PAGC FOURTEEN The OIZEGON STATESMAN. Ealcra, Orejrcn, Thursday LIcmLT-. rcircsry II?, m is eivBi AT SfiLEM HEIGHTS - SALEM HEIGHTS. Feb. 1 Friday erening U Salem Heights Community club held ltt regular moutjily meeting and program at the eommualty hall. Tbe early part ot tbe erenlns was deTOted tit-urriir Af i UtlieY cMct- ly well patronized, tbe proceed! of wblcb went 10 appiy " . iyui4uivj - , ift thA annner -had been served tbe ball was. put In order to " present . varied and interest ing program. Josephine Albert tirst farored tbe guests and ... members of tbe club with two to- ..i ir rcAinDaniea 07 tan. uat-c-tinritA Dalton. Weldon Mr 4 v n f rt !n d j with toUn solo with Mrs.. Dalton at tfc piano. Maxlne. Sautter. Ber bs Sautter and Miss Stevens fol lowed with several songs lntna Bin Brazeau and waioo uW c.ion . fnrniKhftd several mi llet numbers throughout the evemlac with their. rcneir.-y-vllla Beardsley sang two ' solos accompanied by his .brother Rus- "8elThls was, followed by several . numbers by the nAmiuMtd nf airs, un T4.rdley. Russell- Beardsley. Keal Fischer, W. Hunt and MT- vv. Trultt then conducted a nail dHvlng contest for women with Mrs.-Myron Eaten emerging as winner This was followed by an in- restlture ceremony &y . tt.i.v. nnv RMUt troon.. whicn was witnessed with much interest I by" those present. I. jsjuoswh of "Salem then gave a very inter esting t&lk on Oregon pioneer days. Th program for the eve ning was in coarge. oi ri. Beardsley ana Mrs. tu . DOLLAR DAY DATtS In addition to Friday and Sat urday sale dates already announ eed by the Souther Pacific com ranv for their "Dollar Day" ex AMf..iAfi farM th fomoanr an .VUaoavM r - Bounces through K. A. DeMar ais district freight and passenger agent here that tickets will be sold at these low iarea uu ou--day. February 22 and Mareh 1. The fares will be applicable be tween all points Eugene to Port land Inclusive and including also the Coos Bay branch. Return limits will be midnight Tuesday following the date of sale. In discussing the bargains of fered, DeMarals stated that from Inquiries received th public will be on the move on the next two week ends. One prominent bus iness man of Salem Is "Going somewnere vua my ovj be is ten years old and has never been on a train and I can take a trip for less money than I can spend the week end at home." On account of the demand, spe U1 trains will be operated by the Southern Pacific between Eu gene and Portland passing Salem northbound approximately 9:40 a. m. Saturday and Sunday, Feb ruary 21 and 22 and leaving Portland 2:30 P. nu. Friday and Saturday February 20 and . 21. The reduced fare tickets will also be good on all regular trains. BIERfHiS Ft HI TOO THEFTS Cherry; City bakery has been the scene of some . excitement in thA. nnat 4 a hours. ' A. delivery truck fire and the theft of two automobiles took place there tne wiirht of February 17. The cars were the property of employees. At 4: SO Tuesday, tbe fire de portment received an alarm from th romnanr. The chemical cart was sent but and 0 gallons of chemical were usea in exun vuinhinr at. ! fire in a delivery truck. Tha motor, wiring and up bolstering la the cab were dam aged to aiTextent of over $50 ac- nHlnv.'tii firemen. . , Employees told the "firemen. that the overflow irom tne gas oline tank which was being fill ed' ran onto the exhaust pipe and caught fire. Tha. two ' machines that were stolen were a sedan owned by Harry Jones, 1825 Winter street, j Tnarfater owned frr Sam UAinhorV ESS North High street. The first car was recovered In . ihii Htv hw the owner and the ether car was recovered by tbe Benton county snerur at cor- v-allia. . Long Train Bill Ud Again Today In State Senate On the senate calendar for spe cial consideration today is the 7a-frelKht car .14-oassenger car train limit bill which yesterday was reported out or tne rauroaas am utilities commttee wthout recommendation. Senator Upton MureA tha. resubmission of tbe hill la thn committee after the measure had reeclved ar favorable vote In tbe senate.' The maneuver allowed Secre tajrr Ell!nrztn of the trainmen's anion' to present rebuttal , testl- monv nn evidence offered before the committee by officials of the railroad companies The latter claimed that the. loss of life throuKh the use of long trains was Inconsequential. -f FARM IMPROVED BRUSH COLLEGE. Feb. 12. A fine 20 by 80 foot chicken house is - under construction on the farm of Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCarter. The building is t b modern In every way. One n will be used as a i brooder.' T McCarters havo fast rtn!hed building an up to data dairy tar! electrically equipped. SUNDAYS ADDED TO Liberalized Six rV: Per Cent Basis j : Is Considered A proposed constitutional amendment ' by i Representative Schaupp J and" Senator Upton, which would make It possible for the state and-riU-political subdi visions to compute the six per cent limitation on property tax on the basis of the amount of tax raised during any one of three preceding years, was made a spe cial order oS business in the sen ate today. v ' Proponents of this . resolution declared tSat suchlan amendment te the constitution ; would save the state a large amount of mon ey annually. . - it- i 1 i. " Nels A.Hall . i ! Passes Away :..-; t" '' BRUSH CREEK. Feb. 18. Nels -Andrew Hall, who came here 12 years ago, died at his homeT here, Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Hall) has not been' well for the past several weeks. No fun eral arrangements have been made but the body Is in care of Larson and Son at Silver ton. - : Mr. Hall was born - In Norway 7 C " years ' ago. He cam to the states in 1874. He lr survived by bis wlddw, Isabelle, and -six children, Andrew Hall of Central Howell, Mrs. Helen Hagen ofSH verton. Lewis Hall of Gervals, Anna Weatherill of Denver, Col orade. Egbert Hall of Nebraska. site claim and Peter Hall of Jowa. 400th 50c-Ipana or Pepsodent I : 50c Hinds Almond ' ' N I . AA . - -. Cream ; ; Sic , 39c I ! $1.00 Listerine Kotex, 3 for - ' ' ! ; 69c , $1.00 i ; r . Household Rubber i 25c Johnson's Baby Gloves T Talcum - 20c Fresh stock MARKET DRUG I STORE : ". C. L. Wellman; Regr. Ph. G. . .1 - : l i Cut Rate Drugs j '4 ' ' , ' ' ' ' MAGAZINES -:- SUNDRIES PRESCRIPTIONS :'. - ' ; Open Evenings "IN THE MARKET ; Phone 474 Free PtxkJnj; ?L00 Curlino; Iron Kleenex ; 69c 39c 1 ; In i Colors, Sflk Cord . - " "' i 3 for 11.00 s j 15c Pure Castile Soap, . - I j ,4 for 85c Kruschen Salts j r j j 40c, ;. 59c ; Wtiy Suffer i iwith Feet . t Don't hobble through life! r Don't b'e crippled by hammer-toes, bunions and flat, aching feet. : - - The right kind of shoes WALKOVER Main Spring ch - Arch, will not Flexible nain'ibut will brinsr your feet back to rmal shape and health. Thousands of no grateiful wearers will testify to this fact. O y. 1 wmn (1(0) J 415 Btata Bt. Oalcm, Oro. ! E. Tf . ACSOLIN, Msr. . BLTSEIITO FIE-lPPElL:0;nI Although formal' appeal has notrbeen filed, the county court has been: notified that E. A. Magnesen will file appeal to the circuit court from the court's award of $50.20 damages In his claim as result' of relocation of market road No. 45, known as the -SIlverton-Hadley's raneh Hullt road. v -Magnesen filed petition for $1255.44 damages to his prop erty as result of change In the road route, but the court, r when the relocation was approved Feb ruary f, - allowed damages of 850.20. : . i- r-i v iv.'' In bis claim, Magnesen asks for recompense on labor end -material to his home aa result of moving,, for money for damage tn walnut and fruit trees, for damage to nine . acres of land, for, damage to waterway from a creek and for damage on roads to house and barn rates. The greatest single item is the dam age to the - nine acres oi ; ianu. which he claimed - waa worth The conntr court, reached ita AAtiAion on- the claim after the bad been appraised: by the regular .viewers. Thla 1 the only contested on the route. " : Comnletlnr 21 years as superi or Jidge in San Francisco, Thom as F. Graham granted his 23- divorce. CA2mLEVER only relieve the "I Didn't Know "You may not favor it, but by gum, all us taxpayers do (not insinuat ing you don't pay taxes, of course) "Well, go on, tell me, you've got me all curious." "Well, according to the paper some legislator vrants spmethihg done about all these chain stores sending all the people's money nacK to Wall btreet, so they erybody "S7ES1L1L, ,.1HIA GOUJKfliDO iIL CHCSIKI CIIJS VmiT : "Don't know, unless it's because they are just like the rest of us. We used to think we could save money buying at 'em (the chain stores, he meant), but a lot of us have found out now after 4 or 5 years that we haven t as much money left at the end of the month as we used to have before we started trading at the chains, and the chains have made mil lions of dollars; yes, sir, millions. I saw just the oher day where one of 'em made millions last year." , 0 : Strictly fresh - i Ranch Eggs 2 doi. i Now folks, here's a : v good h i; - at a good price 4-lb'. pail Part Crust 71c PureTegetabl Shortening Freshly ground Peanut Butter 2 lbs. 2Sc Pillsbury's Best Flour , ''. -:: : " : '. t ' Is a hard one to beat! Yes, we still have some ' of those nice Apples and tKs price is the same as last week's price; fancy stock, too,, and 97g & is very reasonable for this good fruit. They Were TalkinAbout Passing a New Law over one store S200 for every store more than one. Yes, of course anyone witib a few pounds of coffee can run a special at a lower price, but here's our regular every-day price at the Market , M.J.B. Coffee Hills Bros. Red can Coffee S.&W. A new one in stock, ;r W - Chase & Sanborn's SSo' Maxwell House All these brands in stock, and 39c is the price. Then there's Biisiclts' freshly roatted . Coffee The quality of that ; is not to be sniggered at . f ; either 0 fa , 1 SSo X,-" Golden West ,. , f ,- -. -- are going to pass a law taxing ev A fellow came in this morning after his oven-fresh bread and said to one of bur boys "This 4c bread that some of the stores are selling isn't worth a penny more than 4c" And he said as long as he had a five-cent piece he was going to give his kids the best bread he could buy. "I may not be able to buy everything they need, but so long as I can get good bread like you are making, I'll never buy any , other kind." We are selling the best bread that pure ingredients and master bakers' skill can produce at 5c a pound loaf. : And a full pound and a half loaf for 7c ". - Baker Girl Flour 49-lb.: sack Blue Daisy Flour 8112 Nice, clean BiirbanK Potatoes There's very little wasto in peeling and they cook good, too. i - 100-lb.sack . ' ' " ' ,i , ; '-CMoJ One of the best and fastest selling items in our feed department is Bu-Mar Egg Maker full -100-lb. .ack ;es Bananas efruit urang Grap Loads of them. j j Some oranges as low as 10c a dozen, . good ones, too. Monarch Coffee per lb. 2C3 Fine granulated Sugar ' -v: , v '- ,s - 25-lb,' cloth saclcs S120 . Same low prices all week long. ' v NOT A CHAIN STORE Almost forgot lo say that, didn't I? 99