The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 19, 1931, Page 6, Image 6

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1Z.B OREGON STATESMAN. CaUru Oregon, Thursday Itorninr, February 19 1931
, ;
record Breaking Attend
ance Greets Unique
' A record-breaking crowd tilled
eats and Yestibule when the
Brnsb College comraanity club
"kti srlendld patriotic program
at the reeent meeting held at the
local schoolhouse Feoraarjr If.
Th ororram opened wKk
enr o -welcome ey tko school
enlldren to II. C. Seymour,, leader
of the 4-H clubs.
Joslah Wills, county senool sa
tterinteadent, was , also present.
and latreduced Br. Seymour by a
unique method. Ha had drawn
tiumb sketches of Lincoln, Wash-
la etosi aad IL C. Seymour, ana
: asked the audience to--Identify
, each. Mr. Sermon r was airea
. ' comnlete surprise : when, Jesiah
Wills presented him with a bean
tifully written doctor's decree of
Brash Cones. This was tae- iirsi
diploma Brush College kad aver
giren and was la the nature or. a
practical joke but with the sin
cere rood wishes of all present
V. J. Lehman made the presents-
. tkm in behalf oC Brash Callere
school beard, composed of C. L.
Blodgett, Fred Ewing and U. J.
" ' Lehman, t -
Mr. Seymour read an Interest-
In thesis which he wrote a nam
ber of years as- while at Colum
bia university. Ilia subject yas
-Community Life,? and he bad
; nsed Brush College as an example.
Ulstorr Recalled
He said in part. "la 19
Brush Colleee was located on
land claim." He told of how the
flrst one-room schoolhouse was
built on this dalm. how the lum
ber was secured and told, names
'f all the . teachers. Brush Col
lege Is situated in a favorable lo
cation, with good roads aad much
fruit raisins;. "
A Sunday school was organized
la.ltoo which has been self-sup-aorting
from the- start and has
also contributed to other causes.
An annual noaoeeozalng picnic is
one of the fine features of Brush
College and Is held each year tn
the community picnic grounds,
which were, donated to Brush Col
lege by Mr. and Mrs.. Byron Har
ritt. Miss Irene Cutler was accom
panist for the following program,
; -which, was arranged by Fred Ew
lag and Mrs. Mary H. Sehon. The
"spirit of.musid" was represent
ed by Rath Whitney, who called
Cor muglcand the girl represent
ing eae bsong appeared and sang
as the air was played. Others tak
ing part In the costumed musical
play were: Ereiyn Working as
'Goddess of Liberty": Hazel BJt
ett, "Yankee Doodle"; Mildred
liunson. "America": Kathleen
Rock. "Hall. Columbia"; Antonio
Krall. ."America, the Beautiful":
Angelina Falk, "Battle Hrtnn ef
the Republic": Lorain Acuff and
Lillian Harper as two ' Indian
maids sand "By the Waters of
Minnetonka." and "Land of the
Sky Blue Waters": Rath Whitney.
Maxlne Olsen. and Rnby Johnson,
dressed as Gypsies, sand "Swaaee
River"; Dorothy Wilkenson, rep
resenting a-cowboy, sang "Red
Hirer Valley." As a closing of
this part of the program all danc
ed the "Virginia reel."
The neat number , -was the
Brush College song in unison, ac
companied by Mrs. A. E. Utley.
A. E. .Utley. president, presided at
. the business meeting and appoint
ed Miss Ruth Bennett and A R.
-Ewing as the program committee
. for next meeting, and Mrs. Fred
Ewing aind Mrs. C. L. Blodgett
" as -
"Measles Epidemic
; Is Reported
SUMMIT HILL, Feb. 18 Miss
. Margaret Shifferer is confined to
- her' home with measles. Other
cases hare been reported among
' them are Ben Wlpper who is now
able to be out and Wayne Shack-
mann. grandson of Mr.- and Mrs.
James. Weathers, who has been
Golds Lodge
' n
fou must do three things to
check a cold. Any doctor will tell
yon that. But yon need take only
one preparation to do the work.
All symptoms of a cold are ban
ished by Papa's Cold Compound.
It reduces inflammation and
welling of the nasal .membranes.
So breathing becomes easy; dis
charge stops; the head is cleared.
Tape's" encourages perspiration.
So that achy, fererlsh, weak feel
Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays
February 20, 21, 27, 28, March: 1st
Albany V
-$ .90
-$ .50
-$ .70
Other points
. Tickets on sale in both directions between all points.
. minimum SOa.
Return limits Tuesdays following dates ot sale.
- . ... . . :'."
E. F. ROBERTS, Oty Passenger aad TJrt. Agent, TeL 727
0 .-i.M i.
Claiming to cure paralysis and
nenra center in tha nose. Dr. Paul
Gillet. .Paris surgeon, salated tha
Statue of liberty from the deck
of the lie de France. He claims
to hare effected a cure in 1,500
cases in France.
julte sfck but is convalescent at
this writing.
The farmers welcomed the rain
as an iarm operations, eucn
plowing, "were at a standstill due
to the ground being too dry.
Mr. and! Mrs. G. F. Booth re
turned from Oakland. California
where they spent smonth Tlslt-
inr their son Herbert, and wife,
While there ' they were dinner
guests Jot Dr. Mary M. Staples,
formerly of this community, at
the Stewart hotel in San Fran
cisco. ' Other guests were Miss
Hallle Thomas and Mrs. Ida Wip-
per.Lyte of Fertland, and Mrs.
Vergean Witchen : Redd of Saa
Fraaciaeo. all of whom were at
one Urn residents of Turner or
the surrounding country.
"' , ' i
DXLLASi Feb. 1 8 Te Dallas
city . eonncil met Monday night
for its regular meeting. Most of
the -business taken up was con
cerning new ordinances that are
up for discussion.,
The ordinance committee gare
report on the proposal to make
Main and i Washington streets
through streets with all . ..cross
streets as stop streets. Mr. Dal
ton suggested that an ordinance
be passed prohibiting parking In
front of the junior high school on
Main street, Earle ' Richardson
then told ot the work the Ameri
can Legion is doing in regard to
safety near the i school. The
street, committee will meet with
the Legion later "to settle this
matter. ;. U- r i--.V'-- .
Mr. .Dakpn also ! gare a report
regarding the proposed milk or
dinance, t : ' ' , -
Those In I attendance at the
meeting were Mayor. Fin seth and
conncilmen I Snndbef. .Peterson,
Allgood. Dalton. Starbuck. Ret
zer . and Sarery. -
PERRY DALE. Feb. 18 The
fire students of Perry dale high
who wero able to make the Honor
Roll the last six weeks of the sem
ester were:; - Aladlne ' Campbell.
Rnth Keytv Harry Nedrow. May
Tan Staareren, ' and Artene
White. It Is considered quite an
honor to be placed on the Honor
Roll as one must hare three "l's"
and no grade lower than .'z". Al
so they must hare no 'unexcused
absences or tardy marks.
WACONDA. Feb. 18 Mr. and
Mrs. Vern B. Walker and twins of
Portland . spent the weekend at
the home' of Mr. aad Mrs. Allyn
N'usom. Mr. Walker is a brother
of Mrs. Nutora. ,
in 3 Spots
! n
covers all
ing due to Inactive pores Is quick
ly banished. "Papa's" kills cold
germs; opens the bowels and re
mores germs and the acid wastes
ot colds from your system.
Almost before you know what
is happening, Pape's Cold Com
pound has yon comfortable, well,
happy again. Appetite la' encour
aged; digestion assisted. Gener
ous packages 1 5c all drug stores.
Insist on 'pape's".
Forest GroTt
lUinier - . ' ,
Seaside "
in proportion.
. 1-
I'liDOE 10 :i
li'l IIIGII n
Golden pin of Honor Society
Givcrr rfcip Work js
Report , : '
WOODBURN,' Feb. It . The
highest honor for scholarship that
can bo received by students at
Woodburn high school was con
ferred upon three students at.n
special' assembly called Tuesday
morning. Two seniors, J ass Ter
gen and Kenneth Gfllanders, aad
one Junior. CharleeTreaidder.
were presented with the golden
pin of the Torch honor society.
The winning of the: gold' pin Is
the highest degree one can go In
the society.
In order to recetre the honor,
the student must maintain, an av
erage grade of x or less for X 6
; Number of
Dtpotiiing M tabors
ii i imaiwr . . mi
January V
Jotwary 1, 1929 . . 10,080
January 1, 1930 . . H153
January 1,1931 . . 31,197
;.;7 tefAy ' V--r?
Stability and pormanonco have cUstinguishod rhsj steady growth
of the Guardian Building and Loan Group until today this organ
Ixation stands preeminent among Institutions that are helping
build Oregon communities. ; I I
i The Guardian group virtually comprises a financial dty In lh
dF, bunt upon
backed by the faith of 31,197 Oregon depositors. Assets
ef the Guardian group Increaiod 51 2X during the last
years a record In Oregon financial history and a note-
worthy endorsement of the Integrity and efficiency of
Guardian management. ; . "i
h Guardian Is essentially an Oregon IruHruHorrinvest.
Ing money in Oregon homes end Is as safe and secure!
consacntlre six-week periods.
' Beside being leaders scholastic
ally the students are actiTo In ex
tra-curricular acUTlties. f Jane
Tergen Is an outstanding member
of the home economics club and
Is a member of the .board of con
trol. GUlanders is student body
president and la active In athletics
and music. - Tresidder Is also a
member of the school board of
control and Is a member of the
basketball aauad. .
Fire' Destroys . '
Lyons Home
T.TnKS. Cab. 18 Mr. and Mra
Floyd Shepherd of Lyons, route
1, lost their home- and practically
all Its contents by tire late Thurs
day. .:: . "... .
Mr., Shepherd was away work
in In Mill CltT. aad lln. Rhm.
herd had gone to a- neighbors. 'It
is not known how. the fire start
ed. The men and : friends of the
fanrtfl h7aa a a. cmliH m.. immI.
bla to' erect a new house and had ;
it weu .unaer way oy. snnaay. ;
1923 3,122
the firm foundation of .strict" state supervision and
' Home Office, Guardian Building, Third and Alder Sfs., Portland ,
tJUARDIAN BUILDINO & LOAM ASSOCIATION . . . v. . PorHand, Oreaon City, The Dalies, Klamath Falls, Eugene, La Grande, Gresham, Aloha
West Salem News
, , At the regular meeting Mon
day - night of the k Community
club a, discussion iwav held as to
the advisability of beginning the
construction, in t' near future,
of the long talked of new com
munity halL A edmmlttee Is to
be appointed . to confer with the
city council on the matter,
v A- committee representing the
personnel of the play, "Tto.
Mummy and the Mumps", given
hare recently under the auspices
of the community club ' reported
that, the play would "be giren tn
the near future in Salem, (to be
sponsored by the i Associated
Charities),; la Sllverton and to
Sheridan. The local - organiza
tion will recelTO 40 nor - cent of i
the profits which i will be applied
oa me onuaing ran a. . .
Tho' business meetink was fol
lowed by a abort program which '
called forth much act) la use.
Numbers on the program were: !
-4- r.
I I tJi I - f Janoory 1, 1929 . .$217682
- mwxiuauc imwiMtni wmtant
rocal sold ; and i encore.' J. P.
Smart; a group of Hawaiian gui
tar numbers. Messrs Horgan and
Storhow of the Bill Braxeau rau
slo house, alem; group of
sings -with Spanish guitar accom
panlnrent, Curtis Ferguson. ,
. Prises were awarded to ; the
persons selling the highest num
ber of tickets for the recent play.
The first prixe was won by Floyd
Hill, the second by WalteirGerth,
the third and fourth by- L. L.
Sloper and Guy Kewgeat.
Mrs.,H. Woolley, Miss Roberta
Peterson : and Miss Ruth Engle
horn will hare charge of the pro
gram for' tha March meeting.
- Refreshments were sorred ' at
the close of the meeting.
Joe Saroldl, former Notre
Dame fullback, who told friends
he will enter professional wrest
ling, said he had contracts call
ing for $2,000. -
as the state itself. Funds entrusted with Guardian are invested
only in first mortgages on improved Oregon real estate.. .all
mortgages are held by the State Corporation Commissioner and
state audits are made periodically. j
Additional safeguards include a Reserve fund, which guaran
tees' maturities on all contracts and establishes a surplus fund
for Guardian depositors and, also, a $25,000
every em(
I Start an account
ty00. 0 savings plan that
income. Ifrnore convenient, you may open an
by mail. Write today for the Guardian News and fur
iher information about the Guardian savings plans.
oaaAffuafad Cowpaiwes, Portland
II. '1 EH IS
' WACONDA, Feb. IS. Funer
al, serrlees were held Sunday
from ' Macy'f chapel at McMInn-
Tille for H. w. Towns.-. S. who
died at' Good Samaritan hospital
Tuesday.' ..
For the past f3ur years Mr.
Towne had made his home with
his. sister here, .Mrs. Q. W. Thur
man aad 'family of . Forest GroTe.
Ho . suffered a paralytic stroke
three- weeks ago and was taken
to the Good Samaritan hospital
In Portland where he passed
iv. .- -
n. V. Towne was born In In
nerklp, Ontario, September S.
1864. He mored to Iowa when a
young man and held the position
of assistant postmaster , for 2 J
years la Eldora. Iowa, reaching ,
the age of pensioning: He was
a member of the Modem Wood-
Assets of Guardian
Building and Loan Group
Jaiwary 1, ?2 , . $3M57
Janoory 1, 1929
January 1, 1930 . . . $924,533
January 1, 1931 . $4,740,000
wi th Guardian today I. We
offers the maximum of safety
pan lodse. Ills wi.'j rrecelti
nim in death IS years ago.
-BeaMes sister, Mrs. G. X7.
Thurmon of Forest Crore, he Is
surrlred by two brothers aadl
three sisters, all llrlng in Cana
da...;.;. :. : .... ,,. , i...
Cooking Club
- Will Entertain
LIBERTY, Feb. 18 -The Bako
'em Good Cooking club will
sponsor a benefit program Fri
day erenlng, February zO at 8
o'clock at the Liberty hall.
An Interesting program con
sisting of a play and; musical
numbers Is being arranged.
The- money will go to he! o de
fray the expenses of eendinr av
delegate to the O. 8. C. summer
school at Corrallls ,
WA1T)1. Ve.h. 1 1 Wfus
To- Portland Sunday after spend
ing a zonnignr. iiers Tuning rei
atlres and friends. . i
bond for
have a
for every
6 0 0