The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 26, 1931, Page 10, Image 10

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Thr OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. - Oregon, Thorsday Morning, February 26V 1931
Tilden Defeats Kozeluh in Pro Net Debut
Race Narrowing Down in
All Districts; Tourney
Entries Selected Soon
Klffl IS
and Wildcait McC&nn Clash
yon risko
Names Called, now Rumor;
Sampson and Nelson
In Hour Match
Tonight at the armory Henry
Jones, the clever grappler from
ProTo, Utah, will endeavor to con
tinue his winning streak when be
tatrgles with Wildcat McCann.
Jones Is an old. favorite la the
Salem ring and: has now returned
to add new laurels to his crown.
Last week he made short work of
Wilkins and last Monday njgnt be
won a rongh match from Bar
rackman In Albany. He has been
wanting a chance at McCann and
now plans to make tne most 01
it. Th atranaie hold win be ia
boo In the match, bat other rough
and tumble tactics are likely to be
employed. t-
Reports are that both contes
tants are taking the match seri
ously and are a bit skeptical about
each other's ability. Jones also
said that If tbe.Wildcat got rough
he could do the same. From the
report of the match with Barrack-
man, it is easily believable that he
. can. A Sonnenberg accounted for
tbe first fall Jones won. and a
blow to the Jaw opened the path
tor the second fall.
McCann'a Strength
Is Counted Upon
McCann; stated that he realizes
he is meeting a tough opponent,
but is not worried over the out
come. ,
"I don't know whether I can
throw him. or not, but I don't
think he can throw me," is what
the baby panther stated. Wild
cat has sained the popular title
among Saleti fans of being the
strongest man tin these parts for
his size. Also his ability to take
punishment and keep coming has
gained him much acclaim.
And when It t comes to giving
punishment. McCann Is rough and
ready. In fact, Jt seems to fit in
naturally with his style of wrestl
ing. He has not been beaten in a
match in Salem this season, and
now comes to the front tqstop
. the invasion of Jones. McCann
has had a couple of draws here
during the wrestling season, and
to preclude such an outcome, the
match will have no time limit, but
will go until one or tbe other gets
two falls.
- nobby Sampi on
To Meet Nelson
Matchmaker Harry Plant has
announced that tonight's card
will approximate a double main
event affair with' Bobby Samp
son of Los Angeles and Lee Nel
son of Albany going into action
at 8:30 In a one-hour match. Six
10-minute rounds will feature the
opening bout. Bobby Sampson is
perhaps stronger than Nelson and
a bit more experienced. He holds
a win over Yaqul Joe and has met
the best middleweights on the
However, Nelson has Improved
a- great deal during tbe last wres
tling season and is a bit faster
and more aggressive than Samp
son. Nelson Is Just getting into
the class with the better mat ar
tists In his weight and if he can
get by Sampson, it will mean a
lot to him.
Harry Plant Is convinced that
this will be" a top notch card to
: night 'and states that If the pat
ronage Is, good he .will continue:
to. stage wrestling matches here
every week. : j
0 (V
V.- V ' f .
" ' " V ' '
- ' Si
it 1
William TUden launched his pro
fessional tennis career by send
inr Karol Kozeluh. recornized
world's champion from Czecho-'
Slovakia, down to a humiliating
straight set defeat at Madison
Square Garden, New York. Thm
scores were 8-4, 6-2 and 6-4.
Above action picture shows Til
den and Francis T, Hunter dor.
ing the doable game against
Kozeluh and Emmet Pare, fol
lowing the single match in which
Tilden was victor.
Defeat In tbe shape of a more
accurate lUneh art's bowling team
met Lanam's pin 'five in Western
Electric league at Winter Garden
and Lanam's lost three games
straight. In the other league tilt.
Barrett's won two cantos from
WoodresB' and lost the' odd one by
one point.
Rinehart scored high game of
214 and his team registered, best
total pin count, 2153. Barrett
scored pfeh individual series and
one 20(Peame.
Lnm 155 148
Unka 136 98
Jenkin '163 185
Wbster 1...159
Dummy . 105
. 140
718 671 629
SILVERTON, Feb. 23. Latest
word from Mrs. John Kaser, who
has been seriously ill at Bend, is
that she la slightly improved and
hope is held out for her recovery.
Mrs. Kaser gave birth to twin
boys February 16 and at first
she was said to be getting along
splendidly. Then she suffered a
re'apse and - Silverton relatives
were called to her bedside last
Sunday. Later reports, however,
are more favorable. Monday night
she recognized Jier father and sis
ters, who had- arrived from i Sil
verton. Attending physicians said
that there was considerable hope
for her.
Relatives going over from Sil
verton were Charles Given, her
father, and two sisters, Mrs. Jim
Vearier and . Mrs. Clarence Dah
len. Mrs. Kaser will be remem
bered here as Mls3 Millie Given.
Her mother Is a member of the
pioneer Riches family.
Mr. Kaser is a former Waldo
Hills boy. being the youngest
brother of Fred Kaser, who now
lives near the! Evergreen schooL
PORTLAND. Ore.. Feb. 2S.-y-(AP)
Ted Thye, Portland heavy
weight wrestler, was declared
winner on a foul over John Fre
berg, Minneapolis, In a ' main
event bout here tonight, Freberg
knocked Thye to the mat with a
right hand "punch to the Jaw
while they were grappling .for
the third fall.
,, -PORTLAND, Ore.. Feb. 25.
(AP) D. 1L Goslin. Los Ange
V les. won thei Pacific coast ama
teur 18.S Baikllne billiard cham
pionship here tonight defeating
Cecil Olaguer, Portland, 900 to
-S35. . . i-
WOODBURN, February 25
The Woodbum Royal Neighbors'
sewing club (met with Miss Mary
Gibson at her home on the Pa
cific highway Monday afternoon.
The afternoon was spent in quilt
ing. Late in i the afternoon delle
tous refreshments were served by
the hostess. The next meeting of
tbe sewing club will be held at
the home of Mrs. Rose Gibbens,
MarrH . -
Rinebmrt .137 214 152
Wyman . 168 15 137
Tabbert ..130 124 98
I'lfort 195 136 173
Miller 105 129 79
.755 759 639 2153
Woodreti f n 130
Pattoo ..; , 118 112
Jnjcin. F. . 169 115
Johnson 126 232
146 '
Totali . . 559 589 532 1680
lUrrett .164 168 200 532
lUhikopf , 120 104 156 380
titandacher ..152 198 140 490
DaYancy ,, - , 148 118 143 409
.584 588 639 1811
(AP) "Jumping Joe' Savoldi's
professional wrestling career In
California came to an abrupt end
today when; he was suspended for
30 days because of his butting
tactics In his first bout here.
-The state athletic commission
in annoifScing the suspension of
the formeci Notre Dame football
fullback, said that he butted the
Teteran Howard Cantonwine so
severely In their match here last
night that the Iowan was under a
doctor's care until 3 o'clock in
the morning.
The commission said "Jumping
Joe" had repeatedly ienored the
referee's warning. It was Sav
oldi's second professional wrest
ling match.
It is lawful for Florida anglers
to catch any kind of fish on Sun
day except shad.
Conger Wins
1,000 Yards
At National
New York, Feb. 25 (AP) Ray
monger, unm a iew days ago
America s premier miler, came
back to the track wars tonight
with all his old time last lap
kick 10 win the 1,000 yards run
in tne
MONMOUTH, Feb. 25 Fri
day, night the Monmouth high
school basketball quintet unde
feated by any high school contem
porary this season will Journey
to Dallas to lay a return game
with the county seat boys.
This will be the first of sixteen
seasonal encounters in which the.
national phimnlfinaHInc
from an interntinai ti-i ts. original Monmouth lineup will not
time was 2:14 l-in r.nw play together, santee, the Tangy
rage. , center, noted for getting the tip-
1 nil inn vath rnnn inr n nitrn
Paul Keller. S00 meter cham-L ' -
Dion of Franpft. wan fourth tr i . . 0 . : . - Jr
Conger in the 1,000 yard race be- I it .
rui Swl6 UlWinkl?' 5 th Utlng nicely, and should be in fair
City college of New York, and i. v. Dnib M,.
nnnJKii i' sionJ A: tournament. March 5. 6 and 7.
k,v ,?d WUh the awkwar,d to be held this year at Indepen-
"cuci m ccuuu posi-1 dence
tlon. Conger third and Martin TYia fife 4 Tt a. VtAlnrAAn TAilTasi
fourth, from the gun to the last and Monmouth played two weeks
V , . :V ,vv uu l, 4go resulted in a victory of 27-7
and In a stride which kept shoul- tZ xttt,, t TLri.
der to shoulder with the pride of hold Dallas down to a ten or
t-ans, a step oenind liuiiwinkle. tAiTA nnint ia if m
Rounding the 'last turn Into the
stretch. Conger started a terrific
spring that in a stride or two
carried him to the front. He held
lng a well deserved game, since
Roger Beckley, a rook player, will
; replace Santee at center, and
lacks experience In such fast
Bigger man Holds up Unti
Last two Rounds, Then
Tires and Slumps
STADIUM, Miami. FU., Feb. 25
-(AP) Mickey Walker, the
black-haired fighting : Irishman
who holds the world's middle
weight crown, spotted ! Johnny
Risko . nearly SO pounds tonight
and . handed the Cleveland' heavy
weight a beating In ten brnlslng
rounds In the feature j bout of
MPaM Strlbllng's elaborate fistic
m 1 a At- , ' i. .
lesiiraii ouaer me prnims. '
Due chiefly to a furious finish
in the last two rounds In which
he punched roly-poly - Johnny
groggy with vicious left hooks to
the head and body, Micker receiv
ed the unanimous decision! of tbe
three Miami judges, ,
Klsko. weighing Its pounds to
walkers 155. made his big ad
vantage In poundage useful as he
mauled walker throughout the
first half of the fight, but Johnny
tired and was a mark at the finish
for Mickey's sharoshootin left.
Pa Strlblinjc Comes !
Out Witt Profit . I
After a check of the gate re
ceipts, the figures .finally were
placed at 138.000 gross and 135,-
000 net. B.trlbllng figured he
needed $30,0.00 to clear all ex
penses but the "gate"; was below
expectations and aroused no en
thusiasm over prospects tor the
second heavyweight carnival.
featuring a Carnera-Maloney bout
on March 5. !
Walker and Risko, the only ac
tual combatants of consequence
on the card, gave the crowd a
slugfest In which Mickey repeated
nis previous victory ; over the
bouncing one who seems to have
been bounded around I once or
twice too often. Risko, grunting
and bellowing, charging and rip
ping, gave a typically- game and
earnest exhibition but he tired
under Walkers' sharp-shooting
and was pretty well beaten at the
finish. . ' f
The bout was a toss ut for the
first eight rounds but Walker won
the last two by convincing marg
ins to nave an edge of six
on the Associated Press
card. '
to four
narroW yard margin to the company. A large crowd of Mon- Twenty , students are building
It was a vindication In Dart for
nis defeat at the mile In the New
York athletic club games by Carl
uoan of Pennsylvania
Percy Beard, a slow spoken but
fast stepping youngster from Al
abama Poly, set a new world's In
door record for the 70 yard hlh
hurdles of 8 5-10 seconds in de
feating a classy field
mouth rooters
pany the .team.
plans to accom-
their own gymnasium at
west Mississippi junior
McComb, Miss.
This week end will see many of
the high school basketball teams
ef the state eliminated In the race
for district honors and the right
to come to the state tournament.
to be held In Salem March 18 to
, In district number three Bend
and The Dalles are meeting this
naay mgnt in a playoff game.
Bend has won 17 games and drop
ped none and Is nicked as the fa
vorite to represent . the district.
Bend is also rated much higher
man tne usual run of teams from
the central prt of the state.
Down In southern Oreron Med-
ford and Ashland also play Fri
day. In case Medford wins. Ash
land will he out of the running
and Medford will then have only
the formality of defeating the sec
ondary schools champion. In case
Ashland wins, the district title
will not be awarded until after
a second game.
Baker, Pendleton
Likely Repeater
in the southerly division of far
eastern Oregon, Baker Is sweep
ing all teams aside and will likely
reappear at the tournament this
year. In the northern division of
far eastern Oregon, the Pendleton
Bucks are out in the lead. Those
still In the running are now di
minishing rapidly and the winner
of the district will soon be named.
In Portland the city champion
ship race is unusually keen, with
Jefferson, which entered the race
as a dark horse, now leading the
field with eight wins and only one
dfeat, Benson teeters uneasily on
the second rung of the, champion-
alifft IftfttffA. m'ftll tavan vlni miA
two defeats. . The - two finishing I Beats Cougars
nignest in. tne league win come
to the tournament, and with
Franklin coming up lnsthe stand
ing,' a fast pace is beiiig main
' In districts eight and nine, Til
lamook and Astoria,' respectively,
look like the coming teams. By
the end of next week the rape in
district . seven, which Includes
Multnomah.' Clackamas, f . Marlon
and Polk counties, will - be nar
rowed down to four competition.
These will probably be Chemawa,
Monmouth, Molaila and Gresham.
Monmouth beat, the Indians early
in the season, but since that time
the Indians have Improved so .that
they scarcely look like the same
University High
Defeat Eugene
University high has spoiled, the
plans of Eugene high for coming
to the tournament by humbling
me icugene high. lads last week.
in Second
Game of Series, After x
PULLMAN. Wash.. Feb. 25.
(AP) The University of Wash
ington basketball team won the
championship of the - Northern
division of the Pacific coast con
ference .tonight, by defeating
Washington State college, 39 to
The Huskies went into action
with the opening whistle, took a
long lead, held it. 20 to 8. at
the half, and were never In dan
ger. Different from their play
last sight, when the Huskies
stood In awe of a bewildering -Cougar
basket blockade, the
winners brushed aside Cougar
forwards and played champion
ship ball. '
25 (AP) Virginia Van Wle.
sterling Chicago golfer, met the
medalist jinx In the first round
of the South Atlantic tournament
here today and fell before tbe
fine stroking of Marlon Bennett,
New Britain, Conn., one up.
Five members of the English
team qualified in the champion
ship flight yesterday, but today
all except Diana Fishwick, the
leader, and Kathyleen Garnham,
were eliminated.
Miss Fishwick eliminated Mrs.
A feeble Washington State ral
The campus high team will have I ly was started by McLarney, for
to play off In the Linn-Llncoln-1 ward. In the second period, but
he was' stopped when ' the .score
reached 30 to 18 for the win
ners. ' :
Much of tonight's game was a
duel between Swanson, husky,
center, and McLarney, both of
them basket shooting demons.:
The fight was a draw at 11
points. ,
The lineup and summary:
Washington (30) O F PF
Swygard, F 1 2 2
Fuller, F 3 2 2
Swanson, C 5 14
Nordstrum, C ...... 1 3 l
Nelson, G i......'.. 4 0 0
Calrney. G i. 11 1
Totals .15
Benton county league, but Is hardA
ly expected to strike a snag there.
Down in district number four.
Coqullle threw Its hat In the ring
by defeating Marshfield, 22 to 21.
Marshfleld is still in the running
and Is still favored to come to
the tournament from the south
western district. j
Salem high is to enter the tour
nament as the home-team and Is
still undefeated in the high school
class. Salem has two all-state men
from last year's tournament and
is ranked with the best In tour
nament odds.
A. E. Bulson, Fort Wayne. Ind.,
8 and 5, reaching the turn in 40
to start home 7 up on her oppon
ent. Miss Garnham laid Mrs. C.
Harbaugh, Cleveland, stymied on
the flrsf three holes which seem
ed to throw the Ohio woman off
her stride. The English woman
won sig and five.
Miss Bennett's victory over Miss
Van .Wle, who has won the South
Atlantic lor tne past 33 years,
came as the greatest upset of the
winter season in women's golf.
Both played spotty golf. -
W. 8. C. (20)
Hoist en, F
McLarney, F ......
Gordon, C ....
Endslow, C . . ,
Pesco, G ,
Wills, G
Graham, G ....
2 .
. Totals .......... 8
Officials: Elra Hunter, Spo
kane, referee; Bill i Mulligan,
Spokane, umpire.
25 (AP) Albert Sinclair, foot
ball coach at the Klamath Union
high school for the past four
years, submitted his resignation
to Paul T. Jackson, principal.
Tony Cansoneri, lightweight
cnampton of the world, swarmed
all over Tony Kaufman of New
York to win by a technical knock
out In the first round of their ten
round non-title bout here tonight.
Tony "the tester" Portlllo, Seattle j
welterweight, won on a technical
knockout over Buddy Washing
ton. Pocatello, Idaho, in the sec
ond round of tbe main event of a
boxing card here tonight. Pot- ,
tillo clouted the highly touted
The Anderson Y team struck colored boy on the chin with a
tough competition herle last night I right and was awarded the fight
when It engaged Adams all-star I when Washington failed to get up
team, but managed to win 34 to after the referee signalled.
Dwight Adams has congregat
ed a group of college players and
gave the Y team a real battle.
Flake was high scorer of the
game wih 16 points. Adams
gained 12 points for his" team.
Nash who regularly plays for the
Y team, was unable to play due
to an injured root.
Adams All-Stars
F. . . . 12 Adams
F.....5 Heegan
C....10 Wilson
.2 Schmidt
Anderson Y
Hageman 1 .
Benjamin 11
Flake 16. . .
A.shby 6 G
Ward G
' - '
i W s(X
' ' ' , ' y , '
VALSETZ, Feb. 25 A very
interesting program was given in
the assembly ball by the. Valsetz
school Friday morning, each room
taking part, in honor of Washing
ton s birthday.
The program included:
Song by the entire first grade.
Reading Harriott Huddleston.
Reading Ray Gardner, Pat
March, Raymond Dodson.
A. Song and the "Young Ameri
can Creed by tne second ana
third grades.
A story of George Washington
by Blllie Bartrom, Norma Fisher,
Catherene Harris, D o u g a 1 s
Brooks, Louise Rhodes. Gertrude
Lefever. Charlotte Massle, Har-
rold Brown, Evelyn Dodson.
Carl Berg Accordion solo.
Play "Why George Never Be
came a Sailor" Roy Gardner,
Marcella Murchy. Clyde Fisher,
Benny Cox.
Piano duet Dorothy Denno,
Emma Green.
Tap Dance Billy Frasier.
Drill Fifth grade.
High School Harmonic Band. ,
The seventh and eighth grade
write their play. "The Making of
a r lag."
WACONDA, Feb. 25 Wash
ington's birthday was appropri
ately observed at the Waconda
and Eldriedge schools Friday
morning, programs having been
arranged by the teachers of both
schools respectively. Several vis- j
itors were present to enjoy the
i entertainment provided by the
pupils and their teacher, Mrs.
Irma Bruce, at Eldriedge. After
the program the girls of the 4-H
cooking club served refresh-1
! ments.
n ; I WILL PUCt JAJ ajeu V
: . - -s.,-" r v a m mw v m
ZSS A 1 an I AH r V
m vsa x i
dlMI. Kim rMtra BtWVmu. lam
Confident that he will repeat his
Mwn TiCivrT over prio Car
nera, tie Italian man-mountain,
funny Maloaey. ef the Hub!
smacks the small bag with gusto
t his Miami Beach. Fla, train-
ing camp. The"' big Italian i is
ander Instructions ef the Miami
Boxing Commission that he must
battle Jim on March 5 despite
his plea that a broken rib might
handicap !,
JEFFERSON, Feb. 25 Mrs.
! S. M. Green received word of the
death of her brother John Atkin
son, 80. of Toppenlah, Washing
ton, who died of pneumonia Fri
day night at the Good Samaritan
hospital in Portland. He arrived
in Portland a few days ago to
! visit his son and daughter, who
reside there, and contracted
pneumonia, from which he never
recovered. He will be burled at I
iGoIdendale, Wash., by the side of
nu wire and children.
A TIRING veteran, Joe SewelL
A and a rarin' ; youngster.
Fresco Thompson, will at
tract more than routine fan atten
tion next season when the former
is expected to shine as a New York
Yankee utility man, while the lat
ter will be trying to realize expec
tations at second base for the
Brooklyn Robins. . ! : . .
Sewell's passing from the Cleve
land Indiana brought i sadness to
aoany fans not so long- ago. After
en hard and honorable years as
ihorUtop and third baseman. Joe
iras sold to the Yanks for the
waiver price. ' Experts asrreed that
ae began to "slow up" In 1929 and
&ey said he "was even less arfle
in 1930. So "down the river"
any river- he was headed until
Joe McCarthy decided there was
The prison needs a brand new
Kind hearted solons say;
Big pow-wow held on taxing
plans, "
Some people loath to pay.
Van Winkle says the governor
May bill the state like others:
.Wise ones begin to speculate
On certain well known brothers
Who may be 'named commis
sioner :
To fake the place of three;
The legislature can't adjourn
For some days yet, we see.
Farther afield, we read the
That someone. killed a woman.
-And' carted her body In his
car--. . ' .
Ah action hardly human.
The New York World Is up for
. sale," ' i
Employes want to buy It;
Some senator Is charged with
graft .
One comes forth to deny It
Old Al Capone is ud In court
on cnarges of contempt; ,
A,na Boston Common
. with shouts
Of communists unkempt.
Small Mickey Walker shows
his stuff, .
Puts Risko on the run;
The Huskies now are North
; west champs
To clash with .Native Son.
The Wildcat and old Jleary
- Jones
Will tangle here tonight;
Hank says if rough stuff starts
.to .show . u -.- '
He'll hold his own all right. '
Too. many. hoODera have th fhi
So Parrish game is off;
ne rea and black's afflicted '
too: -
Tough luck, that Ill-timed cough!
Why Jail this verse,1 you may in
' quire.
In such a prosy column?
We've launched a new experi
ment v '
To make our stuff less solemn,
Of verslfylnsr on th newa
It will be quite a chore
But maybe we can stand the
strain .
Three time a week or more
If you don't like It. un .. .n
And we'll go back to prose
, And as of yore sport gossip tell
I Of these and them and those.
considerable glitter yet in the sUr
which blazed so long for Cleve
land. , And Sewell is certain that t..
not through. It was ten years agoj
s jcmuu woe proxe in with
the Indiana when shortstop Chap
m was killed by a wild pitch
after midseason; His ' club was
fighting for the pennant and Tris
Speaker, then manager, was hard
put to find a worthy sub. Little
Jewell, Just two years out of col
lege, got the calL He had never
even seen a big league game until
he, played in one I Joe did well
from the start and his fielding was
a feature of the 1920 World Ser-
Ever since, until 1929 and 1930
slowed, him somewhat, Sewell has
been a consistently good inf ielder.
He's famed chiefly for his vl in
avoiding strike-outs. He went
through two full seasons once with
only 9 S-O's charged against him.
Several great pitching wonders,
who worked on Joe often, have
never been able, to fan him. And
his eye Is stffl keen, the critics
concede. So Sewell should still be
ti JiL he!p ,the Yank
in utility roles only.
Fresco (and that's his real mid
dle name) Thompson is doe to
come through. He'll be with the
hardest hitting; crew -fa baseball
!??trib,y A Chfc Cubs,
3?ii?fLmf ybrin pat his wealth
of potentials talent. In Philly the
tans' ran hampered him; but he's
a more suture youth now and he
tn.Q&binth dCfinite
I We Saw T
A delivery truck ht .n-i
off its axle and go rolling right
. tun ur repair department at
a local service station (J. A.)
Two Games Yet
On Silverton' s
Hoop Schedule
. .. .; . ;. , j
SltVERTON. Feb. 2BR MvAr-
ton senior high school basket ball
team has two more games' sched
j uled for the season. Botl of these
i will be played on the lofcal floor.
Friday night Silverton plays Kol
alla and on March 6th Silverton
and Salem meet for a tussle
This completed the ramea for
the season. On March 7 the ten
nis and golf practice seasons will
'open with James Mannlns as fa
W" UM. Klat tmtmtm
ulty advisor for these. 1