The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 19, 1931, Page 5, Image 5

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Saiga. Ore-cn, Thsrsfay !.!en-!rK TeirrMy J9.
Mexican to Speak R?f& Jn
Romero, pastor of .i tne Mexican
Free Methodist church la Log
Angela, Calif., will P
homo mission meeting at the Free
Methodist church here. North
Winter and Market streets, this
evening at 7:30 o'clock, -announce
th- regular pastor, Rot.
J. R. Stewart. Rev. Romero has
had years ot experience , la reli
gious work among the1 Indians In
Mexico and California. H speaks
English clearly. The meeting is
pen to all Interested, and a. spe
cial Invitation Is extended, to. Mex
icans.. - :'--:'li'f'V't
' 11 and 1 Inch wood also' plan
er wood. $5.00 per cord load de
livered from, car," $5.50 from
yard. Cobbs & Mitchell Co., .349,
-sjtth. Tei. iw..:;.'.:t; ;.
tMi. nnrt ' William Har
lan, father of Chester Rex Har
lan who was killed as resnit of
an automobile aceident last Satur
day, yesterday filed with the
county sheriff report of the acci
dent, which occurred near the Ni
agara bridge. .The report says
the road had Just been scraped
and he was driTlng fast.t the car
kidding and sriking the narrow
bridge, causing the driver to lose
control. 1 , ,
Tune In on KEX-12-13:30 to
day. - j- V .
Martin nrt -O. I Martin of
411 North 18th sustained back
Injuries Tuesday as . result of a
car crash on the old Turner road,
says a report filed with the sher
iff by Carl Hartley, driver of a
truck for the Salem Baking com
pany. Hartley says he was go
ing west when Errln Stoop of the
j state prison drove Into the high
way from a main road and hit him
head on. , .
12 and 16-inch wood, also plan
er wood, $5.00 per cord delivered
from ear; $5.50 from yard. Cobbs
& Mitchell Co., 349 5. 12th. TeL
813." , . H-
To Attend Meet L. Iti Schoet
tler left Wednesday fori Tacoma
where be will attend the sessions
of the annutl convention' of the
Western Retail Lumbermen's as
sociation as representative of the,
Willamette Lumber Dealers In
stitute, of which he is secretary.
Mr. Schoettler was accompanied
by Mrs. Schoettler and their
daughter Shirley. ' j
Thomas Bros. Hazel Green Fri.
Runaways TJacaugbt The
three boys, inmates of the state
training school, who escaped fol
lowing a basketball jgame here
Tuesday night, had 1 not . been
caught last night, according to
reports to city police. The ear
that was said might possibly nave
been stolen by the runaways was
recovered at Corvallis yesterday.
New Arrival Mr. and Mrs. J.
E. Blinkhorn are parents of an
eight-pound boy born'. Tuesday
night at the Salem General hospi
tal. The youngest is the first
child and has been named David
Edward, Mr. Blinkhorn is dairy
and foc Inspector here.
$20 to $50 for your old range
In trade on gas, fuel or electric
ranges this week at Imperial Fur
niture Co., 467 Court. See our
windows, i. ', ' i - .
Miss Davis Home Miss Au
drey Davis has returned from a
months' stay in Seattle, where she
has been employed modeling bats
for a large wholesale : millinery
house. She has returned to her
employment wun: Mack s - store
Returned South Carl W.
Fleming, arrested here early this
week by county officers on a non
support charge for Crescent City.
Calif., Is being returned, to that
city today, officers having arrived
from the south to escort; him
back.'-. -r. .
Read of Mack's , value-giving
event on page C. " . '
Leave for Kansas .Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. Gardner , of ; Salem
route five left from . here ' last
night by-train for Madison, JCan
sas, where they will spend two or
three weeks on a combined busi
ness and pleasure trip.
Two Get License - Two mar
riage licenses were Issued yester
day at the office of the couaty
clerk here to William Kniken and
Freda Holzfuss, both of Lyons;
and Luther Smith and Alt a Belle
licMurry, both- of Eugene.
- Dollar dinner every night 5445
to 8 at the Marlon hotel.
Patrolman Calls W; P. Owre,
patrolman on the road district in
the MeKee station territory, was
in the city yesterday to go over
road matters with Frank Johnson,
county roadmaster. j
No Setwion The Salem Zoata
club .will hold no meeting today.
It Is announced. Then next ses
sion will be held February .2 , and
will be a luncheon '.meeting at
the Gray Belle. ; -, i r - ;
Seeks to Recover Ante' Gchr
mann has filed complaint to fore
close on mortgage against Charles
W. Ranck. .., ;.
Moore- Born to Mr. and Mrs.
W. H. Moore, 1853 North Cap
itol street, at the Bungalow ma
ternity hospital February 18, a
son, vviiuam nenry, jr. -
Giles To Mr. and Mrs.
George E. Giles, route eight, box
123, a girl, Barbara Jean, born
February 11. v. ;
Burgess To Ml and Mrs.
Howard Russell Burgess, 365
Belmont street, a boy, James
Russell, born February . 9.
Laurence To Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Laurence, 1351 3rd street,
a boy, Darrel Arthur j born Feb
ruary li. ''!'.
Templeton To Mr; -andC Mrs.
Albert R. Templeton,! 1215 S.
. 12th, a girl, Margaret Ann; born
February t. .-v:--
Hanson To Mr. and Mrs.
Gustav Hanson, South 14 th, a
boy, Ray Rlehard, bom February
15. 4 ,' .r ----- .2-.
McGilcluist Wins James Mc-
Gllchrlst won, his suit against the
F. W. Woolworth company when
the Jury' brought In a verdict yes
terday morning in Judge Tax
well's eourt .In Portland for 82.
800. The suit-was instituted . by
MeGIlchrist about-two nd a half
years ago- who claimed the $2,
800 as .the difference between
the salary he received while em
ployed for the company and the
salary he -claimed he should have
received under an agreement to
employ him as manager. J;::;
$20 to $50 for your old range
in trade on gas, fuel or electric
ran gee this week at Imperial Fur
niture Co., 4 67 Court. - See our
windows, f t.- : l.'l.-.z
" - ' . " .'- , .... . i'Vvt- ;V
Mot km 'Denied The probate
court has denied motion of Wood
burn lodge No.. 402, I.-O. O. F.,
for reopening the estate of John
C. Wilson. The probate court re
cently; approved the final report
of the executor, George W. Wil
son, and closed the estate. Wil
son yesterday filed with the court
report of distribution of the estate
funds. The lodge .sought to re
open the : matter on the ground
that : Is was a beneficiary under
terms of the .will, : but received
nothing. J y. :, ... r-'rV j v
Dance at Hazel Green Friday.
, Car: Not Defective. The P. W.
Pettyjohn company, defendant In
suit brought by . Joe Humflett
over a, car. sold plaintiff by the
company,-, baa filed answer. - The
defendant says It waa forced to
repossess i the. used truck a '.few
months after the deal was closed,
and says also that if the truck is
defective as the plaintiff claims it
is because- of the manner, in
which plaintiff used ft In his wood
hanling business. x
- ji - . v
Read of Mack's value-giving
event .on page 6. - . . ?
; I '!-" - . : :
' - Organization to be Formed
A unit of the state organization
of the Tax Equalixation league
is to be formed at a meeting to
be held at the local ehamber of
commerce rooms tonight. Henry
Zorn of Aurora,' is president of
the organization which now has
branches ! in many' districts of
Marlon, Yamhill and 'Washington
counties. I , -
I ! ' ' - V--'
Dry: planer , O. F. mill block,
or dry1 slab. 16iin. Large Id. $5.50.
2 Ids. $10 Tel. 1542. Fred E.
JVellsj In; .' ; . ,';..-
Girl . Rescrtes : Elect The sev
enth gTade Girl Reserve triangle
at Parrlsh Junior high selected
oriicexs : yesterday afternoon as
follows: ..Marj Coates, president;
Natalie Neer-, rice president;
Dorothea; Kktzlng, -secretary;
Dorothy Gibson., treasurer; Ag
nes Grfl, . sergeant-at-arms. Es
ther McMinimee is advisor.
4 The closing of our mill will "in
no way affect our delivery of
lumber, wood or screened furnace
fueL Phone 1830 and your order
will be delivered promptly. Chas.
K-Spanieling Logging Company.
Meeting Today All workers
in the Yw W. C. A. finance cam
paign i are. requested to meet at
the Y. W. C. A. this morning at
1 1 o'clock for another report - on
the progress of the campaign.
The last report ' showed slightly
more than half the $7,000 budget'
had been: raised. , - . "
To L Change . Quarters After
March! 1 the Associated Charities
headquarters will be in the build
ing at 216 Court-street, says Mrs:
Carson, secretary. The quarters
have been on Front street for
some time., Churches and lodges
or the city are lending , material
aid and support to the labor of
the Charities this winter. W
" . " ; r i ; 1 --.. -- .
To Grand Jury Roy Living
ston, charged T with assault and
battery on the person . of John
Jones; was .bound over to the
grand jury when he appeared -In
justice court on- Wednesday. He
was committed " to the local ! jail
pending farther action. " t .
Read of Mack's value-giving
event on page 6. , ' -
.. Appraisers Named W. . G.
Iirueger.tJ. H.Wllllams and Wil
liam W. Powell have been named
appraisers of the estate of-L. A.
Deppen, estimated to be worth
$3200. Barry E. Brown has been
Appointed administrator. .
-; Demurrer Filed In the case of
Robert C Paulas vs. Charles T,
arker; and Carl A. Schram, de
fendant has filed demurrer on the
grounds that the complaint does
not state sufficient facts. - .
r ! ;
i Chlera Car Stolen Chief of
Police Frank. Minto's Ford coupe
was stolen from In - front of . the
police Station around five o'clock
last Sight. It bore license num
ber 125-792. -;..,,.
$20 to $50 for your old range
in trade on gas, - fuel or electric
ranges this week at Imperial Fur
niture Co., 467 Court. See our
windows, . - . '" : '
- Albany Man Arrested At W.
Crocker of Albany was arrested
here yesterday on a charge of
reckless driving. He was released
on bail, i
Wltsnt opT&Uoa or lots f Urn.
-! . I S2S Otk sua.: .' i
Frnlt nl nnt trees priced
so low that yon can's af
ford to tabs this chance. .
Visit Fruitland . Nursery'
Sales yard 8. Liberty. -'
East s!de"of Armory."
i ' Phone 859 Jl
Eight to be Awarded, Club
Decides; Send Winners '
To Summer Camp v:
The Salem Klwanis club 'will
award eight scholarships for the
summer, camp at Corvallis of 4-H
boys and girls,' it was announced
yesterday by W. W, For, county
club agent, following approval of
the awards . and ' budget . by ; the
club's board of directors. No oth
er organization In the state has
ever offered so many 4 4-H club
scholarships: .....
Or the eight' scholarships,, five
will be available to Marion coun
ty boys and girls and three will
go to the state at large. ' -.
The Marlon county scholarships
will be awarded as follows: r -
- Three at the county fair, to be
held at the chamber of commerce
April 23 and 25 one for the best
cookery exhibit; one for the best
woodwork exhibit, itnd one for the
beet exhibit la sewing, ; division
two.-.:.-;''. ' . , .'--;
Two to. Marlon county 4-H club
members 'exhibiting at the state
fair one! to the exhibitor of the
champion Shropshire ewe lamb
and the other to the exhibitor of
the champion Jersey- , i
Three Offered to
State at Large
- The other three will be award
ed to state fair 4-H club exhibi
tors from the state at large, in
recognition of. the positlon-of Sa
lem and .Marion 'county : as host
to the rest of the state at the fair.
These scholarships at the fair will
be awarded : ' - Champion Poland
China ,4-H club gilt; champion
Chester White gilt exhibited by
a club member, and champion
Duroe gilt exhibited by a club
member. ' Winners of Klwanis
scholarships at the state fair will
be only , boys and girls who have
not won other scholarships.
Last year Helen Mae Thomson
of the girls' sheep club at Waldo
Hills won the Shrbpshire sheep
championship scholarship offered
by the Klwanis club. -i ,
: The Kiwanis club is the only
service group Jn Marion county
to devote a part of its major ac
tvity program to the 4-H clubs.
Continuing the practi!e initiat
ed last year, the club will enter
tain all scholarship winners and
first and second prize winners at
the county 4-H club fair at a big
luncheon meeting to ' be ; held
shortly after the county fair. - "
Members of the club's agricul
tural committee are: - Frank A.
Doerfler, chairman,'. Dan McCIel-
lan, W. .W. Fox and Sam Kozer.
v 'V- J
Funeral services for Teddy E.
Byrd, 32, who committed suicide
here last Friday, were . arranged
for 10 o'clock, today froih the
Clough-Barrlck chapeL by rela
tives who arrived in this ; city
yesterday?'- -Interment " will be In
tne Oad yellows cemetery.
" Tt v ' low,' Mrs- 'T. E. Byrd.
arrived fere yesterday from her
Tjoiae-la -Portal, N. D. The Byrds
were not Separated or divorced.
as erroneously understood when
stories of his death were first
published. It was learned.
in addition to his wiaow, uyra
is survived by a four-year-old
daughter, Florence Jean, and
one . brother, Robert, 1 In Waco,
Texas.; - Mrs. t Byrd's sister ; and
brother-in-law,' Mr. and Mrs. T.
W. Fagan pf Napa, 'Tallf., drove
up from the California city, ar
riving here Tuesday night, to be
with, Mrs. , Byrd. . v .
It was rather as former assist
ant secretary of Rotary interna
tional than as field secretary ; of
the Izaak Walton league . that
James G. Hammond spoke to Ro
tarlans Wednesday noon. He gave
an: Inside picture of the Rotary
headquarters, dwelling particu
larly upon, its effort to promote
international good wilL ! - -i
He cited the tact that 14 na
tions are now organized In Ro
tary, that correspondence from
all these nations Is responded to
in their own language, and ev
ery effort made to keep the spirit
Attachment Property of F.
J. Hutchinson' has been attached
to satisfy demand of H. L. Moore,
according to writ - filed with - the
eounty clerk. ': , " I ;
Or. Cbaa Lum Chi-
MM lCidB. 180
Salta. Office Swart
M. Comncrdal 8t
vtry Sandal t:30
U S:30 aja, aulas
tfcs nocthi tt , IHe-
Oil 21 OS, Used Furniture
Department ;
: 131 N. Cl2h '
" i '
Mihto Sacpnds i Butler's W-M
Declaration -as ito Need --
- Of Public Cooperation
"Any police chief will teU you
he can clean up a city in - 24
hours when ' the people demand
it,- was one of "the - statements
made by General Smedley D.
Butler, In an address In South
Bend. Ind., Tuesday night. - '
In an Interview - Wednesday,
Police Chief Frank Minto of Sa
lem supported ' this statement.
Any city, ; j asserted - Mr. Minto,
can ' be rid of crime - when the
people In the city coperate with
the police. . :
This ' cooperation consists 'of
not' only telling the police that
certain laws are being violated
but requires thes swearing out of
a warrant. ! This - Is " especially
true In the case of violation ' of
the prohibition, laws. " Someone'
must swaer out a warrant at the
police court before the police
have the authority . "to go . onto
property to apprehend men' or
of Rotary one of broad interna
tional fellowship. '- - ;
One evidence that Rotary does
function which he referred to
was "the success of : members . of
the club In Argentine and Chile
who succeeded in helping stop
the hostilities and : securing ex
change of ' prisoners In tho late
outbreak between Bolivia and
Uruguay.-- V ""
; Mrs. Hammond,'. ' who accom
panied him, spoke briefly in laud
ing the ideals of the, organiza
tion. . . ' '
The. club stood la memory ot
its late member, Dan J. Fry, Sr.,
and sang a verse of 'Nearer-My
God to Thee." A committee was
nam'ed . to prepare resolutions to
send to the bereaved family.
Over $300 worth, of tickets for
the annual Salem police and fire
men's dance were sold yesterday,
the first day of the committee's
sales efforts. This popular affair
will be held Friday, night, March
6, at Crystal Gardens ballrooms.
Posters advertising the dance
are being distributed all over the
county by members of the - two
departments during the ' rest of
this week. With such a good start
for the first day of selling,: and
with the sales the posters are ex
pected to x .bring In, the firemen
and policemen believe their ben
efit this year will be highly suc
cessful." Miner B. Gray . -
Dies in South;
: . Formerly Here
Word of the death At San bie
go." Calif., Tuesday, of Miner M.
Gray, former Salem resident, has
been. received here. He - passed
away at the home of his daugh
ter, Mrs. William C- O'Deii after
being confined to his ' bed with
diabetes for the psst two years. "
Gray was at one time employed
In the Thomas Kay Woolen mills
here. He leaves his widow, Alice
B.: three daughters,' Mrs. . Loyal
O'Dell and Mrs. Clark A. At kin.
ai.lof San Diego, and Mrs. Henry
C. Gregg of Portland, i T t .
Interment will be In the family
lot at Eugene,' Thursday, Febru
ary -lS.:..,.r-;:" 7 ;::
i t u a ry
Z" Byrd ' " ' .
Teddy E. Byrd died In this city
February 13. aged 32 years; hus
band of Mrs. T. E. Byrd of Por
tal, N. D.; father ; of Florence
Jean of Portal; brother of Robert
Byrd of Waco, Texas; brother-in-law
of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Fagan
of Napa, Calif.. Funeral services
Thursday, February 18, - at 18
a.m., from the chapel -: ot the
Clough-Barrlck I company! Inter
ment 'Odd Fellows cemetery.-
- City View Ometcry "
Established 1893 : TeL 1264
Conveniently ' Accessible ' T
Perpetual car provided for
; Prices Reasonable
A rvmxj. DrsTJCToag
Omi (otM ts rcrses&l
Ow rncm Arc Inh
Ov Bb to MoSra
A Park Cemetery
with perpetual care
Just ten minutes from the
heart . of town
iroc? Espial ,
IXOX3 T. SZGSC Tg& ' .
property, 'according Uo tne police
department, here, !
The trouble ; with people,":
say police officers, fls that they
fall to take an active Interest In
law : violation. ' When : It doesn't
concern - them or" bother them
particularly, they fall to consider
It their duty ' to jreport ' viola
tions.!.,' '-: , . ' i. . :v , v-;
When asked about the local
courts in 'relation ito tbelr sup
port of the police department.
Chief Minto deported that" tKey
coof erated well . enough.-.
..: Several times In the past few
months.' men and H women have
been arrested for. transportation
and sale .of liquor.f Mri fwo; sep
arate "cases, men charged with
transportation . ., of alcoholic li
quor have been arrested and held
for a ball of 8500; ..One of.. the
men forfeited his ball when he
failed to appear for trial. -r .
According to '. Chief Minto. If
Salem citizens wish to have their
city cleaned up, 10v per cent co
operation . In reporting . any law
violation and strict observance of
the law on their own part must
be carried out.. - - ' . .
"Law observance, and respeet
for law tn Salem is a whole lot
better than many places,!, declar
ed Chief Minto. , If everyone
had respect for the tights of
others, the matter of law observance-
would be taken care of,! he
concluded.;;.; - -i-v" 7.-. fV .". '
- Recent, action on , the . part r of
the local ' police department op
the matter, of. law1 .enforcement.
has been the tightening of - the
grip of traffic officers on those
who have a tendency to speed on
tha open road a4d at Intersec
tions, - The average fine In these
cases has been 5..:
. Hal Hlbbard Camp, United
Spanish war veterans, and mem
bers : of the auxiliary, commemo
rated the sinking r of, the. Maine
in a program given at the arm
ory Monday evening. O. J. Hull,
patriotic instructor, had charge
of the program, which consisted
of ; several musical numbers by
an orchestra composed of L.
Mlckelson, Carl - Armpriest. Alex
Doerfler, . W. R. Bush, with . Mrs.
W. R. Kane at the? piano.
1 Frank Jewett briefly reviewed
the life and work of William Mc
Klnley, president it the time ot
the Spanish war. I Bl E. Buckles
sketched the events leading up to
the sinking of the Maine. - and
the -results that l followed that
A flyer Issued by The States-
man at ; the time
of Philippine
insurrection and
dated March.
27. 1899. has a heading like tilts.
"Oregon Blood is Shed on Philip
pine Soil". The body of tbe fly
er relates that a cumber of Ore
gon boys : were .killed and many
more wounded. The old Second
Oregon was : the regiment vr hose
blood was shed 'in the battle of
a short time before.
Is an opportmnJty to make
7 on a safes and sound
investment.'- r ' r- '
. controlling, and man
aging building and loan as
sociations in the principal
cities of Oregon, Is offering
Its i
Preferred Stock at f 100 '
- - .:': par 7 -;-'J- ...
' Guaranteed Dividends
v J Payable Quarterly v
- - ia.l8o sold 1ft units ot '
'1 sharepo Par 1
common 8180- :
4 shares Preferred
V -$500
Easy - partial .payment plan
. v ' It desired v --'
further particulars
Vend your name and
t. address to the -: ' '-1:
r fevesfmenf Ocporfmen
1 Guordlon Bldg PorHond, Ore.
THroat arid Lung
V i: BalsaiXl v : '
is made under tne su
pervision of Mr. Schaefer
whose ; qualifications of . long
service . to the I public as a
druggist for a period, of over
30 yrs. and a' previous record
of laboratory themist In some
ot the large drag houses of
this country. j -j
; Mr. i Schaefer devised this
formula by the popular re
quest for an. Inexpensive
cough syrup that will really
do the work and can safely
be taken by children and In
valids., t Sold only in
50C andiSLOOi
. bottles -
The original yellow front can
dy special store of Salem. -135
RrOoml M..' Phone 197
Penslar Agtncy
Would Result In Mai! Order
: Buying From Oytsida v
' Of Oregon, Claim
Opposition to house bill num
ber ' 3,1 J . now before the - state
legislature which - provides for a
sales tax on tobacco- was ex
pressed by a unanimous vote -of
the Salem- Retail Credit associa
tion at a recent meeting. - The
group went on record as oppos
ing the tax on the ground that
It would tend, to encourage mail
order buylnr f rem other states
and thus be-a detriment to Ore
gon merchants: The action was
taken following the reading of a
telegram' from 'the 'headquarters
of the Oregon Retail . Merchants'
association . asking - that' the' Sa
lem' organization' take action on
the matter. . I "
A report was read at the Wed
nesday meeting that senate bill
number 11. raising the exemn-
tlon salary of wage earners! from
875 ; to ' 8125 had been killed.
The association had opposed this
bill from the start. - . !
Meet Hereafter
On Wednesdays '
An exceptionally large attend
ance marked the. changing of the
meeting day for the assoclatlon.
Untll , the Wednesday luncheon
this week the group, had met on
Friday. In the future the meet
ings will be held each . " Wednes
day noon in the Silver Grille
room of the Gray Belle.
-.- Group .. singing ; wss led by
Newell Williams with Charles
Qlsen at the piano. It Is plan
ned to make -this group singing
a feature ot the meetings in the
future. .,''
.c.-1 rn 1111
VP-n1 37M?5 II HIM i
PIiy: Saf c . . . Buy In Pairs
Generally, when you need one tire, you .
' . need two. Many accidents are caused by
.. one bad tire, or by trying to squeeze
-Just a few more miles out of tires with
, smooth treads or weakened sidevalls.
Tot Safety's Sake, you - need "Balanced
Traction". . good treads and equal
strength in both opposite tires. To uv
- duce you to buy in pairs, we offer you
Extra Savings. Compare our prices, you
will see that out price for two tires Is con '
siderablj lower than twice the price of onel
Tic World's Largest
Exclusive Retailers of fully
guzrenteed Auto Supplies
'. 16g Ew In
i Balem Store. 201
38 Eats PrcZzcs
C4 Lczibs ci i
Stayicn Fcm
', STAYTON, Feb. 18. -- If
the production of Iambs
from Chas. Staytoa's small
.flock of sheep fa any Indi
cation a to the lamb "crop
throuchout the state, this
shonld be . a -most . prolific
year. Mr. etaytonr keeps Jt8
ewea on his place Jnsc east
of town and theso S3 ewea
have 64 Iambs. - '
Roy . Wassitn, manager of the
Salem Retail Credit- bureau, ex
plained ' the "meter system",, re
cently installed by the bureau. ;
-1 fdaho metal production since
the discovery-of gold in 1880 had
exceeded a billion dollars by the
end of 1930. 7 f : . '"', . ;
Here's the Way to'
Treat Rupture
A Marvelous . Home Treatment
That Anyone Can Use on Any
Rapture, Large or Small .
Thousands . of ruptured ; men
and wpmen will rejoice to know
that the full plan by which Capt.
Collings treated nlmself for dou
ble rupture, from which he was
helpless and bed-ridden for years
will be sent tree to all who write
for 'It.' .-.-: ' - : - :'r.v-. -Merely
send your name and
address to Capt. W. A. Collings,
Inc. . Box 984-K, Watertown, N.
T.. It won't cost you a cent and
may be. worth a fortune. Hund
reds have already reported satis
factory .results following this"
free test. t Send right away
NOW -before yon put down this
paperAdv.,......- .j :,
:Afc for low
m prfees mm slses
ol shews
I Tirm
Ssva On
Ssva Mora
On Two
Western Giant
Heavy Duty Canter
1 Traction, O-PJy ,
1 Tin
If. Commercial . )
Fircless Also
Crimeless Day
No ; fires will be tolerated 1e
Salem Friday, March 8. and any
one who pulls an Illegal: act or
that date will get a double pun
ishment or fine. j .
It's all because Friday, March
8, the Salem police and firemen'i
annual dance will be held at the
Crystal Gardens, and of course,
policemen and ' firemen, or aa
many of them as possibly can.
would like to have a real break
Dancing - will start at 8:30
o'clock, and a number of special
features will be Included.
Ladd 5c Bush, Bankers
' : Established 1868 i
if oy
flr Western Auto's
Mew LW
We positively guarantee 'WESTERN GIANT
and .WEAR-WELL' tires to be fully equal in
quality and service to popular brands sold
at prices 10 to "30 higher. Numerous
laboratory tests and severe road service
tests prove this to berue. ; i
Our WEA&WELL, though much lower in
price is eqttal tn quality to the following
: Second Line tires: v
rnrotone . . . OLDFIELD , ' United Scares PEERLESS
Our WESTERN CIANTS, both the regular
four-ply and heavy duty six-ply, are equal to
tint Line popular brand tires which comi as
equipment on new cars, including: j' 1
Goodrich SILVTRTOWN " United States . . ROYAL
Our LOW PRICES are thc-rlircct result of bur
alertness in taking advantage of the crash in rubber
and cotton prices, our ability to purchase in huge
quantities, our economical djrect-to-you selling
methods, and our"One Low Profit"selling policy.
While, because of the above factors, our'prices are
surprisingly low, these same advantages enable us
to build higher quality and longer mileage into
our tjres... and still SAVE YOU 10 to 30...!
All Other Size for All Cars Proportions tey low
Western Giant
- Center Traction
2 Tiw
1 Tire
2 Tire
Western Giant
Hish Pressure
2 Tim
30x34 SS OS
31x4 SSOS
32x4 SS OS
33x4 SS OS
32x4SS OS
33x4A SS OS
Price Lower In Pain
Asfc For Prices On Wcar-vtS HIsk Prcssurs Tires
111 " , . " y i i j