The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 24, 1931, Page 4, Image 4

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    "A'o Favor Sways Us; No Fear Shall Axctl
- From First SUtesman, March 23, 123 1
Chiuxi A. Srrucct, Shixdon F. SAcrrrr, rSioMere
Chjucxxs A. Enucuc . Editor-Manaftr
Shxxdom F. Sacott Uanging Editor .
Ey It B. Ccytlaad, II. D.
or pawic
credited la
Member of th Associated Free
.The Aaaeclatad PrM Is exrlnslvety eatittad to th cm for
tion or au newa aiepatcnee credited to U or not otnarwue
uua paper. . -.. y , -; ,
' a i p , HI.
Fadf? Coast Advertising SepresentaUves s -
Arthur W. Stypca, inc.. Fsrttend, Security Bide
' '--aa Franciscan E baron Bids.: Los Angrlea, W. Pa. 3lde
v Eastern Advertising Representatives s
ForVP&raoa-mMfir.Ine Mew Vork. 171 MtdttM An.f
Chicago, N. Mtchlsa Aw t - :-
m Patered at -fas' Ppttoffie at Seism, Crse, Seond-CUmm
Matter. - fnhKgktf rtirr mining ixctpt Monday. Butins
of fie. SIS S. CmUTdal Strit. ,)-y .. -,
tua Subscription Kate, to AdrsJkca. Within re: IJaJIy aad
Scartar. 1 Ma. ceft: S Mo. ft.Sft Ka 9S.M J 1 year S4.M- Else
where cent pr Mo. or $S. tor X year la aevaaee.
Br City Carrier r s cents a month; M.SS a rear la aSrance. Per
Cpr t casta Oa tralae and Kawe SlaaOa S eawta.)
Every Tear many thousands ot
person are bitten by Cot. Not
all of ties bites aro made" by
mad: dogs, of
course.. Fre
quently? mach
' unnec a a r 7
a 1 a r to i a
aroused.. How
ever, la view
of th serlous
aaaa of a bite
from . a dia
sased do. It
U veil te keep
th animal an
der . observa
tion., ; .
Th iiabtr
01 bites- froaa
i dogs has iBUMNd wtthia . the
past fair years. Bat tbo number
of dogs found -with rabies . baa
daeraaoed, m fearo tba nuiabor of
deatba from brirophobla.
It la of latoroat tfioto tbat
la if Zl, there were I.IOS dog
bttoa reported la the eity of
New Tork. while. In 1929 ttrere
were 1279 dog: bitea. la lt2f.
ass doa were found rabid and
: Tli Oregonian and the Legislature
nHE Oreronian haa taken oil "Come Hotne,f as iU editor
X'ial theme song on the legislature. A Noah had to putjia ltJ oaly 15 7iwer-found to
ud with onlr forty days "of continuous rain, the Portland be truly aaad. la 192 there
daily believes that the legislators should cease their floods w"f v"? cltrot
of laki i the same periodof time. Windup busi- iTS&n!
ness and come home, is the admonition from the Oregonian. hTdroabobia i
It criticizes the legislature for a lack of leadership, for at- dISS Teaud b?Tg2. h!
tempting too many things, for diDy-dallying along so many disease la eaimsis u apekea of
days rith nothinsr accompliahecL f ' '- - fAJ?ki Bdl?1 ""VJ"
To an f which The Statesman rises to remark that JZSE'U I?
the Portland daily is no more eager for the legislature to lnthe ofhVaaiSL
dose tnan tne memoers are tnemseives. rony aays is wng waea tue animal bttea, the skin
enough for them; and they are all dead; anxious to wma
things up and go home. -
We must resent too "the imputation that the legisla
ture has trifled along, without leadership and without ac-
torn, ana tne germ
turoagh the broken skin. ,
Erery dog: bite should be Im
mediately placed tinder the- care
compasnmenc from ratner cjosc 00 serration we may ay 1 whether the dos was mad or net,
- that the legislature has been sinMlarir i industrious, and the woaad ahoeid a fauaediate-
triaf lt i?p1v av hm Hup tn i desire to hear from all !T eauterlaed. This la exceeding
parties concerned with proposed legislation and to make
alterations which will make the laws that are - enacted
workable and constitutional.
T Members have -worked early, and late. Hearings start
- the day at 8:30 and wind up the day somewhere along ten
o'clock at night. "It has been a steady grind and strain. Re-(possible to apply it.
a . . m a AI.
u garoiess 01 wnat we may tninjc ox tne accompusnmenr. 011 where it is deflmteiy
. this session, toe trutn remains teat it Has woncea naraer,
played less and attempted more than any session in recent
years. We may go further and remarkwthat there has been
less dissipation, more sober, painstaking deliberation than
on many occasions in the past history of the state. .
,Nor do we condemn out of hand the introduction of so
social velocities are increasing and the need for legislation tion of th wound.
grows. vxnirasL me xjrvgou ox sou umk ox uiua; , mc
simple, rural life of those times which needed only a simple
set of laws, and the complicated structure of business and
social organization at present. - !
Forty days is not enough to give to needed legislation
the patient, critical consideration which it merits. That is
why so much time each session goes to revision of errors in
The Oregonian asserts that the legislature , needs a
hard-boiled sifting committee which will segregate the im
- -nortant bills from those less imnortant. That calls for an
1 all-powerful junta in the shape of a rules committee which
4. ? Al T I L i 1 1 TT' 1. A
work at Otynipia; and mucn prexer tne Oregon pun wnicn
gives less opportunity for machine control." i
w ayyrww-wo iwuiw wiw bcn. Av Tbla may be due to do
me reign 01 terror wnicn permittea sucn pernicious legis- cayed teeth, diseased toasfis, na-
ly important and often proves to
aare been tae deciding factor in
the taring of a -lUe. Prompt
eaaterlxaUoa of all Wtea with
faming a f trie add lo the emer
gency treatment and it should
never be overlooked if It is
that the animal was mad, the
rletim mast be sent Immediately
to a- nospltau t Here be receives
the treataient know as the
"Pasteur teeatmeat'V This - treat-1
meat covers a period of throe
weeks and la usually successful.
particularly if there has not been
Treatment by "antf-rabitte se
rum , as called, has saved
much suffering. . It has- done
mach to diminish the aamber of
deaths from the disease.
If all dogs were not allowed to
run tree, and the-animals that
are particularly vicious kept
; muzzled, this disease would
probably disappear entirely, Thij
has been practically demonstrate
la . England where dogs : are
not allowed to run out unless
Answers to HaaJth Qcierfee
MI33 B. A. S. Q. What
causes bad breath?
HEALTH J- : THE PRqgPEGtOll -, . V -
355 H1T1I r ifiitnlnliw ! mail Sia urn - - . ..
galeui'l first store again:
y- '-
Ctfafiaufas- from Sunday:)
tildeea and Jena Cos were the
foorth asd fifth castomara ot Sa
lem's first atore r sated charge
aceouati, the first few dayp at
tar Its opealac. Also loo Jioimta
1 (ffraadfather , Of ,oaepb If. Al
bert) boaght $4 worth of boots
and aaoeij likely for kiffltelf and
wife. Joseph Brown and William
Shaw beeamo customers la the
first few dart. Jamea L. Burgess
had another Charge for a f i.2J
bill of goods Oa October IS.
bipa aoma "wet roods" for the)
thirsty. -At least In Utfr years,
Riley tc, Kendall were prosper-
ous, and Mr; 111 ley so?d cut and
fetnraed to the east and .Mr-'
Kendall remained and earned on.
"E. -M. ' Croisaa of Eatem re
members that his father. Jlnry
Crolsan, who was with the 134
Immigration, sad arrived la what
beeamo Salem. fa 1147, asd for a
time lived in the Jasoa LeO
beaao at 99 Broadway, wher
bis oWr sister was born, work-
d fa fatting out loga for the tale-
Thomas Moatelth had Ukeaout sioa milL
III worth a day or two before. W
o 4 If a remembers 'that some In-
Taraer Crump was -i a rood jaa tribe) bad disposed of, to
eustomen and J. B. AlcClsae tLtUf A Kendall, a captlva'iadlaa
made - many purchases. - The Boy as slave, aad that they fold
"Cftfme lady" aad the "lleClaue of traded this boy to Henry Crol4
lady" boaght bills of goods, no as. The) boy went by the asm
doubt charged up to their bus- "f Osceola aid bo helped Mr.
bands oa the ledgOr. HUHard Crolsan In hauling th logs with
"Murder at Eagle's Nest" WduIr
sal catarrh, indigestion aad con
' e O
B, H. TV Q. What kind of a
diet do you advise for a girl of
13?-". - i, :; - i-, '
A. Plenty of good, nourishing-
food, including milk, eggs.
lation as, the utility regulation measure to pass is regret
table. But the tax program promises to be constructive; and
the watchful economy of the ways and means committee is
commendable! 4 : . ; ,
In its method of working; its devotion to duty, its in
dustry, its: sobriety, its' whole-hearted interest in the wel-
fare of n, its freedom from. rotten deals, its avoid- "'
ance ox legislative rcauiuc&.5, iiujs . ickumiiuc ueactucai fwnv.
nraise. Its Tjresidmsr officers have sousht to be fair, and to
disnatch business. The dutv of the legislature is dear: to! THANK TOTJ. Q. -What Is
remain a few days longer, without compensation as it must.1 'P1"1 SaVitctnmtnJ some
and clear the desk of the vitally important measures whkh! .reparations or treatment for in-
must te enactea. mere is more danger in inxnscnmniaieiereaaing the growth of the hair?
haste this week than in consuming-too much time. 1 1 . , . . ,' ."' ' J
a. apinai meneigius is an in
fection disease of the nem
branes ot the brain and spinal
2. For full Information send
a sell-addressed, . stamped enve
lope and repeat your Question.
. The body of Baroness , von
Wleee is found in the garden of
Eagle's Nest, Emily Hardy's pala
tial country home,: wrapped la
Mary Frost's shawl. Preceding
her murder, the Baroness had gtv
en a note to the butler. This he
denies. She had also quarreled
with- her maid. Mary Frost, re
turning for her shawl, at mid
night, taw it on Laura Allan.
Laura; however, claims -Mary en
tered the garden wearing the
shawl. "Bim" Martin, young
newspaper reporter, fiancee ot As
sistant Police Chief Walter Vance,
learns Laura was responsible tor
the .broken engagement tf her
owb sister aad Ted Frost, Mary's
husband. Ted had also" flirted
with the Baroness. Bim" ob
serrlna'the butler dancing, won
ders about him. She learqs from
Carl Carey, New Tork, reporter.
that the Baroness was Margot
Belle, famous dancer. The sup
posed atolea Jewels of the Baron
ess are found In the. Baron's care.
Vance thinks Ted Preet may have
commuted the erlsae - mistaking
the Baroness for his-wife of whom
he Is Jealous. Although Ted and
Mary Frost left Eagle's Nest sep
arately before midnight, they ar
rive home together at 4 a.m.
Vane finds s pair of dusty slip
pers on the roof. Blm,r com
pares them with those -worn by
the Baroness. She finds the maid
watching ber. "Bim" discovers
the maid, who li gracefully built.
wears Urge shoes. Vance on
earths part of a uniform la the
cellar store. !
robbed. She, just 18, a-girl who ought to be finishing high
j school, is in jail, Pearl took a course in; real life; it was
short, two husbands and a crook; and she is still only 18.
One wonders what the succeeding .chapters will be, - for
, Pearl will soon be out of jail or prison if she does go there.
The fellow Wheeler, her companion, i was only 22, a
grandson of pioneers, it was .said. About all the girl knew
f about him was that he had served a penitentiary sentence.
He was from Lebanon and she from Waterloo, an ex-town
up the Santiam. They didn't get far away to get in trouble,
only the suburbs of Portland.. j
You wonder sometimes where they come from, :these
boys and girls who set out in'crime. Usually we think they
come from a big. city. This pair came from rural communi
ties. The cases would afford interesting studies in heredity
and environment. We may surmise what ; the investigation
" would show, -lack of parental control, steppingjout to taste
life, perhaps skirting the edge of crime before plunging
J A- XL. A. - I.,
liuu . me ' curi eiiu , .'--:i." s
Two Husbands and a Crook
ONLY eighteen, twice married and off; on a jaunt with
a man not her husband, -now Pearl Billings languishes
in the Clackamas county-jail white authorities decide wheth
er to bring criminal charges against her' or not. The man
she was with is dead, killed by the man he and she had circulation to perform the duties
eijiecieu ut n. x nsi is eviaeni
by the fact that this country was
never richer , than now, neither
was It ever burdened with as
much unemployment and. dis
tress." We witness a spectacle-of
farma over-supplied, with food for
which there- is no market, and
on the other hand tea million
people clamoring tor this same
The only reason that t know
of. why these two . elements of
our society cannot' get -together
la the. lack of the medium ot ex
change which Is money. Thai to
tal wealth of the state of Oregon
is about three billion dollars,
while the money in circulation Is
not in excess of fifty million, or
less than two per cent of our
total wealth. Ton can see, there
fore, that It would be possible, if
this fifty million dollars which is
all the money we have In circula
tion, was to be taken out of the
state- that V would bo bankrupt
and would starve.; In spite ot
the fact that 98 per cent, of our
wealth would stni remain In our
hands. ' . -
" Insofar as the security back of
thia money would be concerned,
there could be none better, for
when we reach the place. If we
ever do, when a c t , per cent
mortgage on ; improved real' estate-
is not security, then there
will bo-no security, no credit and
no wealth in the state. This
currency thus guaranteed and
discount prohibited by law as
provided In my bill, would la the
course of ten years save, to the
borrower In interest alone. . an
amount equal, to the mortgage.
The ordinary loan carries an ln
terest rate of approximately
eight per cent. Over a period of
ten years this would i equal 89
Pr cent of the loan ; and , rt it
were , compounded It would" be
n?2T ,aft- er enl of. the loan. ;
The total cost to the borrower
under my bUl would be only
four percent for the entire period-
f ten years which would
leate a net of tf per cent to
credit oft the mortgaged For ex
ampler we will sav a Ia.. m.r ai
000 Is nrado for aperloa et frvrt
J ' vr my BUI tins vonU
e Safety
j -
aive - -
Letters from
Statesman geadera
To The Editor: -
1 was very much pleased with
the editorial written by you in
which you discussed Senate Bill
Na. 2 ft. Introduced by me which
provides that the state print
$50,066,000.00 In currency and
lean the same on first mortgage
on Improved i real . estate, such
loan not to- be in excess of to
per cent of the value ot such im
proved real estate and no- loan
shall be for an amount greater
than 15.000.
Now, Mr. .Editor, I am very
thankful for. the publicity you
gave this bllL Your' reaction to
It was natural and to be expect
ed, as - on first glance It dees
seem ridiculous, yet,' upon reflec
tion It becomes mora or less real
and feasible.:
To begin with let ma say that
. th world is a changed place
" ,' - i- ' - ..-- r-
from what It was whenever the
monetary system was established.
Our demands were- modest. We
are now living in a highly moder
nised ago- wherein business and
government hare become mora
or less complicated. Our trans
portation system has become rev
olutionised; our mode of. doing
business has also been revolu
tionised. The only , thing that
has not progressed has been our
money system. In the beginning
money was Invented to be used
merely aa a medium of exchange
and waa mora or less in proper
tion to our wealth and our de
mands. . in i the early periods
money had te perform the errand
only et unnla- to the grocery
atort for. food and the clothing
atere for clothing. ; It is .much
different now. - This money must
not only perform, the errand of
food and clothing but It must
purchase: automobiles, radios,
high priced furniture and a hun
dred and oa 0 other luxuries un
dreamed of la- years gone by; A
likely .comparison would 00 a
Prson-trying to operate a high
powered " modern eight-cylinder
uivmooue- on a quart of. oil
woicb yresiLX
for the entire period, whereas
the ordinary loan at S per cent
would cost 1400, leaving a net
gain to the, borrower of $380,
and If this were compounded it
would exceed $380.
The enactment of this law
wouia tnererore eliminate any
mortgage that it would come In
contact with within the period of
ten years.
:. Something of this kind wUl
have to be done sooner or later
whether by the federal govern
ment or by the states. An edi
torial . in the Journal known as
."The Business Week"of Febru
ary It, 1931, published by the
MeGraw-Hill Publishing company
Contains the following:
' . ... But here again, as la
the case of public support ot the
unemployed, the sound objec
tions to the gorernment's going
into the 'banking business are
likely to "be greatly weakened in
public opinion if private financial
institutions are not able or will
ing to proride needed monetary
facilities to all solvent borrowers
at a price they are able to pay.
"It seems to be Inescapable
that whero private business does
not do something that is neces
sary, government will sooner or
later be forced to do it whether
we like it or not. We don't like
it. and we wish business didn't
like a a little harder, too."
V Ton wiU see by this that some
thing of this kind is being given
serious coaslderatloa by the lead
ing thinkers of the country and
this Mil, although I am willing
to grant you, sounds moreof less
foolish and ridiculous,1 yet it is
no more so than would hare been
the statement some few . years
ago . that we some day would be
able to -hear a " human voice
around the world or that an aero
plane would make a non-stop
f Ught . from New York to Paris.-
Thanking yon for the publicity
you have given this bill and for
the privilege you have extended
me in answering- the same, I am
: Very, respeetfally yours.
for the operation of a Tord .
There not eaough ey fat Sthorwer rwenNTdXS
Dallas, Oregon
' February 18, 1921
Editor of Oregon Statesman:
Dear Sir: v
I have read so much of the
water difficulty In Salem that I
would like to say word,
i -I think I have drilled mere
wells In the city t Salem than
any man now livlnf.
I feel sure - there la an abun
dance of water under Salem to
supply the city tor all time to
come; much bettor water than
any ever bad or which may bo
obtained from , either the Wil
lamette or the Santiam, and at
o much .less cost to the city.
There Is no comparison.
.The water may be had at a
depth of one-hundred and" twen-ty-qvo
to ISO fqpt. ; .
C, A. Wlteraft it Sena,
Dallas, Oregon.
Closer examination of the linen
skirt showed that it was marked
by the same grayish stains that
bespattered the slippers.
v, "It's stone-dust from the peb
ble path.- Walter aaid. The wo
man stepped oa the path aad then
walked, through the dewey grass.
She that is. If aha waa the one
who brought the dress down bare
burned - the waist and probably
something- happened to frighten
her before she could dispose of
the skirt th same way."
-feae sugar aara- beea a cer-
ant Bim saggested. -Someone
front anywhere at all com to vis
it one of Em's servants. Of course
they wouldn't tell they'd deay
u. Maybe aba jast waa snOoptng
around to see what went on here.
Only if that was the case, how
would she hare 'found a chance
to come into thia shut-op base
ment and destroy the dress and
to get on the roof and aide the
slippers? Unless she's very. Tory
clever. Cleverer than any ser
vant I've ever heard Of."
"Well, if she onlj borrowed the
uniform as a camouflage,! what'd
she want to make away with it
afterward for?" Walter demand
ed. '
"Fear, probably she got scar-
ea, x tnink. Listen. Walter: sun
posing she were someone snvlng
about and saw the killine in snita
ot nerseu. of course, she'd de
stroy every possible thing that
might give herself away."
waiter nodded, more than half
convinced. "Spying around seems
to have been the nooular Indoor
and outdoor sport at Eagle's Nest.
What do you eay, Bim"
-"Imogene? . Let "me find ont.
Wallyf f
He shrugged, but gave permis
sion and they left the old. base
ment rather stealthily and eventu
ally came out upon the. terrace.
where they found William gath
ering tne magazines from the
wicker table th same maga-
xines, Bim reflected which, had
caught the attention of the Bareness;-one
of t them, . Indeed,
would i. be the very, book upon
whoso torn page the dead wom
an had written the note indirect
ly responsible lor ber visit to the
garden and for her death'
"Where are you talcing Ihose?"
Bim asked the butler.
: We change them every ; week,
miss. The new! ones have come
and Mrs. Hardy gives me the old
Ones.'' - i " 7 ' '- ;-.
Bim asked him to leave them
for a little while. "Something I
want to look up, William. If yon
don't mind T" i" j
"CerUinly, miss." He swung
away with his lithe, graceful
stride and Bim settled herself be
side th periodicals while Walter
looked on somewhat -puxzled till
Bim explained, whereupon be
helped with the search-,' ,
. -It was fruitless, however, fa he
dozen or - more kZaagaxineo they
leafed through mot one page was
missing. i .. - : -:
t Which 8h0wa., Bim aaid, hat
one ot the books has been taken
away.:'- -
"And which also ahowa that
someone around here Is working
against us. Well . Walter
strolled away across the grounds
while Bint went to find: Em-Hardy.
. .! "-'I v.; 1. 'f.-.'-i 1
Em was la her -boudoir, teat lag
off the effects of her afternoon's
business with the naderUker, on a
chaise rongua while J ber maid
bathed her bead with eau ile co
) BTo Headway
"Ain't it Hadeat" she bellow
ed at sight of Bint, enjoying her
self immensely. "What's the good
word, thOdT Caught anybody
yet?- -- -
-Maybe,' Bim replied discreet
ly. That's sot . what I'm here,
about, though; 1 Just wanted a
little chat," she gUnced at Em'a
ostrich-trimmed mules and then
at Imogenes pert and daintily
shod though not overly small feet.
-Where do you buy your shoes,
Emr . . - v.
Mrs. Hardy bought her shoes
In. Paris from the man whoso
name was stamped la the ailver
slippers Walter, had found In the
tank on the roof. - f
Bim received- this Information
without . surprise; she felt some
way that she had expected it aad
was not watching Mrs. Hardy but
Imogene as . she listened. The
maid, however, showed no Inter
est Ja the conversation; she ap
peared hardly to be listening.
"You wear black satin on hum.
doml jour Bias asked further.
"Had any silver ones lately?"
"Mercy, child, silver, la oasso
ae the hills Nope! Imogen In
herited my last ones ares ace.
When was It, anyway?"
"Last Winter. Madame. the
girl replied, still without interest.
"They, were short for mm ma 1
couldn't wear them at all.-
'I'd lore to see them " Bim re
marked wistfully. "You see." she
explained la reply to Em's sur
prised look. "I'm thinking of get
ting some evening shoes and I do
love silver even if it Is sort of
Em fell Into the trap. "It'a a
matter of taste after all. . Go get
'em, Imogene. I had that narr
oa only once and maybe they'll
i you. ; .
The maid left the room at onea
but it was some time before she
returned looking blank. "Somo-
thing's happened to the silver
slippers, Madame. I'd wrapped
them in tissue and laid them an
thinking to give them to my lit
tle; niece. And now they're
gone!" Quite plainly sha waa In
dignant and -inclined to be sus
picious. -I didnt think to lock
them UP, Madame. she added.
"Nonsense. Imoeene! tf
implying that Jane took thoaa
anoes you're craxy. Jane's ot
feet like gunboats! VYou'va oroh-
ably mislaid them is all, I'm Sor
ry," Em told Bim. "Anvthlnr ln
do? There's a pair black aad
gold 1 don't , much care for."
Blm thanked her and said noth
ing else would answer. And she
left the two women feelinr thor
oughly certain that Imogeoe's surprise-
at the disappearance as well
as her Indignation had been. real.
Who. then had worn the ailver
slippers on the night of the mur
der? Why? And how? "Well-
thought Bim' hopelessly, "Well.- -
Kerurmag to the terraee she
encountered what She regarded as
- oompueauon since there ap
proached .from oa direction the
alert personable figure ot Mr.
Carl Carey while from the other
way. moving, with a determined
and somewhat beUUerent ata
cane Mr. Walter Vance.
Carey waa not alone. Another
man followed him at a Tattle- dis
tance;! one who carried a tripod
ana a disc a box which Bim rec
ognized as a camera. Carey, she
uaderstood-at once, had sent tar
a photographer and tomorrow the
city paper would alve to aU hn
cared to see, views of Eagle's Nest
wua an a, no doubt, to mark th
apot where, the Bareness
Wleee waa murdered. '
But this was not dtin
happen, because Walter would
not allow It "Nothing doing,"
he toli Carey aa ho came np oa
the terrace. -I won't hara thia
case spoiled by publicity."
Larey shrugged cood nitnrd.
y, though hls ores were tnm.
and sent tha photographer away.
" v ery . well. Chief: we won't
cramp, your style."
Tit's sot a question " Walter
hexan.. T3ut the reporter Inter
Shaw and Mr. King opened ac
counts. Shaw waa charged up
with $i.50 for a pair of pants.
Lucinda Brown bought "prints"
and other articles.
: V :
f Oa Oetobor if, -Mr. Looney"
took out a bill of $28.J2 worth
Of goods ' and Thomas . . Howell
was credited with fltUO worth
of potatoes on the 2 f th.. Lindsay
Applegate bought a ; $10.58 bill
of goods, and Peter Polley got
$13.75 worth, a $1.7 i charge be
ing for powder; gunpowder, of
V :
"Mr. Kaiser" came la on Octo
ber 29th and waa charged with
a 1X2.00 bill of goods, and on
the 20th "Preacher McKfnlev-
waa charged 75c for "stuff for
arawers. josepa cox had a
$21.25 charge entered against
him October 20.1 of which $21
was for six axes. He zo doubt
had rails to make and land to
dear. The next day John Cox
opened a $21 charge account.
The day before, "Parson Leslie
was charged with a bill of roods
running to $31.13, and Walter
Montelth opened a small account.
On the 20th, J. Towasend opened
a 2.50 account, and N..R. Brad
shaw bought a $1.37 cravat and
11.20 worth of odds and ends.
(H waa no doubt the vot of
th wagon train.)
: V, :"j
Rev. J. L. Parrish cam In on
October 20 tor a bill of goods
running to. $8.03, and "Mr. Dor
bin" bought $22.56 worth and
was credited with $1. go worth ot
butter. N. Ford. H. Campbell,
James Force, N. L. EngUsh, Hor
ace Holden. H. Shaw and others
bearing historic names onened
early accounts before the end of
L. H. Jadson opened a $45.88
account- February 1. -O. Apple-gate-
opened an account' about
that date. Likely one of the
younger members of that famous
Cox family. J. D. Boon, Charles
Craft, Dr. W. H. Wlllson and
many others of htstorie - - fame
came in soon and bought -goods.
John Herren was s customer, aad
I. . N- Gilbert, and "Capt," Chap
man (no doubt Wiley Chapman)
became regular customers, in
that year and the years follow
ing, up to 1253, as did John Her
ren. William H. Rector, f Hlnn
English, aad many other pioneers
whoso names are- written large on
the pages of Oregon history.
"a 1
RHey and Kendall -were largo
patrons; their purchases beta in
such Volume as tev indicate that
Thomas Cox was before long do
ing something in the way of a
wholesale' business. On. February
1 V 2 8 4 8, Riley A Kendall were
charged with $18.75 worth of
miscellaneous merchandise, in
dicating that they were opening
their place of business la the
northern part of th beginning
village, near the present. 080
Broadway and the Larmer ware
house, where the mission mills
were located. Riley Kendall
had a sort of business there later
that would correspond to the old
time "grocery," where there was
a littl. card playing and gam
bling aad sort of "poor man's
club" waa maintained, with per-
aa OX team especially waa It
Osceola's Job to hunt the oxea
when they bad strayed off. But
it was about as much trouble to
find Osceola as the oxen, for he
was pron to , pretend that he
thought he' could find the tattle
At "the Institute," where ber was
fa the habit of playing with oth
er Indian children. As the title'
of 'Indian slaves was rather a '
haty one, and as the bonds were '
anything but severe, and the Chil
dren of the forest were proverb
ially laky and shiftless, they were
scarcely worth their keep.
The reader will recall that
William Cox went to the Cali
fornia mines with, the initial
crowds of the grand rush of 1248
and that he secured gold dust to
the value of several, thousands of
dollars, part of which he brought
home and the rest of Which he
expended In buying a large stock
of goods-In San Francisco for the
Salem store, and that after' his
return home Thomas Cox retired
from the active management of
the business; turned it over to
his son William and4 Mr. Turner
Crump. V .
The ancient books at the Ladd
A Bush bank show records of
those transactions. Including the
receipt ot various supplies of
gold dust. There followed the
first boom period here, and Sa
lem was platted, also North Sa
lem and the "Salem" that was
between them, on "the Islsnd"
formed by North Mill creek and
the mill race of the mission mills
on the west side of the present
Broadway, and north of North
MH1 creek.
The building of the Willamette
woolen mill on "the Island." be
ginning, in 1858. made that end.
of the town the main center off
Salem's business section, which'
position It held- for about 20
years. '.-
i 3a m b
Thomas Cox waa the only man
to bring the entire stock ot goods
of a store across the plains,
though Henderson Luelllng
brought a ," whole nursery thai
si a rr a wa Ml
. .. Of 014 Oreroa
Town Talks frvut The States-
. ansa Pair Fathers Read
Feb4ruu l&OO
Howard Catlln and Midship
man Fred Perkins were drown
ed la th river here 1 shortly be
fore 5 o'clock Isst night, when
th light skiff in which they
were riding capsized. Heroic ef
fort on part of Perkins to aare
Ufe ot his companion was with
out success. '
- One of ' th 'most successful
events of its kind ever carried
out in Salem was the flag rals
ingN event yesterday at the Au
burn schoolhouse, under leader
ship of the teacher, Evelyn Nash.
There are 55 pupils.
"Right-o. Any new develop
ments? Arrest within twenty
four hours?" he asked mock
ingly. T
Walter blushed furiously and
turned his back; he would hare
stalked away but Carey called
after hint. "Hear some- of your
pet witnesses are laid low. Chief.
Mind If th press " he grinned
at Bim, "strolls over for a little
interview with Mr. Robert
-Trent?" Walter whirled
about and Bim looked ighast as
she repeated the name. "Js Bob
ill? Why, that's terrible."
-"So I'm told," Carey replied.
"How's for a ramble up the
mountain, Bim, my child?"
"Oh, well an go." th girl
put In quickly. "Poor Bob
and poor . Millicentl All this ex
citement - '-
"Three's Crowd
-Th three started out. Walter
silent and ungracious and Carey
chattering gaily to the apprehen
sive girt They climbed over fhe
stile in. the wall which ran along
the back of Eagle's Nest and
padded through the white dust
of the private road on a short
cut to Lowland Drive, which
curved about the mountain past
iue rent coiiage.
? ( -A
- I; ?
Amazes Mother
"J. C," Jr.'a stomach waa olten upset
and he had very little appetite." says
Mrs. J. C Bradley, Mesauite. Dallas
County, Texas, "lie was feverish and
his breath was bad. I found he was
"My mother always used Cali
fornia Fig Syrup, so I decided to give
my boy some. It surely surprised me
to see bow croicldy it stopped his
mere they found Millicent kit-1 M.,i.ti k:.
1 ig a B.v St 0TCB' She tim a strong and energetic boy
. c mem uu a orave smite, again. ' 1
though Bim saw at once that her The quick, safe way to cleanse and!
eyes were Ted with weeping. She regulate the bowels of bilious, head,
put her arms around the flutter- achy, constipated children is with
lag shoulders of little Mrs. Trent CaltfomU Fig Syrup. Give it at the
and tried to be-reassuring. first sign of bad breath, coated
"Is Bob veryilL" dear? You've, tongue, listlessness or feverish ness.'
got a narse? ' Every child loves its rich, fruity
"I'm taking care of him. Bim. I flavor and it acts without criping or
He's Just - worn out: you- know 1 discomfort. Appetite is increased by
its use: digestion is assisted; weak
stomach and bowels are given tona
and strength. 1 i
For fifty years, doctors have en
dorsed this pure vegetable prodocU
The eenume is always marked by the
how lt-ls. A few days fa bed, the
doctor says." in spite of her wor
ry. Millicent flirted a little with
Walter and - with Carl, struck
rather ty the reporter's good
looks. "Ceme and sneak to him a
minute; it'll do him good." She I word California. Look for that whzii
led the way through the aeat j buying may get an imitationJ
Boh lay as one completely -ex
naustea. nxs face white as the
pUIow upon whlcbr his head rested.-;.
. .. .
ITo be continued)