all of which is in
Lane county,
Sportsmen of Charlevoix,
Mich., have proposed; that Fox
Island in Lake Michigan be
stocked with foxes. j
1 "-, 1 Dr. Chan Lam
1. I Chinese Medicine
i 180 N. Commercial
St., Salem
. lil Office j hoars
" every Sunday . 2:30
. to 5:80 p. bo.
Ladd & Bush, Bankers
Established 1868
SlOOO Tawrel
Accident Itmac
fa Only SlXK
FmH-tm of Policy
twain lot a Jim imf fJOO. ,
2. Dwtk ,,T-itl mf fnm flftOt
t 10,OM m rlid m pmtief.
tmtirmmd mm mmtier.
V, I 4 mt QTim tmrrig t If
f. aim mimt mt tkm mtm amd
mt U-r, msm li
V. f " ' " ' 1" Jl"'
t It--. 22
! ! -ifri
IV' : l-i-J
. .
I acts first,
a hmmmJkol,
Salem, Oregon.
You are hereby authorized tor enter my 'subscription to
The Oregon Statesman tor one year from date. It is under
stood that The Oregon Statesman Is to be delivered to my ad
dress regularly each day by your authorized carrier and I
shall pay him for the same at the regular established rate.
... ; r ,. .(!
I am not now a subscriber to The Oregon Statesman ( )
, I am now a subscriber to The
CITT. . STATE. .............
f OCCUPATION. ......... PHONE...
" " : -.:': il .,
I am! enclosing a payment of 11.00 Policy fee. I am to
receive a $10,000.00 Travel Accident Insurance Policy issoea
by the North American Accident Insurance Company at Chi
cago, Illinois. 1
Jlall Subscriptions Must Be Paid In Advance!
John M. Payne, 89, a former
resident of Salem, died Wednes
day at the Portland Sanitorium,
Portland, According to word re
ceived here last night. Mr. Payne
and family lived in this city for
many years . before moving to
Portland about 20 years ago. He
was there a member of the firm,
of John M. Payne and company.
Surviving Mr. Payne is the wid
ow. Belle Payne; daughters, Ad
eline Dunsford, Delia Jeffrey, Le
na and Mary Payne, all of Port
land; and a son, Edward S. Payne. '
Funeral services wilt be held
today at 1:30 p. m. from the Hol
man and Lutx parlors in Portland.
! THE economical, eotoy-
able way to visit tW;
1 OW Country - on an "AH
l Expense" Tour. Your cross!
j on s Canadian Pacific fine
' from Montrest or Quebec
i vis the St Lawrence Sea
, way - then just 3 or days
on the open sea and you're
in Europe. Ask your local '
agent for "All Expense"
Tour literature. 1
'AOpoO-ton jiante$...J
days fee Europe . . . first
sailings i in June. '
nA WOg-AU 1 mi w lfOnAMl Mr- mm
ffiy " "
Family's Fuluro
YOU may not know it, but FATE
has your number. Daily he's rolling
dice, along crowded highways. Any day
he may roll YOUR number. If he does,
be protected. Don't gamble with your
family's future. You can get 10,000
protection for 1 .00. Protection means
too much land 1.00 is too little to quibble
over or put off. i Act now before FATE
for Insurance
Oregon Statesman ' . )
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