J The OREGON STATESMAN, Balcra, Oregon, PAGE ELEVEN ;fjfee Meeting Place tor Buyer and Seller. Save The Statesman mumel no fi nancial responsibility tor rnra which may appear In advertta ments published In its column, but to cases where this paper U at fault will reprint that part o f an advertisement in which th typo graphical aiiatak occurs. Classified AdvertUisS buji. ii tinn t Una Thro Insertions Pr Six insertion wr On monta Vr mi mimum Copy for this pag accepted un til 6:20 th evening before publi cation for claaaiflcatlon. Copy re vived after thia time wUl b run Jfnde? tha heading Too Lata to Classify. . i :.r .. HELP WANTED jUUVa-ri mmm Rett Silk Hosiery Mil la baa an pantak in SJV 1 L Af! Sn or wc whocanjve A-l rf- trencea ppiy --.-- Hotel Sen i. tor. HELP ;W ANTED MALE iocaj portion to reaponaibla. youn wiVoitr Jl J ear a of ago. Steady wS?k. twod pay. Muat ba able to fur SKi bond? Apply room 211. Senator w a nj-r-E-ri SnnieoM to cut, Topa find landing trees after sawmilL an he wood for SOc cord, to b aid aa wood la removed. C. Ram sey er. Jefferson. RO"t ' WANTEr-Carpnter for "buildlnj ttanchlona In dairy barn a. Lock Box (4, BaUm, Oregon. HELP WANTED FEMALE ADDRESSING ' E N V E L O F BS WORK AT HOME during apara time. Kubitantlai I weekly , pay ; experience CnneMBaary. .Dignified employment f! SSeTtTtoic era , bltloua Per-ona WORKERS; LEAGUE, , N A P i. R VILLW, HL. - 'mmmmmmmmmm SITUATIONS WANTED Middle aged woman wants cooking r nursinfr. i Experienced. Ielerences, llox 394, ) Statesman. . . :.. , i-n-xruaj'uLrxnj-Lj-u u'tr-" ' PracUcal nuraa wlahea Poajon " Companion or housekeeper to InyaMd r elderly couple in Salem or vicinity. Would conaiJer motherlesa noma witn cMldreo of hln school age. TeL 9i. will care for cbll- flren . In heri borne by hour, day, or toard and room by month. Box 93, - sutmrnan. I FOR SALE Miscellaneous ajmju-uui-ar 'i iri i ' Will aell iraa range or trad for efood-TeL 8tl. j-.---.-.'- - - - - FOR SALE Oats and vetch hay.. Market price.' C. Ramseyer, Jelfer- j Route -;L .,JIJ,J-Ln ,-'-, Ul, nr J FOR SALE Used ranges $5.00 and cp. Used furniture at a bargain. 3Z Commercial. GET TOUR FARM INSURANCE from OREGON MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO- of McMinnvlUe, Ore. Tteaaonable rat?a BTANDLEY A FOLEX. Agta, Bush Bank Bldg. Baled vetch end oat hay. Route . Box 10L I GET YOUR . AUTOMOBILE IN SURED WITH STANDLET A FO LEY, Bush Bank Bfds.. "Reasonable Katea" . j . m . n r -.-n- FOR BALE Team and. harness, will take soma hay In trade. Phone T r.-,. . 137 Best atocki of guaranteed used sew Ins machines In Salem. No reason able cash offer refused. Dealers ln- WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO. Across from Klslnore Theatre. While they last. Regular $120 White Hotary reposseased machines in wal nut cabinets: for $35. WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO. Across from Elslnore Theatre. TOH RALK Good radio set. with eliminator. Excellent reception, and pnod selectivity. Neat case. Will sac rlfice for $22.S0. Box 351. States man. 1 Nearly new oak vanity, mirror and Chair.. TeL 3576J. trrvv-w----irii-.-i--.'-r-M-M--ii Chase and Baker riano Circassian Walnut. $160 cash. Evenlnga 1525 N. lth. FOR SALE Oreeon and Marshall strawberry plants. Tel. 61F15. . Ifousehold furniture. C89 S. 12th. Apples delivered. Tet tlFlt. FOR SALE: shafting, pulleys, hang ers. Statesman Publishing Ca- FOR SALE Old papers. 10c a bun Ola. Statesman office. Typewriters, ell makes, new and used. Adders and typewriters torrent. Typewriter Exchange. 421 Court St. TRADE Miscellaneous Will exchanre 1929 Che v. sedan for 1930 model light car and pay cash difference. Box 242. Statesman. Piano on aednn 40 8. ltth. WANTED Miscellaneona Assessable j white fir stumpage for ru!p wood wanted. Write amount, price and location to Bos 275, States man. . j W ANTEI -Used ptanoa. In ex change en radios, phonographs, or fur tltura. H. I. Stiff Furniture Company WANTED Ivory or light colored Chiffonier and chest of drawers, cheap. Also Want small fireplace set. Hot 810f estate nan. MISCELLANEOUS Experienced washing machine .re pairing. We specialise in Eaaya J. B. Chamberlain. Portland Gas A Coke Co. TeL 373. If Trust Secured savin ap- pai to you, can ueo. vick, 23. FOR RENT ROOMS Room for rent In modern home. In- Mudlng breakfast. Close to state house. 253 N. 13th. TeL 386W. TILLIE, THE TOILER . Am lOn r 1 Oft If OH. !m2. MHIPPi-E CAM 4 1- " ' " inw 1 I . 7r7&kyoj OF-ice juy w,,Trn I 5 f r. l .1 i - ) i ll J " CJ Ij ei3Llarwtw-aiT--U-alwlsetet9iSillf V I ; " . . .. " ' ! ' 1 ' ' . ' f '..'1'' - ' , ' " i; - i i - vm : t x. : FOR RENT ROOMS Warm Bleeping rootnm. Xiaaaonable. One block i north - of state house. Tel. lUCW. : "I ROOM and BOARD - Will J care for conralescent In my comfortable, modern horn. Best of car and diet. Box 2 S 2, Statea xnaa. ' ---- EXCELLENT beard and cheerful rooms la private' heme. 36a Center. $20.00 m 3 meaia Mi N. Com'L I Room and board, $23 up. 245 So. Cottasv. Tel. FOR RENT APARTMENTS TJnfurtilahed apartment at the Vir ginia. March 1. Electrio stove, elec trokold. J-eat and water. Call at once. Tft 171 fcIt-XTOjN APTS. 1 and X man fur. apt; avallabla Mar: 1st. One 3 rm. UBlur. apt. kout . fcth. Electrio rang and. refrigeraUon. 670 N. Win ter street.; 3 room furnisiied apartment. Newly ?npered. New . overstuffed furniture, Ighta, water and garbage service free. 2 blocks north of Buaick'a market. Adults only. X49 Division. Newly furaished apartment, lowest price In Salem. 483 S. Com'L Phone 14SW. Faralahed apartment. Modarn with radio. 730 N. Liberty. 3 room fur. art. Ught, water, TeL 10SC. $1.50 week. Il9 Oak. Vacancies at Haseldorf. 173 a Cot tar atreet. Two room, furnished. TeL 1279. ixrunjTnjitni-rijiJui'V' 2 and 2 room heated apartments. 444 So. High. Downtown unfurnished refrigeration. TeL 1403R. apt. Elec. WELL furnished rooms and for rent at S2C1 Hazel Ave. I229W art a. TL Three room furnished apartment, furnace heat, private bath. 645 Court. TeL 1057. AMBASSADOR -Will have a 2 and 3 room furnished or unfurnished apt. available the first. Cosy and - modern. With elec. ranges and refrigerators. 550 N. Summer. j 5S0 North Summer The Giendora apt. will have a 2 room and a 2 room f urn. apt. after March lit Electric 'stovaa and vlec- tvir refrlgeratton. 685 Hummer. FOR RENT HOUSES Strictly modern 4 rooms and nook with furnace, fireplace, garage. TeL 1480W. i March 1st modern 5 room house with gara-re. Inquire 851 N. Cottage. Price 228.00. . RENTALS See some of our $15-$20 houses. Furnished $10 to $60. BEC HTEL-THOMASON 341 State Street Room 4. FOR RENT Nicely furn. 5 R. house. Elec range. Close in. $59 N. Winter. TeL 2714R. 4 Rv house, also 1 fur. house. TeL 1164J. TOR RENT fTve room house, $10. Four room, $15. Five room furnished $25.00. , W.Zu WOOD S41 State Street FOR RENT Flats for adulta 5 to 7 rooma $30 to $10. Also houses, etc. BRCKE A HENDRICKS 189 North High Street 5 room fur. Tel. 2 3 ISM. house. Call 397 Court. 2 and R. apt. $20.i $13.00. TeL 1451R. i R. house. FOR RENT room bouse, large rooms, modern except fireplace, large lot with fruit, double garage, located 1495 N. Commercial street. $25.09 per month, immediate possession. L E. Stiffler. TeL. 500 or call at 1719 N. 17th S evenings. 1f Inrere-rted. FOR RENT 3 R. fur.; duplex apt. Ground door. 43 Certer.' WANTED TO RENT WANTED 10 - or 13 room house well locatetL Cloae in. Must be reas onable rent or might lease. Writ 8 3, Ftwjtewman. ' FOR SALE Ileal Estate f MODERN HOUSES $2000.00 excellent location. Five rooma Part oaK rioors. xirepiace. large full basement, nicely caJsom hi ed. Garage, lawn and shrubbery. $500.00 cash, balance terms. ! It ' - : $ 4150.00-i-r.ew and modern. Five rooms and attic. Tile dralnboard. Choice corner location near Parrlah schooL $750.00 cash, balance terms. $4100 0 Modern rooms, all rood alse. I snrlnc room, basement. ait rubbery. A fine residence. $500.00 castv balance to arrang. Modern T room, stucco fa. Beautiful corner lot. price $4500.00, take clear property up to 12500.00 oa deaL See UJLS.SK witn ANDERSOK A RUPERT 149 South High Street WWWWWWeMMl A beautiful 20 acre farm miles Salem oa paved road, fair Improve ments, and owner will take Salem home or acre tract near. 120- acres stocked and equipped, worth $80 and owner will take Sa lem bom an smau vauey zarm. Itt aeees ; eloaa In on saved road for only f 1250 $19 down and $10 a monta. i j- . 359 acres ' stock ranch well Im proved, stocked and eqipped, on good road, aad owner wants smau larm. MpOITj TRIST A PENNINGTON 209-19 V. a Bank Bldg. Y TeL 140. -jt LTUTjqji'VT-i'irijrv 19 rm. bide, in tea apartments, fur nished, furnace wita saw oust Durner. liiTdTnr rm rorner lot 84 by 104. 4 car garage, : $5300, this man's misfor tune is your opportunity. Worth - at least $4000. ! What have you to offer 1 WINNIB ! PETTYJOHN, Realtor 178 South High Street FOR SALE Real Estatt FOR SALE -Fatrmouxit Hill dence with a wonderful view. BoUt for home by owner. A. J. RAHN. Ill Fairmount Street. Phone 1127, f 220 State Etree TeL 1T2T. T-OOfC IIOK ONE CHANCE IN A LIFE TIMD A BAROAXN LIKE THIS New Strictly Madera Bungalow - rooms; hwxL floors nook; fire place, furnace, beet of plumbing; ba everything that 4a In a strictly mod ern home. lawa and shrubbery, lo cated best residential district of Sa lem. Owner forced to sell at sacrifice price. $2200. Some terms. Many houses havo acid for f4500 to $4000 that are no better. hown, by ap pointment only. Phone 75$ nr 8B F.ECHTEL or THOMASON 241 State Street Room 4. EXCHANGE Real Estate EXCHANGE Good 114 A. ranch stocked and equipped, fair buildings, woven wire fences, creek, aome bottom land, $6, 000.. to trade on larger ranch. Portland property attractive f R. and attic, full basemant, furnaee, fire placa, hardwood . floors, choloe loca tion to trade for Salem residence. Good 4 R. modern home in Salem to trade on farm. Will assume. Good home oa fin large lot la east Salem to trade oa modern horn. Will aasume. Money to loan. Insurance. MELVIN JOHNSON 320 TJ .3. Bank Bids. . TeL $17. EXCHANOB New 4 room stucco house with food oak floors and fireplace, 3 lota, gar age and woodshed. Good view of creek. Price $2000. Trad for larger house or vacant lota and aasum $1. 000 or $1500. SEE Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS CO-, Realtors SiO State Street Tel. 1TS7. ACREAGE FORGET YOUR TROUBLES BUY A RANCH 5-Acres $4000.00: Kood 4 R. bunga low and other buildings, some pears. cnerries ana prunes, zvti miles of Sa lem. Trade for house in Salem, , 10 1-4 acre a 4-R. house, electrio water system, bara and poultry house price $2400.00. 3-A. oats and veatcn ana x y a. strawberries. ollne pump and tank. Glv termsk u.is uf- our best -lS-Acres. 5 R. house, barn, garage and large poultry house. 11 A. culti vation, i a. Derries, an gooa i&na, price only $2200. Will give terms 137-Acres. ,7-R. house, large barns, garage, 3 poultry hou bv a. cuiuvation. price 37000.00. Trade for smaller place. Bee 8-iAKS TUtKJ-K 184 South Commercial Street C acres 4 acres In strawberries. 1 A. lojrana, electrio lights, good build in (rs. X miles from Can by, less than $3,000. j II. C. SHIELDS Building TeL Oregon 17S4. GOOD BUYS IN SMALL ACREAGE CLOSE IN V acre tract lust off th highway. close to city limits and bus Tine, 4 room house, electric lights, chicken coops, rabbit pena Price $1100. cash ou, Dai. fi eacn montn ana 6 int. Choice 2 acre tract on- Garden Road. no buildings. Price $1000, easy terms. Some choice acre tracts close in on paved highway with telephone, elee trio lights and gas service available. Owner will build small house for pur chaser and sell on easy terms. Choice 5 acre tract not far out on good road, now In clover sod for $1,- zau, witn terms. LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 320 State Street TeL 1727 80 acres south of Sllverton. SB acre In cultivation, acres strawberries, 4 room house, fair barn, well and good spring.- Price $3850. Will take bouse up to $3000. 10 acres southeast of Salem, f room house, barn, lots of fruit, good welL Price $3000. Will take good house la town. r ' - V -. . - Extra good lot. clear, to trade la oa 4 or 6 room house. . A. F. Homyer with v I W. G. KRUEGER " , 147 North Commercial ' WANTED REAL ESTATE We have a. client that, wants a rood T or 8 room house la walking dis tance from statehous. Must be mod era. Also on that wants a good 4 or 8 room house. In good location. If you have one that Is priced right calL 184 a Com'L St. TeL 31$L WANTED 1 acre tract clos In. south, as first payment oa alee 8 room modera home located oa corner lot In fine residential district. Prlc only $4700. INleeir zinanceo. ; SEE Mrs. Ellis With LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 820 State Street Tel. 1TJT Business Opportunities TRAVELER'S HOME Motintad on new Ford track ehaaala. regular school bus body, with living Quarters Dtuit in. win exenajxtre zor small Salem residence. GROCERY STOCK Doing nice business, building, stock and fixtures will accent a 82000.00 clear Salem, property As part pay ment. ! ' CONFECTIONERY A GROCERIES One of the neatest and best located suburban stores la Salem. Prlc $3,- 300.09. . ; CONCRETE GARAGE BUILDING At function of Pafif le hiKhwav. Close la. Will take one-third clear DroDertv In deaL A fine croDOsltion for a -mechanic. Prlc $3000.00 So - UJS1SEK witn ANDERSON A RUPERT 149 South Klrh Street AIONETf TO LOAN a KEED MONET QUICKL.TT Cash Loans of $10 to $308 Wlthla 84 Hours ' Small Monthly Repayments i Youll be surprised how easily a loan can be arranged. Our friendly and courteous - service has helped many when they needed money quickly. Com in, 'phone or writ for full In formation. There is no obligation. , , BENEFICIAL LOAN SOCIETY 118 BUgh Bids. 818 Stat TeL 2-7-4-8 Licensed by th Stat "When Whiskers win' MAC'5 XOB - XiltawTl HAVS THH HHAIST Td aEPoSB HlM,iO t . -TOLD HIM Xo'wAlT rOft VOO MONEY TO LOAN f t ii i i i i-.iij-i.rij-i i.i'i S a 1 a r y L. o a n i T PoplStadllt . B m p I y 4 ? STATE LOAN COMPANY 813 Orearoa Bldg. Second Flew Corner Stat aad High Offic hra 10:00 a. m. t 4 :80 p. m. Telephon 832, Licensed by 8taU PERSONAL LOANS MADE on furniture, cars, salaries r other good security. Repayable monthly. When la financial naed see as before Hoalng a loan. - CORPORATION first National Bank Bide Phon 1189 CITY AND FARM loans at lowest rates. Best terms obtainable. Our insurance department offers row "ex pert advice aad service in all lines. HAWKINS A ROBERTS (Inc.) TeL 142T 308 Oregon Bids. Federal Farm Loans. 8H par cant F. L. WOOD. 841 Stats Street. WANTED to loaa on live stock and nerannal nroimi Lr. Tarma to suit yn coavenienc. National Loaa aad Finance Co. 418 Bank of Com. Bldg. Ldcansed by state. MONEY LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduc your payments. You keep th car. P. A. EIKER . Cor. Libert Kf- and Fan-a -' Phon 121 Salem. Or. ON FARMS AND CITY REAL ES TATE. LOWEST mTEREBT BATES. BEHT T. rilHO FTRSTNATlONAL BANK Bl.TXl LOANS WANTED WANTED Private money to loaa oa real estate. W. H. GRABENHOR3T Ca REALTORS 134 S. LrbertT St. Tel. 818. LIVE STOCK and POULTRY BRED GILT SALE Twenty but bred Duroa Jersey. Poland China and Berkshire Kilts Friday. February 27. Swine feeders program 10 a. m. Gilt sale 1:30 p. m. la Judging pavilion. Animal husband ry Department, urexon Btate Asm- cultural College, Corvallls, Oregon. Cllraatea horses and mulea. guar anteed. W. H. Street, 664 Farry SL Team flwd ha lexa. 1908 N. 5th. FOR SALE WOOD first and second growth red fir and oalc Six miles from Salem on hlirh- way. Lock Box 384, Salem, Oregon. DRY. all kinds, any length. TeL 2729. GUARANTEED DRY Wood coaL TeL IS. Salem Fuel Co. 752 Trade. Large second growth fir. 18 In. $8. 00, full cord. TeL 2F22. 14 In. old fir. 37.60 cd. and dry hard wood. TeL 1524W. Ray AsplnwaU. 12 and 16 wood, also nlaner wood. 85.00 per cord load delivered from car. $5.60 from yard. Cobbs A Mitchell Co. 349 8. 12th. 813. FOR SALE OR TRADE 18 old fir. 84.00 cord. TeL 19F4. DRY fir and oak wood, coal and fuel otL Call on us for prices. We gtve good measure, good quality aad good service, ' LARMER TRANSFER ft STORAGE Telephon 3131 18 in. and 4 ft. wood on hand at alt times. Also planer wood. TeL 8988 Ti ev F"uel Tarrta - WOOD SAWING For bttpr wofxi sawing, Tel. 1283. FOR SALE USED CARS The Used Car You Have Been Waiting For! SPECIAL MODEL A FORD BARGAINS VALLEY MOTOR COMPANY - Liberty and Center Streets TeL 1988 iv'u-4-ooor Beoaa aemonstra- tor $425.0 19 3 0-8 -door 8edan, good eoa- ciuon. trunx 1930-Std. Coup good 1929-CabrIolet o O t - 826.80 shap 495.08 3800.00; now 466.09 1929-Repossessed Sport Coup 490.09 1929-Std. Coupe, new tires 276.00 1939-Sport Roadster all new tires 350.00 192 S-Lake type Ford or Sedan, new tires . , 460.4)9 1928-Late Type Tudor Sedan, reconditioned 889.89 1930 Chevrolet Coach 615.09 1928-Lat Type Business - Coupe, reconditioned , ... 850.00 1928-Early Type Sport Coupe, recondition ea 826.08 116.00 885.99 665.99 448.99 1928-Late Type Roadster, r Phaeoa, r- conditioned 1928-LaU Type mmditlonad 1930-Truck, closed cab, dual tires 1929-Truck, closed cab, dual Ures -50 . Other Makes of Cars to unooeo . Tom W Pay Cash For Good Used Cam PLEDGE! STORK SUPER VALUES 6 DAYS FREES TRJAii 1989 Hudson 8 Std, Sedan : f 1050 1929 Hudson 8-Std. Sedan ! 925 192S iStudebaker Sedan 495 1928 Hudson Brougham , 8S0 1926 Buick Sedan 426 1929 Ford Town Sedaa - 496 1929 Whippet 6 Sedan - 496 1921 F ex Cnach 386 1927 Studebaker Sedan- 860 1928 Whippet 4 Sedan $26 1127 Chevrolet Sedan 286 1928 Dodge Sedaa , 245 1927 KtLp Dnront Sedan 246 1924 Hudson Coach i . . 350 1923 Hudson Coach 175 1926 Ford Tudor . 90 STATE MOTORS INC, 525 Chemeketa St. TeL 1099. - BARGAIN 1929 Ford Sedan Splendid condition. - For sal by owner. 473 University Street. REPOSSESSED 1929 Chevrolet coupe, fine condition, all at and. Easy terma Also model T Ford truck, tak It tor the balance duo, $49 cash. OREGON FIN AN CIS CORP. Mason io Bids. . TeL S38L I OKAV- TELi- A VOU'RB , . -7 I H M t- Lt HIKliU I I IHH rO SS I I rX I net JMT3 AAAMT SOMBe! i i t7 ;r5 ONS HERS AJHO i V v ' i (V J COM'T HAVS JDAMCB ? V V7 IS TUNS5 R.UMMIK10 I W " ' I" ' ' .'!.-. .. " ' " ..." FOR SALE USED CARS WcKay's for Used Cam With an O. K. That Count SO Used Cars Ranging fron525 to $600. Come In and See Them. , Douglas McKay - '""hChevi'Co.r--'-"- 828 Center Street TeL 1868. Ford and Buick ' CON -30LIDATKD Used Car tot 1926 Buick acIosd Rda. .1156 192S Buick Master Coup-- 85 1929 Chevrolet Sport Coup 1928 Chevrolet Sport- Coup 1927 Chevrolet Snort Coup 465 350 360 185 125 450 1929 Chevrolet Sedaa 1925 Chevrolet Coup ., ... 1929 Tux era i Couo Iz jjoog' encioaea touring ii 1923 Dodg 4 th-Uvery . .- 48 lit Model. A Ford Std. Coos S16 1939 Model A Ford Std. Coup 375 1921 Model A. lata rord sedan . 4 1928 Model A lat Ford Coup . $50 1928 Model A Ford Spt. Coup 22 1928 Model A Ford light del. 400 lixs Model t ora Auaor - rax teQ 169 1926 Model T Ford Coupe,, rux- ten . , 1926 Model T Ford Roadster 1936 Model T Ford Sedaa 1 9 2 4 Model T Ford Coupe 2924 Model T Ford Tourinir 19IS Model . T frdi Tourirur 1923 Model T Vnrd Oaurva da. livery , .. 89 1924 Hudson Coupe, runs rood 5 1926 Hupmobile 8 Coupe 495 1925 HupmobUe 8 Roadster . 200 1927 Oakland C Coach, new paint 25 1927 Oldsmoblle Coach , 276 1929 Pontiao- 4 -door , Sedan , 623 1944 Star 4 ToiiHnr ' , 40 1427 Star 6 Spt. Roadster . . 225 1924 W. K. 8 door Sedan , ,. 175 1923 W. K. enclosed roadster 96 1928 Whippet Coach .. 150 1928 Whippet Spt. Coup . , 250 TRUCKS j 1939 Ford, long wheel base deuals 640 1929 Ford, ions wheel base ., ... 500 1929 Chevrolet 6. overhauled 600 1928 Chevrolet 4 overhauled 285 1927 Ford with transmission 93 Salem Used Car Center Marlon and Liberty North end of Valley Motor Co. Telephone 1027 Qood-Wilt Used Cars SOLD WITH A GUARANTEE 1430-Pontiao Coup $67 a. 00 1930-Chevrolet Sedan ,- , , .. 659.09 1929-Chevrolet Couoa , 42S.0A 1928-Old.miobUe 4-dr. Sedan 675.00 1927-Star Six Sedaa , $35.00 1927-Oakland Sedan - 425.00 iiZ7-iash Cabriolet . 425.00 19 28-Pontiao Sedaa 450.99 1925-Overland Sedan 145.00 246.00 826.00 345.00 95.00 126.00 95.99 126.09 T5.09 1927-DodLare Coum 1927-Pontiao Panel DeL 19ZS-Kssex Sedan 1926-Ford Tourins 1924-Ford with DeL box 1925-Overland ...... 1924-E-asex 4 Touring in 4 -Ford Tour Ins - These cars have Cn rubber toes. curtains and are mechanically O. K. com reat nuys in cneap cars. Wood-Wheaton Motor Co. Oakland Telephone 2125 Pontlac USED CAR DEPARTMENT 54 S Chemelrel-a Street VOTICB OF 8 ALB OF OOTESnCBNT OESTRAL ZAH2 OPTICS Waablngton,, D. O. Notice Is hereby given that subject t tke conditions and limitations of the sets of Jan , 1918 (39 Stit. 218), Fsb. rnary 86. 1019 (40 Stat. 1179), Jan 4, 1930 (41 Stat. 758). aad May 17. l2fl (45 Stat. 57. Pablie 417), aad puriaent t departmental . regulations, Cireolar 1200, th timber a the fllowlng Uads WlU be sold Mar. 9. 198 L at 10 a'cleek a.m., at pablie eaetioa at th U. 8. Land Office at Roaeburg. Ortgos. to the highest bidder at not less tkaa th appraised orie a ehowa by- this aetica. sale t b -abjee to th approval of th Secretary f the I nt trier, i. tie pareaase pries tta a additional sum f -fifth of eae per at thereof, beiar eonuaiti ioas allowsd, aait be deposited whea ths rigkt te psrekase ts awarded by ths BgUtr, bat eertificaU of sal will not lass aatil th parebaser has ceaaplied folly wit, said regalations, Oireolar 42 0O, as te th. sxe satien ef the eon tract of sate aad bead reqaired therennder. The money deposit ed will be retarad If ssl Is not' appro v ed, otherwUs patent will isiae for the timber, which mast be removed witkia 19 years. Bids will be received frem citizens f the United States, asseeiatloas f such eitlseos, and corporations organised aa der the lsws ef the United States, or any State. Territory or District thereof only. Upon applieatioa ef analifUd parch SV. th timber ea any legal snbdivisioa will be offered separately before being Included in any offer ef a Isrger nait. T. 18 S, B. 1 W, Sea 15, 8W KW hi yellow fir 1840 If. dead yellow fir 159 k. red cedar 60 M. dead rd eedar 10 M; T. 9 S. R. 8 E., See. 87. KB NE4 yellow fir 8.200 M, hemlock 609 M NWVi KEVellow fir 9.000 M, hemlock 1,200 Mj SE yellow fir 8.000 M. hemleek 900 M. 8W yellow fir 8,400 M. hemlock 1,200 Mi KE4 NWVi yellow fir 2100 U. besriock 60 M; BE KWU yellow fir 1,650 M, ham lock 125 M: T. 18 S. R. T W, So. 1, HE hi 8EU red fir 1,600 M; T. 83 S. R. 1 See. 9, NW BEVi rd fir 859 H', 8W4 BKV4 red fir 609 M. Koa ef the tisiber ea ta above sectioas te he sold for toe thaa lUt per M far th red and yellow fir, 91.00 per M for th red cedar sad 60 eeats per M for th hemlock, dead yellow fir and dead red eedar. TT-31 S. R. 8 w. Sea. 1. Lt 9 yellew fir 950 M. hem lock 28 M; T. li S. Ks 7 W See. HU BHH- green ad fire-killed f'.r 1.S85 1C. red eedar SO M. None ef tt timlwr oa taese section to be sold for leas thaa $L50 per M for. the yellow sad greea and flre-kUlad red fir, and f 1.00 per M for th. hemlock and red eedar. T. 36 8-. B. 13 W.. Sea -8. NE 8W?4 l yllw fir 1,875 M, hemlock 825 M, red eedar 50 Mj NWVi 8W V4 yellow fir 8,275 Mr hemlock 400 M; red coder 85 Ml SKV4 8WVi yellow fir 2,975 M. lkemloek 175 M, red eedar 60 M. Ken ef 4h timber os this section It be sold for leas tha $2.00 pel" M for th yl lw fir. 91.50 per M for ths red eedar ad 60 cents per M tor th hemlock. T. 18 8. R. 3 See; 7. 8E-4 KEV4 ytttlow fir 809 M. red flr 600 M, hm feek 850 M. red cedar ISO M; KE4 SEVi red fir 1.100 M. hemlock 50 M, red cedar 50 M; SEV4 8EV4 d fir TOO HI 7$ 6 35 45 1 ' ' " ..." 1 Business AMUSEMENTS Salsa s Golf Cum mn south a River Drive. 18 hoi watered fair wars. Urge sreea. Fees. 76c, Sundays and holMava. 819. AUCTIONEERS F. N. Woodry LS Tears 8alas Ldlng AacUoaMr and Fornltur Dealer 1 Retrfdenc and - Star - X619 North Summer 8t - ' - - Telephon. 611 BATHS Ttrrklh baths aad massasa. 8. H. Lee-att. Telenhon. 2114 New Bank. BATTERY ELECTRICIAN R. D. Barton National Batterle Starter aad irenerator work. Texaco StuMon. cornet Court md Church. BICYCLE REPAIRING LLOYD E. RAMSDEN Col am bis Bicycles aad repairing. 38? Court. . Th best la bicycles and repairing. H. W. Hcort 147 a Cjm'l. Tel. 48. CHUVINEY SWEEt Telephone 119. R. K. Northnesa CHIROPRACTORS Dr. Gilbert. Ore. Bids. TeL 8451. Dr. O. U SCOTT, PSC Chiropractor. 856 N. High- TeL 87. Res. 8104-J. DR3. SCO FIELD, Palmer Chlro practora XRay and N- C. M. New Btnk Bids. COSTUMES .or snappy party costumes call Sa lem Co 2846 N. 6th. Tel 1947J CLEANING SERVICE Ont-r Bt Vuleterta Tel 222T CORSETS Charts foundation garment. For new spring modeL Call representative 1319M. ELECTRICIANS HALTK ELECTRIC CO. New loca tion. 8S7 Court St, TeL No. 2. FLORISTS FLOWERS FOR ALL occasions Olson's, Court ft High 8C Toy- 80L ALL kinds of floral work. Lata Florist. 16tb ft Market. TeL 8184. CUT Flowers, wedding bouquets funeral wreaths, decorations - C F BretthaopU florist. 613 Stats Street Tel 980 GARBAGE Salem Scavenger. Tel 147 or 3290; HEMSTITCHING NEEDLEWORK. 415 Cowrt. Margaret's Slvrp. INSURANCE WILLAMETTE IN& AQENCY Wm. Bllven, Mgr. fCxcluslv Butts rill Agent 111 Masonic Bids. TeL 688. BECKB HENDRICKB 189 N Hltrh Tel 161 LAUNDRIES THE NEW 8ALB.M LAUNDRY . TUB W EIDER LAUNDRY 118 N. Commercial - reL 1864 capital crrr laundry "W Wash Everything in Lux. Telenhon 6148 1264 Broadway aIattresses - Mattresses from factory te home. Ask about our wool mattresses, Ren ovaters and fumigatora Capital City Beddlnf Co. TeL 19. 3039 North CP- MUSIC STORES GEO. C WILL Planoa, Phone graphs, sewing machines, sheet music and piano studies. Repairing phono graphs and sewlns machines. . 488 State street. Salem. OFFICESUPPLIES .-Everythlns la office supplies. Com mercial Book Store. 163 N Com'L Tel. 44 PAPER HANGING - Paper hanging and Minting. man's Paint 8 tor. 168 N. CoraX Na- PHONE GLENN ADAMS tor house decorating, paper hangins tlntlns. etc. Reltsbfe worVman. PLUMBING and HEATING PLUMBING and general repair work. Graber Broa, 146 Sa Liberty Tel. 60, ; PLUMBING & SUPPfllEg" Meshsr Plumbing Supply Cow 1T1 U. Cornmercfal. Tel. 9700 PRINTING FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamph lets, programs, books or any kind of printing, call at Th Statesman Print ing Department. 816 & Commercial Telephon 600. It Koa ef th timber a this seetioa te be sold far less thaa 8L78" per M for the rd aad yellew fir aad 61 A per M for the red cedar sad aemloek. O. C Moore, Comnlaiioar F4-11-18-25-M4. - By RUSS WESTOVER - - alLll le -Qb - Mw I I o- Dirtsctory X RADIO FOR every purpoar ror very pur All standard sises of Radio Tubea E OFF ELECTRICAL SHOP. , 841 Co? -rt PL Tel. 896 STOVES STOVES and KAn r.n trlnm (Smpm for sale, rebuilt and repaired. All kinds of -woven wire fenrm. fancv and plain, hop baskets and hooka, iogaa hooka Salem Fenc and Stove Works. 13 rbe lekef street. R R Flemfe c. TAILORS "tor D TL MOSTTER Tailor and women. 474 Court Pt TRANSFER CAPTTAT. PltT Tianafe 9f Stat St. TeL 923. itrlbutlng. for warding and atorara our sneclaltv. Get ur ratea - - FOR local or distant transfer etnr- S re. call 31 31. latmer Transfer Co. T jefce to Portland dally. o- Real Estate Directory sf 'Km HENDRICKS TeL 181 189 H. High 8 Ii EARL 124 N. H!sh 8V TeL 1248 LIKCOLN 4 ELLIS TeL 3671 461 Stat HOMER D. FOSTER REALTY CO 37014 Stat 8L , - TeL 849 W. H. ORABENHORST A COl 134 a Liberty St. TeL! 618 SOCOLOFSEY A SON 804-6 First Nat. Bk. Bldg. TeL 878 J. F. ULRICH F. U WOOD 441 Stat 8L TeL T84 Telenhon IS 249 R frh NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S BALE By Tlrtuo of execution issued by Circuit Court of State of Ore gon for Marion County In action: "No. 17572, Julia Parsons, plain tiff, T8 J. II. Ellis, defendant," and ,to me directed. I ehall on March 25, 19 &, at ten o'clock in the forenoon thereof, at west door of county courthouse at Sa lem, Oregon, sell at public auc tion, for cash, all right, title and Interest had and possessed by said defendant, on or since May 11, 1926. In and to the following-described real property: "Beg. at intersection of E. line of Capitol street with K, line of Jefferson street, which point is 9. w. corner of fractional block lying H. of Block 78, North Sa lem, in City of Salem, Marion County, Oregon; thence E. along S. line of said fractional block, 72.5 feet, to H. line of John B. McClane aad wife D. L. C, Claim 41, in T. 7, 8., R. S W.; thence K. along. said E. line of said D. L. C, SO feet; thence W. parallel with N. line of Jefferson street. to EL. line of Capitol Street: thence S., along said . E. line of Gross -Word Puzzle Bj EUGENE SIIEFFER s i - L i J J Jl A I I I g" YSSA ck li. III I n mn mw - w pirfr mjs-w mttwm? nW' H35" W 38 H5 HI VJ 13 M1' r 1 1 Hh 1 I Hl i.l 1 HORIZONTAL 1 tnonth'of the Jewlsli calendar B on whe -meanly admires station ' f eorerinf for the : head 12 depend npon Jminute - openinff in the skin - 14 letter of the Greek alphabet 15 Hebrew - - 2iame for God id departure 18 cloth measure ; CO printer's measure 11 the rain bow 14 pen-name of Charles Lamb t , IT becomes -., . out - 19 girl's nam SI AlSO 12 newer Si mature - 15 toward ST boiled - slowly ' 19 one who xnnM off with s sweetheart 41 three-toed sloth , 42 that from which anjr- thing ;, springs 41 river la France 45 cry of ths) pigeon 47 action 49 allow the use of 60 Anlshef 62 peers 84 symbol for samarium 65 lubricate 57 cripple 59 Note of the ' : musical scale sv 81 make A mistake 61 sign 65 is affected with pain 67 owns 68 marries -: 69 children's plaything VERTICAL. V 1 part of "to H9rtnrith is the solution to yes terday's poszla. 3-2 UKrr-t .iMi. ySUEBlo-Ti i Pis... e Capitol Street, to beg." -I O. D. SOWER, Sheriff of Marlon County, Oregon' CARSON & CARSON, Salem, Oregon, Attorneys for PlaIntiff.-F-26-M- S-1Z-19-26. s , V EXECUTOR'S NOTICE OP . APPOIXTMEXT I Notice Is hereby siren that thr' undersigned haa been duly ap pointed by the County Court' of the State for the County of Mar ion, as executor of the last will and testament and estate of Mary E. TJ. Wooton, deceased, and that he haa duly qualified as such exe cutor; - all. persons having claims against th estate of said dece dent are hereby notified to pre sent the same, duly rerlfled, to me, at the office of Ronald C Glover, my attorney, 203 Oregon Building. Salem. Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 5th day of February. 1931. SWAIN L. FRAZIER. Executor of the Last Will and. Testament 1 .,. - . , . - w. T TT7.t.i uiu i3iaiQ ox juary B- tj. n vvivui Deceased. RONALD. C. GLOVER, -Altor ney for Execvtor. Salem. Oregon F.5-12-19-26-M5. - . ; IV THE COUNTY COURT OP r THE STATE OF OREGON FOH THE COUNTY OF MARION IN THE MATTER OF THE ES-V TATE OF GEORGE W. LU-) CAS, DECEASED.) NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the. County of Marlon, as -Adminlstrai- trix of the estate of George W. Lucas, deceased, and that she has. duly qualified as such Adminis tratrix; AH persons haying claims against the estate of Bald decedent are hereby notified to present the -same duly verified to me at the office of Walter Fuhrerfc my attorney, 205 Oregon Building. Salem. Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. JENNIEUF. LUCAS. Administratrix of the estate of George W. Lucas, deceased. Dated at Salem,! Oregon, this 17th day of February,; 1931. Walter Fuhrer, Attorney: for Ad mlnlstrat4x 2 05 Oregon Bldg, Salem, Oregon. T.-l 9-26M-5- 12-19. BIDS TOR COS1JTRUCTIO-4. Offic f tee U. 84 Property -A- Disbursing Offi cer, for Oregon, Kales., Oregon. Sealed proposals ia triplicate will be received her natil 13 M, Msrek 11. 1931. and tkea opened, for conatrnetioa ef a ware hens aad three bath and latrine bnild Inrs at Camp C-atnop, Oregon. Fnrthar information upon application. F24-2S-26-27-MchS-lO. A surprising number of peo ple are injured In automobile, trarel and traffic accidents dally. A Tory small percent of those In jured hare accident insurance. If you do not hare accident Insur ance you should investigate thp $1.00 policy Issued by The Ore gon Statesman. L Z group of persons 1 i author ized to represent 1 others 8 man's nick name 4 hardy - perennial cereal grass 5 tapering roof sur mounting a tower 6 observing 7 conjunc tion 1 stinging insect 9 part of an ancient j Greek or Bomaa tempi 11 parent 17 letter of the Greek ' Alphabet 19 French deflnlto Article 21 measure out 23 person of , , authority ' 25 inwardly t 26 wor ahiped 27 province between Ehlne and ) Vosgea Mts. 2 J unites w!t stitches 80 girl's toy S3 Bamboo like grass 85 coat of domestt cated sheep 88 profounl 40 pastries 48 opined 46 smells 48 college o&leeis 51 note of thA, r. diatonia . scale 88 Jumble type 66 having small elevation 58 material at a door towipethf feet on 60 beast of w burden 61 eiclams tion Egyptlaa " Cod 64 myself j 66 maiden loved t 25eu Aias 91a mst as, taa,