The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 25, 1931, Page 2, Image 2

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Telephone and Power Prcbs
pecommended to Ways
end Means Group
'." -"
(Continued from- page X) '
the maadate of the TOters at the
November election.'. t,
Representative- AngeU was In
sistent ta know whether the pro
posed Additional appropriation
vu rmniitKl kr th vnMto ser
tee coram teuton, or whether tee
request came directly -from the
executive ueparcraeni. -
Commission Not .
. lie service commission bad noth
ing to do with the request for the
appropriation other tnan umis-
lag figures uowmg mo
the department daring tha past
.two years, and the amouat estl
1 mated . for requirements ; during
the current blennlum.
II. BL Carey, member of the
publle service commission; ex
plained that no varoatfoas have
4een made of the properties of the
Northwestern Electric company.
- and that it would be necessary to
extend the valuailoas of 4b tele
phone company from the year
1916 to tha present date.
LUJeqvlst insisted that, tha in
vestigation demanded by Gover
nor Meier would result in a ma
ferial- saving to tb taxpayers la
lower rates, - -
The- ways and means commit
nnromd a. aeDrosriatian of
$40,060 for an armory at La-
Grande, with the unaerstanaing
that claims for armories at As
toria, Klamath Fails and St
Helena would be held la abeyance-
until latum', legislative sessions.
State library
Badge Increased -
An appropriation for the etate
library was recoaaldexed. with tha
result that the allowance for the
blennlam was Increased" from
SS4.5C4 to U8.050.
The -committee- authorised aa
appropriation of-' STCOO ta retm
' burse- fanners of- Yamhill - and
Washington counties for damage
to their leads.
IT ya bare Freqaeat EAI
XT yea eaaaet read ftatf prtnt ef
thread a needle. - j '
IF yea are NERVOUS and fcrrfr
taste. CaasaU as NOW.
Charres BeasenaMe
iiTiaii f""- r- tt iTr7" t -
m i
for ihm thrilling artel authentic history of
Dramatically intrprtd by'tfra
featuring iff Guardian Symphomifs and a host
ot othmr outstanding radio and ttagm tofent
, : panoaat dlractiea of Maasa aMeitsaar '' v '
Home Office Ouardioa OviMlna, Third aad AMar Streaf forttond
Salem Affiliate: .
State Savings and Loaa Association '
' ; . : c ' .
IT TELLS those at home tfcatyou haVt
arrived safe at yourjoumey't end.
Faster than a letter! Faster than an air- , : ;
plane! Faster than any other means of '
communication your voice ! !.;'-.'
The front pages of your tdephbne direc- ' :
tory contain practical money-saving;
time-saving Information, about this fast
Crowing service. ' j . .. 1 j
.-. .; , . , r -B - . '! - ! 4 . . f ; . . 5 '
i , . - r '-,.-.,
. . . X. ' J . $ - - 1 - :! .. - - (
i. a , j a
Tea Pacific Telephone and Tllecrapu Company
b bar coroBatkm robes,
M baaatys erown. Uua Hartha
tVutterfleli; i oX Sa-aerset Ito,
is shown aa she appeared when
Lharas hailed ."Miss St. Pftcra
kmTTJ"n& Quean of the wtater
Car!al at St. retersbnz& Tla.
Aa echo of the operation of .the
land settlement commission;
arnica developed three model state
farms, was Tecelred by tha-com-itM
ti thm form of a resort
showing that the state has an
equity of J5Q In uwsa properues.
against which there are claims
and actual deficits of more than
big mm suns
La; ANGELES. Feb. 24
AFi Orlando B. and Mary- Oi
KeUum ef lo Aareles brought
aaft tor 4l,a,opo damagea
today galnst eight tun com-
nanies maalag: tauctag Pturea
aad severai electrical products
Mspaay charging lnirlagement
oT patenis. :
KaUna aHeged that he was the
rigtaai inventor of the process
far aynchroalsiac turns and
aeand. - t . :
Oateadaats were Warner broth
ers. Parsmount-PubUx. Pathe. Co
lumbia pictures. Fox Film corpor
atioa. Fox theatres, Ceoeoudated
FCm Indastrlea. ' .General Theatre
equipment. Technical Color com
pany. First! National company,
Exectrical Research products and
six John Doe companies.
SPOKANE, Feb: 24 (AP)
Joe Malcewlcx. the TJtica panther,
knocked out Moose Korbeck, San
Francisco- heavyweight, in the
fifth- round; of their" scheduled
eight round wrestling match here
tonight. f . :' -5 .
9:0Q to 9:30
Your Voice!
iiEForj d; state
(Contlimed from pa D '
estimated at from- 1150.000 to
S2S0.000. .
Tha gorernor also declared
that with, such a system opera
tire, he felt sure aa eomld parole
ZOO men. from the etate peniten
tiary," thus ralltiTlng costs and
congestion at that institution. -1
The- senate committee la un
derstood to oppose tha law on
the basis that It la too far-reach
lag la its effect on branches of
governmeat' already successfully
functioning. They also feet -that
the bill would provide the gov
ernor with excessive power.
Under tha state police bill the
fish, game; state traffic, tire aad
prohibition, officers would all he
relieved of their present' work
and in their places a state con
stabulary headed by a commis
sioner appointed- by the govern
or, would be placed,
OAKLAND, CaL, Feb. 24.-
AP) An air freight Une Unk
ing Boise, -Idaho; Reno, Nev.;
Portland, Ore.; Seattle, Wash.,
and Oakland, CaL, waa Inaugurat
ed with the arrival here today or
a tri-motored all-metal "flying
box ear" of the Western Paclfle
air : freighters. The plane was
loaded with 2800 pounds of freth
ly dressed poultry from. Idaho. : I
Tha plane took off. early this
afternoon with a cargo of Califor
nia flowers tor Portland aad Seattle-
florists and should arrive
tonight. - : r !
The ran will be made three
times a week with Oakland as a
base. Planes will leave for Seattle
Tuesdays. Thursdays aad Satur
days, returning to Oakland by way
of Boise and Reno. Flowers will
comprise the principal r north
bound cargo, while dairy goods
aad poultry will be the principal
shipments from Idaho points.
Supreme Court
Disposes of 32
Cases; One Pay
(AP) The supreme court T today
set what its oldest attendants be
lieve to be a record and a prece
dent.. ' t t - "
-It was unable to announce all
the decisions It had ready In one.
day and. adjourned to continue
the reading of opinions tomorrow.
Ending a three weeks' recess con
fronted by 46 cases fully argued
and awaiting decision, the. court
returned today and disposed of
32., ".'.-I'M . :
Hail Kills Six
And Injures 30
CALCUTTA, Iadia, ', Feb.' 14
(AP)- Six persons were- killed
and SO injured today by a storm
of hailstones, some of them
weighing aa much' an halt a
pound. In the Inmanbuhm dis
trict of Bengal, scores Of cattle
were killed at Karakanali by the
stones. L . , . ,
Veteran Dies in
Fall From Root
24 (AP) Falling from the
roof of his one story house to a
ooara sidewalk here today, John
Stevens. SB, Civil war veteran,
died instantly from a fraetured
skull. Ha had resided here for
about So years and la survived by
a son and a daughter. : i. :
At Portland; Jefferson 2S, Lin
coln 20; Benson S3, Commerce
It; Grant Sf, Roosevelt IS;
Franklin 24, Washington 21.
, At The Dalles: Hopd River 21.
The Dalles 20.
Home f 25c Talklee
Tonight la Radio Night
Bring Your Tickets
A Delightful Comedy Drama'
C '. ,-v
. Denny 'j-y . r rJ
A A rJ .'jC wt n '
Also Talking Comedy
Today Joe Brown and-
Winnie IJghtner la. "Sit
Tight. . v -
-,-t i
Today Bobert Arm
atrena- la I 'Dumbella in Er
. i GHAKD -."!'-.
Today Dorothy McKaiU
and MlHon Bills U "Man
.Tronble." r , v '
Frtlay--Charleg Blcktord
la'trtrrer'g End'
Todsy tteglnald Denny In
TVhat a Man
Friday Hoot Cihsoa in
"The Coaeeneratin' Kid." .
.-Dumbella In Ermine is the
offering at the CapitoL Beryl Mer
cer .and Claude GHUngwater are
amaslng characters especially is
this true of If las Mercer. There
are soma good laughs scattered
through the picture, buUthe best
laugh comes at the end when, you
realise that all damhells are .sot
iu ermine wnlesa Director John
Adom wears thai expensive fur.
Tha plot ha eome very fine
possibilities which Mr. deasoa
tha . gentleman, who wrote the
screen version of "Weak Sisters,"
from which play the picture waa
adapted, seemed to hare, missed
aa neatly aa ,1 miss a golf ban. ,
Rebels Set up : j
Government at
Arequipa, Peru
; LIMA, Pera, Feb. 24. (AP
The southern rebels who
seised the city. of Aretraipa last
week have bet ap thelr own Peru
vian government under the name
"Southern Junta" and the troops
garrisoned at Ousco have. Joined
their banner. ; - '
These facta were made known
by tha Lima government tonight
a few hoars after 100 high offi
cers of the loyal Lima garrison
had decided to parley with the
southern rebels, hoping to avert
civil "war and voted to send three
of their number south by air
plane. ;
As far as could be learned to
night, however, the three had not
left, . . .. .;. . v ..
Henry Corbeit
Illness Stated
Not Dangerous
- -- ."I 111 I !
. PORTLAND, Ore Feb, 24.
(AP) Henry L. Corbet t, one of
the candidates tor the republican
nomination for governor last
spring. Is ill at his home .here
as the result ot a heart attack
Sunday, his brother, Elliott B.
Corbett, said tonight, :
Corbett had been in good
health until Sunday. While his
condition was still ' considered
serious, It was said tonight he
waa in no immediate: danger. -
Muhleon Being?
Towed to Port
(AP) The McCormlck steam
ship Munleon tonight was being
towed to San Francisco by the
coast guard cutter Tahoe after
battling the seas tor 0 boars.
Sunday the steasa schooner lost a
propeller oft the Oregon coast.
The crew ot SS;waa aboard the
vesseL t ?
? mm a" arm ww
better than Us 15nteh,? I
In "Tha" BIgf , UwtstT
' . t x . -" - S :
VT " : . JL1AIUE , X4
(AP) Shot in the back; by Wll
lard Long, prohibition undercov
er agent. Manuel F.- Perry, al
leged operator of a bootleg ea
Uhllshment on tha - watar front,
waa la a critical condition In a
San Francisco hospital tonight.
; Lons tolX police ho s&ot In
self defense. Perry, regaining
eonsetousnesa Is the hospital,
gave atatementa charging he waa
shot without provocation. , .
: Perry waa- under technleal ar
rest en charges ot resisting -a
officer . and violation ot tha pro
hibit hn laws, , , . : v
District .' v AUorney f Matthew
Brady tonight aald a statement
made Zr Perry - la ' the hospital
offered sufficient ' grounds' "f er
Long's arrest . and ordered ' the
undercover agent taken into cus
tody, ;i Ha waa- booked - on a
charge of assault with a deadly
weapon and released oa, ball of
PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 24
(AP) Ben Boloff, ST, confeesed
communist, wss- convicted by a
cirealt court Jury tonight of
charges of violating the state
criminal syndicalism law; ':
-The Jury recommended leniency
becaase of BolofTa alleged lack
of education. ' .
Boloff, tha first of It alleged
communists to bo tried for viola
tion of the erimfnal syndicalism
law, faoes a sentence of one to ten
years, ta. prison -or a tine or not
more than S1009, or both. He
also faces deportation since any
alien convicted of a felony can be
deported. Boloff has lived In the
United States It years bat is a
citizen of the soviet republic et
Caucasia, ; . .
Not Guilty Plea
By Mrs. Fowler
Finally Entered
LA GRANDE, Ore.,lFeh. 24 '
(AP) A change of Tense will be
asked In the trial of Mrs. Emma
Fowler, former La Grande city
treasurer, . accused ot larceny ' of
pubUe funds, her attorneys said
today after , Mrs. Fowler had
pleaded not guilty to the charge.
Mrs. Fowler's- accounts, turned
over to her successor this month,
were abort about 1112,000,; city
officials alleged. ;
A defense motion to quash the
information filed against Mrs.
Fowler was denied and a demur
rer was overruled by the court,
Arguments on the change ot
venae motion will be heard Satur
day. ;
Electric Chair
Goes Wrong But
Victim is Dead
: RAIFORD, FUu. Feb. S4
(AP) Florida's electric chair
broke down today while a man
was being -executed. -
Nathan Burton, 24, convicted ot
beating, his wife to death with a
stick of wood after a quarrel, was
strapped ' In the chair and the
switches thrown at 2:21 p.m., af
ter the current had - coursed
through his body for SO seconds a
high voltage wire snapped. ;
Last : Tlmea
Get ' thoso I J
' T&ugha . that
ara coming to
you whila you
' watch and
listen to tho
funniest ....- .--1...
Oimedy rer . - V. - LIGLji.J.
: ' pttt on FHa
.. sr . , . ,
FVorii r '
Alley, She
Society! -
VIracious - Saucy
Hilarious Comedy
- - and
e-rrj WARSUtt BROS, r rj
m' " ' .
K! a n n e t h- Goff, of : Brockton,
Maat arOl not play with West
Point gridders this Fall. Thafa
about the only conchuien that can
be reached la the dixpata, that fol
lowed charge, the Army was try
tog to recruit the Ehodr Island
State College player. He has been
held ineligible to became s cadet.
Electricians hurriedly discon
nected the chair and began splic
ing the ' wires but before they
were ready to resume a physician
said Burton waa. dead.
Heilin Protest,
Filed Against
His Successor
WASinNGTOl. Feb. ; 24
(AP) Formal contest was tiled
in the senate today by Senator
nAfllit nf Alabama, asrainst the
election of John BI. Bankhead, de
mocrat, Alabama, to toe seat now
held, by Keflia:
. He presented his petition la the
T a m um time of
fered a 'new resolution providing
for the impounding ot oaiw
boxes in. the last election. Both
the petition and resolution were
referred to the senate elections
committee .
Large Blaze in
Oakland Fought;
Firemen Injured
OAKLAND' Feb. 24 (AP)4
WhUe police fought, back, .huge
crowds of spectators, fire tonight
destroyed a three-story bunding
In the heart of Oakland. All
available fire fighting apparatus
in the city waa called to prevent
the fire from spreading to adja
cent buildings. '
Nine firemen were overcome by
smoke and heat or were cut by
flying glass aa three explosions
shattered large panes ot glass.
Total damage waa estimated by
the building owners at $250,000.
Savoidi Beats ;
Gridiron Feats
(AP) Joe Savoidi, former Notre
Dame fullback, brought, his grid
iron tactics ta tha roped, square
tonight to defeat Howard Canton
fn raws. heavTweisht wrestler.
in two straight falls. It was 8a-
TOldi's first appearance la ViAi.-
- ... M
forma wrestling ana, ma secona
professional - appearance - ; , .
Ravnldl took bath falla with
fling tackles. the first In nine
teen minatea aad the second nine
minutes later. ,- -r ;.- -
, Forty-four of the 14 f bus lines
operating , la Indiana - conducted
business at a lose la 1922. -.-.-r
i I II
J U 11
ufti n nnnr
si aarjuz. ta uiw
a .7 ii
VINA DEL MAR. Chile. Feb.
24 (AP) Travelera Teaching
hero today from Pent declared
the revolt In that country was
ready to ' start at the time the
Prince ot Wales visited Peru only
a- few days ago but: was held off
until the British party had: safe
ly left. , ',;.V
j The persons wh gave- the ia
formatloa followed the Prince of
Wales- party through Pera and
Bollvlav TTiey said that while the
Prince of Wales was In. Pera a
namber of officers -who said a
revolution was impending went
to the-Prince and told him they
would hold it off until he had
completed his vtslC .
They asserted also that a civil
war Is certain between the Lima
forces and those who seized Are
quipa unless provisions! presi
dent Luis M. Saches Cerro ac
cedes to the demands ot the rev
olutionists.: "
YAKIMA, Wash.. Feb. 24.
(AP) John Nelaon, BO, Bunny
aide, waa killed' today by a dyna
mite explosion while' working on
Gcssy: Stomachs
Made Well
Every person, who is troubled
with gas In the stomach and
bowels, should get a package of
Baalmann's Gas Tablets and see
bow quickly they will relieve all
distressing symptoms.
Sharp pains in the abdomen or
about the heart are often duo en
tirely to gas ; pressure. Some
times the circulation" Is rer.rlct
ed, causing the hands and feet to
grow . numb. Usually there Is
mnca gargling or rumbling in
the the- bowels. - Many sufferers
complain of a gnawing feeling In
tha atomach, extreme- nervous
ness, heartburn; drowsiness after
aatlagv fceadaehee. dizzy spells or
labored- breathing.
Baalmann's Gas Tablets taken
at meal time not only prevent all
bad affects from gas, but they
Invigorate - the weak . nerves of
the stomach and 'assist in restor
ing the whole digestive systa-t
to proper working order.
Genuine Baalmann's Gas Tab
lets la the yellow package
can be obtained at any good
drug store. Price Si every
where. , ,
' Alwava oat IiamA m
Daniel J. Fry's. Adv.
rzxmizzi nnos. pntmi
HURRY! i j v3ri
Starts Tomorrow
(Q Mi -
1 . n - ' v;-' -V4
w I -'
.T. eoiS 1,, ,,
,1 -A lCTUKS
the state highway . between
Grandvisw and Prosser.
Pulitzer Heirs
Trying to Sell
Out Newspapers
NEW YOHK Feb. 24 (AP)
The three sons ef Joseph Pulitzer,
founder of the New York World,
asked surrogate today to per
mit them to sell to the Scripps-
Howard interests the three news
papers published in their gold
domed building on Park Row
the Morning World, Eveniag -World
aad the Sunday World.
Fur rotate James A. Foley re
served decision on their petition
and ad Job road court until 11 a. m.
tomorrow. Ha- desired to decide
whether be- could legally permit
the aale of the properties under
the wilt ot the late founder, who
took every- passible precaution In
his last testament to make sure
his male descendants would con
tinue to publish the papers.
Thursday, j
Milton SHIs
; A Dynamic
Drama. Dealing
Daringly- with
that Potent
- ; v w
V 1
L S I N O R E Hi
i r i II