The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 13, 1931, Page 7, Image 7

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    The OREGON STATE31IAN. Saleia, Oregon, Friday Mornin?, February 18, 1S31
Free Cooking Matinees arc
Scheduled Next; Week
By The Statesman
" ( i
Honsewlvea of Salem are eagerly-
anticipating the gaa cooking
xnatlneee which are to be held
Febmarr 17-1I-19-20. la the
basement auditorium of the First
Methodist charch, corner of
Church and State streets. The
matinees are sponsored by The
Oregon Statesman. - -
Miss Wllla Campbell, home eco
"nomist for the Tappan Store com
pany, has been secured to conduct
these affairs through the courtesy
Of the Portland Gas & Coke com
pany. Rita Conner, well known
home economist In this city, will
assist Miss Campbell. ! r
These two ladles are sure to
; bare a store of Yarloua useful
i Ideas and suggestions . for the
housewife. ;
Something to -eat that is new
i and different and yet! economical
i is a problem that pussies almost
i every homemaker. At Ihe cooking
i matinees, Wllla Campbell and Ri
ta Conner will help yon solve this
problem. Various way of pre
I paring the every-day dishes, lend-
lng to them an entirely new and
i appetising Interest, will be feat
; ured. How many of us hare long
ed to get away from the monotony
Cooking Simple
" " ; - :
ftflae WU Campbell Lome eco
; nomLst at the gas cooking mat
t lnees sponsored by The States
! man, Feb. 17, 18, 19, 20.
of cooking the same food in the
same way, day in and day oat!
These cooking matinees provide a
wonderful opportunity by showing
the housewife how she may ; get
away from drudgery in house
work. ! .
Woman's Intense interest in ef
ficient household appliances has
brought about many improve
ments, until today we have the
Taprnjin gas range -a range which
Buy your BOYS' SHOES
i at Buster Brown's
Sturdy, well made, comfortable shoes for wide'
1 awake boys j
Through all kinds of weather and all kincte of rough
wear, these shoes have proved their superiority. Made
of fine quality calf skin in brown or black; with solid
leather heels 1 and soles which stand the test that
very boy will give them. All sizes from 0 to 0.
Buster Brown
125 N. Commercial
combines speed,' economy, and
beauty In one appliance.
No longer most the housewife
stand for hours over a hot stove.
preparing the meals for her fam
ily. Miss Campbell will tell you
how an entire meal can be pat
into the oven, the oven control
set, and the meal left to cook
itself, while yon enjoy the leisure
time ag you will.
ISot that cooking lin t interest
ing to know how to cook well is
one of the greatest arts, which I
am sure the male, portion of the
family will admit, as there is an
old saying somewhere that "The
way to a man's heart is through
his stomach. But to be able to
do this and still have lots of time
for other things as well, is indeed
something welt worth knowing.
We have heard quite often the
effect colors ! and environment
have on our ability to do things
well. And most of certainly agree
that cooking can be made much
more Interesting and can be a
pleasure rather than a drudgery
of routine, if we make oar kitch
en a beautiful and bright place in
which to work; then we are all
ready for the result a delicious,
appetizing meal prepared in a
cosy and delightful atmosphere.
A ' green and lavender kitchen
seems to he one of the most popu
lar color combinations. A light
cream background in walls and
woodwork is an easy one to work
on. Then curtains of the two
colors may be stiff, as those made
of oilcloth with a scalloped border
of the contrasting color, or i an
edge of the three colors of bias
tape. A light green table with a
lavender edge and lavender and
black legs makes kitchen work
more fun. The corner cupboard
may be in green with a lavender
edge and lavender oilcloth on the
shelves. Glassware of that lovely
shade of rose may be used; to
bring out the color scheme more
fully. The range and refrigerator
are the most important part of
this kitchen. A gas range in light
green and cream enamel is ; the
very thing needed to finish the
decorating of this most important
room. - , j
Blue and whjte, of course al
ways have been and always will be
used very extensively. A Dutch
kitchen is such a clean and cheer
ful place, and bine and white are
such clean looking colors. White
walls and woodwork with curtains
or white raffled curtains make np
the background. A white range
and a white refrigerator fit In
beautifully with ' this kitchen
Linoleum of blue and white and a
clock with a Dutch scene painted
on the face of it in bine again
cany out the Dutch idea. A pot
of red geraniums on the window
sill offer the additional cheer that
makes our kitchen the best room
la the house for every member of
the family.
I; Daring the f our days of the
school the following will be feat
bred: The Company Breakfast,
Thrift Dinner With Vegetables
jBfade Attractive, Ingenuity Re
cipes using Leftovers, Variety
Day. Taking them as a whole,
theee cooking matinees will not
be merely- "Cooking Schools -
they will be real events in the
life of the feminine portion of
every family not only the house
wives, but to those young ladies
who are contemplating taking on
this very interesting Job. s
iMrs. Wallace Griffith and
young daughter, Margaret Claire,
who have been guests of Sirs
Griffith's parents, Mr and Mrs
F. A. Legge during the past
months, will leave February 19
tor Minneapolis, Minn., where
they will Join Prof. Griffith who
is a member of the mathematics
department of the University of
Stayton ,Mr. and Mrs. Law
rence Smith entertained twenty
friends on Saturday with an ev
ening of bridge. Mrs. M. 8. Hunt
had high score for the ladles and
J, L. Siegmund for the gentlemen
and they were given some lovely
prizes. Supper was served at
lite hour. !
: ' ' " ! . '. 1
Ladies' Shoes
"Naf f Said"
! . Broken Sizes
I ..i - J. ; : i 'j - :'
; L Discontinued Numbers
. Closeouts
P. 7
220 N. Liberty
i n
i - i
t ;
Telephone 1608
Planned For
s Lausanne
Since '1920 Lausanne hall, of
Willamette . university has ob
served . "Open House night in
the spring. Tonight will bs the
"Open House" night tor this
spring with hours from S o'clock
to 10:30 o'clock at which time
all the Interested townsfolk are
invited to call. . ,
In the line to greet the guests
will be Dr. and Mrs. Carl Gregg
Doney, Dean and Mrs. Frank Er-
Ickson, Dean Olive M. Dahl, Miss
Leila Johnson, Miss Lucille Htx
on. Miss Edith Morange. Miss
Eva G or ham and Miss Margaret
Schrelber will introduce to the
line. : , -,. ',-..-
Tlan have been arranced bv
Miss Gertrude Beard, and Mlas
Frances Jackson. . MIsa Ruth
Barnes Is chairman of the pro
committee . and has ar
ranged for numbers to be pre
sented by Miss KUin scnrexoer.
Miss Margaret, sc&reiber, miss
Kate Skinner, Miss' Virginia
RlnMer. Miss MaHorie Wander.
Miss Blllle Buyers, Miss Sue Prin-
gie. Miss aiarjorie uv, ansa
Rath Barnes.
' Other committee chairmen are
Mlas Barbara Elliott, decorations.
Miss Edna Yannlce, , invitations
and favors; Miss Amelia May
Schrack. refreshments: serving.
Miss Sue Fringle.
Assisting in ; tne serving wiu
fw Mlas Ttillea Bnvera. Mlas Kate
Thompson, Miss Alice Bartholo
mew, Miss Marjorle Law, ana
Miss Audrev Tillman. Presiding
at the tea table will be miss lkjis
Iatimer, Mrs, Lestle Sparks, Mrs.
Roy Keene and Mrs. Herbert
Mrs. A. N. Clough
Is Hostess
: Mrs. A. N. Clough entertained
in compliment to members of the
K. C. K. T. club at Iter home
Thursday afternoon. The guest
rooms were attractive with spring
flowers and at the luncheon hour
St. Valentine inspired the fa
vors and menu. Mrs. Ray Clark
and Mrs. A. J. Donnell assisted in
serving;, following a pleasant so
cial afternoon.
Guests were Mrs. T. C. Mcln-
tlre, Mrs. Fred Barker, Mrs. B. J.
Donell, Mrs. Ray Clark, Mrs. Hat-
tie Givens, Mrs. Nellie Knox, Mrs.
Bert Waller, Mrs. R. C. Krlesel,
and Mrs. Bertha Schellberg. Mrs.
Alma Thompson will be hostess
to the club in a fortnight.
Nuptials Celebrated
1 Miss Katherlne Gearin, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Gearin
and Charles M. Coffer, son of Mr.
and Mrs. John Coffey, were mar
ried Thursday morning at 9:30
o'lock In an impressive high nup
tial mass in St. Vincent de Paul's
church. Father Thomas Vincent
Keenan officiating.
The church was beautifully ar
ranged for the lovely ceremony. A
profusion of spring flowers form
ed a background for the bridal
party in which were Miss Honora
Reidy. maid of honor, who wore
peach net, and bridesmaids. Miss
Josephine Mauldlng in yellow net.
Miss Margaret Davidson in orchid
net. All the gowns were made in
long graceful princess lines. Lace
mits and maline hats completed
the ensemble of the attendents
who each carried shower Colonial
bouqaets. . -
The bride was gowned in white
Oat crepe satin, tight fitting, and
adorned with sequins. A cban
tllly lace cap circled her head and
a graceful tulle veil was held In
place about the cap with orange
blossoms. A prayer book from
which fell a shower of dainty
flowers and a necklace of pearls
completed the bride's gown.
i Thornton Coffee acted as best
man and the ushers were Clark
Jackson, Kenneth Coffey, Hugh
Gearin and William Coffey.
, Following a wedding breakfast
with covers for SO in the Marion
hotel the young people left for
Santa Cruz where Mr. Coffey is
in business.
O. S. C. Conference
Attracts A. A. U. W.
The local branch of tha Amerl.
can Association of University Wo
men has received a folder telling
of the dates of the conference
which -will open In Oregon State
college February 16 and cnntlmm
through three days."
This conference which is being
sponsored by the school of home
economics in Oregon State col
lege, the congress of parent teach
ers of Oregon, and the national
council of parents education has
for its subject, "Child Develop
ment and Parent Education."
Among the leading speakers
are Dr. Norman Colman of Reed
college; Dr. Ada Arlltt. formerly
of the University of Cinclnattl;
Mrs. Flora M. Thurston, of the
national council of parent educa
tion; Dr. Golden walser of the Uni
versity of Oregon; and Prof.
Sarah Prentiss of Oregon ' state
college. '
The session starts Monday at
10 o'clock and will convene on the
third floor of the home economics
building. All local A. A. U. W.
members are urged to attend and
any wanting information or in
tending to go, call . Mrs. Roy
Rosedale Members of the Red
Bills birthday club attended the
February meeting held at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Beck
ley of Sunnyslde Friday evenlnr.
The -special feature of the eve
ning wag the celebration of the
wedding anniversary of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Barnett and also that
Of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Cannoy
which both occurs in this month.
The honor guests were presented
with gilts of silverware.
At a late, hour delicious re
freshments were served.
: Auburn The Auburn Wom
an's club entertained their hus
bands and families with a pet
luck supper and social time at
the school house Saturday eve
ning. Fifteen fantlllee were seat
ed at a long; table. -
After supper a program In
charge of Mrs. Bryan Conley was
liD Li Li
184 N. Cornmercial
GUnoip orn? 'VJfcz&owo .... VugIK cm? GGoi?g
We offer you every day in the week well known and nationally advertised toiletries and
remedies at greatly reduced prices. You will save money if you get our prices first
: i fin )&ir s ait nuiDA ir '
All robber
Sic 1
5 60 watt guaranteed f
g outside frosted Vf a
hum amvzuh
Bull Durham O C
4 bags. ; fajC !
j books OC
s Cigarette Papers
50c Pepsodent ............29c
Box of 50 Wm. Penn,
Havana Sweet Carabana,
(Janadian Club or
any other popular
brands .of 5c cigar
Camel, Lucky Strike, Old Gold,
.Chesterfields j
of 50 28c F $1110
50c Ipana
50c Kolynos
50c Strasska T'thpaste 33c
$1 Milkweed Cream... 69c
51 Ponds Cream j ........69c
1 pt. Witch Hazel 30c
6 oz Glycerine 19c
6 oz. Glycerine and
Kose Water 19c
4 oz. Aromatic Cascara 23c
4 oz. Camphorated Oil 23c
6 oz. Castor Oil 23c
3 oz. On Eucalyptus 23c
10 lbs. Epsom Salts for
Bathing 39c
1 pt. Milk Magnesia 29c
Cock of the Walk Yellow Cllaa
20c PEACHES 2 for 30c
No. 2Vi CansWhole Halves .
60c Mentholatum .....39c
75c Vicks Vapo Rub ..49c
75c Balm Ben Gay ......49c
$1 Ovaltme ..:......J.69c
$1 Maes Nervine ;J..i..69c
9 Kleenex .. .. . .:.i79c
45c Kotex ..
for 50c
e Orange Pekoe
km ?S!49c
85c Jad SalU l..f...59c
85c Kruschen Salts......59c
i . i
85cRadox .... .... .... 59c
$1.20 Bromo Seltzer ..98c
Hot Water Bottles ...... 59c
$1.00 Pacquin Cream..59c
60c D&R Creams! ........39c
l- . ; ! 1
60c Pompeian Creams 39c
50c Woodbury Creams 39c
50c Frostilla 39c
mm mmmmm mm mmmmmmmmmmd
- ' . ' i I r' :.
50c Phillips Magnesia.. 38c
-;. .vi; - ' , ' 1 I- 1
25c Rainier lime -fl f
. ,Ricky ; 1 flnu
25c Clicquot Club J Jj
25c Canada Dry
Petrolatum I (Mineral Oil)
PU. 39c Qts. 69c Gals. V69
Cod Liver Oil (Norwegian)
Pts. 55 Qts. 89e Gals. $29
Agar Cut lb. 69e 1 lb. ZS9
uncut lb. $19
3 lb. Bar Castile Soap 89c
25c Mercurochrome 19
4 ozi Boric Acid 9e
1 pt. Italian Olive Ofl 49c
1 pt. Rubbing Alcohol 29c
1 pt. Bay Rum 39e
100 Aspirin. 5 grain 35e
; 100 Blaud Iron Pills 25c
100 Cascara Tablets 5 gr. 29e
100 Hinkle Pills 19c
35c Palmolive Sh. Cr. 19c
35c Colgate Shv. Crm. 19c
50c Prophy. To. Brsb. 33c
Lb. 18c lL35c
Fall FlaTor Full Weight
GERBER Strained
! Vegetables
2 for 25c
10c Ivory Bars 3 for 19
, 10c Camay Soap 3 for 19c
10c Palm Olive Soap 3 for 19c
10c Life Buoy Soap 3 for 19
10c Lux Soap 3 for 19c "
10c Colgate! Big Bath Soap
I 3 for 19c
i 25c. Woodbury's Soap 16c
25c Packer's Tar Soap, 17c
25c Cuticura Soap 18c
j 15c Vitamont Dog Food 10c
1 ft- Our Pet Fish Loaf ! OC
1UC for Dogs and Cats 3 for aC3C
1 lb. Flax Seed 14e
; 25c Feenamint 19c
' 25c Chocolate Exlax 19c
i 75c Doans Pills 59c
$1 Marmola Tablets 79c
. . 30c Bromo Quinine 17c
7 r $1 Squibbs Oil 79c
$1 Squibb Cod Liver Oil 89c
1 pt. Squibb Milk Magnesia 38c
' 50c Squibb ITooth Paste or
-Shaving Cream 3 for $1
INC. u
184 N. Commercial
50c Jergen's Lotion.. ....29c
$6 Nue Ovo . ..... .. $4.98
$1.20 SMA Baby Food 98c
$1 Psylla Seed i...69c
75c Lactro Dextrine ....69c
75c Borden Malt. Milk 39c
60c Thomp. Ch. Malt. 49c
$1.50 Petrolager. .98c
$1 Lucky Tiger ..69c
$1 Danderine .....69c
$1 Wildroot .....69c
35c Castoria L.27c
1 " 1000 Sheet
Toilet Tissue j
RohT 19C RoUs $1
given. Bryan Conley garo a
on tha bllli that la now bof r
congresa relatiro to e-serrlco
Waldo Hill Tho WUlaird
Woman' elnb mot Thnrsdaj at
the homa of Htm. Fred Knight. At
the btuineaa moettng ft waa rotted
to hold another pot lack dinner
at tha Waldo H11U Commnnjty
club houso la th noaT futura aa
tha oio glrarn la January proved
so anjoyabla.
The program w agiren by
Olive 'Otto way. Mrs. Ted Flnley,
Mrs. A. Herah.
Mra, Knight aerved refresh
ments at the eloae of the program.
The next meeting will be held
at the home of Mrs. I. B. Kaberly,
Feb. 19. ' ' i
TF you want
to send an attract
tive card . j . with a Valentine
Greeting that - really, expresses
your sentiments, choose from our-
large selection.
YouHi Find 'Interesting able favors, and Novelty
Gifts Here at Reasonable Prices i
Commercial Book Store
168 N. Com! I - Tel. 64
5 Gal. orMoro
75C per Car
$1.50 per Car
All work done bj experienced men (not bojs)
You do not have to come In to learn our price
X Oar Motto is One Price to M
Center and Church St,
" 2200 Phones 318